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feudal phong kiến

SAT: feudal + Pertaining to the relation of lord and vassal. 

feudalism phong kiến History

like: feudal
chief envoy (of a feudal mission) chánh sứ
to confine to the house (a highborn girl in a feudal society) cấm cung
rebel having surrendered himself to a feudal regime hàng thần
damsel (of a feudal high family) khuê nữ
ministry of rites in feudal Vietnam lễ bộ
the prince’s tutor, second teacher (a title in feudal dynasty) thiếu phó
high-ranking mandarin (under feudal regime) thái úy
inherit a title of one’s father (under feudal regime) tập ấm
king and mandarins, rulers in feudal society vua quan
subjection, servitude, a wife’s duty (under feudal regime) xướng tùy
(the land system in the feudal era) land grants đất phong