Beginner Level Advanced Level



OXF3000N sự giúp đỡ thêm vào phụ vào aid
OXF3000N giữa ở giữa among
OXF3000N bắt giữ sự bắt giữ arrest
OXF3000N giúp giúp đỡ tham dự có mặt assist
OXF3000N sự giúp đỡ assistance
OXF3000N người giúp đỡ người phụ tá giúp đỡ assistant
OXF3000N cái giường bed
OXF3000N lợi lợi ích giúp ích làm lợi cho benefit
OXF3000N giữa ở giữa between
OXF3000N bắt giữ bắt sự bắt giữ sự bị bắt capture
OXF3000N sự giữ gìn take care of
OXF3000N cẩn thận cẩn trọng biết giữ gìn careful
OXF3000N trung tâm ở giữa trung ương central
OXF3000N điểm giữa trung tâm trung ương centre
OXF3000N giam giữ hạn chế confine
OXF3000N động viên ủng hộ giúp đỡ làm can đảm mạnh dạn encourage
OXF3000N cái chắn người bảo vệ bảo vệ gác canh giữ guard
OXF3000N có ích giúp đỡ helpful
OXF3000N cầm nắm giữ sự cầm sự nắm giữ hold
OXF3000N chung (giữa 2 người hoặc hơn) chỗ nối đầu nối joint
OXF3000N giữ giữ lại keep
OXF3000N giữ gìn duy trì bảo vệ maintain
OXF3000N giữa ở giữa middle
OXF3000N giữ chiếm lĩnh chiếm giữ occupy
OXF3000N bảo quản giữ gìn preserve
OXF3000N mau lẹ nhanh chóng xúi giục nhắc nhở prompt
OXF3000N giữa công chúng công khai in public
OXF3000N giữ lại nhớ được retain
OXF3000N chắc chắn đảm bảo bảo đảm giữ an ninh secure
OXF3000N rung lắc giũ sự rung sự lắc sự giũ shake
OXF3000N chăn khăn trải giường tấm phiến tờ sheet
OXF3000N trông nom chăm sóc giữ gìn hầu hạ tend
OXF3000N thúc giục giục giã sự thúc đẩy sự thôi thúc urge
OXF3000N hữu ích giúp ích useful

bed giường Objects
the bed Cái giường Objects
What is on the bed? Cái gì ở trên cái giường? Prepositions 2
The dog is under the bed. Con chó ở dưới cái giường. Prepositions 2

like: giư
fit bleiben giữ sức khỏe 保持精力 bǎochí jīnglì
helfen giúp đỡ 帮助 bāngzhù
behalten giữ lại 保存 bǎocún
hinaushelfen giúp ra ngoài 救出 jìuchū
zwei Einzelbetten hai giường đơn 两张单人床 liǎng zhāng dānrénchuáng
aufbewahren bảo quản, giữ 保存 bǎo cún
etwas in der Hand halten giữ cái gì trên trong tay 把某物拿在手里 bǎ mǒu wù ná zài shǒu lǐ
jemanden festhalten giữ ai lại, bắt ai 抓住某人 zhuā zhù mǒu rén
verschließen khóa , giam giữ suǒ
etwas festmachen giữ chặt 固定某物 gù dìng mǒu wù
hilfsbereit sẵn sàng giúp đỡ 乐于助人的 lè yú zhù rén de
zwischen zwei Gegenständen wählen chọn giữa hai đồ vật 择二选一 zé èr xuǎn yī
besetzen giữ chỗ 拥有 yōng yǒu
ohne jegliche Hilfe không có sự trợ giúp, giúp đỡ nào 没有任何帮助 méiyǒu rènhé bāngzhù
miteinander schlafen ngủ với nhau, lên giường cùng nhau 做爱 zuòài
ein Versprechen brechen không giữ lời hứa 违背一个诺言 wéibèi yī gè nuòyán
jemanden herausfordern thách đấu, xúi giục ai đó 挑战某人 tiǎozhàn mǒurén
jemanden zu etwas anstiften xúi giục ai làm gì đó 教唆某人做某事 jiāosuō mǒurén zuò mǒushì
jemanden herausfordern thách đấu, xúi giục ai đó 挑战某人 tiǎozhàn mǒurén
das Bett cái giường
die Bettdecke ga trải giường
fit bleiben giữ sức khỏe
helfen giúp đỡ
behalten giữ lại
die Mitte ở giữa, trung tâm
hinaushelfen giúp ra ngoài
das Doppelbett giường đôi
zwei Einzelbetten hai giường đơn
aufbewahren bảo quản, giữ
etwas in der Hand halten giữ cái gì trên trong tay
jemanden festhalten giữ ai lại, bắt ai
verschließen khóa , giam giữ
etwas festmachen giữ chặt
hilfsbereit sẵn sàng giúp đỡ
die Entwicklungshilfe trợ giúp phát triển
zwischen zwei Gegenständen wählen chọn giữa hai đồ vật
besetzen giữ chỗ
ohne jegliche Hilfe không có sự trợ giúp, giúp đỡ nào
miteinander schlafen ngủ với nhau, lên giường cùng nhau
ein Versprechen brechen không giữ lời hứa
jemanden zu etwas anstiften xúi giục ai làm gì đó
die Bettwäsche ga trải giường
jemanden herausfordern thách đấu, xúi giục ai đó
die Mittellinie đường giữa sân
das Schlafsofa giường sôfa
der Mittelfinger ngón giữa

Leute brauchen Sport, um gesund zu bleiben und sich fit zu fühlen. Mọi người cần luyện tập thế thao đế giữ gìn sức khoẻ và luôn khoẻ mạnh. (Lektion 13, Nr. 129)
Sollte ich dir helfen, abzuwaschen? Em giúp anh rửa chén nhé? (Lektion 15, Nr. 165)
Mach einfach eine Liste mit dem, was du brauchst. Das wird dir helfen. Hãy lên danh sách những thứ anh cần. Nó sẽ giúp anh. (Lektion 24, Nr. 308)
Tri, hier ist nochmal Trang. Könntest du mir bitte einen Gefallen tun? Tri, em Trang đây. Anh có thế làm giúp em một việc được không? (Lektion 25, Nr. 314)
Könntest du mir eine Halskette oder Ohrringe mitbringen? Anh có thế lấy giúp em một sợi dây chuyền hay bông tai được không? (Lektion 25, Nr. 317)
Trang sagte mir das bereits. Ich werde auf den Ring aufpassen. Trang đã nói điều này với cháu. Cháu sẽ giữ kỹ nó. (Lektion 26, Nr. 334)
Tri möchte, dass die neuen Kunden das Sportzentrum sauber halten. Tri muốn rằng những khách hàng mới phải giữ trung tâm thế thao sạch sẽ. (Lektion 30, Nr. 388)
Er half jedem heraus und die Leute, die sich verletzt haben, sind jetzt im Krankenhaus. Họ giúp mọi người thoát ra và những người bị thương thì bây giờ đang ở trong bệnh viện. (Lektion 32, Nr. 431)
Nach dem Babysitting holt Tri Trang ab, weil er ihr helfen möchte, neue Skier zu kaufen. Sau khi trông trẻ xong, Tri đón Trang đi, vì anh ấy muốn giúp cô ấy mua ván trượt tuyết mới. (Lektion 35, Nr. 495)
Trang hat ein nettes Apartment in der Stadtmitte gefunden. Trang đã tìm thấy một căn hộ rất tốt ở giữa thành phố. (Lektion 37, Nr. 519)
Möchtest du mit mir ein Doppelbett teilen, oder sollen wir einzelne Betten nehmen? Em muốn nằm giường đôi với anh hay là chúng ta nằm giường đơn? (Lektion 42, Nr. 598)
Ich weiß, wenn ich mit dir ein Doppelbett nehmen würde, dann müsste ich in der Ecke des Bettes schlafen. Em biết, nếu em nằm giường đôi với anh, thì em sẽ phải ngủ ở góc giường. (Lektion 42, Nr. 603)
Er ist erleichtert, dass Trang ihm bei der Montage hilft. Anh thấy thật dễ chịu, khi Trang giúp anh trong việc lắp ráp. (Lektion 46, Nr. 654)
Bevor du weiter darüber nachdenkst, hilf mir lieber. Trước khi anh tiếp tục nghĩ về việc đó, tốt hơn là hãy giúp em. (Lektion 46, Nr. 659)
Trang rennt zum Bauernhof, um Hilfe zu holen. Trang chạy tới nông trại để kêu sự giúp đỡ. (Lektion 53, Nr. 749)
Nachdem er sich die Zähne geputzt hat, legt er sich ins Bett. Sau khi đánh răng, anh nằm lên giường. (Lektion 54, Nr. 768)
Haben die anderen dir nicht geholfen? Những người khác không giúp anh à? (Lektion 62, Nr. 881)
Auch sein Anwalt, der auf unschuldig plädierte, konnte ihm nicht helfen. Ngay cả luật sư, người bào chữa cho anh ta cũng không thể giúp gì được. (Lektion 63, Nr. 894)
Zwischen den Ställen und Gehegen haben Gärtner überall Beete mit Rosen und Nelken bepflanzt. Giữa chuồng cũi và vườn thú những người làm vườn trồng xung quanh với những luống hoa hồng và hoa đinh hương. (Lektion 65, Nr. 921)
