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maggot giòi

OXF3000N tác dụng lực môi giới trung gian agency
OXF3000N vũ khí binh giới binh khí arms
OXF3000N lanh lợi thông minh. tài giỏi khéo léo clever
OXF3000N hạn chế giới hạn confined
OXF3000N giới hạn sự kết thúc kết thúc chấm dứt end
OXF3000N tốt giỏi fine
OXF3000N giới thiệu introduce
OXF3000N sự giới thiệu lời giới thiệu introduction
OXF3000N giới hạn ranh giới giới hạn hạn chế limit
OXF3000N hạn chế có giới hạn limited
OXF3000N trung bình trung vừa sự trung gian sự môi giới medium
OXF3000N rót đổ giội pour
OXF3000N bài thuyết trình sự trình diện sự giới thiệu presentation
OXF3000N giới thiệu tiến cử đề nghị khuyên bảo recommend
OXF3000N hạn chế giới hạn restrict
OXF3000N bị hạn chế có giới hạn vùng cấm restricted
OXF3000N sự hạn chế sự giới hạn restriction
OXF3000N giới giống sex
OXF3000N giới tính các vấn đề sinh lý sexual
OXF3000N giới tính các vấn đề sinh lý sexually
OXF3000N tài giỏi khéo tay skilful
OXF3000N tài giỏi khéo tay skilfully
OXF3000N giới hạn kỳ hạn khóa kỳ học term
OXF3000N tốt giỏi ôi may quá! well
OXF3000N thế giới world

like: giòi
empfehlenswert có thể giới thiệu 值得推荐的 zhí dé tuī jiàn de
empfehlen giới thiệu 推荐 tuī jiàn
jemanden vorstellen giới thiệu ai đó 介绍某人 jièshào mǒurén
der Makler người môi giới
empfehlenswert có thể giới thiệu
die Grenze ranh giới
die Welt thế giới
empfehlen giới thiệu
das Geschlecht giới tính
die Einleitung phần giới thiệu
die Präposition giới từ
der Vermittler người môi giới, người trung gian
jemanden vorstellen giới thiệu ai đó
die Ausgangssperre lệnh giới nghiêm

Tri ist ein sehr guter Koch und er mag es, Freunde einzuladen. Tri là một đầu bếp giỏi và anh ấy thích mời bạn bè. (Lektion 14, Nr. 153)
Tri wendet sich an einen Makler, der ihnen eine Wohnung anbietet. Trí kiếm đến một người môi giới, người giới thiệu nhà cho họ. (Lektion 43, Nr. 614)
Beide fahren zusammen zum Makler. Cả hai cùng đi tới người môi giới. (Lektion 43, Nr. 624)
Dort war ich eine Woche lang und bin über die Grenze zum Meer gefahren. Anh đã ở đó một tuần và qua ranh giới đi về phía biển. (Lektion 56, Nr. 794)
Welches Mobilfunknetz würdest du mir empfehlen? Bạn có thể giới thiệu mạng điện thoại nào đó cho tôi không? (Lektion 59, Nr. 834)
Es gibt ein Magazin, das Berufe vorstellt und Möglichkeiten zur Fortbildung aufzeigt. Có một tạp chí giới thiệu về nghề nghiệp và có thể nâng cao trình độ chuyên môn. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1181)
Das heißt also: Es gibt im Journalismus wesentlich mehr Männer in Führungspositionen als Frauen. Có nghĩa là: Trong giới báo chí cơ bản có nhiều nam giới ngồi ở vị trí lãnh đạo nhiều hơn nữ giới. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1187)
Du würdest bestimmt schnell in eine Führungsposition aufsteigen und die Dominanz der Männer brechen. Em chắc chắn nhanh chóng sẽ leo lên một vị trí lãnh đạo và làm giảm bớt sự chiếm ưu thế của nam giới. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1190)
Diesem Brief habe ich unseren aktuellen Produktkatalog beigelegt. Tôi gửi kèm trong thư quyển catalog giới thiệu sản phẩm mới nhất của chúng tôi. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1354)
Darf ich mich vorstellen? Tôi xin tự giới thiệu được không? (Lektion 94, Nr. 1425)
Darf ich Ihnen unsere neue Kollegin vorstellen? Sie wird uns in der Entwicklung unterstützen. Hân hạnh giới thiệu nhân viên mới của chúng ta. Cô ấy sẽ hỗ trợ chúng ta trong mảng phát triển. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1442)
Darf ich Ihnen meine Frau vorstellen? Xin phép được giới thiệu đây là vợ tôi. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1444)
Darf ich Sie mit meinem Ehemann bekanntmachen? Xin phép được giới thiệu đây là chồng tôi. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1445)
Darf ich Ihnen meinen Lebensgefährten vorstellen? Xin phép được giới thiệu người bạn đời của tôi. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1446)
Darf ich Ihnen meine Lebensgefährtin vorstellen? Xin phép được giới thiệu người bạn đời của tôi. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1447)
Das ist mein Kollege. Er ist zu dieser Konferenz aus Deutschland angereist. Hân hạnh giới thiệu đồng nghiệp của tôi. Anh ấy / Ông ấy từ Đức tới để dự hội thảo. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1448)
Darf ich Ihnen meine Kollegin vorstellen? Xin phép được giới thiệu nữ đồng nghiệp của tôi. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1449)
Ich schreibe an einem Artikel über Russlands Außenpolitik. Man hat Sie mir als Experten zu diesem Thema empfohlen. Tôi đang viết một bài báo về chính sách đối ngoại của nước Nga. Tôi đã được giới thiệu rằng ông / bà là chuyên gia trong lĩnh vực này. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1621)
