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EVP album
EVP bum
EVP bump
EVP bumper

3000TH: ชน chohnM to hit, bump into
5000FR: album album
5000FR: cul bum, arse, ass
WNS: (n.) [album] book of blank pages
WNS: (n.) [album] record album

ENDE: bum Faulenzer

like: bum

2759 He bumped INTO me ON accident. Anh ấy đã tình cờ bắt gặp tôi.

The band have just brought out their second album. bring sth out
careful (that)...: Be careful you don't bump your head. careful
His albums are available on CD and online. CD
We are looking forward to a bumper crop (= a very large one). crop
due for sth: The band's first album is due for release later this month. due
feel sth: Can you feel the bump on my head? feel
a smooth/comfortable/bumpy flight flight
They are about to release an album of their greatest hits. hit
This album was my first introduction to modern jazz. introduction
the band's new live album live
a photo album (= a book for keeping your photos in) photo
promote sth: The band has gone on tour to promote their new album. promote
Her latest album has met with a mixed reception from fans. reception
The band is back in the US recording their new album. record
a smooth/comfortable/bumpy, etc. ride ride
The new legislation faces a bumpy ride (= will meet with opposition and difficulties). ride
Their last album sold millions. sell
The bumper absorbs shock on impact. shock
The boat bumped against a solid object. solid
a stamp album stamp
I stuck the photos into an album. stick
The band did some great stuff on their first album. stuff

album j’ai toujours rêvé de faire un album
cul je vais lui botter le cul