Dann muss ich mich nur noch um die Bühne kümmern, damit eurem großen Auftritt nichts mehr dazwischen kommen kann. Vậy là anh chỉ còn phải chăm lo đến sân khấu, để sự biểu diễn không có chuyện gì xảy ra giữa chừng. (Lektion 78, Nr. 1116)
Die Kinder spielen Fangen zwischen den Hochzeitsgästen und bestaunen den Tisch mit den vielen Geschenken. Trẻ con thì chơi đuổi bắt giữa những khách cưới và ngắm nghía cái bàn với nhiều quà tặng. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1127)
Alle Medien berichten über die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen liberalen und konservativen Politikern. Tất cả phương tiện thông tin đều nói đến sự tranh luận giữa những nhà chính trị theo đảng tự do và những người theo đảng bảo thủ. (Lektion 81, Nr. 1156)
Was kann ich für Sie tun? Tôi có thể giúp gì được cho anh / chị ? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1214)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe. Xin cám ơn sự giúp đỡ của anh / chị . (Lektion 85, Nr. 1232)
Bitte bleiben Sie am Apparat. Anh / Chị làm ơn giữ máy một chút. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1252)
Ich werde ihn gerne benachrichtigen. Tôi sẽ giúp nhắn lại cho ông ấy / anh ấy. (Lektion 86, Nr. 1261)
Leider kann ich Ihnen nicht weiterhelfen. Rất tiếc tôi không thể giúp gì được cho anh / chị . (Lektion 86, Nr. 1275)
Bitte warten Sie. Anh / Chị làm ơn chờ / giữ máy. (Lektion 87, Nr. 1280)
Bitte bleiben Sie am Apparat. Làm ơn chờ / giữ máy. (Lektion 87, Nr. 1282)
Bitte bleiben Sie in der Leitung. Làm ơn chờ / giữ máy. (Lektion 87, Nr. 1283)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Mühe. Xin cám ơn về sự giúp đỡ. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1331)
Wir hoffen, dass wir Ihnen mit diesen Informationen helfen konnten. Chúng tôi hi vọng những thông tin trên có thể giúp ích cho anh / chị . (Lektion 90, Nr. 1357)
Ich hoffe, ich konnte Ihnen weiterhelfen. Tôi hi vọng tôi đã giúp được anh / chị phần nào. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1391)
Wie halten Sie sich fit? Anh / Chị làm thế nào để giữ cho mình luôn khỏe mạnh? (Lektion 96, Nr. 1515)
Letzten Monat haben wir einen wundervollen Abend in der Oper verbracht: Auf dem Spielplan stand Nabucco von Guiseppe Verdi. Tháng trước chúng tôi đã có một buổi tối tuyệt vời tại nhà hát kịch Opera. Chương trình biểu diễn hôm đó là vở „Nabucco „ của Giuseppe Verdi. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1536)
Diese Frage verstehe ich nicht. Können Sie mir das bitte erklären? Tôi không hiểu câu hỏi này. Anh / Chị làm ơn giải thích giúp tôi được không? (Lektion 101, Nr. 1689)
Wir könnten die andere Projektgruppe bitten uns zu helfen. Chúng ta có thể tìm trợ giúp từ một nhóm dự án khác. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1718)
Wir können einen Kollegen um Hilfe bitten. Chúng ta có thể nhờ một đồng nghiệp khác giúp đỡ. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1719)
Wir könnten mit dem Geschäftsführer sprechen und ihn um Rat bitten. Chúng ta có thể nhờ lãnh đạo cho ý kiến giúp đỡ. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1720)
Ihr Betreuer wird Sie gründlich in Ihr Aufgabengebiet einarbeiten und Ihnen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen. Người hướng dẫn sẽ hướng dẫn anh / chị cẩn thận các công việc và luôn sẵn sàng giúp đỡ anh / chị. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1751)
Ja, ich bin ehrgeizig. Mein Ehrgeiz hilft mir meine Ziele zu erreichen. Vâng, tôi là người có tham vọng. Tham vọng của tôi giúp tôi đạt được mục tiêu. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1938)
Kritik hilft mir dabei mich zu verbessern. Sự chỉ trích giúp tôi làm tốt hơn. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1939)
Hier finden Sie Hilfe. Ở đây anh / chị có thể tìm thấy chỉ dẫn giúp đỡ. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2050)
Kann ich Ihnen helfen? Tôi có thể giúp gì cho quý khách? (Lektion 118, Nr. 2240)
Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen? Tôi có thể giúp gì cho quý khách? (Lektion 119, Nr. 2280)
In diesem Fall kann ich Ihnen leider nicht weiterhelfen. Trong trường hợp này tôi rất tiếc không thể giúp được gì cho quý khách. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2285)
Da kann Ihnen mein Kollege helfen. Đồng nghiệp của tôi có thể giúp quý khách điều này được. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2288)
Können Sie mir bitte helfen? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giúp tôi được không? (Lektion 120, Nr. 2319)
Kann ich Ihnen helfen? Tôi có thể giúp gì cho quý vị? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2327)
Bitte helfen Sie uns das Problem schnell zu lösen. Xin quý vị hãy giúp chúng tôi nhanh chóng giải quyết vấn đề này. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2498)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe. Xin cám ơn sự giúp đỡ của ông / bà / anh / chị. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2521)

313 I never read in bed. Tôi không bao giờ đọc trên giường.
426 Please be quiet. I'm working. Xin giữ trật tự. Tôi đang làm việc.
535 He was in bed. Anh ấy ở trên giường.
537 He was in bed, asleep. Anh ấy ở trên giường, đi ngủ.
718 at two thirty (2:30), I was in the middle of working. Tôi bắt đầu làm việc lúc chín giờ và kết thúc lúc bốn rưỡi. Nên lúc hai rưỡi tôi đang giữa chừng công việc.
813 Gunter's favorite movie is Star Wars. He's seen it twenty (20) times, but I've never seen it. Bộ lm yêu thích của Gunter là Chiến tranh giữa các vì sao. Anh ấy đã xem nó được hai mươi lần còn tôi chưa xem bao giờ.
1157 Giuliana has a car, but she doesn't drive it very often. Giuliana có xe hơi nhưng cô ấy không lái nó thường xuyên lắm.
1191 We were wokup by loud music in the middle of the night. Chúng tôi bị tiếng nhạc to đánh thức giữa đêm.
1232 I can go by bus. The last bus leaves at midnight. Tôi có thể đi xe bus. Chuyến bus cuối cùng đi lúc giữa đêm.
1601 do it myself. Tôi giúp cậu xách valise được không? - Không cần, cảm ơn. Tôi muốn tự xách hơn.
1754 Please help me. — I'm sorry, I can't. Làm ơn giúp tôi. - Xin lỗi, tôi không giúp được.
1770 Fahim can't help you, but I can. Fahim không giúp được cậu nhưng tôi giúp được.
1797 I would like to help you, but I'm sorry I can't. Tôi muốn giúp cậu nhưng rất tiếc tôi không làm được.
1846 uncomfortable? Tối qua tôi ngủ không ngon. - Vậy à? Giường không được thoải mái à?
