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EVP hatred

OXF3000ZH: 憎恶 憎恨 仇恨 hatred
5000FR: haine hatred, hate
OXF3000: sự thù ghét hatred
OXF3000N lòng căm thì sự căm ghét hatred
GBENDE: 仇恨 hatred Hass
CORE: hatred + + + + + + +

ENDE: hatred Hass
FN: hatred n Experiencer_focus

like: hatred
feel resentment and hatred against, resent and hate oán thù

His feeling for her was close to hatred. close
Her hatred of religion is equalled only by her loathing for politicians. equal
He looked at me with intense hatred. hatred
There was fear and hatred in his voice. hatred
hatred (for/of sb/sth): She felt nothing but hatred for her attacker. hatred
a profound hatred of war hatred
hatred (towards sb): feelings of hatred towards the bombers hatred
racial hatred (= between people from different races) hatred
The debate simply revived old hatreds. hatred

haine l’amour se change en haine