Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP chase
EVP chase
EVP emphasis
EVP emphasize/emphasize
EVP has
EVP haste
EVP hastily
EVP hasty
EVP overemphasize/overemphasise
EVP phase
EVP purchase
EVP purchase
EVP phase
EVP aghast

OXF3000ZH: 追逐 追赶 追求 chase
OXF3000ZH: 强调 重点 重要性 emphasis
OXF3000ZH: 强调 着重 emphasize
OXF3000ZH: 阶段 方面 相位 phase
OXF3000ZH: 购买 purchase
3000TH: ล่ะ laF particle: to emphasize the finality of the information
3000TH: ไล่ laiF to chase
3000TH: ซิ siH particle used to show emphasis
3000TH: เน้น nenH to emphasize, to stress, to underscore, to focus on
3000TH: สิ, ซิ siL siH particle: to show emphasis
3000TH: ระยะ raH yaH phase, space; in the time of, in the period of
3000TH: ชนิด chaH nitH kind, type (emphasis on type)
3000TH: อย่าง yaangL kind, type (with emphasis on quality); classifier of things
3000TH: ซิ่ siF particle used to show emphasis
5000FR: phase phase
5000FR: achat purchase
5000FR: poursuite chase, pursuit
5000FR: chasse chase, hunt, hunting
5000FR: chasser to hunt, chase away
5000FR: acquisition acquisition, acquire, purchase
5000FR: précipiter to quicken, hasten, precipitate
5000FR: acheteur buyer, purchaser
5000FR: accentuer to stress, to emphasize, become more pronounced
5000FR: hâte haste, impatience
5000FR: racheter to repurchase, buy back, redeem
5000FR: hâter to quicken, hasten
5000FR: précipitation haste, precipitation
5000FR: empresser to bustle about, hasten to do
OXF3000N săn bắt sự săn bắt chase
OXF3000N sự nhấn mạnh tầm quan trọng emphasis
OXF3000N nhấn mạnh làm nổi bật emphasize
OXF3000N tuần trăng giai đoạn thời kỳ phase
OXF3000N sự mua sự tậu mua sắm tậu purchase
WNS: (n.) [emphasis] accent
WNS: (v.) [chase] chase after, give chase

ENDE: has hat

Aunt has a bat. Dì có một con dơi. Alphabet Introduction 1
An has an umbrella. An có một cái ô. Alphabet Introduction 1
He has a hat. Anh ấy có một cái mũ. Clothing
She has a scarf. Cô ấy có một cái khăn quàng. Clothing
He has a simple question. Adjectives 1
He has a simple question. to Adjectives 1
She has a cat or a dog. Cô ấy có một con mèo hoặc một con chó. Conjunctions
He has a discussion with me. Anh ấy thảo luận với tôi. Verbs 2
She has no time to sleep. Cô ấy không có thời gian ngủ. Dates and Time
A minute has sixty seconds. Một phút có sáu mươi giây. Dates and Time
This April has four Sundays. Tháng tư này có bốn chủ nhật. Dates and Time
A year has four seasons. Một năm có bốn mùa. Dates and Time
A millennium has one thousand years. Một thiên niên kỷ có một nghìn năm. Dates and Time
The mother has two children. Người mẹ có hai con. Family
He has twelve daughters. Anh ấy có mười hai con gái. Family
He has more books than me. Anh ấy có nhiều sách hơn tôi. Comparison
She has a pink horse? Really? Cô ấy có một con ngựa màu hồng ư?Thật không Common Phrases 2
She has about ten dogs. Cô ấy có khoảng mười con chó. Adverbs
The mother has two children. Người mẹ có hai con. Family
He has twelve daughters. Anh ấy có mười hai con gái. Family
They say Indonesia has many dragons Họ nói nước Indonesia có nhiều con rồng. Countries 2
This city has two international hotels. Thành phố này có hai khách sạn quốc tế. Travel
The book has thirteen chapters. Quyển sách có mười ba chương. Education
The man has an important text. Người đàn ông có một văn bản quan trọng. Education
Every kid here has a pencil. Mọi đứa trẻ ở đây đều có bút chì. Determiners
China has the greatest population of the world. Trung Quốc có dân số lớn nhất trên thế giới. People
That famous book has twenty-nine versions. Cuốn sách nổi tiếng đó có hai mươi chín phiên bản. Abstract Objects 1
That famous book has twenty-nine versions. Cuốn sách nổi tiếng đó có hai chín phiên bản. Abstract Objects 1
This course has many levels. Khoá học này có nhiều cấp độ. Abstract Objects 1
This program has many prizes. Chương trình này có nhiều giải thưởng. Abstract Objects 1
She has no time to prepare. Cô ấy không có thời gian để chuẩn bị. Verbs 4
Which animal has the longest tail? Động vật nào có cái đuôi dài nhất? Animals 2
A rhinoceros has a horn Một con tê giác có một cái sừng. Animals 2
He has two blue parrots. Anh ấy có hai con vẹt xanh da trời. Animals 2
A spider has eight legs. Một con nhện có tám cái chân. Animals 2
That girl has a mustache. Cô gái đó có ria mép. Miscellaneous
Every citizen has rights and duties to his country. Mọi công dân có quyền và nghĩa vụ với quốc gia. Politics
The American government has many economic development plans. Chính phủ Mỹ có nhiều kế hoạch phát triển kinh tế. Politics
The government has a new policy to develop social welfare. Chính phủ có một chính sách mới để phát triển phúc lợi xã hội. Politics
Sweden has a good welfare. Thuỵ Điển có phúc lợi tốt. Politics
How many players has his team? Đội của anh ấy có bao nhiêu cầu thủ? Sports
His team has more goals than my team. Đội của họ có nhiều bàn thắng hơn đội của tôi. Sports
Which team has more goals? Đội nào có nhiều bàn thắng hơn? Sports
Everyone has fear. Tất cả mọi người đều có sự sợ hãi. Abstract Objects 2
This university has an international research institute. Đại học này có một viện nghiên cứu quốc tế. Classifiers 2
The literary career of that author has a big influence. Sự nghiệp văn học của tác giả đó có một ảnh hưởng lớn. Jobs 2
The fish has a snall brain. Con cá có một cái não nhỏ. Medical
He has a big mouth. Anh ấy có một cái miệng lớn. Medical
My grandmother has an appointment with the doctor to examine her back. Bà của tôi có cuộc hẹn với bác sĩ để khám lưng. Medical
That machine has many complicated details. Cái máy đó có nhiều chi tiết phức tạp. Science
The bank has many transactions every day. Ngân hàng có nhiều giao dịch mỗi ngày. Economics
Everything has ist price. Mọi thứ đều có giá của nó. Economics
This hospital has a special fund to help poor people. Bệnh viện này có một quỹ đặc biệt để giúp những người nghèo. Economics
His coporation has a big investment fund. Tập đoàn của anh ấy có một quỹ đầu tư lớn. Economics
The Solar System has eight planets. Hệ Mặt Trời có tám hành tinh. Astronomy
Has the human race come to the Mars yet? Loài người đã đến Sao Hoả chưa? Astronomy
Vietnam has many mythologies and legends. Việt Nam có nhiều thần thoại và truyền thuyết. History
Confucianism originates from China and has great influence in Vietnamese s Đạo Khổng bắt nguồn từ Trung Quốc và có ảnh hưởng lớn trong xã hội Việt Nam. History
Justice has to be protected. Công lý phải được bảo vệ. History
He has a very complicated past. Anh ấy có một quá khứ rất phức tạp. Abstract Objects 3
He has a big vision. Anh ấy có tầm nhìn lớn. Abstract Objects 3
He always has many reasons. Anh ấy luôn có rất nhiều lý do. Abstract Objects 3
i think my cat has nuclear weapons. Tôi nghĩ con mèo của tôi có vũ khí hạt nhân. Military
That woman has a chance to go to the United States. Người phụ nữ đó có cửa đi Mỹ. Informal Expressions
My cat has a chubby face. Con mèo của tôi có một khuôn mặt bụ bẫm. Reduplicative Words 2
He has to face a heavy punishment. Anh ấy phải đối mặt với một hình phạt nặng nề. Reduplicative Words 2

A minute has sixty seconds. Một phút có sáu mươi giây. * 010
An hour has sixty minutes. Một tiếng có sáu mươi phút. * 010
A day has twenty-four hours. Một ngày có hai mươi bốn tiếng. * 010
The week has seven days. Một tuần có bảy ngày. * 011
The room has no balcony. Phòng không có ban công. * 030
An accident has occurred. Đã xảy ra tai nạn. * 041
He has time. Anh ấy có thời gian. * 058
He has no time. Anh ấy không có thời gian. * 058
The man has a long nose. Người đàn ông ấy có mũi dài. * 060
But she already has a boyfriend. Nhưng mà nó đã có bạn trai rồi. * 067
He has forgotten his glasses. Anh ấy đã quên kính của anh ấy. * 069
Where has he left his glasses? Kính của anh ấy ở đâu? * 069
He has lost his passport. Anh ấy đã đánh mất hộ chiếu của anh ấy. * 069
She has a dog. Chị ấy có một con chó. * 082
She has a big dog. Chị ấy có một con chó to. * 082
She has a house. Chị ấy có một căn nhà. * 082
She has a small house. Chị ấy có một căn nhà nhỏ. * 082
He has a car. Anh ấy có một chiếc xe hơi. * 082
He has an expensive car. Anh ấy có một chiếc xe hơi đắt tiền. * 082
The boss definitely has a girlfriend. Ông chủ này chắc chắn có bạn gái. * 093
It is very possible that he has a girlfriend. Rất có thể rằng ông ấy có bạn gái. * 093
We hope that he has a lot of money. Chúng tôi hy vọng rằng anh ấy có nhiều tiền. * 094
I’m afraid the last bus has already gone. Tôi sợ rằng chuyến xe buýt cuối cùng chạy mất rồi. * 094
