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midwife cô mụ

OXF3000N chứ vị muối có muối mặn salty

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regnerisch có mưa

Am Abend kann es Regen geben. Buối tối có thế có mưa. (Lektion 10, Nr. 99)
Möchten Sie die Speisekarte? Em có muốn xem thực đơn không? (Lektion 12, Nr. 114)
Möchtest du mit mir in die Stadt kommen? Em có muốn cùng anh vào phố không? (Lektion 21, Nr. 251)
Wollen Sie etwas Mineralwasser oder Limonade? Anh có muốn uống nước khoáng hay nước chanh không? (Lektion 28, Nr. 366)
Hast du gestern das frische Obst für den Nachtisch gekauft? Hôm qua anh có mua trái cây tươi để tráng miệng không? (Lektion 48, Nr. 681)
Sie möchte seine Urlaubsfotos sehen. Cô muốn xem những bức ảnh du lịch của anh. (Lektion 57, Nr. 804)
Erst war ich ziemlich nervös, aber dann habe ich mich getraut, dich zu fragen, ob du etwas trinken möchtest. Mới đầu anh hơi căng thẳng, nhưng sau đó lấy lại tự tin để hỏi em, liệu em có muốn uống gì đó không. (Lektion 74, Nr. 1060)
Möchten Sie eine Nachricht hinterlassen? Anh / Chị có muốn nhắn lại gì không? (Lektion 86, Nr. 1269)
Möchten Sie sich setzen? Anh / Chị có muốn ngồi không? (Lektion 95, Nr. 1469)
Möchten Sie eine Tasse Tee? Anh / Chị có muốn uống trà không? (Lektion 95, Nr. 1471)
Ich habe zehn Jahre Berufserfahrung im Bereich Marketing und PR. Tôi có mười năm kinh nghiệm nghề nghiệp trong lĩnh vực marketing và đối ngoại. (Lektion 106, Nr. 1855)
Möchten Sie unser neues Produkt testen? Quý vị có muốn dùng thử sản phẩm của chúng tôi không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2332)
Möchten Sie unseren Katalog mitnehmen? Quý vị có muốn lấy quyển giới thiệu sản phẩm của chúng tôi không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2333)
Möchten Sie an dieser Konferenz teilnehmen? Quý vị có muốn tham gia hội nghị này không? (Lektion 122, Nr. 2355)
Möchten Sie mich zum Essen begleiten? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có muốn cùng đi ăn với tôi không? (Lektion 124, Nr. 2415)
Nehmen Sie ein Dessert? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có muốn dùng món tráng miệng không? (Lektion 124, Nr. 2443)

aim at sth: The government is aiming at a 50% reduction in unemployment. aim
aim to do sth: They are aiming to reduce unemployment by 50%. aim
Would you like another drink? another
Would you like anything else? anything
There were ten children away yesterday. away
The school began in 1920, with only ten pupils. begin
'Liverpool are bound to win.' 'Do you want a bet? ' (= I disagree with you, I don't think they will.) bet
Do you want bacon and eggs for breakfast? breakfast
bad breath (= that smells bad) breath
There will be rain later in central and eastern parts of the country. central
contribute (to/towards sth): Would you like to contribute to our collection? contribute
Do you wish to contribute? contribute
Would you like milk or cream in your coffee? cream
Would you like a cup of tea? cup
Would you like a drop of brandy? drop
Would you like my old TV in exchange for this camera? exchange
'Do you want a drink?' 'I'll finish my work first.' first
There will be heavy rain with flooding in some areas. flooding
Do you want that cake? If not, I'll have it. if not
indicate whether, when, etc...: Has she indicated yet whether she would like to be involved? indicate
There's a talk on Italian art—are you interested (= would you like to go)? interested
like sth: Would you like a drink? like
It's going to rain today by the look of it (= judging by appearances). look
It's an interesting place. Do you want to take a look around? look
He must have known (= surely he knew) what she wanted. must
Do you want the good news or the bad news first? news
'Do you want to come, too?' 'Yes, that would be nice.' nice
Do you want one or two? one
Do you want to go for a pint later? pint
Would you like to change places with me so you can see better? place
Do you want your address printed at the top of the letter? print
Would you like a quick drink? quick
There will be rain in all parts tomorrow. rain
'Do you want to come with us?' 'No, I'd rather not.' would rather... (than)
Would you rather walk or take the bus? would rather... (than)
Do you want regular or diet cola? regular
There were only ten minutes remaining. remain
That sausage doesn't smell right. right
She's on a salary of £24 000. salary
Would you like a sample of the fabric to take home? sample
I have ten years' experience at senior management level. senior
Dogs have a keen (= strong) sense of smell. sense
share (sth with sb): Would you like to share your experience with the rest of the group? share
Dinner smells good. smell
smell like sth: What does the perfume smell like? smell
It smells in here. smell
Dogs have a very good sense of smell. smell
Would you like smoking or non-smoking? (= for example, in a restaurant) smoking
There will be rain at first, with sunny spells later. spell
In the shanty towns there are very poor living standards. standard
'Do you want a drink?' 'No, thanks, I can't stay.' stay
swear that...: Are you willing to stand up in court and swear that you don't recognize him? swear
Do you want a taste? taste
'Would you like a coffee?' 'Oh, thanks.' thanks
'Do you want to come with us?' 'I'd love to, thanks.' thanks
'Would you like some more?' 'No thanks.' thanks
'Would you like some help with that?' 'Oh, thank you.' thank you
'Would you like some more cake?' 'No thank you.' thank you
Do you want me to come this Tuesday (= Tuesday of this week) or next Tuesday? this
There are extra benefits for people on low wages. wage
want sth: Do you want some more tea? want
want sb/sth to do sth: Do you want me to help? want
want sb/sth + adj.: Do you want your coffee black or white? want
'Would you like to play?' 'No thanks—I'll just watch.' watch
'Do you want to help?' 'No way!' (there is) no way
'Do you want to come?' 'Well, I'm not sure.' well
Do you want to take the wheel (= drive) now? wheel
a jacket with a hood with
I was wondering whether you'd like to come to a party. wonder
'Would you like a drink?' 'Yes, please/thanks.' yes