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OXF3000N có thể chấp nhận chấp thuận acceptable
OXF3000N có thể làm vui được có thể giải trí được amusable
OXF3000N có thể dùng được có giá trị hiệu lực available
OXF3000N có thể đúng có thể xảy ra có khả năng có thể chắc vậy likely
OXF3000N không thể xảy ra không chắc xảy ra unlikely
OXF3000N một cách rõ ràng có thể thấy được obviously
OXF3000N có thể có thể thực hiện possible
OXF3000N có lẽ có thể có thể chấp nhận được possibly
OXF3000N có thể được có lẽ presumably
OXF3000N không có thể xảy ra không chắc chắn không có thực unlikely

Can I invite you to dance with me? Tôi có thể mời bạn múa với tôi không? Common Phrases 3
Who can explain these phenomenons? Ai có thể giải thích những hiện tượng này? Abstract Objects 1
You can send me an online message. Bạn có thể gửi tôi một tin nhắn trực tuyến. Communication
What is the volume of this bottle of milk. Chai sữa này có thể tích là gì? Science
You can run away, but you cannot hide. Bạn có thể chạy trốn, nhưng bạn không thể núp. Verbs 5
Education is the most powerful weapon that we can use to change the world. Giáo dục là vũ khí mạnh nhất mà chúng ta có thể sử dụng để thay đổi thế giới. Military
I can fly this helicopter. Tôi có thể lái chiếc trực thăng này. Military
I am not superstitious, but I believe science can explain the existence of Tôi không mê tín nhưng tôi tin khoa học có thể giải thích sự tồn tại của ma. Paranormality
He brags that he can walk on the surface of water.  Anh ấy nổ là anh ấy có thể đi trên mặt nước. Informal Expressions

like: có thể
empfehlenswert có thể giới thiệu 值得推荐的 zhí dé tuī jiàn de
erreichbar có thể đạt được, có thể đạt đến 可达到的 kě dádào de
bewohnbar có thể ở được 适于居住的 shìyú jūzhù de
hörbar có thể nghe được 可听到的 kě tīngdào de
ist es möglich, dass... có thể nào......
empfehlenswert có thể giới thiệu
erreichbar có thể đạt được, có thể đạt đến
bewohnbar có thể ở được
hörbar có thể nghe được

Wir können zusammen im Restaurant zu Abend essen. Chúng ta có thế cùng ăn tối ở nhà hàng. (Lektion 2, Nr. 18)
Er fragt eine Dame, wo er eins finden kann. Anh hỏi một phụ nữ là anh có thế tìm một chiếc Taxi ở đâu? (Lektion 4, Nr. 30)
Aber er kann auch in der Wechselstube Geld wechseln. Nhưng anh ấy cũng có thế đối tiền ở quầy đối tiền. (Lektion 5, Nr. 44)
Hier ist er. Frühstück können Sie im kleinen Haus gegenüber bekommen. Dạ đây. Anh có thể ăn sáng trong phòng nhà đối diện. (Lektion 8, Nr. 79)
Kann ich hier auch zu Mittag und zu Abend essen? Em có thế ăn trưa và ăn tối ở đây không? (Lektion 9, Nr. 88)
Am Abend kann es Regen geben. Buối tối có thế có mưa. (Lektion 10, Nr. 99)
Aber wenn du mehr Informationen möchtest, kannst du einen Blick in den Reiseführer werfen. Nhưng nếu anh muốn biết nhiều thông tin hơn thì có thế xem sách hướng dẫn. (Lektion 17, Nr. 188)
Der Flug könnte sich verzögern, aber Sie sollten eine Stunde vor Abflug einchecken. Chuyến bay có thế bị trễ,nhưng anh vẫn nên làm thủ tục một tiếng trước khi cất cánh. (Lektion 20, Nr. 245)
Wir könnten gegrillten Fisch essen. Chúng ta có thế ăn cá nướng. (Lektion 23, Nr. 277)
Wir können Reis kochen oder machen gebackene Kartoffeln und gebratenes Fleisch oder Fisch. Chúng ta có thể nấu cơm hay làm món khoai tây chiên với thịt hay cá chiên. (Lektion 23, Nr. 285)
Tri, hier ist nochmal Trang. Könntest du mir bitte einen Gefallen tun? Tri, em Trang đây. Anh có thế làm giúp em một việc được không? (Lektion 25, Nr. 314)
Könntest du mir eine Halskette oder Ohrringe mitbringen? Anh có thế lấy giúp em một sợi dây chuyền hay bông tai được không? (Lektion 25, Nr. 317)
Sie denkt, dass der Ring verloren geht oder so ähnlich. Bà sợ rằng chiếc nhẫn có thế bị mất hay tương tự như vậy. (Lektion 25, Nr. 321)
Könntest du bitte den Ring mitnehmen und ihn mir geben? Anh có thế lấy chiếc nhẫn cho em được không? (Lektion 25, Nr. 322)
Kann ich Sie ein Stück mitnehmen? Tôi có thế chở anh một đoạn không? (Lektion 28, Nr. 361)
Jeder kann seinen Abfall hinein tun. Mọi người có thế vứt rác vào đó. (Lektion 30, Nr. 390)
Sie versucht eine andere Telefonzelle, aber jetzt kann sie nur auf den Anrufbeantworter sprechen. Cô ấy thử sang phòng điện thoại khác, nhưng bây giờ cô ấy chỉ có thế nói vào máy trả lời tự động thôi. (Lektion 31, Nr. 409)
Möglicherweise hättest du eine Magenverstimmung oder eine Vergiftung. Có thế là anh có vấn đề với dạ dày hoặc bị ngộ độc. (Lektion 33, Nr. 450)
Wir können ins Internet schauen und zwei Sitze reservieren. Chúng ta có thế lên mạng và đặt hai chỗ. (Lektion 34, Nr. 466)
Wir könnten ein Video ausleihen. Chúng ta có thế thuê băng video. (Lektion 38, Nr. 555)
Wir können auch den Bus nehmen. Chúng ta có thế đi xe buýt mà. (Lektion 42, Nr. 606)
Über eine Treppe kann man vom Innenhof in den Keller gehen. Lên trên một cái cầu thang người ta có thể đi qua cái sân trong để đến hầm chứa đồ. (Lektion 43, Nr. 618)
Sie eröffnen ein gemeinsames Konto, um ihre Miete jeden Monat überweisen zu können. Họ mở chung một tài khoản, để họ có thể mỗi tháng chuyển tiền nhà. (Lektion 44, Nr. 629)
Wenn dein Gehalt hoch genug ist, kannst du auch eine kostenlose Kreditkarte beantragen. Nếu thu nhập của anh đủ cao, thì anh có thể đệ đơn cho một thẻ tín dụng miễn phí. (Lektion 44, Nr. 635)
Ich fände es sinnvoll, wenn wir dort anstatt einer Tapete Kacheln anbringen würden. Anh thấy rất có ích, nếu chúng ta có thể lát bằng gạch men thay cho giấy dán tường. (Lektion 45, Nr. 651)
Mit dem Knopf am Fernseher kann ich ihn nur einschalten und ausschalten. Tôi chỉ có thể bật và tắt bằng cái nút bấm trên TiVi. (Lektion 47, Nr. 671)
Ich werde mich bei der Touristeninformation über mögliche Ausflugsziele in der Umgebung erkundigen. Anh sẽ hỏi thông tin tại điểm thông tin du lịch về những điểm dã ngoại có thể ở khu vực gần đó. (Lektion 50, Nr. 710)
Ich glaube, in der Gegend gibt es eine Ruine, zu der wir mit den Fahrrädern hinfahren können. Em nghĩ, ở khu vực đó có một điểm tàn tích mà chúng ta có thể đi xe đạp tới đó. (Lektion 50, Nr. 711)
Gute Idee! Dort hinten an dem Teich können wir Rast machen. Ý kiến hay! Ở đằng kia sau cái đầm chúng ta có thể nghỉ. (Lektion 52, Nr. 735)
Sieht so aus! Aber jetzt ist es doch ziemlich kühl. Có thể thế! Nhưng bây giờ trời hơi lạnh rồi. (Lektion 54, Nr. 763)
Wenn du dich weiter über mich lustig machst, kannst du heute auf der Luftmatratze übernachten. Nếu anh tiếp tục chế nhạo em, hôm nay anh có thể qua đêm trên cái nệm không khí. (Lektion 54, Nr. 774)
Wie ihr auf der Rückseite der Postkarte seht, kann man hier im Winter auch Ski fahren. Như bố mẹ có thể thấy sau tấm bưu thiệp, ở đây vào mùa đông người ta có thể trượt tuyết nữa. (Lektion 55, Nr. 785)
Darf ich mal eine neugierige Frage stellen? Em có thể hỏi một câu tò mò được không? (Lektion 56, Nr. 799)
Im Hintergrund ist Natur zu sehen: eine umzäunte Wiese und ein Wald. Đằng sau có thể thấy thiên nhiên: Một bãi cỏ được rào quanh và một cánh rừng. (Lektion 57, Nr. 809)
Guten Tag! Was kann ich für Sie tun? Xin chào! Tôi có thể làm gì cho bạn? (Lektion 58, Nr. 818)
Welches Mobilfunknetz würdest du mir empfehlen? Bạn có thể giới thiệu mạng điện thoại nào đó cho tôi không? (Lektion 59, Nr. 834)
Wir können uns auch mal nett unterhalten. Chúng ta cũng có thể cùng trò chuyện vui vẻ. (Lektion 60, Nr. 852)
Kannst du mir das verzeihen? Em có thể bỏ qua cho anh không? (Lektion 60, Nr. 854)
Wir konnten der Polizei nur einen Hinweis geben, in welche Richtung der Mann geflohen ist. Bọn anh chỉ có thể chỉ dẫn cho cảnh sát, anh ta chạy về hướng nào. (Lektion 62, Nr. 884)
So konnten sie unerkannt flüchten. Vậy là chúng có thể tẩu thoát dễ dàng. (Lektion 64, Nr. 914)
Es gibt viele unterschiedliche Arten zu sehen: Có thể thấy nhiều chủng loại khác nhau: (Lektion 65, Nr. 924)
In einem der Gehege kann man zahmen Hasen das Fell streicheln und Enten füttern. Trong một chuồng thú người ta có thể vuốt ve bộ lông những con thỏ đã được thuần hóa và cho những con vịt ăn. (Lektion 65, Nr. 925)
Über Giraffen weiß ich, dass sie bis zu fünf Meter groß werden können. Về hươu cao cổ anh biết là chúng có thể cao đến năm mét. (Lektion 65, Nr. 933)
Schau mal! Man kann in seinen Körper hinein schauen und seine Organe sehen. Nhìn nè anh! Người ta có thể nhìn xuyên thấu cơ thể và các bộ phận của anh ta. (Lektion 66, Nr. 946)
Er sorgt dafür, dass der Körper ausreichend mit Sauerstoff und Nährstoffen versorgt ist. Anh ta chuẩn bị cho cơ thể được cung cấp đầy đủ lượng oxi và chất dinh dưỡng. (Lektion 66, Nr. 948)
Nur durch Zufall erkennt er eine Radarkontrolle rechtzeitig und kann abbremsen. Chỉ là sự ngẫu nhiên anh nhận được tín hiệu của máy định vị kịp thời và có thể phanh lại. (Lektion 67, Nr. 958)
Wenn Sie mir jetzt noch Ihre Telefonnummer sagen könnten ... Nếu bây giờ bạn còn có thể nói cho tôi số điện thoại của bạn… (Lektion 69, Nr. 991)
Ich kann nur sagen, dass ich als Studentin nicht genug verdiene, um mir das leisten zu können. Tôi chỉ có thể nói, khẳ năng của tôi không nhiều vì là sinh viên tôi không kiếm được nhiều tiền. (Lektion 70, Nr. 1004)
Jetzt brauchen wir nur noch die Gästeliste, damit wir die Einladungen verschicken können! Bây giờ chúng ta chỉ còn cần danh sách khách mời để chúng ta có thể gửi thiệp mời đi. (Lektion 75, Nr. 1079)
Du kannst dich auf uns verlassen, es wird sich niemand langweilen. Anh có thể tin tưởng vào tụi em, sẽ chẳng có ai phải buồn chán đâu. (Lektion 78, Nr. 1110)
Nicht ganz, zuerst ist unser Kontrabass ausgefallen, aber wir haben jemanden gefunden, der ihn vertritt. Không hoàn toàn, mới đầu thiếu đàn công bat, nhưng tụi em đã tìm được người có thể thay thế cho việc đó. (Lektion 78, Nr. 1112)
Der Stier ist charmant und bodenständig, kann gut mit Geld umgehen und ist ein Genießer. Kim ngưu thì duyên dáng và căn cơ, có thể quản lý tốt tiền bạc và là một người biết hưởng thụ. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1133)
Können Sie mir erklären, wie das ablaufen wird? Bạn có thể giải thích cho tôi, quá trình của nó như thế nào không? (Lektion 81, Nr. 1151)
Du könntest erfolgreicher sein. Anh có thể thành đạt hơn. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1169)
Es gibt ein Magazin, das Berufe vorstellt und Möglichkeiten zur Fortbildung aufzeigt. Có một tạp chí giới thiệu về nghề nghiệp và có thể nâng cao trình độ chuyên môn. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1181)
Was kann ich für Sie tun? Tôi có thể giúp gì được cho anh / chị ? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1214)
Kann ich bitte mit Frau ... sprechen? Xin lỗi, tôi có thể nói chuyện với cô / bà ... được không? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1220)
Kann ich bitte mit Ihrer Kollegin sprechen? Xin lỗi, tôi có thể nói chuyện với cô đồng nghiệp của anh / chị được không? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1221)
Ist Herr ... zu sprechen? Có thể nói chuyện với ông / ngài...bây giờ được không? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1222)
Können Sie mich bitte zur Pressestelle durchstellen? Anh / Chị có thể làm ơn nối máy cho tôi với bộ phận báo chí truyền thông được không? (Lektion 85, Nr. 1226)
Darf ich ihm etwas ausrichten? Tôi có thể nhắn lại gì cho ông ấy? (Lektion 86, Nr. 1257)
Er wird Sie so bald wie möglich zurückrufen. Ông ấy / Anh ấy sẽ gọi lại sớm nhất có thể cho anh / chị . (Lektion 86, Nr. 1267)
Wie kann ich Sie erreichen? Tôi có thể liên lạc với anh / chị bằng cách nào? (Lektion 86, Nr. 1268)
Bitte geben Sie mir Ihre Telefonnummer. Anh / Chị có thể để lại số điện thoại liên lạc được không? (Lektion 86, Nr. 1270)
Sie erreichen mich unter der Nummer: Anh / Chị có thể gọi cho tôi theo số này: (Lektion 86, Nr. 1271)
Können Sie das bitte buchstabieren? Anh / Chị có thể đánh vần nó được không? (Lektion 86, Nr. 1273)
Kann ich Sie in 10 Minuten zurückrufen? Tôi có thể gọi lại cho anh / chị trong 10 phút nữa được không? (Lektion 87, Nr. 1285)
Könnten Sie bitte etwas lauter sprechen? Anh / Chị có thể nói to thêm chút được không? (Lektion 87, Nr. 1288)
Könnten Sie bitte etwas langsamer sprechen? Anh / Chị có thể nói chậm lại chút được không? (Lektion 87, Nr. 1289)
Könnten Sie das bitte wiederholen? Anh / Chị có thể nhắc lại được không? (Lektion 87, Nr. 1290)
Können Sie das buchstabieren? Anh / Chị có thể đánh vần được không? (Lektion 87, Nr. 1299)
Wir sind von Montag bis Freitag - von 8 bis 12 Uhr - erreichbar. Có thể liên lạc với chúng tôi từ thứ hai đến thứ sáu, từ 8 – 12h. (Lektion 88, Nr. 1306)
Wir hoffen, dass wir Ihnen mit diesen Informationen helfen konnten. Chúng tôi hi vọng những thông tin trên có thể giúp ích cho anh / chị . (Lektion 90, Nr. 1357)
Sie erreichen uns unter der Telefonnummer 10607033. Anh / Chị có thể liên lạc với chúng tôi qua số điện thoại: 10607033. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1360)
Bitte entschuldigen Sie, dass ich heute erst antworten kann. Xin lỗi vì hôm nay tôi mới có thể trả lời anh / chị được. (Lektion 91, Nr. 1375)
Sie erreichen mich unter dieser E-Mail-Adresse: Anh / Chị có thể liên lạc với tôi qua địa chỉ Email này: (Lektion 92, Nr. 1393)
Vielleicht hast du meine E-Mail nicht bekommen, weil sie als Spam eingestuft wurde. Có thể anh / chị không nhận được thư của tôi vì nó bị chuyển vào hòm thư rác. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1404)
Kannst du mir bitte eine Kopie dieser E-Mail schicken? Anh / Chị có thể gửi cho tôi bản sao của Email đó được không? (Lektion 92, Nr. 1405)
Kannst du das bitte an die Kollegin in Berlin faxen? Anh / Chị có thể gửi tài liệu này qua fax đến đồng nghiệp ở Berlin được không? (Lektion 93, Nr. 1413)