Die Kollegen der Marketingabteilung werden uns zunächst die Verkaufszahlen der letzten drei Monate vorstellen. Anschließend analysieren und diskutieren wir diese Zahlen. Các đồng nghiệp bên phòng tiếp thị sẽ giới thiệu với chúng ta doanh số bán hàng của ba tháng vừa qua. Tiếp đó chúng ta sẽ cùng nhau phân tích và thảo luận về những con số này. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1649)
Voraussetzung für eine Bewerbung ist ein Diplom mit der Note "gut" oder "sehr gut". Điều kiện yêu cầu cho đơn xin việc là bằng tốt nghiệp đại học loại khá hoặc giỏi. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1798)
Mein Studium habe ich mit der Note "sehr gut" abgeschlossen. Tôi đã tốt nghiệp đại học loại giỏi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1811)
Ich habe mein Studium mit der Note "sehr gut" abgeschlossen und schon über sieben Jahre Berufserfahrung. Tôi đã tốt nghiệp đại học loại giỏi và đã có trên bảy năm kinh nghiệm nghề nghiệp. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1812)
Zunächst möchte ich mich kurz vorstellen. Trước tiên tôi xin tự giới thiệu. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2085)
Heute stelle ich Ihnen mein jüngstes Projekt vor. Hôm nay tôi xin giới thiệu với quý vị về dự án mới nhất của tôi. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2088)
Willkommen zu unserer alljährlichen Produktpräsentation. Hân hạnh chào đón quý vị tới buổi giới thiệu sản phẩm thường niên của chúng tôi. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2091)
Ich möchte Ihnen heute die neuen Produkte aus unserem Programm vorstellen. Hôm nay tôi muốn giới thiệu với quý vị những sản phẩm mới trong các mặt hàng của chúng tôi. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2092)
Dieser kurze Film wird Ihnen unser neues Produkt vorstellen. Đoạn phim ngắn này sẽ giới thiệu tới quý vị về sản phẩm mới của chúng tôi. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2098)
Bitte merken Sie sich Ihre Frage. Ich möchte sie gerne nach meiner Präsentation beantworten. Xin quý vị hãy ghi nhớ câu hỏi của mình. Tôi sẽ trả lời sau bài giới thiệu của mình. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2112)
Diese Messe richtet sich an Experten aus der ganzen Welt. Hội chợ này hướng đến các chuyên gia từ khắp nơi trên thế giới. (Lektion 120, Nr. 2298)
Wir möchten in den Katalog der Messe aufgenommen werden. Chúng tôi muốn được có tên trong quyển giới thiệu / quyển catalog của hội chợ. (Lektion 120, Nr. 2307)
Möchten Sie unseren Katalog mitnehmen? Quý vị có muốn lấy quyển giới thiệu sản phẩm của chúng tôi không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2333)
Würden Sie mir Ihr neues Produkt zeigen? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giới thiệu về sản phẩm mới này được không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2342)
Bei dieser Konferenz treffen sich Wissenschaftler aus der ganzen Welt und tauschen sich über ihre Forschungsergebnisse aus. Tại hội thảo này, các nhà khoa học đến từ khắp nơi trên thế giới gặp gỡ và trao đổi với nhau về các thành quả nghiên cứu. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2362)
Ich werde die Ergebnisse meiner Forschungsarbeiten vorstellen. Tôi sẽ giới thiệu các kết quả từ công trình nghiên cứu của mình. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2366)
Auf dieser Tagung werden aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse vorgestellt. Buổi hội thảo này sẽ giới thiệu các thành quả nghiên cứu mới nhất. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2370)
Darf ich Ihnen etwas empfehlen? Tôi có thể giới thiệu một số món ăn được không? (Lektion 124, Nr. 2432)
Können Sie mir etwas empfehlen? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giới thiệu cho tôi một số món được không? (Lektion 124, Nr. 2433)
Ich empfehle Ihnen dieses Gericht. Xin giới thiệu với anh / chị / ông / bà món ăn này. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2437)

accept sb into sth: She had never been accepted into what was essentially a man's world. accept
acknowledge sb/sth as sth: He is widely acknowledged as the best player in the world. acknowledge
acknowledge sb/sth to be, have, etc. sth: He is widely acknowledged to be the best player in the world. acknowledge
Popper described science as the greatest adventure in the world. adventure
world/international/business affairs affair
Carol felt all alone in the world. alone
This painting is very good—Ellie always was very good at art (= so it is not very surprising). always
it is announced that...: It was announced that new speed restrictions would be introduced. announce
He wasn't any good at French. any
When his wife died, his world fell apart. apart
It could be argued that laws are made by and for men. argue
This is our new office—Kay will show you around. around
She's good at art and design. art
the artificial barriers of race, class and gender artificial
I'm good at French. at
his attempt on the world land speed record attempt
a world-record attempt attempt
a bad teacher bad
