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5000FR: amoureux in love, amorous

We have faith in love. Chúng tôi có niềm tin trong tình yêu. Abstract Objects 2

like: in love
to be on intimate terms with sb, be in love with someone dan díu
to be madly in love with a girl and give way to her dại gái
madly in love with a boy and give way to him dại trai
be deeply in love with nặng tình
be in love with phải lòng
to be madly in love with someone si tình
to love, be in love with, be fond of thương yêu
to love, be in love with yêu

2492 The woman with whom he fell in love left him after a month. > The woman he fell in love with left him after a month. Người phụ nữ mà anh ấy đem lòng yêu đã bỏ anh được một tháng. > Người phụ nữ anh ấy đem lòng yêu đã bỏ anh được một tháng.
2744 Have you ever been IN love with somebody? Cậu đã bao giờ yêu ai chưa?

Sexual attraction is a large part of falling in love. attraction
declare that...: He declared that he was in love with her. declare
It would be the easiest thing in the world to fall in love with him. easy
I'm in love! in
They fell in love in spite of the language barrier (= the difficulty of communicating when people speak different languages). language
He's in love with his work. love
I fell in love with the house. love
We're in love! love
She was in love with him. love
They fell in love with each other. love
They're madly in love. love
I really and truly am in love this time. really
It was love at first sight (= we fell in love the first time we saw each other). at first sight
We fell in love with the house at first sight. at first sight

amoureux moi, j’ai toujours été amoureux de toi