1858 You'll help me, won't you? — Yes, of course I will. Cậu sẽ giúp tôi chứ? - Có, tất nhiên rồi.
1875 The plan is supposed to be a secret, but everybody seems to know about it. Kế hoạch đáng ra phải được giữ kín nhưng dường như mọi người đều biết rồi.
1902 The doctor told me to stay in bed for a few days. Bác sĩ bảo tôi ở trên giường một vài ngày.
1955 Would you mind closing the door? Phiền cậu đóng cửa giùm tôi được không?
1976 Vincent was in a di cult situation, so I agreed to help him. Vincent đã rơi vào tình trạng khó khắn nên tôi đồng ý giúp anh ấy.
1989 printer? — Sure, I will. Ai có thể chỉ giúp tôi làm thế nào cho được cái hộp mực vào máy in không? - Được chứ, để tôi.
2003 I didn't move the piano by myself. I got somebody to help me. Tôi không tự chuyển cái đàn dương cầm. Tôi đã nhờ người khác giúp.
2013 Let me carry your bag for you. Để tôi xách túi giúp cậu.
2033 asleep. Xin cậu cố giữ yên lặng khi cậu về nhà. Mọi người khi đó đang ngủ.
2040 They needed help to clean up after the party, so everybody helped clean up. Họ cần sự giúp đỡ để dọn dẹp sau bữa tiệc nên mọi người đã giúp dọn dẹp.
2041 help me move this table? Tôi cần cậu giúp một tay dịch cái bàn này đi. > Cậu thấy cậu có thể giúp tôi một tay dich cái bàn này đi được không?
2056 Would you mind closing the door, please? — Not at all. Phiền cậu đóng giùm tôi cái cửa được không? - Không có gì.
2112 The noise keeps me from falling asleep. Tiếng ồn giúp tôi không ngủ gật.
2114 I forgot to thank them for helping me. Tôi quên không cảm ơn họ vì đã giúp tôi.
2128 I waste a lot of time daydreaming. Tôi lãng phí nhiều thời gian mơ giữa ban ngày.
2199 I heard someone slamming the door in the middle of the night. Tôi đã nghe thấy có người đập cửa giữa nửa đêm.
2278 Do you ever have breakfast in bed? Cậu từng ăn sáng trên giường bao giờ chưa?
2288 long. Paolo và Giuliana đã cưới nhau nhưng hôn nhân không kéo dài lâu lắm.
2291 the homeless. Chính phủ đã hứa là sẽ cung cấp nhiều tiền hơn để giúp đỡ người vô gia cư.
2298 The Atlantic Ocean is between Africa and America. Đại Tây Dương nằm giữa châu Phi và châu Mĩ.
2305 The United States is between Canada and Mexico. Mĩ nằm giữa Canada và Mexico.
2425 I was sick yesterday, so I spent most of the day in bed. Hôm qua tôi ốm nên tôi mất gần như cả ngày nằm trên giường.
2430 When she got married, she kept it a secret. She didn't tell any of her friends. Khi cô ấy kết hôn, cô ấy giữ một bí mật. Cô ấy không nói với ai trong số bạn bè của cô ấy.
2434 to help me. Tôi đã hỏi vài người về đường đi nhưng không ai trong số họ giúp tôi được.
I'll do everything I can to help.'> 2448 I'll do everything I can to help.'> I'll do all I can to help. > I'll do everything I can to help. I'll do everything I can to help.'> ☊ Tôi sẽ làm tất cả những gì có thể giúp được. > Tôi sẽ làm mọi thứ có thể giúp được.
2542 I have a large bedroom overlooking the garden. Tôi có một cái giường lớn nhìn ra vườn.
2720 lake. Khách sạn chúng tôi sẽ tới nằm trên một hòn đảo giữa hồ.
You don't need to x that manually.'> 2762 You don't need to x that manually.'> You don't need to x that BY hand, I can write a computer program to help you. > You don't need to x that manually. You don't need to x that manually.'> ☊ Cậu không cần phải sửa nó bằng tay, tôi có thể viết một chương trình vi tính để giúp cậu. > Cậu không phải sửa nó theo cách thủ công.
2789 The police believe there's a connection between the two (2) murders, based on DNA evidence. Cảnh sát tin rằng có sự liên hệ giữa hai vụ giết người dựa trên bằng chứng ADN.
2790 There are minor di erences between many European languages. Có những khác biệt nhỏ giữa các ngôn ngữ châu Âu.
2791 It was really kind of you to help me. I really appreciate it. Cậu thật tốt bụng khi giúp đỡ tôi. Tôi thực sự đề cao việc đó.
2890 Everybody relies on her because she always keeps her promises. Mọi người tin tưởng cô ấy vì cô ấy luôn giữ lời hứa.
2895 You know you can rely on me if you ever need any help. Cậu biết cậu có thể tin tôi nếu cậu có cần giúp đỡ.
2948 However, the re ghters had a hard time trying to calm a woman down. Apparently, her cat perished in the re. Tuy nhiên lính cứu hoả đã gặp khó khăn khi cố gắng giữ bình tĩnh cho một phụ nữ. Có vẻ như con mèo của cô ấy bị chết trong đám cháy.
2949 Talks between Russia and the United States have broken down. Đàm phán giữa Nga và Mĩ đã đổ vỡ.

to keep the accounts up to date account
Accurate records must be kept. accurate
There are lots of people there who can actually help you. actually
She was held in deep affection by all her students. affection
I can't help you, I'm afraid. I'm afraid
There's a big age gap between them (= a big difference in their ages). age
agreement between A and B: An agreement was finally reached between management and employees. agreement
aid agencies (= organizations that provide help) aid
medical aid programmes aid
He was breathing only with the aid of a ventilator. aid
This job would be impossible without the aid of a computer. aid
collecting money in aid of charity in aid of sth/sb
She stands accused of aiding and abetting the crime. aid and abet
aim for sb/sth: Aim for the middle of the target. aim
Doctors kept the baby alive for six weeks. alive
'Thanks very much for your help.' 'Not at all, it was a pleasure.' not at all
A ramp allows easy access for wheelchairs. allow
You won't be allowed up (= out of bed) for several days. allow
a house among the trees among
We've had an enormous amount of help from people. amount
They gave me some help in the beginning but it did not amount to much (= they did not give me much help). amount to sth
amuse sb: She suggested several ideas to help Laura amuse the twins. amuse
Playing with water can keep children amused for hours. keep sb amused
We are grateful to all those people who answered our call for help with fund-raising. answer
Is there anybody who can help me? anybody
She keeps herself apart from other people. apart
I can't tell the twins apart (= see the difference between them). apart
You've got to help. Apart from anything else you're my brother. apart from
appeal to sb to do sth: The police made an appeal to the public to remain calm. appeal
appeal (to sb) (for sth): Community leaders appealed for calm (= urged people to remain calm). appeal
to make/keep an appointment appointment
appreciate sth: I'd appreciate some help. appreciate
We keep them informed of any changes as they arise. arise
They fell asleep in each other's arms (= holding each other). arm
He was carrying a number of files under his arm (= between his arm and his body). arm
arrangement between A and B: an arrangement between the school and the parents arrangement
arrest sb: A man has been arrested in connection with the robbery. arrest
arrest sb for doing sth: You could get arrested for doing that. arrest
The articles found in the car helped the police to identify the body. article
She may need some help as she's new. as
Anyone willing to assist can contact this number. assist
assist in/with sth: We are looking for people who would be willing to assist in the group's work. assist
assist sb: We'll do all we can to assist you. assist
The play was directed by Mike Johnson, assisted by Sharon Gale. assist
assist sb in doing sth: We will assist you in finding somewhere to live. assist
assist sb in/with sth: Two men are assisting the police with their enquiries (= are being questioned by the police). assist
assist sb to do sth: a course to assist adults to return to the labour market assist
Can I be of any assistance? assistance
Despite his cries, no one came to his assistance. assistance
He can walk only with the assistance of crutches. assistance
assistance in doing sth/to do sth: The company provides advice and assistance in finding work. assistance
Maybe one of our assistants can help you make your choice? assistant
The cat soon made the association between human beings and food. association
a proven association between passive smoking and cancer association
I held it at arm's length. at
There was an atmosphere of mutual trust between them. atmosphere
He could no longer hold back his tears. back
The barriers kept the crowd back. back
ferries sailing back and forth between the islands back and forth
I know that this is a bad time to ask for help. bad
She is so bad at keeping secrets. bad
She's only trying to help, so don't think badly of her. badly
I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates. balance
balance between A and B: Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation. balance
He persuaded a small band of volunteers to help. band
barrier between A and B: There was no real barrier between reality and fantasy in his mind. barrier
the endless battle between man and nature battle
The gull held the fish in its beak. beak
the ocean bed bed
oyster beds (= an area in the sea where there are many oysters ) bed
a single/double bed bed
She lay on the bed (= on top of the covers). bed
He lay in bed (= under the covers). bed
to get into/out of bed bed
to make the bed (= arrange the covers in a tidy way) bed
Could you give me a bed for the night (= somewhere to sleep)? bed
There's a shortage of hospital beds (= not enough room for patients to be admitted). bed
He has been confined to bed with flu for the past couple of days. bed
Where do these plates belong (= where are they kept)? belong
Bend your knees, keeping your back straight. bend
Q comes between P and R in the English alphabet. between
I sat down between Jo and Diana. between
Switzerland lies between France, Germany, Austria and Italy. between
The paper had fallen down between the desk and the wall. between
My job is somewhere between a secretary and a personal assistant. between
It's cheaper between 6 p.m. and 8 a.m. between
Don't eat between meals. between
Many changes took place between the two world wars. between
the border between Sweden and Norway between
We fly between Rome and Paris twice daily. between
a difference/distinction/contrast between two things between
a link between unemployment and crime between
There's a lot of bad feeling between them. between