Können Sie das bitte an die Personalabteilung faxen? Anh / Chị có thể gửi fax đến phòng nhân sự được không? (Lektion 93, Nr. 1415)
Das Faxgerät hat kein Papier mehr. Kannst du es bitte auffüllen? Máy fax không còn giấy. Anh / Chị có thể cho thêm vào được không? (Lektion 93, Nr. 1421)
Würden Sie mir Ihre Visitenkarte geben? Anh / Chị có thể cho tôi danh thiếp của anh / chị được không? (Lektion 95, Nr. 1459)
Darf ich Ihnen einen Kaffee anbieten? Tôi có thể mời anh / chị một cốc cà phê chứ? (Lektion 95, Nr. 1470)
Verzeihung, darf ich Sie kurz stören? Xin lỗi, tôi có thể làm phiền anh / chị một chút được không? (Lektion 95, Nr. 1478)
Können Sie bitte mitkommen? Anh / Chị có thể đi cùng được không? (Lektion 95, Nr. 1481)
Wo wollen wir uns treffen? Chúng ta có thể gặp nhau ở đâu? (Lektion 97, Nr. 1544)
Können wir das Problem telefonisch besprechen? Chúng ta có thể bàn về vấn đề đó qua điện thoại được không? (Lektion 97, Nr. 1557)
Können wir unseren Termin am 9.5. bitte verschieben? Chúng ta có thể lùi cuộc hẹn sang ngày 09.05 được không? (Lektion 97, Nr. 1558)
Wäre es möglich, dass wir uns eine Stunde früher treffen? Chúng ta có thể gặp nhau sớm hơn một tiếng được không? (Lektion 97, Nr. 1560)
Können Sie mir bitte ein Angebot basierend auf Preisen ab Werk machen? Anh / Chị có thể khuyến mại cho tôi theo giá xuất xưởng được không? (Lektion 98, Nr. 1567)
Kannst du bitte 100 Kartons für den Versand bei diesem Hersteller bestellen? Anh / Chị có thể đặt 100 thùng các-tông cho việc vận chuyển tại nhà sản xuất này được không? (Lektion 98, Nr. 1568)
Wir können die bestellte Ware voraussichtlich bis zum 15.06. liefern. Chúng tôi dự tính có thể chuyển hàng cho quý khách đến ngày 15.06. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1575)
Ich würde mich freuen, wenn Sie mir den Zuschlag für dieses Angebot geben würden. Tôi sẽ rất vui mừng nếu quý khách có thể trả phần phụ trội cho đơn chào hàng này. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1578)
Können Sie uns bitte ein Muster von Artikel 478 in rot schicken? Anh / Chị có thể gửi cho chúng tôi mẫu màu đỏ của sản phẩm 478 được không? (Lektion 98, Nr. 1582)
Würden Sie uns bitte ein Ansichtsexemplar zuschicken? Anh / Chị có thể gửi cho chúng tôi một bản mẫu tham khảo được không? (Lektion 98, Nr. 1584)
Können wir die doppelte Menge zu besseren Konditionen bekommen? Chúng tôi có thể mua số lượng gấp đôi với giá ưu đãi chứ? (Lektion 98, Nr. 1586)
Können Sie das bitte nachprüfen? Anh / Chị có thể kiểm tra lại thông tin trên được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1609)
Kannst du bitte dieses Buch für mich bestellen? Anh / Chị có thể đặt cho tôi cuốn sách đó được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1611)
Kannst du das bitte im Wörterbuch nachschlagen? Anh / Chị có thể tra lại cái này trong từ điển được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1614)
Kannst du dazu bitte im Internet recherchieren? Anh / Chị có thể tìm kiếm thêm thông tin trên mạng được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1616)
Können Sie mir mehr Einzelheiten zu diesem Thema erzählen? Anh / Chị có thể kể chi tiết thêm về đề tài này được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1620)
Würden Sie mir einige Fragen zu diesem Thema beantworten? Anh / Chị có thể vui lòng trả lời vài câu hỏi về đề tài này được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1622)
Würden Sie mir ein Interview geben? Ông / Bà có thể vui lòng trả lời phỏng vấn được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1623)
Mehr Zahlen und Statistiken findest du in dieser Datenbank. Anh / Chị có thể tìm thấy thêm thông tin và các số liệu thống kê trong ngân hàng dữ liệu này. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1624)
Kann ich Einsicht in diese Akten nehmen? Tôi có thể xem qua dữ liệu này được không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1626)
Kannst du bitte alle Ergebnisse dieser Besprechung mitschreiben und dann an alle Kollegen schicken? Anh / Chị có thể ghi chép kết quả cuộc họp lại rồi sau đó gửi đến các tất cả các nhân viên được không? (Lektion 100, Nr. 1651)
In meinem heutigen Vortrag möchte ich Ihnen die Probleme, die bei der Qualitätssicherung auftreten können, näher beschreiben. Trong bài phát biểu của tôi hôm nay, tôi muốn miêu tả kỹ hơn về những vấn đề có thể gặp phải trong quá trình quản lí chất lượng. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1654)
Könnten Sie sich bitte kurz fassen? Anh / Chị có thể tóm gọn lại được không? (Lektion 100, Nr. 1674)
Das Formular können Sie hier herunterladen. Quý vị có thể tải bản khai ở đây. (Lektion 101, Nr. 1679)
Dieses Formular bekommen Sie von meiner Kollegin. Ihr Büro ist im 2. Stock. Quý vị có thể nhận được bản khai từ đồng nghiệp của tôi ở tầng hai. (Lektion 101, Nr. 1681)
Können Sie das bitte für mich übersetzen? Anh / Chị có thể dịch hộ tôi cái này được không? (Lektion 101, Nr. 1691)
Bitte schicken Sie uns das ausgefüllte Formular innerhalb von 5 Werktagen per Post zu. Anh / Chị có thể gửi cho chúng tôi tờ khai đã điền đầy đủ qua đường bưu điện trong vòng 5 ngày. (Lektion 101, Nr. 1697)
Kann ich Ihnen die Formulare auch per E-Mail zuschicken? Tôi có thể gửi ngài bản khai này qua Email được không? (Lektion 101, Nr. 1698)
Wir könnten diesen Auftrag extern vergeben. Chúng ta có thể bàn giao hợp đồng này cho một đối tác bên ngoài. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1717)
Wir könnten die andere Projektgruppe bitten uns zu helfen. Chúng ta có thể tìm trợ giúp từ một nhóm dự án khác. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1718)
Wir können einen Kollegen um Hilfe bitten. Chúng ta có thể nhờ một đồng nghiệp khác giúp đỡ. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1719)
Wir könnten mit dem Geschäftsführer sprechen und ihn um Rat bitten. Chúng ta có thể nhờ lãnh đạo cho ý kiến giúp đỡ. (Lektion 102, Nr. 1720)
Wer kann diese Aufgabe übernehmen? Ai có thể đảm đương nhiệm vụ / công việc này? (Lektion 102, Nr. 1726)
Kannst du das bitte erledigen? Anh / Chị có thể giải quyết được việc này không? (Lektion 102, Nr. 1728)
Ich hoffe, dass ich mein bisher theoretisch gelerntes Wissen in die Praxis umsetzen kann. Hy vọng tôi có thể áp dụng các kiến thức lý thuyết đã được học vào thực tế. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1742)
In meinem Praktikum in Paris habe ich viel gelernt. Ich kann mich jetzt schnell in neue Bereiche einarbeiten und ich habe gelernt zu recherchieren. Trong khóa thực tập tại Paris tôi đã học được rất nhiều. Bây giờ tôi có thể quen nhanh công việc ở lĩnh vực mới và cũng đã học được cách tra cứu. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1760)
Ich habe mich problemlos in den Betrieb im Ausland integrieren können. Tôi đã có thể hòa nhập một cách nhanh chóng vào các hoạt động của công ty ở nước ngoài. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1769)
Seit zehn Jahren arbeite ich in der Branche und kann mich mittlerweile auf ein großes Netzwerk guter Kontakte berufen. Từ mười năm nay tôi làm việc trong ngành và có thể kết nối một mạng lưới quan hệ tốt. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1814)
Für Ihre Fragen stehe ich Ihnen gerne und jederzeit telefonisch zur Verfügung. Anh / chị có thể liên lạc với tôi qua điện thoại nếu anh / chị có câu hỏi. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1826)
Ich bin es gewohnt mit verschiedenen Betriebssystemen zu arbeiten. Ich kann schnell umdenken. Tôi đã quen với các hệ thống chương trình khác nhau. Tôi có thể suy nghĩ nhanh. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1918)
Wie können Sie zu unserem Erfolg beitragen? Anh / Chị có thể đóng góp vào sự thành công của chúng tôi thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1948)
Wie würden Sie Ihre Unternehmenskultur beschreiben? Ông / Bà có thể miêu tả về văn hóa công ty được không? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1960)
Könnten Sie mir bitte beschreiben, wie ein typischer Arbeitstag bei Ihnen aussieht? Ông / Bà có thể cho tôi biết, một ngày làm việc điển hình ở đây thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1963)
Sie können sich ihre Arbeitszeit bei uns frei einteilen. Anh / Chị có thể tự do thu xếp thời gian làm việc cho chúng tôi. (Lektion 109, Nr. 1985)
Kann ich bitte den Geschäftsführer sprechen? Tôi có thể nói chuyện với giám đốc công ty được không? (Lektion 110, Nr. 1993)
Wo finde ich das Büro des Abteilungsleiters? Tôi có thể tìm thấy văn phòng giám đốc bộ phận ở đâu? (Lektion 110, Nr. 1994)
Wie komme ich zur Produktionshalle 4B? Tôi có thể đi đến xưởng sản xuất 4B thế nào? (Lektion 110, Nr. 1995)
Kannst du bitte diese Unterlagen alphabetisch sortieren? Anh / Chị có thể sắp xếp tài liệu theo thứ tự chữ cái được không? (Lektion 111, Nr. 2020)
Können Sie das heute noch erledigen, bitte? Anh / Chị có thể làm việc này hôm nay được không? (Lektion 111, Nr. 2022)
Kannst du bitte diese alten Kartons wegwerfen? Anh / Chị có thể mang vứt thùng carton cũ này được không? (Lektion 111, Nr. 2023)
Wo kann ich das Altpapier entsorgen? Tôi có thể vứt bỏ giấy cũ ở đâu? (Lektion 111, Nr. 2024)
Kannst du die Lieferscheine bitte dem Datum nach ordnen und abheften? Anh / Chị có thể sắp xếp giấy giao hàng theo ngày tháng và kẹp lại? (Lektion 111, Nr. 2028)
Ich arbeite in einem schönen Büro: Ich habe einen großen Schreibtisch und wenn ich aus dem Fenster schaue, kann ich über die ganze Stadt blicken. Tôi làm việc ở một văn phòng rất đẹp: Tôi có một cái bàn làm việc to và nếu nhìn ra ngoài cửa sổ tôi có thể nhìn thấy toàn bộ thành phố. (Lektion 111, Nr. 2033)
Mein Bürostuhl ist defekt. Wissen Sie, wo ich einen neuen bestellen kann? Ghế làm việc của tôi bị hỏng. Anh / Chị có biết, tôi có thể đặt ghế mới ở đâu không? (Lektion 111, Nr. 2034)
Können Sie bitte meinen Rechner konfigurieren? Anh / Chị có thể cấu hình lại máy tính của tôi được không? (Lektion 112, Nr. 2037)
Hier finden Sie Hilfe. Ở đây anh / chị có thể tìm thấy chỉ dẫn giúp đỡ. (Lektion 112, Nr. 2050)
Wer kann die neue Grafikkarte einbauen? Ai có thể lắp card đồ họa mới? (Lektion 112, Nr. 2054)
Ich habe meinen Computer auf Viren untersucht und mehrere gefunden. Was kann ich jetzt machen? Tôi đã kiểm tra máy tính và tìm thấy nhiều virus. Bây giờ tôi có thể làm gì? (Lektion 113, Nr. 2072)
Bitte schauen Sie sich nun diese Grafik an hier: Deutlich können Sie erkennen, dass der Umsatz im Sommer eingebrochen ist. Bây giờ quý vị làm ơn hãy nhìn vào hình đồ thị này: quý vị có thể nhận thấy rõ doanh thu đã sụt giảm trong mùa hè. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2102)
Die Auswertung der Daten hat gezeigt, dass wir im Wettbewerb gegen die Konkurrenz verlieren könnten. Quá trình phân tích đánh giá số liệu cho thấy rằng chúng ta có thể sẽ bị thua trong cuộc cạnh tranh với các đối thủ. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2105)
Diesen Zahlen können Sie ganz deutlich den Trend zum Kauf hochwertiger Produkte ablesen. Với những con số này quý vị có thể nhận thấy rõ xu hướng mua các sản phẩm cao cấp. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2108)
Zusammenfassend kann man sagen, dass wir mit der Entwicklung der Verkaufszahlen zufrieden sein können. Cuối cùng có thể nói rằng chúng tôi rất hài lòng với sự phát triển của doanh số bán hàng. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2114)
Am Tisch neben der Tür finden Sie den Ausdruck der Zusammenfassung meiner Präsentation. Das Dokument können Sie sich gerne mitnehmen. Trên bàn bên cạnh cửa, quý vị sẽ nhìn thấy bản in tóm tắt bài diễn thuyết của tôi. Tài liệu này quý vị có thể lấy theo ý muốn. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2119)
Können Sie die letzte Grafik bitte nochmal erklären? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể làm ơn giải thích lại lần nữa về biểu đồ vừa rồi không? (Lektion 114, Nr. 2127)
Können Sie das bitte an einem Beispiel erklären? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể làm ơn giải thích điều đó với một ví dụ cụ thể được không? (Lektion 114, Nr. 2128)
Können Sie das bitte genauer erklären? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà làm ơn có thể giải thích kỹ hơn được không? (Lektion 115, Nr. 2165)
Können Sie mir das bitte nochmal erklären? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giải thích cho tôi một lần nữa được không? (Lektion 116, Nr. 2189)
Kannst du dich bitte darum kümmern? Anh / Chị có thể giải quyết việc này được không? (Lektion 116, Nr. 2195)
Ich kann diese Aufgabe übernehmen. Tôi có thể đảm nhận nhiệm vụ này. (Lektion 116, Nr. 2197)
Ich weiß, wie wir dieses Problem lösen können. Tôi biết cách chúng ta có thể giải quyết được vấn đề này. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2208)
Wir konnten Zeit sparen. Chúng ta đã có thể tiết kiệm thời gian. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2211)
Das können Sie besser. Anh / Chị có thể làm tốt hơn. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2229)
Kann ich Ihnen helfen? Tôi có thể giúp gì cho quý khách? (Lektion 118, Nr. 2240)
Kann ich Ihnen etwas zeigen? Tôi có thể chỉ cho quý khách cái này được không? (Lektion 118, Nr. 2241)
Das können Sie nur hier kaufen. Quý khách chỉ có thể mua sản phẩm này ở đây. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2256)
Das können Sie ganz vielseitig benutzen. Cái này quý khách có thể sử dụng cho nhiều mục đích khác nhau. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2270)
Wie kann ich Ihnen helfen? Tôi có thể giúp gì cho quý khách? (Lektion 119, Nr. 2280)
