Beginner Level Advanced Level



1945 甘 ngọt cam chịu . . .
(1) to resign oneself to
(2) orange
(3) sweet, pleasant

OXF3000N tình cảm cảm xúc affection
OXF3000N đảm bảo cam đoan assure
OXF3000N cấm cấm chỉ sự cấm ban
OXF3000N mang cầm vác đeo ôm bear
OXF3000N mang cầm xách lại bring
OXF3000N trại chỗ cắm trại cắm trại hạ trại camp
OXF3000N sự cắm trại camping
OXF3000N người cầm đầu người chỉ huy thủ lĩnh captain
OXF3000N cằm chin
OXF3000N sự can đảm sự dũng cảm dũng khí courage
OXF3000N sự xúc động sự cảm động mối xúc cảm emotion
OXF3000N cảm động xúc động xúc cảm dễ cảm động dễ xúc cảm emotional
OXF3000N hứa hẹn cam kết đính ước engage
OXF3000N cảm thấy feel
OXF3000N sự cảm thấy cảm giác feeling
OXF3000N không thân thiện không có thiện cảm unfriendly
OXF3000N cai trị thống trị cầm quyền govern
OXF3000N sự bảo hành bảo lãnh người bảo lãnh cam đoan đảm bảo guarantee
OXF3000N cầm sờ mó tay cầm móc quai handle
OXF3000N ghét lòng căm ghét thù hận hate
OXF3000N lòng căm thì sự căm ghét hatred
OXF3000N cầm nắm giữ sự cầm sự nắm giữ hold
OXF3000N ghi khắc in sâu vào gây ấn tượng làm cảm động impress
OXF3000N ấn tượng cảm giác sự in đóng dấu impression
OXF3000N quả cam có màu da cam orange
OXF3000N màu hồng hoa cẩm chướng tình trạng tốt hoàn hảo pink
OXF3000N bị hạn chế có giới hạn vùng cấm restricted
OXF3000N cảm thấy hài lòng vừa ý thoả mãn satisfied
OXF3000N giác quan tri giác cảm giác sense
OXF3000N gây ra căm phẫn tồi tệ gây kích động shocking
OXF3000N đâm thọc chọc cắm dính cái gậy qua củi cán stick
OXF3000N đồng cảm đáng mến dễ thương sympathetic
OXF3000N sự đồng cảm sự đồng ý sympathy
OXF3000N sự cầm nắm sự lấy take
OXF3000N cám ơn thank
OXF3000N sự cảm ơn lời cảm ơn thanks
OXF3000N khát cảm thấy khát thirsty
OXF3000N đồ đạc hành lý bẫy cạm bãy trap
OXF3000N đối địch không thân thiện unfriendly

orange cam Basics 2
orange Màu cam Colors
The first orange Quả cam đầu tiên Ordinal numbers

The woman likes orange and grapefruit juice. Bà ấy thích nước cam và nước bưởi. * 014
The orange is orange. Quả / trái cam màu da cam. * 016
What colour / color (am.) is the orange? Orange. Quả / trái cam màu gì? Màu da cam. * 016
I have an orange and a grapefruit. Tôi có một quả / trái cam và một quả / trái bưởi. * 017

like: cam
Cambodia’s future is still very unstable Tương lai Cam Bốt còn nhiều bấp bênh
a pledge bảng cam kết
of Cambodian origin gôc Cam Bốt
pledge, promise lời cam kết
Cambodian (person) người Cam Bốt
after withdrawing troops from Cambodia sau dịp rút quân từ cam bốt
worm powder thuốc run cam tích
Cambodian (language) tiếng Cam Bốt
to flee, escape to Cambodia trốn sang Cam Bốt
truck xe cam nhông
he was expelled from Cambodia ông ta bị trục xuất ra khỏi Cam Bốt
to share joys and sorrows đồng cam cộng khổ
danke cám ơn 谢谢 xièxie
zelten dựng lều cắm trại 露营 lùyíng
fühlen cảm thấy 感觉 gǎnjué
fühlen cảm thấy 感觉 gǎnjué
mutig dũng cảm 勇敢的 yǒnggǎn de
mutig dũng cảm 勇敢的 yǒnggǎn de
sich bedanken cám ơn 感谢 gǎnxiè
verabscheuen căm ghét 厌恶 yàn wù
empfinden thấy, cảm thấy 感觉到 gǎn jué dào
sich erkälten cảm lạnh 感冒 gǎn mào
mutig dũng cảm 勇敢的 yǒng gǎn de
mutig dũng cảm 勇敢的 yǒng gǎn de
empfindlich nhạy cảm 敏感的 mǐn gǎn de
stumm câm 哑的 yà de
spüren có cảm giác 感觉 gǎn jué
fühlen cảm thấy 感受 gǎn shòu
fühlen cảm thấy 感受 gǎn shòu
sensibel Đa cảm 多愁善感的 duō chóu shàn gǎn de
verbieten cấm 禁止 jìn zhǐ
verständnisvoll đầy thông cảm, thấu hiểu 充分理解的 chōngfēn lǐjiě de
sexy khêu gợi, gợi cảm 性感 xìnggǎn
sich zu jemandem hingezogen fühlen cảm thấy bị lôi cuốn, bị hấp dẫn bởi ai đó 被某人迷住 bèi mǒurén mízhù
sich verpflichtet fühlen cảm thấy có trách nhiệm 觉得有责任 juéde yǒu zérèn
unerlaubt cấm, không được phép 不允许的 bù yǔnxǔ de
inspirieren gây cảm hứng 启发 qǐfā
mit jemandem Mitleid haben có đồng cảm với ai đó 同情某人 tóngqíng mǒurén
verspüren cảm thấy 感受到 gǎnshòu dào
greifen cầm 握住 wòzhù
gefühlvoll đầy xúc cảm 情感丰富的 qínggǎn fēngfù de
tapfer dũng cảm 勇敢的 yǒnggǎn de
danke cám ơn
die Orangenmarmelade mứt cam nhừ
der Campingplatz nơi cắm trại
das Camping cắm trại
zelten dựng lều cắm trại
fühlen cảm thấy
die Orange quả cam
das Geflügel gia cầm
der Orangensaft nước cam
mutig dũng cảm
sich bedanken cám ơn
die Grippe cảm cúm
das Kinn cằm
das Klavier đàn dương cầm
die Geige đàn vĩ cầm
verabscheuen căm ghét
das Pfand đặt cọc, cầm cố
empfinden thấy, cảm thấy
sich erkälten cảm lạnh
mutig dũng cảm
der Hass căm ghét
das Gefühl tình cảm, cảm giác
empfindlich nhạy cảm
das Verbot cấm
der Mut dũng cảm, anh dũng
der Stumme người câm
stumm câm
spüren có cảm giác
fühlen cảm thấy
sensibel Đa cảm
die Erkältung cảm lạnh
verbieten cấm
die Abneigung mối ác cảm, sự thiếu thiện cảm
verständnisvoll đầy thông cảm, thấu hiểu
sexy khêu gợi, gợi cảm
sich zu jemandem hingezogen fühlen cảm thấy bị lôi cuốn, bị hấp dẫn bởi ai đó
die Verführung sự cám dỗ, sự quyến rũ
sich verpflichtet fühlen cảm thấy có trách nhiệm
das Gästebuch sổ ghi cảm tưởng
unerlaubt cấm, không được phép
der Marmor đá cẩm thạch
die Falle cái bẫy, cạm bẫy
die Steckdose ổ cắm điện
der Stecker phích cắm
die Türklinke tay cầm cửa
der Appetit cảm giác, ngon miệng
der Strafraum vòng cấm địa
die Achterbahn trò chơi cảm giác mạnh
inspirieren gây cảm hứng
das Nasenbluten chảy máu cam
mit jemandem Mitleid haben có đồng cảm với ai đó
verspüren cảm thấy
greifen cầm
gefühlvoll đầy xúc cảm
tapfer dũng cảm

Nach dem Flug ist er müde und sein Gepäck ist sehr schwer. Sau chuyến bay anh cảm thấy mệt và hành lý thì rất nặng. (Lektion 3, Nr. 22)
Danke für die Information, das ist sehr nett. Tốt quá. Cám ơn nhiều. (Lektion 4, Nr. 33)
Wegen des Einkaufens wird Tri hungrig, durstig und müde. Vì đi mua sắm nên Tri cảm thấy đói, khát và mệt. (Lektion 6, Nr. 51)
Danke, jetzt kann ich die Soße aufwischen. Cám ơn anh, em lau nước sốt rồi. (Lektion 12, Nr. 124)
Für das Hauptgericht: Kräuter, Lamm, Geflügel, Huhn, Rindfleisch, Steak, Gemüse, gebackene Bohnen. Cho món chính: rau thơm, thịt cừu, thịt gia cầm, thịt gà, thịt bò,beaf steak, rau xanh, đậu phộng rang. (Lektion 14, Nr. 145)
Das Essen war sehr gut. Es war sehr nett von dir, dass du mich eingeladen hast. Bữa ăn ngon tuyệt. Cám ơn anh đã mời em. (Lektion 15, Nr. 163)
Danke. Ich bin sehr glücklich, dass ich diese Wohnung fand. Cám ơn. Anh rất may mắn khi tìm được căn nhà này. (Lektion 16, Nr. 171)
Das ist eine sehr gute Idee. Vielen Dank! Một ý tưởng tuyệt vời. Cám ơn em nhiều. (Lektion 24, Nr. 309)
Oh, wie dumm von mir. Vielen Dank. Ồ, tôi thật là ngốc. Cám ơn nhiều. (Lektion 31, Nr. 405)
Vielen Dank. Du bist so clever. Cám ơn anh. Anh thật là thông minh. (Lektion 31, Nr. 416)
Ich würde ins Grippefach kucken und dir Aspirin geben. Em tìm ngăn cho bệnh cảm và lấy cho anh thuốc Aspirin. (Lektion 33, Nr. 445)
Eigentlich nicht, ich fühle mich in jedem Land der Erde wohl. Thực sự không, anh cảm thấy thoải mái ở mọi nước trên trái đất. (Lektion 56, Nr. 801)
Trang macht sich Sorgen, weil der Mann ihrer Schwester keine Rücksicht auf ihre Gefühle genommen hat. Trang lo lắng,vì chồng của chị gái đã không hề để ý đến cảm giác của chị. (Lektion 61, Nr. 859)
Ihre Schwester ist alleine in ihrer Wohnung und fühlt sich einsam. Chị ở một mình trong căn hộ của mình và cảm thấy thật cô đơn. (Lektion 61, Nr. 860)
Tri hat sich beim Ausflug in den Zoo erkältet. Sau chuyến đi chơi ở sở thú, Trí đã bị cảm lạnh. (Lektion 66, Nr. 936)
Ich fühle mich so schlapp und elend! Anh cảm thấy thật yếu ớt và tệ quá! (Lektion 66, Nr. 940)
Vielen Dank und auf Wiederhören. Cám ơn và chào tạm biệt. (Lektion 69, Nr. 994)
Trang hält eine Kopie in der Hand und liest Tri laut vor: Trang cầm bản copy trên tay và đọc cho Trí nghe: (Lektion 75, Nr. 1068)
