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EVP hatch
EVP hatching

IELTS: hatch + : 孵出 孵化 策划 n. (门、地板或天花板上的)开口 (飞机等的)舱门
CORE: hatch + + + + + + +

FN: hatch v Coming_up_with

like: hatch
concoct, plot, hatch a plot bày mưu tính kế
(1) to develop, blossom, open up
(2) to hatch
(3) rise, expand

The female sits on the eggs until they hatch. egg
These thatched roofs frequently catch fire (= start to burn). fire
Mrs Thatcher held the post of Prime Minister longer than anyone else last century. hold
The rebels hatched a plot to overthrow the government. plot
a thatched/slate, etc. roof roof