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to sink (a ship), become submerged; hidden, concealed chìm

OXF3000N mỏ chim beak
OXF3000N chim bird
OXF3000N lông chim feather
OXF3000N chìm lún đắm sink

like: chìm
ups and downs ba chìm bẩy nổi
to sink a ship đắm chìm tàu
senken giảm, hạ, chìm 降低 jiàng dī
versinken chìm, đắm 沉没 chén mò
der Vogel con chim
senken giảm, hạ, chìm
versinken chìm, đắm
der Vogel zwitschert chim hót
der Adler chim đại bàng
die Taube (Vogel) chim bồ câu
der Specht chim gõ kiến
die Amsel chim két
der Geier chim ó
der Kuckuck chim cúc cu
der Pfau chim công
die Schwalbe chim nhạn
der Schnabel mỏ chim

Die Stadt ist voll von Mäusen, Ratten und Vögeln, damit die Katzen Nahrung haben. Thành phố có đầy chuột nhắt, chuột cống và chim, đế mèo có thức ăn. (Lektion 35, Nr. 490)
Sie hören das Quaken der Frösche und das Zwitschern der Vögel. Họ thưởng thức tiếng kêu của những con ếch và tiếng chim hót. (Lektion 52, Nr. 737)

679 The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. Mặt trời đang toả nắng và bầy chim đang hót líu lo.
1198 our dinner. Một con chim đã bay qua cửa sổ khi chúng tôi đang ăn tối.
1261 Leave the old bread in the yard. The birds will eat it. Để miếng bánh mì cũ trên sân. Lũ chim sẽ ăn nó.

the animals and birds of South America animal
a baby monkey/blackbird baby
The bird was beating its wings (= moving them up and down) frantically. beat
The boat sank beneath the waves. beneath
a bird's nest with two eggs in it bird
a species of bird bird
The area has a wealth of bird life. bird
More than a third of Britain's bird species need urgent protection. bird
the distinctive call of the cuckoo call
The ship sank in mysterious circumstances. circumstance
Some birds which were once a common sight are now becoming rare. common
Birds use warm air currents to help their flight. current
decrease in sth: This species of bird is decreasing in numbers every year. decrease
The male bird has a differently shaped head. differently
The male bird is distinguished from the female by its red beak. distinguish
Only the cry of seabirds disturbed the silence. disturb
Birds are the natural enemies of many insect pests (= they kill them). enemy
The birds are equally at home in a woodland or riverside environment. equally
The birds build their nests in the rock face. face
We felt the ground give way under our feet. feel
The bird is easily recognized in flight (= when it is flying) by the black band at the end of its tail. flight
The bird folded its wings. fold
The researchers set the birds free. free
The cuckoo lays its eggs in other birds' nests. lay
I refuse to sink to their level (= behave as badly as them). level
Small birds live mainly on insects. live on sth
The ship was lost at sea (= it sank). lose
a male bird male
A male bird sings to attract a mate. mate
the natural world (= of trees, rivers, animals and birds) natural
Most birds are naturally timid. naturally
sparrows building a nest of twigs and dry grass nest
birds migrating from the north north
The ship sank ten miles out of Stockholm. out
The artist uses doves to represent peace. represent
They reached safety seconds before the building was engulfed in flames. safety
to shoot pheasants shoot
It's a spectacular sight as the flamingos lift into the air. sight
The bird is now a rare sight in this country. sight
The birds were singing outside my window. sing
the beautiful singing of birds singing
The sun was sinking in the west. sink
The foundations of the building are starting to sink. sink
a battleship sunk by a torpedo sink
Bombs sank all four carriers. sink
The ship sank to the bottom of the sea. sink
We're sinking! sink
The wheels started to sink into the mud. sink
The little boat sank beneath the waves. sink
to sink like a stone sink
The ship sliced the water. slice
birds flying to the south for the winter south
My spirits sank at the prospect of starting all over again. spirit
The male bird has a red spot on its beak. spot
The bird spread its wings. spread
a bird standing on one leg stand
The sun was shining and birds were singing. sun
Many birds didn't survive the severe winter. survive
The male and female birds take turns in sitting on the eggs. take turns (in sth/to do sth)
The sound was not unlike that of birds singing. unlike
The red squirrel has become virtually extinct in most of the country. virtually
Many British birds winter in Africa. winter
a mother bird feeding her young young