Der Widder ist kühn, mutig und entschlossen. Bạch dương thì gan dạ, dũng cảm và cương quyết. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1132)
Der Krebs ist sensibel und empfindsam. Cự giải đa sầu và đa cảm. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1136)
Er verlässt sich auf sein Gefühl. Trông cậy vào cảm giác. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1137)
Danke für Ihren Anruf. Cám ơn đã liên lạc. (Lektion 85, Nr. 1229)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe. Xin cám ơn sự giúp đỡ của anh / chị . (Lektion 85, Nr. 1232)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Auskunft. Cám ơn anh / chị đã cho biết thông tin. (Lektion 85, Nr. 1233)
Bitte entschuldigen Sie mich, ich muss noch kurz telefonieren. Anh / Chị thông cảm, tôi phải gọi điện một chút. (Lektion 87, Nr. 1292)
Vielen Dank für Ihr Schreiben vom 01. März. Xin chân thành cám ơn bức thư của anh / chị gửi ngày 01.03 (Lektion 89, Nr. 1326)
Vielen Dank für dein Schreiben. Xin cám ơn bức thư mà bạn đã gửi. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1327)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Xin cám ơn câu hỏi của bạn đã gửi. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1328)
Vielen Dank für Ihre rasche Antwort. Xin chân thành cám ơn câu trả lời rất nhanh chóng của anh / chị . (Lektion 89, Nr. 1329)
Vielen Dank für deine schnelle Antwort. Xin chân thành cám ơn câu trả lời rất nhanh chóng của bạn. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1330)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Mühe. Xin cám ơn về sự giúp đỡ. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1331)
Vielen Dank schon im Voraus. Xin cám ơn trước. (Lektion 89, Nr. 1332)
Vielen Dank für Ihre E-Mail vom 08.12. Xin cám ơn về bức thư của anh / chị vào 08.12. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1370)
Vielen Dank für Ihre gestrige E-Mail. Xin cám ơn về bức thư ngày hôm qua của anh / chị . (Lektion 91, Nr. 1371)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Xin cám ơn mối quan tâm của anh / chị . (Lektion 91, Nr. 1372)
Vielen Dank für Ihre schnelle Antwort. Xin cám ơn về câu trả lời nhanh chóng của anh / chị . (Lektion 91, Nr. 1373)
Ich bedanke mich für den herzlichen Empfang in Ihrer Firma. Tôi xin cám ơn về sự đón tiếp nồng hậu của công ty . (Lektion 94, Nr. 1441)
Vielen Dank für die Einladung. Xin cám ơn về lời mời. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1500)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Bestellung. Xin cám ơn đơn đặt hàng của quý khách. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1599)
Ich danke Ihnen für eine schnelle Bearbeitung. Rất cám ơn quý vị về sự làm việc nhanh chóng. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1605)
Danke, dass Sie alle pünktlich gekommen sind. Cám ơn sự có mặt đúng giờ của quý vị. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1644)
Ich habe mich unterfordert gefühlt. Tôi đã có cảm giác không được thử thách. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1763)
Ich habe mich überfordert gefühlt. Tôi đã có cảm giác bị thử thách quá sức. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1764)
Vielen Dank für die Einladung. Xin cám ơn lời mời của ông / bà. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1860)
Vielen Dank, dass Sie mir die Gelegenheit zu diesem persönlichen Gespräch geben. Tôi cám ơn đã có dịp được gặp trực tiếp ông / bà. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1862)
Vielen Dank für die Einladung zum Vorstellungsgespräch. Cám ơn ông / bà về thư mời phỏng vấn. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1974)
Vielen Dank für Ihre aussagekräftigen Bewerbungsunterlagen. Cám ơn về hồ sơ xin việc đầy ấn tượng của anh / chị. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1977)
Wo finde ich eine Steckdose um meinen Laptop anzuschließen? Tôi tìm ổ cắm điện ở đâu để cắm laptop? (Lektion 112, Nr. 2046)
Sind alle Kabel richtig eingesteckt? Tất cả các cáp được cắm đúng chứ? (Lektion 113, Nr. 2075)
Ich danke Ihnen für Ihr zahlreiches Erscheinen. Tôi cám ơn sự hiện diện đông đảo của quý vị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2081)
Danke, dass Sie alle heute hier sind. Cám ơn quý vị đã đến đây ngày hôm nay. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2082)
Ich danke Ihnen für die Einladung und freue mich heute zu Ihnen sprechen zu können. Tôi cám ơn về lời mời và rất vui được phép tiếp chuyện với quý vị hôm nay. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2084)
Vielen Dank für's Zuhören. Chân thành cám ơn sự lắng nghe (của quý vị). (Lektion 114, Nr. 2115)
Ich bedanke mich für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit. Tôi chân thành cám ơn sự quan tâm theo dõi của quý vị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2117)
Vielen Dank – auch im Namen aller Kollegen und Kolleginnen – für diese interessante Präsentation. Thay mặt tất cả các đồng nghiệp xin chân thành cám ơn bài diễn thuyết rất thú vị này. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2121)
Ich danke Ihnen für Ihre schnelle und zuverlässige Arbeit. Tôi cám ơn anh / chị đã hoàn thành công việc nhanh chóng và có trách nhiệm. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2223)
Danke für Ihren Einsatz. Cám ơn sự tham gia của anh / chị. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2224)
An diesem Produkt werden Sie lange Freude haben. Với sản phẩm này quí vị sẽ cảm thấy rất hài lòng. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2260)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage. Xin cám ơn sự quan tâm của quý khách. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2281)
Vielen Dank für die Einladung. Ich nehme sie gerne an. Xin cám ơn về lời mời. Tôi rất vui lòng nhận lời. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2407)
Vielen Dank für die Einladung. Xin cám ơn về lời mời. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2447)
Danke, es war sehr gut. Cám ơn, rất ngon. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2455)
Danke, dass Sie uns auf diesen Fehler aufmerksam gemacht haben. Cám ơn quý vị đã chỉ ra sự sai sót cho chúng tôi. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2513)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld. Xin cám ơn sự kiên nhẫn của ông / bà / anh / chị. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2519)
Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis. Xin cám ơn sự thông cảm của ông / bà / anh / chị. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2520)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe. Xin cám ơn sự giúp đỡ của ông / bà / anh / chị. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2521)
Sollten Sie den Betrag bereits bezahlt haben, so danken wir Ihnen und bitten Sie dieses Schreiben als gegenstandslos zu betrachten. Nếu ông / bà /quý vị đã thanh toán số tiền rồi, chúng tôi xin cám ơn và đề nghị ông / bà /quý vị không phải để tâm đến bức thư này. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2538)

125 How much are these oranges? Chỗ cam này giá bao nhiêu?
609 I eat an orange every day. > Yesterday I ate an orange. Tôi ăn một quả cam mỗi ngày. Hôm qua tôi có ăn một quả cam.
1013 Oranges are imported into Canada. Cam được nhập khẩu vào Canada.
1218 Camila's meeting with Valerio. Camila sẽ có buổi gặp mặt với Valerio.
1549 I like orange juice. Tôi thích nước cam.
2529 Camila showed me a picture of her son, who is a police o cer. Camilia đưa tôi bức ảnh của con cô ấy, người đang là cảnh sát.

