Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP instead of

OXF3000: thay vì instead of
OXF3000N thay cho instead of

ENDE: instead of anstatt
ENDE: instead of statt

He lies in bed instead of working. Anh ấy nằm trên giường thay cho làm việc. * 098
She reads the newspaper instead of cooking. Chị ấy đọc báo thay cho nấu ăn. * 098
He is at the bar instead of going home. Anh ấy ngồi trong quán bia thay cho đi về nhà. * 098

like: instead of

1305 Let's y to Barcelona instead of driving. It won't take as long. Mình hãy bay sang Barcelona chứ đừng lái xe. Thế sẽ đỡ lâu hơn.
2084 Why don't you go out instead of sitting at home all the time? Sao cậu không ra ngoài mà cứ ngồi trong nhà cả ngày thế?

Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of accepting opinions without questioning them. critical
This device enables deaf people to communicate by typing messages instead of speaking. device
We just had soup instead of a full meal. instead of
Now I can walk to work instead of going by car. instead of
I took your bag instead of mine by mistake. by mistake
Much of the discount is pocketed by retailers instead of being passed on to customers. pass sth on (to sb)
This fireplace smokes badly (= sends smoke into the room instead of up the chimney ). smoke
substitute sb/sth: Beckham was substituted in the second half after a knee injury (= somebody else played instead of Beckham in the second half). substitute