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horrible kinh tởm

EVP horrible

5000FR: horrible horrible, terrible, dreadful, hideous
5000FR: affreux dreadful, awful, horrible
GBENDE: 可怕的 horrible entsetzlich
CORE: horrible + + + + + + +
NGLS: horrible + Very unpleasant

ENDE: horrible entsetzlich
FN: horrible a Desirability
FN: horrible a Social_interaction_evaluation

like: horrible

2051 The o ce I worked at was horrible. I hated working there. Văn phòng chỗ tôi làm việc rất kinh khủng. Tôi ghét làm việc ở đó.

Never in all my life have I seen such a horrible thing. never
I have a horrible suspicion that we've come to the wrong station. suspicion

horrible la violence est une chose horrible
affreux j’ai fait un cauchemar affreux