Even a small success gives you a sense of achievement (= a feeling of pride). achievement
a sense/spirit of adventure adventure
Cigarette advertising has been banned. advertising
Children need lots of love and affection. affection
He didn't show his wife any affection. affection
She was held in deep affection by all her students. affection
affection for sb/sth: Mr Darcy's affection for his sister affection
I have a great affection for New York. affection
She felt she couldn't afford any more time off work. afford
afraid of doing sth: I started to feel afraid of going out alone at night. afraid
You'll soon feel well again. again
She was beginning to feel her age (= feel that she was getting old). age
I felt a growing sense of alarm when he did not return that night. alarm
'Thanks very much for your help.' 'Not at all, it was a pleasure.' not at all
Do you feel all right? all right
Carol felt all alone in the world. alone
alter sb/sth: It doesn't alter the way I feel. alter
I felt he was wrong, although I didn't say so at the time. although
He tried to analyse his feelings. analyse
The article concentrates on the human angle (= the part that concerns people's emotions) of the story. angle
angry at/about/over sth: He felt angry at the injustice of the situation. angry
announce sth: They haven't formally announced their engagement yet. announce
it annoys sb when...: It really annoys me when people forget to say thank you. annoy
annoyed (with sb) (at/about sth): He was beginning to get very annoyed with me about my carelessness. annoyed
Some hospital patients experience high levels of anxiety. anxiety
He forbids any talking in class. any
Is your father feeling any better? any
I forbid anyone to touch that clock. anyone
I'm afraid we can't come, but thanks for the invitation anyway. anyway
appeal against sth: an appeal against the 3-match ban appeal
The child's mother made an emotional appeal on TV for his return. appeal
They really are apples and oranges. apples and oranges
They are both great but you can't compare apples and oranges. apples and oranges
It's a totally different situation, it's apples and oranges. apples and oranges
Thanks for coming. I appreciate it. appreciate
They felt apprehensive about the approach of war. approach
He held the dirty rag at arm's length (= as far away from his body as possible). arm
Guerrillas have pledged to intensify the armed struggle against the new government. armed
artificial emotion artificial
He was a true artiste: sensitive, dramatic and tragic. artist
ashamed that...: I feel almost ashamed that I've been so lucky. ashamed
He felt ashamed to let her see him in this state. ashamed
She felt she had looked at the problem from every aspect. aspect
I felt at a disadvantage. at
attract sb to sb/sth: What first attracted me to her was her sense of humour. attract
She felt an immediate attraction for him. attraction
They felt a strong mutual attraction. attraction
I was finding it hard to stay awake. awake
I feel awful about forgetting her birthday. awful
to look/feel awful (= to look/feel ill) awful
I feel an awful lot better than I did yesterday. awful
I felt awkward because they obviously wanted to be alone. awkward
She felt that going back to live in her home town would be a backward step. backward
I felt that going to live with my parents would be a step backwards. backwards
Chemical weapons are banned internationally. ban
a campaign to ban smoking in public places ban
ban sb from sth: He was banned from the meeting. ban
ban sb from doing sth: She's been banned from leaving Greece while the allegations are investigated. ban
He was banned from driving for six months. ban
There is to be a total ban on smoking in the office. ban
to impose/lift a ban ban
The campsite provided only basic facilities. basic
Some movies have been banned on the basis that they are too violent. basis
'How are you?' 'I'm very well, thanks.' be
begin by doing sth: She began by thanking us all for coming. begin
begin to do sth: I began to feel dizzy. begin
On behalf of the department I would like to thank you all. on behalf of sb, on sb's behalf
believe how, what, etc...: I can't believe how much better I feel. believe
Warning bells started ringing in her head as she sensed that something was wrong. bell
I don't feel as if I belong here. belong
The passengers who felt seasick stayed below (= on a lower deck ). below
I don't really feel at my best today. best
You'll feel all the better for a good night's sleep. better
There's a lot of bad feeling between them. between
The handle was just beyond my reach. beyond
If that's all the thanks I get, I won't bother in future! bother
I feel safe as long as I can touch the bottom. bottom
brave men and women brave
Be brave! brave
I wasn't brave enough to tell her what I thought of her. brave
a brave decision brave
She died after a brave fight against cancer. brave
He felt homesick, but made a brave attempt to appear cheerful. brave
Thanks. You've been brilliant (= very helpful). brilliant
He felt he would burst with anger and shame. burst
Pick it up by the handle! by
They have called off their engagement (= decided not to get married). call sth off
The trial was held in camera. in camera
I camped overnight in a field. camp
They go camping in France every year. camp
Do you go camping? camping
a camping trip camping
camping equipment camping
She could feel a lump in her breast. can
I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself, thank you. capable
catch sth from sb: I think I must have caught this cold from you. catch
I felt there was a certain coldness in her manner. certain
Clint Eastwood's character is the most sympathetic in the movie. character
Many people feel cheated by the government's refusal to hold a referendum. cheat
He felt bright and cheerful and full of energy. cheerful
You're in a cheerful mood. cheerful
chew (at/on/through sth): After the operation you may find it difficult to chew and swallow. chew
In this business, you have to learn to take criticism on the chin. take sth on the chin
Stockholders took it on the chin yesterday as markets fell sharply. take sth on the chin
This government is committed to extending parental choice in education. choice
She displayed the classic symptoms of depression. classic
(+ adv./prep.): The cameras clicked away. click
His feeling for her was close to hatred. close
to feel/look cold cold
I've got a cold. cold
to catch a cold cold
She doesn't seem to feel the cold. cold
The temple is supported by marble columns. column
The handle came loose. come
Thanks for coming (= to my house, party, etc.). come
When I tried to lift the jug, the handle came off in my hand. come off (sth)
comfort food (= food that makes you feel better) comfort
I never feel very comfortable in her presence. comfortable
Are you comfortable? comfortable
The patient is comfortable (= not in pain) after his operation. comfortable
For the first time in years, she felt in command of her life. command
I don't feel I can comment on their decision. comment
commit sb/yourself (to sth/to doing sth): The President is committed to reforming health care. commit
Borrowers should think carefully before committing themselves to taking out a loan. commit
commit sb/yourself to do sth: Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully. commit
commitment (to sb/sth): She doesn't want to make a big emotional commitment to Steve at the moment. commitment
the government's commitment to public services commitment
commitment to do/doing sth: The company's commitment to providing quality at a reasonable price has been vital to its success. commitment