excess baggage (= weighing more than the limit allowed on a plane) baggage
Chemical weapons are banned internationally. ban
The world of Disney is a magical experience that knows no age barriers. barrier
The company has its base in New York, and branch offices all over the world. base
the battle of the sexes battle
She was one of the best tennis players of her generation. best
They're all good players, but she's the best of all. best
She's far better at science than her brother. better
Many changes took place between the two world wars. between
the border between Sweden and Norway between
China and India between them account for a third of the world's population. between
It's the world's biggest computer company. big
to introduce/approve/reject a bill bill
a national park on the border between Kenya and Tanzania border
Denmark's border with Germany border
in the US, near the Canadian border border
Nevada's northern border border
to cross the border border
to flee across/over the border border
a border dispute/incident border
a border town/state border
It is difficult to define the border between love and friendship. border
There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced. bound
She had broken the world 100 metres record. break
He was breaking the speed limit (= travelling faster than the law allows). break
Paris, the fashion capital of the world capital
I've never been very good at cards. card
The company has worldwide distribution channels. channel
Personal characteristics, such as age and sex are taken into account. characteristic
chat away (to/with sb): Within minutes of being introduced they were chatting away like old friends. chat
men, women and children child
one of the world's most beautiful cities city
differences of class, race or gender class
Most crimes are committed by young men. commit
Snow has prevented communication with the outside world for three days. communication
the international community (= the countries of the world as a group) community
the largest computer company in the world company
comparison of A with B: a comparison of men's salaries with those of women comparison
The work will not be confined to the Glasgow area. confine
I will confine myself to looking at the period from 1900 to 1916. confine
Here the river is confined in a narrow channel. confine
county boundaries county
The winner cut ten seconds off (= ran the distance ten seconds faster than) the world record. cut sth off
The world champion has only had two defeats in 20 fights. defeat
defend sb/yourself/sth: Troops have been sent to defend the borders. defend
design sth (as sth): This course is primarily designed as an introduction to the subject. design
She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it boring. despite
Please supply the following details: name, age and sex. detail
There's a world of difference between liking someone and loving them. difference
Scientists around the world are working to discover a cure for AIDS. discover
the discovery of new talent in the art world discovery
I can recommend the chef's dish of the day. dish
The map shows the distribution of this species across the world. distribution
worldwide distribution systems distribution
division of sth between A and B: the division of labour between the sexes division
It was a policy welcomed by world leaders from the US president downwards. downwards
I'm not very good at drawing. drawing
It would be the easiest thing in the world to fall in love with him. easy
the world economy economy
They're very good employers (= they treat the people that work for them well). employer
With his last jump he equalled the world record. equal
escape (into sth): As a child he would often escape into a dream world of his own. escape
an essay on the causes of the First World War essay
You cannot pretend there's no evil in the world. evil
the world of fashion fashion
the world's fastest runner fast
More females than males are employed in the factory. female
the world's fifth-largest oil exporter fifth
a world title fight (= fighting as a sport, especially boxing ) fight
a relatively unknown figure the world of fashion figure
I'm afraid I don't have a head for figures (= I am not good at adding, etc.). figure
the world of high finance (= finance involving large companies or countries) finance
+ adv./prep.: He finished 12 seconds outside the world record. finish
There are about 30 000 species of fish in the world. fish
focus sth (on/upon sb/sth): The visit helped to focus world attention on the plight of the refugees. focus
the former world champion former
gain sb sth: Her unusual talent gained her worldwide recognition. gain
My generation have grown up without the experience of a world war. generation
A good lawyer might be able to get you off. get off (with sth), get sb off (with sth)
to be a good actor/cook good
good at sth: to be good at languages/your job good
good at doing sth: Nick has always been good at finding cheap flights. good
