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ENDE: unperturbed gelassen

like: gelassen

admit sb/sth to/into sth: You will not be admitted to the theatre after the performance has started. admit
be admitted to be, have, etc. sth: The appointment is now generally admitted to have been a mistake. admit
She was left staring after him. after
All ages admitted. age
She's asked to be left alone but the press photographers follow her everywhere. leave/let sb alone
I've told you before—leave my things alone! leave/let sth alone
This bag was left behind after the class. behind
He had ripped up the carpet, leaving only the bare boards. board
She has set up in business as a hairdresser. business
Someone had carelessly left a window open. carelessly
After being questioned by the police, she was released without charge. charge
claim (on sth) (for sth): You can claim on your insurance for that coat you left on the train. claim
The pathway is formed from large pebbles set in concrete. concrete
A patient who is not fully conscious should never be left alone. conscious
She tried to remain cool, calm and collected (= calm). cool
drop sth: Be careful not to drop that plate. drop
drop sth (+ adv./prep.): Medical supplies are being dropped into the stricken area. drop
He drained the last drop of beer from the glass. drop
He was released when the judge ruled there was no evidence against him. evidence
The researchers set the birds free. free
By the end of May nearly 100 of an estimated 2 000 political prisoners had been freed. free
The stone was dropped from a great height. height
Oh no, I left my purse at home. at home
The thought of being left alone filled her with horror. horror
I have a pretty good idea where I left it—I hope I'm right. idea
She's left it too late to apply for the job. too late
They left me with all the clearing up. leave
leave sb/sth to do sth: I was left to cope on my own. leave
She left out an 'm' in 'accommodation'. leave sb/sth out (of sth)
I let the spare room. let
license sth: The new drug has not yet been licensed in the US. license
mark A (with B): Items marked with an asterisk can be omitted. mark
He started the motor. motor
The car is registered in my name. in the name of sb/sth, in sb's/sth's name
I was woken by the noise of a car starting up. noise
Children are admitted only if accompanied by an adult. only
Kasparov had left his bishop open (= not protected, in a game of chess ). open
She had left the door wide open. open
Does anyone own this coat? It was left in a classroom. own
to set off at a steady/gentle/leisurely pace pace
He just wants to be left in peace (= not to be disturbed). peace
This vehicle is licensed to carry 4 persons. (= in a notice) person
I seem to have left my book at home. seem
The prisoner has served (= completed) his sentence and will be released tomorrow. sentence
I settled down with a book. settle down
Someone's left their bag behind. someone
I heard his car start up. start up, start sth up
strip sb + adj.: He was stripped naked and left in a cell. strip
The wind has dropped (= stopped blowing strongly). wind