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idle nhăng cuội

EVP idle
EVP idle

GBENDE: 懒的 idle faul
GBENDE: 空挡 idle Leerlauf

ENDE: idle Leerbefehl
ENDE: idle Leerlauf
ENDE: idle faul
ENDE: idle müssig
ENDE: idle nicht in Betrieb
ENDE: idle nutzlos
ENDE: idle träge
ENDE: idle untätig

like: idle
loose wheel, idle wheel bánh xe không chốt
amuse oneself (without) doing anything), idle playing chơi nhởn
to make idle or airy or empty or vain promises, promise the hứa hão
the devil makes work for idle hands nhàn cư vi bất thiện
leisured, free, children’s game (sit side by side counting their legs); idle about, idle away one’s time nu na
sprawl idly, idle away one’s time in bed nằm ườn
to tell stories; idle (talk) phượu

These machines have lain idle since the factory closed. lie