She's good with her hands (= able to make things, etc.). good
He has been described as the world's greatest violinist. great
She's very good at handling her patients. handle
We have orders coming in from all over the world. have
He introduced himself. himself
Many people throughout history have dreamt of a world without war. history
Who holds the world record for the long jump? hold
She held the title of world champion for three years. hold
Do you think that mixed-ability classes hold back the better students? hold sb/sth back
Ian, our host, introduced us to the other guests. host
human geography (= the study of the way different people live around the world) human
a humorous look at the world of fashion humorous
In an ideal world there would be no poverty and disease. ideal
Image is very important in the music world. image
The time limits are imposed on us by factors outside our control. impose
a border/diplomatic incident incident
the world indoor 200 metres champion indoor
the world's leading industrial nations industrial
an insurance broker/company insurance
intended as sth: The notes are intended as an introduction to the course. intended
Bands from London introduced the craze for this kind of music. introduce
introduce sth: The company is introducing a new range of products this year. introduce
introduce sth into/to sth: We want to introduce the latest technology into schools. introduce
introduce sb to sth: The first lecture introduces students to the main topics of the course. introduce
He was first introduced to drugs by his elder brother. introduce
introduce sth (to sb): It was she who first introduced the pleasures of sailing to me. introduce
The next programme will be introduced by Mary David. introduce
May I introduce my first guest on the show tonight... introduce
introduce sb: Can I introduce my wife? introduce
introduce A to B (as sth): He introduced me to a Greek girl at the party. introduce
She was introduced to me as a well-known novelist. introduce
introduce A and B: We've already been introduced. introduce
introduce yourself (to sb): Can I introduce myself? I'm Helen Robins. introduce
'Kay, this is Steve.' 'Yes, I know—we've already introduced ourselves.' introduce
'An Introduction to Astronomy' introduction
It's a useful introduction to an extremely complex subject. introduction
a brief introduction introduction
a book with an excellent introduction and notes introduction
By way of introduction, let me give you the background to the story. introduction
This album was my first introduction to modern jazz. introduction
Introductions were made and the conversation started to flow. introduction
Our speaker today needs no introduction (= is already well known). introduction
a letter of introduction (= a letter which tells sb who you are, written by sb who knows both you and the person reading the letter) introduction
the introduction of new manufacturing methods introduction
the 1 000th anniversary of the introduction of Christianity to Russia introduction
The book lists plants suitable for the British flower garden, among them many new introductions. introduction
invitation to do sth: I have an open invitation (= not restricted to a particular date) to visit my friend in Japan. invitation
He certainly knows his job (= is very good at his job). job
She's a good judge of character. judge
The last singer was the best—not that I'm any judge (= I do not know much about the subject). judge
the world junior tennis championships junior
She was a star pupil—keen, confident and bright. keen
Brazil is the world's largest producer of coffee. large
lead (sb/sth) (in sth): The department led the world in cancer research. lead
The company is a world leader in electrical goods. leader
The driver was more than three times over the legal limit (= the amount of alcohol you are allowed to have in your body when you are driving). legal
They could see that the company had a limited life (= it was going to close). life
to lift a ban/curfew/blockade lift
There is a limit to the amount of pain we can bear. limit
The team performed to the limit of its capabilities. limit
She knew the limits of her power. limit
to push/stretch/test sb/sth to the limit limit
His arrogance knew (= had) no limits. limit
a time/speed/age limit limit
The EU has set strict limits on levels of pollution. limit
They were travelling at a speed that was double the legal limit. limit
You can't drive—you're over the limit (= you have drunk more alcohol than is legal when driving). limit
to keep government spending within acceptable limits limit
The amount of money you have to spend will limit your choice. limit
Families are limited to four free tickets each. limit
Violent crime is not limited to big cities. limit sth to sb/sth
The teaching of history should not be limited to dates and figures. limit sth to sb/sth
This offer is for a limited period only. limited