A career as an actor requires one hundred per cent commitment. commitment
He's busy for the next month with filming commitments. commitment
Women very often have to juggle work with their family commitments. commitment
I felt a complete idiot. complete
In conclusion (= finally), I would like to thank... conclusion
The teacher wants the children to feel confident about asking questions when they don't understand. confident
confident of sth/doing sth: The team feels confident of winning. confident
conflicting emotions/interests/loyalties conflict
Sacha felt confusion sweeping over her as she read the letter. confusion
They showed no consideration whatsoever for my feelings. consideration
control sth: He was finding it difficult to control his feelings. control
He felt a sudden alarm at the turn the conversation was taking. conversation
I felt a need to please people, whatever the cost in time and energy. cost
My cold's better, but I can't seem to shake off this cough. cough
'Have some more cake.' 'Oh, I couldn't, thank you (= I'm too full).' could
Orange County county
The reorganization has created a lot of bad feeling. create
They've painted it red to create a feeling of warmth. create
Ben is very sensitive, he just can't take criticism. criticism
cry with sth: He felt like crying with rage. cry
I felt a lot better after a good long cry. cry
It was a curious feeling, as though we were floating on air. curious
I won't have a cigarette, thanks—I'm trying to cut down (= smoke fewer). cut sth down (to...), cut down (on sth)
She feels very cut off living in the country. cut sb/sth off (from sb/sth)
emotionally damaged children damage
Thank you for your letter dated 24th March. date
I'm feeling a good deal better. deal
a deep sense of loss deep
Feelings about the death of a parent are bound to go deep. go/run deep
deeply held beliefs/convictions/views (= that sb feels very strongly) deeply
There was a definite feeling that things were getting worse. definite
a feeling of sheer/pure delight delight
She felt very depressed about the future. depressed
'Scared stiff' is an apt description of how I felt at that moment. description
desire to do sth: She felt an overwhelming desire to return home. desire
Once again her life felt lacking in direction. direction
He found it difficult to hide his disappointment when she didn't arrive. disappointment
disappointment to sb: I always felt I was a disappointment to my father. disappointment
disgust (for sb): I can only feel disgust for these criminals. disgust
I have rarely seen her display any sign of emotion. display
He has no dress sense (= no idea of how to dress well). dress
He was always there with a sympathetic ear (= a willingness to listen to people). ear
After a week at sea, it was good to feel the earth beneath our feet again. earth
You could feel the earth shake as the truck came closer. earth
I don't feel easy about letting the kids go out alone. easy
Do you feel like eating out tonight? eat out
I can certainly feel the effects of too many late nights. effect
'I'm feeling really depressed.' 'The winter here has that effect sometimes.' effect
I didn't really feel like going out, but I am glad I made the effort. effort
With an effort of will he resisted the temptation. effort
an electric plug/socket/switch (= that carries electricity) electric
I don't want anything else, thanks. else
Thanks for your email. email
I've never felt so embarrassed in my life! embarrassed
embarrassed at sth: He felt embarrassed at being the centre of attention. embarrassed
He lost control of his emotions. emotion
They expressed mixed emotions at the news. emotion
Emotions are running high (= people are feeling very excited, angry, etc.). emotion
The decision was based on emotion rather than rational thought. emotion
She showed no emotion at the verdict. emotion
Mary was overcome with emotion. emotion
emotional problems/needs emotional
emotional stress emotional
emotional language emotional
abortion and other emotional issues emotional
This is a very emotional time for me. emotional
an emotional outburst/response/reaction emotional
They made an emotional appeal for help. emotional
He tends to get emotional on these occasions. emotional
emotionally disturbed children emotionally
I try not to become emotionally involved. emotionally
They have suffered physically and emotionally. emotionally
an emotionally charged atmosphere emotionally
Three months after his death, she still felt empty. empty
nervous energy (= energy produced by feeling nervous) energy
Their pleas failed to engage any sympathy. engage
Thanks for a great evening. I really enjoyed it. enjoy
Don't you ever get tired? ever
'How's everything with you?' 'Fine, thanks.' everything
I know exactly how she felt. exactly
I'm sure he exaggerates his Irish accent (= tries to sound more Irish than he really is). exaggerate
She has an exaggerated sense of her own importance. exaggerated
example (to sb): Her courage is an example to us all. example
except sb/sth: The sanctions ban the sale of any products excepting medical supplies and food. except
to feel a surge/thrill/shiver of excitement excitement
She felt excluded by the other girls (= they did not let her join in what they were doing). exclude
expect sth from sb/sth: Don't expect sympathy from me! expect
Some people feel that experimenting on animals is wrong. experiment
explanation (of sth): The book opens with an explanation of why some drugs are banned. explanation
a ban on the export of live cattle export
facial expressions expression
Expressions of sympathy flooded in from all over the country. expression
The riots are the most serious expression of anti-government feeling yet. expression
fail in sth: He felt he would be failing in his duty if he did not report it. fail
She suddenly felt faint. faint
The handle had fallen off the drawer. fall
to lull sb into a false sense of security (= make sb feel safe when they are really in danger) FALSE
Thanks for helping me out. I'll return the favour (= help you because you have helped me) some time. favour
He felt in his pockets for some money. feel
I had to feel about in the dark for the light switch. feel
He feels the cold a lot. feel
Cathy was really feeling the heat. feel
She felt her mother's death very deeply. feel
The effects of the recession are being felt everywhere. feel
We all felt the force of her arguments. feel
feel (that)...: We all felt (that) we were unlucky to lose. feel
I felt (that) I had to apologize. feel
I feel I could continue playing until I am 35. feel
feel it to be sth: She felt it to be her duty to tell the police. feel
feel it + noun: She felt it her duty to tell the police. feel
feel it + adj.: I felt it advisable to do nothing. feel
(+ adv./prep.): This is something I feel strongly about. feel
This decision is, I feel, a huge mistake. feel
Its skin feels really smooth. feel
feel like sth: This wallet feels like leather. feel
feel sth: Can you feel the bump on my head? feel
Try to tell what this is just by feeling it. feel
feel how, what, etc...: Feel how rough this is. feel
feel like sth: The interview only took ten minutes, but it felt like hours. feel
It feels like rain (= seems likely to rain). feel
feel as if/though...: Her head felt as if it would burst. feel
It felt as though he had run a marathon. feel
How does it feel to be alone all day? feel
feel sth: I could feel the warm sun on my back. feel
She could not feel her legs. feel
I can't feel his pulse. feel
He felt a hand on his shoulder. feel