Da kann Ihnen mein Kollege helfen. Đồng nghiệp của tôi có thể giúp quý khách điều này được. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2288)
Wo kann ich eine Eintrittskarte für die Messe kaufen? Tôi có thể mua vé cho hội chợ ở đâu? (Lektion 120, Nr. 2300)
Kann ich mein Ticket online bestellen? Tôi có thể đặt vé trên Internet được không? (Lektion 120, Nr. 2301)
Wo finde ich Halle 3? Tôi có thể tìm thấy khu 3 ở đâu? (Lektion 120, Nr. 2313)
Wo finde ich Ihren Stand? Tôi có thể tìm thấy gian trưng bày của anh / chị / ông / bà ở đâu? (Lektion 120, Nr. 2318)
Können Sie mir bitte helfen? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giúp tôi được không? (Lektion 120, Nr. 2319)
Kann ich Ihnen helfen? Tôi có thể giúp gì cho quý vị? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2327)
Darf ich Ihnen etwas zeigen? Tôi có thể chỉ cho quý khách xem cái này được không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2329)
Darf ich Ihnen unsere Preisliste geben? Tôi có thể đưa cho quý khách bảng giá của chúng tôi được không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2334)
Dürfen wir Ihnen Informationsmaterial zuschicken? Chúng tôi có thể gửi đến cho quý khách các tài liệu thông tin được không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2335)
Darf ich das ausprobieren? Tôi có thể dùng thử được không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2338)
Darf ich die Preisliste sehen? Tôi có thể xem bảng giá được không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2341)
Würden Sie mir Ihr neues Produkt zeigen? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giới thiệu về sản phẩm mới này được không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2342)
Können Sie mir bitte erklären, wie das funktioniert? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giải thích cho tôi cái này hoạt động thế nào? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2343)
Dürfen wir Ihnen unseren Newsletter zuschicken? Chúng tôi có thể gửi đến cho quý khách các bản thông tin mới được không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2347)
Darf ich eines Ihrer Werbegeschenke nehmen? Tôi có thể lấy một trong những món quà quảng cáo của quý vị được không? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2348)
Das können Sie nur hier auf der Messe kaufen. Quý vị chỉ có thể mua nó ngay ở hội chợ này. (Lektion 121, Nr. 2352)
Können Sie mir bitte 500 Euro in Dollar wechseln? Anh / Chị có thể đổi cho tôi 500 Euro sang Dollar được không? (Lektion 123, Nr. 2377)
Können Sie einen Dolmetscher suchen, der mich begleiten kann? Anh / Chị có thể tìm một thông dịch viên đi cùng tôi được không? (Lektion 123, Nr. 2379)
Sie erreichen mich über mein Handy. Anh / Chị có thể liên lạc với tôi qua điện thoại di động. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2383)
Mein Kollege ist in dieser Woche unterwegs. Sie erreichen ihn nur per E-Mail. Đồng nghiệp của tôi tuần này đi vắng. Anh/Chị/Quý vị chỉ có thể liên lạc với anh ấy qua email. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2384)
Können Sie diese Unterlagen bitte an meine Firma in Deutschland faxen? Anh / Chị có thể fax tài liệu này sang công ty của tôi ở Đức được không? (Lektion 123, Nr. 2393)
Wo kann ich ein Auto mieten? Tôi có thể thuê xe ôtô ở đâu? (Lektion 123, Nr. 2397)
Können Sie bitte meinen Rückflug umbuchen. Anh / Chị có thể đổi chuyến bay về cho tôi được không? (Lektion 123, Nr. 2398)
Können Sie mir bitte ein Taxi rufen? Anh / Chị có thể gọi cho tôi một xe taxi được không? (Lektion 123, Nr. 2399)
Darf ich Ihnen etwas empfehlen? Tôi có thể giới thiệu một số món ăn được không? (Lektion 124, Nr. 2432)
Können Sie mir etwas empfehlen? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể giới thiệu cho tôi một số món được không? (Lektion 124, Nr. 2433)
Ist es möglich die Rechnung in monatlichen Raten zu bezahlen? Chúng tôi có thể thanh toán hóa đơn này bằng việc trả góp hàng tháng được không? (Lektion 126, Nr. 2555)
Können wir uns auf eine Teilzahlung einigen? Chúng ta có thể thống nhất về việc trả góp được không? (Lektion 126, Nr. 2556)

accept sb: It may take years to be completely accepted by the local community. accept
accept sth as sth: Can we accept his account as the true version? accept
For this course a pass in English at grade B is acceptable. acceptable
The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd. account for sth
You could tell she was just putting on an act. act
an active volcano (= likely to erupt ) active
There are lots of people there who can actually help you. actually
Actually, I'm busy at the moment—can I call you back? actually
adapt sth: These styles can be adapted to suit individual tastes. adapt
A large organization can be slow to adapt to change. adapt
It can be difficult to adjust to being a parent. adjust
Your lawyer can advise you whether to take any action. advise
afford sth: Can we afford a new car? afford
None of them could afford £50 for a ticket. afford
She never took a taxi, even though she could afford to. afford
After you with the paper (= Can I have it next?). after
I could come next week, or the week after. after
Could you say it again, please? again
It'll probably take ages to find a parking space. age
You can book at your local travel agency. agency
agree on sth: Can we agree on a date? agree
Can we agree a price? agree
agree (that)...: She agreed (that) I could go early. agree
Your work is all right but I'm sure you could do better. all right
Are you sure it's all right for me to leave early? all right
'Can you do it?' 'Oh, all right.' all right
Nothing can alter the fact that we are to blame. alter
We can have the dress altered to fit you. alter
You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two alternatives. alternative
The agency will make travel arrangements for you. Alternatively, you can organize your own transport. alternatively
it amazes sb that.../to see, find, learn, etc.: It amazed her that he could be so calm at such a time. amaze
amuse yourself: I'm sure I'll be able to amuse myself for a few hours. amuse
Playing with water can keep children amused for hours. keep sb amused
You can ask for a chemical analysis of your tap water. analysis
Can he read and write? and
You can look at the issue from many different angles. angle
We can try that—but whether it'll work is another matter. another
This could be the answer to all our problems. answer
anticipate sth: We need someone who can anticipate and respond to changes in the fashion industry. anticipate
Is there anybody who can help me? anybody
Anybody can use the pool—you don't need to be a member. anybody
Anybody can see that it's wrong. anyone
The exercises are so simple that almost anyone can do them. anyone
An accident can happen anywhere. anywhere
Do you know anywhere I can buy a second-hand computer? anywhere
Judging by appearances can be misleading. appearance
To all appearances (= as far as people could tell) he was dead. appearance
The invention would have a wide range of applications in industry. application
apply sth to sb/sth: The word 'unexciting' could never be applied to her novels. apply
I would appreciate any comments you might have. appreciate
Now that the problem has been identified, appropriate action can be taken. appropriate
It could be argued that laws are made by and for men. argue
He held the dirty rag at arm's length (= as far away from his body as possible). arm
I could hear laughter all around. around
Can I arrange an appointment for Monday? arrange
arrange that...: I've arranged that we can borrow their car. arrange
We can come to an arrangement over the price. arrangement
arrangement with sb (to do sth): You can cash cheques here by prior arrangement with the bank. arrangement
arrest sb for doing sth: You could get arrested for doing that. arrest
Can we call television art? art
Her performance displayed great art. art
You can use that glass as a vase. as
She may need some help as she's new. as
ask sb if, whether, etc...: She asked her boss whether she could have the day off. ask
ask whether, what, etc...: I asked whether they could change my ticket. ask
ask sb whether, what, etc...: She asked me if I would give her English lessons. ask
ask sth of sb: Can I ask a favour of you? ask
ask sb sth: Can I ask you a favour? ask
ask sth: Can I ask a question? ask
I was asked if/whether I could drive. ask
Anyone willing to assist can contact this number. assist
Can I be of any assistance? assistance
He can walk only with the assistance of crutches. assistance
Maybe one of our assistants can help you make your choice? assistant
assume (that)...: It is reasonable to assume (that) the economy will continue to improve. assume
We were assured that everything possible was being done. assure
She's perfectly safe, I can assure you. assure
I won't let you down, I can assure you of that. assure
At night you can see the stars. at
Can you read a car number plate at fifty metres? at
You can reach me at 637-2335, extension 354. at
Can I have your attention please? attention
A lot of drivers have a serious attitude problem (= they do not behave in a way that is acceptable to other people). attitude
They are able to offer attractive career opportunities to graduates. attractive
avoid sth: The accident could have been avoided. avoid
I was finding it hard to stay awake. awake
We could only get seats at the back (= of the room). back
Could you call back later, please? back
Could you go back to the beginning of the story? back
There was a lot of background noise (= that you could hear, but were not listening to). background
Can you give me more background on the company? background
'Ambulance' is written backwards so you can read it in the mirror. backwards
Too bad every day can't be as good as this. too bad
balance (on sth): How long can you balance on one leg? balance
You can use our apartment as a base in New York. base
How can you bear to eat that stuff? bear
Could you give me a bed for the night (= somewhere to sleep)? bed
It may be many years before the situation improves. before
Contrary to popular belief (= in spite of what people may think), he was not responsible for the tragedy. belief
believe (that)...: Police believe (that) the man may be armed. believe
They need a leader they can believe in. believe in sb
I never thought I could make it as an actor, but my parents always believed in me. believe in sb
I could still see the airport buildings far below. below
Fifty pounds is the best I can offer you. best
The best we can hope for in the game is a draw. best
You can bet (that) the moment I sit down, the phone will ring. bet
Can you think of a better word than 'nice'? better
Do you really think we can take on the big boys (= compete with the most powerful people)? big
I can lend you fifty pounds, if you want. That should help a bit. bit
Can you move up a bit? bit
Dog bites can get infected. bite
to give blood (= to have blood taken from you so that it can be used in the medical treatment of other people) blood
You can take a boat trip along the coast. boat
a human/female/male/naked body body
body fat/weight/temperature/size/heat body
borrow sth: Can I borrow your umbrella? borrow
borrow sth from sb/sth: Members can borrow up to ten books from the library at any one time. borrow
I'll ask my boss if I can have the day off. boss
I feel safe as long as I can touch the bottom. bottom
Sentences can be broken up into clauses. break sth up
While there is breath left in my body, I will refuse. breath
Heavy (= loud) breathing was all I could hear. breathing
the education/defence budget (= the amount of money that can be spent on this) budget
I can smell something burning in the kitchen. burn
I'm afraid the doctor is busy at the moment. Can he call you back? busy
May I pay by cheque? by
Can you finish the work by five o'clock? by
I could tell by the look on her face that something terrible had happened. by
calculate that...: Conservationists calculate that hundreds of species could be lost in this area. calculate
I can run fast. can
Can you call back tomorrow? can
The stadium can be emptied in four minutes. can
She can speak Spanish. can
Can he cook? can
I could drive a car before I left school. can
She could feel a lump in her breast. can
I can hear music. can
You can take the car, if you want. can
Can I read your newspaper? can
Can I take you home? can
Can you help me with this box? can
Can you feed the cat, please? can
What can they be doing? can
Can he be serious? can
Where can she have put it? can
He can be very tactless sometimes. can
It can be quite cold here in winter. can
We can eat in a restaurant, if you like. can
I can take the car if necessary. can
Most skin cancers are completely curable. cancer
Where can I park the car? car
Payments can be made by cheque or in cash. cash
The results can be divided into three main categories. category
There was discussion about the fire and its likely cause. cause
Certain people might disagree with this. certain
'May I see your passport, Mr Scott?' 'Certainly.' certainly
When installing electrical equipment don't take any chances. A mistake could kill. chance
The car might break down but that's a chance we'll have to take. chance
change sth: Where can I change my traveller's cheques? change
change sth: Can you change a £20 note? change
Can we change seats? change
change sth with sb: Can I change seats with you? change
Could you give me change for a ten pound note (= coins or notes that are worth this amount)? change