I had to choose between the two jobs. between
We ate a pizza between us. between
This is just between you and me / between ourselves (= it is a secret). between
We ought to be able to manage it between us. between
The house was near a park but there was a road in between. between
I see her most weekends but not very often in between. between
I can lend you fifty pounds, if you want. That should help a bit. bit
a national park on the border between Kenya and Tanzania border
It is difficult to define the border between love and friendship. border
a battle between the teams at the bottom of the league bottom
She kept all the letters in a box. box
Negotiations between the two sides have broken down. break down
Fighting had broken out between rival groups of fans. break out
I want you to breathe in and hold your breath for as long as possible. breathe in
Deep breathing exercises will help you relax. breathing
The book serves as a bridge between ancient wisdom and modern science. bridge
Cultural exchanges are a way of building bridges between countries. bridge
This information will help us build a picture of his attacker. build
These finds help us build up a picture of life in the Middle Ages. build sth up
call (out) to sb (for sth): She called out to her father for help. call
Call yourself a friend? So why won't you help me, then? call
a call for help call
It is important to keep calm in an emergency. calm
Try to remain calm. calm
Can you help me with this box? can
capture sth: The animals are captured in nets and sold to local zoos. capture
He evaded capture for three days. capture
That will be a good career move (= something that will help your career). career
careful to do sth: He was careful to keep out of sight. careful
a long table in the centre of the room centre
The prisoners were kept in chains (= with chains around their arms and legs, to prevent them from escaping). chain
The newsletter is a useful channel of communication between teacher and students. channel
Many charities sent money to help the victims of the famine. charity
They keep chickens in the back yard. chicken
women forced to make a choice between family and career choice
We aim to help students make more informed career choices. choice
choose between A and/or B: She had to choose between staying in the UK or going home. choose
the conflict between Church and State church
a report examining claims of corrupt links between politicians claim
Keep the jokes clean please! clean
It is your responsibility to keep the room clean and tidy. clean
Keep your room neat and clean. clean
You'll need to keep a clear head for your interview. clear
The mist will clear by mid-morning. clear
Sue climbed into bed. climb
to close an account (= to stop keeping money in a bank account) close
We close for lunch between twelve and two. close
We keep in close touch with the police. close
Keep the door closed. closed
You'll catch your death of cold (= used to warn sb they could become ill if they do not keep warm in cold weather). cold
Talks between management and unions have collapsed. collapse
Help came at last. come
It's such a comfortable bed. comfortable
There were many disagreements over the command of the peacekeeping forces. command
Speech is the fastest method of communication between people. communication
All channels of communication need to be kept open. communication
The new airport will improve communications between the islands. communication
comparison between A and B: comparisons between Britain and the rest of Europe comparison
There is now intense competition between schools to attract students. competition
One major difference between these computers concerns the way in which they store information. concern
I appreciate everyone's concern and help at this difficult time. concern
A fall in unemployment will help to restore consumer confidence. confidence
Keep the dog confined in a suitable travelling cage. confine
It is cruel to keep animals in confined spaces. confined
a conflict between two cultures conflict
A conflict between the two countries could easily spread across the whole region. conflict
The story tells of a classic conflict between love and duty. conflict
He confronted her with a choice between her career or their relationship. confront
confusion between letters of the alphabet like 'o' or 'a' confusion
connection (between A and B): Scientists have established a connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease. connection
How did you make the connection (= realize that there was a connection between two facts that did not seem to be related)? connection
A man has been arrested in connection with the murder of the teenager. in connection with sb/sth
There is little contact between the two organizations. contact
Have you kept in contact with any of your friends from college (= do you still see them or speak or write to them)? contact
The bottle contains (= can hold) two litres. contain
contract between A and B: These clauses form part of the contract between buyer and seller. contract
They were sued for breach of contract (= not keeping to a contract). contract
contrast (between A and B): There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West. contrast
Please keep your dog under control! bring/get/keep sth under control
Desperately he struggled to keep the conversation going. conversation
a sofa that converts into a bed convert
Keep cool! cool
She tried to remain cool, calm and collected (= calm). cool
Let's sit in the shade and keep cool. cool
Relations between them have definitely cooled (= they are not as friendly with each other as they were). cool
The use of cheap labour helped to keep costs down. cost
Calls to the helpline cost 38p per minute. cost
'I'm sure he'll help.' 'Don't count on it.' count on sb/sth
count sb/sth to do sth: I'm counting on you to help me. count on sb/sth
'Can I have one of those pens?' 'Of course—help yourself.' of course
'I did all I could to help.' 'Of course,' he murmured gently. of course
a herd of dairy cows (= cows kept for their milk) cow
hand/moisturizing cream cream
the connection between drugs and organized crime crime
We provide help to families in crisis situations. crisis
The party was suffering a crisis of confidence among its supporters (= they did not trust it any longer). crisis
cultural differences between the two communities cultural
There was a curious mixture of people in the audience. curious
Birds use warm air currents to help their flight. current
the unemployment-income curve (= a line on a graph showing the relationship between the number of unemployed people and national income) curve
The Customs have seized large quantities of smuggled heroin. customs
Catherine's dead body lay peacefully on the bed. dead
decide between A and B: It was difficult to decide between the two candidates. decide
Some old people want help; others most definitely do not. definitely
I don't know if we can help—it all depends. that depends, it (all) depends
design sth to do sth: The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time. design
He took a deep breath, desperately trying to keep calm. desperately
Do you keep a diary (= write one regularly)? diary
There are no significant differences between the education systems of the two countries. difference
He was studying the complex similarities and differences between humans and animals. difference
I can never tell the difference (= distinguish) between the twins difference
There's a world of difference between liking someone and loving them. difference
There's not much difference in price between the two computers. difference
There's an age difference of six years between the boys (= one is six years older than the other). difference
school dinners (= meals provided at school in the middle of the day) dinner
They see a direct link between the money supply and prices. direct
disagreement (between A and B): It was a source of disagreement between the two states. disagreement
disagreement (among...): There is disagreement among archaeologists as to the age of the sculpture. disagreement
She keeps good discipline in class. discipline
Discussions are still taking place between the two leaders. discussion
discussion (with sb) (about/on sb/sth): We had a discussion with them about the differences between Britain and the US. discussion
Much to my disgust, they refused to help. disgust
They helped themselves from a large dish of pasta. dish
What's the distance between New York City and Boston/from New York City to Boston? distance
distinguish between A and B: At what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong? distinguish
English law clearly distinguishes between murder and manslaughter. distinguish
distribute sth among sb/sth: The money was distributed among schools in the area. distribute
divide sth (up/out) between/among sb: We divided the work between us. divide
He divides his energies between politics and business. divide
Where the path divides, keep right. divide
division (between A and B): divisions between rich and poor division
division of sth between A and B: the division of labour between the sexes division
We will do what we can to help. do
What can I do for you (= how can I help)? do
the growing problem of domestic violence (= violence between members of the same family) domestic
'Can I help you?' asked the man at the door. door
a double bed/room double
a double helping double
The baby can't keep any food down (= in her body). down
They dragged her from her bed. drag
in the top/middle/bottom drawer of the desk drawer
earn sb sth: His outstanding ability earned him a place on the team. earn
ease sth: This should help ease the pain. ease
It's easy for you to tell me to keep calm, but you're not in my position. easy
There should be closer links between education and industry. education
to learn to distinguish between cause and effect effect
You can keep one of the photos. Either of them—whichever you like. either
Ask somebody else to help you. else
They made an emotional appeal for help. emotional
empty hands (= not holding anything) empty