feel sb/sth/yourself doing sth: He felt a hand touching his shoulder. feel
She could feel herself blushing. feel
He felt the sweat running down his face. feel
feel sb/sth/yourself do sth: I felt something crawl up my arm. feel
We felt the ground give way under our feet. feel
Can you feel the tension in this room? feel
She sounded more confident than she felt. feel
I was feeling guilty. feel
You'll feel better after a good night's sleep. feel
She felt betrayed. feel
I feel sorry for him. feel
I know exactly how you feel (= I feel sympathy for you). feel
Luckily I was feeling in a good mood. feel
feel sth: He seemed to feel no remorse at all. feel
feel like sth: I felt like a complete idiot. feel
It makes me feel good to know my work is appreciated. feel good
I feel like a drink. feel like sth/like doing sth
We all felt like celebrating. feel like sth/like doing sth
He felt like bursting into tears. feel like sth/like doing sth
We'll go for a walk if you feel like it. feel like sth/like doing sth
Mum! I feel sick. feel sick
I've lost all feeling in my legs. feeling
Feeling gradually began to return to my frozen feet. feeling
He played the piano with great feeling. feeling
feeling for sb/sth: She has a wonderful feeling for colour. feeling
He hates talking about his feelings. feeling
I didn't mean to hurt your feelings (= offend you). feeling
I kept off the subject of divorce so as to spare her feelings. feeling
She spoke with feeling about the plight of the homeless. feeling
Feelings are running high (= people are very angry or excited). feeling
The general feeling of the meeting was against the decision. feeling
feeling (about/on sth): I don't have any strong feelings about it one way or the other. feeling
She had mixed feelings about giving up her job. feeling
My own feeling is that we should buy the cheaper one. feeling
Public feeling is being ignored by the government. feeling
feeling (of sth): He suddenly had the feeling of being followed. feeling
feeling (that...): I got the feeling that he didn't like me much. feeling
I had a nasty feeling that we were lost. feeling
a feeling of hunger/excitement/sadness, etc. feeling
guilty feelings feeling
I've got a tight feeling in my stomach. feeling
'I really resent the way he treated me.' 'I know the feeling (= I know how you feel).' feeling
'I'm going to miss you.' 'The feeling's mutual (= I feel exactly the same).' feeling
We camped in a field near the village. field
My feelings about the matter didn't seem to figure at all. figure
a silent film (= one recorded without sound) film
And finally, I would like to thank you all for coming here today. finally
You may find it hard to accept your illness. find
'Can I get you another drink?' 'No, thanks. I'm fine.' fine
'How are you?' 'Fine, thanks.' fine
I was feeling fine when I got up this morning. fine
He tried to appeal to their finer feelings (= feelings of duty, love, etc.). fine
It was good to feel the firm ground underfoot after hours of trudging through flooded fields. firm
fit (for sth): He's had a bad cold and isn't fit enough for work yet. fit
I feel really fighting fit (= very healthy and full of energy). fit
a wooden/concrete/marble, etc. floor floor
I quickly focused the camera on the children. focus
He got an award for bravery. for
'Can I use the phone?' 'Please, feel free (= of course you can use it).' free
Simon finds it hard to make friends with other children. be/make friends (with sb)
She felt sick from tiredness. from
a piece of fruit (= an apple, an orange, etc.) fruit
No more for me, thanks—I'm full up. full
Our new brochure is crammed full of inspirational ideas. full
She has inspired a whole generation of fashion school graduates. generation
a gentle voice/laugh/touch gentle
Thank you—you're a real gentleman. gentleman
We couldn't get the piano through the door. get
Don't be tempted to cheat—you'll never get away with it. get away with sth
Thank you for your generous gift. gift
I'm glad to hear you're feeling better. glad
glad (that)...: I'm glad (that) you're feeling better. glad
The commission is calling for a global ban on whaling. global
'How did your interview go?' 'It went very well, thank you.' go
I don't feel too good today. good
Thank you, good question. good
Grateful thanks are due to the following people for their help... grateful
I feel great today. great
I don't feel too great. great
'I'll pick you up at seven.' 'That'll be great, thanks.' great
a concern with personal (= mental and emotional) growth and development growth
I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often. guilty
The attacker held a gun to the hostage's head. gun
a hand drill (= one that is used by turning a handle rather than powered by electricity) hand
the handle of a knife handle
a broom handle handle
The handle's broken off this jug. handle
She turned the handle and opened the door. handle
hang sth + adv./prep.: Hang your coat on the hook. hang
Just plug it in and see what happens. happen
hate sb/yourself for sth/for doing sth: I hated myself for feeling jealous. hate
He looked at me with intense hatred. hatred
hatred (for/of sb/sth): She felt nothing but hatred for her attacker. hatred
hatred (towards sb): feelings of hatred towards the bombers hatred
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest (= because of excitement, etc.). heart
He could feel the heat of the sun on his back. heat
I feel like I've died and gone to heaven. heaven
Thank you for all your help. help
a war hero (= sb who was very brave during a war) hero
She felt sure the letter had some hidden meaning. hide
His brusque manner hides a shy and sensitive nature. hide
highly competitive/critical/sensitive highly
She was holding a large box. hold
I held the mouse by its tail. hold
He bravely held back his tears. hold sth back
a camping/skiing/walking, etc. holiday holiday
Her stomach felt hollow with fear. hollow
Simon feels very at home on a horse. at home
honest (about sth): Are you being completely honest about your feelings? honest
honest (with sb): Thank you for being so honest with me. honest
To his horror, he could feel himself starting to cry (= it upset him very much). horror
I touched his forehead. He felt hot and feverish. hot
How are you feeling now? how
He was feeling bad. He went to work, however, and tried to concentrate. however
The public is always attracted to politicians who have the human touch (= the ability to make ordinary people feel relaxed when they meet them). human
I can't stand people with no sense of humour. humour
She wasn't feeling very hungry. hungry
The child is simply hungry for affection. hungry
I didn't want to hurt his feelings. hurt
She found it hard to live up to his high ideals. ideal
We both started to feel ill shortly after the meal. ill
Businesses are beginning to feel the full impact of the recession. impact
The report calls for a ban on the import of hazardous waste. import
He likes to feel important. important
Increasing numbers of people are using hand-held devices to access the Internet. increase
Thank you very much indeed! indeed
You'll feel better with a good meal inside you. inside
She felt insulted by the low offer. insult
to feel/have/show/express (an) interest in sth interest
a pianist with an international reputation international
She was sliding into depression. into
They're not romantically involved. involved
a key/sensitive/controversial issue issue
There's no need for the team to feel proud of itself. itself
Children often feel jealous when a new baby arrives. jealous
Two orange juices, please. juice
