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How did you pass the exam? Bạn đã đỗ / đậu kỳ thi như thế nào? * 087

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Ask your teacher 's advice / Ask your teacher for advice on how to prepare for the exam. advice
Waiting for exam results is a time of great anxiety. anxiety
Don't worry about the exam—just do your best. best
The exam results went up on the board. board
You've done so much work—you're bound to pass the exam. bound
She has only a slim chance of passing the exam. chance
Credit will be given in the exam for good spelling and grammar. credit
He passed the exam with ease. ease
enter sb/sth for sth: How many students have been entered for the exam? enter
She passed the exam with flying colours. with flying colours
There's a strong case for postponing the exam. for
The teacher gave out the exam papers. give sth out
One and a half hours are allowed for the exam. half
An hour and a half is allowed for the exam. half
Try to put the exams out of your head (= stop thinking about them) for tonight. head
When I saw the exam questions my mind just went blank (= I couldn't remember anything). mind
He passed the exams with the minimum of effort. minimum
The exams are drawing near. near
I think I did OK in the exam. OK
The ordeal has affected both her mental and physical health. physical
prepare for sth: The whole class is working hard preparing for the exams. prepare
promise yourself sth: I've promised myself some fun when the exams are over. promise
I didn't fail the exam; in fact I did rather well! rather
I'm looking forward to the exam, strange as it may seem. strange
First I have to get through the exams. through
You must take the exam—you can't throw away all that work! throw sth away
The exams start a week today/today week (= one week from now). today