encounter (between A and B): The story describes the extraordinary encounter between a man and a dolphin. encounter
to hold/order an enquiry into the affair enquiry
Two men have been helping police with their enquiries (= are being questioned about a crime, but have not been charged with it). enquiry
it is essential to do sth: It is essential to keep the two groups separate essential
The essential difference between Sara and me is in our attitude to money. essential
evidence (of sth): There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer. evidence
the eternal struggle between good and evil evil
an exchange of fire (= between enemy soldiers) exchange
When she appeared in court she exercised her right to remain silent. exercise
financial help to meet the expenses of an emergency expense
We need some expert help. expert
explain sth (to sb): scientific findings that help explain the origins of the universe explain
extra help for single parents extra
We've asked the neighbours to keep an eye on the house for us while we are away. keep an eye on sb/sth
She lay face down on the bed. face up/down
fail to do sth: He failed to keep the appointment. fail
Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians. fashionable
Thanks for helping me out. I'll return the favour (= help you because you have helped me) some time. favour
Do yourself a favour (= help yourself) and wear a helmet on the bike. favour
I kept off the subject of divorce so as to spare her feelings. feeling
fetch sb/sth: to fetch help / a doctor fetch
Aspirin should help reduce the fever. fever
Players are only reselected if they retain their form on the field (= when they are playing a match). field
fight (between A and B): A fight broke out between rival groups of fans. fight
Your application will be kept on file (= in a file, to be used later). file
file on sb: to have/open/keep a confidential file on sb file
find sb/sth + adj./noun: We found the beds very comfortable. find
Hold the material between finger and thumb. finger
He ordered his men to hold their fire (= not to shoot). fire
A young girl was in the line of fire (= between the person shooting and what he/she was shooting at). fire
a firm bed/mattress firm
Keep your eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead. firmly
She tries to keep fit by jogging every day. fit
The film retains much of the book's exotic flavour. flavour
Foreign visitors help to give a truly international flavour to the occasion. flavour
mercy/relief flights (= planes taking help to countries where there is a war) flight
All flights between New York and Washington have been cancelled due to fog. flight
an appeal to help flood victims flood
They examined the way in which information flowed between the firm's 300 employees. flow
focus sth (on/upon sb/sth): The visit helped to focus world attention on the plight of the refugees. focus
fold sth (away/down/up): The bed can be folded away during the day. fold
a foldaway bed folding
The nurse hung a chart at the foot of the bed (= the part of the bed where your feet normally are when you are lying in it). foot
What can I do for you (= how can I help you)? for
a peace-keeping force force
Help in the form of money will be very welcome. form
Help arrived in the form of two police officers. form
Games can help children learn to form letters. form
He kept the tone of the letter formal and businesslike. formal
Formal diplomatic relations between the two countries were re-established in December. formal
He had to choose between giving up his job and giving up his principles. He chose the former. former
The bed frame is made of pine. frame
Keep Friday night free for my party. free
These exercises help free the body of tension. free
These proposals would give health authorities greater freedom in deciding how to spend their money. freedom
EU citizens can now travel freely between member states. freely
Buses run frequently between the city and the airport. frequently
Regular facials help to keep the skin looking clean and fresh. fresh
friendship between A and B: It's the story of an extraordinary friendship between a boy and a seal. friendship
Conditions vary from school to school. from
Keep your eyes to the front and walk straight ahead. front
There are numerous functions in aid of charity. function
The sofa also functions as a bed. function as sb/sth
There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view. fundamental
What does the future hold? future
Regular exercise helps prevent weight gain. gain
Leave a gap between your car and the next. gap
There's a big age gap between them (= a big difference in their ages). gap
the gap between theory and practice gap
to be generous in giving help generous
a generous helping of meat generous
Can I help you, gentlemen? gentleman
She got into bed. get
We didn't get (= go) to bed until 3 a.m. get
He got his sister to help him with his homework. get
$100 will get you the basic model. get
A good lawyer might be able to get you off. get off (with sth), get sb off (with sth)
We'll give you all the help we can (= help you in every way we can). give
We need your help—please give generously. give
We keep all our glass and china in this cupboard. glass
+ speech: 'You know,' he went on, 'I think my brother could help you.' go on
What's the good of (= how does it help you) earning all that money if you don't have time to enjoy it? good
the difference between good and evil good
Grab a seat, I won't keep you a moment. grab
Keep off the grass. (= on a sign) grass
grateful (to sb) (for sth): I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help. grateful
Grateful thanks are due to the following people for their help... grateful
I would be most grateful if you would keep this matter confidential. grateful
You've been a great help, I must say (= no help at all). great
You've been a great help. great
Your help would be greatly appreciated. greatly
The proportion of single parent families varies between different income groups. group
The terrorist was kept under police guard. guard
One of the men kept guard, while the other broke into the house. guard
a gun battle between rival gangs gun
Let me give you a hand with those bags (= help you to carry them). hand
Keep both hands on the steering wheel at all times. hand
Nobody's going to hand you success on a plate. hand sth to sb on a plate
Hang on to that rope and don't let go. hang on to sth
I said I'd go just to keep him happy. happy
racial hatred (= between people from different races) hatred
heal sth: This will help to heal your cuts and scratches. heal
Keep healthy by eating well and exercising regularly. healthy
a shampoo that keeps hair looking healthy healthy
help yourself: If you want another drink, just help yourself. help
help yourself/sb to sth: Can I help you to some more salad? help
She helped him to his feet. help
We were helped ashore by local people. help
Help, I'm stuck! help
help with sth: He always helps with the housework. help
help sb: We must all try and help each other. help
help sb with sth: Jo will help us with some of the organization. help
help (sb) in doing sth: I need contacts that could help in finding a job. help
help sb (to) do sth: The college's aim is to help students (to) achieve their aspirations. help
This charity aims to help people (to) help themselves. help
Come and help me lift this box. help
help (to) do sth: She helped (to) organize the party. help
It helped being able to talk about it. help
The money raised will help towards (= partly provide) the cost of organizing the championships. help
help sth: It doesn't really help matters knowing that everyone is talking about us. help
help (to) do sth: This should help (to) reduce the pain. help
We need new measures to help (to) fight terrorism. help
He's always willing to help out. help out, help sb out
When I bought the house, my sister helped me out with a loan. help out, help sb out
It couldn't be helped (= there was no way of avoiding it and we must accept it). sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
He never does more work than he can help (= he does as little as possible). sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
She burst out laughing—she couldn't help herself (= couldn't stop herself). sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
She won't be invited again, not if I can help it (= if I can do anything to prevent it). sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
Quick, get help! help
She screamed for help. help
The map wasn't much help. help
With the help of a ladder, neighbours were able to rescue the children from the blaze. help
Was the information I gave you any help? help
The course they sent me on was of no help whatsoever! help
Just shouting at him isn't going to be a lot of help. help
to seek financial/legal/medical, etc. help help
help in doing sth: The organization offers practical help in dealing with paperwork. help
help with sth: You should qualify for help with the costs of running a car. help
a help key/screen (= a function on a computer that provides information on how to use the computer) help
Thank you for all your help. help
help (with sth): Do you need any help with that? help
Can I be of any help to you? help
None of this would have been possible without their help. help
She stopped smoking with the help of her family and friends. help
They have at last decided to enlist the help of experts. help
The offer of help came too late. help
The college will no longer have to close, thanks to the help of private investment. help
I'm here to help you. here
Who holds the world record for the long jump? hold
She held the title of world champion for three years. hold
How long has he held office? hold
Mrs Thatcher held the post of Prime Minister longer than anyone else last century. hold
Employees hold 30% of the shares. hold
There wasn't much in the museum to hold my attention. hold
records held on computer hold
Our solicitor holds our wills. hold
We can hold your reservation for three days. hold
hold sb: Police are holding two men in connection with last Thursday's bank raid. hold
