Beginner Level Advanced Level



tu1 bald; blunt Hói

OXF3000N trước sớm ( thời gian) in advance of
OXF3000N hỏi ask
OXF3000N bẩn thỉu thối hỏng go bad
OXF3000N bắt đầu khởi đầu begin
OXF3000N phần đầu lúc bắt đầu lúc khởi đầu beginning
OXF3000N khối tảng (đá) làm ngăn cản ngăn chặn block
OXF3000N hơi thở hơi breath
OXF3000N sáng sáng chói bright
OXF3000N sáng chói tươi brightly
OXF3000N tỏa sáng rực rỡ chói lọi brilliant
OXF3000N dừng ngừng ngớt thôi hết tạnh cease
OXF3000N vui mừng phấn khởi hồ hởi cheerful
OXF3000N vui vẻ phấn khởi cheerfully
OXF3000N đòi hỏi yêu sách sự đòi hỏi sự yêu sách sự thỉnh cầu claim
OXF3000N khí hậu thời tiết climate
OXF3000N sự kết hợp sự phối hợp combination
OXF3000N kết hợp phối hợp combine
OXF3000N hội đồng ủy ban sự ủy nhiệm sự ủy thác commission
OXF3000N hội nghị sự bàn bạc conference
OXF3000N đại hội hội nghị Quốc hội congress
OXF3000N tra cứu tham khảo thăm dò hỏi ý kiến consult
OXF3000N đương thời đương đại contemporary
OXF3000N hội nghị hiệp định quy ước convention
OXF3000N hội đồng council
OXF3000N hiện thời hiện nay currently
OXF3000N màn (cửa rạp hát khói sương) curtain
OXF3000N phong tục tục lệ thói quen tập quán custom
OXF3000N ngày kỳ kỳ hạn thời kỳ thời đại đề ngày tháng date
OXF3000N phân phát phân phối sự giao dịch thỏa thuận mua bán deal
OXF3000N cứu khỏi thoát khỏi bày tỏ giãi bày deliver
OXF3000N sự phân phát sự phân phối sự giao hàng sự bày tỏ phát biểu delivery
OXF3000N sự đòi hỏi sự yêu cầu đòi hỏi yêu cầu demand
OXF3000N từ chối phản đối phủ nhận deny
OXF3000N sự rời khỏi sự đi sự khởi hành departure
OXF3000N phân bổ phân phối sắp xếp phân loại distribute
OXF3000N sự phân bổ sự phân phối phân phát sự sắp xếp distribution
OXF3000N chiếm ưu thế có ảnh hưởng chi phối kiềm chế dominate
OXF3000N chấm nhỏ điểm của hồi môn dot
OXF3000N trong lúc trong thời gian during
OXF3000N trốn thoát thoát khỏi sự trốn thoát lỗi thoát escape
OXF3000N thẩm tra khám xét hỏi han (thí sinh) examine
OXF3000N trưng bày phơi bày expose
OXF3000N giơ duỗi ra (tay chân) kéo dài (thời gian) dành cho gửi lời extend
OXF3000N mốt thời trang fashion
OXF3000N đúng mốt hợp thời trang fashionable
OXF3000N lễ hội đại hội liên hoan festival
OXF3000N buồn cười khôi hài funny
OXF3000N khí hơi đốt gas
OXF3000N ra khỏi thoát khỏi xuống ( xe buýt xe lửa ...) get off
OXF3000N chia phân phối give sth out
OXF3000N thói quen tập quán habit
OXF3000N đại sảnh tòa (thị chính) hội trường hall
OXF3000N chữa khỏi làm lành heal
OXF3000N hơi nóng sức nóng heat
OXF3000N chủ nhà chủ tiệc dẫn (c.trình) đăng cai tổ chức (hội nghị) host
OXF3000N vội vàng hối hả gấp rút in a hurry
OXF3000N bước đầu sự khởi đầu initiative
OXF3000N phổi lung
OXF3000N khối khối lượng quần chúng đại chúng mass
OXF3000N trận thi đấu đối thủ địch thủ đối chọi sánh được match
OXF3000N bạn bạn nghề giao phối mate
OXF3000N thành viên hội viên member
OXF3000N tư cách hội viên địa vị hội viên membership
OXF3000N cần đòi hỏi sự cần need
OXF3000N dịp cơ hội occasion
OXF3000N tắt khỏi cách rời off
OXF3000N lỗi thời old fashioned
OXF3000N cơ hội thời cơ opportunity
OXF3000N đối kháng đối chọi đối lập chống đối phản đối oppose
OXF3000N tính đối kháng đối chọi opposing
OXF3000N một cách sáng tạo mới mẻ độc đáo khởi đầu đầu tiên originally
OXF3000N nghi viện quốc hội parliament
OXF3000N kỳ thời kỳ thời gian thời đại period
OXF3000N /'pə:mit/ cho phép cho cơ hội permit
OXF3000N tuần trăng giai đoạn thời kỳ phase
OXF3000N sân (chơi các môn thể thao) đầu hắc ín pitch
OXF3000N túi (quần áo trong xe hơi) túi tiền pocket
OXF3000N có mặt hiện diện hiện nay hiện thời present
OXF3000N nguyên thủy đầu tiên thời cổ đại nguyên sinh primary
OXF3000N câu hỏi hỏi chất vấn question
OXF3000N gọi về triệu hồi nhặc lại gợi lại recall
OXF3000N sự tham khảo hỏi ý kiến reference
OXF3000N phản chiếu phản hồi phản ánh reflect
OXF3000N sự từ chối sự khước từ refusal
OXF3000N từ chối khước từ refuse
OXF3000N đáng tiếc hối tiếc lòng thương tiếc sự hối tiếc regret
OXF3000N làm nhẹ bớt thả phóng thích phát hành sự giải thoát thoát khỏi sự thả release
OXF3000N sự trả lời sự hồi âm trả lời hồi âm reply
OXF3000N đòi hỏi yêu cầu quy định require
OXF3000N nhu cầu sự đòi hỏi luật lệ thủ tục requirement
OXF3000N hoàn lại trả lại sửa chữa lại phục hồi lại restore
OXF3000N rời bỏ rút về thôi nghỉ việc về hưu retire
OXF3000N thói thường lệ thường thủ tục thường lệ thông thường routine
OXF3000N kế hoạch làm việc bản liệt kê lên thời khóa biểu lên kế hoạch schedule
OXF3000N sự sắp xếp sự phối hợp kế hoạch thực hiện scheme
OXF3000N tìm tìm kiếm theo đuổi đòi hỏi seek
OXF3000N sáng chói bóng shiny
OXF3000N trong thời gian ngắn sớm shortly
OXF3000N khói hơi thuốc hút thuốc bốc khói hơi smoke
OXF3000N có tính xã hội social
OXF3000N có tính xã hội socially
OXF3000N xã hội society
OXF3000N đến mức độ nào đó hơi một chút somewhat
OXF3000N bắt đầu khởi động sự bắt đầu sự khởi đầu khởi hành start
OXF3000N hơi nước steam
OXF3000N dừng ngừng nghỉ thôi sự dừng sự ngừng sự đỗ lại stop
OXF3000N mồ hôi đổ mồ hô sweat
OXF3000N người ra mồ hôi kẻ bóc lột lao động sweater
OXF3000N tạm thời nhất thời lâm thời temporary
OXF3000N tính chất tạm thời nhất thời temporarily
OXF3000N thời gian thì giờ time
OXF3000N kế hoạch làm việc thời gian biểu timetable
OXF3000N đồ chơi đồ trang trí thể loại đồ chơi toy
OXF3000N cuộc dạo chơi cuộc du ngoạn đi dạo du ngoạn trip
OXF3000N thúc giục giục giã sự thúc đẩy sự thôi thúc urge
OXF3000N đi thăm hỏi đến chơi tham quan sự đi thăm visit
OXF3000N trạng thái ấm sự ấm áp hơi ấm warmth
OXF3000N thời tiết weather
OXF3000N sự huýt sáo sự thổi còi huýt sáo thổi còi whistle
OXF3000N rút rút khỏi rút lui withdraw
OXF3000N trong vong thời gian trong khoảng thời gian within

khói Nature

to ask Hỏi * 064
to ask Hỏi * 085

like: hói
spielen chơi wán
spielen chơi wán
verlassen rời khỏi, bá, rời bá 离开 líkāi
fragen hỏi wèn
aufgeregt hồi hộp 激动的 jīdòng de
aufregend kích thích, hồi hộp 令人激动的 lìng rén jīdòng de
in letzter Zeit thời gian cuối, thời gian vừa qua 最后的时光 zuìhòu de shíguāng
unverzichtbar không thể từ chối được 必不可缺的 bì bù kě quē de
restaurieren phục hồi, tái tạo lại 修复 xiū fù
abreißen khởi hành, xuất phát 撕开 sī kāi
parallel song song, đồng thời 平行的 píng xíng de
verdorbenes Obst trái cây thối 腐烂的水果 fǔ làn de shuǐ guǒ
schwitzen Đổ mồ hôi 出汗 chū hàn
spannend hồi hộp, thật hồi hộp 紧张有趣的 jǐn zhāng yǒu qù de
abreisen khởi hành, xuất phát 出发 chū fā
entspannend hồi hộp 放松的 fàng sōng de
unausweichlich không tránh khỏi 不能避免的 bù néng bì miǎn de
verneinen từ chối 否定 fǒu dìng
niesen hắt hơi 打喷嚏 dǎ pēn tì
aktuell hiện thời 当前的 dāng qián de
passend thu xếp kịp thời 合适的 hé shì de
abreißen khởi hành, xuất phát 折断 zhé duàn
genial sáng chói, lỗi lạc 天才的 tiān cái de
zugleich cùng, đồng thời 同时 tóng shí
spielen chơi 演奏 yǎn zòu
spielen chơi 演奏 yǎn zòu
ein Instrument spielen chơi một loại nhạc cụ 演奏一样乐器 yǎn zòu yí yàng yuè qì
anspruchsvoll Đòi hỏi cao, cầu toàn 苛求的 kē qiú de
sich amüsieren vui chơi 消遣 xiāo qiǎn
rechtzeitig kịp thời 及时的 jī shí de
jemandem einen Streich spielen chơi khăm, chơi xỏ ai đó 作弄某人 zuònòng mǒurén
anfänglich ban đầu, khởi đầu 开始的 kāishǐ de
zuweisen phân phối, chỉ định 分派, 分配 fēnpài, fēnpèi
kündigen cho thôi việc, đuổi việc 解雇, 辞职 jiěgù, cízhí
jemanden bestechen hối lộ, đút lót ai đó 贿赂某人 huìlù mǒurén
kombinieren kết hợp, phối hợp 组合 zǔhé
blasen thổi chuī
vorübergehend tạm thời 暂时的 zànshí de
vermodern, verfaulen thối, mục 腐烂 fǔlàn
verfault thối, mục 腐烂的 fǔlàn de
verdunsten bốc hơi 蒸发 zhēngfā
sich beratschlagen bàn bạc, hỏi ý kiến 商议 shāngyì
Zeit vergeuden lãng phí thời gian 浪费时间 làngfèi shíjiān
renovieren làm mới lại, phục hồi, sửa chữa 装修 zhuāngxiū
mittelalterlich thuộc thời trung cổ 中世纪的 zhōngshìjì de
verwesen thối rữa 腐烂 fǔlàn
jemanden aufheitern làm ai đó vui vẻ, làm ai đó hồ hởi 使某人活跃 shǐ mǒurén huóyuè
etwas bereuen hối hận về điều gì đó 后悔某事 hòuhuǐ mǒushì
unbestreitbar không thể chối cãi 无可争辩的 wú kě zhēngbiàn de
unbeständiges Wetter thời tiết dễ thay đổi 变化无常的天气 biànhuà-wúcháng de tiānqì
plündern cướp của, hôi của, cướp bóc 掳掠 lǔlüè
spielen chơi
verlassen rời khỏi, bá, rời bá
die Rückfahrkarte vé khứn hồi
das Wechselgeld tiền thối lại (miền nam việt nam)
die Zeit thời gian
der Wechselkurs tỉ giá hối đoái
der Ausflug cuộc đi chơi, chuyến dã ngoại
das Wetter thời tiết
die Wettervorhersage dự báo thời tiết
fragen hỏi
der Lachs cá hồi
das Auto xe hơi (miền nam việt nam), xe ô tô (miền bắc việt nam)
aufgeregt hồi hộp
die Modenschau buối trình diễn thời trang
das Spielwarengeschäft cửa hàng đồ chơi
aufregend kích thích, hồi hộp
der Kinderspielplatz sân chơi dành cho trẻ em
die Spielsachen đồ chơi
die Spielshow trò chơi truyền hình
in letzter Zeit thời gian cuối, thời gian vừa qua
die Romanze cuộc chơi lãng mạn, lãng mạn
die Sozialhilfe trợ cấp xã hội
die Sozialversicherung bảo hiểm xã hội
unverzichtbar không thể từ chối được
restaurieren phục hồi, tái tạo lại
parallel song song, đồng thời
die Frage câu hỏi, chất vấn
verdorbenes Obst trái cây thối
die Tafel Schokolade thỏi sôcôla
das Spiel trò chơi, trận đấu
der Spieler người chơi
der Schweiß mồ hôi
schwitzen Đổ mồ hôi
die Freizeit thời gian rảnh
spannend hồi hộp, thật hồi hộp
abreisen khởi hành, xuất phát
entspannend hồi hộp
der Besen cái chổi
die Gewohnheit thói quen
unausweichlich không tránh khỏi
verneinen từ chối
die Angewohnheit thói quen
der Atem hơi thở
der Lungenkrebs ung thư phổi
der Tumor khối u
niesen hắt hơi
die Abfahrt lối ra, khởi hành
aktuell hiện thời
passend thu xếp kịp thời
das Treffen gặp gỡ, hội họp
genial sáng chói, lỗi lạc
zugleich cùng, đồng thời
spielen chơi
ein Instrument spielen chơi một loại nhạc cụ
anspruchsvoll Đòi hỏi cao, cầu toàn
sich amüsieren vui chơi
die Gesellschaft xã hội
der Aufstand sự nổi dậy, cuộc khởi nghĩa
rechtzeitig kịp thời
der Blocksatz cách sắp chữ theo khối
das Fragezeichen dấu hỏi
der Saal hội trường
der Stundenplan thời khóa biểu
jemandem einen Streich spielen chơi khăm, chơi xỏ ai đó
anfänglich ban đầu, khởi đầu
der Freimaurer thành viên hội tam điểm
zuweisen phân phối, chỉ định
die Ablehnung sự từ chối, sự khước từ
kündigen cho thôi việc, đuổi việc
die Kündigung sự cho nghỉ việc, sự xin thôi việc
die Kündigungsfrist thời hạn quy ước trước khi chấm dứt hợp đồng (lao động)
die Zustellung sự phân phát, sự phân phối
jemanden bestechen hối lộ, đút lót ai đó
der Würfel khối, hình lập phương
kombinieren kết hợp, phối hợp
das Computerspiel trò chơi trên máy tính
der Dampf hơi
blasen thổi
die Phase giai đoạn, thời kỳ
vorübergehend tạm thời
der Gestank mùi hôi
vermodern, verfaulen thối, mục
der Rauch khói
der geräucherte Lachs cá hồi hun khói
verfault thối, mục
der Auspuff ống xả khói
die Forelle cá hồi
verdunsten bốc hơi
der Schnorchel ống thông hơi
sich beratschlagen bàn bạc, hỏi ý kiến
Zeit vergeuden lãng phí thời gian
die Achterbahn trò chơi cảm giác mạnh
die Wäscheleine dây phơi
die Farbkombination sự phối màu, sự kết hợp màu
renovieren làm mới lại, phục hồi, sửa chữa
die Renovierungsarbeiten công việc phục hồi, sửa chữa
der Schlagzeuger tay chơi trống
das Blasinstrument bộ thổi
der Klotz khúc, khối
mittelalterlich thuộc thời trung cổ
das Mittelalter thời trung cổ
verwesen thối rữa
jemanden aufheitern làm ai đó vui vẻ, làm ai đó hồ hởi
die Hypnose sự thôi miên
etwas bereuen hối hận về điều gì đó
die Bestechung sự hối lộ
unbestreitbar không thể chối cãi
die Eiszeit thời kì băng hà
der Gletscher khối băng trôi
unbeständiges Wetter thời tiết dễ thay đổi
die Reue sự sám hối, sự ăn năn
der Brauch tập quán, phong tục, thói quen
die Wiedergeburt sự tái sinh, luân hồi
der Prophet nhà tiên tri, người khởi xướng, giáo chủ hồi giáo
der Karneval lễ hội hóa trang, lễ hội carnaval
plündern cướp của, hôi của, cướp bóc

Er schwimmt und dann spielt er mit einem Kind Ball. Anh ấy đi bơi và sau đó chơi bóng với một đứa trẻ. (Lektion 2, Nr. 12)
Eine Frau kommt zu ihm herüber. Sie fragt: Một phụ nữ đi tới chỗ anh ấy. Cô ấy hỏi: (Lektion 2, Nr. 13)
Tri geht zum Ausgang und verlässt den Flughafen. Tri đi ra và rời khỏi sân bay. (Lektion 3, Nr. 27)
Er fragt eine Dame, wo er eins finden kann. Anh hỏi một phụ nữ là anh có thế tìm một chiếc Taxi ở đâu? (Lektion 4, Nr. 30)
Am Gleis fragt ein Kind Tri, wann der nächste Zug ankommt. Tại đường ray, một đứa trẻ hỏi Tri khi nào chuyến tàu tiếp theo đến. (Lektion 4, Nr. 34)
Tri fragt die Frau drinnen: Tri hỏi người phụ nữ ở trong quầy. (Lektion 5, Nr. 45)
Wie ist der Wechselkurs heute? Tỉ giá ngoại hối hôm nay như thế nào? (Lektion 5, Nr. 46)
Tri gibt die Geldscheine und die Münzen in seine Geldbörse und verlässt das Büro. Tri cho tiền mặt và tiền xu vào ví và rời khỏi văn phòng. (Lektion 5, Nr. 49)
Die Reise beginnt jede Stunde am Hauptbahnhof. Chuyến tham quan khởi hành hàng giờ tại nhà ga trung tâm. (Lektion 7, Nr. 66)
Das ist wahr, aber es gibt keinen Speck. Đúng vậy, nhưng không có thịt hun khói. (Lektion 9, Nr. 83)
Die Wettervorhersage Dự báo thời tiết (Lektion 10, Nr. 92)
Er schaut sich die Wettervorhersage an und denkt: Anh ấy xem dự báo thời tiết và nghĩ: (Lektion 10, Nr. 94)
Gestern war das Wetter wirklich schön und heute ist es auch warm. Hôm qua thời tiết thật là đẹp và hôm nay trời cũng ấm. (Lektion 10, Nr. 95)
Und hier ist die Wettervorhersage für morgen. Và bây giờ là bản tin dự báo thời tiết cho ngày mai. (Lektion 10, Nr. 97)
Nach einer Weile stellt er fest, dass er sich verlaufen hat. Sau một hồi anh ta nhận ra mình đã bị lạc đường. (Lektion 11, Nr. 103)
Tri spricht mit einem jungen Mann. Tri hỏi một người đàn ông trẻ (Lektion 11, Nr. 106)
Das ist sehr einfach. Wissen Sie, wo der Markt ist? Đơn giản thôi. Anh có biết chợ nằm ở đâu không? (Lektion 11, Nr. 108)
Wenn Sie interessiert sind, fragen Sie einfach einen unserer Trainer, er wird Ihnen jede Frage beantworten. Nếu quan tâm, xin liên hệ với huấn luyện viên của chúng tôi, anh ấy sẽ trả lời mọi câu hỏi của các bạn. (Lektion 13, Nr. 136)
Für die Fischsuppe: Garnelen, Lachs, Miesmuscheln, Thunfisch, Meeresfrüchte, Reis. Cho món súp cá: tôm, cá hồi, sò, cá thu, các loại hải sản, gạo. (Lektion 14, Nr. 144)
Tri und Trang spielen Schach. Tri và Trang chơi cờ. (Lektion 15, Nr. 159)
Dann haben wir viel Zeit, uns über unsere Gedanken und neue Ideen zu unterhalten. Lúc đó chúng ta sẽ có nhiều thời gian hơn để nói chuyện về những kỷ niệm và về những ý tưởng mới. (Lektion 18, Nr. 204)
Tri klebt eine Briefmarke auf den Brief und verlässt seine Wohnung. Tri dán tem lên bao thư và ra khỏi nhà. (Lektion 18, Nr. 208)
Deshalb ist er immer aufgeregt, wenn er Auto fährt. Vì vậy anh ấy vẫn luôn hồi hộp khi lái xe ô-tô. (Lektion 19, Nr. 211)
Er fragt den Tankwart. Anh ấy hỏi người bán xăng. (Lektion 19, Nr. 216)
Er fragt die Frau, die am Ticketschalter arbeitet, nach dem günstigsten Weg zu fliegen. Anh ấy hỏi người phụ nữ đang làm việc ở quầy bán vé về đường bay rẻ nhất. (Lektion 20, Nr. 231)
Sie möchte dort ein Kleid anprobieren, das sie auf einer Modenschau gesehen hat. Cô ấy muốn mặc thử một cái váy, cái mà cô ấy đã nhìn thấy trong chương trình biếu diễn thời trang. (Lektion 21, Nr. 254)
Nein, ich mag es medium, mit vielen Gewürzen und Senf. Không, anh muốn chín tái thôi, thêm nhiều gia vị và mù tạc. (Lektion 23, Nr. 280)
Wir müssen nur zur Metzgerei gehen. Chúng ta chỉ phải mua thịt thôi. (Lektion 23, Nr. 290)
Tri ist so aufgeregt, seinen Bruder in Berlin zu besuchen. Tri hồi hộp đi thăm anh trai mình ở Berlin. (Lektion 24, Nr. 292)
Hallo Trang, ich bin so aufgeregt. Chào Trang, anh đang rất hồi hộp. (Lektion 24, Nr. 299)
Zusammen finden wir es. Chúng ta sẽ tìm ra thôi. (Lektion 28, Nr. 365)
Sie fragt einen Taxifahrer: Cô ấy hỏi một người lái xe Taxi: (Lektion 31, Nr. 401)
Sie versucht eine andere Telefonzelle, aber jetzt kann sie nur auf den Anrufbeantworter sprechen. Cô ấy thử sang phòng điện thoại khác, nhưng bây giờ cô ấy chỉ có thế nói vào máy trả lời tự động thôi. (Lektion 31, Nr. 409)
Nein, ich bin unverletzt. Ich stehe nur unter Schock. Không, tôi không bị thương. Chỉ bị sốc thôi. (Lektion 32, Nr. 433)
Er entscheidet sich, Trang in der Apotheke zu besuchen, um sich zu informieren. Anh ấy quyết định đến thăm Trang ở hiệu thưốc đế hỏi thông tin. (Lektion 33, Nr. 437)
Lan ist fünfeinhalb Jahre alt und ein bisschen dick. Lan năm tuối rưỡi và hơi béo. (Lektion 35, Nr. 483)
Normalerweise geht sie zum Spielplatz mit ihnen, aber heute regnet es, also bleibt sie zu Hause. Bình thường thì cô ấy cùng lũ trẻ đến sân chơi, nhưng hôm nay trời mưa, nên cô ấy ở nhà. (Lektion 35, Nr. 485)
Sie kocht eine Kindermahlzeit und legt alle Spielsachen auf den Fußboden. Cô ấy nấu ăn cho bọn trẻ và đế tất cả đồ chơi lên sàn nhà. (Lektion 35, Nr. 486)
Nam spielt immer, dass ihre Tier-Spielzeuge zur Schule gehen müssen. Nam luôn chơi trò dạy học cho những con thú của mình. (Lektion 35, Nr. 491)
Nein, ich weiß, in welcher Farbe ich sie möchte! Rate! Thôi, em biết em thích màu nào rồi. Anh đoán đi. (Lektion 36, Nr. 511)
Nur wenn du Flügel hättest. Chỉ khi anh có cánh thôi. (Lektion 37, Nr. 530)
Sie wünscht, es wäre Sommer. Tri besucht sie. Trang tưởng tượng, bây giờ đang mùa hè. Tri sẽ đến chơi với cô. (Lektion 38, Nr. 538)
Hallo Trang, schönes Wetter! Chào Trang, thời tiết thật đẹp. (Lektion 38, Nr. 539)
Du hast mich davor gerettet, depressiv zu werden. Anh đã cứu em khỏi sự buồn chán. (Lektion 38, Nr. 544)
Nein, ich möchte eine Spielshow oder einen richtigen Film sehen. Thôi ,em chỉ muốn xem chương trình trò chơi giải trí hoặc một bộ phim thôi. (Lektion 38, Nr. 549)
Die Tante war immer so stolz, weil sie normalerweise nie kocht, nur an Weihnachten. Cô luôn tự hào, vì bình thường cô không bao giờ nấu ăn, ngoại trừ vào dịp lễ giáng sinh thôi. (Lektion 40, Nr. 573)
Sein Großvater spielt jedes Jahr Geige. Năm nào ông của anh cũng chơi đàn v i-ô-lông. (Lektion 40, Nr. 574)
Manchmal spielt sein Vetter Flöte und Klavier. Thỉnh thoảng người anh họ của anh thối sáo và chơi đàn piano. (Lektion 40, Nr. 576)
Er spielte laute Rockmusik mit seiner Elektrogitarre. Anh chơi rock ồn ào bằng ghi-ta điện. (Lektion 40, Nr. 578)
Ich dachte nur, weil wir auch das Bad teilen. Anh chỉ nghĩ vậy thôi, vì chúng ta cũng dùng chung nhà tắm mà. (Lektion 42, Nr. 600)
Ich möchte es nur bequem haben. Em chỉ muốn sao cho thoải mái thôi. (Lektion 42, Nr. 602)
Der ist für mich unverzichtbar. Cái này với anh không thể từ chối được. (Lektion 44, Nr. 637)
Teile das Brett und zeichne parallel zueinander sechs Löcher auf. Hãy phân chia những tấm ván và đồng thời lược đồ theo sáu cái lỗ. (Lektion 46, Nr. 660)
Okay, dann hebe ich alle Nägel vom Boden auf, sammle sie in einer Schachtel und klebe ein Schild darauf. Tốt thôi, vậy anh nhặt những cái đinh dưới nền nhà lên, tập hợp chúng lại trong một cái hộp và dán tấm biển lên trên. (Lektion 46, Nr. 663)
Dann werden wir mit dem Auto dort hinfahren und die Fahrräder mitnehmen. Thế thì chúng ta đi tới đó bằng xe hơi và sẽ mang theo xe đạp. (Lektion 50, Nr. 708)
Ich werde mich bei der Touristeninformation über mögliche Ausflugsziele in der Umgebung erkundigen. Anh sẽ hỏi thông tin tại điểm thông tin du lịch về những điểm dã ngoại có thể ở khu vực gần đó. (Lektion 50, Nr. 710)
Spannend! Davon habe ich auch schon gehört. Thật hồi hộp! Anh đã nghe về điều đó rồi. (Lektion 50, Nr. 712)
Sie steigen in ihr Auto und reisen ab. Họ lên xe và khởi hành. (Lektion 51, Nr. 717)
Nein, denn wir haben es eilig! Không, vì chúng ta phải nhanh lên thôi! (Lektion 51, Nr. 722)
Gut, dann lass uns schnell weiterfahren! Được rồi, vậy chúng ta phải nhanh đi tiếp thôi! (Lektion 51, Nr. 724)
Trang und Tri haben den Schlüssel zur Hütte rechtzeitig abgeholt. Trang và Trí đã kịp thời lấy được chìa khóa nhà gỗ. (Lektion 52, Nr. 727)
Komm, lass uns doch lieber die Räder schieben! Tốt hơn hết là chúng ta dắt xe thôi! (Lektion 52, Nr. 734)
