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just, only chỉ mới

like: chỉ mới

Wir wünschen Ihnen alles Gute für Ihren weiteren beruflichen Weg. Chúng tôi chúc anh / chị mọi điều tốt nhất trong sự nghiệp. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1990)
Für Ihre berufliche und private Zukunft wünschen wir Ihnen alles Gute. Chúng tôi chúc anh / chị mọi điều tốt nhất trong sự nghiệp và cuộc sống riêng. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1991)

begin sth: He began a new magazine on post-war architecture. begin
He has just got a new job. get
I only just caught the train. just
I was just beginning to enjoy myself when we had to leave. just
The trees are just coming into leaf. leaf
News of a serious road accident is just coming in. news
The baby was only a few hours old. old
Please send the letter on to my new address. on
She's only 21 and she runs her own business. only
We only just started. We're not going to quit now. quit
The new magazine has really taken off. take off
He's only 17 and therefore not eligible to vote. therefore
I was just beginning to wonder where you were. wonder