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rub sth: She rubbed her chin thoughtfully. rub
rub sth/yourself with sth: Rub the surface with sandpaper before painting. rub
I rubbed a clear patch on the window with my fingers. rub
rub sth/yourself against sth: The cat rubbed itself against my legs. rub
rub at sth: I rubbed at the stain on the cloth. rub
rub against sth: Animals had been rubbing against the trees. rub
rub sth/yourself + adj.: Rub the surface smooth. rub
rub sth (together): She rubbed her hands in delight. rub
In some cultures, people traditionally greet each other by rubbing noses. rub
rub (together): It sounded like two pieces of wood rubbing together. rub
Rub salt over the fish before cooking. rub