Der Arzt kommt rechtzeitig und leistet Erste Hilfe. Bác sỹ đến kịp thời và thực hiện việc sơ cứu. (Lektion 53, Nr. 756)
Morgen wird das Wetter bestimmt wieder schön! Ngày mai chắc là thời tiết sẽ lại rất đẹp! (Lektion 54, Nr. 762)
Sieht so aus! Aber jetzt ist es doch ziemlich kühl. Có thể thế! Nhưng bây giờ trời hơi lạnh rồi. (Lektion 54, Nr. 763)
Es ist schon spät, lass uns doch ins Bett gehen. Muộn rồi, chúng ta đi ngủ thôi. (Lektion 54, Nr. 765)
Darf ich mal eine neugierige Frage stellen? Em có thể hỏi một câu tò mò được không? (Lektion 56, Nr. 799)
Jeder hat seine Angewohnheiten. Ich werde versuchen, mich nicht mehr so aufzuregen. Mỗi người đều có thói quen của mình. Em sẽ cố gắng không nổi nóng như thế nữa. (Lektion 60, Nr. 856)
Sie dreht sich um und fragt: Cô quay lại và hỏi: (Lektion 65, Nr. 929)
Tri hat sich beim Ausflug in den Zoo erkältet. Sau chuyến đi chơi ở sở thú, Trí đã bị cảm lạnh. (Lektion 66, Nr. 936)
Er niest, seine Nase läuft und der Hals tut ihm weh. Anh bị hắt hơi, chảy mũi và đau cổ họng. (Lektion 66, Nr. 937)
Deine Stirn ist ja ganz heiß! Wir müssen Fieber messen! Trán anh thật nóng quá! Chúng ta phải đo nhiệt độ thôi! (Lektion 66, Nr. 939)
Wir gehen jetzt zum Arzt! Chúng ta tới bác sỹ bây giờ thôi! (Lektion 66, Nr. 942)
Das Blut strömt aus der rechten Seite des Herzens in die Lunge, nimmt dort Sauerstoff auf und gibt Kohlendioxid ab. Máu chảy từ phía bên phải của tim tới phổi, nhận oxi ở đó và thải ra khí CÓ . (Lektion 66, Nr. 949)
Nur durch Zufall erkennt er eine Radarkontrolle rechtzeitig und kann abbremsen. Chỉ là sự ngẫu nhiên anh nhận được tín hiệu của máy định vị kịp thời và có thể phanh lại. (Lektion 67, Nr. 958)
Als sie das Auto starten möchte, springt es nicht an. Khi cô khởi động, xe không nổ. (Lektion 68, Nr. 966)
Ich werde passend und bar bezahlen, wenn ich den Wagen abhole. Tôi sẽ thu xếp kịp thời và trả bằng tiền mặt khi đến lấy xe. (Lektion 70, Nr. 1007)
In der Bar angekommen, begrüßen die beiden ihre Freunde. Tới quán bar, họ chào hỏi hai người bạn. (Lektion 73, Nr. 1046)
Erst war ich ziemlich nervös, aber dann habe ich mich getraut, dich zu fragen, ob du etwas trinken möchtest. Mới đầu anh hơi căng thẳng, nhưng sau đó lấy lại tự tin để hỏi em, liệu em có muốn uống gì đó không. (Lektion 74, Nr. 1060)
Trangs Cousin will noch etwas auf dem Klavier vorspielen und meine Schwester wird uns ein Lied singen. Anh họ của Trang còn muốn chơi đàn vi ô lông và chị gái anh sẽ hát. (Lektion 78, Nr. 1114)
Leicht angeheitert amüsieren sie sich und haben scheinbar sehr viel Spaß. Hơi ngà ngà say họ vui chơi và rõ ràng là rất thích thú. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1122)
Als das Orchester sein Stück beendet, warten alle gespannt auf die nächste Überraschung. Khi dàn nhạc kết thúc, tất cả hồi hộp chờ đợi vào sự ngạc nhiên tiếp theo. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1124)
Die Kinder spielen Fangen zwischen den Hochzeitsgästen und bestaunen den Tisch mit den vielen Geschenken. Trẻ con thì chơi đuổi bắt giữa những khách cưới và ngắm nghía cái bàn với nhiều quà tặng. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1127)
In diesen klären sie die Bevölkerung darüber auf, wie sie die Aufgaben und Probleme lösen wollen, die auf die Gesellschaft zukommen. Trong đó họ giải thích với dân chúng, họ sẽ giải quyết nhiệm vụ và những vấn đề xảy ra trong xã hội như thế nào. (Lektion 81, Nr. 1154)
Dann beginnen wir gleich mit der Suche! Vậy chúng ta bắt đầu tìm ngay thôi! (Lektion 82, Nr. 1174)
Begeistert zeigt sie Tri eine Zeitschrift. Cô phấn khởi đưa cho Trí một cuốn tạp chí. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1179)
Mit wem spreche ich, bitte? Xin hỏi ai đang gọi đấy ạ? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1210)
Darf ich fragen, worum es geht? Xin hỏi anh / chị gọi có việc gì đấy ạ? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1211)
Haben Sie einen Moment Zeit? Anh / Chị có chút thời gian bây giờ không? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1219)
Sind die Kollegen der Forschungsabteilung noch da? Xin hỏi nhân viên của phòng nghiên cứu có còn đó không? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1223)
Ich rufe wegen des Besprechungstermins morgen an. Tôi gọi để hỏi về cuộc họp ngày mai. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1237)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Xin cám ơn câu hỏi của bạn đã gửi. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1328)
Ihre Anfrage vom 02.08. Về câu hỏi / yêu cầu của anh / chị vào ngày 02.08. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1345)
Falls Sie weitere Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an meine Kollegin. Nếu anh / chị có câu hỏi gì thêm nữa xin hãy liên hệ với đồng nghiệp của tôi. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1358)
Für Fragen stehen wir jederzeit zur Verfügung. Nếu anh / chị cần hỏi gì thêm nữa chúng tôi luôn luôn sẵn sàng giải đáp. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1359)
Ich beziehe mich auf Ihre E-Mail vom 23. August. Tôi muốn hỏi về bức thư của anh / chị vào 23.08. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1374)
Bitte löschen Sie mich aus Ihrem Verteiler. Làm ơn xóa tên tôi khỏi danh sách gửi thư của quý vị. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1387)
In der Zeit vom 23.12. bis zum 10.01. bin ich leider nicht erreichbar. Trong khoảng thời gian từ 23.12 đến 10. 01 tôi sẽ không thể liên lạc được. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1388)
Für weitere Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung. Nếu có câu hỏi gì thêm tôi sẵn sàng để giải đáp. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1392)
Ich beziehe mich auf Ihr Fax vom 19. November. Tôi muốn hỏi về bản fax 19.11. (Lektion 93, Nr. 1409)
Das ist mein Kollege. Er ist zu dieser Konferenz aus Deutschland angereist. Hân hạnh giới thiệu đồng nghiệp của tôi. Anh ấy / Ông ấy từ Đức tới để dự hội thảo. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1448)
Wie wird das Wetter heute? Thời tiết hôm nay thế nào? (Lektion 96, Nr. 1502)
Was für ein schreckliches Wetter heute! Thời tiết hôm nay thật là kinh khủng. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1503)
Wie ist das Wetter in Ihrer Heimatstadt gerade? Thời tiết ở đất nước của anh / chị hiện thế nào? (Lektion 96, Nr. 1504)
Wir haben wirklich Glück mit dem Wetter. Normalerweise ist es um diese Jahreszeit viel kälter. Chúng ta thật là có may mắn với thời tiết. Bình thường vào mùa này trời lạnh hơn nhiều. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1505)
Leider haben wir heute Pech mit dem Wetter. Hôm nay chúng ta gặp xui xẻo với thời tiết. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1506)
Ich habe den Wetterbericht gehört: Morgen soll es wärmer werden. Tôi mới nghe dự báo thời tiết: ngày mai trời sẽ ấm hơn. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1507)
Spielen Sie Golf? Anh / Chị có chơi golf không? (Lektion 96, Nr. 1513)
Ich spiele seit Jahren Fußball. Tôi chơi bóng đá từ nhiều năm rồi. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1519)
Wann haben Sie Zeit? Khi nào anh / chị có thời gian? (Lektion 97, Nr. 1542)
Ich habe am Montag und am Donnerstag Zeit. Tôi có thời gian vào thứ hai và thứ năm. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1546)
Bitte schreiben Sie mir, wann Sie Zeit für ein Treffen haben. Xin cho tôi biết khi nào anh / chị có thời gian cho một buổi gặp mặt. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1549)
Einverstanden, dieser Termin ist gut. Đồng ý, thời điểm ấy rất phù hợp. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1552)
Leider habe ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt schon einen anderen Termin. Rất tiếc tôi đã có một cuộc hẹn khác vào thời gian đó. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1556)
Anbei finden Sie eine Liste mit unseren aktuellen Preisen. Tôi xin gửi quý khách bảng giá hiện thời của chúng tôi: (Lektion 98, Nr. 1571)
Leider müssen Sie mit einer längeren Lieferzeit rechnen. Rất tiếc quý khách phải tính tới việc thời gian vận chuyển bị kéo dài thêm. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1594)
Würden Sie mir einige Fragen zu diesem Thema beantworten? Anh / Chị có thể vui lòng trả lời vài câu hỏi về đề tài này được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1622)
Haben Sie noch Fragen zu meinem Vortrag? Quý vị còn có câu hỏi nào về bài thuyết trình của tôi không? (Lektion 100, Nr. 1658)
Leider haben wir heute keine Zeit mehr um dieses Thema zu besprechen. Rất tiếc hôm nay chúng ta không còn thời gian để bàn về đề tài này nữa. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1673)
Diese Frage verstehe ich nicht. Können Sie mir das bitte erklären? Tôi không hiểu câu hỏi này. Anh / Chị làm ơn giải thích giúp tôi được không? (Lektion 101, Nr. 1689)
Ein Praktikum bietet die Gelegenheit einen Beruf näher kennenzulernen. Khóa thực tập đem đến cơ hội làm quen với nghiệp vụ chuyên môn. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1732)
Ich möchte mich über meine beruflichen Möglichkeiten informieren. Tôi muốn được thu thập thông tin về các cơ hội nghề nghiệp. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1740)
Wenn Sie sich für die Kultur und die Sprache Chinas interessieren, bieten wir Ihnen die Gelegenheit das anzuwenden, was Sie während Ihres Studiums gelernt haben. Nếu anh / chị có quan tâm đến văn hóa và tiếng Trung Quốc, thì chúng tôi tạo cơ hội cho anh / chị áp dụng các kiến thức mà anh / chị đã học. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1745)
Wir bieten Ihnen die Mitarbeit bei spannenden Projekten in einer der größten Beratungsfirmen Europas an. Chúng tôi tạo cơ hội cho anh / chị tham gia các dự án hấp dẫn của một trong những công ty tư vấn lớn nhất Châu Âu. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1754)
Während des Praktikums habe ich viel Neues gelernt. Trong thời gian thực tập tôi đã học được nhiều điều mới. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1755)
Das Verhältnis mit den Kollegen war sehr gut. Wir haben auch in der Freizeit viel gemeinsam unternommen. Quan hệ với đồng nghiệp rất tốt. Chúng tôi cũng đi chơi cùng nhau nhiều trong thời gian rỗi. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1765)
Ihre Aufgabe wird die Koordination internationaler Projekte sein. Công việc của anh / chị là điều phối các dự án quốc tế. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1780)
Wir bieten Ihnen eine unbefristete Stelle mit vielen Sozialleistungen. Chúng tôi hứa hẹn một vị trí làm việc vô thời hạn với nhiều lợi tức xã hội. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1796)
Das Arbeitsverhältnis ist auf ein Jahr befristet. Hợp đồng làm việc này có thời hạn một năm. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1799)
Mein Spezialgebiet ist die Erstellung, Durchführung und Analyse von Kundenbefragungen. Phạm vi công việc chủ yếu của tôi là biên soạn, thực hiện và phân tích các câu hỏi của khách hàng. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1815)
Für Ihre Fragen stehe ich Ihnen gerne und jederzeit telefonisch zur Verfügung. Anh / chị có thể liên lạc với tôi qua điện thoại nếu anh / chị có câu hỏi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1826)
Meine Aufgabe war es den Auftritt meiner Firma auf internationalen Messen zu organisieren. Công việc của tôi là tổ chức việc tham gia của công ty ở các hội chợ triển lãm quốc tế. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1854)
Während meines Studiums habe ich mich bei einer Umweltorganisation engagiert. Ich war oft für diese Organisation unterwegs. So hat sich mein Studium in die Länge gezogen. Trong thời gian học đại học tôi đã tham gia vào một tổ chức môi trường. Tôi thường đi nhiều nơi cho tổ chức này. Vì vậy việc học tập của tôi bị kéo dài. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1878)
Warum möchten Sie Ihren derzeitigen Arbeitsplatz aufgeben? Vì sao anh / chị muốn thôi công việc hiện tại? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1881)
Mein vorheriger Arbeitgeber musste Insolvenz anmelden und so wurde allen Angestellten gekündigt. Người tuyển dụng cũ của tôi bị phá sản và vì vậy tất cả nhân viên bị thôi việc. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1900)
Während ich arbeitslos war, habe ich mich beruflich weitergebildet. Trong thời gian thất nghiệp tôi đã học thêm ngành chuyên môn. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1903)
Das Jahr in dem ich arbeitslos war, habe ich genutzt um mich weiterzubilden. Trong năm tôi thất nghiệp, tôi đã sử dụng thời gian để học thêm nghề. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1904)
Wie schätzen Sie Ihre interkulturelle Kompetenz ein? Khả năng hội nhập văn hóa của anh / chị thế nào? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1908)
Französisch habe ich während meines Studiums in Paris gelernt. Tôi đã học tiếng Pháp trong thời gian học đại học ở Paris. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1914)
Ich bin stolz darauf, dass ich mir mein Studium und meinen Auslandsaufenthalt selbst finanziert habe. Tôi tự hào về việc đã tự trang trải chi phí cho khóa học đại học và thời gian sống ở nước ngoài của tôi. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1941)
Ich habe Ihr Unternehmen auf einer Messe kennengelernt und bin seither sehr daran interessiert für Sie zu arbeiten. Tôi đã làm quen với công ty của ông / bà ở một hội chợ triển lãm và từ đó tôi rất quan tâm được làm việc cho công ty. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1954)
Haben Sie noch Fragen? Anh / Chị có câu hỏi gì nữa không? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1958)
Wie schätzen Sie meine Entwicklungschancen in Ihrer Firma ein? Cơ hội phát triển của tôi trong công ty của ông / bà sẽ thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1970)
Ich habe Ihnen in der letzten Woche meine Bewerbung zugeschickt und seither noch nichts von Ihnen gehört. Tuần trước tôi đã gửi đơn xin việc và cho đến giờ vẫn chưa nhận được hồi âm của ông / bà. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1971)
Ich habe nach meinem Vorstellungsgespräch noch nichts von Ihnen gehört und wollte mich jetzt erkunden, ob noch Fragen offen geblieben sind. Sau cuộc phỏng vấn tôi chưa nhận được hồi âm của ông / bà và vì vậy tôi muốn hỏi, liệu còn có câu hỏi nào vẫn chưa được trả lời không? (Lektion 109, Nr. 1973)
Ich möchte mich nach dem Stand des Bewerbungsverfahrens erkundigen. Tôi muốn hỏi về hiện trạng của quá trình tuyển dụng. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1975)
Wir können Ihnen eine Teilzeitstelle anbieten. Chúng tôi đề nghị anh / chị một vị trí làm việc bán thời gian. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1984)
Sie können sich ihre Arbeitszeit bei uns frei einteilen. Anh / Chị có thể tự do thu xếp thời gian làm việc cho chúng tôi. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1985)
Ich freue mich, auch den Vorstandsvorsitzenden zu diesem Vortrag begrüßen zu dürfen. Tôi rất vui có sự hiện diện của ngài chủ tịch hội đồng quản trị trong buổi diễn thuyết hôm nay. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2083)
Im Anschluss an meinen Vortrag, freue ich mich auf Ihre Fragen. Ngay sau bài thuyết trình của mình, tôi rất vui khi nhận được các câu hỏi của quý vị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2099)
Haben Sie noch Fragen hierzu? Quý vị có còn câu hỏi nào nữa không? (Lektion 114, Nr. 2110)
Bitte merken Sie sich Ihre Frage. Ich möchte sie gerne nach meiner Präsentation beantworten. Xin quý vị hãy ghi nhớ câu hỏi của mình. Tôi sẽ trả lời sau bài giới thiệu của mình. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2112)
Ich freue mich jetzt auf Ihre Fragen. Bây giờ tôi rất vui được nhận các câu hỏi của quý vị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2118)
Ich habe noch eine Frage. Tôi vẫn còn một câu hỏi. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2122)
Ich habe eine Frage an Sie. Tôi có một câu hỏi. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2125)
Ich habe eine Frage zu Tabelle 2. Hier scheint etwas nicht zu stimmen. Tôi có một câu hỏi về bảng biểu 2. Ở đây có điều gì đó không hợp lý. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2126)
Das Projekt ist eine einzigartige Chance für uns. Dự án này là cơ hội lớn cho chúng ta. (Lektion 116, Nr. 2182)
Wann ist der Abgabetermin? Thời hạn bàn giao là khi nào? (Lektion 116, Nr. 2191)
Wir konnten Zeit sparen. Chúng ta đã có thể tiết kiệm thời gian. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2211)
Wir werden rechtzeitig fertig. Chúng ta sẽ hoàn thành đúng thời hạn. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2213)
Wir werden nicht rechtzeitig fertig. Chúng ta sẽ không hoàn thành đúng thời hạn. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2214)
Ich habe eine Frage zu Ihrem Produkt. Tôi có câu hỏi về sản phẩm của quý vị. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2276)
Ich möchte mich zur Messe anmelden. Tôi muốn đăng ký tham gia hội chợ. (Lektion 120, Nr. 2295)
Wann findet die Messe statt? Khi nào hội chợ diễn ra? (Lektion 120, Nr. 2296)
Diese Messe richtet sich an Experten aus der ganzen Welt. Hội chợ này hướng đến các chuyên gia từ khắp nơi trên thế giới. (Lektion 120, Nr. 2298)
Hier treffen sich die Fachleute. Các chuyên gia sẽ hội tụ tại đây. (Lektion 120, Nr. 2299)
Wo kann ich eine Eintrittskarte für die Messe kaufen? Tôi có thể mua vé cho hội chợ ở đâu? (Lektion 120, Nr. 2300)
Wir möchten an dieser Messe als Aussteller teilnehmen. Chúng tôi muốn tham gia trưng bày tại hội chợ này. (Lektion 120, Nr. 2303)
Wir möchten in den Katalog der Messe aufgenommen werden. Chúng tôi muốn được có tên trong quyển giới thiệu / quyển catalog của hội chợ. (Lektion 120, Nr. 2307)
Wann öffnet das Messezentrum? Khi nào trung tâm hội chợ mở cửa? (Lektion 120, Nr. 2323)
Wann schließt das Messezentrum? Khi nào trung tâm hội chợ đóng cửa? (Lektion 120, Nr. 2324)
Wenn ich gleich heute bei Ihnen bestelle, bekomme ich einen Messerabatt? Nếu đặt hàng tại hội chợ hôm nay, tôi sẽ nhận được khuyến mại phải không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2349)
Das ist unser Angebot für diese Messe. Đây là khuyến mại của chúng tôi tại hội chợ này. (Lektion 121, Nr. 2350)
Das können Sie nur hier auf der Messe kaufen. Quý vị chỉ có thể mua nó ngay ở hội chợ này. (Lektion 121, Nr. 2352)
Beteiligen Sie sich an dieser Fachtagung! Xin hãy tham gia buổi hội nghị chuyên ngành! (Lektion 122, Nr. 2353)
Vom 03.05. bis zum 05.05. findet eine interessante Konferenz statt. Từ ngày 03.05 đến ngày 05.05 sẽ diễn ra một hội nghị rất đáng chú ý. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2354)
Möchten Sie an dieser Konferenz teilnehmen? Quý vị có muốn tham gia hội nghị này không? (Lektion 122, Nr. 2355)
Wir freuen uns, Sie zu unser Tagung begrüßen zu dürfen. Chúng tôi rất vui nếu quý vị tham buổi hội nghị. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2356)
Reichen Sie Ihre Rede bis zum 15.02. bei der Jury ein. Xin quý vị hãy gửi bài phát biểu của mình tới hội đồng giám khảo đến ngày 15.2. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2357)
Meine Firma möchte diese Tagung gerne als Sponsor unterstützen. Công ty của tôi rất muốn tài trợ cho cuộc hội thảo này. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2358)
Profitieren Sie von unserer langjährigen Erfahrung in Planung, Organisation und Durchführung von Tagungen und Konferenzen. Kinh nghiệm lâu năm của chúng tôi trong việc lên kế hoạch, tổ chức và điều hành hội thảo, hội nghị sẽ đem lại cho quí vị nhiều lợi ích. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2359)