I wonder if he has someone else. Tôi tự hỏi liệu anh ấy có người khác không? * 095
Maybe he has someone else? Liệu anh ấy có người khác không? * 095
He’ll call, as soon as he has a little time. Anh ấy gọi điện thoại ngay khi nào anh ấy có một ít thì giờ. * 098
Although he has no license, he drives the car. Mặc dù anh ấy không có bằng lái xe, anh ấy vẫn lái xe hơi. * 099
Although she has no money, she buys a car. Chị ấy mua một chiếc xe hơi, mặc dù chị ấy không có tiền. * 099
She has no money. Nevertheless, she buys a car. Chị ấy không có tiền. Tuy vậy chị ấy mua một chiếc xe hơi. * 099
She has lived in Madrid as well as in London. Chị ấy đã từng sống ở Madrid và ở cả London nữa. * 100

like: has
everyone has to ai cũng phải
person who has lost their mother, orphan ai từ
he has come here, reportedly on business anh ta đến đây, nói là có việc
his anger has subsided anh ấy đã ngớt giận
for so long, there has not been such an opportunity bấy lâu mới được một dịp
each disease has its own cure bệnh nào thuốc nấy
(used at the end of a sentence to denote that something has long started) con gì
(used at the end of a sentence to denote that something has long started) con gì nữa
being able to finish what one has started có đầu có đuôi
she has settled down to married life cô ta đã ra ở riêng
meritorious official, a person who has rendered công thần
left-over rice that has been warmed up cơm ghế
it has to be said, one should say cần nói
(1) sewer
(2) to offer in tribute
(3) student who has passed village level examinations
that family has just became better off gia đình ấy cũng mới nỏi thôi
everything has its breaking point, the last già néo đứt dây
enemy solider who has gone over hàng binh
the contract has expired hợp đồng đã đáo hạn
there has been no effort at all không có một cố gắng nào
one has to say, it has to be said khỏi cần nói
experience has shown that kinh nghiệm cho thấy rằng
beer that has ice in it la ve có bỏ nước đá
it has been a long time (since) lâu quá rồi
when one has a chance, the opportunity (to do something) lúc đắc thời
fighting has again broken out lại nổ ra giao tranh
history has proved, demonstrated that lịch sữ đã chứng minh rằng
the course has ended lớp học đã bế giảng
the fire has just been kindled lửa mới nhem
she has sunken cheeks má cô ta hóp vào
everyone has it his own way mỗi người một phách
In most recent days, a new star has been discovered mới rồi, người ta tìm được một ngôi sao mới
the level of Japanese investment has declined considerably mức đầu tư của Nhật Bản đã sụt giảm đáng kể
one’s angers has subsided nguôi giận
new acquaintance, sb whom one has just met người mới quen
as it has been như từ lâu nay
sow (which has had offspring) nái sề
every cloud has a silver lining qua cơ bĩ cực
what one knows, what one has seen sở kiến
then it has to be that way thì phải vậy
(of woman who has few children) sparse thưa đốt
within the next month, before one month has passed trong vòng chưa đầy 1 tháng
the rain has abated trời đã ngớt mưa
the name has not yet been disclosed, revealed tên chưa được tiết lộ
this situation has two causes tình trạng này phát xuất từ 2 nguyên đo
legend has it that tương truyền
at forty one has no more perplexities tứ thập bất hoặc
since meeting, since one has met từ lúc gặp nhau
necessity, something that has to be done việc phải làm
this has caused (something to happen) vì lý do gì khiến
this car has a lot of pickup xe này bốc lắm
it has been a long time since đã lâu lắm rồi
the die has been cast, there is no turning back đã trót phóng lao
the time has come đã tới lúc
which has as a result (that) đưa đến hậu quả là
the conference has ended đại hội đã bế mạc
each country has its own customs and đất lề quê thói
the moment has arrived; to arrive at a (the) moment đến lúc

68 How old is Hassan? Hassan bao nhiêu tuổi?
266 Mike has lunch at home every day. Mike ăn trưa ở nhà hàng ngày.
285 She has. Cô ấy có.
360 He has a car, but he doesn't use it very often. Anh ấy có xe hơi nhưng anh ấy không dùng nó thường xuyên.
420 But Zhirong has a guitar. Nhưng Chí Vinh có một cây đàn guitar.
483 Ganesh has two (2) sisters. > Ganesh's got two (2) sisters. Ganesh có hai người anh/chị/em.
484 Our car has four (4) doors. > Our car's got four (4) doors. Xe hơi của chúng tôi có bốn cửa.
Lila hasn't got a job.'> 491 Lila hasn't got a job.'> Lila doesn't have a job. > Lila hasn't got a job. Lila hasn't got a job.'> ☊ Lila không có việc làm.
493 Does Nicole have a car? > Has Nicole got a car? Nicole có xe hơi không?
499 Ask if he has a computer. — Yes, he's got a computer. Hỏi xem anh ấy có máy vi tính không. - Có, anh ấy có máy vi tính.
500 Ask if he has a dog. — No, he hasn't got a dog. Hỏi xem anh ấy có chó không. - Không, anh ấy không có chó.
501 Ask if he has a smart phone. — No, he hasn't got a smart phone. Hỏi xem anh ấy có điện thoại thông minh không. - Không, anh ấy không có điện thoại thông minh.
503 Ask if he has a watch. — Yes, he's got a watch. Hỏi xem anh ấy có đồng hồ đeo tay không. - Có, anh ấy có đồng hồ đeo tay.
509 He has several brothers and sisters. Anh ấy có một số anh chị em.
512 He has a new job. Anh ấy có công việc mới.
531 An insect has six (6) legs. Côn trùng có sáu chân.
752 Emilia has short hair now, but it used to be very long. Emilia bây giờ đang để tóc ngắn,nhưng nó đã từng rất dài.
776 Shakira's an interesting person. She's had many di erent jobs and has lived in many places. Shakira là một người thú vị. Cô ấy từng làm nhiều nghề khác nhau và từng sống ở nhiều nơi.
778 How many times has Brazil won the World Cup? Brazil đã từng vô địch Giải bóng đá thế giới bao nhiêu lần?
780 Has she ever been to Australia? — Yes, once. Cô ấy đã từng đến Australia chưa? - Rồi, một lần.
817 How long has she been in Brazil? Cô ấy đã ở Brazil được bao lâu rồi?
824 Karla lives in Tokyo. How long has she lived in Tokyo? Karla sống ở Tokyo. Cô ấy sống ở Tokyo bao lâu rồi?
830 Gerard's watching TV. How long has he been watching TV? Gerard đang xem vô tuyến. Anh ấy đã xem vô tuyến được bao lâu rồi?
837 Hubert has a headache. He's had a headache since he got up this morning. Hubert bị đau đầu. Anh ấy bị đau đầu từ lúc anh ấy ngủ dậy sáng nay.
841 How long has she studied Italian? Cô ấy học tiếng Ý được bao lâu rồi?
842 How long has he lived in Seattle? Cô ấy sống ở Seatle được bao lâu rồi?
844 How long has it been raining? Trời mưa được bao lâu rồi?
857 Lucien has been in Canada for six (6) months. Lucien đã ở Canada được sáu tháng.
858 Lucien has been in Canada since January. Lucien đã ở Canada từ tháng một.
869 How long has she been in Brazil? Cô ấy đã ở Brazil được bao lâu?
871 My aunt has lived in Australia for fteen (15) years. Cô của tôi sống ở Úc đã được mười lăm năm
893 Hitomi has studied medicine at the university for three (3) years. Hitomi đã học ngành dược ở trường đại học được ba năm.
901 Junhong is away on vacation. Where has he gone? Where is he now? Junhong đang đi nghỉ. Anh ấy đã đi đâu? Bây giờ anh ấy đang ở đâu?
923 Gustavo has taken my bike again without asking. > Gustavo took my bike without asking. Gustavo lại lấy xe đạp của tôi mà không xin phép. > Gustavo đã lấy xe đạp của tôi mà không xin phép.
930 It's only nine o'clock (9:00) and Ines has already gone to bed. Mới có chín giờ Ines đã đi ngủ rồi.
934 Dora has bought a new dress, but she hasn't worn it yet. Dora đã mua một bộ áo váy mới nhưng cô ấy chưa mặc nó.
943 Has Tamara started her new job yet? Tamara đã bắt đầu công việc mới chưa?
951 The postman hasn't come yet. Nhân viên bưu điện chưa đến.
953 Has Jianwen bought a new computer yet? Kiến Văn đã mua máy tính mới chưa?
957 Your friend has some new neighbors. Ask him if he has met his new neighbors. Bạn của cậu có vài người hàng xóm mới. Hỏi anh ấy xem anh ấy đã gặp hàng xóm mới của mình chưa.
958 Your friend has a new job. Ask her if she has started her new job yet. Bạn của cậu có một công việc mới. Hỏi cô ấy xem cô ấy đã bắt đầu công việc mới chưa.
959 Your friend has to pay her phone bill. Ask her if she has paid her phone bill yet. Bạn của cậu phải trả tiền điện thoại. Hỏi cô ấy xem cô ấy đã trả tiền điện thoại chưa.
960 Victor was trying to sell his car. Ask him if he has sold his car yet. Victor đã muốn bán xe hơi của anh ấy. Hỏi anh ấy xem anh ấy đã bán xe hơi của anh ấy chưa.
972 My friend has written many books. Shakespeare wrote many plays and poems. Bạn tôi viết đã được nhiều cuốn sách. Shakespeare đã viết nhiều kịch và thơ.
