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flag lá cờ
flag ngọn cờ

EVP flag
EVP flagging
Flagge cờ Gegenstände

OXF3000ZH: flag
3000TH: ธง thohngM flag
5000FR: drapeau flag
5000FR: pavillon country house, villa, wing pavilliion, flag
5000FR: camoufler to cover up, conceal, camouflage
OXF3000: lá cờ flag
OXF3000N quốc kỳ flag
GBENDE: 旗子 flag Fahne
GBENDE: 旗帜 flag Flagge
CORE: flag + + + + + + +
NGLS: flag + piece of cloth, frequently marked with a colorful symbol or sign
WNS: (n.) [flag] emblem

ENDE: flag Fahne
ENDE: flag Flag
ENDE: flag Flagge

flag cờ Objects 2
How many colors does the flag of the Netherlands have? Cờ của nước có bao nhiêu màu ? Countries 2

like: flag
Yellow Flag (rebels) Cờ Vàng
Black Flag (rebels) Cờ Đen
to salute the flag or colors chào cờ
flagpole, flagstaff, flag tower cột cờ
sparrow-feather flag (used by couriers for cờ lông công
white flag, flag of truce cờ trắng
(1) term, period, session; issue, number (of a periodical)
(2) strange, odd, eccentric
(3) until
(4) chess
(5) flag
(6) to request, hope for
(7) to rub
colors, flag raising ceremony lễ chào cờ
(1) intelligent, smart, clever
(2) fine, pure
(3) only, nothing but
(4) sign
(5) star
(6) essence
(7) flag
(8) demon, spirit
king’s flag (made of feather) tiết mao

a flag with a design of two crossed keys cross
the Italian flag flag
the flag of Italy flag
The hotel flies the European Union flag. flag
The American flag was flying. flag
All the flags were at half mast (= in honour of a famous person who has died). flag
The black and white flag went down, and the race began. flag
to put up a flag put sth up
The flag waved in the breeze. wave
wave sth: Crowds lined the route, waving flags and cheering. wave

drapeau le drapeau est plus qu’un simple bout de tissu
pavillon il m’emmena bavarder dans le pavillon de la piscine
camoufler certaines araignées changent leurs couleurs pour se camoufler