Can you just listen for a change? change
charge sth up: The shaver can be charged up and used when travelling. charge
I'm sure I could buy this more cheaply somewhere else. cheaply
You can live very cheaply in Italy. cheaply
Could you give the tyres a check? check
I could cheerfully have killed him when he said that (= I would have liked to). cheerfully
You can obtain the product from all good chemists. chemist
chew (at/on/through sth): After the operation you may find it difficult to chew and swallow. chew
He had no choice but to leave (= this was the only thing he could do). choice
Employees can retire at 60 if they choose. choose
I know I can trust her in any circumstance. circumstance
You could have claimed the cost of the hotel room from your insurance. claim
claim (on sth) (for sth): You can claim on your insurance for that coat you left on the train. claim
You can make a claim on your insurance policy. claim
The novel may become a modern classic. classic
On a clear day you can see France. clear
The water was so clear we could see the bottom of the lake. clear
She was in Australia but I could hear her voice as clear as a bell. clear
Admitting her mistake may have been quite a clever move on her part. clever
We need to create a climate in which business can prosper. climate
Can you climb down? climb
The result is going to be too close to call (= either side may win). close
We tried to match the colours, but this is the closest we could get. close
This is the closest we can get to the beach by car. close
You'll catch your death of cold (= used to warn sb they could become ill if they do not keep warm in cold weather). cold
a colouring book (= with pictures that you can add colour to) colour
These paints can be used individually or in combination. combination
The question is bound to come up at the meeting. come up
With DVD, you can watch the latest movies in the comfort of your own home. comfort
You should be able to live comfortably on your allowance. comfortably
I don't feel I can comment on their decision. comment
You'd think he'd have the common courtesy to apologize (= this would be the polite behaviour that people would expect). common
You can draw comparisons with the situation in Ireland (= say how the two situations are similar). comparison
I can see no grounds for complaint. complaint
concentrate sth: Nothing concentrates the mind better than the knowledge that you could die tomorrow (= it makes you think very clearly). concentrate
To whom it may concern ... (= used for example, at the beginning of a public notice or of a job reference about sb's character and ability) concern
concerned (that)...: She was concerned that she might miss the turning and get lost. concerned
New evidence might lead to the conclusion that we are wrong. conclusion
We can safely draw some conclusions from our discussion. conclusion
Congress can impose strict conditions on the bank. condition
They could not say with confidence that he would be able to walk again after the accident. confidence
No one can predict with complete/total confidence what will happen in the financial markets. confidence
confirm what/when, etc...: Can you confirm what happened? confirm
A conflict between the two countries could easily spread across the whole region. conflict
This decision could have serious consequences for the industry. consequence
Have you considered the possible consequences? consequence
music which is accessible to an audience with extremely conservative tastes conservative
The company is being actively considered as a potential partner (= it is thought possible that it could become one). consider
consider how/what, etc...: We need to consider how the law might be reformed. consider
The bottle contains (= can hold) two litres. contain
His decision can only be understood in context. context
You should be able to guess the meaning of the word from the context. context
She will continue in her present job until a replacement can be found. continue
Recovery after the accident will be a continuous process that may take several months. continuous
Human error may have been a contributing factor. contribute
The Democrats will probably lose control of Congress. control
You can use a microwave or cook it in a conventional oven. conventional
Everything in the computer's memory can be copied onto DVDs. copy
Their eyesight can be corrected in just a few minutes by the use of a laser. correct
Such behaviour could cost you your place in the team. cost
Could I use your phone, please? could
Could we stop by next week? could
Could you babysit for us on Friday? could
I could do it now, if you like. could
Don't worry—they could have just forgotten to call. could
We could write a letter to the director. could
You could always try his home number. could
They could have let me know they were going to be late! could
count to/up to sth: She can count up to 10 in Italian. count
count doing sth: Few people can count on having a job for life. count on sb/sth
We can do it in the next couple of weeks. couple
Do you need any more glasses? I've got a couple I can lend you. a couple
'Can I come, too?' 'Course you can.' of course
'Can I have one of those pens?' 'Of course—help yourself.' of course
Files can be lost if the system suddenly crashes. crash
Are you crazy? We could get killed doing that. crazy
I know it sounds crazy but it just might work. crazy
In times of crisis I know which friends I can turn to. crisis
Will you be able to cure him, Doctor? cure
TB is a serious illness, but it can be cured. cure
There is no known cure but the illness can be treated. cure
cut sth (from...) (to...): Could you cut your essay from 5 000 to 3 000 words? cut
Your hair could do with a cut (= it is too long). cut
This could cause serious damage to the country's economy. damage
animals that can see in the dark dark
The details can be added at a later date. date
We can't go there today. You can go another day. day
I could sit and watch the river all day long. day
Nocturnal animals sleep by day and hunt by night. day
Though the idea may be dead, it is far from being buried (= people still talk about it, even though there is nothing new to say). dead
decide sth: We might be hiring more people but nothing has been decided yet. decide
What points can be raised in defence of this argument? defence
The body has natural defence mechanisms to protect it from disease. defence
defend sth: How can you defend such behaviour? defend
Can you give me a definite answer by tomorrow? definite
I'm not sure—I can find out for definite if you like. definite
The date of the move has not been definitely decided yet (= it may change). definitely
To what degree can parents be held responsible for a child's behaviour? degree
What could have delayed him? delay
'Can you stay for dinner?' 'I'd be delighted (to)!' delighted
delighted that...: I was delighted that you could stay. delighted
When can you take delivery of (= be available to receive) the car? delivery
There's no denying (the fact) that quicker action could have saved them. deny
He was the sort of person you could depend on. depend on/upon sb/sth
depend sb/sth to do sth: He knew he could depend upon her to deal with the situation. depend on/upon sb/sth
Depend upon it (= you can be sure) we won't give up. depend on/upon sb/sth
depend sb/sth doing sth: Can we depend on you coming in on Sunday? depend on/upon sb/sth
You can depend on his coming in on Sunday. depend on/upon sb/sth
depend sb/sth to do sth: You can depend on her to be (= she always is) late. depend on/upon sb/sth
'Is he coming?' 'That depends. He may not have the time.' that depends, it (all) depends
I don't know if we can help—it all depends. that depends, it (all) depends
I might not go. It depends how tired I am. that depends, it (all) depends
Looking for a job these days can be very depressing. depressing
Many dolphins can dive to depths of 200 metres. depth
describe sb/sth (to/for sb): Can you describe him to me? describe
design sb sth: Could you design us a poster? design
The dessert can be topped with cream, if desired (= if you like). desire
I could only devote two hours a day to the work. devote sth to sth
I can never tell the difference (= distinguish) between the twins difference
Boys and girls may behave differently. differently
There's a direct train to Leeds (= it may stop at other stations but you do not have to change trains). direct
Could you direct me to the station? direct
I can never find a pen in this house. They disappear as soon as I buy them. disappear
disappointed (in/with sb/sth): I'm disappointed in you—I really thought I could trust you! disappointed
Letting her organize the party is a recipe for disaster (= something that is likely to go badly wrong). disaster
The discovery of a child's body in the river has shocked the community. discovery
an infectious/contagious disease (= one that can be passed to sb very easily) disease
disgust (for sb): I can only feel disgust for these criminals. disgust
I can recommend the chef's dish of the day. dish
dismiss sb/sth: I think we can safely dismiss their objections. dismiss
The beach is within walking distance of my house (= you can walk there easily). distance
distinguish between A and B: At what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong? distinguish
We can distinguish five meanings of the word 'mad'. distinguish
I'm sorry to disturb you, but can I talk to you for a moment? disturb
divide sth (up) (into sth): A sentence can be divided up into meaningful segments. divide
Can it ever be right to divide a mother from her child? divide
We will do what we can to help. do
There's nothing we can do about it (= we can't change the situation). do
What can I do for you (= how can I help)? do
do doing sth: I could have done without being (= I wish I had not been) woken up at three in the morning. do without (sb/sth)
I could hear a dog barking. dog
'Can I help you?' asked the man at the door. door
The prosecution was able to establish beyond reasonable doubt that the woman had been lying. beyond (any) doubt
It may be all right. Personally, I have my doubts. have your doubts (about sth)
Events could have developed in a dramatically different way. dramatically
I tried to draw him aside (= for example where I could talk to him privately). draw
Can I have a drink? drink
Can you drive? drive
Could you drive me home? drive
Could I have a drop more milk in my coffee, please? drop
Hot sun and cold winds can soon dry out your skin. dry out, dry sth out
I'll wash and you can dry up. dry up, dry sth up
Life in a small town could be deadly dull. dull
dust sth: Could you dust the sitting room? dust
We can wear each other's clothes. each other
The earliest possible date I can make it is the third. early
You could feel the earth shake as the truck came closer. earth
All important points are numbered for ease of reference (= so that you can find them easily). ease
I can easily finish it tonight. easily
Modern farming methods can have an adverse effect on the environment. effect
I can certainly feel the effects of too many late nights. effect
Long prison sentences can be a very effective deterrent for offenders. effective
As we get older, our bodies become less efficient at burning up calories. efficient
You can park on either side of the street. either
You can keep one of the photos. Either of them—whichever you like. either
Yes I did give it to her. What else could I do? else
It can be embarrassing for children to tell complete strangers about such incidents. embarrassing
The report is likely to prove highly embarrassing to the government. embarrassing
'I can assure you,' she added with emphasis, 'the figures are correct.' emphasis
a new programme to enable older people to study at college enable
enable sth to do sth: Insulin enables the body to use and store sugar. enable
I've had a number of close encounters (= situations that could have been dangerous) with bad drivers. encounter
He needs all the support and encouragement he can get. encouragement
This latest attack could spell the end of the peace process. end
You can try your best to impress the interviewers but in the end it's often just a question of luck. in the end
Where did the bullet enter the body? enter
An unhappy home environment can affect a child's behaviour. environment
This job could be done equally well by a computer. equally
She may have arrived late or it is equally possible that she never went there at all. equally
I can give you a rough estimate of the amount of wood you will need. estimate
Even a child can understand it (= so adults certainly can). even
I like her, even though she can be annoying at times. even if/though
The decisions we take now may influence the course of events (= the way things happen) in the future. event
In the normal course of events (= if things had happened as expected) she would have gone with him. event
I could hear every word they said. every
examine how, what, etc...: It is necessary to examine how the proposals can be carried out. examine
Can you give me an example of what you mean? example
example (of sth): She is a shining example of what people with disabilities can achieve. example
It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects, for example Physics. for example
You can all come? Excellent! excellent
Where can I find the best exchange rate / rate of exchange? exchange
exchange A for B: You can exchange your currency for dollars in the hotel. exchange
