Beginner Level Advanced Level



mackerel cá thu

like: cá thu
der Thunfisch cá thu
der Kabeljau cá thu

Für die Fischsuppe: Garnelen, Lachs, Miesmuscheln, Thunfisch, Meeresfrüchte, Reis. Cho món súp cá: tôm, cá hồi, sò, cá thu, các loại hải sản, gạo. (Lektion 14, Nr. 144)

All this mail must be answered. all
All income must be declared. declare
I don't know what to do with (= how to use) all the food that's left over. do sth with sb/sth
All letters will be answered personally. personally
pictures of animals, both real and mythological real
That says it all really, doesn't it? (= it shows clearly what is true) say
She had refused all solid food. solid
We ate all the food up. up