I can't just drop all my commitments. just
'Can I help you?' 'No thanks, I'm just looking.' (= in a shop/store) just
She felt fully justified in asking for her money back. justified
I had a kind of feeling this might happen. a kind of
That made me feel kind of stupid. kind of
Thank you for your kind invitation. kind
'Do have another.' 'That's very kind of you (= thank you).' kind
We seem to take everything but the kitchen sink when we go camping. everything but the kitchen sink
I know exactly how you feel. know
I feel there is something lacking in my life. lacking
I was feeling too lazy to go out. lazy
The documentary caused a lot of bad feeling, not least among the workers whose lives it described. not least
He hadn't been asked to the party and was feeling very left out. leave sb/sth out (of sth)
He trudged home feeling lonely and let down. let sb down
a business/thank-you, etc. letter letter
On a more personal level, I would like to thank Jean for all the help she has given me. level
to lift a ban/curfew/blockade lift
She felt a light tap on her shoulder. light
How did you like Japan (= did you find it pleasant)? like
She felt tired and more than a little worried. little
She lives alone and often feels lonely. lonely
Check that the plug has not come loose. loose
When she died I was filled with a sense of loss. loss
I felt so lost after my mother died. lost
I'm feeling a lot better today. lot
Thanks a lot for your help. lot
Plug the transformer into the mains (= the place on a wall where electricity is brought into a room). main
The majority was/were in favour of banning smoking . majority
the male menopause (= emotional and physical problems that affect some men at about the age of 50) male
'Need any help?' 'No, thanks. I can manage.' manage
Many people feel that the law should be changed. many
I did not feel that we had got to the heart of the matter (= the most important part). matter
I'm feeling very guilty—I've been meaning to call my parents for days, but still haven't got around to it. mean
I know what you mean (= I understand and feel sympathy). I hated learning to drive too. mean
I quickly committed the number of the car to memory (= learned and remembered it). memory
I felt extremely fit, both physically and mentally. mentally
'Thanks for all your help.' 'Don't mention it.' don't mention it
I feel I've made a mess of things. mess
Do you mind driving? I'm feeling pretty tired. mind
That's all, thank you, Miss Lipman. miss
What is missing from the production is any sense of emotional commitment. missing
I still have mixed feelings about going to Brazil (= I am not sure what to think). mixed
From that moment on, she never felt really well again. moment
I'm not really in the mood to go out tonight. mood
He felt morally responsible for the accident. morally
She was more than a little shaken (= extremely shaken) by the experience. more
The more she thought about it, the more depressed she became. the more, less, etc..., the more, less, etc...
The swaying motion of the ship was making me feel seasick. motion
move sb: We were deeply moved by her plight. move
She felt he was watching her every move. move
No dessert for me, thanks. It was as much as I could do to finish the main course. as much as sb can do
He felt every muscle in his body tighten. muscle
I must admit (= I feel that I should admit) I was surprised it cost so little. must
I haven't been feeling myself recently (= I have not felt well). myself
Naturally, I get upset when things go wrong. naturally
She is very sensitive by nature. nature
I don't need your comments, thank you. need
to fulfil an emotional need need
She felt the need to talk to someone. need
Everyone's nerves were on edge (= everyone felt tense ). nerve
I felt really nervous before the interview. nervous
a nervous glance/smile/voice (= one that shows that you feel anxious) nervous
You'll feel better after you've had a good night's sleep. night
'Another drink?' 'No, thanks.' no
non-committally non-
It's normal to feel tired after such a long trip. normal
'Some more?' 'Not for me, thanks.' not
'Thanks a lot.' 'Not at all.' not at all
Just a quick note to say thank you for a wonderful evening. note
I find it difficult to be objective where he's concerned. objective
observe (sb/sth): I felt he was observing everything I did. observe
It should have been an occasion for rejoicing, but she could not feel any real joy. occasion
She had the oddest feeling that he was avoiding her. odd
She felt, oddly, that they had been happier when they had no money. oddly
No one will take offence (= feel upset or insulted) if you leave early. offence
offer (of sth): Thank you for your kind offer of help. offer
a ban on smoking on
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my colleagues for their support. opportunity
orange peel orange
an orange tree orange
freshly squeezed orange juice orange
orange groves (= groups of orange trees) orange
orange blossom orange
a pale shade of orange orange
purples and reds and deep shining oranges orange
yellow and orange flames orange
There was a warm orange glow in the sky. orange
Some teachers find it difficult to keep their classes in order. order
the sense organs (= the eyes, ears, nose, etc.) organ
We're committed to the project. We wouldn't be here otherwise. otherwise
'Ought I to write to say thank you?' 'Yes, I think you ought (to).' ought to
They felt cut off from the outside world (= from other people and from other things that were happening). outside
Thank goodness that's over! over
He overcame a strong temptation to run away. overcome
Thanks for sticking up for me—I owe you one (= I owe you a favour). owe
He felt a sharp pain in his knee. pain
Part of me feels sorry for him (= I feel partly, but not entirely, sorry for him). part
the ruling/opposition party party
He never felt really at peace with himself. peace
She felt at peace with the world. peace
It was felt that the government was no longer in touch with the people. people
'Will 2.30 be OK for you?' 'Perfect, thanks.' perfect
It's perfectly normal to feel like this. perfectly
'Are you going to come?' 'Perhaps. I'll see how I feel.' perhaps
physically and emotionally exhausted physically
I felt physically sick before the exam. physically
A basic sense of rhythm and pitch is essential in a music teacher. pitch
I could only feel pity for what they were enduring. pity
a look/feeling/surge of pity pity
I felt completely out of place among all these successful people. out of place
How long has the import ban been in place? in place
plant sth: a densely planted orange grove plant
pleased (that...): I'm really pleased that you're feeling better. pleased
Thank you for your invitation, which I am very pleased to accept. pleased
'Thanks for doing that.' 'It's a pleasure.' pleasure
She pulled out the plug and let the water drain away. plug
a three-pin plug plug
I'll have to change the plug on my hairdryer. plug
Is the printer plugged in? plug sth in, plug sth into sth
a pointed chin pointed
What are your political sympathies? political
a politically sensitive issue politically
I'm afraid he doesn't possess a sense of humour. possess
She found it difficult to get on with her, possibly because of the difference in their ages. possibly
Fear is a powerful emotion. powerful
practise sth: He was banned from practising medicine. practise
Doctors found it hard to establish the precise nature of her illness. precise
prefer sth: 'Coffee or tea?' 'I'd prefer tea, thanks.' prefer
She managed to preserve her sense of humour under very trying circumstances. preserve
