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EVP January

OXF3000ZH: 一月 january
3000TH: มกราคม mohkH gaL raaM khohmM January
5000FR: janvier January
OXF3000: Tháng giêng January
GBENDE: 一月份 January Januar
GBENDE: 一月份 january Januar
NGLS: january + 1st month of the year

ENDE: January Januar
ENDE: january Januar
FN: January n Calendric_unit

January Tháng một Dates and Time
January is the first month of the year. Tháng một là tháng đầu tiên của năm. Dates and Time

January Tháng giêng * 013

like: january
cold in January (of lunar calendar) rét dài
festival of January lunar calendar thượng nguyên

858 Lucien has been in Canada since January. Lucien đã ở Canada từ tháng một.
I'm going away at the beginning of the year.'> 2718 I'm going away at the beginning of the year.'> I'm going away at the beginning of January. > I'm going away at the beginning of the year. I'm going away at the beginning of the year.'> ☊ Tôi sẽ đi vắng vào đầu tháng một. > Đầu năm tôi sẽ đi vắng.

due to do sth: Rose is due to start school in January. due
Tours are arranged all year round (January excepted). except
The new drug will be generally available from January. generally
the New Year's Honours list (= in Britain, a list of awards and titles given on January 1 each year) honour
on the night of 10 January/January 10 night
the January sales sale

janvier j’irai en Californie en janvier prochain