hold sb + noun: He was held prisoner for two years. hold
I don't think that branch will hold your weight. hold
hold sth (+ adv./prep.): Hold your head up. hold
Hold this position for a count of 10. hold
The wood is held in position by a clamp. hold
I had to hold my stomach in (= pull the muscles flat) to zip up my jeans. hold
hold sth + adj.: I'll hold the door open for you. hold
She groaned and held her head. hold
An accident is holding up traffic. hold sb/sth up
I'll hold on to your mail for you until you get back. hold on to sth, hold onto sth
Hold on a minute while I get my breath back. hold on
Hold on! This isn't the right road. hold on
They managed to hold on until help arrived. hold on
Can you hold on? I'll see if he's here. hold on
to hold back information hold sth back
I think he's holding something back. I'm sure he knows more than he admits. hold sth back
He bravely held back his tears. hold sth back
The dam was not strong enough to hold back the flood waters. hold sb/sth back
Do you think that mixed-ability classes hold back the better students? hold sb/sth back
We are determined that nothing should hold back the peace talks. hold sb/sth back
Hold on and don't let go until I say so. hold on (to sth/sb), hold on to sth/sb
He held on to the back of the chair to stop himself from falling. hold on (to sth/sb), hold on to sth/sb
It's very windy—you'd better hold on to your hat. hold on (to sth/sb), hold on to sth/sb
I held out my hand to steady her. hold sth out
She tried to keep hold of the child's hand. hold
Make sure you've got a steady hold on the camera. hold
We haven't found a home for all our books yet (= a place where they can be kept). home
There is an urgent need for more hospital beds. hospital
How kind of you to help! how
identify sth: Scientists have identified a link between diet and cancer. identify
Their identities were kept secret. identity
I'd be grateful if you would keep it a secret. if
The equator is an imaginary line around the middle of the earth. imaginary
She was no longer able to distinguish between imagination and reality. imagination
Our immediate concern is to help the families of those who died. immediate
She was lying in bed. in
'You said you'd help?' 'I did indeed—yes.' indeed
influence (with sb): She could probably exert her influence with the manager and get you a job. influence
Our information is that the police will shortly make an arrest. information
You won't get much help. You'll have to use your initiative. initiative
insect repellent (= a chemical that keeps insects away) insect
They inserted a tube in his mouth to help him breathe. insert
I was driving in the inside lane (= the part nearest the edge, not the middle of the road). inside
I'll need some help installing the software. install
I'm under instructions to keep my speech short. instruction
I did it with the best (of) intentions (= meaning to help), but I only succeeded in annoying them. intention
The interval between major earthquakes might be 200 years. interval
investigate sth: Police are investigating possible links between the murders. investigate
It appears that the two leaders are holding secret talks. it
The event was organized jointly by students and staff. jointly
'Can I help you?' 'No thanks, I'm just looking.' (= in a shop/store) just
keen (to do sth): John was very keen to help. keen
He scarcely earns enough to keep himself and his family. keep
She kept a diary for over twenty years. keep
Keep a note of where each item can be found. keep
I kept a weekly account of my workload and activities. keep
She kept her promise to visit them. keep
He failed to keep his appointment at the clinic. keep
Can you keep a secret? keep
She kept her past secret from us all. keep
Keep your passport in a safe place. keep
keep sth for sb: Please keep a seat for me. keep
keep sb sth: Please keep me a seat. keep
Here's a five dollar bill—please keep the change. keep
I keep all her letters. keep
+ adv./prep.: The notice said 'Keep off (= Do not walk on) the grass'. keep
Keep left along the wall. keep
keep sb/sth + adj.: She kept the children amused for hours. keep
keep sb/sth (+ adv./prep.): He kept his coat on. keep
Don't keep us in suspense—what happened next? keep
She had trouble keeping her balance. keep
keep sb/sth doing sth: I'm very sorry to keep you waiting. keep
The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up. keep sth up
Well done! Keep up the good work/Keep it up! keep sth up
The sign said 'Private Property—Keep Out!' keep out (of sth)
Keep the baby out of the sun. keep out of sth, keep sb out of sth
You just have to keep yourself busy and keep going. keep going
key (to doing sth): The driver of the car probably holds the key to solving the crime. key
kind (of sb) (to do sth): It was really kind of you to help me. kind
He has kindly agreed to help. kindly
Let me know how I can help. let sb know
good labour relations (= the relationship between workers and employers) labour
The company wants to keep down labour costs. labour
the inside/middle lane lane
last (out): Can you last (out) until I can get help? last
lay sb/sth (+ adv./prep.): She laid the baby down gently on the bed. lay
A reward was offered for information leading to an arrest. lead
to hold/lose the lead lead
On a more personal level, I would like to thank Jean for all the help she has given me. level
level with sth: This latest rise is intended to keep wages level with inflation. level
James lost his licence for six months (= had his licence taken away by the police as a punishment). licence
a licence holder (= a person who has been given a licence) licence
a license holder (= a person who has been given a license) license
She kept her tone light. light
like doing sth: He doesn't like asking his parents for help. like
to keep government spending within acceptable limits limit
The town is in a direct line between London and the coast. line
If you hold the line (= stay on the telephone and wait), I'll see if she is available. line
There is a fine line between showing interest in what someone is doing and interfering in it. line
Be careful not to cross the line (= the broken line painted down the middle of the road). line
Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders. link
evidence for a strong causal link between exposure to sun and skin cancer link
link (between A and B): Social customs provide a vital link between generations. link
link A and B (together): When computers are networked, they are linked together so that information can be transferred between them. link
Where do these plates live (= where are they usually kept)? live
Can you help me load the dishwasher? load
Don't worry about me—I can look after myself (= I don't need any help). look after yourself/sb/sth
A look passed between them (= they looked at each other). look
Hold the rope loosely between your finger and thumb. loosely
We would be lost without your help. lost
Thanks a lot for your help. lot
The main thing is to stay calm. main
The two countries have always maintained close relations. maintain
My lawyer has been urging me to make a will. make
male bonding (= the act of forming close friendships between men) male
the relationships between men and women man
a computer program that helps you manage data efficiently manage
'Need any help?' 'No, thanks. I can manage.' manage
My role is to act as a mediator between employees and management. management
The exhibition has helped put the city on the map. put sb/sth on the map
scientific discoveries which help to map our distant past map
She may need your help with some business matters. matter
I'd forgotten the keys, which didn't help matters. matter
Try not to eat between meals. meal
Don't be angry. I'm sure she meant it for the best (= intended to be helpful). mean
to have/hold/call/attend a meeting meeting
'Thanks for all your help.' 'Don't mention it.' don't mention it
mid-morning coffee mid-
She's in her mid-thirties. mid-
The train arrives at midday. midday
a lake with an island in the middle middle
He was standing in the middle of the room. middle
The phone rang in the middle of the night. middle
This chicken isn't cooked in the middle. middle
His picture was right/bang (= exactly) in the middle of the front page. middle
I have a pain in the middle of my back. middle
Take a sheet of paper and draw a line down the middle. middle
I should have finished by the middle of the week. middle
You can't leave in the middle of the meeting! middle
I like a story with a beginning, a middle and an end. middle
When they quarrel, I am often caught in the middle. middle
Let's have a midnight feast tonight (= a secret meal that children like to have in the middle of the night). midnight
The pills might have helped him, if only he'd taken them regularly. might
You might try calling the help desk. might
Keep your mind on your work! mind
I don't mind helping if you can't find anyone else. mind
Costs should be kept to a minimum. minimum
a mixed marriage (= between two people of different races or religions) mixed
the relationship between mother and baby mother
Please help me get this job—you know I would do as much for you. as much
He kept mum about what he'd seen. keep mum
a narrow bed/doorway/shelf narrow
There was only a narrow gap between the bed and the wall. narrow
need sth/sb: Do you need any help? need
The charity aims to provide assistance to people in need. need
He helped me in my hour of need. need
You never help me. never
There's nothing you can do to help. nothing
a dental nurse (= one who helps a dentist) nurse
On one occasion, she called me in the middle of the night. occasion
occupied (doing sth/in doing sth/in sth): He's fully occupied looking after three small children. occupied
The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied. occupied
The bed seemed to occupy most of the room. occupy
occupy sb/sth/yourself with sb/sth: She occupied herself with routine office tasks. occupy
occur to do sth: It didn't occur to her to ask for help. occur to sb
He left between five and six o'clock. o'clock
Keep off the grass! off