The email didn't arrive today.'> 973 The email didn't arrive today.'> The email hasn't arrived yet. > The email didn't arrive today. The email didn't arrive today.'> ☊ Bức thư điện tử chưa đến. Bức thư điện tử hôm nay đã không đến.
986 My friend is a writer, and has written many books. Bạn tôi là một nhà văn và đã viết được nhiều cuốn sách.
1066 Somebody has painted the door. > The door has bepainted. Có người đã sơn cửa. Cửa đã được sơn.
1067 Somebody has stolmy key. > My key has bestolen. Có người đã ăn trộm cái chìa khoá của tôi. Cái chìa khoá của tôi đã bị ăn trộm.
1068 Nobody has invited me to the party. > I haven't beinvited to the party. Chưa có ai mời tôi tới bữa tiệc. Tôi chưa được mời tới bữa tiệc.
1069 Has somebody washed this shirt? > Has this shirt bewashed? Có ai giặt chiếc áo này chưa? Chiếc áo này đã được giặt chưa?
1094 The bridge is closed. It got damaged last week, and it hasn't berepaired yet. Cái cầu đang bị đóng cửa. Nó bị hỏng tuần trước và nó chưa được sửa chữa.
1095 It hasn't gottrepaired yet. Nó chưa được sửa chữa.
1106 Dietrich has never ridda horse. Dietrich chưa bao giờ cưỡi ngựa.
1107 Filippa hasn't beto South America. Filippa chưa đến Nam Phi bao giờ.
1132 Mitsuko has traveled a lot, but she doesn't speak any foreign languages. Mitsuko đi du lịch được nhiều nơi rồi nhưng cô ấy chẳng nói được ngoại ngữ nào cả.
1134 Flora has invited us to her party next week, but we're not going. Flora đã mời chúng tôi tới dự bữa tiệc của cô ấy tuần sau, nhưng chúng tôi sẽ không tới.
1140 Has Marco gone home? Marco đã về nhà chưa?
1143 Has Konstantin arrived yet? Konstantin đã đến chưa?
1157 Giuliana has a car, but she doesn't drive it very often. Giuliana có xe hơi nhưng cô ấy không lái nó thường xuyên lắm.
1166 Magda has lived in Miami for thirte(13) years. Magda đã sống ở Miami được mười ba năm.
1169 My car has berepaired. Xe hơi của tôi đã được chữa.
1434 I know Ms. Thompson has a job, but she's always home during the day. She must work at night. Tôi biết cô Thompson có việc làm nhưng cô ấy luôn ở nhà suốt ban ngày. Cô ấy hẳn là đi làm đêm.
1510 Layla is studying literature. She has to read a lot of books. Layla đang học ngành văn học. Cô ấy phải đọc nhiều sách.
1511 Hassan doesn't understand much English. You have to speak very slowly to him. Hassan không hiểu nhiều tiếng Anh. Cậu phải nói thật chậm với anh ấy.
1512 Barbara isn't at home much. She has to travel a lot for her job. Barbara không ở nhà nhiều. Cô ấy phải đi nhiều do công việc của cô ấy.
1522 Claire has to go somewhere. — Where does she have to go? Claire phải đi đâu đó. Cô ấy phải đi đâu?
1526 Minoru has to go to Moscow. — Whdoes he have to go? Minoru phải đi Moskva. Khi nào thì anh ấy phải đi?
1753 I haven't sethe movie, but my sister has. Tôi chưa xem bộ lm này nhưng chị tôi thì rồi.
1758 My sister has sethe movie, but I haven't. Em gái tôi đã xem lm này rồi nhưng tôi thì chưa.
1771 I haven't read the book, but Paul has. Tôi chưa đọc quyển sách nhưng Paul đọc rồi.
1777 Richard has beto China, but I haven't. Richard từng đến Trung Quốc nhưng tôi thì chưa.
1779 I've sethe movie, but Enzo hasn't. Tôi đã xem bộ lm nhưng Enzo thì chưa.
1792 I haven't beto Mexico, but Zoe has. Tôi chưa từng đến Mexico nhưng Joe đã đến rồi.
1799 Have you ever beto Peru? — No, but Eveline has. She went there on vacation last year. Cậu đã đến Peru bao giờ chưa? - Chưa, nhưng Eveline đến rồi. Cô ấy đã đi nghỉ ở đó năm ngoái.
1801 I've beinvited to Gerhard's wedding, but Evita hasn't. Tôi đã được mời đến đám cưới của Gerhard nhưng Evita thì chưa.
1870 A friend of mine has bearrested. It's alleged that he hit a police o cer. Một người bạn của tôi mới bị bắt. Người ta buộc tội anh ấy đánh một cảnh sát.
1950 has a good voice, doesn't she?" Bạn nhận thấy người phụ nữ đó có chất giọng hay. Bạn nói: "Cô ấy có chất giọng hay có phải không nào?"
1953 You're looking for your keys. Maybe Ichirou has sethem. You ask, "You haven't semy keys, have you?" Bạn đang tìm chìa khoá. Có thể Ichirou đã nhìn thấy chúng. Bạn hỏi: "Cậu không thấy chìa khoá của tôi đâu à?"
1954 Serge has a car and you need a ride to the station. You ask, "Could you give me a ride to the station?" Serge có xe hơi và bạn cần chở đến nhà gare. Bạn nói: "Cậu có thể chở tôi đến nhà gare được không?"
1963 Rashmi has givup trying to lose weight. Rashmi đã từ bỏ việc giảm cân.
2042 I don't like him, but he has a lot of problems. I can't help feeling sorry for him. Tôi không thích anh ấy nhưng anh ấy gặp nhiều chuyện quá. Tôi không thể không thấy thương anh ấy.
2091 Jamaal has a new job. He has to get up much earlier now than before. He nds it di cult because he isn't used to getting up so early. Jamaal có công việc mới. Anh ấy phải dậy sớm hơn trước nhiều. Anh ấy thấy khó khăn vì anh ấy chưa quen với việc dậy sớm như thế.
2249 English has one (1) alphabet with twenty-six (26) letters. Bảng chữ cái tiếng Anh có hai mươi sáu chữ cái.
2250 English has a lot of vocabulary. Tiếng Anh có nhiều từ vựng.
2336 A question that has two (2) parts is a two-part question. Một câu hỏi mà có hai phần là câu hỏi hai phần.
2337 meeting has been canceled. Cuộc họp ngày mai đã bị huỷ. > Cuộc họp ngày mai đã bị huỷ.
2393 If anyone has any questions, I'll be glad to answer them. Nếu có ai có câu hỏi gì thi tôi rất sẵn lòng trả lời.
2397 Someone has forgotten their umbrella. Có người đã quên ô.
2413 Monika's very busy with her job. She has little time for other things. Monika rất bận rộn với công việc. Cô ấy có ít thời gian cho chuyện khác.
2414 Kimiko has very few friends in London. Kimiko có rất ít bạn ở London.
2453 Lakshmi has lived her whole life in India. Laksha đã sống cả đời ở Ấn Độ.
2478 The building destroyed in the re has now been rebuilt. Toà nhà bị lửa tàn phá nay đã được xây lại.
2510 A widow is a woman whose husband has already passed away. Quả phụ là người phụ nữ mà có chồng đã qua đời.
2536 Priscilla has two (2) sisters, both of whom were teachers. Priscilla có hai chị gái mà cả hai đều là giáo viên.
2538 The company has a new business plan, the aim of which is to save money. Công ti có một kế hoạch làm ăn mới mà mục đích của nó là tiết kiệm tiền.
2549 The road damaged in the storm has now been repaired. Con đường bị con bão phá nay đã được sửa lại.
2576 Elisa has a lot of responsibility in her job, but she isn't very well paid. Elisa có nhiều trách nhiệm trong công việc nhưng cô ấy không được trả lương tốt.
2637 Violetta lost her job six (6) months ago and hasn't found another job yet. Violetta mất việc sáu tháng trước và vẫn chưa tìm thấy việc khác.
2638 She said she would be here an hour ago, and she still hasn't arrived. Một tiếng trước cô ấy nói cô ấy sẽ ở đây và giờ cô ấy vẫn chưa tới.
2639 Have you written him yet? — Yes, and he still hasn't replied. Cậu đã viết cho anh ấy chưa? - Rồi và anh ấy vẫn chưa trả lời.
2643 The plane is still waiting on the runway and hasn't taken o yet. Máy bay vẫn đợi trên đường và chưa cất cánh.
2681 Euna has to make important decisions, just like the manager. Ân Nhã phải đưa ra những quyết định quan trọng giống như một giám đốc.
My salary has increased from fteen hundred fty euros (€1550) a month to nineteen hundred (€1900). > My salary's increased BY three hundred fty euro (€350).'> 2768 My salary has increased from fteen hundred fty euros (€1550) a month to nineteen hundred (€1900). > My salary's increased BY three hundred fty euro (€350).'> My salary has increased from two thousand dollars ($2000) a month to twenty- ve hundred ($2500). > My salary's increased BY ve hundred dollars ($500). > My salary has increased from fteen hundred fty euros (€1550) a month to nineteen hundred (€1900). > My salary's increased BY three hundred fty euro (€350). My salary has increased from fteen hundred fty euros (€1550) a month to nineteen hundred (€1900). > My salary's increased BY three hundred fty euro (€350).'> ☊ Lương của tôi đã tăng từ hai nghìn dollar một tháng lên hai nghìn năm trăm dollar. > Lương của tôi đă tăng thêm năm trăm dollar.
2780 The last twenty (20) years has seen a tremendous decrease IN crime. Hai mươi năm nay đã có một sự giảm dữ dội về số vụ phạm tội.
