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to consider, deliberate, debate, weigh (pros and cons) cân nhắc
琢磨 zhuo2mo2 to carve and polish (jade); to polish and refine a literary work Cân nhắc
琢磨 zuo2mo5 to ponder; to mull over; to think through; Taiwan pr.zhuo2 mo2 Cân nhắc
权衡 quan2heng2 to weigh; to consider; to assess; to balance; to trade-off Cân nhắc

OXF3000: cân nhắc weigh
OXF3000N cân nhắc xem xét để ý quan tâm lưu ý đến consider
OXF3000N sự cân nhắc sự xem xét sự để ý sự quan tâm consideration
OXF3000N thận trọng có tính toán chủ tâm có suy nghĩ cân nhắc deliberate
OXF3000N thận trọng có suy nghĩ cân nhắc deliberately

like: cân nhắc
sich überlegen cân nhắc, ngẫm nghĩ 考虑 kǎo lùe
sich überlegen cân nhắc, ngẫm nghĩ

Daher überlegt er, das Geld mit seiner Kreditkarte vom Geldautomaten zu holen. Vì vậy anh ấy cân nhắc việc rút tiền bằng thẻ tín dụng từ máy rút tiền tự động. (Lektion 5, Nr. 43)

He was considering an appeal. consider
consider doing sth: We're considering buying a new car. consider
consider how/what, etc...: We need to consider how the law might be reformed. consider
He was considering what to do next. consider
Careful consideration should be given to issues of health and safety. consideration
Time is another important consideration. consideration
She spoke with force and deliberation. force
The Government has/have been considering further tax cuts. government
The management is/are considering closing the factory. management
The navy is/are considering buying six new warships. navy
That is just a secondary consideration. secondary
The decision was based upon two considerations. upon