I don't think they need help, but I think I should offer anyway. offer
offer (of sth): Thank you for your kind offer of help. offer
She held office as a cabinet minister for ten years. office
Oh, Sue! Could you help me a moment? oh
She climbed on to the bed. on
Keep straight on for the beach. on
We all try and help one another. one another
She had difficulty keeping her eyes open (= because she was very tired). open
The pass is kept open all the year. open
the UN peacekeeping operations operation
This behaviour is based on a conflict between two opposing forces within the individual. opposing
At the moment I'm keeping my options open and applying for as many different jobs as possible. keep/leave your options open
Some teachers find it difficult to keep their classes in order. order
The house had been kept in good order. order
Send out the photocopies and keep the original. original
I got out of bed. out
Pack wet shoes with newspaper to help them dry. pack
Attractive packaging can help to sell products. packaging
This cream should help to relieve the pain. pain
The papers (= newspapers in general) soon got hold of the story. paper
partnership between A and B: a partnership between the United States and Europe partnership
Several people were passing but nobody offered to help. pass
They say she has a 'past' (= bad things in her past life that she wishes to keep secret). past
it pays to do sth: It pays to keep up to date with your work. pay
The negotiators are trying to make peace between the warring factions. peace
A UN force has been sent to keep the peace (= to prevent people from fighting). peace
This door is kept permanently locked. permanently
Please keep personal phone calls to a minimum. personal
a photo album (= a book for keeping your photos in) photo
The attraction between them is purely physical. physical
plan (for sth): Both sides agreed to a detailed plan for keeping the peace. plan
'Can I help you?' he asked pleasantly. pleasantly
'Would you like some help?' 'Yes, please.' please
We are always pleased to be able to help. pleased
A man was arrested by the police and held for questioning. police
sexual politics (= concerning relationships of power between the sexes) politics
a rock pool (= between rocks by the sea) pool
We aim to help the poorest families. poor
He held a senior position in a large company. position
My parents always took the position that early nights meant healthy children. position
position to do sth: I'm afraid I am not in a position to help you. position
Keep the box in an upright position. position
The gang was caught in possession of stolen goods. possession
He has held the post for three years. post
It is not within my power (= I am unable or not in a position) to help you. power
I will do everything in my power to help you. power
to take/seize/lose power power
a power struggle between rival factions within the party power
practical advice/help/support practical
There's practically no difference between the two options. practically
prefer to do sth: The donor prefers to remain anonymous. prefer
She managed to preserve her sense of humour under very trying circumstances. preserve
prevent sb/sth from doing sth: He is prevented by law from holding a licence. prevent
She refuses to allow her family to help her as a matter of principle. principle
to make/keep/break a promise promise
promise (to do sth): She kept her promise to visit her aunt regularly. promise
promise (of sth): The government failed to keep its promise of lower taxes. promise
Keep the receipt as proof of purchase. proof
Always try to keep a sense of proportion (= of the relative importance of different things). proportion
protect (against/from sth): a paint that helps protect against rust protect
Don't be too proud to ask for help. proud
The trial took place amid a blaze of (= a lot of) publicity. publicity
Keep your receipt as proof of purchase. purchase
Can you help me put this letter into good English, please? put
put doing sth: He keeps putting off going to the dentist. put sth off
to acquire/gain/get/obtain/have/hold qualifications qualification
qualify sb (for sth): This training course will qualify you for a better job. qualify
Once again, his quick wits (= quick thinking) got him out of an awkward situation. quick
Could you keep the kids quiet while I'm on the phone? quiet
I've decided to resign but I'd rather you kept quiet about it. keep quiet about sth, keep sth quiet
This story is too big to be kept quiet. keep quiet about sth, keep sth quiet
a race between the two best runners of the club race
to keep in radio contact radio
Why didn't you ask for help, rather than trying to do it on your own? rather than
He needs more help with his reading. reading
ready for sth: Can you help me get everything ready for the party? ready
We try to help all students realize their full potential (= be as successful as they are able to be). realize
I want to help, I really do. really
Give me one good reason why I should help you. reason
He wants to keep them all in his office for reasons best known to himself. reason
the conflict between faith and reason reason
She holds the world record for the 100 metres. record
You should keep a record of your expenses. record
a 33% reduction in the number of hospital beds available reduction
Keep the list of numbers near the phone for easy reference. reference
He held her in high regard (= had a good opinion of her). regard
the conflict between regional and national interests regional
relation (between A and B): We seek to improve relations between our two countries. relation
relation between A and B: the relation between rainfall and crop yields relation
relationship (between A and B): The relationship between the police and the local community has improved. relationship
relationship (between A and B): the relationship between mental and physical health relationship
relationship between A and B: I'm not sure of the exact relationship between them—I think they're cousins. relationship
Massage can bring some relief from tension. relief
Volunteers provide regular help to give relief to carers. relief
Is there always a conflict between science and religion? religion
rely to do sth: You can rely on me to keep your secret. rely on/upon sb/sth
be remarked on: The similarities between the two have often been remarked on. remark
You were going to help me with this. Remember? remember
report (sb/sth) doing sth: The neighbours reported seeing him leave the building around noon. report
The writer's name was withheld by request (= because the writer asked for this to be done). request
There were confrontations between local residents and the police. resident
She steadfastly resisted all attempts to help her. resist
resist sth: She was charged with resisting arrest. resist
A healthy diet should help your body resist infection. resist
A deep mutual respect and understanding developed between them. respect
responsibility (to do sth): I think we have a moral responsibility to help these countries. responsibility
He struggled to retain control of the situation. retain
The house retains much of its original charm. retain
She retained her tennis title for the third year. retain
a soil that retains moisture retain
This information is no longer retained within the computer's main memory. retain
She has a good memory and finds it easy to retain facts. retain
Can I buy you lunch in return for your help? in return (for sth)
It is sometimes possible to arrest or reverse the disease. reverse
reward sb for doing sth: He rewarded us handsomely (= with a lot of money) for helping him. reward
Keep on the right side of the road. right
Things aren't right between her parents. right
If only I could have helped put matters right. right
You're not holding it the right way up. right
She knows all the right people (= important people, for example those who can help her career). right
She kept right on swimming until she reached the other side. right
all rights reserved (= protected or kept for the owners of the book, film/movie, etc.) right
She doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong. right
He was accustomed to rising (= getting out of bed) early. rise
fighting between rival groups rival
He was rolling a pencil between his fingers. roll
We live roughly halfway between here and the coast. roughly
They've built a high fence all round to keep intruders out. round
Trains between London and Brighton run throughout the day. run
If you think I'm going to help you again, you're sadly (= completely) mistaken. sadly
Keep your passport in a safe place. safe
Here's your passport. Now keep it safe. safe
He was kept in custody for his own safety. safety
He managed to sail the boat between the rocks. sail
save sb doing sth: If you phone for an appointment, it'll save you waiting. save
Thanks for doing that. You saved my life (= helped me a lot). save
Money from local businesses helped save the school from closure. save
We are trying desperately to keep to our schedule. schedule
scheme (to do sth): to introduce/operate a scheme to improve links between schools and industry scheme
I'll keep (the) score. score
scream (out) (for sth/sb): Someone was screaming for help. scream
The nurse put a screen around the bed. screen
The organs are kept in sealed plastic bags. seal
a sealed bid (= one that is kept in a sealed envelope and therefore remains secret until all other bids have been received) seal
secret (from sb): He tried to keep it secret from his family. secret
Details of the proposals remain secret. secret
Can you keep a secret? secret
The visit took place amidst tight security (= the use of many police officers). security
Job security (= the guarantee that you will keep your job) is a thing of the past. security
'Will you be able to help us?' 'I don't know, I'll have to see.' see
see what, whether, etc...: I'll see what I can do to help. see
He says he won't help, does he? Well, we'll soon see about that (= I will demand that he does help). see about sth
seek sth from sb: She managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbour. seek
His son found him and sent for help. send for sth