2884 The number of people su ering from heart disease has increased. > The number of heart disease su erers has increased. Số người bị bệnh tim đã tăng. > Số người mắc bệnh tim đã tăng.
2985 A decision has to be made now. We can't put it o any longer. Một quyết định cần phải được đưa ra bây giờ. Chúng ta không thể trì hoãn thêm được nữa.

accept sth for sth: My article has been accepted for publication. accept
She has acquired a good knowledge of English. acquire
He has acquired a reputation for dishonesty. acquire
The company has just acquired new premises. acquire
The time has come for action if these beautiful animals are to survive. action
The plan has the added (= extra) advantage of bringing employment to rural areas. add
The project has a new website address. address
admit sb/sth to/into sth: You will not be admitted to the theatre after the performance has started. admit
Our knowledge of the disease has advanced considerably over recent years. advance
advance sth: This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning. advance
Sweden has a reputation for advanced and stylish design. advanced
A small car has the added advantage of being cheaper to run. advantage
Each of these systems has its advantages and disadvantages. advantage
Cigarette advertising has been banned. advertising
The baby always has an afternoon nap. afternoon
A good salesperson has to be aggressive in today's competitive market. aggressive
An extra £10 million in foreign aid has been promised. aid
He has always aimed high (= tried to achieve a lot). aim
The food and drink industry has responded to the demand for low- and no-alcohol drinks. alcohol
He has lost all his money. all
All of the food has gone. all
The landscape has been radically altered, severely damaging wildlife. alter
Pat has always loved gardening. always
I cooked lunch. And I made a cake. (= you are emphasizing how much you have done) and
This product has not been tested on animals. animal
announce sth: Has our flight been announced yet? announce
I thought she had retired, but apparently she hasn't. apparently
appeal to sb: The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups. appeal
it appears (that)...: It appears that there has been a mistake. appear
application to sb (for sth/to do sth): His application to the court for bail has been refused. application
apply to do sth: He has applied to join the army. apply
appoint sb to sth: She has recently been appointed to the committee. appoint
Viewing is by appointment only (= only at a time that has been arranged in advance). appointment
approach to sth: The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline. approach
Now that the problem has been identified, appropriate action can be taken. appropriate
The big growth area of recent years has been in health clubs. area
A new crisis has arisen. arise
Digital television has been around for some time now. around
arrest sb: A man has been arrested in connection with the robbery. arrest
assume sth: Don't always assume the worst (= that sth bad has happened). assume
Germany's attack has been weakened by the loss of some key players through injury. attack
The school has come under attack for failing to encourage bright pupils. attack
attack sb/sth for sth/for doing sth: She has been attacked for ignoring her own party members. attack
Someone has made an attempt on the President's life. attempt
It has come to my attention (= I have been informed) that... attention
The exhibition has attracted thousands of visitors. attract
This proposal has attracted a lot of interest. attract
She now has authority over the people who used to be her bosses. authority
Nothing will be done because no one in authority (= who has a position of power) takes the matter seriously. authority
Only the manager has the authority to sign cheques. authority
As far as I'm aware, nobody has done anything about it. aware
The house has three bedrooms at the front and two at the back. back
The village has a history going back to the Middle Ages. back
The country has been badly affected by recession. badly
The hotel has a restaurant, bar and swimming pool. bar
The company has its base in New York, and branch offices all over the world. base
The lamp has a heavy base. base
She has been in her room for hours. be
Has the postman been yet? be
a beached whale (= one that has become stuck on land and cannot get back into the water) beach
He has decided to grow a beard and a moustache. beard
This type of music has a strong beat to it. beat
The piece has four beats to the bar. beat
My leg has healed beautifully. beautifully
His job has become his whole life. become
He has been confined to bed with flu for the past couple of days. bed
The incident has shaken my belief (= made me have less confidence) in the police. belief
The area has a wealth of bird life. bird
Mark has been blind from birth. birth
The cake has a biscuit base (= one made from crushed biscuits). biscuit
He has to wear a brace to correct his bite (= the way the upper and lower teeth fit together). bite
The proposed merger has been blocked by the government. block
She has a seat on the board of directors. board
An independent body has been set up to investigate the affair. body
He has a large body, but thin legs. body
The family of the missing girl has been called in by the police to identify the body. body
This fish has a lot of bones in it. bone
bore sb with sth: Has he been boring you with his stories about his trip? bore
All this has happened because you couldn't be bothered to give me the message. can't be bothered (to do sth)
The bank has branches all over the country. branch
My watch has broken. break
Their marriage has broken up. break up
The telephone system has broken down. break down
She has one of the most brilliant minds in the country. brilliant
The meeting has been brought forward from 10 May to 3 May. bring sth forward
The gallery has built up a fine collection of contemporary art. build sth up
He has some unfinished business to deal with. business
She has set up in business as a hairdresser. business
it is calculated that...: It has been calculated that at least 47 000 jobs were lost last year. calculate
The doctor has been called to an urgent case. call
The US has agreed to cancel debts (= say that they no longer need to be paid) totalling $10 million. cancel
The cancer has spread to his stomach. cancer
capacity for sth: She has an enormous capacity for hard work. capacity
The theatre has a seating capacity of 2 000. capacity
He has just been made team captain. captain
The company has captured 90% of the market. capture
She has been concentrating on her career. career
She has been a central figure in the campaign. central
The organization has a central office in York. central
She has only a slim chance of passing the exam. chance
chance of sth: Nowadays a premature baby has a very good chance of survival. chance
The operation has a fifty-fifty chance of success. chance
Rick hasn't changed. He looks exactly the same as he did at school. change
Fame hasn't really changed him. change
The wind has changed direction. change
The company has worldwide distribution channels. channel
The character of the neighbourhood hasn't changed at all. character
She has charge of the day-to-day running of the business. charge
chase sb/sth: My dog likes chasing rabbits. chase
The kids chased each other around the kitchen table. chase
We were chased by a bull while crossing the field. chase
chase after sb/sth: He chased after the burglar but couldn't catch him. chase
Chase the cat out—we don't want her in the kitchen. chase sb/sth away, off, out, etc.
This particular fish chases off any other fish that enters its territory. chase sb/sth away, off, out, etc.
The thieves were caught by police after a short chase. chase
a high-speed car chase chase
We lost him in the narrow streets and had to give up the chase (= stop chasing him). chase
to take up the chase (= start chasing sb) chase
The chase is on! chase
This mug has a chip in it. chip
The menu has a good choice of desserts. choice
This site has been chosen for the new school. choose
The Church has a duty to condemn violence. church
She has more claim to the book's success than anybody (= she deserves to be praised for it). claim
The singer has denied the magazine's claim that she is leaving the band. claim
She has class all right—she looks like a model. class
The sport has a very clean image. clean
The dollar has been climbing all week. climb
The clock has stopped. clock
close sth (for sth): The museum has been closed for renovation. close
The college has close links with many other institutions. close
She has kept in close contact with the victims' families. close
He has a closed mind. closed
She has no clothes sense (= she does not know what clothes look attractive). clothes
The club has/have voted to admit new members. club
The water has gone cold. cold
All opposition to the plan has collapsed. collapse
She has successfully combined a career and bringing up a family. combine
The company has come a long way (= made lot of progress) in the last 5 years. come
The time has come (= now is the moment) to act. come
I'm afraid something urgent has come up. come up
She has over a thousand pounds a month coming in from her investments. come in
Your mother hasn't yet come round from the anaesthetic. come around/round
The hotel has all modern comforts/every modern comfort. comfort
He has 1 200 men under his command. command
He has command of 1 200 men. command
The government has set up a commission of inquiry into the disturbances at the prison. commission
commission sb to do sth: She has been commissioned to write a new national anthem. commission
commitment to do/doing sth: The company's commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success. commitment
The committee has/have decided to close the restaurant. committee
Snow has prevented communication with the outside world for three days. communication
Everyone who was directly concerned in (= had some responsibility for) the incident has now resigned. concern
concern (for sth/sb): She hasn't been seen for four days and there is concern for her safety. concern
The sport has a strict code of conduct. conduct
She has every confidence in her students' abilities. confidence
confirm (that)...: Has everyone confirmed (that) they're coming? confirm
it is confirmed that...: It has been confirmed that the meeting will take place next week. confirm
The government has done nothing to resolve the conflict over nurses' pay. conflict
A man has been arrested in connection with the murder of the teenager. in connection with sb/sth
Considerable progress has been made in finding a cure for the disease. considerable
Work has begun on the construction of the new airport. construction
a consulting engineer (= one who has expert knowledge and gives advice) consult
She has several contacts in New York. contact
The company has maintained trade contacts with India. contact
Fire has caused severe damage to the contents of the building. content
Her poetry has a good deal of political content. content
This quotation has been taken out of context (= repeated without giving the circumstances in which it was said). context
The rain has been continuous since this morning. continuous
He has lived and worked in France almost continuously since 1990. continuously
She is under contract to (= has a contract to work for) a major American computer firm. contract
The offer has been accepted, subject to contract (= the agreement is not official until the contract is signed). contract
A new advance has been made in the control of malaria. control
Owing to circumstances beyond our control, the flight to Rome has been cancelled. control
There has been some violence after the match, but the police are now in control of the situation. be in control (of sth)
He has been cool towards me ever since we had that argument. cool
He has a cool head (= he stays calm in an emergency). cool
A new computer system has been installed at a cost of £80 000. cost
crack sth: He has cracked a bone in his arm. crack
This cup has a crack in it. crack
The reorganization has created a lot of bad feeling. create
The business is still in crisis but it has survived the worst of the recession. crisis
Their marriage has reached crisis point. crisis
The fever has passed its crisis. crisis
The plan has attracted criticism from consumer groups. criticism