Teenagers may find it difficult to resist peer pressure. pressure
pretend sth: She pretended an interest she did not feel. pretend
prevent sb/sth from doing sth: He is prevented by law from holding a licence. prevent
I was unable to attend because of a previous engagement. previous
It's time to swallow your pride (= hide your feelings of pride) and ask for your job back. pride
He felt a glow of pride as people stopped to admire his garden. pride
She will be unable to attend because of a prior engagement. prior
They are holding her prisoner and demanding a large ransom. prisoner
her private thoughts and feelings private
'Thanks for the ride.' 'No problem.' no problem
The drug produces a feeling of excitement. produce
to be appointed Professor of French at Cambridge professor
Always try to keep a sense of proportion (= of the relative importance of different things). proportion
propose that...: She proposed that the book be banned. propose
She proposed that the book should be banned. propose
proud to be/have sth: I feel very proud to be a part of the team. proud
He constantly feels he has to prove himself to others. prove
He felt he needed to prove his point (= show other people that he was right). prove
provide sth: The hospital has a commitment to provide the best possible medical care. provide
Don't pull so hard or the handle will come off. pull
Pull the plug out. pull
He felt the pull of paternal love. pull
She had never tried to put this feeling into words. put
I don't know much about it, so I don't feel qualified to comment. qualified
I think I felt a drop of rain. rain
reach sth: Is the cable long enough to reach the socket? reach
I do my best to hide my real feelings from others. real
Outwardly she seemed confident but in reality she felt extremely nervous. in reality
We have every reason (= have very good reasons) to feel optimistic. reason
to receive information/payment/thanks receive
a government committed to reform reform
a pang/twinge of regret regret
I have no regrets about leaving Newcastle (= I do not feel sorry about it). regret
When her husband left home she felt rejected and useless. reject
The council has relaxed the ban on dogs in city parks. relax
I'm feeling more relaxed about the future now. relaxed
She burst into tears, releasing all her pent-up emotions. release
a sense of relief relief
I feel sorry for her, but the fact remains (that) she lied to us. remain
remember (that)...: Remember (that) you may feel sleepy after taking the pills. remember
to replace the handset (= after using the telephone). replace
She found it difficult to make friends because of her natural reserve. reserve
I found the temptation to miss the class too hard to resist. resist
They felt obliged to resort to violence. resort to sth
He has no respect for her feelings. respect
The government responded by banning all future demonstrations. respond
I don't feel ready to take on new responsibilities. responsibility
responsibility (to/towards sb): She feels a strong sense of responsibility towards her employees. responsibility
He rested his chin in his hands. rest
It felt as if we had reversed our roles of parent and child. reverse
a dancer with a natural sense of rhythm (= the ability to move in time to a fixed beat) rhythm
Oranges are rich in vitamin C. rich
I don't feel quite right today (= I feel ill/sick). right
The industry is feeling the effects of recent price rises. rise
He felt anger rising inside him. rise
Her spirits rose (= she felt happier) at the news. rise
After 20 years in America, I still feel my roots are in England. root
What lies at the root of his troubles is a sense of insecurity. root
rub sth: She rubbed her chin thoughtfully. rub
Looking at all the accusing faces, she felt a sudden urge to run away. run away (from sb/...)
sad (about sth): I felt terribly sad about it. sad
I felt a deep sadness. sadness
a safe and effective remedy for coughs and colds safe
She didn't feel safe on her own. safe
'Will you stay for lunch?' 'No, but thanks all the same.' all/just the same
save sb sth: Thanks for sending that letter for me—it saved me a trip. save
Thanks for doing that. You saved my life (= helped me a lot). save
say (what, how, etc...): She finds it hard to say what she feels. say
scratch sth/yourself: John yawned and scratched his chin. scratch
The bulb should just screw into the socket. screw
At last they were able to feel secure about the future. secure
She'd allowed herself to be lulled into a false sense of security (= a feeling that she was safe when in fact she was in danger). security
You'll soon be feeling your old self again (= feeling well or happy again). self
She felt unappreciated both by her colleagues and her seniors. senior
There is a sense in which we are all to blame for the tragedy. sense
One of the most important things in a partner is a sense of humour (= the ability to find things funny or make people laugh). sense
She has lost all sense of direction in her life. sense
Always try to keep a sense of proportion (= of the relative importance of different things). sense
a sense of rhythm/timing sense
Alex doesn't have any dress sense (= does not know which clothes look attractive). sense
He felt an overwhelming sense of loss. sense
Helmets can give cyclists a false sense of security. sense
I had the sense that he was worried about something. sense
the sense organs (= eyes, ears, nose, etc.) sense
The mixture of sights, smells and sounds around her made her senses reel. sense
I think that's a very sensible idea. sensible
sensitive areas of the body sensitive
sensitive to sth: My teeth are very sensitive to cold food. sensitive
The eyes of some fish are acutely sensitive to light. sensitive
Health care is a politically sensitive issue. sensitive
That's a sensitive area. sensitive
You're far too sensitive. sensitive
sensitive about sth: He's very sensitive about his weight. sensitive
sensitive to sth: She's very sensitive to criticism. sensitive
an actor's sensitive reading of the poem sensitive
a sensitive portrait sensitive
a sensitive and caring man sensitive
sensitive to sth: She is very sensitive to other people's feelings. sensitive
separate sth from/and sth: It is impossible to separate belief from emotion. separate
Her voice shook with emotion. shake
To my shame (= I feel shame that) I refused to listen to her side of the story. shame
She felt that her failure would bring shame on her family. shame
The group listens while one person shares (= tells other people about their experiences, feelings, etc.). share
Polly felt a sharp pang of jealousy. sharp
Her sympathies gradually shifted to the side of the protesters. shift
The shock of the explosion could be felt up to six miles away. shock
She still hadn't got over the shock of seeing him again. shock
He shot himself during a fit of depression. shoot
Mum, I feel sick! sick
a sick feeling in your stomach sick
a silly sense of humour silly
I feel silly in these clothes. silly
Please accept our sincere thanks. sincere
'Thank you very much.' 'You're welcome, sir. Have a nice day.' sir
Thank you, Sir Paul. sir
cosmetics for sensitive skins skin
I'll feel better after a good night's sleep (= a night when I sleep well). sleep
a lotion to make your skin feel soft and smooth smooth
Avoid using perfumed soaps on sensitive skin. soap
Somehow, I don't feel I can trust him. somehow
It's quite something (= a thing that you should feel happy about) to have a job at all these days. something