Die Schwerpunkte der Tagung sind: Trọng tâm của buổi hội thảo là: (Lektion 122, Nr. 2360)
Diese Tagung lädt Experten aus dem Bereich Metallverarbeitung ein, ihr Wissen auszutauschen. Hội nghị này sẽ mời các chuyên gia từ lĩnh vực xử lý kim loại đến để trao đổi kiến thức. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2361)
Bei dieser Konferenz treffen sich Wissenschaftler aus der ganzen Welt und tauschen sich über ihre Forschungsergebnisse aus. Tại hội thảo này, các nhà khoa học đến từ khắp nơi trên thế giới gặp gỡ và trao đổi với nhau về các thành quả nghiên cứu. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2362)
Treffen wir uns auf der Konferenz im Mai? Chúng ta sẽ gặp nhau tại cuộc hội thảo vào tháng năm phải không? (Lektion 122, Nr. 2363)
Nehmen Sie auch an dieser Tagung teil? Quý vị cũng tham dự cuộc hội thảo này phải không? (Lektion 122, Nr. 2364)
Ich halte einen Vortrag auf dieser Konferenz. Tôi sẽ có một bài thuyết trình tại cuộc hội thảo này. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2365)
Ich möchte einen Beitrag zu dieser Konferenz einreichen. Tôi muốn gửi một bài tham gia cho cuộc hội thảo này. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2367)
Das ist das Programm der Konferenz. Đây là bản chương trình của buổi hội nghị. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2368)
Auf dieser Tagung werden aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse vorgestellt. Buổi hội thảo này sẽ giới thiệu các thành quả nghiên cứu mới nhất. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2370)
Bitte organisieren Sie meine An- und Abreise für die Konferenz in Warschau. Xin hãy lên kế hoạch đi lại của tôi cho cuộc hội nghị ở Warsaw. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2375)
Ich reise morgen ab. Tôi sẽ đi khỏi đây ngày mai. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2404)
Gerne. Ich habe Zeit. Vâng. Tôi có thời gian. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2406)
Ich habe heute leider keine Zeit. Rất tiếc hôm nay tôi không có thời gian. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2408)
Leider konnten wir bisher keinen Eingang auf unserem Konto feststellen. Rất tiếc cho tới thời điểm này tài khoản chúng tôi vẫn chưa nhận được tiền của ông / bà / quý vị. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2530)
Leider haben Sie auf unsere 1. Mahnung nicht reagiert. Rất tiếc là ông / bà / quý vị đã không phản hồi lá thư nhắc nhở đầu tiên của chúng tôi. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2539)
Wir werden bei unserer Bank nachfragen, was passiert ist. Chúng tôi sẽ hỏi lại ngân hàng của chúng tôi chuyện gì đã xảy ra. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2551)
Ich werde bei unserer Bank nachfragen, warum sich die Zahlung verzögert. Tôi sẽ hỏi lại ngân hàng, tại sao quá trình thanh toán bị chậm. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2552)

2479 The shuttle that goes to the airport runs every half hour. Xe bus con thoi mà chạy đến sân bay chạy nửa tiếng một lần.

accept that...: He just refused to accept that his father was no longer there. accept
accept sth from sb: He is charged with accepting bribes from a firm of suppliers. accept
Children must learn socially acceptable behaviour. acceptable
Journalists were denied access to the President. access
a car/road/traffic accident accident
rented/temporary/furnished accommodation accommodation
The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd. account for sth
acknowledge sth: She refuses to acknowledge the need for reform. acknowledge
an Act of Congress act
The time has come for action if these beautiful animals are to survive. action
adapt yourself to sth: It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings. adapt
He didn't give an adequate answer to the question. adequate
They'll be fine—they just need time to adjust. adjust
adjust to doing sth: It took her a while to adjust to living alone. adjust
admit to sth: He refused to admit to the other charges. admit
He refused to admit his guilt. admit
She stubbornly refuses to admit the truth. admit
admit (that)...: They freely admit (that) they still have a lot to learn. admit
The council is expected to adopt the new policy at its next meeting. adopt
We live in an age of rapid technological advance. advance
People were evacuated from the coastal regions in advance of the hurricane. in advance (of sth)
advanced industrial societies advanced
You will be at an advantage (= have an advantage) in the interview if you have thought about the questions in advance. advantage
advantage over sb: Being tall gave him an advantage over the other players. advantage
Ask your teacher 's advice / Ask your teacher for advice on how to prepare for the exam. advice
She felt she couldn't afford any more time off work. afford
afraid to do sth: Don't be afraid to ask if you don't understand. afraid
day after day of hot weather after
I've told you time after time not to do that. after
Shortly afterwards he met her again. afterwards
He started playing the piano at an early age. age
15 is an awkward age. age
a short/long time ago ago
He stopped working some time ago (= quite a long time ago). ago
They're getting married? It's not that long ago (= it's only a short time ago) that they met! ago
agree sth: They met at the agreed time. agree
By the time the alarm was raised the intruders had escaped. alarm
a burglar/fire/smoke alarm alarm
She was unemployed for all that time. all
allow sth: Smoking is not allowed in the hall. allow
allow sb/sth + adv./prep.: The prisoners are allowed out of their cells for two hours a day. allow
You won't be allowed up (= out of bed) for several days. allow
Are you sure it's all right for me to leave early? all right
She was sitting all alone in the hall. alone
'What am I going to do?' she wondered aloud. aloud
I felt he was wrong, although I didn't say so at the time. although
it amazes sb that.../to see, find, learn, etc.: It amazed her that he could be so calm at such a time. amaze
an amount of time/money/information amount
it amuses sb to do sth: It amused him to think that they were probably talking about him at that very moment. amuse
amuse sb: She suggested several ideas to help Laura amuse the twins. amuse
Playing with water can keep children amused for hours. keep sb amused
an amusing story/game/incident amusing
The question clearly angered him. anger
Her most annoying habit was eating with her mouth open. annoying
'Finished?' 'No, I've got another three questions to do.' another
a question and answer session answer
answer to sth: I can't easily give an answer to your question. answer
Do you know the answer (= the right one) to question 12? answer
I repeated the question, but she didn't answer. answer
answer sth: You haven't answered my question. answer
He refused to answer the charges against him. answer
answer (sb): Come on, answer me! Where were you? answer
antisocial anti-
Our anticipated arrival time is 8.30. anticipate
anticipate sth: We need someone who can anticipate and respond to changes in the fashion industry. anticipate
anticipate what, how, that, etc...: Try and anticipate what the interviewers will ask. anticipate
Waiting for exam results is a time of great anxiety. anxiety
to ask/look/wait anxiously anxiously
She asked if we had any questions. any
I've finished apart from the last question. apart from
It was a difficult time. Apart from everything else, we had financial problems. apart from
appeal (to sb) (for sth): to launch a TV appeal for donations to the charity appeal
appeal to sb: The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups. appeal
Smoke appeared on the horizon. appear
New shoots are just appearing at the base of the plant. appear
I don't want to go to the party, but I suppose I'd better put in an appearance (= go there for a short time). appearance
application to sb (for sth/to do sth): His application to the court for bail has been refused. application
Viewing is by appointment only (= only at a time that has been arranged in advance). appointment
I'd like to ask his opinion but I find him difficult to approach (= not easy to talk to in a friendly way). approach
The time is fast approaching when we shall have to make a decision. approach
Is now an appropriate time to make a speech? appropriate
I told my mother I wanted to leave school but she didn't approve. approve
The tumour had not spread to other areas of the body. area
a play/parking/dining area area
argue that...: He argued that they needed more time to finish the project. argue
After leaving school, Mike went into the army. army
We were all running around trying to get ready in time. around
Digital television has been around for some time now. around
Opposition leaders were put under house arrest (= not allowed to leave their houses). arrest
There are 120 arrivals and departures every day. arrival
By the time I arrived on the scene, it was all over. arrive
Have you seen that article about young fashion designers? article
the artistic works of the period artistic
She doesn't play as well as her sister. as
They did as I had asked. as
It sounds as though you had a good time. as if/as though
He took me aside (= away from a group of people) to give me some advice. aside
Leaving aside (= not considering at this stage) the cost of the scheme, let us examine its benefits. aside
ask sb (+ adv./prep.): They've asked me to dinner. ask
ask if, whether, etc...: I'll ask if it's all right to park here. ask
ask sb if, whether, etc...: She asked her boss whether she could have the day off. ask
ask sb to do sth: All the students were asked to complete a questionnaire. ask
ask whether, what, etc...: I asked whether they could change my ticket. ask
ask sb whether, what, etc...: She asked me if I would give her English lessons. ask
ask sth: Why don't you ask his advice? ask
ask sb for sth: Why don't you ask him for his advice? ask
ask sth of sb: Can I ask a favour of you? ask
ask sb sth: Can I ask you a favour? ask
ask about sb/sth: He asked about her family. ask
ask sth: Can I ask a question? ask
Did you ask the price? ask
+ speech: 'Where are you going?' she asked. ask
ask sb + speech: 'Are you sure?' he asked her. ask
ask sb sth: She asked the students their names. ask
I often get asked that! ask
ask sb (about sth): The interviewer asked me about my future plans. ask
ask where, what, etc...: He asked where I lived. ask
ask sb where, what, etc...: I had to ask the teacher what to do next. ask
I was asked if/whether I could drive. ask
Do you belong to any professional or trade associations? association
the Football Association association
a residents' association association
The seaside had all sorts of pleasant associations with childhood holidays for me. association
Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds. assume
She would, he assumed, be home at the usual time. assume
I didn't know at the time of writing (= when I wrote). at
a smoky/stuffy atmosphere atmosphere
to launch an all-out attack on poverty/unemployment attack
to launch/make/mount an attack attack
A child is recovering in hospital after a serious attack by a stray dog. attack
attempt to do sth: I will attempt to answer all your questions. attempt
attend sth: The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders. attend
Small children have a very short attention span. attention
Attractions at the fair include a mini-circus, clowns, dancers and a jazz band. attraction
They are able to offer attractive career opportunities to graduates. attractive
automatic transmission (= in a car, etc.) automatic
Parents spend an average of $220 a year on toys. average
Temperatures are above/below average for the time of year. average
The car swerved to avoid a cat. avoid
It took her some time to awake to the dangers of her situation. awake to sth
Put your toys away. away
The weather last summer was awful. awful
Don't ask awkward questions. awkward
I pulled (= injured the muscles in) my back playing squash. back
The village has a history going back to the Middle Ages. back
We were right back where we started, only this time without any money. back
to back out of a parking space back
The rebels backed up their demands with threats. back sb/sth up
a person's family/social/cultural/educational/class background background
In the movie they take a journey backwards through time. backwards
Weather like this is bad for business. bad
I know that this is a bad time to ask for help. bad
bad news/weather/dreams/habits bad
Smoking gives you bad breath. bad
to play/sing badly badly
His lack of experience was balanced by a willingness to learn. balance
ban sb from doing sth: She's been banned from leaving Greece while the allegations are investigated. ban
I picked up a few good bargains in the sale. bargain
The car was a bargain at that price. bargain
bargain prices bargain
I spend a lot of time in Britain but Paris is still my base. base
a class-based society based
on a regular/permanent/part-time/temporary basis basis
be doing sth: The problem is getting it all done in the time available. be
be to do sth: The problem is to get it all done in the time available. be
Karen wasn't beaten in any of her games, but all the others were. be
beat sth + adv./prep.: She was beating dust out of the carpet (= removing dust from the carpet by beating it). beat
beat sb: At that time children were regularly beaten for quite minor offences (= a punishment). beat
beautiful countryside/weather/music beautiful
What beautiful timing! beautiful
The sheer beauty of the scenery took my breath away. beauty
It's time for bed (= time to go to sleep). bed
to get into/out of bed bed
Leave your keys at reception before departure. before
That had happened long before (= a long time earlier). before
begin sth at/with sth: He always begins his lessons with a warm-up exercise. begin
begin sth: He began a new magazine on post-war architecture. begin
We missed the beginning of the movie. beginning
The birth of their first child marked the beginning of a new era in their married life. beginning
social/sexual/criminal behaviour behaviour
A society should be judged on its beliefs and values. belief
The man claimed to be a social worker and the old woman believed him. believe
He refused to believe (that) his son was involved in drugs. believe
The knives were bent out of shape. bend
The best we can hope for in the game is a draw. best
bet sth (on sth): He bet $2 000 on the final score of the game. bet
We're hoping for better weather tomorrow. better
'I'll give you back the money tomorrow.' 'You'd better!' (= as a threat) had better/best (do sth)
to introduce/approve/reject a bill bill
the birth of a new society in South Africa birth
It was the study of history that gave birth to the social sciences. give birth (to sb/sth)
These trousers are a bit tight. bit
chimneys black with smoke black
If you can't answer the question, leave a blank. blank
a tower block block
an office block block
the university's science block block
a block of ice/concrete/stone block
a chopping block (= for cutting food on) block
The referee blew his whistle. blow
the sound of trumpets blowing blow
blow sth + adv./prep.: I was almost blown over by the wind. blow
She blew the dust off the book. blow
The ship was blown onto the rocks. blow
blow sth + adj.: The wind blew the door shut. blow
A cold wind blew from the east. blow
It was blowing hard. blow
It was blowing a gale (= there was a strong wind). blow
+ adv./prep.: You're not blowing hard enough! blow
The policeman asked me to blow into the breathalyser. blow
blow sth + adv./prep.: He drew on his cigarette and blew out a stream of smoke. blow
The tyres on my bike need blowing up. blow sth up
The two men were exchanging blows. blow
The board is/are unhappy about falling sales. board
members of the board board
the academic board (= for example, of a British university) board
a diving board board
She jumped off the top board. board
He removed the figure from the board. board
recognized professional bodies such as the Law Association body
I'll ask my boss if I can have the day off. boss
I don't know why you bother with that crowd (= why you spend time with them). bother
bother doing sth: Why bother asking if you're not really interested? bother
The wind blew through gaps at the top and bottom of the door. bottom
I used to play here as a boy. boy
She died of a brain tumour. brain
a break in my daily routine break
Do you want bacon and eggs for breakfast? breakfast
His breath smelt of garlic. breath
bad breath (= that smells bad) breath
She was very short of breath (= had difficulty breathing). breath
While there is breath left in my body, I will refuse. breath
to take a deep breath breath
We were out of breath after only five minutes. out of breath
I want you to breathe in and hold your breath for as long as possible. breathe in
Take a deep breath and then breathe out when I tell you. breathe out
Her breathing became steady and she fell asleep. breathing
Heavy (= loud) breathing was all I could hear. breathing
Many animals breed only at certain times of the year. breed
a brief visit/meeting/conversation brief
He had spoken to Emma only briefly. briefly
She met John briefly on Friday night. briefly
Let me tell you briefly what happened. briefly
blowing bubbles into water through a straw bubble
The work was finished on time and within budget (= did not cost more money than was planned). budget
apartment blocks built in brick and concrete build
These finds help us build up a picture of life in the Middle Ages. build sth up
Two children were rescued from the burning car. burn
That balloon will burst if you blow it up any more. burst
bury sb/sth: The house was buried under ten feet of snow. bury
When he left school, he went into business with his brother. business
This is one of the busiest times of the year for the department. busy
I'd asked everybody but only two people came. but
If you're thinking of getting a new car, now is a good time to buy. buy
to travel by boat/bus/car/plane by
By this time next week we'll be in New York. by
He ought to have arrived by now/by this time. by
By the time (that) this letter reaches you I will have left the country. by
Time goes by so quickly. by
calculate sth: Use the formula to calculate the volume of the container. calculate
calculate how much, what, etc.: You'll need to calculate how much time the assignment will take. calculate
The game was called off because of bad weather. call sth off
He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. calm down, calm sb/sth down
Today police launched (= began) a campaign to reduce road accidents. campaign
He couldn't answer the question. can
She could feel a lump in her breast. can
All flights have been cancelled because of bad weather. cancel
lung/breast cancer cancer
Smokers face an increased risk of developing lung cancer. cancer
capable of doing sth: He's quite capable of lying to get out of trouble. capable
I'll leave the organization in your capable hands. capable
The hall was filled to capacity (= was completely full). capacity
They played to a capacity crowd (= one that filled all the space or seats). capacity
Paris, the fashion capital of the world capital
'How did you come?' 'By car.' car
a car accident/crash car
Who wants to play cards? card
Let's have a game of cards. card
a membership card card
He is playing the best tennis of his career. career
careful to do sth: He was careful to keep out of sight. careful
The museum was full of stuffed animals in glass cases. case
You will each be given the chance to state your case. case
In case (= if it is true that) you're wondering why Jo's here—let me explain... (just) in case (...)