You might be excused for thinking that Ben is in charge (= he is not, but it is an easy mistake to make). excuse
Nothing can excuse such rudeness. excuse
Excuse me, could you let me through? excuse me
an exit wound (= where a bullet that has entered sb's body comes out again) exit
Can I give you something towards expenses? expense
You can claim back your travelling/travel expenses. expense
Making the wrong decision could prove expensive. expensive
Experience has taught me that life can be very unfair. experience
Facts can be established by observation and experiment. experiment
Can you explain how the email system works? explain
Could you explain yourself a little more—I didn't understand. explain yourself
explanation (for sth): I can't think of any possible explanation for his absence. explanation
You could be exposing yourself to unnecessary risks when driving alone. expose
She expresses herself most fully in her paintings. express
Careful maintenance can extend the life of your car. extend
Can I have extension 4332 please? extension
Metallic paint is an optional extra (= a thing you can choose to have or not, but must pay more for if you have it). extra
I would be extremely grateful if you could have a word with her. extremely
I could no longer ignore the fact that he was deeply unhappy. fact
The report is based on hard facts (= information that can be proved to be true). fact
We could hear their voices growing fainter as they walked down the road. faint
There is still a faint hope that she may be cured. faint
I'm fairly certain I can do the job. fairly
Her attitude could fairly be described as hostile. fairly
How far can we trust him? far
I'm not sure I can walk so far. far
She lived in Chicago, as far as I can remember. as far as I know, as far as I can remember, see, tell, etc.
As far as I am concerned, you can do what you like. as/so far as I am concerned
a competition to see who could throw (the) farthest farthest
excess body fat fat
Could you do me a favour and pick up Sam from school today? favour
Can I ask a favour? favour
I had to run away for fear (that) he might one day kill me. for fear of sth/of doing sth, for fear (that)...
it is feared (that)...: It is feared (that) he may have been kidnapped. fear
fear (that)...: She feared (that) he might be dead. fear
I feel I could continue playing until I am 35. feel
It feels like rain (= seems likely to rain). feel
feel sth: I could feel the warm sun on my back. feel
She could feel herself blushing. feel
Can you feel the tension in this room? feel
fetch sb sth: Could you fetch me my bag? fetch
You can pass with as few as 25 points. few
Could you give me a few more details? few
A Disney film can always fill cinemas (= attract a lot of people to see it). fill
No one could have predicted the final outcome. final
The project will only go ahead if they can raise the necessary finance. finance
find sth + adj.: You may find your illness hard to accept. find
You may find it hard to accept your illness. find
find sth for sb: Can you find a hotel for me? find
find sb sth: Can you find me a hotel? find
find sth for sb: Can you find my bag for me? find
find sb sth: Can you find me my bag? find
find what, when, etc...: Can you find out what time the meeting starts? find out (about sth/sb), find out sth (about sth/sb)
'Bob wants to know if he can come too.''That's fine by me.' fine
'Can I get you another drink?' 'No, thanks. I'm fine.' fine
We might as well finish up the cake. finish
No building can stand without firm foundations, and neither can a marriage. firm
'I can manage,' she said firmly. firmly
I'd be the first to admit (= I will most willingly admit) I might be wrong. first
In the pool she could see little silvery fish darting around. fish
fish for sth: You can fish for trout in this stream. fish
The car won't start—can you fix it? fix
The bird is easily recognized in flight (= when it is flying) by the black band at the end of its tail. flight
If we leave now, I can catch the earlier flight. flight
Can you float on your back? float
flood sth: If the pipe bursts it could flood the whole house. flood
The body was lying on the kitchen floor. floor
This can prevent air from flowing freely to the lungs. flow
fold sth (away/down/up): The bed can be folded away during the day. fold
What can I do for you (= how can I help you)? for
Can you translate this letter for me? for
You could tell she was foreign by the way she dressed. foreign
Could you possibly forget about work for five minutes? forget
Who could forget his speech at last year's party? forget
The disease can take several different forms. form
Games can help children learn to form letters. form
She has a very formal manner, which can seem unfriendly. formal
The former option would be much more sensible. former
'Can I use the phone?' 'Please, feel free (= of course you can use it).' free
These exercises help free the body of tension. free
Enjoy the freedom of the outdoors (= where you can do what you want). freedom
EU citizens can now travel freely between member states. freely
When the gate is raised, the water can flow freely. freely
Once into the open street they could breathe more freely. freely
For the first time he was able to speak freely without the fear of reprisals against his family. freely
Can you freeze this cake? freeze
It may freeze tonight, so bring those plants inside. freeze
The winds are likely to get fresher towards the end of the day. fresh
Could we order some fresh coffee? fresh
This dessert can be served straight from the fridge. fridge
Simon finds it hard to make friends with other children. be/make friends (with sb)
It's frightening to think it could happen again. frightening
You can see the island from here. from
You can tell a lot about a person from their handwriting. from
From now on you can work on your own. from... on
She could only nod, because her mouth was full. full
The whole family can join in the fun at Water World. fun
bodily functions (= for example eating, sex, using the toilet) function
I need money to be able to function as an artist. function as sb/sth
I'm short of funds at the moment—can I pay you back next week? fund
It's not funny! Someone could have been hurt. funny
Can you stand a bit further away? further
Nothing could be further from the truth. further
The exchange rate is likely to fall in the near future (= soon). future
This deal could safeguard the futures of the 2 000 employees. future
gain (by/from sth): Who stands to gain from this decision? gain
Can you all gather round? I've got something to tell you. gather
Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears. gear
As a general rule (= usually) he did what he could to be helpful. general
Ladies and gentlemen! Can I have your attention, please? gentleman
Can I help you, gentlemen? gentleman
Only genuine refugees can apply for asylum. genuine
get sb/sth to do sth: I couldn't get the car to start this morning. get
I wouldn't go there alone; you might get (= be) mugged. get
You can get the basic model for $100. get
get doing sth: I wish I could get out of going to that meeting. get out of sth
We can get on perfectly well without her. get on
get doing sth: Nobody gets away with insulting me like that. get away with sth
I can just about get by in German (= I can speak basic German). get by (on/in/with sth)
A good lawyer might be able to get you off. get off (with sth), get sb off (with sth)
I think the problem can be got over without too much difficulty. get over sth
A clever lawyer might find a way of getting round that clause. get round/around sth
Could you get me up at 6.30 tomorrow? get up, get sb up
She can pick up a tune instantly on the piano. It's a gift. gift
We'll give you all the help we can (= help you in every way we can). give
Can I give you a ride to the station? give
Could you give me back my pen? give sb back sth, give sth back (to sb)
Could you give me my pen back? give sb back sth, give sth back (to sb)
Could we go through (= practise) Act 2 once more? go through sth
Certain formalities have to be gone through before you can emigrate. go through sth
+ speech: 'You know,' he went on, 'I think my brother could help you.' go on
Can I go back to what you said at the beginning of the meeting? go back (to sth)
'May I start now?' 'Yes, go ahead.' go ahead (with sth)
How long can a human being go (= survive) without sleep? go without (sth)
good for sb: Can we change our meeting? Monday isn't good (= convenient) for me. good
It's probably good for you to get some criticism now and then. good
Can you speak into my good ear? good
You can stay up late if you're good. good
She's good with her hands (= able to make things, etc.). good
We would be grateful for any information you can give us. grateful
I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible. grateful
We can make this country great again. great
You're on dangerous ground (= talking about ideas that are likely to offend sb or make people angry) if you criticize his family. ground
guess at sth: We can only guess at her reasons for leaving. guess
guess where, who, etc...: Can you guess where I've been? guess
guess sth: Can you guess his age? guess
body/facial/pubic hair hair
Could you hand these books out, please? hand sth out (to sb)
I wasn't sure if I could handle such a powerful car. handle
We can handle up to 500 calls an hour at our new offices. handle
At that time you could hang for stealing. hang
I think we can manage quite happily on our own. happily
happy (that)...: I'm happy (that) you could come. happy
It's hard to see how they can lose. hard
'When will the job be finished?' 'It's hard to say.' (= it is difficult to be certain) hard
We're finding reliable staff hard to come by (= difficult to get). hard
I could hardly believe it when I read the letter. hardly
He is hardly likely to admit he was wrong. hardly
You can hardly expect her to do it for free. hardly
He may say no, but there's no harm in asking. there is no harm in (sb's) doing sth, it does no harm (for sb) to do sth
Pollution can harm marine life. harm
harmful to sb/sth: Fruit juices can be harmful to children's teeth. harmful
Can I have the bill, please? have
You can have your files back after we've checked them. have sth back
Can you forecast where the economy is heading? head
Smoking can seriously damage your health. health
hear sb/sth doing sth: He could hear a dog barking. hear
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest (= because of excitement, etc.). heart
He could feel the heat of the sun on his back. heat
The penalty for speeding can be a heavy fine. heavy
The pattern of the ancient fields is clearly visible from a height. height
You can adjust the height of the chair. height
help yourself/sb to sth: Can I help you to some more salad? help
help (sb) in doing sth: I need contacts that could help in finding a job. help
It helped being able to talk about it. help
He never does more work than he can help (= he does as little as possible). sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
She won't be invited again, not if I can help it (= if I can do anything to prevent it). sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
With the help of a ladder, neighbours were able to rescue the children from the blaze. help
Can I be of any help to you? help
None of this would have been possible without their help. help
You may find it helpful to read this before making any decisions. helpful
The manager will be free soon—you can wait for her here. her
No amount of make-up could hide her age. hide
It is highly unlikely that she'll be late. highly
We can hold your reservation for three days. hold
Can you hold on? I'll see if he's here. hold on
I'm just going to answer all the questions I can and hope for the best. hope for the best
Don't raise your hopes too high, or you may be disappointed. hope
To his horror, he could feel himself starting to cry (= it upset him very much). horror
You can make a curry hotter simply by adding chillies. hot
Clients can now contact us by email out of hours (= when the office is closed). hour
the human body/brain human
Dogs can hear much better than humans. human
The whole idea of going was so that we could meet her new boyfriend. idea
It might be an idea (= it would be sensible) to try again later. idea
identify sb/sth as sb/sth: The bodies were identified as those of two suspected drug dealers. identify
identify sb/sth: She was able to identify her attacker. identify
If necessary I can come at once. if
You can stay for the weekend if you like. if
Listen to the tune and see if you can remember the words. if
She was no longer able to distinguish between imagination and reality. imagination
With a little imagination, you could turn this place into a palace. imagination
imagine what, how, etc...: Can you imagine what it must be like to lose your job after 20 years? imagine
imagine sb/sth doing sth: I can just imagine him saying that! imagine
imagine (sb + adj./noun): I can imagine him really angry. imagine
'He was furious.' 'I can imagine.' imagine
'Can we still buy tickets for the concert?' 'I imagine so.' imagine
The point of my question may not be immediately apparent. immediately
She learnt to drive in three weeks (= after three weeks she could drive). in
indicate how, what etc...: Our results indicate how misleading it could be to rely on this method. indicate
Many herbs can be grown indoors. indoors
influence (with sb): She could probably exert her influence with the manager and get you a job. influence