criticize sb/sth for sth: The government has been criticized for not taking the problem seriously. criticize
The curtain has fallen on her long and distinguished career (= her career has ended). curtain
The firm has excellent customer relations. customer
cut sth by...: His salary has been cut by ten per cent. cut
Our water supply has been cut off. cut sb/sth off
Sue has long dark hair. dark
raw data (= that has not been analysed) data
The skeleton has been dated at about 2 000 BC. date
Whether he deserves what has happened to him is open to debate/a matter for debate (= cannot be certain or decided yet). debate
decide sth: We might be hiring more people but nothing has been decided yet. decide
it is decided (that)...: It was decided (that) the school should purchase new software. decide
declare sth: The government has declared a state of emergency. declare
The government has declared war on (= officially stated its intention to stop) illiteracy. declare
declare sth + noun: The area has been declared a national park. declare
An increase in cars has resulted in the decline of public transport. decline
Industry in Britain has been in decline since the 1970s. decline
He has his own painting and decorating business. decorate
decrease by sth: The price of wheat has decreased by 5%. decrease
decrease (in sth): There has been some decrease in military spending this year. decrease
The world champion has only had two defeats in 20 fights. defeat
The body has natural defence mechanisms to protect it from disease. defence
The date of the move has not been definitely decided yet (= it may change). definitely
My brother has a master's degree from Harvard. degree
She has a degree in Biochemistry from Queen's University. degree
demand that...: The UN has demanded that all troops be withdrawn. demand
it is demonstrated that...: It has been demonstrated that this drug is effective. demonstrate
He has expressed a desire to see you. desire
He used to be a pilot but now he has a desk job. desk
The research has been carried out with scrupulous attention to detail. detail
The fine detail of the plan has yet to be worked out. detail
Their relationship has developed over a number of years. develop
A new type of painkilling drug has recently been developed. develop
develop (from sth) (into sth): The place has rapidly developed from a small fishing community into a thriving tourist resort. develop
This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed. die out
The male bird has a differently shaped head. differently
She has a very direct way of speaking. direct
She has direct responsibility for all new trainees. direct
This information has a direct bearing on (= it is closely connected with) the case. direct
A new manager has been appointed to direct the project. direct
Has the wind changed direction? direction
The team has had a disappointing start to the season. disappointing
The school has a reputation for high standards of discipline. discipline
Most of our stock has been discounted by up to 40%. discount
The discovery of a child's body in the river has shocked the community. discovery
Paul has to drive very long distances as part of his job. distance
The issue has divided the government. divide
to answer the door (= to go and open it because sb has knocked on it or rung the bell) door
It has the double advantage of being both easy and cheap. double
This meeting has been, without doubt, one of the most useful we have had so far. without/beyond doubt
We're already two goals down (= the other team has two goals more). down
Official projections of the spread of AIDS have mercifully been revised downwards (= it has been predicted that the disease will not spread as fast as had earlier been suggested). downwards
He has no dress sense (= no idea of how to dress well). dress
He has a drinking problem. drink
a learner driver (= one who has not yet passed a driving test) driver
The temperature has dropped considerably. drop
He has dropped out of active politics. drop out (of sth)
a word that has dropped out of the language drop out (of sth)
The drug has some bad side effects. drug
I'm afraid this cake has turned out very dry. dry
My essay's due next Friday (= it has to be given to the teacher by then). due
Be careful—it has a sharp edge. edge
'I'm feeling really depressed.' 'The winter here has that effect sometimes.' effect
The truth of this statement has been effectively demonstrated in Chapter 1. effectively
A lot of effort has gone into making this event a success. effort
The company has invested a great deal of time and effort in setting up new training schemes. effort
effort (to do sth): The company has laid off 150 workers in an effort to save money. effort
The story has all the elements of a soap opera. element
Elsewhere, the weather today has been fairly sunny. elsewhere
The government has declared a state of emergency following the earthquake. emergency
The government has been granted emergency powers (= to deal with an emergency). emergency
emphasis (on/upon sth): The emphasis is very much on learning the spoken language. emphasis
to put/lay/place emphasis on sth emphasis
Increased emphasis is now being placed on corporate image. emphasis
We provide all types of information, with an emphasis on legal advice. emphasis
There has been a shift of emphasis from manufacturing to service industries. emphasis
The course has a vocational emphasis. emphasis
The examples we will look at have quite different emphases. emphasis
'I can assure you,' she added with emphasis, 'the figures are correct.' emphasis
emphasize sth: His speech emphasized the importance of attracting industry to the town. emphasize
emphasize that...: She emphasized that their plan would mean sacrifices and hard work. emphasize
emphasize how, what, etc...: He emphasized how little was known about the disease. emphasize
it must/should be emphasized that...: It should be emphasized that this is only one possible explanation. emphasize
+ speech: 'This must be our top priority,' he emphasized. emphasize
She swept her hair back from her face to emphasize her high cheekbones. emphasize
The rising tone of his voice emphasized his panic. emphasize
employ sb as sth: For the past three years he has been employed as a firefighter. employ
The firm has over 500 employees. employee
The movie has a car chase to end all car chases. a/the sth to end all sths
He has a lot of enemies in the company. enemy
The state has a duty to protect its citizens against external enemies. enemy
An area of forest equal to the size of Wales has been destroyed. equal
The company has an equal opportunities policy (= gives the same chances of employment to everyone). equal
the desire for a more equal society (= in which everyone has the same rights and chances) equal
As a family holiday destination, the seaside has no equal. be without equal, have no equal
Breathing such polluted air is the equivalent of (= has the same effect as) smoking ten cigarettes a day. equivalent
The essential character of the town has been destroyed by the new road. essential
The school has established a successful relationship with the local community. establish
He has just set up his own business but it will take him a while to get established. establish
it is established that...: It has since been established that the horse was drugged. establish
Every one of their CDs has been a hit. every
He has every third day off (= he works for two days then has one day off then works for two days and so on). every
Everyone has a chance to win. everyone
Demand for the product has been greatly exaggerated. exaggerate
She has an exaggerated sense of her own importance. exaggerated
This dictionary has many examples of how words are used. example
The cost of borrowing has been excluded from the inflation figures. exclude
She has an executive position in a finance company. executive
an exit wound (= where a bullet that has entered sb's body comes out again) exit
Unfortunately the new software has failed to meet expectations. expectation
Experience has taught me that life can be very unfair. experience
an experienced traveller (= sb who has travelled a lot) experienced
The government now has to explain its decision to the public. explain
The show has been extended for another six weeks. extend
The house has extensive grounds. extensive
Extensive research has been done into this disease. extensive
She has extensive experience in computers. extensive
The pollution of the forest has seriously affected plant life and, to a lesser extent, wildlife. to... extent
The book discusses the extent to which (= how much) family life has changed over the past 50 years. to... extent
The government has promised an extra £1 billion for health care. extra
The suspect has dark hair and green eyes. eye
The hotel has special facilities for welcoming disabled people. facility
Production has been hampered by mechanical failure. failure
She has long fair hair. fair
She has always been scrupulously fair. fair
He has always treated me very fairly. fairly
Her friend's kindness has restored her faith in human nature. faith
He has blind faith (= unreasonable trust) in doctors' ability to find a cure. faith
This painting has been in our family for generations. family
This ham has too much fat on it. fat
Our new boss is a father of three (= he has three children). father
The suggestion to close the road has found favour with (= been supported by) local people. favour
The programme has lost favour with viewers recently. favour
The programme has become a firm favourite with young people. favourite
fear sth: She has been missing for three days now and police are beginning to fear the worst (= think that she is dead). fear
The software has no particular distinguishing features. feature
feeling for sb/sth: She has a wonderful feeling for colour. feeling
He has a high fever. fever
This discovery has opened up a whole new field of research. field
The product has filled a gap in the market. fill
The hole has been filled in. fill sth in
Who has the final say around here? final
She has inherited her mother's fine features (= a small nose, mouth, etc.). fine
Jim has made a fine job of the garden. fine
She has already paid over $2 000 in fines. fine
finish doing sth: Be quiet! He hasn't finished speaking. finish
The warehouse has been badly damaged by fire. fire
This method has two advantages: first it is cheaper and second it is quicker. first
Has the date of the next meeting been fixed? fix
The money has been invested for a fixed period. fixed
All the flags were at half mast (= in honour of a famous person who has died). flag
The heavy rain has caused floods in many parts of the country. flood
The river is in flood (= has more water in it than normal and has caused a flood). flood
Their house is on three floors (= it has three floors). floor
The plant has a beautiful bright red flower. flower
The whole family has the flu. flu
fly by/past: Summer has just flown by. fly
He has trouble following simple instructions. follow
The band has a huge following in Italy. following
Ron is the driving force (= the person who has the most influence) behind the project. force
She's a force to be reckoned with (= a person who has a lot of power and influence and should therefore be treated seriously). force
Television has become a major force in American political life. force
The human form has changed little over the last 30 000 years. form
She has a very formal manner, which can seem unfriendly. formal
He has no formal teaching qualifications. formal
This beautiful old building has been restored to its former glory. former
The organization has grown enormously since its foundation in 1955. foundation
She has always given freely of her time. freely
It's so cold that even the river has frozen. freeze
She has a wide circle of friends. friend
Has the train from Bristol arrived? from
The book has a picture of Rome on the front. front
The project has been cancelled because of lack of funds fund
She has a great future ahead of her. future
He has gained a reputation for unpredictable behaviour. gain
The bad weather has been fairly general (= has affected most areas). general
The proposal has generated a lot of interest. generate
a first-/second-generation American (= a person whose family has lived in America for one/two generations) generation
She has inspired a whole generation of fashion school graduates. generation
The car has a generous amount of space. generous
He has just got a new job. get
