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The news came as a shock. as
come as sth: Her death came as a terrible shock to us. come
She's suffering a delayed reaction (= a reaction that did not happen immediately) to the shock. delay
discover (that)...: It was a shock to discover (that) he couldn't read. discover
I have to admit that the news gave us a shock (= shocked us). give
Her death was a great shock to us all. great
The loss of his wife was a great blow to him. loss
My immediate reaction was one of shock. reaction
We need to give young criminals a short, sharp shock (= a punishment that is very unpleasant for a short time). sharp
The shock of the explosion could be felt up to six miles away. shock
The bumper absorbs shock on impact. shock
The news of my promotion came as a shock. shock
Losing in the first round was a shock to the system (= it was a more of a shock because it was not expected). shock
When I added up the cost it gave me quite a shock. shock