influence how, whether, etc...: The wording of questions can influence how people answer. influence
This could seriously injure the company's reputation. injure
Now I can walk to work instead of going by car. instead of
Can you claim for the loss on your insurance? insurance
Could I interest you in this model, Sir? interest sb in sth
You can buy our goods over the Internet. Internet
interpret sth: The data can be interpreted in many different ways. interpret
Dreams are open to interpretation (= they can be explained in different ways). interpretation
The interval between major earthquakes might be 200 years. interval
The fruit can be made into jam. into
Can you translate this passage into German? into
May I introduce my first guest on the show tonight... introduce
introduce sb: Can I introduce my wife? introduce
introduce yourself (to sb): Can I introduce myself? I'm Helen Robins. introduce
investigate sth: Police are investigating possible links between the murders. investigate
Some drugs can irritate the lining of the stomach. irritate
No place on the planet can remain an island of affluence in a sea of suffering. island
If it's convenient I can come tomorrow. it
Can I pay for each item separately? item
joke about sth: They often joked about all the things that could go wrong. joke
As far as I can judge, all of them are to blame. judge
It's not something I can give you rules for; you'll have to use your judgement. judgement
jump sth: Can you jump that gate? jump
You can get there just as cheaply by plane. just
There is just one method that might work. just
'Can I help you?' 'No thanks, I'm just looking.' (= in a shop/store) just
Who can deny the justice of their cause? justice
justify (sb/sth) doing sth: How can they justify paying such huge salaries? justify
Keep a note of where each item can be found. keep
Can you keep a secret? keep
If you do not keep up with the payments you could lose your home. keep up with sth
key (to doing sth): The driver of the car probably holds the key to solving the crime. key
The key is, how long can the federal government control the inflation rate? key
His contribution could be key. key
Don't kill yourself trying to get the work done by tomorrow. It can wait. kill
Tiredness while driving can kill. kill
I had a kind of feeling this might happen. a kind of
An award can be the kiss of death for a writer. the kiss of death
Knowing Ben, we could be waiting a long time (= it is typical of him to be late). know
The new rules could mean the end of football as we know it (= in the form that we are familiar with). know
know (that)...: He knew (that) he could trust her. know
I don't know that I can finish it by next week. know
it is known that...: It is widely known that CFCs can damage the ozone layer. know
God knows what else they might find. God/goodness/Heaven knows
I don't know if I can come, but I'll let you know tomorrow. let sb know
Let me know how I can help. let sb know
They could relax safe in the knowledge that they had the funding for the project. knowledge
Repairs involve skilled labour, which can be expensive. labour
Can I take your coats, ladies? lady
Could I have your attention, ladies and gentlemen? lady
We can expect changes in the political landscape. landscape
bad/foul/strong language (= words that people may consider offensive) language
last (out): Can you last (out) until I can get help? last
What is the latest time I can have an appointment? late
Can I stay up late tonight? late
Defence attorneys can use any means within the law to get their client off. law
Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems. lead
If we look at the league table we can see Bolton are bottom with 21 points. league
Can I lean my bike against the wall? lean
learn sth from doing sth: You can learn a great deal just from watching other players. learn
She may be slow but at least she's reliable. at least
You could at least listen to what he says. at least
leave sb/sth + adv./prep.: You can leave the cooking to me. leave
Leave it with me—I'm sure I can sort it out. leave
'Where shall we eat?' 'I'll leave it entirely (up) to you (= you can decide).' leave
Twist your body to the left, then to the right. left
The driver was more than three times over the legal limit (= the amount of alcohol you are allowed to have in your body when you are driving). legal
lend sb sth: Can you lend me your car this evening? lend
Other countries can teach us a lesson or two on industrial policy. lesson
Let your body relax. let
I'll give you a key so that you can let yourself in. let
Fables can be understood on various levels. level
licensing hours (= the times when alcohol can be sold at a pub, etc.) license
Don't leave toys lying around—someone might trip over them. lie around
In London life can be hard. life
Life can be difficult when you move to a new town. life
They could see that the company had a limited life (= it was going to close). life
The body was cold and showed no signs of life. life
My father died last year—I wish I could bring him back to life. life
Could I have a lift into town? lift
She could just see by the light of the candle. light
Bring it into the light so I can see it. light
You are probably well enough to take a little light exercise. light
That sounds like (= I think I can hear) him coming now. like
You can dye your hair whatever colour you like. like
How can they afford it? That's what I'd like to know. like
If you like, we could go out this evening. if you like
likely (to do sth): Tickets are likely to be expensive. likely
They might refuse to let us do it, but it's hardly likely. likely
There is a limit to the amount of pain we can bear. limit
I can only remember the first two lines of that song. line
Police suspect there may be a link between the two murders. link
link A and B (together): When computers are networked, they are linked together so that information can be transferred between them. link
If you have any spare milk, could you give me a little? little
Spiders can live for several days without food. live
Can you help me load the dishwasher? load
This may take longer than we thought. long
If you look carefully you can just see our house from here. look
Don't worry about me—I can look after myself (= I don't need any help). look after yourself/sb/sth
Can you look up the opening times on the website? look sth up
Looks can be deceptive. look
Economic growth can be loosely defined as an increase in GDP. loosely
'Can I get you anything?' 'A cup of tea would be lovely.' lovely
Can you turn the music lower—you'll wake the baby. low
You can think yourself lucky you didn't get mugged. lucky
It was lucky for us that we were able to go. lucky
She has a fine pair of lungs! (= she can sing or shout loudly) lung
Like all truly charismatic people, he can work his magic on both men and women. magic
He's returning to the team this season, hoping that the old magic can be made to work once more. magic
mail sb sth: Can you mail me that document you mentioned? mail
Can you make yourself understood in Russian? make
Nothing can make up for the loss of a child. make up for sth
How can I make up for the way I've treated you? make up (to sb) for sth
The body is that of a white male aged about 40. male
Can you manage that suitcase? manage
Let's meet up again—can you manage next week sometime? manage
Can you manage another piece of cake? (= eat one) manage
How did you manage to persuade him? manage
'Need any help?' 'No, thanks. I can manage.' manage
She could at least have the good manners to let me know she won't be able to attend. manner
It is now possible to map the different functions of the brain. map
The cross marks the spot where the body was found. mark
mark A (with B): Items marked with an asterisk can be omitted. mark
'I think this is the best so far.' 'Well, that's a matter of opinion (= other people may think differently). matter
She may need your help with some business matters. matter
Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to improve matters. matter
I know which area they live in, but whether I can find their house is a different matter. be another/a different matter
What is the absolute maximum you can afford to pay? maximum
That may or may not be true. may
He may have (= perhaps he has) missed his train. may
They may well win. may
There is a range of programs on the market which may be described as design aids. may
He may be a good father but he's a terrible husband. may
May I come in? may
You may come in if you wish. may
It will cost two, maybe three hundred pounds. maybe
We go there maybe once or twice a month. maybe
I thought maybe we could go together. maybe
Maybe we can meet for lunch next week sometime. maybe
Stress can be extremely damaging to your health. Exercise, meanwhile, can reduce its effects. meanwhile
Do you know your measurements (= the size of parts of your body)? measurement
A T-shirt can be an excellent medium for getting your message across. medium
I'll be in a meeting all morning—can you take my calls? meeting
She can recite the whole poem from memory. memory
Are you sure? Memory can play tricks on you. memory
This hasn't happened in living memory (= nobody alive now can remember it happening). memory
The analysis of dreams can reveal details of a person's mental state. mental
Jenny's not here at the moment. Can I take a message? message
He said he might come tomorrow. might
He might get there in time, but I can't be sure. might
The pills might have helped him, if only he'd taken them regularly. might
He might say that now (= it is true that he does), but he can soon change his mind. might
You might try calling the help desk. might
I thought we might go to the zoo on Saturday. might
Might I use your phone? might
If I might just say something... might
We may have to take military action. military
As for avoiding you, nothing could be further from my mind (= I was not thinking of it at all). mind
Have you broken it? Never mind, we can buy another one. never mind
Can you read that form carefully, if you wouldn't mind, and then sign it. if you don't mind, if you wouldn't mind
There may be some minor changes to the schedule. minor
Could I see you for a minute? minute
a rear-view mirror (= in a car, so that the driver can see what is behind) mirror
I told her my secret in the mistaken belief that I could trust her. mistaken
mix sth: With this range of paints, you can mix your own colours. mix
Shakespeare's language can be a problem for modern readers. modern
Could you wait a moment, please? moment
Can you lend me some money until tomorrow? money
Where can I change my money into dollars? money
There's no moon tonight (= no moon can be seen). moon
By the light of the moon I could just make out shapes and outlines. moon
Could you repeat that once more (= one more time)? more
She could earn $200 a night, more or less. more or less
No dessert for me, thanks. It was as much as I could do to finish the main course. as much as sb can do
He felt every muscle in his body tighten. muscle
She could hear music playing somewhere. music
Can you read music (= understand the signs in order to play or sing a piece of music)? music
Can you name all the American states? name
When body temperature is beginning to fall there is a natural tendency to fall asleep. natural
It may be necessary to buy a new one. necessary
If necessary, you can contact me at home. necessary
Changes can easily be made where necessary. necessary
Don't go—I might need you. need
What do you need your own computer for? You can use ours. need
Every nerve in her body was tense. nerve
The horse may be nervous of cars. nervous
Someone might find out, and that would never do (= that is not acceptable). never
Can you put the news on? news
nice (that...): It's nice that you can come with us. nice
If you ask her nicely she might say yes. nicely
I can't wait for this nonsense to end so that we can all be friends again. nonsense
He should be able to lead a perfectly normal life. normal
'Can I throw this out?' 'Certainly not.' not
Can I borrow your lecture notes? note
There's nothing you can do to help. nothing
Nothing but a miracle can save her now. nothing but
Prices may be altered without notice. notice
I could give you any number of (= a lot of) reasons for not going. number
an observation post/tower (= a place from where sb, especially an enemy, can be watched) observation
I finally managed to obtain a copy of the report. obtain
Further details can be obtained by writing to the above address. obtain
I may be stating the obvious but without more money the project cannot survive. obvious
'I didn't realise it was a formal occasion.' 'Obviously!' (= I can see by the way you are dressed) obviously
I can remember very few occasions when he had to cancel because of ill health. occasion
This type of allergy can very occasionally be fatal. occasionally
They are both comfortably off (= have enough money to be able to buy what they want without worrying too much about the cost). be well/better/badly, etc. off
a capital offence (= one for which sb may be punished by death) offence
The photo may cause offence to some people. offence
The programme contains language which some viewers may find offensive. offensive
Oh, Sue! Could you help me a moment? oh
Is it OK for me to come too? OK
You can get me on 020 7946 0887. on
There's only one thing we can do. one
He's the one person I can trust. one
I'd love to come—the only thing is I might be late. the only thing is...
