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EVP comb
EVP comb
EVP combination
EVP combine
EVP combustion
Kamm cái lược Gegenstände

IELTS: comb + : 梳子 蜂巢 梳理
OXF3000ZH: 结合 联合 化合 combination
OXF3000ZH: 使结合 兼有 combine
3000TH: เอ็ด etL one (used in combinations like 21, 31)
3000TH: รบ rohpH to combat
3000TH: ศึก seukL combat
3000TH: เรือน reuuanM house (used in certain combinations only)
3000TH: รวม ruaamM to include, combine, add, add up, sum up
5000FR: combat fight, combat
5000FR: combiner to combine, devise
5000FR: combinaison combination
5000FR: combustible fuel, combustible
OXF3000N sự kết hợp sự phối hợp combination
OXF3000N kết hợp phối hợp combine
GBENDE: 梳子 comb Kamm
CORE: comb + + + + + + +
WNS: (n.) [combination] things occurring together
WNS: (v.) [combine] blend, mix, conflate, commingle, fuse, merge

ENDE: comb Kamm
FN: comb v Grooming
FN: comb v Scrutiny
FN: comb v Scouring

comb lược Objects 2

like: comb
to brush, comb one’s hair chải tóc
to comb one’s hair glossy chải tóc mượt

Two atoms of hydrogen combine with one atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water. atom
You've combed your hair back. back
She opened her bag (= her handbag ) and took out her comb. bag
Farmers are being urged to reduce their use of chemicals and work with nature to combat pests. chemical
His treatment was a combination of surgery, radiation and drugs. combination
What an unusual combination of flavours! combination
Technology and good management. That's a winning combination (= one that will certainly be successful). combination
Many course combinations are possible. combination
The firm is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners. combination
These paints can be used individually or in combination. combination
Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form water. combine
combine with sth: Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water. combine
combine to do sth: Several factors had combined to ruin our plans. combine
combine sth: Combine all the ingredients in a bowl. combine
combine sth with sth: Combine the eggs with a little flour. combine
combine A and B (together): Combine the eggs and the flour. combine
The German team scored a combined total of 652 points. combine
combine sth: We are still looking for someone who combines all the necessary qualities. combine
combine A and/with B: The hotel combines comfort with convenience. combine
This model combines a telephone and fax machine. combine
They have successfully combined the old with the new in this room. combine
a kitchen and dining-room combined combine
The trip will combine business with pleasure. combine
She has successfully combined a career and bringing up a family. combine
He quickly dragged a comb through his hair. drag
It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects, for example Physics. for example
The room was decorated in a combination of greens and blues. green
to comb/brush your hair hair
a government initiative to combat unemployment initiative
hair full of knots and tangles (= twisted in a way that is difficult to comb ) knot
The government is introducing tougher measures to combat crime. measure
mix A with B: I don't like to mix business with pleasure (= combine social events with doing business). mix
For the purposes of this study, the three groups have been combined. purpose
suppose sb/sth to be/have sth: This combination of qualities is generally supposed to be extremely rare. suppose
The government is taking action to combat drug abuse. take
This dish has an unusual combination of tastes and textures. taste
The artist combines different techniques in the same painting. technique
The police and the public need to work together to combat crime. work
She brings to the job a rare combination of youth and experience. youth

combat nous devons nous préparer pour le grand combat
combiner vous avez réussi à combiner écologie et rentabilité
combinaison il était le seul à avoir la combinaison et tu l’as tué
combustible les importations de carburants et de combustibles liquides ont reculé