gift (for sth): She has a great gift for music. gift
gift (for doing sth): He has the gift of making friends easily. gift
Her work has given pleasure to (= pleased) millions of readers. give
All that driving has given me a headache. give
The government has given top priority to reforming the tax system. give
She has a fine collection of Bohemian glass. glass
Hasn't the time gone quickly? go
Has your headache gone yet? go
go out of sth: That colour has gone out of fashion. go
This milk has gone sour. go
Has she gone yet? go
Richard has gone on leave for two weeks. go
She has gone to China (= is now in China or is on her way there). go
She has been to China (= she went to China and has now returned). go
go to do sth: She has gone to see her sister this weekend. go
The smell still hasn't gone away. go away
Tom has been going out with Lucy for six weeks. go out with sb, go out (together)
She has tried to lead a good life. good
good at doing sth: Nick has always been good at finding cheap flights. good
The hotel has a good reputation. good
She has resigned from the Government. government
The Government has/have been considering further tax cuts. government
Democratic government has now replaced military rule. government
He has been awarded a research grant. grant
He has been described as the world's greatest violinist. great
Great art has the power to change lives. great
People's reaction to the film has varied greatly. greatly
The house has extensive grounds. ground
grow in sth: The family has grown in size recently. grow
He has the irritating habit of biting his nails. habit
He has a half share in the company. half
The judge has handed down his verdict. hand sth down (to sb)
This matter has been handled very badly. handle
I hope nothing (= nothing unpleasant) has happened to them. happen to sb/sth
It's the best thing that has ever happened to me. happen to sb/sth
The story has a happy ending. happy
This season has been a hard slog. hard
Hardly anyone has bothered to reply. hardly
The colour green has a restful effect. have
The house has gas-fired central heating. have
He's gone home, hasn't he? have
There has to be a reason for his strange behaviour. have to
This war has got to end soon. have to
She always has her head in a book (= is always reading). head
He still has a good head of hair (= a lot of hair). head
She has been appointed to head the research team. head
sb/sth is heard to do sth: She has been heard to make threats to her former lover. hear
She has a kind heart. heart
She has been heavily criticized in the press. heavily
I can't help thinking he knows more than he has told us. sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
The house has a high wall all the way round it. high
He has a round face with a high forehead. high
James has sold his car. his
He has a history of violent crime. history
How long has he held office? hold
The trip has been exhausting and I'll be glad to be home. home
Proving his innocence has become a matter of honour. honour
She has high hopes of winning (= is very confident about it). hope
a hot meal (= one that has been cooked) hot
I couldn't live in a hot country (= one which has high average temperatures). hot
She has the window open, however cold it is outside. however
She has her very own brand of humour. humour
Since 1977 otter hunting has been illegal. hunting
In the tiger, evolution has produced a perfect hunting machine. hunting
He has some very strange ideas about education. idea
He hasn't the faintest idea how to manage people. have no idea, not have the faintest, first, etc. idea
If she has any weakness, it is her Italian. if
import sth: The country has to import most of its raw materials. import
increase (from A) (to B): The population has increased from 1.2 million to 1.8 million. increase
Going away to college has made me much more independent. independent
indicate whether, when, etc...: Has she indicated yet whether she would like to be involved? indicate
inform sb that...: I have been reliably informed (= somebody I trust has told me) that the couple will marry next year. inform
It has all the ingredients of a good mystery story. ingredient
The group has just inked a $10 million deal. ink
The hotel chain has recently installed a new booking system. install
intention (to do sth): He has announced his intention to retire. intention
She's delirious, but has lucid intervals. interval
He has an interview next week for the manager's job. interview
invest (in/on sth): The government has invested heavily in public transport. invest
In his time managing the club he has invested millions on new players. invest
The FBI has been called in to investigate. investigate
This is not the first time he has been investigated by the police for fraud. investigate
She's always on a diet—she has issues about food. issue
He still has some issues with women (= has problems dealing with them). issue
The company has got itself into difficulties. itself
She has some lovely pieces of jewellery. jewellery
The builder has a couple of jobs on at the moment. job
+ noun: She has jumped 2.2 metres. jump
She has coached many of our leading juniors. junior
She has just been telling us about her trip to Rome. just
The Prime Minister has been asked to justify the decision to Parliament. justify
He has kindly agreed to help. kindly
knowledge of/about sth: He has a wide knowledge of painting and music. knowledge
She has a good command of the Spanish language. language
She has to work late tomorrow. late
The match has been postponed to a later date. later
The town has a concert hall and two theatres. The latter were both built in the 1950s. latter
law (on sth): The government has introduced some tough new laws on food hygiene. law
lead sb to do sth: This has led scientists to speculate on the existence of other galaxies. lead
He has gone into the lead. lead
it is learned that...: It has been learned that 500 jobs are to be lost at the factory. learn
My secretary has threatened to leave. leave
The Left only has/have a small chance of winning power. left
Has he returned that book you lent him? lend
On a more personal level, I would like to thank Jean for all the help she has given me. level
a licence holder (= a person who has been given a licence) licence
license sth: The new drug has not yet been licensed in the US. license
a license holder (= a person who has been given a license) license
He is young and has little experience of life. life
He has had a good life. life
She has a full social life. life
She has been an accountant all her working life. life
Martial law has now been lifted. lift
The EU has set strict limits on levels of pollution. limit
This novel is the latest in a long line of thrillers that he has written. line
He has fine lines around his eyes. line
Everything has become just that little bit harder. little
He has lived through two world wars. live through sth
The club has live music most nights. live
'Has the mail come yet?' 'I'll look and see.' look
A working party has been set up to look into the problem. look into sth
She has her father's good looks. look
Check that the plug has not come loose. loose
The company has lost a lot of business to its competitors. lose
The company has announced net losses of $1.5 million. loss
The drought has led to widespread loss of life. loss
She still has an awful lot (= a very large amount) to learn. lot
He has invited nearly a hundred people but a lot aren't able to come. lot
He has a lovely voice. lovely
She has a very low opinion of her own abilities. low
She has always remained loyal to her political principles. loyal
Mark is one of the lucky ones—he at least has somewhere to sleep. lucky
This sauce has lumps in it. lump
She has a fine pair of lungs! (= she can sing or shout loudly) lung
She has a magic touch with the children and they do everything she asks. magic
The electricity supply has been cut off at the mains. main
maintain sth: She has always maintained her innocence. maintain
My lawyer has been urging me to make a will. make
She has made (= directed or acted in) several movies. make
The male of the species has a white tail. male
He has to manage on less than £100 a week. manage
He has no manners (= behaves very badly). manner
The company has established its first manufacturing base in Europe. manufacturing
The exhibition has helped put the city on the map. put sb/sth on the map
an unexplored region that has not yet been mapped map
He has his career path clearly mapped out. map sth out
The route has been marked in red. mark
She has two children by a previous marriage. marriage
He has a Master's in Business Administration. master
He may have (= perhaps he has) missed his train. may
The membership has/have not yet voted. membership
The club has a membership of more than 500. membership
There hasn't been peace in the country in/within my memory. memory
This hasn't happened in living memory (= nobody alive now can remember it happening). memory
He has a complete mental block (= difficulty in understanding or remembering) when it comes to physics. mental
He has two big houses in this country, not to mention his villa in France. not to mention
A mere 2% of their budget has been spent on publicity. mere
Sorry—your name has gone right out of my mind. mind
You'll never persuade him to stay—his mind's made up (= he has definitely decided to go). make up your mind, make your mind up
'Is Ann there?' 'You've just missed her (= she has just left).' miss
She hasn't missed a game all year. miss
miss (sb/sth): How many goals has he missed this season? miss
The book has two pages missing/missing pages. missing
Someone has mixed up all the application forms. mix sth up
The weather has been very mixed recently. mixed
The director has the most to lose. most
(+ adv./prep.): The government has not moved on this issue. move
Their move from Italy to the US has not been a success. move
This latest move by the government has aroused fierce opposition. move
She has been charged with the attempted murder of her husband. murder
The poem has been set to music. music
name sb/sth: The victim has not yet been named. name
The manager has named his side for the semi-final. name
name sb/sth as sb/sth: The missing man has been named as James Kelly. name
She has a very narrow view of the world. narrow
She has a 12-point lead over her nearest rival. near
She has the qualities necessary to be a successful teacher. necessary
Neither of them has/have a car. neither
He has never been abroad. never
The latest model has over 100 new features. new
Reports that he has resigned are nonsense. nonsense
That has nothing to do with what we're discussing. be/have nothing to do with sb/sth
the country's nuclear capability (= the fact that it has nuclear weapons) nuclear
nuclear capacity (= the number of nuclear weapons a country has) nuclear
The number of homeless people has increased dramatically. number
She has outstanding powers of observation (= the ability to notice things around her). observation
She has some interesting observations on possible future developments. observation
He has been known on occasion to lose his temper. on occasion(s)
The capital has been occupied by the rebel army. occupy
It's most odd that (= very odd that) she hasn't written. odd
a first offence (= the first time that sb has been found guilty of a crime) offence
The offer has been withdrawn. offer
How long has he been in office? office
The party has been out of office (= has not formed a government) for many years. office
An official inquiry has been launched into the cause of the accident. official
The official story has always been that they are just good friends. official
'Emma has a new job.' 'Oh, has she?' oh
The game is still on (= it has not been cancelled). on
He has laid himself wide open to political attack. open
The movie has an exciting opening. opening
He has very strong political opinions. opinion
The army has been sent in to maintain order in the capital. order
order sth: The government has ordered an investigation into the accident. order
This particular custom has its origins in Wales. origin
She has risen from humble origins to immense wealth. origin
The room still has many of its original features. original
The original manuscript has been lost. original
Manufacturing output has increased by 8%. output
She has a lot of outside interests (= not connected with her work). outside
She has only the director over her. over