We can only guess what happened. only
He could only watch helplessly as the car plunged into the ravine. only
driving along the open road (= part of a road in the country, where you can drive fast) open
We could see the stars through an opening in the roof. opening
Can you talk openly about sex with your parents? openly
The men in prison would never cry openly (= so that other people could see). openly
Solar panels can only operate in sunlight. operate
Some people can only operate well under pressure. operate
I could see smoke coming from the windows of the house directly opposite. opposite
This particular model comes with a wide range of options (= things you can choose to have when buying sth but which you will have to pay extra for). option
It can be black, white or grey. or
These items can be made to order (= produced especially for a particular customer) order
Dogs can be trained to obey orders. order
Interest rates can be controlled by order of the central bank. order
All those concerned must work together in order that agreement can be reached on this issue. in order that
order sth (from sb): These boots can be ordered direct from the manufacturer. order
I'll invite people if you can organize food and drinks. organize
Modern computers can organize large amounts of data very quickly. organize
At that price, you could have bought an original! original
Children ought to be able to read by the age of 7. ought to
The seeds may be sown outdoors in the spring. outdoors
At last we could see the dim outline of an island. outline
You can park your car outside our house. outside
You may do as you wish outside working hours. outside
Your day off is your own (= you can spend it as you wish). own
You can buy the envelopes in packs of ten. pack
Attractive packaging can help to sell products. packaging
Applying for jobs can be a long and painful process. painful
Experience is more important for this job than paper qualifications (= that exist on paper, but may not have any real value). paper
paper losses/profits (= that are shown in accounts but which may not exist in reality) paper
It can be difficult to be a good parent. parent
The procedure can be divided into two parts. part
Can you pass these pictures around for everyone to look at, please? pass sth around/round
From past experience I'd say he'd probably forgotten the time. past
David waited for a pause in the conversation so he could ask his question. pause
You can pay back the loan over a period of three years. pay sb back (sth), pay sth back (to sb)
A computer can perform many tasks at once. perform
If Rooney performs (= performs well) then I believe England can win. perform
a change which could affect perhaps 20% of the population perhaps
'You could do it yourself.' 'Yeah, perhaps.' perhaps
You can have it for a trial period (= in order to test it). period
There are likely to be tensions and personality clashes in any social group. personality
Can you get these photocopied for me by 5 o'clock? photocopy
I felt physically sick before the exam. physically
Try to be as physically active as possible. physically
We were able to pick up the BBC World Service. pick sb/sth up
pile B on(to) A: He piled as much food as he could onto his plate. pile
Insulation may reduce the danger of pipes bursting in winter. pipe
I could only feel pity for what they were enduring. pity
Would you like to change places with me so you can see better? place
You can use milk in place of cream in this recipe. in place of sb/sth, in sb's/sth's place
We may never discover what took place that night. take place
'Can I help you?' he asked pleasantly. pleasantly
Please could I leave early today? please
We are always pleased to be able to help. pleased
'May I sit here?' 'Yes, with pleasure.' with pleasure
The plus side of working at home is that you can be more flexible. plus
Can you explain that point again? point
I wish he would get to the point (= say it quickly). point
The body was lying in a pool of blood. pool
port of entry (= a place where people or goods can enter a country) port
It is possible to get there by bus. possible
Would it be possible for me to leave a message for her? possible
Try to avoid losing your temper if at all possible (= if you can). possible
Use public transport whenever possible (= when you can). possible
We spent every possible moment on the beach. possible
The doctors did all that was humanly possible to save him. possible
the possible side effects of the drug possible
It's just possible that I gave them the wrong directions. possible
'Do you think he'll resign?' 'Anything's possible where he's concerned.' possible
'You might be wrong, of course!' 'It's possible, but I doubt it.' possible
Please suggest possible ways in which you would improve the existing program. possible
It was possibly their worst performance ever. possibly
She found it difficult to get on with her, possibly because of the difference in their ages. possibly
'I'm sure he didn't mean to be rude.' 'Quite possibly (= you may be right), but the damage has been done.' possibly
How could you possibly think that I had anything to do with it! possibly
Could you possibly open that window? possibly
They tried everything they possibly could to improve the situation. possibly
We don't want these rumours to spread if we can possibly avoid it. possibly
Could you post this letter for me? post
You can buy your stamps at the post office. post office
The drug may affect your powers of concentration. power
to have sb in your power (= to be able to do what you like with sb) power
Television may have a powerful influence on children. powerful
a powerful body powerful
Can you give a more precise definition of the word? precise
I can be reasonably precise about the time of the incident. precise
Doctors found it hard to establish the precise nature of her illness. precise
Nobody could predict the outcome. predict
No alcohol may be consumed on the premises. premises
The test can identify the presence of abnormalities in the unborn child. presence
What can I get him for a birthday present? present
press against sth: His body was pressing against hers. press
You need to be able to handle pressure in this job. pressure
How can anyone enjoy the pressures of city life? pressure
Teenagers may find it difficult to resist peer pressure. pressure
prevent sth/sb: The accident could have been prevented. prevent
Can you give me a price for the work (= tell me how much you will charge)? price
In principle there is nothing that a human can do that a machine might not be able to do one day. in principle
Can we speak privately? privately
Is there somewhere we can discuss this in private? in private
the probable cause/explanation/outcome probable
highly/quite/most probable probable
It is probable that the disease has a genetic element. probable
It'll probably be OK. probably
As you probably know, I'm going to be changing jobs soon. probably
The two cases are most probably connected. probably
'Can I pay by credit card?' 'Yes, no problem.' no problem
We should be able to sell the house at a profit. profit
Cases can take months to progress through the courts. progress
I'll see what I can do but I can't promise anything. promise
Very few people can pronounce my name correctly. pronounce
proof of sth: Can you provide any proof of identity? proof
He was afraid that if he proposed she might refuse. propose
She was too proud to admit she could be wrong. proud
His lack of experience may prove a problem in a crisis. prove
it is proved that...: Can it be proved that he did commit these offences? prove
Provided that you have the money in your account, you can withdraw up to £100 a day. provided
This may be the band's last public appearance together. public
the public purse (= the money that the government can spend) public
Levels of waste from the factory may be a danger to public health. public
The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier. purchase
This development could push the country into recession. push
The car won't start. Can you give it a push? push
At the push of a button (= very easily) he could get a whole list of names. push
Can you help me put this letter into good English, please? put
We can put you up for the night. put sb up
Could you put me through to the manager, please? put sb/sth through (to sb/...)
I think we can put together a very strong case for the defence. put sth together
Could you keep the kids quiet while I'm on the phone? quiet
He is quietly confident that they can succeed (= he is confident, but he is not talking about it too much). quietly
I can see it quite clearly. quite
'It will all be gone tomorrow.' 'Can I quote you on that? ' quote
How can we raise standards in schools? raise
It's difficult to find a house in our price range (= that we can afford). range
reach sth: Can you reach the light switch from where you're sitting? reach
Daytime temperatures can reach 40°C. reach
The beach can only be reached by boat. reach
People can react badly to certain food additives. react
Some children can read and write before they go to school. read
Can you read music? read
a reading lamp/light (= one that can be moved to shine light onto sth that you are reading) reading
She has a reading knowledge of German (= she can understand written German). reading
ready for sth: Can you help me get everything ready for the party? ready
This accident could have produced a real tragedy. real
It is reasonable to assume that he knew beforehand that this would happen. reasonable
He couldn't reasonably be expected to pay back the loan all at once. reasonably
recall what, when, etc...: Can you recall exactly what happened? recall
Can I have a receipt, please? receipt
You can leave a message with reception. reception
'They'll never find out.' 'You reckon? ' (= I think you may be wrong about that) reckon
it is recognized that...: It was recognized that this solution could only be temporary. recognize
recommend sb/sth: Can you recommend a good hotel? recommend
recommend how, what, etc...: Can you recommend how much we should charge? recommend
recover sth from sb/sth: Six bodies were recovered from the wreckage. recover
It can take many years to recover from the death of a loved one. recover
The lights (= traffic lights) changed to red before I could get across. red
You may refer to your notes if you want. refer to sb/sth
I wrote down the name of the hotel for future reference (= because it might be useful in the future). reference
She could see herself reflected in his eyes. reflect
+ speech: 'It could all have been so different,' she reflected. reflect
reform sb: She thought she could reform him. reform
This dessert can be served straight from the refrigerator. refrigerator
Go on, ask her; she can hardly refuse. refuse
Could you sign the hotel register please, sir? register
The decision could be one he lives to regret. regret
Her body has already rejected two kidneys. reject
Our product needs an image that people can relate to. relate to sth/sb
She can expect an early release from prison. release
It was a relief to be able to talk to someone about it. relief
Massage can bring some relief from tension. relief
rely to do sth: You can rely on me to keep your secret. rely on/upon sb/sth
remember how, what, etc...: Can you remember how much money we spent? remember
As far as I can remember, this is the third time we've met. remember
remember sb/sth doing sth: I can still vividly remember my grandfather teaching me to play cards. remember
The human body has an amazing capacity to repair itself. repair
Nor, to repeat, can these changes be avoided. repeat
repeat what...: Can you repeat what I've just said word for word? repeat
I'm sorry—could you repeat that? repeat
Can you give us a progress report? report
This material can be reproduced without payment. reproduce
Unfortunately, he was never able to reproduce this level of performance in a competition. reproduce
You can request a free copy of the leaflet. request
A healthy diet should help your body resist infection. resist
Be patient and the situation may resolve itself. resolve
resort doing sth: We may have to resort to using untrained staff. resort to sth
The database could be used as a teaching resource in colleges. resource
You can rely on him to respond to a challenge. respond
I can rest easy (= stop worrying) knowing that she's safely home. rest
The operation restored his sight (= made him able to see again). restore
There are no restrictions on the amount of money you can withdraw. restriction
The doctor may allow her to return to work next week. return
Can I buy you lunch in return for your help? in return (for sth)
It is sometimes possible to arrest or reverse the disease. reverse
The policy is likely to be reversed if there is a change of government. reverse
I can see I will have to revise my opinions of his abilities now. revise
The government may need to revise its policy in the light of this report. revise
We may have to revise this figure upwards. revise
If only I could have helped put matters right. right
She knows all the right people (= important people, for example those who can help her career). right
His success was down to being in the right place at the right time (= being able to take opportunities when they came). right
As she rightly pointed out the illness can affect adults as well as children. rightly
ring for sth: Could you ring for a cab? ring
He isn't here now—could you ring back later? ring back, ring sb back
risk (of sth/of doing sth): Smoking can increase the risk of developing heart disease. risk
a calculated risk (= one that you think is small compared with the possible benefits) risk
We could probably trust her with the information but it's just not worth the risk. risk
You will find scenery to rival anything you can see in the Alps. rival
Can we swim in the river? river
How can we make room for all the furniture? room
They were in the next room and we could hear every word they said. room
Tree roots can cause damage to buildings. root
root crops/vegetables (= plants whose roots you can eat, such as carrots) root
run sth: Could you run the engine for a moment? run
Can you run as fast as Mike? run
Could we run through your proposals once again? run through sth
Could I have a cigarette? I seem to have run out. run out (of sth)
The show was well performed, but so safe and predictable. safe
a place where children can play in safety safety
I managed to swim to safety. safety
The vessel can be propelled by oars or sail (= sails). sail
With the new boiler you can make big savings on fuel bills. saving
say sth/sb: You could learn the basics in, let's say, three months. say
'That's impossible!' 'So you say (= but I think you may be wrong).' say
The transition from school to work can be difficult. school
You can scratch my name off the list. scratch
All I could hear were the screams of the wounded. scream
Can you do a printout of this screen for me (= of all the information on it)? screen
search sb for sth: The youths were arrested and searched for anything that would incriminate them. search
He searched desperately for something to say. search
She can run 100 metres in just over 11 seconds. second
Can you keep a secret? secret
At last they were able to feel secure about the future. secure
it is seen that...: It can be seen that certain groups are more at risk than others. see
'Can I go to the party?' 'We'll see (= I'll decide later). see
see what, whether, etc...: I'll see what I can do to help. see
I can see both sides of the argument. see
'Can we go swimming?' 'I don't see why not (= yes, you can).' see
I can only see you for five minutes. see
see (that)...: He could see (that) she had been crying. see
On a clear day you can see for miles from here. see
These vegetables can be grown from seed. seed
Only with a few people could she be her real self (= show what she was really like rather than what she pretended to be). self
Helmets can give cyclists a false sense of security. sense
I could hardly believe the evidence of my own senses (= what I could see, hear, etc.). sense
The consequences could be serious. serious
Smoking can seriously damage your health. seriously
Seriously though, it could be really dangerous. seriously
serve sth: I wanted to work somewhere where I could serve the community. serve
How can we best serve the needs of future generations? serve
serve sth + adj.: The quiche can be served hot or cold. serve
This could set a new fashion. set
Could you set the table for dinner? set
