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citizen người công dân
公民 gong1min2 citizen Công dân

EVP citizen
EVP citizenship

OXF3000ZH: 公民 市民 居民 citizen
3000TH: ประชาชน bpraL chaaM chohnM citizens, the public, people
5000FR: citoyen citizen
5000FR: citoyenneté citizenship
5000FR: concitoyen fellow citizen
OXF3000: công dân citizen
OXF3000N người thành thị citizen
GBENDE: 市民 citizen Bürger
CORE: citizen + + + + + + +
NGLS: citizen + person who belongs to and has rights in a country
WNS: (n.) [citizen] member of a state

ENDE: citizen Bürger
FN: citizen n People_by_jurisdiction

They do not know my citizenship. Họ không biết quốc tịch của tôi. Countries 1
citizenship Quốc tịch Countries 1
What is your citizenship? Quốc tịch của bạn là gì? Countries 1
You are not our citizen. Bạn không phải là công dân của chúng tôi. Politics
You are an American citizen and you do not know the name of the president. Bạn là một công dân Mỹ và bạn không biết tên của Tổng thống. Politics
Every citizen needs to vote. Mọi công dân cần bỏ phiếu. Politics
citizen công dân Politics
Every citizen has rights and duties to his country. Mọi công dân có quyền và nghĩa vụ với quốc gia. Politics

like: citizen
to be a citizen of, have ~ citizenship có quốc tịch
to be a citizen of Taiwan có quốc tịch Đai Loàn
citizenship; civil liberties, civil rights, citizen rights quyền công dân

appreciate doing sth: I don't appreciate being treated like a second-class citizen. appreciate
She's Italian by birth but is now an Australian citizen. citizen
British citizens living in other parts of the European Union citizen
the citizens of Budapest citizen
When you're old, people treat you like a second-class citizen. citizen
The state has a duty to protect its citizens against external enemies. enemy
fellow members/citizens/workers fellow
EU citizens can now travel freely between member states. freely
We were second-class citizens and they treated us as such. such

citoyen les gouvernements doivent représenter tous les citoyens
citoyenneté la citoyenneté nous donne un sens de la communauté
concitoyen mes chers concitoyens, je sais que vous êtes fatigués