She has editorial control over what is included. over
She has not changed much over the years. over
He has to cook his own meals. own
The painting has been returned to its rightful owner. owner
A large package has arrived for you. package
Someone has torn a page out of this book. page
The woodwork has recently been given a fresh coat of paint. paint
pass sth: She hasn't passed her driving test yet. pass
Unemployment has now passed the three million mark. pass
a passing phase/thought/interest passing
The past month has been really busy at work. past
They say she has a 'past' (= bad things in her past life that she wishes to keep secret). past
She has little patience with (= will not accept or consider) such views. patience
pay sb sth: He still hasn't paid me the money he owes me. pay
A UN force has been sent to keep the peace (= to prevent people from fighting). peace
Membership of the club has fallen from a peak of 600 people in 2006. peak
Well I'm sorry—but nobody's perfect (= used when sb has criticized you). perfect
This operation has never been performed in this country. perform
The company has been performing poorly over the past year. perform
Her academic performance has been inconsistent. performance
The accident has not done any permanent damage. permanent
permission (for sb/sth) (to do sth): The school has been refused permission to expand. permission
No official permission has been given for the event to take place. permission
The Principal has little personal contact with the students. personal
Coogan has run a personal best of just under four minutes. personal
His wife has a strong personality. personality
during the first/next/last phase phase
the initial/final phase of the project phase
a critical/decisive phase phase
the design phase phase
His anxiety about the work was just a passing phase. phase
She's going through a difficult phase. phase
The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase in Emma's life. phase
photograph sb/sth: He has photographed some of the world's most beautiful women. photograph
Is there any physical evidence to suggest that a crime has been committed? physical
The ordeal has affected both her mental and physical health. physical
pick sb/sth to do sth: He has been picked to play in this week's game. pick
The town has many excellent eating places. place
How long has the import ban been in place? in place
Great emphasis is placed on education. place
plan (to do sth): The government has announced plans to create one million new training places. plan
plan sth for sth: A meeting has been planned for early next year. plan
I am pleased to inform you that the book you ordered has arrived. pleased
Living in Scotland has its good points but the weather is not one of them. point
The government has called on newspapers to police themselves. police
The company has adopted a firm policy on shoplifting. policy
Skiing has become very popular recently. popular
By popular demand, the tour has been extended by two weeks. popular
Japan has a population of nearly 130 million. population
She has made her position very clear. position
Overseas investment has had a positive effect on exports. positive
With the possible exception of the Beatles, no other band has become so successful so quickly. possible
'I'm sure he didn't mean to be rude.' 'Quite possibly (= you may be right), but the damage has been done.' possibly
The company has been unable to fill the post. post
He has held the post for three years. post
She has great potential as an artist. potential
He has the potential to become a world-class musician. potential
The house has a lot of potential. potential
purchasing power power
power (to do sth): The Secretary of State has the power to approve the proposals. power
power (of sth): The president has the power of veto over all new legislation. power
power (to do sth): He has the power to make things very unpleasant for us. power
The present regime has been in power for two years. power
His latest movie has won high praise from the critics. praise
The team has been training hard in preparation for the big game. preparation
present sth: The company has decided it must present a more modern image. present
preserve sth + adj.: This vase has been preserved intact. preserve
She has been harassed by the press, who desperately need a story. press
The car has only had one previous owner. previous
He has high moral principles. principle
The number of prisoners serving life sentences has fallen. prisoner
She is afraid to go out and has become a virtual prisoner in her own home. prisoner
The hotel has 110 bedrooms, all with private bathrooms. private
The villa has its own private beach. private
It is probable that the disease has a genetic element. probable
The legal profession has/have always resisted change. profession
project sth to do sth: The unemployment rate has been projected to fall. project
promise sth: The government has promised a full investigation into the disaster. promise
promote sth: The band has gone on tour to promote their new album. promote
promote sb (from sth) (to sth): He has been promoted to sergeant. promote
Keep the receipt as proof of purchase. proof
The price of property has risen enormously. property
The proportion of men to women in the college has changed dramatically over the years. proportion
He constantly feels he has to prove himself to others. prove
provide sth: The hospital has a commitment to provide the best possible medical care. provide
The public has/have a right to know what is contained in the report. public
There has been a great deal of publicity surrounding his disappearance. publicity
There has been a lot of advance publicity for her new film. publicity
She hasn't published anything for years. publish
to make a purchase (= buy sth) purchase
Keep your receipt as proof of purchase. purchase
The company has just announced its £27 million purchase of Park Hotel. purchase
major purchases, such as a new car purchase
If you are not satisfied with your purchase we will give you a full refund. purchase
The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier. purchase
They purchased the land for $1 million. purchase
Please ensure that you purchase your ticket in advance. purchase
Victory was purchased (= achieved) at too great a price. purchase
Jake has been pursuing her (= trying to have a relationship with her) for months. pursue
The firm has begun a major push into the European market. push
Her new job has put a great strain on her. put
The meeting has been put back to next week. put sth back
She has all the qualities of a good teacher. quality
No one has ever questioned her judgement. question
quit as sth: He has decided to quit as manager of the team. quit
race (to do sth): The race is on (= has begun) to find a cure for the disease. race
Rarely has a debate attracted so much media attention. rarely
The patient has responded to the treatment rather better than expected. rather
The conflict has now reached a new level of intensity. reach
There has been a mixed reaction to her appointment as director. reaction
She has a reading knowledge of German (= she can understand written German). reading
She has not shown any real regret for what she did. real
The prosecution has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is guilty of murder. reasonable
Her latest album has met with a mixed reception from fans. reception
The UK has refused to recognize the new regime. recognize
The airline has a good safety record. record
He has an impressive record of achievement. record
to break the record (= to achieve a better result than there has ever been before) record
Unemployment has reached a record high (= the highest level ever). record
There has been some reduction in unemployment. reduction
He has promised to reform. reform
She has said nothing regarding your request. regarding
The stock exchange has registered huge losses this week. register
regret to do sth: We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful. regret
Her body has already rejected two kidneys. reject
Little of what he said has any relation to fact. relation
relationship (between A and B): The relationship between the police and the local community has improved. relationship
relationship (with sb): She has a very close relationship with her sister. relationship
The council has relaxed the ban on dogs in city parks. relax
The government has been working to secure the release of the hostages. release
The law states that everyone has the right to practise their own religion. religion
remove sth: She has had the tumour removed. remove
The landlord has put the rent up again. rent
The human body has an amazing capacity to repair itself. repair
repeat sth: The rumour has been widely repeated in the press. repeat
History has a strange way of repeating itself. repeat
a reply-paid envelope (= on which you do not have to put a stamp because it has already been paid for) reply
report sb/sth + adj.: She has reported her daughter missing. report
research (into/on sth/sb): He has carried out extensive research into renewable energy sources. research
Recent research on deaf children has produced some interesting findings about their speech. research
Research on animals has led to some important medical advances. research
The company has substantial reserves of capital. reserve
resistance to sb/sth: There has been a lot of resistance to this new law. resistance
Resistance to change has nearly destroyed the industry. resistance
He has no respect for her feelings. respect
Everyone has a right to be treated with respect. respect
The new leader has promised to respect the constitution. respect
There has been little response to our appeal for funds. response
We sent out over 1 000 letters but the response rate has been low (= few people replied). response
Nobody has claimed responsibility for the bombing. responsibility
Clare has a mature and responsible attitude to work. responsible
The house has been lovingly restored to the way it looked in 1900 when it was built. restore
The government has agreed to lift restrictions on press freedom. restriction
The cyclone has resulted in many thousands of deaths. result in sth
She has a good memory and finds it easy to retain facts. retain
retire as sth: He has no plans to retire as editor of the magazine. retire
The government has failed to reverse the economic decline. reverse
The coin has the queen's head stamped on the reverse. reverse
A £100 reward has been offered for the return of the necklace. reward
right (to sth): Everyone has a right to a fair trial. right
Education is provided by the state as of right (= everyone has a right to it). right
rise in sth: There has been a sharp rise in the number of people out of work. rise
Air pollution has risen above an acceptable level. rise
The river has risen (by) several metres. rise
This latest design has no rivals (= it is easily the best design available). rival
In many marriages there has been a complete role reversal (= change of roles) with the man staying at home and the woman going out to work. role
It is one of the greatest roles she has played. role
Flamenco has its roots in Arabic music. root
Inflation has fallen for the third month in a row. in a row
Rumour has it (= people say) that he was murdered. rumour
He has no idea how to run a business. run
a rush job (= one that has been done quickly) rush
Sad to say (= unfortunately) the house has now been demolished. sad
His work has been sadly neglected. sadly
The bomb has been safely disposed of. safely
The police are concerned for the safety of the 12-year-old boy who has been missing for three days. safety
The airline has an excellent safety record. safety
The Weldon Group has a 6 000 strong sales force. sale
His latest movie is just more of the same—exotic locations, car chases and a final shoot-out. same
The new bridge has been finished two years ahead of schedule. schedule
The tunnel project has already fallen behind schedule. schedule
He has adapted the play for the screen. screen
The search is on (= has begun) for someone to fill the post. search
The committee has been searching for new ways to tackle youth unemployment. search
The report has a section on accidents at work. section
The library has a large biology section. section
'Has the mail come yet?' 'I'll just go and see.' see
be seen to do sth: The government not only has to do something, it must be seen to be doing something (= people must be aware that it is doing sth). see