You can borrow my keys—I have a spare set. set
He had to settle his affairs (= arrange all his personal business) in Paris before he could return home. settle
sew sth on: Can you sew a button on for me? sew
Surgeons were able to sew the finger back on. sew
How can you tell what sex a fish is? sex
These drugs may affect your sex drive (= your interest in sex and the ability to have it). sex
The temperature can reach 40°C in the shade. shade
The body was found in a shallow grave. shallow
You can recognize the fish by the shape of their fins. shape
I could just make out a dark shape in the distance. shape
There isn't an empty table. Would you mind sharing? share
shift sth: Could you help me shift some furniture? shift
The shock of the explosion could be felt up to six miles away. shock
shock sb that...: Neighbours were shocked that such an attack could happen in their area. shock
I'm just going down to the shops. Can I get you anything? shop
Can you show me how to do it? show
It's good you can see the funny side of the situation. side
It's best if you can get someone local to show you the sights. sight
She never lets her daughter out of her sight (= always keeps her where she can see her). sight
At first sight, it may look like a generous offer, but always read the small print. at first sight
sign (of sth/sb): Headaches may be a sign of stress. sign
Chest pains can be a warning signal of heart problems. signal
Can you witness my signature on my will, please? signature
Significantly, he did not deny that there might be an election. significantly
'I can walk home.' 'Don't be silly—it's much too far!' silly
You can enjoy all the water sports, or simply lie on the beach. simply
All these jobs can now be done by one single machine. single
Good morning, sir. Can I help you? sir
All the materials are on site so that work can start immediately. site
You could get into a situation where you have to decide immediately. situation
He could see no way out of the situation. situation
The glass can be cut to size (= cut to the exact measurements) for you. size
Can you give me something to help me get to sleep (= start sleeping)? sleep
Anxiety can be caused by lack of sleep. sleep
You can slide the front seats forward if necessary. slide
smell sth: He said he could smell gas when he entered the room. smell
I could smell alcohol on his breath. smell
smell sth doing sth: Can you smell something burning? smell
smell (that)...: I could smell that something was burning. smell
Would you be so kind as to lock the door when you leave? so
I might be away next week. If so, I won't be able to see you. so
The planet Jupiter may have no solid surface at all. solid
Somehow, I don't feel I can trust him. somehow
I could just eat a little something. something
How soon can you get here? soon
Next Monday is the soonest we can deliver. soon
Sorry to bother you, but could I speak to you for a moment? sorry
Sorry? Could you repeat the question? sorry
Rubbish can easily be separated and sorted into plastics, glass and paper. sort
I'm really busy—can you sort it? sort
If you can wait a moment, I'll sort it all out for you. sort sth/sb/yourself out
Could you turn the sound up/down? sound
Leaving him out of the team may sound the death knell for our chances of winning (= signal the end of our chances). sound
Government sources indicated yesterday that cuts may have to be made. source
Can we make space for an extra chair? space
Speaking of travelling, (= referring back to a subject just mentioned) are you going anywhere exciting this year? speak
'Can I speak to Susan?' 'Speaking.' (= at the beginning of a telephone conversation) speak
speak (with sb) (about sth/sb): Can I speak with you for a minute? speak
'I'd like your help tomorrow.' 'Can you be more specific (= tell me exactly what you want)?' specific
This course is designed so that students can progress at their own speed. speed
Can you try and speed things up a bit? speed up, speed sth up
I've never been able to spell. spell
It was believed that people could be possessed by evil spirits. spirit
The baby's whole body was covered in small red spots. spot
spread sth: Using too much water could spread the stain. spread
We can take the argument one stage further. stage
Could I have three first-class stamps, please? stamp
Modern plastics can stand very high and very low temperatures. stand
How can you stand by and see him accused of something he didn't do? stand by
Can you start (= a new job) on Monday? start
This could be the start of something big. start
state secrets (= information that could be harmful to a country if it were discovered by an enemy) state
Can you stay behind after the others have gone and help me clear up? stay
I can stay a few minutes longer. stay
Having completed the first stage, you can move on to step 2. step
Can you stick this on the noticeboard? stick
The kids found it hard to stay still. still
Can you stop the printer once it's started? stop
There's no stopping us now (= nothing can prevent us from achieving what we want to achieve). stop
You can store coffee beans in the freezer to keep them fresh. store
Can you stretch your arms out straighter? straight
I'm looking forward to the exam, strange as it may seem. strange
If it had been left to me I would have put him out on the street long ago. (out) on the streets/street
During this ordeal he was able to draw strength from his faith. strength
It may take a few weeks for you to build up your strength again. strength
Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress. stress
Fields and hills stretched out as far as we could see. stretch
it strikes sb how, what, etc...: It suddenly struck me how we could improve the situation. strike
Police fear that the killer may strike again. strike
He's a beautiful dog. Can I stroke him? stroke
a studio audience (= one in a studio, that can be seen or heard as a programme is broadcast) studio
I don't know how you can eat that stuff! stuff
Could you move all that stuff off the table? stuff
substitute for sb/sth: Nothing can substitute for the advice your doctor is able to give you. substitute
substitute A for B: Margarine can be substituted for butter in this recipe. substitute
substitute B with/by A: Butter can be substituted with margarine in this recipe. substitute
Can you find someone to substitute for you at the meeting? substitute
suck sth + adj.: Greenfly can literally suck a plant dry. suck
suggest sth (to sb): May I suggest a white wine with this dish, Sir? suggest
suggest sb/sth: Can you suggest a good dictionary? suggest
suggest how, what, etc...: Can you suggest how I might contact him? suggest
Can I make a suggestion? suggestion
He can be very helpful, but only when it suits him. suit
sum what...: Can I just sum up what we've agreed so far? sum up, sum sth up
A stroke can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain. supply
Can I rely on your support (= will you vote for me) in the election? support
suppose (that)...: Suppose flights are fully booked on that day—which other day could we go? suppose
I could take you in the car, I suppose (= but I don't really want to). suppose
'Can I borrow the car?' 'I suppose so ' (= Yes, but I'm not happy about it). suppose
suppose (that)...: I don't suppose (that) I could have a look at your newspaper, could I? suppose
We could see fish swimming just below the surface. surface
From the top of the hill you can see all the surrounding countryside. surrounding
I suspect (that) she might be lying. suspect
Water from shallow wells should be regarded with suspicion, as it may be contaminated. suspicion
It might look suspicious if we arrived together. suspicious
I could have sworn (= I am sure) I heard the phone ring. swear
Their bodies were soaked in sweat. sweat
Bacteria can cause gums to swell and bleed. swell
swim sth: Can you swim backstroke yet? swim
I don't think I can take much more of this heat. take
I find his attitude a little hard to take. take
Can you take (= hold) the baby for a moment? take
Set yourself targets that you can reasonably hope to achieve. target
You can taste the garlic in this stew. taste
teach (sb to do) sth: Could you teach me to do that? teach
You can reserve seats over the telephone. telephone
telephone sth: You can telephone your order 24 hours a day. telephone
tell A from B: Can you tell Tom from his twin brother? tell
tell which, what, etc...: The kittens look exactly alike—how can you tell which is which? tell
As far as I can tell, she's enjoying the course. tell
tell (that)...: I could tell (that) he was angry from his expression. tell
tell how, if, etc...: 'That's not an original.' 'How can you tell?' tell
to take sb's temperature (= measure the temperature of sb's body using a special instrument) temperature
Family tensions and conflicts may lead to violence. tension
The term of agreement can be for either two or three years. term
When can I get my test results? test
a computer that can process text text
Can you act out this scene without referring to the text? text
We managed to get it finished in the end—no thanks to him (= he didn't help). no thanks to sb/sth
What can I do about that? that
It's possible (that) he has not received the letter. that
If anyone calls, ask for their number so I can call them back. their
There's a room free in Bob's house next week but you can stay with us until then. then
Why don't you hire a car? Then you'll be able to visit more of the area. then
According to the theory of relativity, nothing can travel faster than light. theory
Can I get there and back in a day? there
The body was hidden beneath a thin layer of soil. thin
Can you pass me that thing over there? thing
think to do sth: Who would have thought to find you here? think
Are animals able to think? think
Can anybody think of a way to raise money? think of sth/sb
I can think of at least three occasions when he arrived late. think of sth/sb
I can thoroughly recommend it. thoroughly
Strange though it may sound, I was pleased it was over. though
thought (that...): She was struck by the sudden thought that he might already have left. thought
Would Mark be able to help?It's just a thought. thought
I'd never have got through it all (= a difficult situation) without you. through
You can only achieve success through hard work. through
They had a competition to see who could throw the furthest. throw
throw sb sth: Can you throw me that towel? throw
I don't need that—you can throw it away. throw sth away
Can you tidy away your clothes, please? tidy sth away
Can you help me tie my tie? tie
I can probably make the time to see them. time
Can she tell the time yet (= say what time it is by looking at a clock)? time
Can she tell time yet? time
He can be really bad-tempered at times. at times
Shopping can be very tiring. tiring
Can you touch your toes? (= by bending over while keeping your legs straight) toe
Could you tell me where the ladies' toilet is, please? toilet
Who knows what changes tomorrow may bring? tomorrow
Can I come too? too
None of them could sing in tune. in/out of tune
Could you turn the TV up? turn sth up
If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep. turn over
She has nobody she can turn to. turn to sb/sth
May I borrow it for a day or two? a day, moment, pound, etc. or two
How fast can you type? type
understand why, what, etc...: I could never understand why she was fired. understand
Take a deep breath and see how long you can stay underwater. underwater
You can stay on the bus until London (= until you reach London). until
I could tell something was up by the looks on their faces. up
Is anything up? You can tell me. up
I can take up to four people (= but no more than four) in my car. up to sth
upset sb/yourself: This decision is likely to upset a lot of people. upset
'Can I see you for a moment?' 'Is it urgent?' urgent
use sth: Can I use your phone? use
They were able to achieve a settlement without using military force. use
I have some information you may be able to use (= to get an advantage from). use
You can throw those away—they're no use to anyone. be no use (to sb)
We could make better use of our resources. make use of sth/sb
useful (to do sth): It can be useful to write a short summary of your argument first. useful
useful (to sb): He might be useful to us. useful
This information could prove useful. useful
Your knowledge of German may come in useful (= be useful in a particular situation). useful
Some products can be recycled at the end of their useful life. useful
This tool can be used in a variety of ways. variety
We take the view that it would be wrong to interfere. view
The house is clearly visible from the beach. visible
How can we attract more visitors to our website? visitor
I could hear voices in the next room. voice
I've got some calls to make but they can wait until tomorrow. wait
Can you wait a second while I make a call? wait a minute/moment/second
Waiter, could you bring me some water? waiter
I can do whatever I want. want
You can come too, if you want. want
Could you watch my bags for me while I buy a paper? watch
I could see my reflection in the water. water
Can you tell me the way to Leicester Square? way
Infectious diseases can be acquired in several ways. way
I moved my legs out of the way so that she could get past. out of the way
There's no way we could afford that sort of money. (there is) no way
The price is way above what we can afford. way
In a weak moment (= when I was easily persuaded) I said she could borrow the car. weak
Can you spot the weakness in her argument? weakness
All her friends could hear wedding bells (= they thought she would soon get married). wedding
In the wild, this fish can reach a weight of 5lbs. weight
He's well able to take care of himself. well
I was well annoyed, I can tell you. well
Well, well—I would never have guessed it! well
Well, I suppose I could fit you in at 3.45. well
When (= in what circumstances) would such a solution be possible? when
Sunday is the only day when I can relax. when
Until when can you stay? when
Can you spare five minutes when it's convenient? when
How can they expect to learn anything when they never listen? when
You can ask for help whenever you need it. whenever
He comes from Boula, wherever that may be (= I don't know where it is). wherever
It remains to be seen whether or not this idea can be put into practice. whether
Whether or not we're successful, we can be sure that we did our best. whether
You can go swimming while I'm having lunch. while
Unemployment can be defined as the number of people who are willing and able to work, but who can not find jobs. willing
Our house can be very cold in (the) winter. winter
You may stay until morning, if you wish. wish
I don't wish (= I don't mean) to be rude, but could you be a little quieter? wish
If you wish really hard, maybe you'll get what you want. wish
He has everything he could possibly wish for. wish
wish for sth: I can understand her wish for secrecy. wish
Is it within walking distance? within
Can you see without your glasses? without
Without wanting to criticize, I think you could have done better. (= used before you make a critical comment) without
I wonder if you can help me. wonder
Could I have a quick word with you (= speak to you quickly)? word
I could hear every word they were saying. word
I can never put my feelings into words. word
work what, where, etc...: Can you work out what these squiggles mean? work sth out
it worries sb to do sth: It worried me to think what might happen. worry
A heart attack can be brought on by stress and worry. worry
Never mind—it could be worse (= although the situation is bad, it is not as bad as it might have been). worse
At worst this may mean the end of her playing career. at (the) worst
Pressure can bring out the worst in people. bring out the worst in sb
If I had seen the advertisement in time I would have applied for the job. would
After a serious argument, it can take some time for the wounds to heal. wound
Can you write and confirm your booking? write
Could you put your complaint in writing? in writing
The doctor could find nothing wrong with him. wrong
I think she lives at number 44, but I could be wrong. wrong
Correct me if I'm wrong (= I may be wrong) but didn't you say you two knew each other? wrong
What else can go wrong (= what other problems are we going to have)? go wrong
'Dad, can I borrow the car?' 'Yes, but be careful.' yes
Can I sit next to you? you
You can try it out for yourselves. yourself