Beginner Level Advanced Level



comma dấu phẩy

EVP comma
EVP command
EVP commander
EVP inverted commas

OXF3000ZH: 命令 指挥 控制 command
3000TH: อย่า yaaL don’t (for strong or urgent commands)
5000FR: commander to order, command
5000FR: commandement command, order, commandment
5000FR: maîtrise mastery, command, control, master’s degree
5000FR: prescrire to order, command, prescribe, stipulate
5000FR: commandant commander
OXF3000N phụ trách command
GBENDE: 逗号 comma Komma
CORE: comma + + + + + + +
WNS: (n.) [command] control, mastery
WNS: (n.) [command] authoritative instruction
WNS: (v.) [command] control
WNS: (v.) [command] compel

ENDE: comma Komma

He is our commander. Anh ấy là chỉ huy của chúng tôi. Military
commander chỉ huy Military
Our commander is ambushed in the bathroom. Chỉ huy của chúng tôi bị phục kích trong phòng tắm. Military
The commander wants to mobilize everyone. Chỉ huy muốn huy động tất cả mọi người. Military
They send a battalion to find the commander's cat. Họ gửi một tiểu đoàn để tìm con mèo của người chỉ huy. Military

like: comma

a chain of command (= a system in an organization by which instructions are passed from one person to another) chain
He has 1 200 men under his command. command
He has command of 1 200 men. command
The police arrived and took command of the situation. command
For the first time in years, she felt in command of her life. command
He looked relaxed and totally in command of himself. command
Who is in command here? command
There were many disagreements over the command of the peacekeeping forces. command
the chain of command command
What is the startup command for the program? command
Begin when I give the command. command
You must obey the captain's commands. command
The troops were commanded by General Haig. command
command sb to do sth: He commanded his men to retreat. command
command sth: She commanded the release of the prisoners. command
+ speech: 'Come here!' he commanded (them). command
command that...: The commission intervened and commanded that work on the building cease. command
The commission commanded that work on the building should cease. command
He was asked to take command and direct operations. direct
She has a good command of the Spanish language. language
a commanding/comfortable lead lead
to obey a command/an order/rules/the law obey
The matter was passed on to me, as your commanding officer. officer
spoken commands spoken

commander il a commandé plusieurs exemplaires du guide de référence
commandement vous avez transgressé le premier commande- ment
maîtrise la maîtrise de la douleur semblait être l’autre problème
prescrire ils prescrivent ces médicaments
commandant il s’est autoproclamé commandant en chef de l’organisation