a medieval castle castle
catch yourself doing sth: She caught herself wondering whether she had made a mistake. catch
You've caught me at a bad time (= at a time when I am busy). catch
cause sth for sb: The bad weather is causing problems for many farmers. cause
To my certain knowledge he was somewhere else at the time (= I am sure about it). certain
They refused to release their hostages unless certain conditions were met. certain
The prisoners were kept in chains (= with chains around their arms and legs, to prevent them from escaping). chain
the chairman of the board of governors (= of a school) chairman
challenge sb (to sth): Mike challenged me to a game of chess. challenge
The members left the council chamber. chamber
chance of doing sth: Is there any chance of getting tickets for tonight? chance
She has only a slim chance of passing the exam. chance
chance that...: There's a slight chance that he'll be back in time. chance
There is no chance that he will change his mind. chance
chance of sth happening: What chance is there of anybody being found alive? chance
chance of sth: Nowadays a premature baby has a very good chance of survival. chance
The operation has a fifty-fifty chance of success. chance
an outside chance (= a very small one) chance
The chances are a million to one against being struck by lightning. chance
It was the chance she had been waiting for. chance
Jeff deceived me once already—I won't give him a second chance. chance
This is your big chance (= opportunity for success). chance
chance of sth: We won't get another chance of a holiday this year. chance
chance to do sth: Please give me a chance to explain. chance
Tonight is your last chance to catch the play at your local theatre. chance
chance for sb to do sth: There will be a chance for parents to look around the school. chance
When installing electrical equipment don't take any chances. A mistake could kill. chance
The car might break down but that's a chance we'll have to take. chance
Chess is not a game of chance. chance
It was pure chance that we were both there. chance
We'll plan everything very carefully and leave nothing to chance. chance
change out of sth: You need to change out of those wet things. change
change sth: I didn't have time to change clothes before the party. change
I didn't have time to get changed before the party (= to put different clothes on). change
change sth: At half-time the teams change ends. change
Let's get away for the weekend. A change of scene (= time in a different place) will do you good. change
a change in the weather change
social/political/economic change change
The company has worldwide distribution channels. channel
The need to communicate is a key characteristic of human society. characteristic
I'm leaving the school in your charge. charge
They decided to drop the charges against the newspaper and settle out of court. charge
a weather chart chart
Many people feel cheated by the government's refusal to hold a referendum. cheat
Anyone caught cheating will be automatically disqualified from the examination. cheat
check (with sb) (what/whether, etc...): You'd better check with Jane what time she's expecting us tonight. check
Check the oil and water before setting off. check
Please check in at least an hour before departure. check in (at...)
We checked in our luggage and went through to the departure lounge. check sth in
Guests should check out of their rooms by noon. check out (of...)
He had no choice but to leave (= this was the only thing he could do). choice
He chopped a branch off the tree. chop sth off (sth)
the Free Churches church
The Church has a duty to condemn violence. church
to go into the Church (= to become a Christian minister) church
changing social and political circumstances circumstance
The singer has denied the magazine's claim that she is leaving the band. claim
Dickens was in a different class from (= was much better than) most of his contemporaries. class
The party tries to appeal to all classes of society. class
a society in which class is more important than ability class
classic cars (= cars which are no longer made, but which are still popular) classic
The traffic took a long time to clear after the accident. clear
The boy's lungs cleared and he began to breathe more easily. clear
clear B (from/off A): Clear all those papers off the desk. clear
The remains of the snow had been cleared from the streets. clear
Stand clear of the train doors. clear
He injured his arm as he jumped clear of the car. clear
He's too clever by half, if you ask me (= it annoys me or makes me suspicious). clever
Social workers must always consider the best interests of their clients. client
close (for sth): What time does the bank close? close
The game was closer than the score suggests. close
This is the closest we can get to the beach by car. close
a closed society closed
Homosexuals in public life are now coming out of the closet. come out of the closet
a lump of coal coal
She took her feet off the pedals and coasted downhill. coast
You're just coasting—it's time to work hard now. coast
bitterly cold weather cold
You'll catch your death of cold (= used to warn sb they could become ill if they do not keep warm in cold weather). cold
The walls were strengthened to protect them from collapse. collapse
The garden was a mass of colour. colour
a column of smoke (= smoke rising straight up) column
The question is bound to come up at the meeting. come up
Come on! We don't have much time. come on
Oh, come on—you know that isn't true! come on
When I tried to lift the jug, the handle came off in my hand. come off (sth)
Do come around and see us some time. come around/round (to...)
He came up to me and asked me the way to the station. come up (to sb)
What is the startup command for the program? command
He refused to comment until after the trial. comment
a commission to design the new parliament building commission
A career as an actor requires one hundred per cent commitment. commitment
The player was fined by the disciplinary committee. committee
Some birds which were once a common sight are now becoming rare. common
Shakespeare's work was popular among the common people in his day. common
For Durkheim, comparison was the most important method of analysis in sociology. comparison
The second half of the game was dull by comparison with the first. by/in comparison (with sb/sth)
competitive games/sports competitive
You have to be highly competitive to do well in sport these days. competitive
2 000 shoppers completed our questionnaire. complete
This book requires a great deal of concentration. concentration
concept (of sth): the concept of social class concept
concept (that...): the concept that everyone should have equality of opportunity concept
I appreciate everyone's concern and help at this difficult time. concern
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any queries or concerns about this work. concern
concerned (that)...: She was concerned that she might miss the turning and get lost. concerned
He asked several questions concerning the future of the company. concerning
It took the jury some time to reach the conclusion that she was guilty. conclusion
They agreed under the condition that the matter be dealt with promptly. condition
Congress can impose strict conditions on the bank. condition
Conditions are ideal (= the weather is very good) for sailing today. condition
The hotel is used for exhibitions, conferences and social events. conference
a conference room/centre/hall conference
She is attending a three-day conference on AIDS education. conference
The conference will be held in Glasgow. conference
delegates to the Labour Party's annual conference conference
Ministers from all four countries involved will meet at the conference table this week. conference
He answered the questions with confidence. confidence
A fall in unemployment will help to restore consumer confidence. confidence
Beneath his confident and charming exterior, lurked a mass of insecurities. confident
The teacher wants the children to feel confident about asking questions when they don't understand. confident
I will confine myself to looking at the period from 1900 to 1916. confine
He looked at me in confusion and did not answer the question. confusion
an international congress of trades unions congress
Congress will vote on the proposals tomorrow. congress
We arrived in good time for the connection to Paris. connection
I'd like some time to consider. consider
The project wasted a considerable amount of time and money. considerable
Time is another important consideration. consideration
Journalists stayed away from the funeral out of consideration for the bereaved family. consideration
Fashion is constantly changing. constantly
construct sth from/out of/of sth: They constructed a shelter out of fallen branches. construct
consult sb: If the pain continues, consult your doctor. consult
consult sb about sth: Have you consulted your lawyer about this? consult
a consumer society (= one where buying and selling is considered to be very important) consumer
social/personal contacts contact
Here's my contact number (= temporary telephone number) while I'm away. contact
We have no contemporary account of the battle (= written near the time that it happened). contemporary
He was contemporary with the dramatist Congreve. contemporary
This quotation has been taken out of context (= repeated without giving the circumstances in which it was said). context
The number of car accident deaths is continuing to decline. continue
Recovery after the accident will be a continuous process that may take several months. continuous
a contract worker (= one employed on a contract for a fixed period of time) contract
The poverty of her childhood stands in total contrast to her life in Hollywood. contrast
The co-pilot was at the controls when the plane landed. control
The party is expecting to gain control of the council in the next election. control
The Democrats will probably lose control of Congress. control
She lost control of her car on the ice. control
The coach made the team work hard on ball control (= in a ball game). control
A truck ran out of control on the hill. be/get/run/etc. out of control
Try to control your breathing. control
He played very controlled football. controlled
A bicycle is often more convenient than a car in towns. convenient
I'll call back at a more convenient time. convenient
to hold a convention convention
convert (from sth) (to sth): He converted from Christianity to Islam. convert
convert sb (from sth) (to sth): She was soon converted to the socialist cause. convert
Cooler weather is forecast for the weekend. cool
Do you have the correct time? correct
She saved him from the fire but at the cost of her own life (= she died). cost
I felt a need to please people, whatever the cost in time and energy. cost
A late penalty cost United the game (= meant that they did not win the game). cost
My cold's better, but I can't seem to shake off this cough. cough
a city/county/borough/district council council
She's on the local council. council
a council member/meeting council
council workers/services council
Every point in this game counts. count
count sb/sth doing sth: We can't count on this warm weather lasting. count on sb/sth
I asked the woman behind the counter if they had any postcards. counter
The case was settled out of court (= a decision was reached without a trial). court
cover sb/sth with sth: The wind blew in from the desert and covered everything with sand. cover
a craft fair/workshop craft
a car/plane crash crash
crash sth + adj.: She stormed out of the room and crashed the door shut behind her. crash
The bank refused further credit to the company. credit
to get/refuse credit credit
Society does not know how to deal with hardened criminals (= people who regularly commit crimes and are not sorry for what they do). criminal
The business is still in crisis but it has survived the worst of the recession. crisis
In times of crisis I know which friends I can turn to. crisis
Their marriage has reached crisis point. crisis
Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of accepting opinions without questioning them. critical
a critical moment in our country's history critical
He left the hotel surrounded by crowds of journalists. crowd
He wasn't there at the crucial moment (= when he was needed most). crucial
economic, social and cultural factors cultural
European/Islamic/African/American, etc. culture culture
TB is a serious illness, but it can be cured. cure
The only real cure is rest. cure
He is such a curious boy, always asking questions. curious
'Are you really an artist?' Sara asked curiously. curiously
The paper started to shrivel and curl up in the heat. curl up, curl sth up
Her hair was a mass of curls. curl
It's time to face the final curtain (= the end; death). curtain
the custom of giving presents at Christmas custom
I cut this article out of the newspaper. cut sth out (of sth)
I've been advised to cut sugar out of my diet. cut sth out (of sth)
She cut the dress out of some old material. cut sth out
I won't have a cigarette, thanks—I'm trying to cut down (= smoke fewer). cut sth down (to...), cut down (on sth)
The army was cut off from its base. cut sb/sth off (from sb/sth)
a cut and blow-dry cut
fire/smoke/bomb/storm damage damage
a dance class/routine dance
We'd be on dangerous ground if we asked about race or religion. dangerous ground
Even if you have dark skin, you still need protection from the sun. dark
The college dates back to medieval times. date back (to...), date from...
They left the day before yesterday (= two days ago). day
One day, I want to leave the city and move to the country. one day
One day, he walked out of the house with a small bag and never came back. one day
As athletes prepare for the Olympics, sporting organizations are looking for big sponsorship deals to pay for the trip to Sydney. deal
It took a great deal of time. deal
After a long debate, Congress approved the proposal. debate
The question of the origin of the universe is still hotly debated (= strongly argued about) by scientists. debate
I need to pay off all my debts before I leave the country. debt
It's hard to stay out of debt when you are a student. debt
The cake was decorated to look like a car. decorate
The affair had exposed deep divisions within the party. deep
She took a deep breath. deep
to breathe/sigh/exhale deeply (= using all of the air in your lungs) deeply
Staying late at the office to discuss shorter working hours rather defeats the object of the exercise! defeat
The body has natural defence mechanisms to protect it from disease. defence
The male ape defends his females from other males. defend
The difficulty of a problem was defined in terms of how long it took to complete. define
Her job demands a high degree of skill. degree
There's no time for delay. delay
delay doing sth: He delayed telling her the news, waiting for the right moment. delay
She won the game easily, to the delight of all her fans. delight
demands that the law on gun ownership should be changed demand
This sport demands both speed and strength. demand
deny sth: to deny a claim/a charge/an accusation deny
The spokesman refused either to confirm or deny the reports. deny
it is denied that...: It can't be denied that we need to devote more resources to this problem. deny
deny doing sth: He denies attempting to murder his wife. deny
The department denies responsibility for what occurred. deny
Don't ask me about it—that's her department. be sb's department
Flights should be confirmed 48 hours before departure. departure
They had received no news of him since his departure from the island. departure
arrivals and departures departure
All departures are from Manchester. departure
the departures board departure
Starting salary varies from £26 000 to £30 500, depending on experience. depending on
'Is he coming?' 'That depends. He may not have the time.' that depends, it (all) depends
depress sb: Wet weather always depresses me. depress
a job that doesn't require any great depth of knowledge depth
'Scared stiff' is an apt description of how I felt at that moment. description
Large numbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became inevitable. desert
The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models. design
design sth to do sth: The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time. design
design sth: to design a car/a dress/an office design
He took a deep breath, desperately trying to keep calm. desperately
They didn't give any details about the game. detail
'We had a terrible time—' 'Oh, spare me the details (= don't tell me any more).' detail
We need more time to see how things develop before we take action. develop
The rain didn't make much difference to the game. make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
It was a time fraught with difficulties and frustration. difficulty
a direct answer/question direct
Protect your child from direct sunlight by using a sunscreen. direct
Let's stop and ask for directions. direction
First remove any grease or dirt from the surface. dirt
a serious/severe/considerable disadvantage disadvantage
Many children in the class suffered severe social and economic disadvantage. disadvantage
Lisa watched until the train disappeared from view. disappear
disappear from sth: The child disappeared from his home some time after four. disappear
The team has had a disappointing start to the season. disappointing
discuss when, what, etc...: We need to discuss when we should go. discuss
Much to my disgust, they refused to help. disgust
The suggestion should not be dismissed out of hand (= without thinking about it). dismiss
dismiss sb/sth from sth: He dismissed her from his mind. dismiss
The exhibition gives local artists an opportunity to display their work. display
to put sth on temporary/permanent display on display
distribute sth to sb/sth: The organization distributed food to the earthquake victims. distribute
Who distributes our products in the UK? distribute
the unfair distribution of wealth distribution
the distribution of food and medicines to the flood victims distribution
Electronic media make the potential for information distribution possible on a scale never before achieved. distribution
distribution costs distribution
worldwide distribution systems distribution
marketing, sales and distribution distribution
congressional districts district
district councils district
the work of healing the divisions within society division
social/class divisions division
division of sth: a fair division of time and resources division
There's nothing to do (= no means of passing the time in an enjoyable way) in this place. do
What have you been doing with yourselves (= how have you been passing the time)? do sth with sb/sth
If they can't get it to us in time, we'll just have to do without. do without (sb/sth)
He plays better than he did a year ago. do
He walked out the door. door
'Can I help you?' asked the man at the door. door
She jumped down off the chair. down
Prices have gone down recently. down
They dragged her from her bed. drag
a local dramatic society dramatic
He drew the cork out of the bottle. draw
a chance to fulfil a childhood dream dream
to dress well/badly/fashionably/comfortably dress
dress for/in/as sth: You should dress for cold weather today. dress
In hot weather, drink plenty of water. drink
The urge to survive drove them on. drive
a steam-driven locomotive drive
Shall we drive (= go there by car) or go by train? drive
He has dropped out of active politics. drop out (of sth)
a word that has dropped out of the language drop out (of sth)
He drained the last drop of beer from the glass. drop
drug rehabilitation drug
to play the drums drum
weeks of hot dry weather dry
The first half of the game was pretty dull. dull
I only saw her once during my stay in Rome. during
I spend a lot of my time on administrative duties. duty
He learnt to play the piano at an early age. early
a clod/lump/mound of earth earth
The museum is easily accessible by car. easily
A gale was blowing from the east. east
He didn't make it easy for me to leave. easy
social, economic and political issues economic
The economy is in recession. economy
the sports/financial/fashion, etc. editor editor
students in full-time education education
The company has invested a great deal of time and effort in setting up new training schemes. effort
We need to make a concerted effort to finish on time. effort
bacon and eggs egg
elect sb/sth: an elected assembly/leader/representative elect
Elsewhere, the weather today has been fairly sunny. elsewhere
embarrass sb: Her questions about my private life embarrassed me. embarrass
I'm glad you offered—it saved me the embarrassment of having to ask. embarrassment
This is a very emotional time for me. emotional
She swept her hair back from her face to emphasize her high cheekbones. emphasize
full-time/part-time employment employment
The house had been standing empty (= without people living in it) for some time. empty
a chance encounter encounter
encourage sth (in sb/sth): They claim that some computer games encourage violent behaviour in young children. encourage
There'll be a chance to ask questions at the end. end
It's a waste of time and energy. energy
nervous energy (= energy produced by feeling nervous) energy
engaged (in sth): They are engaged in talks with the Irish government. engaged
enjoy sth: We thoroughly enjoyed our time in New York. enjoy
enjoy doing sth: I enjoy playing tennis and squash. enjoy
He spoiled my enjoyment of the game by talking all through it. enjoyment
Do you get any enjoyment out of this type of work? enjoyment
an enormous amount of time enormous
Don't ask me to do it. I've got enough problems as it is. enough
I hadn't trained enough for the game. enough
Two men have been helping police with their enquiries (= are being questioned about a crime, but have not been charged with it). enquiry
to enter Parliament (= become an MP) enter
to enter the Church (= become a priest) enter
entertain sb: Barbecues are a favourite way of entertaining friends. entertain
to be granted/refused entry into the country entry
The company has an equal opportunities policy (= gives the same chances of employment to everyone). equal
the desire for a more equal society (= in which everyone has the same rights and chances) equal
escape from sb/sth: He escaped from prison this morning. escape
escape (from sth): She managed to escape from the burning car. escape
There was no escaping the fact that he was overweight. escape
escape (with sth): I was lucky to escape with minor injuries. escape
an escape from a prisoner of war camp escape
I had a narrow escape (= I was lucky to have escaped). escape
There was no hope of escape from her disastrous marriage. escape
He took an elaborate escape route from South Africa to Britain. escape
For her, travel was an escape from the boredom of her everyday life. escape
The car is quite small, especially if you have children. especially
Teenagers are very fashion conscious, especially girls. especially
The book contains a number of interesting essays on women in society. essay
I only had time to pack the bare essentials (= the most necessary things). essential
He has just set up his own business but it will take him a while to get established. establish
Traditions get established over time. establish
establish where, what, etc...: We need to establish where she was at the time of the shooting. establish
the even distribution of food even
the social event of the year event
Every now and then he regretted his decision. every
Have you asked everybody? everybody
Everyone has a chance to win. everyone
The police questioned everyone in the room. everyone
The cave contained evidences of prehistoric settlement. evidence
social evils evil
We need to know the exact time the incident occurred. exact
The two men were exact contemporaries at university. exact
He wasn't exactly pleased to see us—in fact he refused to open the door. not exactly
It is a perfect example of a medieval castle. example
except sb/sth from sth: Children under five are excepted from the survey. except
Nobody had much money at the time and I was no exception. exception
The two men exchanged blows (= hit each other). exchange
excited (to do sth): He was very excited to be asked to play for Wales. excited
An excited crowd of people gathered around her. excited
The cost of borrowing has been excluded from the inflation figures. exclude
Women are still excluded from some London clubs. exclude
Concern is growing over the number of children excluded from school (= not allowed to attend because of bad behaviour). exclude
Guy sneezed loudly. 'Excuse me,' he said. excuse me
'Excuse me for a moment,' she said and left the room. excuse me
exhibit sth (at/in...): They will be exhibiting their new designs at the trade fairs. exhibit
The family endured a miserable existence in a cramped apartment. existence
The heroine made her exit to great applause. exit
an exit visa (= a stamp in a passport giving sb permission to leave a particular country) exit
expand sth: In breathing the chest muscles expand the rib cage and allow air to be sucked into the lungs. expand
expectation (of sth): We are confident in our expectation of a full recovery. expectation
It is important to try and learn from experience. experience
Everyone experiences these problems at some time in their lives. experience
I experienced a moment of panic as I boarded the plane. experience
Don't ask me—I'm no expert! expert
explain (sth) (to sb): First, I'll explain the rules of the game. explain
The roof collapsed, exposing the timbers to the elements. expose
You could be exposing yourself to unnecessary risks when driving alone. expose
He threatened to expose the racism that existed within the police force. expose
expose sth: He smiled suddenly, exposing a set of amazingly white teeth. expose
Miles of sand are exposed at low tide. expose
expose sth to sb: He did not want to expose his fears and insecurity to anyone. expose
an old-fashioned expression expression
to extend a deadline/visa extend
The conference is going to be a lot of extra work. extra
The play is to run for an extra week! extra
Children will be removed from their parents only in extreme circumstances. extreme
Don't go doing anything extreme like leaving the country. extreme
extreme weather conditions extreme
His eyes narrowed suspiciously. eye
How many faces does a cube have? face
At that time, her face was on the covers of all the magazines. face
conference facilities facility
A team learns from experience, both successes and failures. failure
His breathing became faint. faint
There is still a faint hope that she may be cured. faint
They don't have the faintest chance of winning. faint
A fair number of people came a long. fair
My birthday's still a fair way off (= it's still a long time until my birthday). fair
demands for a fairer distribution of wealth fair
fair (to sb): We have to be fair to both players. fair
his vision of a fairer, kinder society fair
a fair deal/wage/price/question fair
'You should really have asked me first.' 'Right, okay, fair comment.' fair
We'll have to leave fairly soon (= before very long). fairly
Her friend's kindness has restored her faith in human nature. faith
She fell ill soon after and did not recover. fall
The handle had fallen off the drawer. fall
fall weather fall
an area with which I had been familiar since childhood familiar
fancy doing sth: Do you fancy going out this evening? fancy
There are far more opportunities for young people than there used to be. far
To answer that question we need to go further back in time. far
dressed in the latest fashion fashion
the new season's fashions fashion
Long skirts have come into fashion again. fashion
Jeans are still in fashion. fashion
Some styles never go out of fashion. fashion
The fashion at the time was for teaching mainly the written language. fashion
Fashions in art and literature come and go. fashion
a fashion designer/magazine/show fashion
the world of fashion fashion