She will never see again (= she has become blind). see
select sb/sth for sth: He hasn't been selected for the team. select
The showroom has a wide selection of kitchens. selection
She has served as a Democratic senator for North Carolina since 2009. senator
He has a very good sense of direction (= finds the way to a place easily). sense
She has lost all sense of direction in her life. sense
The prisoner has served (= completed) his sentence and will be released tomorrow. sentence
She has just celebrated 25 years' service with the company. service
She has a weekly session at the health club on Saturdays. session
The government has set strict limits on public spending this year. set
The new leader has set the party on the road to success. set
The company has agreed to settle out of court (= come to an agreement without going to court). settle
The children were having fun, chasing each other's shadows. shadow
This old T-shirt has completely lost its shape. shape
The cheese has a distinctively sharp taste. sharp
Emma has a sharp tongue (= she often speaks in an unpleasant or unkind way). sharp
sheet metal (= metal that has been made into thin sheets) sheet
The night shift has/have just come off duty. shift
a shift of emphasis shift
She has a very short memory (= remembers only things that have happened recently). short
show yourself to be/have sth: He has shown himself to be ready to make compromises. show
show that...: He has shown that he is ready to make compromises. show
show sb that...: Market research has shown us that people want quality, not just low prices. show
Has anyone shown you round yet? show sb around/round (sth)
Peter has been off sick (= away from work because he is ill) for two weeks. sick
Emma has just called in sick (= telephoned to say she will not be coming to work because she is ill). sick
A cube has six sides. side
She has a pain down her right side. side
He has been moved sideways (= moved to another job at the same level as before, not higher or lower). sideways
She has very good sight. sight
The disease has affected her sight. sight
He has very little sight in his right eye. sight
Your work has shown a significant improvement. significant
The drug has had no significant effect on stopping the spread of the disease. significant
Cath hasn't phoned since she went to Berlin. since
The original building has long since (= long before now) been demolished. since
We were divorced two years ago and she has since remarried. since
She has a beautiful singing voice. singing
My best friend has been like a sister to me (= very close). sister
A site has been chosen for the new school. site
His popularity has slipped recently. slip
He's something in (= has a job connected with) television. something
The situation has changed somewhat since we last met. somewhat
The room has been furnished and decorated to give a feeling of space. space
He has a number of speaking engagements this week. speak
She has a beautiful speaking voice. speak
The Society has an interesting talk by a visiting speaker every month. speaker
She has a special way of smiling. special
spend (sth doing sth): The company has spent thousands of pounds updating their computer systems. spend
a debate that has split the country down the middle split
Which has spots, the leopard or the tiger? spot
The male bird has a red spot on its beak. spot
The situation in the country has remained relatively stable for a few months now. stable
The project has the government's stamp of approval. stamp
He has been collecting stamps since he was eight. stamp
The Post Office has issued a commemorative stamp to mark the event. stamp
She acts well but she hasn't got star quality. star
No one has yet been chosen for the starring role (= the main part). star
state sth: He has already stated his intention to run for election. state
a steady boyfriend/girlfriend (= with whom you have a serious relationship or one that has lasted a long time) steady
The key has stuck in the lock. stick
We stayed in a village where time has stood still (= life has not changed for many years). still
The scorpion has a sting in its tail. sting
Why has the engine stopped? stop
What time is it? My watch has stopped. stop
stop doing sth: Has it stopped raining yet? stop
Work has temporarily come to a stop while the funding is reviewed. stop
The cable has a 140kg breaking strain (= it will break when it is stretched or pulled by a force greater than this). strain
This view has recently gathered strength (= become stronger or more widely held). strength
She has a remarkable inner strength. strength
This sweater has stretched. stretch
The union has voted to strike for a pay increase of 6%. strike
strike sb: An awful thought has just struck me. strike
The student union has called for a rent strike (= a refusal to pay rent as a protest). strike
The college has strong links with local industry. strong
The hotel has been redecorated but it's lost a lot of its style. style
My husband has no sense of style. style
The company has had another successful year. successful
This arrangement has operated successfully for the past six years. successfully
Such advice as he was given (= it was not very much) has proved almost worthless. such
The new job is not a promotion as such, but it has good prospects. as such
This war has caused widespread human suffering. suffering
it is suggested that...: It has been suggested that bright children take their exams early. suggest
It has been suggested that bright children should take their exams early. suggest
The UN has agreed to allow the supply of emergency aid. supply
Mark has two children to support from his first marriage. support
She has no visible means of support (= no work, income etc.). support
The idea has met with widespread support. support
The decision has been greeted with surprise. surprise
switch sth (over) (from sth) (to sth): The meeting has been switched to next week. switch
The electricity has been switched off. switch off/on, switch sth off/on
White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures. symbol
The male has beautiful tail feathers. tail
The school doesn't take boys (= only has girls). take
The doctor has given me some medicine to take for my cough. take
The state has taken control of the company. take
Someone has taken my scarf. take
He believes he has the skills to take the club forward. take
She has taken up (= started to learn to play) the oboe. take sth up
The new magazine has really taken off. take off
What are you talking about? (= used when you are surprised, annoyed and/or worried by sth that sb has just said) talk
I don't know what you're talking about (= used to say that you did not do sth that sb has accused you of). talk
a blank tape (= a tape that has nothing recorded on it) tape
taste (in sth): She has very expensive tastes in clothes. taste
He has very good taste in music. taste
This dish has an unusual combination of tastes and textures. taste
The soup has very little taste. taste
He has now retired from full-time teaching teaching
A team of experts has/have been called in to investigate. team
Her technique has improved a lot over the past season. technique
The company has invested in the latest technology. technology
The temperature has risen (by) five degrees. temperature
This material has a tendency to shrink when washed. tendency
tendency (to/towards sth): She has a strong natural tendency towards caution. tendency
The incident has further increased tension between the two countries. tension
It's possible (that) he has not received the letter. that
The President stressed a favourite campaign theme—greater emphasis on education. theme
Has there been an accident? there
This breed of cattle has a very thick coat. thick
a thick book (= one that has a lot of pages) thick
Not enough thought has gone into this essay. thought
threaten sth: The threatened strike has been called off. threaten
The tyre's flat—the nail has gone right through. through
Our team is through to (= has reached) the semi-finals. through
The firm has close ties with an American corporation. tie
Although he was raised as a Roman Catholic, he has cut his ties with the Church. tie
She has to work at weekends from time to time. from time to time
The government has set out its timetable for the peace talks. timetable
That walk has tired me out. tire sb/yourself out
She has sung the title role in 'Carmen' (= the role of Carmen in that opera ). title
He has more money than the rest of us put together. together
Every flat has its own bathroom and toilet. toilet
The hotel has been refurbished to the tune of a million dollars. to the tune of sth
The weather has turned cold. turn
He has been turned down for ten jobs so far. turn sb/sth down
She has nobody she can turn to. turn to sb/sth
The telephone cable has got twisted (= wound around itself). twist
The story has taken another twist. twist
Has that report been typed up yet? type
Noise from the factory has reached an unacceptable level. unacceptable
I've just become an uncle (= because your brother/sister has had a baby). uncle
She is unconscious of the effect she has on people. unconscious
She has a staff of 19 working under her. under
Under its new conductor, the orchestra has established an international reputation. under
The committee has little or no understanding of the problem. understanding
Many people are deeply unhappy about the way the government has handled this matter. unhappy
Growth has not been uniform across the country. uniform
He hasn't got any hobbies—unless you call watching TV a hobby. unless
She has a very unusual name. unusual
The stream has dried up. up
This chemical has a wide range of industrial uses. use
This ring has great sentimental value for me. value
I suppose it has a certain novelty value (= it's interesting because it's new). value
The story has very little news value. value
The property has been valued at over $2 million. value
The new building has been very much admired. very
He has an optimistic view of life. view
The red squirrel has become virtually extinct in most of the country. virtually
She has a good singing voice. voice
This work has grown in volume recently. volume
The chairperson has the casting/deciding vote. vote
The government has declared war on drug dealers. war
There has been a new wave of bombings since the peace talks broke down. wave
The area's wine industry still has a way to go to full maturity. way
Sam has a weight problem (= is too fat). weight
Well done! (= expressing admiration for what sb has done) well
Which of the applicants has got the job? which
Mrs Smith, who has a lot of teaching experience at junior level, will be joining the school in September. who
The author whom you criticized in your review has written a reply. whom
Jenny has a wide circle of friends. wide
The incident has received wide coverage in the press. wide
Sam has a wide mouth. wide
He has travelled widely in Asia. widely
He's an educated, widely-read man (= he has read a lot of books). widely
The company has won a contract to supply books and materials to schools. win
The wind has dropped (= stopped blowing strongly). wind
He has everything he could possibly wish for. wish
a girl with (= who has) red hair with
She won't be able to help us with all the family commitments she has. with
it worries sb that...: It worries me that he hasn't come home yet. worry
write that...: In his latest book he writes that the theory has since been disproved. write
No decision has been made at the time of writing. write
This man has done nothing wrong. wrong
Mrs Smith has just won £2 million—yes!—£2 million! yes
He has a good job, and yet he never seems to have any money. yet
The night is still young (= it has only just started). young

phase toute maladie est une phase de guérison
achat il est devenu responsable des achats
poursuite je suis parti à la poursuite de mon rêve
chasse la chasse et la pêche y sont une tradition
chasser l’ennemi devait être chassé de chez nous
acquisition nous ne souhaitons ni fusion ni acquisition
précipiter je jetai mon parapluie et me précipitai hors de la chambre
acheteur le gouvernement est le plus gros acheteur de biens
accentuer la méfiance entre salariés et employeurs s’accentue
hâte on avait caché en hâte les drapeaux
racheter j’ai apporté de l’argent pour racheter mon fils
hâter hâte-toi de revenir
précipitation la précipitation est rarement une bonne conseillère
empresser ils se sont empressés d’obéir