We want to cut across lines of race, sex and religion. line
He has lived through two world wars. live through sth
It was the world's longest bridge. long
male attitudes to women male
male bonding (= the act of forming close friendships between men) male
the male menopause (= emotional and physical problems that affect some men at about the age of 50) male
a male-dominated profession male
Haemophilia is a condition that affects mostly males. male
We need people who are good at managing. manage
He is one of the highest paid management gurus in the world. management
the world market in coffee market
the material world material
matter (to sb): The children matter more to her than anything else in the world. matter
Her children mean the world to her. mean
Any event attended by the actor received widespread media coverage. media
The driver was well above the limit of 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood milligram
'Are you coming to the school play?' 'I wouldn't miss it for the world.' miss
the modern industrial world modern
the narrow confines of prison life narrow
She has a very narrow view of the world. narrow
the natural world (= of trees, rivers, animals and birds) natural
When did the country open its borders? open
Our company promotes equal opportunities for women (= women are given the same jobs, pay, etc. as men). opportunity
the World Health Organization organization
to explore the outer (= most extreme) limits of human experience outer
They felt cut off from the outside world (= from other people and from other things that were happening). outside
They've travelled all over the world. over
She was very good in the part. part
a plant that grows in many parts of the world part
Come and visit us if you're ever in our part of the world. part
She felt at peace with the world. peace
This offer is available for a limited period only. period
personalities from the world of music personality
Her philosophy of life is to take every opportunity that presents itself. philosophy
photograph sb/sth: He has photographed some of the world's most beautiful women. photograph
the physical world/universe/environment physical
We were able to pick up the BBC World Service. pick sb/sth up
Pleased to meet you (= said when you are introduced to sb). pleased
It gives me great pleasure to introduce our guest speaker. pleasure
The border will be policed by UN officials. police
sexual politics (= concerning relationships of power between the sexes) politics
She's a good teacher but a poor manager. poor
It's among the poorer countries of the world. poor
Contrary to popular belief, women cause fewer road accidents than men. popular
One third of the world's population consumes/consume two thirds of the world's resources. population
the company's dominant position in the world market position
It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that we'll all meet again one day. possibility
Three soldiers were shot dead at a border post. post
the power of the media power
world powers power
present yourself + adv./prep.: You need to present yourself better. present
present sth/sb/yourself as sth: He likes to present himself as a radical politician. present
Male pride forced him to suffer in silence. pride
the world of professional football professional
promise (that)...: The brochure promised (that) the local food would be superb. promise
The proportion of men to women in the college has changed dramatically over the years. proportion
Travelling alone around the world is a daunting prospect. prospect
She has all the qualities of a good teacher. quality
The data is limited in terms of both quality and quantity. quantity
This custom is found in people of all races throughout the world. race
legislation against discrimination on the grounds of race or sex race
a race between the two best runners of the club race
one of the racing world's most popular characters racing
She is currently the highest ranked player in the world. rank
At the height of her career she ranked second in the world. rank
Rarely has a debate attracted so much media attention. rarely
rate sb/sth + noun: She is currently rated number two in the world. rate
They didn't reach the border until after dark. reach
Politicians seem to be out of touch with the real world. real
recommend sb/sth: Can you recommend a good hotel? recommend
She holds the world record for the 100 metres. record
regard to sb/sth: He was driving without regard to speed limits. regard
Christianity, Islam and other world religions religion
one of the remotest areas of the world remote
The opening speech was by Bob Alan representing Amnesty International. represent
The singer is regarded as a representative of the youth of her generation. representative
The company enjoys a world-wide reputation for quality of design. reputation
restrict sth to sth: Speed is restricted to 30 mph in towns. restrict
Access to the club is restricted to members only. restrict