the fashion industry fashion
fashionable clothes/furniture/ideas fashionable
It's becoming fashionable to have long hair again. fashionable
Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians. fashionable
a fashionable address/resort/restaurant fashionable
She lives in a very fashionable part of London. fashionable
a fast response time fast
The system, for all its faults, is the best available at the moment. fault
an athlete who fell from favour after a drugs scandal favour
Thanks for helping me out. I'll return the favour (= help you because you have helped me) some time. favour
The band played all my old favourites. favourite
Which features do you look for when choosing a car? feature
Cathy was really feeling the heat. feel
I feel I could continue playing until I am 35. feel
He felt the sweat running down his face. feel
feel sth: He seemed to feel no remorse at all. feel
He played the piano with great feeling. feeling
the Edinburgh festival festival
a beer festival festival
a rock festival (= where bands perform, often outdoors and over a period of several days) festival
Today they take the field (= go on to the field to play a game) against county champions Essex. field
Players are only reselected if they retain their form on the field (= when they are playing a match). field
a relatively unknown figure the world of fashion figure
Smoke filled the room. fill
The referee blew the final whistle. final
It's about time you sorted out your finances. finance
find what, when, etc...: Can you find out what time the meeting starts? find out (about sth/sb), find out sth (about sth/sb)
'I'll leave this here, OK?' 'Fine.' fine
You go on without me. I'll be fine. fine
It was his finest hour (= most successful period) as manager of the England team. fine
She got fired from her first job. fire
a firm believer in socialism firm
She resolved to do it at the first (= earliest) opportunity. first
First of all, let me ask you something. first of all
frozen/smoked/fresh fish fish
The trawler was fishing off the coast of Iceland. fish
fish for sth: You can fish for trout in this stream. fish
fit sth + adv./prep.: They fitted a smoke alarm to the ceiling. fit
fit sth with sth: The rooms were all fitted with smoke alarms. fit
He's so angry he's in no fit state to see anyone. fit
fit (to do sth): He won't be fit to play in the match on Saturday. fit
The money has been invested for a fixed period. fixed
Children from the flats (= the block of flats) across the street were playing outside. flat
the smell of rotting flesh flesh
Memories of her childhood came flooding back. flood
This can prevent air from flowing freely to the lungs. flow
Doesn't time fly? fly
He always followed the latest fashions (= dressed in fashionable clothes). follow
A period of unrest followed the president's resignation. follow
Answer the following questions. following
a foot passenger (= one who travels on a ferry without a car) foot
to play football football
Fortunately for us, the weather changed. for
The weather was warm for the time of year. for
The forecast said there would be sunny intervals and showers. forecast
forecast sth: Experts are forecasting a recovery in the economy. forecast
I forgot to ask him for his address. forget
The training programme takes the form of a series of workshops. form
Most political questions involve morality in some form or other. form
Games can help children learn to form letters. form
I didn't see enough of the play to form an opinion about it. form
The accounts were formally approved by the board. formally
Although not formally trained as an art historian, he is widely respected for his knowledge of the period. formally
This beautiful old building has been restored to its former glory. former
A car like that costs a small fortune. fortune
a forward pass (= in a sports game) forward
What do you like to do in your free time (= when you are not working)? free
He walked out of jail a free man. free
The centre aims to free young people from dependency on drugs. free
Three people were freed from the wreckage. free
He managed to free his arms from their bonds. free
The wagon broke free from the train. free
freedom from fear/pain/hunger, etc. freedom
Both players freely acknowledge that money was a major incentive. freely
She has always given freely of her time. freely
freeze sth: The cold weather had frozen the ground. freeze
some of the most frequently asked questions about the Internet frequently
They will lose no time in holding fresh elections. fresh
This is the opportunity he needs to make a fresh start (= to try sth new after not being successful at sth else). fresh
a childhood/family/lifelong friend friend
a conference to promote international friendship friendship
She began to walk away from him. from
You need a break from routine. from
She saved him from drowning. from
the smell of bacon frying fry
Her life was too full to find time for hobbies. full
Our new brochure is crammed full of inspirational ideas. full
She had fully recovered from the accident. fully
I decided to learn Spanish, just for fun. fun
This game looks fun! fun
The hall provided a venue for weddings and other functions. function
I'm short of funds at the moment—can I pay you back next week? fund
a dance festival funded by the Arts Council fund
That's funny—he was here a moment ago and now he's gone. funny
Think further back into your childhood. further
Have you any further questions? further
The party had a net gain of nine seats on the local council. gain
a game of cops and robbers game
two games all (= both players have won two games) game
the Olympic Games game
card games game
board games game
a game of chance/skill game
ball games, such as football or tennis game
We're going to the ball game (= baseball game). game
to play a game of chess game
Let's have a game of table tennis. game
They're in training for the big game. game
We think we've identified a gap in the market (= a business opportunity to make or sell sth that is not yet available). gap
children playing in the garden garden
gather sth: People slowly gathered their belongings and left the hall. gather
The general opinion is that the conference was a success. general
The bad weather has been fairly general (= has affected most areas). general
I often wonder what future generations will make of our efforts. generation
She has inspired a whole generation of fashion school graduates. generation
generous (with sth): to be generous with your time generous
He lived in a gentler age than ours. gentle
'You miss them, don't you?' he asked gently. gently
human/physical/economic/social geography geography
He got down from the ladder. get
I'm getting off (= leaving the train) at the next station. get
After a time you get to realize that these things don't matter. get
I have to go and get my mother from the airport (= collect her). get
Why don't you get yourself a car? get
We promised we'd go—we can't get out of it now. get out of sth
get doing sth: I wish I could get out of going to that meeting. get out of sth
I can't get out of the habit of waking at six in the morning. get out of sth
Don't let yourself get into bad habits. get into sth
You should get into the routine of saving the document you are working on every ten minutes. get into sth
What time do you get into Heathrow? get in, get into sth
The Republican candidate stands a good chance of getting in. get in, get into sth
She first got into Parliament (= became an MP) in 2005. get in, get into sth
Three people were rescued from a yacht which got into difficulties. get into sth, get yourself/sb into sth
A good lawyer might be able to get you off. get off (with sth), get sb off (with sth)
gifts of toys for the children gift
The reforms should give a better chance to the less able children. give
It was supposed to be a surprise but the children gave the game away. give sth/sb away
Hasn't the time gone quickly? go
go out of sth: That colour has gone out of fashion. go
to go bald/blind/mad/bankrupt, etc. go
The car went skidding off the road into a ditch. go
How much longer will this hot weather go on for? go on
to go into the Army/the Church/Parliament go into sth
Their family goes back to the time of the Pilgrim Fathers. go back (to sth)
Things will get easier as time goes by. go by
Tom has been going out with Lucy for six weeks. go out with sb, go out (together)
There wasn't time for breakfast, so I had to go without. go without (sth)
Now is a good time to buy a house. good
Thank you, good question. good
Did you have a good time in London? good
Let's hope we have good weather tomorrow. good
What's the good of (= how does it help you) earning all that money if you don't have time to enjoy it? good
the board of governors of the college governor
I can't decide. I'll have to ask the governor (= the man in charge, who employs sb). governor
By the time we arrived, someone had grabbed all the good seats. grab
Recovery from the disease is very gradual. gradual
The weather gradually improved. gradually
We had a great time in Madrid. great
wisps of grey smoke grey
The kids were playing on waste ground behind the school. ground
As time went on he grew more and more impatient. grow
Their children have all grown up and left home now. grow up
They are demanding certain guarantees before they sign the treaty. guarantee
I don't really know. I'm just guessing. guess
guess sth: Guess what! He's asked me out! guess
We've all been guilty of selfishness at some time in our lives. guilty
a toy gun gun
You need to change your eating habits. habit
good/bad habits habit
He has the irritating habit of biting his nails. habit
It's all right to borrow money occasionally, but don't let it become a habit. habit
I'd prefer you not to make a habit of it. habit
I'm not in the habit of letting strangers into my apartment. habit
I've got into the habit of turning on the TV as soon as I get home. habit
I'm trying to break the habit of staying up too late. habit
These things have a habit of coming back to haunt you. habit
I only do it out of habit. habit
I'm a creature of habit (= I have a fixed and regular way of doing things). habit
He's losing his hair (= becoming bald ). hair
She ran into the hall and up the stairs. hall
a concert/banqueting/sports/exhibition, etc. hall hall
At that time, the castle was in enemy hands. in the hands of sb, in sb's hands
a broom handle handle
At that time you could hang for stealing. hang
children playing happily on the beach happily
happy (about sb/sth): If there's anything you're not happy about, come and ask. happy
a happy marriage/memory/childhood happy
This season has been a hard slog. hard
a hard choice/question hard
Times were hard at the end of the war. hard
At the time, I hardly spoke any French. hardly
Hardly had she spoken than she regretted it bitterly. hardly
I prefer the children to play in the garden where they're out of harm's way. out of harm's way
These revelations will harm her chances of winning the election. harm
a hate campaign (= cruel comments made about sb over a period of time in order to damage their reputation) hate
The debate simply revived old hatreds. hatred
have sb/sth + adj.: I want to have everything ready in good time. have
I'll have the salmon (= for example, in a restaurant). have
I went to a few parties and had a good time. have
Have you got time to call him? have
have sth: The ham had a smoky flavour. have
Surely she didn't have the nerve to say that to him? have
I sometimes wonder what goes on in that head of yours. head
I can't get that tune out of my head. head
Try to put the exams out of your head (= stop thinking about them) for tonight. head
It took a long time for the wounds to heal. heal
It was a chance to heal the wounds in the party (= to repair the damage that had been done). heal
I heard a car drive off. hear
hear sth: Did you hear that play on the radio last night? hear
a chance to hear the first movement again hear
Simmer the soup for 10 minutes then remove from the heat. heat
You should not go out in the heat of the day (= at the hottest time). heat
It was heaven being away from the office for a week. heaven
a heavy fall/blow heavy
She couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking. sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
With the help of a ladder, neighbours were able to rescue the children from the blaze. help
help with sth: You should qualify for help with the costs of running a car. help
Let's get out of here. here
Here is your opportunity. here
my childhood hero hero
hesitate about/over sth: I didn't hesitate for a moment about taking the job. hesitate
If you'd like me to send you the book, then please don't hesitate to ask. hesitate
hide sb/sth from sth: They hid me from the police in their attic. hide
Demand is high at this time of year. high
The tree blew over in the high winds. high
The report highlights the major problems facing society today. highlight
a hire car hire
social/economic/political history history
She hit the ball too hard and it went out of the court. hit
She played all her old hits. hit
I only play jazz as a hobby. hobby
The bomb blew a huge hole in the ground. hole
Islam's holiest shrine holy
I'm just going to answer all the questions I can and hope for the best. hope for the best
to sound/toot your horn horn
With a look of horror, he asked if the doctor thought he had cancer. horror
In his dreams he relives the horror of the attack. horror
a TV game show host host
Birmingham is hosting a three-day conference on drugs. host
The Arts Centre is hosting a folk festival this summer. host
Do you like this hot weather? hot
We're four hours ahead of New York (= referring to the time difference). hour
We're moving house (= leaving our house and going to live in a different one). house
the council's housing policy housing
How did they play? how
a humorous look at the world of fashion humorous
She smiled with a rare flash of humour. humour
Sorry, I haven't got time to do it now—I'm in a hurry. in a hurry
He hurt his back playing squash. hurt
Times are hard and we have to husband our resources. husband
When they asked me if I wanted the job, I said yes. I
What's the idea of the game? idea
An evening at home watching TV is not my idea of a good time. idea
It seemed like a good idea at the time, and then it all went horribly wrong. idea
The trip to Paris will be an ideal opportunity to practise my French. ideal
Many of those arrested refused to identify themselves (= would not say who they were). identify
I wonder if I should wear a coat or not. if
If you ask me, she's too scared to do it. if
She deliberately ignored my question and changed the subject. ignore
childhood illnesses illness
He died after a long illness. illness
Use your imagination! (= used to tell sb that they will have to guess the answer to the question they have asked you, usually because it is obvious or embarrassing) imagination
imagine (that)...: I don't imagine (that) they'll refuse. imagine
an immediate reaction/response immediate
The point of my question may not be immediately apparent. immediately
social support to cushion the impact of unemployment impact
The car is fitted with side impact bars (= to protect it from a blow from the side). impact
This system imposes additional financial burdens on many people. impose
The time limits are imposed on us by factors outside our control. impose
You'll have to play better than that if you really want to make an impression (= to make people admire you). impression
The kids were playing in the street. in
The kids were playing by the river and one of them fell in. in
He escaped death by an inch. inch
include sb/sth as sth: Representatives from the country were included as observers at the conference. include
'What are they doing here?' he asked, indicating her bags in the hallway. indicate
indicate sth: A red sky at night often indicates fine weather the next day. indicate
indicate (that...): Research indicates that eating habits are changing fast. indicate
The minister refused to comment on individual cases. individual
indoor games indoor
an industrial society industrial
It was inevitable that there would be job losses. inevitable
A rise in the interest rates seems inevitable. inevitable
The government refuses to be influenced by public opinion. influence
influence how, whether, etc...: The wording of questions can influence how people answer. influence
A number of social factors influence life expectancy. influence
He refused to comment before he had seen all the relevant information. information
My initial reaction was to decline the offer. initial
He injured his knee playing hockey. injure
Carter is playing in place of the injured O'Reilly. injured
to escape injury injury
Two players are out of the team because of injury. injury
They insist on playing their music late at night. insist on doing sth
He didn't reply. Instead, he turned on his heel and left the room. instead
Now I can walk to work instead of going by car. instead of
The questions were an insult to our intelligence (= too easy). insult
to ask an intelligent question intelligent
By that time I had lost (all) interest in the idea. interest
As a matter of interest (= I'd like to know), what time did the party finish? interest
an interesting question/point/example interesting
the interior of a building/a car interior
interpret sth as sth: I didn't know whether to interpret her silence as acceptance or refusal. interpret
interrupt with sth: Would you mind not interrupting with questions all the time? interrupt
interrupt (sb) + speech: 'I have a question,' she interrupted. interrupt
The game was interrupted several times by rain. interrupt
He knocked on the door and after a brief interval it was opened. interval
She's delirious, but has lucid intervals. interval
to give an interview (= to agree to answer questions) interview
Yesterday, in an interview on German television, the minister denied the reports. interview
to conduct an interview (= to ask sb questions in public) interview
Interviews and questionnaires are the most important tools in market research. interview
interview sb: The Prime Minister declined to be interviewed. interview
Who invented the steam engine? invent
Fax machines were a wonderful invention at the time. invention
invest (in sth): Now is a good time to invest in the property market. invest
invest sth (in/on sth): The college is to invest $2 million in a new conference hall. invest
In his time managing the club he has invested millions on new players. invest
an investigation into the spending habits of teenagers investigation
to accept/turn down/decline an invitation invitation
invite sth (from sb): He invited questions from the audience. invite
involve doing sth: The test will involve answering questions about a photograph. involve
He's a very involved father (= he spends a lot of time with his children). involved
a steam iron iron
an irritating habit irritating
a remote island off the coast of Scotland island
This is a big issue; we need more time to think about it. issue
issue sb with sth: New members will be issued with a temporary identity card. issue
Yes, I was at home on Sunday. What about it? (= Why do you ask?) it
It's impossible to get there in time. it
It's a long time since they left. it
The builder has a couple of jobs on at the moment. job
a temporary/permanent job job
Many women are in part-time jobs. job
He's been out of a job (= unemployed) for six months now. job
She's going out with Dan? You're joking! you're joking, you must be joking
We broke our journey (= stopped for a short time) in Madrid. journey
It's a day's journey by car. journey
Judging by her last letter, they are having a wonderful time. judge
He refused to make a judgement about the situation. judgement
The story then jumps from her childhood in New York to her first visit to London. jump
She jumped up and ran out of the room. jump
She jumped down from the chair. jump
The story takes a jump back in time. jump
'Is Mr Burns available?' 'Just a second, please, I'll check.' just a minute/moment/second
They are demanding equal rights and justice. justice
The Prime Minister has been asked to justify the decision to Parliament. justify
I kept a weekly account of my workload and activities. keep
Don't keep us in suspense—what happened next? keep
She likes to keep up with the latest fashions. keep up with sth
That child can't keep out of mischief. keep out of sth, keep sb out of sth
Keep the baby out of the sun. keep out of sth, keep sb out of sth
the car keys key
The weather was very kind to us. kind
We need a kinder, gentler society. kind
She knows a bargain when she sees one. know
Knowing Ben, we could be waiting a long time (= it is typical of him to be late). know
I know things will turn out all right. know
'She's the worst player in the team.' 'Oh, I don't know (= I am not sure that I agree) —she played well yesterday.' know
'Martin was lying all the time.' 'I should have known.' know
She was impatient in the knowledge that time was limited. knowledge
a lady doctor/golfer lady
The land was very dry and hard after the long, hot summer. land
bad/foul/strong language (= words that people may consider offensive) language
It takes a long time to learn to speak a language well. language
a large area/family/house/car/appetite large
If we look at the larger picture of the situation, the differences seem slight. large
Each game lasts about an hour. last
How long does the play last? last
This weather won't last. last
In later life he started playing golf. late
a late Victorian house late
his late plays late
Because of the cold weather the crops are later this year. late
Look at the time—it's much later than I thought. late
What is the latest time I can have an appointment? late
the latest craze/fashion/trend latest
to launch an appeal/an inquiry/an investigation/a campaign launch
to launch an attack/invasion launch
a party to launch his latest novel launch
The Navy is to launch a new warship today. launch
to launch a communications satellite launch
a product launch launch
After the riots, the military was brought in to restore law and order. law and order
learn sth from doing sth: You can learn a great deal just from watching other players. learn
learn (from sth): I'm sure she'll learn from her mistakes. learn
learn to do sth: I soon learned not to ask too many questions. learn
leave for...: The plane leaves for Dallas at 12.35. leave
leave sth: I hate leaving home. leave
Leave me out of this quarrel, please. leave sb/sth out (of sth)
a lecture room/hall lecture
The Left only has/have a small chance of winning power. left
I broke my leg playing football. leg
lend (sth) (to sb): The bank refused to lend the money to us. lend
lend sb sth: They refused to lend us the money. lend
We discussed shortening the length of the course. length
He was disgusted at the length of time he had to wait. length
She got a headache if she had to read for any length of time (= for a long time). length
Size of pension depends partly on length of service with the company. length
As time passed, she saw less and less of all her old friends at home. less and less
He's too shy to ask a stranger the time, much less speak to a room full of people. even/much/still less
let sb/sth do sth: They won't let him leave the country. let
Let go! You're hurting me! let sb/sth go, let go (of sb/sth)
a computer game with 15 levels level
I refuse to sink to their level (= behave as badly as them). level
a toy library (= for borrowing toys from) library
licensing hours (= the times when alcohol can be sold at a pub, etc.) license
Don't leave toys lying around—someone might trip over them. lie around
Go and lie down for a while. lie down
She has a full social life. life
He risked his life to save his daughter from the fire. life
I lifted the baby out of the chair. lift
He lifted the suitcase down from the rack. lift
We'll leave in the morning as soon as it's light. light
They might refuse to let us do it, but it's hardly likely. likely
a time/speed/age limit limit
This offer is for a limited period only. limited
They were all waiting on the starting line. line
link (between A and B): Social customs provide a vital link between generations. link
The personal and social development of the child are inextricably linked (= they depend on each other). link
the transition from liquid to vapour liquid
After a little (= a short time) he got up and left. little
She seemed a little afraid of going inside. little
These shoes are a little (bit) too big for me. little
We saw a load of houses before we bought this one. load
load (up): load (up with sth): We finished loading and set off. load
a car loan (= a loan to buy a car) loan
He's been ill (for) a long time. long
I like it now the days are getting longer (= it stays light for more time each day). long
a long book/film/list (= taking a lot of time to read/watch/deal with) long
He stared at them for the longest time (= for a very long time) before answering. long
How long a stay did you have in mind? long
This may take longer than we thought. long
It wasn't long before she had persuaded him (= it only took a short time). long
They had long since (= a long time before the present time) moved away. long
We'll go as long as the weather is good. as/so long as
I'm sorry I haven't written to you for so long. for (so) long
look (at sth): Look at the time! We're going to be late. look
I'll look out for you at the conference. look out for sb/sth
I haven't had time to look at (= read) the papers yet. look at sth
People came out of their houses and looked around. look around/round
Can you look up the opening times on the website? look sth up
The punk look is back in fashion. look
The horse had broken loose (= escaped) from its tether. loose
During the night, somebody had cut the boat loose from its moorings. loose
The play is loosely based on his childhood in Russia. loosely
lose sth (to sb): to lose a game/a race/an election/a battle/a war lose
She lost a leg in a car crash. lose
He regretted the lost (= wasted) opportunity to apologize to her. lost
I play tennis quite a lot (= often) in the summer. lot
love doing sth: My dad loves going to football games. love
Relatives need time to grieve over loved ones they have lost. love
We've had a lovely time. lovely
the lower classes of society low
a very low-scoring game low
lucky (that...): You were lucky (that) you spotted the danger in time. lucky
This sauce has lumps in it. lump
lung cancer lung
She has a fine pair of lungs! (= she can sing or shout loudly) lung
a machine for making plastic toys machine
Her designer clothes were from the pages of a glossy fashion magazine. magazine
The population almost doubles in summer, mainly because of the jazz festival. mainly
maintain (that)...: The men maintained (that) they were out of the country when the crime was committed. maintain
Don't make a habit of it. make
After all the delays, we were anxious to make up for lost time. make up for sth
the male menopause (= emotional and physical problems that affect some men at about the age of 50) male
manage (to do sth): We managed to get to the airport in time. manage
time management (= the way in which you organize how you spend your time) management
a car/computer manufacturer manufacturer
Many jobs in manufacturing were lost during the recession. manufacturing
a mass of snow and rocks falling down the mountain mass
The hill appeared as a black mass in the distance. mass
a mass of blonde hair mass
The page was covered with a mass of figures. mass
a master of the serve-and-volley game master
They are playing an important match against Liverpool on Saturday. match
workmates/teammates/playmates/classmates mate
Do foxes ever mate with dogs? mate
After mating, the female kills the male. mate
Learning to drive is all a matter of coordination. matter
That's not a problem. It's simply a matter of letting people know in time. matter
What on earth was the matter with her, she wondered. She'd come here to enjoy herself and here she was, stuck on her own in the hotel. matter
Call me when you get there, no matter what the time is. no matter who, what, where, etc.
