Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP dull

IELTS: dull + : 乏味的 阴沉的
OXF3000ZH: 枯燥的 不鲜明的 dull
3000TH: สีไม่สด - สีหม่น seeR maiF sohtL seeR mohnL dull color
3000TH: น่าเบื่อ naaF beuuaL to be boring, dull, be tedious, be tiresome
OXF3000: đần độn dull
OXF3000N chậm hiểu ngu đần dull
GBENDE: 笨的 dull dumm
GBENDE: 笨的 dull dumm
GBENDE: 傻的 dull dumm
GBENDE: 钝的 dull stumpf
GBENDE: 笨拙的 dull schwerfällig
CORE: dull + + + + + + +
WNS: (a.) [dull] not having a sharp edge or point
WNS: (a.) [dull] boring, lacking in liveliness or animation

ENDE: dull dumm
ENDE: dull dumpf
ENDE: dull matt
ENDE: dull schwerfällig
ENDE: dull stumpf
FN: dull a Stimulus_focus
FN: dull a Sharpness
FN: dull a Color_qualities
FN: dull v Cause_to_be_sharp

like: dull
a dull ache cơn đau âm ỉ
a dull yellow complexion nước da vàng ệnh
to look only dull but be actually clever trông thì nghệch nhưng rất khôn
smoldering, dull and lasting; to smolder âm ỉ
feel a dull and lasting pain Đau ngâm ngẩm

The second half of the game was dull by comparison with the first. by/in comparison (with sb/sth)
It was a dull, grey day. dull
a dull grey colour dull
dull, lifeless hair dull
Her eyes were dull. dull
Life in a small town could be deadly dull. dull
The countryside was flat, dull and uninteresting. dull
The first half of the game was pretty dull. dull
There's never a dull moment when John's around. dull
the dull grey of the sky grey
The village itself is pretty, but the surrounding countryside is rather dull. itself
a few moments of light relief in an otherwise dull performance relief