Always try to keep a sense of proportion (= of the relative importance of different things). sense
Raw meat must be kept separate from cooked meat. separate
separation (between A and B): the need for a clear separation between Church and State separation
His linguistic ability served him well in his chosen profession. serve
to hold/attend a service service
the battle of the sexes (= the competitive relationship that exists between men and women) sex
I said that I should be pleased to help. shall
I like to keep in shape (= keep fit). shape
We shared the pizza between the four of us. share
The photograph is not very sharp (= there are no clear contrasts between areas of light and shade). sharp
She drew a sharp distinction between domestic and international politics. sharp
Have you changed the sheets (= put clean sheets on the bed)? sheet
He slid between the sheets and closed his eyes. sheet
I helped him put up some shelves in his bedroom. shelf
shelter sb/sth: helping the poor and sheltering the homeless shelter
shift sth: Could you help me shift some furniture? shift
Keep your shirt on! It was only a joke. keep your shirt on
I said (that) I should be glad to help. should
shout for sth: I shouted for help but nobody came. shout
Mum, Ben keeps shutting me out of the bedroom! shut sb/sth out (of sth)
Keep your eyes shut. shut
She was too shy to ask anyone for help. shy
Will you keep your side of the bargain? side
Keep close to my side. side
She sat on the side of the bed. side
Keep on your side of the bed! side
Keep out of sight (= stay where you cannot be seen). sight
She never lets her daughter out of her sight (= always keeps her where she can see her). sight
There are no significant differences between the two groups of students. significant
These views are held by a significant proportion of the population. significant
to remain/stay/keep silent silent
How silly of me to expect them to help! silly
Give the necessary information but keep it simple. simple
He seemed sincere enough when he said he wanted to help. sincere
a single bed/room single
a single sheet (= large enough for a single bed) single
Good morning, sir. Can I help you? sir
He sat down on the bed. sit down, sit yourself down
Can you give me something to help me get to sleep (= start sleeping)? sleep
The government is planning to give more help to small businesses. small
George is going to help me, or so he says (= that is what he says). so
Team sports help to develop a child's social skills (= the ability to talk easily to other people and do things in a group). social
He gave her a wry look, something between amusement and regret. something
He decided to help Jan as he felt sorry for her. be/feel sorry for sb
Put it in the space between the table and the wall. space
'I'd like your help tomorrow.' 'Can you be more specific (= tell me exactly what you want)?' specific
Increasing your walking speed will help to exercise your heart. speed
the differences between British and American spelling spelling
You must try and keep your spirits up (= stay cheerful). spirit
a debate that has split the country down the middle split
split sth between sb/sth: His time is split between the London and Paris offices. split
split (between A and B): There have been reports of a split between the Prime Minister and the Cabinet. split
spread sth between sb/sth: We attempted to spread the workload between the departments. spread
bed springs spring
He turned off the alarm and sprang out of bed. spring
to spring to sb's defence/assistance (= to quickly defend or help sb) spring
Just take hold of the tube and squeeze. squeeze
I tried stamping my feet to keep warm. stamp
stand doing sth: She couldn't stand being kept waiting. stand
to stay in bed stay
Can you stay behind after the others have gone and help me clear up? stay
He held the boat steady as she got in. steady
The ship steered a course between the islands. steer
This drawer keeps sticking. stick
He promised to help us and he stuck to his word (= he did as he had promised). stick to sth
Keep still while I brush your hair. still
animals storing up food for the winter store
You can store coffee beans in the freezer to keep them fresh. store
He hoped the electronic equipment was safely stored away. store
I was so tired I went straight to bed. straight
There are strains in the relationship between the two countries. strain
to wake up in a strange bed strange
The ability to keep calm is one of her many strengths. strength
After the guests had gone, I stripped all the beds (= removed all the sheets in order to wash them). strip
There is strong evidence of a link between exercise and a healthy heart. strong
Stay indoors in the middle of the day, when the sun is strongest. strong
I struggled and screamed for help. struggle
struggle (between A and B): the struggle between good and evil struggle
There are substantial differences between the two groups. substantial
successful (at sth/at doing sth): I wasn't very successful at keeping the news secret. successful
Support the baby's head when you hold it. support
She supported herself through college by working as a waitress in a local bar. support
You're sure to get lost if you don't keep to the path. sure
Five suspects have been detained for questioning. suspect
swing sth + adv./prep.: He swung his legs over the side of the bed. swing
switch between A and B: Press these two keys to switch between documents on screen. switch
Can you take (= hold) the baby for a moment? take
talk (between A and B) (on/over sth): Talks between management and workers broke down over the issue of holiday pay. talk
Police seized various books and tapes. tape
Getting hold of this information was no easy task (= was difficult). task
tell sth: It was hard to tell the difference between the two versions. tell
I kept telling myself to keep calm. tell
Are you telling me you didn't have any help with this? (= I don't believe what you have said) tell
He's in bed with a temperature of 40°. temperature
The incident has further increased tension between the two countries. tension
We laughed and that helped ease the tension. tension
We managed to get it finished in the end—no thanks to him (= he didn't help). no thanks to sb/sth
'Would you like some help with that?' 'Oh, thank you.' thank you
The watch (that) you gave me keeps perfect time. that
Shall I help you pack your things? thing
You'd think she'd have been grateful for my help (= but she wasn't). think
Would Mark be able to help?It's just a thought. thought
The sand ran through (= between) my fingers. through
It was through him (= as a result of his help) that I got the job. through
Jenny threw herself onto the bed. throw
She keeps her flat very tidy. tidy
Can you help me tie my tie? tie
My watch keeps perfect time (= always shows the correct time). time
time (that)...: It's time the kids were in bed. time
Our representatives are ready to help you at all times. at all times
Can you touch your toes? (= by bending over while keeping your legs straight) toe
This is too large a helping for me/This helping is too large for me. too
I couldn't sleep because the bed was so uncomfortable. uncomfortable
Have you looked under the bed? under
We are looking for a better understanding between the two nations. understanding
measures to help reduce/tackle unemployment unemployment
measures to prevent unfair competition between member countries unfair
unload sth from sth: Everyone helped to unload the luggage from the car. unload
urge sb to do sth: She urged him to stay. urge
urge that...: The report urged that all children be taught to swim. urge
urge (sb) + speech: 'Why not give it a try?' she urged (him). urge
Sports cars tend to hold their value well. value
vary (between A and B): Class numbers vary between 25 and 30. vary
Your help made a vast difference. vast
domestic violence (= between family members) violence
The moon was just visible between the clouds. visible
vital that...: It is vital that you keep accurate records when you are self-employed. vital
Keep your voice down (= speak quietly). voice
Don't wander off the subject—keep to the point.` wander
want sb/sth to do sth: Do you want me to help? want
the war between England and Scotland war
The children jumped up and down to keep warm. warm
They decided to split the money four ways (= between four different people). way
way to do sth: That's not the right way to hold a pair of scissors. way
'Do you want to help?' 'No way!' (there is) no way
if the weather holds/breaks (= if the good weather continues/changes) weather
She weighed the stone in her hand (= estimated how heavy it was by holding it). weigh
'Thanks for your help.' 'You're welcome.' you're welcome
Well, it can't be helped. well
You can ask for help whenever you need it. whenever
We try to help whenever possible. whenever
I asked him whether he had done it all himself or whether someone had helped him. whether
While I am willing to help, I do not have much time available. while
We said we would keep them. will
They keep a list of people (who are) willing to work nights. willing
Would you be willing to help me with my essay? willing
willing helpers/volunteers willing
'Will you help me?' 'Willingly.' willingly
The river winds its way between two meadows. wind
They're both in bed with flu. with
She won't be able to help us with all the family commitments she has. with
I wonder if you can help me. wonder
to keep your word (= do what you promised) word
He promised to help and was as good as his word (= did what he promised). word
I work out regularly to keep fit. work out
Is this all your own work (= did you do it without help from others)? work
Conflict between employers and workers intensified and the number of strikes rose. worker
talks between workers and management worker
The most worrying thing is that she won't let us help. worrying
She asked if I would help. would
I'd be only too glad to help. would
He'd always be the first to offer to help. would
You're holding the camera the wrong way up! wrong
Yes? How can I help you? yes
Her grandchildren keep her young. young