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EVP compose
EVP composer

IELTS: compose + : 组成 构成 创作(乐曲等)
3000TH: ประกอบ bpraL gaawpL composed of
5000FR: composer to compose, dial
CORE: compose + + + + + + +
NGLS: compose + To come together to form or make something e.g. music
WNS: (n.) [composer] music composer
WNS: (v.) [compose] write music

FN: compose v Text_creation
FN: compose v Behind_the_scenes
FN: compose v Activity_prepare

like: compose
to compose oneself định thần

study (sth) under...: a composer who studied under Nadia Boulanger (= was taught by Nadia Boulanger) study
The cell is the unit of which all living organisms are composed. unit

composer il avait juste besoin de composer mon numéro