matter (to sb) that...: It didn't matter that the weather was bad. matter
I always found him a little strange, if you know what I mean (= if you understand what I mean by 'strange'). mean
What's the meaning of this? I explicitly told you not to leave the room. meaning
measure how much, how long, etc...: A dipstick is used to measure how much oil is left in an engine. measure
a temporary/an emergency measure measure
a medium-size car/business/town medium
a meeting of the United Nations Security Council meeting
It was a chance meeting that would change my life. meeting
He remembered their childhood meetings with nostalgia. meeting
The meeting of father and son after so long was a joyous occasion. meeting
a member of staff/society/the family member
Who is eligible to apply for membership of the association? membership
a membership card/fee membership
childhood memories memory
Are you sure? Memory can play tricks on you. memory
He has a complete mental block (= difficulty in understanding or remembering) when it comes to physics. mental
The biggest question is how they got into this mess in the first place. mess
I like a story with a beginning, a middle and an end. middle
He might get there in time, but I can't be sure. might
mild irritation/amusement/disapproval mild
When I saw the exam questions my mind just went blank (= I couldn't remember anything). mind
Sorry—your name has gone right out of my mind. mind
Come on—it's make your mind up time! make up your mind, make your mind up
Don't mind me (= don't let me disturb you) —I'll just sit here quietly. mind
mind that...: He minded that he hadn't been asked. mind
I'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind. if you don't mind, if you wouldn't mind
Typical English weather—one minute it's raining and the next minute the sun is shining. minute
a wing mirror (= on the side of a car) mirror
Dickens' novels are a mirror of his times. mirror
miss sb/sth: She will be greatly missed when she leaves. miss
to miss a turn (= to not play when it is your turn in a game) miss
It was an opportunity not to be missed. miss
She hasn't missed a game all year. miss
'Are you coming to the school play?' 'I wouldn't miss it for the world.' miss
miss doing sth: She narrowly missed hitting him. miss
You must try to learn from your mistakes. mistake
Leaving school so young was the biggest mistake of my life. mistake
We've worked together for years but never mixed socially. mix
mix A with B: I don't like to mix business with pleasure (= combine social events with doing business). mix
a school with a good social mix of children mix
The weather has been very mixed recently. mixed
a fashion model model
One moment, please (= Please wait a short time). moment
Moments later (= a very short time later), I heard a terrible crash. moment
I'm waiting for the right moment to tell him the bad news. moment
Have I caught you at a bad moment? moment
Wait until he's in a better mood before you ask him. mood
a moral issue/dilemma/question moral
Governments have at least a moral obligation to answer these questions. moral
She spends more and more time alone in her room. more and more
I spent most time on the first question. most
Time is moving on. move
She could hear music playing somewhere. music
Every week they get together to make music (= to play music or sing). music
Can you read music (= understand the signs in order to play or sing a piece of music)? music
I had to play it without the music. music
Must you always question everything I say? (= it is annoying) must
What is/was the name, please? (= a polite way of asking sb's name) name
He thought social inequality was all part of the natural order of things. natural
After a while, we naturally started talking about the children. naturally
the changing nature of society nature
I'll think about it nearer (to) the time (= when it is just going to happen). near
There isn't nearly enough time to get there now. not nearly
He needs to win this game to stay in the match. need
need (not) do sth: You needn't bother asking Rick—I know he's too busy. need
If she wants anything, she need only ask. need
They received a negative reply. negative
The horse may be nervous of cars. nervous
I felt really nervous before the interview. nervous
a mosquito net (= used to protect you from mosquitoes ) net
a communications/distribution network network
Never fear (= Do not worry), everything will be all right. never
There is little chance that we will succeed in changing the law. Nevertheless, it is important that we try. nevertheless
The new buds are appearing on the trees now. new
The next six months will be the hardest. next
Round here, you leave school at sixteen and next thing you know, you're married with three kids. next
I asked him in the nicest possible way to put his cigarette out. nice
nice weather nice
Did you have a nice time? nice
No student is to leave the room. no
I was woken by the noise of a car starting up. noise
The children were playing noisily upstairs. noisily
Ministers have dismissed the rumours of a bribery scandal as nonsense. nonsense
It is normal practice to inform somebody if you want to leave early. normal
He blew his nose (= cleared it by blowing strongly into a handkerchief ). nose
He played the first few notes of the tune. note
She made a mental note (= decided that she must remember) to ask Alan about it. note
I had nothing like enough time to answer all the questions. nothing like
It will not have escaped your notice that there have been some major changes in the company. notice
Job-sharing is still a novel concept and it will take a while for employers to get used to it. novel
I am now ready to answer your questions. now
Nurses are leaving the profession in increasing numbers. number
We managed to escape observation (= we were not seen). observation
The patients were observed over a period of several months. observe
I'll speak to him about it if the occasion arises (= if I get a chance). occasion
He spent his childhood in occupied Europe. occupied
Administrative work occupies half of my time. occupy
occupy sb/sth/yourself: a game that will occupy the kids for hours occupy
Problems at work continued to occupy his mind for some time. occupy
The plane hit the ocean several miles offshore. ocean
at the time of the revolution of
I need some time off. off
The weather was so bad we'd have been better off staying at home. be better/worse off (doing sth)
I fell off the ladder. off
an island off the coast of Spain off
They were still 100 metres off the summit. off
You need to take the top off the bottle first! off
I want about an inch off the back of my hair. off
an offence against society/humanity/the state offence
offer sth (to sb) (for sth): He offered $4 000 for the car. offer
to accept/refuse/decline an offer offer
You can't just turn down offers of work like that. offer
They made me an offer I couldn't refuse. offer
They have an offer on beer at the moment. offer
The party has been out of office (= has not formed a government) for many years. office
Palace officials are refusing to comment on the royal divorce. official
I've often wondered what happened to him. often
It is not often that you get such an opportunity. often
Okay, let's go. OK
old habits old
She's an old friend of mine (= I have known her for a long time). old
She was a woman grown old before her time (= who looked older than she was). old
old-fashioned clothes/styles/methods/equipment old-fashioned
She wants to be an old-fashioned mother, staying at home and looking after the children. old-fashioned
She played a tune on her guitar. on
There was a war on at the time. on
The game is still on (= it has not been cancelled). on
One day (= at some time in the future) you'll understand. one
My favourite band? Oh, that's a hard one (= a hard question). one
He could only watch helplessly as the car plunged into the ravine. only
Kasparov had left his bishop open (= not protected, in a game of chess ). open
I declare this festival open. open
The hall of the old house was open to the sky. open
Who is going to open the conference? open
When does the play open? open
the opening of the Olympic Games opening
operation (on sb/sth) (to do sth): an operation on her lung to remove a tumour operation
opinion (that...): The chairman expressed the opinion that job losses were inevitable. opinion
opportunity (to do sth): You'll have the opportunity to ask any questions at the end. opportunity
This is the perfect opportunity to make a new start. opportunity
opportunity (for sth/for doing sth): There was no opportunity for further discussion. opportunity
There'll be plenty of opportunity for relaxing once the work is done. opportunity
opportunity (of doing sth): At least give him the opportunity of explaining what happened. opportunity
Our company promotes equal opportunities for women (= women are given the same jobs, pay, etc. as men). opportunity
an equal opportunities employer opportunity
career/employment/job opportunities opportunity
The offer was too good an opportunity to miss. opportunity
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues for their support. opportunity
He is rude to me at every opportunity (= whenever possible). opportunity
a window of opportunity (= a period of time when the circumstances are right for doing sth) opportunity
a player from the opposing side opposing
I could see smoke coming from the windows of the house directly opposite. opposite
At the moment I'm keeping my options open and applying for as many different jobs as possible. keep/leave your options open
The police are trying to restore public order. order
in chronological/numerical order order
It was time she put her life in order. order
It is one of the functions of art to bring order out of chaos. order
I checked the files and some of the papers were out of order. out of order
order sb + adv./prep.: They were ordered out of the class for fighting. order
She plays the organ in church. organ
I leave most of the organization of these conferences to my assistant. organization
You should try and organize your time better. organize
Are there any other questions? other
I can't see you now—some other time, maybe. other
One son went to live in Australia and the other one was killed in a car crash. other
I went swimming while the others played tennis. other
The only people there were ourselves. ourselves
I got out of bed. out
He ran out the door. out
Mr Green is out of town this week. out
The ship sank ten miles out of Stockholm. out
He got thrown out of the restaurant. out
He drank his beer out of the bottle. out
Try and stay out of trouble. out
I watched the car until it was out of sight. out
It was an awful job and I'm glad to be out of it. out
He gets out of the army in a few weeks. out
They'll be out (= of prison) on bail in no time. out
I was slightly out in my calculations. out
Take the cake out of the oven. oven
a gas/an electric oven oven
The wind must have blown it over. over
The car skidded off the road and rolled over and over. over
I went over (= across the room) and asked her name. over
By the time we arrived the meeting was over. over
Let's ask some friends over (= to our home). over
He built up the business over a period of ten years. over
For reasons of his own (= particular reasons that perhaps only he knew about), he refused to join the club. own
He found a part-time job packing eggs. pack
Paint the shed with weather-resistant paint. paint
a panel of experts panel
Just park your bags in the hall until your room is ready. park
The German parliament is called the 'Bundestag'. parliament
The issue was debated in Parliament. parliament
an Act of Parliament parliament
to win a seat in Parliament parliament
to be elected to Parliament parliament
He's always playing a part (= pretending to be sth that he is not). part
We spent part of the time in the museum. part
How many countries took part in the last Olympic Games? take part (in sth)
She directed the question at no one in particular. in particular
I enjoyed the play, particularly the second half. particularly
party games party
We sang songs to pass the time. pass
The road was so narrow that cars were unable to pass. pass
She passed me in the street without even saying hello. pass
Read the following passage and answer the questions below. passage
A dark narrow passage led to the main hall. passage
in times past past
The time for discussion is past. past
From past experience I'd say he'd probably forgotten the time. past
She looked back on the past without regret. past
He's past his prime. past
Teaching children with special needs requires patience and understanding. patience
It takes time and patience to photograph wildlife. patience
I don't have the patience to do jigsaw puzzles. patience
Pausing only to pull on a sweater, he ran out of the house. pause
There was a long pause before she answered. pause
David waited for a pause in the conversation so he could ask his question. pause
After a brief pause, they continued climbing. pause
You can pay back the loan over a period of three years. pay sb back (sth), pay sth back (to sb)
I had a hard time getting him to pay up. pay up
I need to check that she is all right, just for my own peace of mind (= so that I do not have to worry). peace
a peaceful society peaceful
He was pencilled in to play the detective. pencil sth/sb in
These garments are intended for professional sports people. people
What perfect timing! perfect
The weather was perfect. perfect
to perform somersaults/magic tricks perform
one of the band's rare live performances performance
a period of consultation/mourning/uncertainty period
The factory will be closed down over a 2-year period/a period of two years. period
This offer is available for a limited period only. period
All these changes happened over a period of time. period
The aim is to reduce traffic at peak periods. period
You can have it for a trial period (= in order to test it). period
The project will run for a six-month trial period. period
Tomorrow will be cold with sunny periods. period
The church dates from the Norman period. period
Like Picasso, she too had a blue period. period
permission (for sb/sth) (to do sth): The school has been refused permission to expand. permission
We hope to visit the cathedral, if time permits. permit
I'll come tomorrow, weather permitting (= if the weather is fine). permit
There are likely to be tensions and personality clashes in any social group. personality
to run out of petrol petrol
The wedding marked the beginning of a new phase in Emma's life. phase
Her philosophy of life is to take every opportunity that presents itself. philosophy
He left the phone off the hook as he didn't want to be disturbed. phone
photograph sb/sth + adj.: She refused to be photographed nude. photograph
photograph sb/sth doing sth: They were photographed playing with their children. photograph
a wildlife/fashion/portrait photographer photographer
fashion photography by David Burn photography
a physically demanding job physically
to play the piano piano
playing jazz on the piano piano
Have I picked a bad time to talk to you? pick
pick sb/sth to do sth: He has been picked to play in this week's game. pick
He picked the nuts off the top of the cake. pick
to pick your teeth (= use a small sharp piece of wood to remove pieces of food from your teeth) pick
to pick up bad habits pick sth up
a 500-piece jigsaw piece
After the game fans invaded the pitch. pitch
The paint was peeling off the wall in places. place
Let's get out of this place! place
Her remarks were out of place. out of place
The film festival takes place in October. take place
plan to do sth: They plan to arrive some time after three. plan
Japanese car plants plant
a plastic bag/cup/toy plastic
He had always wanted to play Othello. play
play (sth): to play the piano/violin/flute, etc. play
In the distance a band was playing. play
play sth (on sth): He played a tune on his harmonica. play
play sth to sb: Play that new piece to us. play
play sb sth: Play us that new piece. play
play sth (for sb): Play their new CD for me, please. play
play (sb sth): Play me their new CD, please. play
play sth: to play football/chess/cards, etc. play
play sb: France are playing Wales tomorrow. play
play sb at sth: Have you played her at squash yet? play
play for sb: He plays for Cleveland. play
play against sb: France are playing against Wales on Saturday. play
You'll have to play inside today. play
There's a time to work and a time to play. play
play with sb/sth: A group of kids were playing with a ball in the street. play
I haven't got anybody to play with! play
play sth: Let's play a different game. play
play sth: Let's play pirates. play
play at doing sth: They were playing at being cowboys. play
She was playing with her hair. play with sth
Stop playing with your food! play with sth
Don't play around with my tools! play about/around (with sb/sth)
the happy sounds of children at play play
the importance of learning through play play
a play area play
a game for four players player
'Can I help you?' he asked pleasantly. pleasantly
plenty of eggs/money/time plenty
Take your hands out of your pockets! pocket
I'll wait for you at the meeting point in the arrivals hall. point
No parking beyond this point. point
Many people suffer from mental illness at some point in their lives. point
At this point in time we just have to wait. point
At this point I don't care what you decide to do. point
Living in Scotland has its good points but the weather is not one of them. point
point (at/to/towards sb/sth): 'What's your name?' he asked, pointing at the child with his pen. point
I'll point him out to you next time he comes in. point sb/sth out (to sb)
the pointed arches used in medieval buildings pointed
Thousands are at risk of being poisoned by fumes from faulty heaters. poison
Exhaust fumes are poisoning our cities. poison
Get out of the house or I'll call the police. police
He's thinking of going into politics (= trying to become a Member of Parliament, Congress, etc.) politics
The cork came out of the bottle with a loud pop. pop
Why don't you pop in (= visit us) for a drink next time you're in the area? pop
Muslims make up 55% of the population. population
the position of women in society position
Wealth and position (= high social status) were not important to her. position
positive (about sth): I can't be positive about what time it happened. positive
It will require positive action by all in the industry. positive
Please make sure you have all your possessions with you when leaving the plane. possession
possibility (that...): There is now no possibility that she will make a full recovery. possibility
possibility (of sth/of doing sth): He refused to rule out the possibility of a tax increase. possibility
We spent every possible moment on the beach. possible
Frost is possible, although unlikely, at this time of year. possible
the potential benefits of European integration potential
Thick black smoke was pouring out of the roof. pour
The sweat was pouring off her. pour
Commuters came pouring out of the station. pour
It takes a lot of practice to play the violin well. practice
I can be reasonably precise about the time of the incident. precise
We were just talking about her when, at that precise moment, she walked in. precise
prefer doing sth: I prefer playing in defence. prefer
I was pregnant with our third child at the time. pregnant
Police were called to escort her off the premises. premises
I had no time to prepare. prepare
I had been preparing myself for this moment. prepare
I usually buy packs of prepared vegetables to save time. prepared
Most fathers wish to be present at the birth of their child. present
present sth (to sb): The committee will present its final report to Parliament in June. present
Are you presenting a paper at the conference? present
The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction. preserve
to be made president of the students' union president
Draught beer is pumped out of the barrel under pressure. under pressure
The pound came under pressure from foreign currencies today, increasing the chances of a rise in interest rates. under pressure
The game was pretty good. pretty
I refuse to lie about it; it's against my principles. principle
She refuses to allow her family to help her as a matter of principle. principle
The magazine was sued for printing a libellous article about her family. print
It'll probably be OK. probably
The procedure for logging on to the network usually involves a password. procedure
an opportunity for professional development professional
to launch a research programme programme
The final term will be devoted to project work. project
to submit/consider/accept/reject a proposal proposal
proposal that...: His proposal that the system should be changed was rejected. proposal
proposal for sth: They judged that the time was right for the proposal of new terms for the trade agreement. proposal
He was afraid that if he proposed she might refuse. propose
it is proposed that...: It was proposed that the president be elected for a period of two years. propose
protect sb/sth/yourself (against/from sth): Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack. protect
They huddled together to protect themselves from the wind. protect
prove sth to sb: Just give me a chance and I'll prove it to you. prove
prove what, how, etc...: This just proves what I have been saying for some time. prove
Please answer questions in the space provided. provide
He's in charge of the publicity for next year's festival. publicity
Pull the lever to start the motor. pull
They are pulling their troops out of the war zone. pull sb/sth out (of sth)
punish sb for sth/for doing sth: He was punished for refusing to answer their questions. punish
They met by pure chance. pure
Classical dance in its purest form requires symmetry and balance. pure
She left the theatre, hotly pursued by the press. pursue
The sudden noise put her off her game. put sb off
qualify (for sth): If you live in the area, you qualify for a parking permit. qualify
Get it right, even if it takes time; it's quality not quantity that matters. quality
to ask/answer a question question
The question is, how much are they going to pay you? question
The question arises as to whether or not he knew of the situation. question
The key question of what caused the leak remains unanswered. question
He put a question to the minister about the recent reforms. question
I hope the police don't ask any awkward questions. question
The government doesn't have the answers to these difficult questions. question
In an interview try to ask open questions that don't just need 'Yes' or 'No' as an answer. question
Question 3 was very difficult. question
In the exam there's sure to be a question on energy. question
The question which needs to be addressed is one of funding. question
Which route is better remains an open question (= it is not decided). question
It's merely a question of time before the business collapses. just/merely/only a question of (sth/doing sth)
It's just a question of deciding what you really want. just/merely/only a question of (sth/doing sth)
Another trip abroad this year is out of the question. out of the question
There was no question of his/him cancelling the trip so near the departure date. there is/was no question of (sth happening/sb doing sth)
The students were questioned on the books they had been studying. question
Over half of those questioned said they rarely took any exercise. question
question sth: I just accepted what he told me. I never thought to question it. question
No one has ever questioned her judgement. question
question whether, what, etc...: He questioned whether the accident was solely the truck driver's fault. question
The doctor said she'd make a quick recovery. quick
