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EVP guilt
EVP guilty

OXF3000ZH: 内疚的 有罪的 guilty
5000FR: coupable guilty
5000FR: culpabilité guilt
OXF3000N có tội phạm tội tội lỗi guilty
GBENDE: 过失 guilt Schuld
CORE: guilt + + + + + + +
WNS: (n.) [guilt] guiltiness

ENDE: guilt Schuld
FN: guilt n Contrition
FN: guilt n Guilt_or_innocence

like: guilt

He refused to admit his guilt. admit
He pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol. alcohol
He said he would appeal after being found guilty on four counts of murder. appeal
It took the jury some time to reach the conclusion that she was guilty. conclusion
His guilty expression confirmed my suspicions. confirm
I was feeling guilty. feel
guilty feelings feeling
I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often. guilty
John had a guilty look on his face. guilty
I had a guilty conscience and could not sleep. guilty
The jury found the defendant not guilty of the offence. guilty
He pleaded guilty to murder. guilty
the guilty party (= the person responsible for sth bad happening) guilty
We've all been guilty of selfishness at some time in our lives. guilty
He's as guilty as hell. hell
I'm feeling very guilty—I've been meaning to call my parents for days, but still haven't got around to it. mean
He was found guilty of murder. murder
a first offence (= the first time that sb has been found guilty of a crime) offence
She pleaded guilty to five traffic offenses. offense
In this country, you are innocent until proved guilty. prove
The prosecution has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he is guilty of murder. reasonable
They were found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to animals. unnecessary
He virtually admitted he was guilty. virtually
Guilt and horror flooded her in waves. wave
Guilt is the secret weapon for the control of children. weapon

coupable aujourd’hui, tout le monde est coupable
culpabilité la police a rassemblé les preuves établissant leur culpabilité