In those days women led fairly restricted lives. restricted
The tournament is restricted to players under the age of 23. restricted
one of the richest women in the world rich
the discovery that the world is round round
the first woman to sail round the world round
It is one of the safest cars in the world. safe
one of the first people to sail around the world sail
I'm not very good at saving. save
scheme (to do sth): to introduce/operate a scheme to improve links between schools and industry scheme
As a dancer, he is second to none (= nobody is a better dancer than he is). second
the BBC World Service service
She set a new world record for the high jump. set
The government has set strict limits on public spending this year. set
a process that allows couples to choose the sex of their baby sex
Please indicate your sex and date of birth below. sex
sex discrimination (= the act of treating men and women differently in an unfair way) sex
Testosterone is the male sex hormone. sex
a member of the opposite sex sex
the battle of the sexes (= the competitive relationship that exists between men and women) sex
a sex shop (= one selling magazines, objects, etc. that are connected with sex) sex
sex education in schools sex
The company ships its goods all over the world. ship
show sth to sb: She showed the technique to her students. show
She wanted to show off her new husband at the party. show sb/sth off
satellite links to the other side of the world side
The satellite is used for transmitting signals around the world. signal
a single-sex school (= for boys only or for girls only) single
With a talent like his, the sky's the limit. the sky's the limit
They carried out research into the roles of men and women in today's society society
a lack of spiritual values in the modern world spiritual
The pay increase will be introduced in stages (= not all at once). stage
We started off by introducing ourselves. start off
Women are only asking to be given equal status with men. status
It's a big step giving up your job and moving halfway across the world. step
Cars filed past in an endless stream. stream
the male reproductive system system
the tallest building in the world tall
There is mounting tension along the border. tension
He's good at making things with his hands. thing
Jo, this is Kate (= when you are introducing them). this
They export their products to markets throughout the world. throughout
What's the hurry? We have all the time in the world. time
It was a threat to world peace. to
Our car was turned back at the border. turn back, turn sb/sth back
The brochure is full of unconscious humour. unconscious
There is an upper limit of £20 000 spent on any one project. upper
His sudden death turned her world upside down. turn sth upside down
New techniques were introduced with varying degrees of success. vary
motor vehicles (= cars, buses, lorries/trucks, etc.) vehicle
the Christian view of the world view
People came from all over the world to view her work. view
He had a vision of a world in which there would be no wars. vision
the Second World War war
The firm is introducing a shorter working week. week
He was driving at well over the speed limit. well
While Tom's very good at science, his brother is absolutely hopeless. while
It's the best job in the whole wide world. wide
men, women and children woman
Danger—men at work. at work
We live in a rapidly changing world. world
He's too young to understand the ways of the world. world
The whole world was waiting for news of the astronauts. world
She felt that the world was against her. world
The eyes of the world are on the President. world
Parents are the most important people in a child's world. world
When his wife died, his entire world was turned upside down. world
the animal/plant/insect world world
the world of fashion world
stars from the sporting and artistic worlds world
the natural world (= animals, plants, minerals, etc.) world
They are a couple in the real world as well as in the movie. world
The island is a world of brilliant colours and dramatic sunsets. world
They had little contact with the outside world (= people and places that were not part of their normal life). world
to sail around the world world
travelling (all over) the world world
a map of the world world
French is spoken in many parts of the world. world
Which is the largest city in the world? world
He's the world's highest paid entertainer. world
a meeting of world leaders world
campaigning for world peace world
the Arab world world
the English-speaking world world
the industrialized and developing worlds world
the ancient/modern world world
There's nothing in the world I'd like more than to visit New York. in the world
Don't rush—we've got all the time in the world. in the world
You look as if you haven't got a care in the world! in the world
young people young
It's a movie that will appeal to the young. young
youth culture youth