Beginner Level Advanced Level



FN: ago idio Time_vector
FN: be symbol idio Representing
FN: do time idio Being_incarcerated
FN: from to idio Delimitation_of_diversity
FN: gain ground idio Firefighting
FN: give job idio Hiring
FN: give notice idio Quitting
FN: give thought idio Cogitation
FN: in terms idio Domain
FN: make arrangements idio Making_arrangements
FN: make history idio Historic_event
FN: not a word idio Becoming_silent
FN: on authority idio Attributed_information
FN: place weight idio Emphasizing
FN: point out idio Indicating
FN: set ablaze idio Setting_fire
FN: set alight idio Setting_fire
FN: wait tables idio Being_employed
FN: with on idio Wearing

like: idio