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consumer khách mua hàng
consumer người tiêu dùng

EVP consumer

IELTS: consumer + : 消费者 用户
OXF3000ZH: 消费者 用户 consumer
5000FR: consommateur consumer, customer
OXF3000: người tiêu thụ consumer
OXF3000N người tiêu dùng consumer
GBENDE: 消费者 consumer Verbraucher
CORE: consumer + + + + + + +
NGLS: consumer + person who uses goods or services; individual buyer
WNS: (n.) [consumer] person who uses goods or services

ENDE: consumer Verbraucher

like: consumer
the consumer world, consumers giới tiêu thụ
consumer product, consumer good hàng tiêu dùng
in the consumer world trong giới tiêu thụ

The survey on consumer taste was commissioned by local stores. commission
A fall in unemployment will help to restore consumer confidence. confidence
consumer demand/choice/rights consumer
Health-conscious consumers want more information about the food they buy. consumer
a consumer society (= one where buying and selling is considered to be very important) consumer
providers and consumers of public services consumer
Tax cuts will boost consumer confidence after the recession. consumer
Consumers will have to bear the full cost of these pay increases. cost
The plan has attracted criticism from consumer groups. criticism
We are living in a consumer culture. culture
nervous (about/of sth): Consumers are very nervous about the future. nervous
a study of consumer preferences preference
demand created by a consumer society society

consommateur les consommateurs en ressentent directementlesavantages–