Once again, his quick wits (= quick thinking) got him out of an awkward situation. quick
The last few weeks have gone quickly (= the time seems to have passed quickly). quickly
It quickly became clear that she was dying. quickly
Business is usually quieter at this time of year. quiet
He plays quite well. quite
a car radio radio
The book raises many important questions. raise
She raised her eyes from her work. raise
She was not used to mixing with people of high social rank. rank
At the height of her career she ranked second in the world. rank
The patient made a rapid recovery. rapid
This weekend, visitors will get a rare chance to visit the private apartments. rare
On the rare occasions when they met he hardly even dared speak to her. rare
It was a rather difficult question. rather
It was rather a difficult question. rather
reincarnation re-
My immediate reaction was one of shock. reaction
Are you a 'Times' reader? reader
I couldn't resist the opportunity to meet a real live celebrity. real
She has not shown any real regret for what she did. real
We have a real chance of success. real
We have to be realistic about our chances of winning. realistic
She refuses to face reality. reality
Will time travel ever become a reality? reality
You must submit your claim within a reasonable time. reasonable
There's a reasonable chance that he'll come. reasonable
reckon doing sth: We'd reckoned on having good weather. reckon on sth
it is recognized that...: It was recognized that this solution could only be temporary. recognize
The UK has refused to recognize the new regime. recognize
I got to work in record time. record
to play a record record
Last summer was the wettest on record. record
recover sth: It took her a few minutes to recover consciousness. recover
to recover your sight recover
recover yourself: She seemed upset but quickly recovered herself. recover
recover sth: The police eventually recovered the stolen paintings. recover
recover sth from sb/sth: Six bodies were recovered from the wreckage. recover
He is unlikely to ever recover his legal costs. recover
It can take many years to recover from the death of a loved one. recover
The economy is at last beginning to recover. recover
He's still recovering from his operation. recover
The term 'Arts' usually refers to humanities and social sciences. refer to sb/sth
Before I decide, I need time to reflect. reflect
proposals to reform the social security system reform
refusal (of sth): the refusal of a request/an invitation/an offer refusal
a blunt/flat/curt refusal refusal
refusal to do sth: His refusal to discuss the matter is very annoying. refusal
Go on, ask her; she can hardly refuse. refuse
refuse to do sth: He flatly refused to discuss the matter. refuse
She refused to accept that there was a problem. refuse
I politely refused their invitation. refuse
The job offer was simply too good to refuse. refuse
refuse sth: The bank refused his demand for a full refund. refuse
The authorities refused permission for the new housing development. refuse
He refused our request for an interview. refuse
The judge refused her application for bail. refuse
refuse sb sth: They refused him a visa. refuse
She would never refuse her kids anything. refuse
Social services should pay proper regard to the needs of inner-city areas. regard
regional councils/elections/newspapers regional
regret sth: If you don't do it now, you'll only regret it. regret
The decision could be one he lives to regret. regret
'I've had a wonderful life,' she said, 'I don't regret a thing.' regret
She regretted the words the moment they were out of her mouth. regret
regret doing sth: He bitterly regretted ever having mentioned it. regret
regret what, how, etc...: I deeply regret what I said. regret
regret sth: The airline regrets any inconvenience. regret
regret to do sth: We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful. regret
She expressed her regret at the decision. regret
a pang/twinge of regret regret
I have no regrets about leaving Newcastle (= I do not feel sorry about it). regret
He gave up teaching in 2009, much to the regret of his students. regret
A light flashed at regular intervals. regular
The lioness rejected the smallest cub, which died. reject
When her husband left home she felt rejected and useless. reject
Her body has already rejected two kidneys. reject
Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control. reject
Please reject the following candidates... reject
I've been rejected by all the universities I applied to. reject
to reject an argument/a claim/a decision/an offer/a suggestion reject
The prime minister rejected any idea of reforming the system. reject
All our suggestions were rejected out of hand. reject
relate sth: She relates her childhood experiences in the first chapters. relate
relate how, what, etc...: She related how he had run away from home as a boy. relate
a related issue/question related
The dictator refuses to relax his grip on power. relax
The council has relaxed the ban on dogs in city parks. relax
release sb/sth from sth: Firefighters took two hours to release the driver from the wreckage. release
Death released him from his suffering. release
a relevant suggestion/question/point relevant
relief from sth: The calm of the countryside came as a welcome relief from the hustle and bustle of city life. relief
Christianity, Islam and other world religions religion
Questions remain about the president's honesty. remain
prehistoric remains remains
remember sb/sth doing sth: I can still vividly remember my grandfather teaching me to play cards. remember
There is still a remote chance that they will find her alive. remote
the removal of a tumour removal
Allegations of abuse led to the removal of several children from their families. removal
events leading to the removal of the president from office removal
remove sth/sb from sth/sb: He removed his hand from her shoulder. remove
Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour. remove
remove sth: She has had the tumour removed. remove
It was impossible to remove the stain from the tablecloth. remove
The elections removed the government from power. remove
The home team did well to repair a bad start. repair
repeat sth: to repeat a question repeat
reply (to sb/sth) (with sth): to reply to a question/an advertisement reply
I asked her what her name was but she made no reply. reply
Morocco scored four goals without reply to win the game. reply
report (sb/sth) doing sth: The neighbours reported seeing him leave the building around noon. report
report sb/sth + adj.: The doctor reported the patient fully recovered. report
a weather report report
He got rid of anyone who represented a challenge to his authority. represent
The association was formed to represent the interests of women artists. represent
Is a questionnaire answered by 500 people truly representative of the population as a whole? representative
The painting is not representative of his work of the period. representative
The weather in England is living up to its reputation (= is exactly as expected). reputation
require sth: These pets require a lot of care and attention. require
require sb/sth to do sth: True marriage requires us to show trust and loyalty. require
rescue sb/sth from sth/sb: He rescued a child from drowning. rescue
You rescued me from an embarrassing situation. rescue
The bank rescued the company from bankruptcy. rescue
We agreed to pool our resources (= so that everyone gives sth). resource
Time is your most valuable resource, especially in examinations. resource
I asked him his name, but he didn't respond. respond
respond that...: When asked about the company's future, the director responded that he remained optimistic. respond
I received an encouraging response to my advertisement. response
There has been little response to our appeal for funds. response
We sent out over 1 000 letters but the response rate has been low (= few people replied). response
The bank refuses to accept responsibility for the mistake. responsibility
The Council of Ministers is responsible to the Assembly. responsible
Cigarette smoking is responsible for about 90% of deaths from lung cancer. responsible
How would you like to spend the rest of the day? rest
The first question was difficult, but the rest were pretty easy. rest
The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy. restore
Order was quickly restored after the riots. restore
Such kindness restores your faith in human nature (= makes you believe most people are kind). restore
The operation restored his sight (= made him able to see again). restore
He is now fully restored to health. restore
We hope to restore the garden to its former glory (= make it as beautiful as it used to be). restore
Her job is restoring old paintings. restore
The house has been lovingly restored to the way it looked in 1900 when it was built. restore
The tournament is restricted to players under the age of 23. restricted
Completed questionnaires should be returned to this address. return
I waited a long time for him to return. return
I asked her opinion, but she just asked me a question in return. in return (for sth)
a revision class/course/timetable revision
a socialist revolution revolution
a cultural/social/scientific, etc. revolution revolution
He can't seem to play in rhythm. rhythm
a dancer with a natural sense of rhythm (= the ability to move in time to a fixed beat) rhythm
to be filthy/stinking (= extremely) rich rich
Try and get rid of your visitors before I get there. get rid of sb/sth
I can't get rid of this headache. get rid of sb/sth
We got rid of all the old furniture. get rid of sb/sth
'What's the right time?' '10.37.' right
I was waiting for the right moment to ask him. right
His success was down to being in the right place at the right time (= being able to take opportunities when they came). right
The car spun right off the track. right
I'm right out of ideas. right
You're quite within your rights to ask for your money back. right
ring sb/sth: When is the best time to ring New York? ring
He was accustomed to rising (= getting out of bed) early. rise
Smoke was rising from the chimney. rise
He risked all his money on a game of cards. risk
She refused to take on the traditional woman's role. role
to roll a dice/die (= in a game) roll
He walked out of the room and slammed the door. room
He's had a really rough time recently (= he's had a lot of problems). rough
He pushed her roughly out of the way. roughly
'What do you want?' she demanded roughly. roughly
Rugby isn't played with a round ball. round
There are a number of routes to qualifying as a social worker. route
We are trying to get the baby into a routine for feeding and sleeping. routine
Make exercise a part of your daily routine. routine
She needed a break from routine. routine
routine enquiries/questions/tests routine
This type of work rapidly becomes routine. routine
I thought the play was rubbish! rubbish
'What do you want?' she asked rudely. rudely
The bad weather ruined our trip. ruin
That one mistake ruined his chances of getting the job. ruin
The terrorist attack had left the city in a state of ruin ruin
The bank stepped in to save the company from financial ruin. ruin
We live in a society where we are ruled by the clock. rule
I thought she was leaving the company, but perhaps it may be just a rumour. rumour
The river ran dry (= stopped flowing) during the drought. run
The smoke makes my eyes run. run
The murderer was given three life sentences, to run concurrently. run
run sth: Could you run the engine for a moment? run
Time is running out for the trapped miners. run out
He ran away from home at the age of thirteen. run away (from sb/...)
Looking at all the accusing faces, she felt a sudden urge to run away. run away (from sb/...)
We ran out of fuel. run out (of sth)
rush sb: Don't rush me. I need time to think about it. rush
We've got plenty of time; there's no need to rush. rush
The children rushed out of school. rush
Shoppers made a rush for the exits. rush
The street is not safe for children to play in. safe
safe (from sb/sth): They aimed to make the country safe from terrorist attacks. safe
a place where children can play in safety safety
We spent the weekend sailing off the south coast. sail
I resigned last Friday and left that same day. same
The children were playing in the sand (= for example, in a sandpit ). sand
children playing on the sand sand
It's satisfying to play a game really well. satisfying
ice cream with a hot fudge sauce sauce
save sb from doing sth: The prize money saved her from having to find a job. save
save sb doing sth: If you phone for an appointment, it'll save you waiting. save
save sth: We'll take a cab to save time. save
She needs to win the next two games to save the match. save
save sb/sth from doing sth: She saved a little girl from falling into the water. save
With the new boiler you can make big savings on fuel bills. saving
the social scale scale
They entertain on a large scale (= they hold expensive parties with a lot of guests). scale
Italy was the scene of many demonstrations at that time. scene
We're working to a tight schedule (= we have a lot of things to do in a short time). schedule
Filming began on schedule (= at the planned time). schedule
The new bridge has been finished two years ahead of schedule. schedule
You can scratch my name off the list. scratch
He has adapted the play for the screen. screen
the holiday season (= the time of Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year) season
the festive season (= Christmas and New Year) season
a seat on the city council/in Parliament/in Congress seat
to take your seat (= to begin your duties, especially in Parliament) seat
The majority of seats on the board will be held by business representatives. seat
a child seat (= for a child in a car) seat
secret information/meetings/talks secret
the membership secretary secretary
Information must be stored so that it is secure from accidental deletion. secure
'Is he going to get better?' 'I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see.' see
We'll have a great time, you'll see. see
They've been seeing a lot of each other (= spending a lot of time together) recently. see
The opera was the place to see and be seen (= by other important or fashionable people). see
see sb/sth doing sth: She was seen running away from the scene of the crime. see
sb/sth is seen to do sth: He was seen to enter the building about the time the crime was committed. see
seek sth: I think it's time we sought legal advice. seek
seem like sth: It seemed like a good idea at the time. seem
select sb/sth to do sth: Six theatre companies have been selected to take part in this year's festival. select
The orchestra played selections from Hollywood musicals. selection
a sense of rhythm/timing sense
Dogs have a keen (= strong) sense of smell. sense
separate sth from/and sth: It is impossible to separate belief from emotion. separate
separate from sth: South America separated from Africa 200 million years ago. separate
separate sb/sth from/and sb: A high wall separated our back yard from the playing field. separate
separate from sb: He separated from his wife after 20 years of marriage. separate
separated from sb: He's been separated from his wife for a year. separated
separation (from sb/sth): the state's eventual separation from the federation separation
separation (between A and B): the need for a clear separation between Church and State separation
the latest in a series of articles on the nature of modern society series
The movie consisted of a series of flashbacks. series
serve under/with sb: He served under Edward Heath in the 1970s. serve
a session of the UN General Assembly session
an emergency session of Congress session
the current parliamentary session session
set sth: Who will be setting (= writing the questions for) the French exam? set
This could set a new fashion. set
I set my watch by (= make it show the same time as) the TV. set
The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the city. set sth up
settle sth: It's all settled—we're leaving on the nine o'clock plane. settle
The company has agreed to settle out of court (= come to an agreement without going to court). settle
It always takes the class a while to settle down at the start of the lesson. settle down, settle sb down
Now, come on, settle down! settle down, settle sb down
severe weather conditions severe
a severe winter (= one during which the weather conditions are extremely bad) severe
They were not having a sexual relationship at the time. sexual
'Who are you?' he asked, his voice shaking. shake
She bent down to shake a pebble out of her shoe. shake
We shan't be gone long. shall
They were playing in the shallow end (= of the swimming pool). shallow
His face burned with shame. shame
To my shame (= I feel shame that) I refused to listen to her side of the story. shame
The conference is a good place to share information and exchange ideas. share
We need to give young criminals a short, sharp shock (= a punishment that is very unpleasant for a short time). sharp
'Is there a problem?' he asked sharply. sharply
He drew his breath in sharply. sharply
There should be plenty of time to go shopping before we leave New York. shop
Money was short at that time. short
a short book (= taking a short time to read, because it does not have many pages) short
It was all over in a relatively short space of time. short
It should be snowing now, according to the weather forecast. should
He asked me what time he should come. (= His words were: 'What time shall I come?') should
She recommended that I should take some time off. should
Mum, Ben keeps shutting me out of the bedroom! shut sb/sth out (of sth)
At some point during the war he seems to have changed sides. side
Will you keep your side of the bargain? side
A cube has six sides. side
The player received treatment on the side of the pitch. side
The museum attempts to recreate the sights and sounds of wartime Britain. sight
The bird is now a rare sight in this country. sight
Leave any valuables in your car out of sight. sight
Keep out of sight (= stay where you cannot be seen). sight
She never lets her daughter out of her sight (= always keeps her where she can see her). sight
Get out of my sight! (= Go away!) sight
The boat disappeared from sight. sight
sign (of doing sth): The gloomy weather shows no sign of improving. sign
The player was signing autographs for a group of fans. sign
At an agreed signal they left the room. signal
signal (that)...: She signalled (that) it was time to leave. signal
a silly game silly
We lost because we played badly. It's as simple as that. simple
Fame is often simply a matter of being in the right place at the right time. simply
sincere regret sincere
'Report to me tomorrow, corporal!' 'Yes, sir!' sir
He could see no way out of the situation. situation
I haven't had time to clear up, so I'm all at sixes and sevens. at sixes and sevens
The job requires skill and an eye for detail. skill
A slight breeze was blowing. slight
a slightly different version slightly
I knew her slightly. slightly
She slipped out of the house before the others were awake. slip
She knew that time was slipping away. slip
The fish slipped out of my hand. slip
The child slipped from his grasp and ran off. slip
As a small boy he had spent most of his time with his grandparents. small
a small house/town/car/man small
smell of sth: His breath smelt of garlic. smell
smell sth: He said he could smell gas when he entered the room. smell
The dog had smelt a rabbit. smell
I could smell alcohol on his breath. smell
cigarette smoke smoke
Clouds of thick black smoke billowed from the car's exhaust. smoke
He smokes like a chimney (= a lot). smoke
the smoking remains of burnt-out cars smoke
This fireplace smokes badly (= sends smoke into the room instead of up the chimney ). smoke
smoked salmon smoke
Children were playing in the snow. snow
I haven't enjoyed myself so much for a long time. so
It wasn't so good as last time. so
Times have changed and so have I. so
Nothing more was heard from him so that we began to wonder if he was dead. so
She worked hard so that everything would be ready in time. so
a busy social life social
Team sports help to develop a child's social skills (= the ability to talk easily to other people and do things in a group). social
Social events and training days are arranged for all the staff. social
Join a social club to make new friends. social
social issues/problems/reforms social
a call for social and economic change social
social class/background social
social advancement (= improving your position in society) social
social mobility (= the movement of people from one social class to another) social
The reforms will bring benefits, socially and politically. socially
This type of behaviour is no longer socially acceptable. socially
a socially disadvantaged family (= one that is poor and from a low social class) socially
We meet at work, but never socially. socially
Carnivores are usually socially complex mammals. socially
policies that will benefit society as a whole society
Racism exists at all levels of society. society
They carried out research into the roles of men and women in today's society society
modern industrial societies society
demand created by a consumer society society
Can Britain ever be a classless society? society
They were discussing the problems of Western society. society
a member of the drama society society
the American Society of Newspaper Editors society
The stores are packed solid (= very full and crowded) at this time of year. solid
She had refused all solid food. solid
The boiler uses solid fuel. solid
We're going to be working together for some time (= a long time). some
He gave her a wry look, something between amusement and regret. something
Sometimes I go by car. sometimes
I was somewhat surprised to see him. somewhat
The sooner we set off, the sooner we will arrive. soon
sorry (for sth/doing sth): He says he's really sorry for taking the car without asking. sorry
Sorry? Could you repeat the question? sorry
What sort of time do you call this? (= I'm very angry that you have come so late.) sort
When I saw the smoke, I tried to sound the alarm. sound
Leaving him out of the team may sound the death knell for our chances of winning (= signal the end of our chances). sound
He refused to name his sources. source
warmer weather coming from the south south
He's studying music in his spare time. spare
I haven't had a spare moment this morning. spare
to get the spare out of the boot/trunk spare
to speak at a conference speak
The President refused to speak to the waiting journalists. speak
He was a guest speaker at the conference. speaker
The Society has an interesting talk by a visiting speaker every month. speaker
A car flashed past them at speed (= fast). speed
a spell of warm weather spell
How do you spend your spare time? spend
Her childhood was spent in Italy. spend
spend sth doing sth: I spend too much time watching television. spend
(+ adv./prep.): The plane was spinning out of control. spin
Although the team lost, they played with tremendous spirit. spirit
split sth between sb/sth: His time is split between the London and Paris offices. split
We were split up into groups to discuss the question. split sb up, split up
Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather. spoil
Don't eat too many nuts—you'll spoil your appetite (= will no longer be hungry at the proper time to eat). spoil
spread sth between sb/sth: We attempted to spread the workload between the departments. spread
Use of computers spread rapidly during that period. spread
He turned off the alarm and sprang out of bed. spring
The attacker sprang out at her from a doorway. spring
The hotel is just off the main square. square
We have 20 part-time members of staff. staff
