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voice giọng nói

OXF3000N tiếng giọng nói voice

like: giọng nói

a beautiful woman/face/baby/voice/poem/smell/evening beautiful
a cheerful smile/voice cheerful
Your tone of voice is as important as the content of what you have to say. content
She struggled to keep control of her voice. control
Her voice was cool and dismissive. cool
I heard his deep warm voice filling the room. deep
He spoke in an educated voice. educated
The rising tone of his voice emphasized his panic. emphasize
A note of defiance entered her voice. enter
There was a note of excitement in his voice. excitement
We could hear their voices growing fainter as they walked down the road. faint
Something about her voice was vaguely familiar. familiar
'No,' she repeated, her voice firmer this time. firm
a gentle voice/laugh/touch gentle
imply sth: I disliked the implied criticism in his voice. imply
I couldn't see who was speaking, but I knew the voice. know
He has a lovely voice. lovely
They were speaking in low voices. low
a nervous glance/smile/voice (= one that shows that you feel anxious) nervous
a pleasant smile/voice/manner pleasant
a powerful voice powerful
a pure voice pure
her quiet voice quiet
The term 'accent' refers to pronunciation. The term 'dialect' refers to vocabulary and grammar. refer to sb/sth
People alter their voices in relationship to background noise. relationship
She said this in the tone of voice she reserved for addressing small children. reserve
She looked round at the sound of his voice. round
She has a beautiful speaking voice. speak
There was a sting of sarcasm in his voice. sting
a strong voice (= loud) strong
to speak in a deep/soft/loud/quiet, etc. voice voice
'I promise,' she said in a small voice (= a quiet, shy voice). voice
to raise/lower your voice (= to speak louder/more quietly) voice
Keep your voice down (= speak quietly). voice
'There you are,' said a voice behind me. voice