He decided to help Jan as he felt sorry for her. be/feel sorry for sb
There are all sorts of activities (= many different ones) for kids at the campsite. sort
I had a sort of feeling that he wouldn't come. a sort of sth
There was a feeling of restlessness deep in her soul. soul
The room has been furnished and decorated to give a feeling of space. space
She still speaks about him with great affection. speak
My head is spinning (= I feel as if my head is going around and I can't balance). spin
His theories on economics are enough to make your head spin (= make you feel very confused). spin
Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather. spoil
There's a feeling of spring in the air today. spring
The floor was tiled in squares of grey and white marble. square
She felt as if every drop of emotion had been squeezed from her. squeeze
freshly squeezed orange juice squeeze
We camped out under the stars. star
He was in a state of permanent depression. state
a bronze/marble statue statue
'Do you want a drink?' 'No, thanks, I can't stay.' stay
'Thank you,' she replied stiffly. stiffly
She felt the sting of tears in her eyes. sting
I felt as if my heart had stopped. stop
She felt strange sitting at her father's desk. feel strange
It was terribly hot and I started to feel strange. feel strange
Strangely enough, I don't feel at all nervous. strangely
The feeling I get from the street is that we have a good chance of winning this election. street
I was surprised by the strength of her feelings. strength
He was feeling very stressed and tired. stressed
Smoking is strictly forbidden. strictly
strike sb (as sth): His reaction struck me as odd. strike
a strong feeling of nausea strong
Are you feeling stronger now after your rest? strong
People have strong feelings about this issue. strong
The temptation to tell her everything was very strong. strong
This is an issue I feel strongly about (= I have firm opinions about). strongly
She always makes me feel really stupid. stupid
banned/illegal substances (= drugs) substance
to suck the juice from an orange suck
sufficient to do sth: These reasons are not sufficient to justify the ban. sufficient
The following day she felt sufficiently well to go to work. sufficiently
Thanks for all your support on the day of the funeral. support
a sympathetic listener sympathetic
I did not feel at all sympathetic towards Kate. sympathetic
I'm here if you need a sympathetic ear (= sb to talk to about your problems). sympathetic
a sympathetic response sympathetic
She was very sympathetic when I was sick. sympathetic
to be sympathetic to the party's aims sympathetic
Russian newspapers are largely sympathetic to the president. sympathetic
to express/feel sympathy for sb sympathy
I have no sympathy for Jan, it's all her own fault. sympathy
I wish he'd show me a little more sympathy. sympathy
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the victims of the war. sympathy
May we offer our deepest sympathies on the death of your wife. sympathy
The seamen went on strike in sympathy with (= to show their support for) the dockers. sympathy
Her sympathies lie with the anti-abortion lobby. sympathy
He took her hand/took her by the hand (= held her hand, for example to lead her somewhere). take
He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned round. tap
a thankless task (= an unpleasant one that nobody wants to do and nobody thanks you for doing) task
I've lost my sense of taste. taste
I can't really taste anything with this cold. taste
I feel terrible—I think I'll go to bed. terrible
Thank God you're safe! thank God/goodness/heaven(s) (for sth)
'Thank goodness for that!' she said with a sigh of relief. thank God/goodness/heaven(s) (for sth)
Thanks heavens I've found my keys. thank God/goodness/heaven(s) (for sth)
thanks (for doing sth): Thanks for lending me the money. thanks
thanks (for sth): Many thanks for your support. thanks
'How are you?' 'Fine, thanks (= thanks for asking).' thanks
'Would you like a coffee?' 'Oh, thanks.' thanks
'Here's the change.' 'Thanks very much.' thanks
'Do you want to come with us?' 'I'd love to, thanks.' thanks
'Would you like some more?' 'No thanks.' thanks
Thanks a lot for all you've done. thanks a lot
'I'm afraid I've finished all the milk.' 'Well, thanks a lot!' thanks a lot
thank you (for sth): Thank you for your letter. thank you
thank you (for doing sth): Thank you very much for sending the photos. thank you
'Would you like some help with that?' 'Oh, thank you.' thank you
'Would you like some more cake?' 'No thank you.' thank you
The actor sent a big thank you to all his fans for their letters of support. thank you
She took the money without so much as a thank you. thank you
a thank-you letter thank you
The more she thought about it, the more depressed she became. the more, less, etc..., the more, less, etc...
I like camping, climbing and that sort of thing. thing
I think you'll find these more comfortable than those. this
The boy was afraid and the dog had sensed this. this
thought of sth: The very thought of it makes me feel sick. thought
He held the knife to her throat. throat
emotional ties tie
Every time I hear that song I feel happy. time
You'll feel differently about it when the time comes (= when it happens). time
You have to be firm, but at the same time you should try and be sympathetic. at the same time
to be/look/feel tired tired
If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep. turn over
The smell made my stomach turn over (= made me feel sick). turn over
Give the handle a few turns. turn
I'm still uncertain of my feelings for him. uncertain
I've been feeling under stress lately. under
You'll be under anaesthetic, so you won't feel a thing. under
We must tackle the problem with sympathy and understanding. understanding
I was just a young girl from a small town and I felt very unimportant. unimportant
I understand how upset you must be feeling. upset
A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons. use
usual (for sb/sth) (to do sth): It is usual to start a speech by thanking everybody for coming. usual
Thanks very much. very
The violence of her feelings surprised him. violence
He showed no visible sign of emotion. visible
Her voice shook with emotion. voice
Thanks for the present—it's just what I wanted. want
She felt the warmth of his arms around her. warmth
They were touched by the warmth of the welcome. warmth
'Would you like to play?' 'No thanks—I'll just watch.' watch
I left them alone, as I felt I was in the way. in the/sb's way
His legs felt weak. weak
I had the feeling we were not welcome at the meeting. welcome
'Thanks for your help.' 'You're welcome.' you're welcome
Thank you for your warm welcome. welcome
I don't feel very well. well
I'm better now, thank you. well
Well, thank goodness that's over! well
I'm feeling a whole lot better. a whole lot
She won't be able to help us with all the family commitments she has. with
He couldn't find the words to thank her enough. word
Words fail me (= I cannot express how I feel). word
I can never put my feelings into words. word
She felt that the world was against her. world
He told her she'd let them down and she felt worse than ever. worse
He worshipped her from afar (= he loved her but did not tell her his feelings). worship
She felt deeply wounded by his cruel remarks. wound
write doing sth: They wrote thanking us for the present. write
Rightly or wrongly, they felt they should have been better informed (= I do not know whether they were right to feel this way). wrongly
'Would you like a drink?' 'Yes, please/thanks.' yes