They marched off stage to the sound of trumpets. stage
He stood for parliament (= tried to get elected as an MP). stand
How do you stand him being here all the time? stand
It's time to stand back and look at your career so far. stand back (from sth)
Start up the engines! start up, start sth up
They worked hard to give their children a good start in life. start
a perfect start to the day start
If we don't hurry, we'll miss the start of the game. start
The meeting got off to a good/bad start (= started well/badly). start
This could be the start of something big. start
Is that a statement or a question? statement
The party was denied legal status. status
to have a high social status status
to stay out of trouble stay out of sth
His breathing was steady. steady
a steady boyfriend/girlfriend (= with whom you have a serious relationship or one that has lasted a long time) steady
Such fine work requires a good eye and a steady hand. steady
Steam rose from the boiling kettle. steam
a Turkish steam bath steam
the introduction of steam in the 18th century steam
steam power steam
the steam age steam
a steam train/engine steam
Don't stick your arm out of the car window. stick out (of sth), stick sth out (of sth)
The branch was sticking up out of the water. stick up
I wrote to them last month and I'm still waiting for a reply. still
There's still time to change your mind. still
The weather was cold and wet. Still, we had a great time. still
We stayed in a village where time has stood still (= life has not changed for many years). still
I put some antiseptic on the cut and it stung for a moment. sting
My eyes were stinging from the smoke. sting
I'm afraid we're temporarily out of stock. stock
Can you stop the printer once it's started? stop
Work has temporarily come to a stop while the funding is reviewed. stop
a story about time travel story
strange (how...): It's strange how childhood impressions linger. strange
Strangely enough, I don't feel at all nervous. strangely
He blew out a stream of cigar smoke. stream
The feeling I get from the street is that we have a good chance of winning this election. street
Street sport is informal and based on whatever people want to play. street
The rally was intended to be a show of strength by the socialists. strength
a strict Muslim strict
They decided to launch a pre-emptive strike. strike
The student union has called for a rent strike (= a refusal to pay rent as a protest). strike
strip A off/from B: Deer had stripped all the bark off the tree. strip
changes in the social and economic structure of society structure
Paul struggled out of his wheelchair. struggle
After a short struggle, I managed to get the knife away from him. struggle
Could you move all that stuff off the table? stuff
Short skirts are back in style (= fashionable). style
We seem to have got off the subject we're meant to be discussing. subject
substitute sb/sth: Beckham was substituted in the second half after a knee injury (= somebody else played instead of Beckham in the second half). substitute
He said he didn't have time or made some such excuse. such
Wild flowers such as primroses are becoming rare. such as
Opportunities such as this did not come every day. such as
'Well, did they offer it to you?' 'No, not as such, but they said I had a good chance.' as such
Allow sufficient time to get there. sufficient
suggest sb/sth as sth: She suggested Paris as a good place for the conference. suggest
it suits sb to do sth: It suits me to start work at a later time. suit
Would now be a suitable moment to discuss my report? suitable
He turned to crime to support his drug habit. support
She supported her husband through many difficult times. support
sure how, whether, etc...: Ask me if you're not sure how to do it. sure
sure of doing sth: England must win this game to be sure of qualifying for the World Cup. sure
It's surely only a matter of time before he is found, isn't it? surely
We'll need a flat surface to play the game on. surface
A recent survey showed 75% of those questioned were in favour of the plan. survey
87% of the 1 000 companies surveyed employ part-time staff. survey
survive from sth: Some strange customs have survived from earlier times. survive
suspect (that)...: I began to suspect (that) they were trying to get rid of me. suspect
It's time to confront him with our suspicions. suspicion
beads of sweat sweat
She wiped the sweat from her face. sweat
By the end of the match, the sweat was pouring off him. sweat
Their bodies were soaked in sweat. sweat
I woke up in a sweat. sweat
She completed the routine without even working up a sweat. sweat
He breaks out in a sweat just at the thought of flying. sweat
He started having night sweats. sweat
to sweat heavily sweat
The palms of his hands began to sweat. sweat
sweat sth: He was sweating buckets (= a lot). sweat
Chimneys should be swept regularly. sweep
swing yourself + adv./prep.: He swung himself out of the car. swing
The kids were playing on the swings. swing
You have to wait until the drugs have passed out of your system. system
He questioned her next morning over the breakfast table (= during breakfast). table
That cut is taking a long time to heal. take
It'll take her time to recover from the illness. take
take sth for sb to do sth: It'll take time (= take a long time) for her to recover from the illness. take
+ adv.: I need a shower—I won't take long. take
to take a deep breath take
She was accused of taking bribes. take
Will you take your books off the table? take
He took some keys out of his pocket. take
My name had been taken off the list. take
She was playing with a knife, so I took it away from her. take
She was playing with a knife, so I took it off her. take
take sth out of sth: Part of her article is taken straight (= copied) out of my book. take
take sb: It's too far to walk—I'll take you by car. take
They've taken up golf. take sth up
She has taken up (= started to learn to play) the oboe. take sth up
I won't take up any more of your time. take up sth
Her time is fully taken up with writing. take up sth
Ann and Joe aren't talking to each other right now (= they refuse to speak to each other because they have argued). talk
to hold talks talk
Union representatives walked out of emergency talks aimed at reaching a pay settlement. talk
tall chimneys tall
teach sth: I'll be teaching history and sociology next term. teach
He has now retired from full-time teaching teaching
a team event (= one played by groups of people rather than individual players) team
The team is/are not playing very well this season. team
She left the room in tears (= crying). tear
tell sb (that)...: The sound of his breathing told her (that) he was asleep. tell
temporary relief from pain temporary
I'm looking for some temporary work. temporary
They had to move into temporary accommodation. temporary
a temporary measure/solution/arrangement temporary
More than half the staff are temporary. temporary
We regret this service is temporarily unavailable. temporarily
Many students now have paid employment during term. term
He faces a maximum prison/jail term of 25 years. term
The term of agreement can be for either two or three years. term
Read the text carefully and then answer the questions. text
The watch (that) you gave me keeps perfect time. that
There were three questions. The first two were relatively easy but the third one was hard. the
You're the third person to ask me that. the
If anyone calls, ask for their number so I can call them back. their
It's a favourite game of theirs. theirs
North American literature is the main theme of this year's festival. theme
Just then (= at that moment) there was a knock at the door. then
I left in 2008 and I haven't been back there since. there
thick smoke thick
There's another thing I'd like to ask you. thing
Put your things (= coat, etc.) on and let's go. thing
The job took longer than we thought. think
Let me think (= give me time before I answer). think
He'd like more time to think things over. think sth over
What is the current thinking on this question? thinking
He'll probably say no, though it's worth asking. though
Our team lost. It was a good game though. though
Drugs pose a major threat to our society. threat
The bill had a difficult passage through Parliament. through
throw sth + adj.: I threw open the windows to let the smoke out. throw
to throw away an opportunity throw sth away
The universities have expanded, thus allowing many more people the chance of higher education. thus
tidy habits tidy
Although he was raised as a Roman Catholic, he has cut his ties with the Church. tie
It doesn't matter if you don't win every time (= every time you play). time
He's determined to pass this time. time
Did you have a good time in Spain? time
I had an awful time in the hospital. time
Mike and I shared some really good times. time
Allow plenty of time to get to the airport. time
I can probably make the time to see them. time
It takes time to make changes in the law. time
We have no time to lose (= we must hurry). time
We got to the airport with time to spare. time
He spends most of his time working. time
She doesn't have much free/spare time. time
Sorry, I can't spare the time. time
What a waste of time! time
I didn't finish the test—I ran out of time. time
Time's up—have you worked out the answer yet? time
He never takes any time off (= time spent not working). time
Jane's worked here for some time (= for a fairly long period of time). time
The journey time is two hours. time
I don't want to take up too much of your precious time. time
What's the hurry? We have all the time in the world. time
His injuries will take a long time to heal. time
Did you have to wait a long time to see the doctor? time
I lived in Egypt for a time. time
The early morning is the best time of day. time
At one time (= at a period of time in the past) Emily was my best friend. time
Mr Curtis was the manager in my time (= when I was working there). time
The movie is set at the time of the Russian Revolution. time
in ancient times time
the violent times we live in (= the present period of history) time
the politician who promised 'peace in our time' time
Times are hard for the unemployed. time
Times have changed since Grandma was young. time
The changing seasons mark the passing of time. time
A visit to the museum will take you back in time to the 1930s. time
time and space time
As time went by we saw less and less of each other. time
Perceptions change over time (= as time passes). time
They say that time heals all wounds. time
What time is it/What's the time? time
Do you have the time? time
What time do you have? time
The time is now half past ten. time
Can she tell the time yet (= say what time it is by looking at a clock)? time
Can she tell time yet? time
My watch keeps perfect time (= always shows the correct time). time
Look at the time! We'll be late. time
The baby loves bath time. time
time (to do sth): I think it's time to go to bed. time
This is hardly the time to discuss politics. time
time (for sth): It's time for lunch. time
time (that)...: It's time the kids were in bed. time
By the time you get there the meeting will be over. time
A computer screen shows arrival and departure times. time
You'll feel differently about it when the time comes (= when it happens). time
Have I called at a bad time? Shall I call back later? time
The promotion came at just the right time for me. time
We stock six different beers at any one time. time
There's no rush—take your time. take your time (over sth), take your time to do sth/doing sth
You have to be firm, but at the same time you should try and be sympathetic. at the same time
The rain will become heavy at times in the afternoon. at times
She has to work at weekends from time to time. from time to time
It's about time you cleaned your room! it's about/high time
a bus/train timetable (= when they arrive and leave) timetable
We have a new timetable each term (= showing the times of each class in school). timetable
Sport is no longer so important in the school timetable (= all the subjects that are taught at schools). timetable
I have a busy timetable this week (= I have planned to do many things). timetable
The bus stopped abruptly, nearly tipping me out of my seat. tip
Her childhood was spent travelling from place to place. to
a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich tomato
Tomorrow will be fine and dry according to the weather forecast. tomorrow
the volume and tone controls on a car stereo tone
It's only too easy for them to deny responsibility. too
research tools like questionnaires tool
She answered through clenched teeth (= opening her mouth only a little because of anger). tooth
The orchestra was tuning up as we entered the hall. tune up, tune sth up
The weather has turned cold. turn
He turned nasty when we refused to give him the money. turn
The river turns north at this point. turn
The smell made my stomach turn over (= made me feel sick). turn over
The weather became so bad that they had to turn back. turn back, turn sb/sth back
Why did she turn down your invitation? turn sb/sth down
He has been turned down for ten jobs so far. turn sb/sth down
After the crash the car was a mass of twisted metal. twisted
typical for sb/sth: The weather at the moment is not typical for July. typical
Typical interview questions are 'Why do you want to study law?' or 'Why did you choose this college?' typical
Such behaviour is totally unacceptable in a civilized society. unacceptable
The country is now under martial law. under
She took a deep breath and stayed under for more than a minute. under
understand (that...): I quite understand that you need some time alone. understand
understand sb doing sth: I quite understand you needing some time alone. understand
Take a deep breath and see how long you can stay underwater. underwater
It was a time of mass unemployment. unemployment
I didn't realize but he was deeply unhappy at that time. unhappy
He was unhappy at being left out of the team. unhappy
the Scottish Rugby Union union
a summit to discuss economic and monetary union union
The preview offers a unique opportunity to see the show without the crowds. unique
The basic unit of society is the family. unit
You won't get paid for time off unless you have a doctor's note. unless
By some unlucky chance, her name was left off the list. unlucky
The job was beginning to make unreasonable demands on his free time. unreasonable
It would be unreasonable to expect somebody to come at such short notice. unreasonable
He jumped up from his chair. up
It didn't take long to put the tent up. up
United were 3-1 up at half-time. up
The wind is getting up (= blowing more strongly). up
The corners of her mouth curved upwards in amusement. upwards
urge to do sth: I had a sudden urge to hit him. urge
a problem that requires urgent attention urgent
use sth to do sth: Police used tear gas to disperse the crowds. use
I'm not sure that this is the most valuable use of my time. use
Some products can be recycled at the end of their useful life. useful
They asked me why I wanted the job and why I thought I was suitable—you know, the usual thing. usual
We usually go by car. usually
This great value-for-money offer is only available to society members. value
Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation. variation
regional/seasonal variation (= depending on the region or time of year) variation
vary from sth to sth: Pulse rates vary slightly from person to person. vary
The aerobics instructor varies the routine each week. vary
There are two versions of the game, a long one and a short one. version
At last he had his very own car (= belonging to him and to nobody else). very
The sun disappeared from view. view
In my view it was a waste of time. view
The Prime Minister is visiting Japan at the moment. visit
If you have time, pay a visit to the local museum. visit
Is this a social visit, or is it business? visit
The police play a vital role in our society. vital
jars of different volumes volume
the sheer volume (= large amount) of business volume
This work has grown in volume recently. volume
New roads are being built to cope with the increased volume of traffic. volume
Sales volumes fell 0.2% in June. volume
vote to do sth: Parliament voted to set up an independent inquiry into the matter. vote
a skirt with an elasticated waist waist
This is just the opportunity I've been waiting for. wait
I waited my chance and slipped out when no one was looking. wait
I'll ask the waitress for the bill. waiter
They hinted that they would walk out of the peace talks. walk out (of sth)
He sat on the wall and watched the others playing. wall
wander away, back, to, etc. sth: Her thoughts wandered back to her youth. wander
Don't wander off the subject—keep to the point.` wander
Social and political problems led to the outbreak (= the beginning) of war. war
In the Middle Ages England waged war on France. war
Wait for the warmer weather before putting the plants in the garden. warm
If you're thinking of getting a dog, be warned—they take a lot of time and money. warn
They were warned not to climb the mountain in such bad weather. warn
wash sth from sth: She washed the blood from his face. wash
waste sth: to waste time/food/energy waste
We got straight down to business without wasting time on small talk. waste
waste sth (in) doing sth: She wasted no time in rejecting the offer (= she rejected it immediately). waste
You're wasting your time trying to explain it to him (= because he will not understand). waste
waste sb/sth: It was a wasted opportunity. waste
These meetings are a complete waste of time. waste
watch sb/sth: to watch television/a football game watch
'Would you like to play?' 'No thanks—I'll just watch.' watch
watch sb/sth doing sth: She watched the kids playing in the yard. watch
She declined the offer with a wave of her hand. wave
Children were playing in the waves. wave
They escaped out the back way. way
to ask sb the way way
I moved my legs out of the way so that she could get past. out of the way
I didn't say anything until Dad was out of the way. out of the way
the distribution of wealth in Britain wealth
hot/cold/wet/fine/summer/windy, etc. weather weather
Did you have good weather on your trip? weather
I'm not going out in this weather! weather
There's going to be a change in the weather. weather
if the weather holds/breaks (= if the good weather continues/changes) weather
The weather is very changeable at the moment. weather
'Are you going to the beach tomorrow?' 'It depends on the weather.' weather
We'll have the party outside, weather permitting (= if it doesn't rain). weather
a weather map/chart weather
a weather report weather
The tent protected us from the worst of the weather. weather
to listen to the weather weather
I never have the time to go out in the week. week
The fine weather made a welcome change. welcome
The conference was very well organized. well
She was determined to marry well (= marry sb rich and/or with a high social position). well
Well, I'd better be going now. well
The weather will be wet and windy in the south. wet
I spent what little time I had with my family. what
What awful weather! what
There are times when I wonder why I do this job. when
The last time I went to Scotland was in May, when the weather was beautiful. when
I wonder where they will take us to. where
I asked him whether he had done it all himself or whether someone had helped him. whether
Which of the patients have recovered? which
Which way is the wind blowing? which
While I am willing to help, I do not have much time available. while
They chatted for a while. while
I'll be back in a little while (= a short time). while
I haven't seen him for quite a while (= a fairly long time). while
They walked back together, talking all the while (= all the time). while
The referee finally blew the whistle to stop the game. whistle
a shrill whistle whistle
The crowd booed and whistled as the player came onto the field. whistle
I wonder who that letter was from. who
Come out of there, whoever you are. whoever
The festival will be great for our city and for the country as a whole. as a whole
I wonder whose this is. whose
The festival attracts people from a wide area. wide
It is not a wildly funny play. wildly
You'll be in time if you hurry. will
I asked him if he wouldn't mind calling later. will
Success in studying depends on a willingness to learn. willingness
win sth: to win an election/a game/a war, etc. win
The wind is blowing from the south. wind
A gust of wind blew my hat off. wind
The weather was hot, without a breath of wind. wind
The wind is getting up (= starting to blow strongly). wind
The wind has dropped (= stopped blowing strongly). wind
The bag was stuffed with dirty clothes. with
to play tennis with sb with
withdraw (sb/sth) (from sth): Both powers withdrew their forces from the region. withdraw
She withdrew her hand from his. withdraw
withdraw sth from sth: The drug was withdrawn from sale after a number of people suffered serious side effects. withdraw
withdraw (from sth): There have been calls for Britain to withdraw from the EU. withdraw
He was forced to withdraw from the competition because of injury. withdraw
withdraw sb/sth (from sth): The horse had been withdrawn from the race. withdraw
You should receive a reply within seven days. within
That question is not within the scope of this talk. within
wonder who, where, etc...: I wonder who she is. wonder
I wonder why he left his job. wonder
I was just beginning to wonder where you were. wonder
wonder (about sth): 'Why do you want to know?' 'No particular reason. I was just wondering.' wonder
We were wondering about next April for the wedding. wonder
I wonder if you can help me. wonder
I was wondering whether you'd like to come to a party. wonder
We had a wonderful time last night. wonderful
He never breathed a word of this to me. word
The police and the public need to work together to combat crime. work
She had been out of work (= without a job) for a year. work
full-time/part-time/unpaid/voluntary work work
Police work is mainly routine. work
temporary/part-time/casual workers worker
She spent most of her working life as a teacher. working
the world of fashion world
Don't rush—we've got all the time in the world. in the world
Don't worry. We have plenty of time. worry
worry about sb/sth: Don't worry about me. I'll be all right. worry
worry sb with sth: Don't keep worrying him with a lot of silly questions. worry
The news of his release from prison added further to her worries. worry
It's been a worrying time for us all. worrying
The weather got worse during the day. worse
He worshipped at the local mosque. worship
At worst this may mean the end of her playing career. at (the) worst
If you answer this question correctly, it's worth five points. worth
She asked if I would help. would
If I had seen the advertisement in time I would have applied for the job. would
After a serious argument, it can take some time for the wounds to heal. wound
She tore the cellophane wrapping off the box. wrapping
I'm writing to enquire about language courses. write
No decision has been made at the time of writing. write
He is leaving the band to concentrate on his writing. writing
It was his bad luck to be in the wrong place at the wrong time (= so that he got involved in trouble without intending to). wrong
The children were playing in the yard at the front of the school. yard
'You'll be fine.' 'Yeah, right.' yeah, right
I have happy memories of my years in Poland (= the time I spent there). year
I need a simple yes or no to my questions. yes
It's a small car, yet it's surprisingly spacious. yet
In his younger days he played rugby for Wales. young
Do it yourself—I don't have time. yourself
She regrets that she spent her youth travelling and not studying. youth
I rated my chances as zero. zero