Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP bra
EVP bracelet
EVP bracket
EVP brag
EVP brain
EVP brainstorm
EVP brainstorming
EVP brake
EVP brake
EVP branch
EVP branch
EVP brand
EVP brand-new
EVP brass
EVP brave
EVP bravely
EVP bravery
EVP celebrate
EVP celebration
EVP embrace
EVP librarian
EVP library
EVP remembrance
EVP vibrate
EVP vibration
EVP zebra
EVP brainwash
EVP brainwashing
EVP encumbrance
EVP brandish
EVP encumbrance

OXF3000ZH: 脑(子) 脑力 智能 brain
OXF3000ZH: 枝条 支流 部门 branch
OXF3000ZH: 商品 烙印 brand
OXF3000ZH: 勇敢的 华丽的 brave
OXF3000ZH: 庆祝 歌颂 赞美 celebrate
OXF3000ZH: 庆祝 庆祝会 celebration
OXF3000ZH: 图书馆(室) library
3000TH: ทองเหลือง thaawngM leuuangR brass
3000TH: บรั่นดี branL deeM brandy (loanword)
3000TH: งูเห่า nguuM haoL cobra
3000TH: สั่น sanL to tremble, vibrate
3000TH: สาขา saaR khaaR branch, branch office, chain store
3000TH: คณะ khaH naH faculty, school, branch of study, department; group, party
3000TH: สมอง saL maawngR brain
3000TH: ห้องสมุด haawngF saL mootL library
3000TH: คุย khuyM to talk, to converse; to brag, boast, swagger, bluster
3000TH: บราซิล braaM sinM Brazil
3000TH: กล้า glaaF dare to, be brave, bold
3000TH: ยี่ห้อ yeeF haawF brand, trade name
3000TH: วิชา wiH chaaM subject, knowledge, branch of knowledge
5000FR: son his, her, its; sound; bran
5000FR: marque brand, mark
5000FR: fête holiday, celebration
5000FR: cerveau brain
5000FR: branche branch
5000FR: célébrer to celebrate
5000FR: bibliothèque library
5000FR: tranche slice, edge, section, bracket, slot
5000FR: freiner to brake, slow down
5000FR: embrasser to kiss, embrace
5000FR: fêter to celebrate
5000FR: vanter to vaunt, boast, brag
5000FR: frein brake
5000FR: brandir to brandish, wield, wave
5000FR: filial filial; branch office
5000FR: parenthèse parenthesis, bracket, aside
5000FR: bravo bravo, well done
OXF3000N óc não đầu óc trí não brain
OXF3000N ngành nhành cây nhánh song ngả đường branch
OXF3000N nhãn (hàng hóa) brand
OXF3000N gan dạ can đảm brave
OXF3000N kỷ niệm làm lễ kỷ niệm tán dương ca tụng celebrate
OXF3000N sự kỷ niệm lễ kỷ niệm sự tán dương sự ca tụng celebration
OXF3000N thư viện library
WNS: (a.) [brave] courageous, fearless
WNS: (n.) [bracket] punctuation mark
WNS: (n.) [bracket] category
WNS: (n.) [brain] encephalon, grey matter
WNS: (n.) [brain] genius, mastermind
WNS: (n.) [brake] restraint used to stop a vehicle
WNS: (n.) [branch] limb
WNS: (n.) [brand] make
WNS: (n.) [celebration] festivity
WNS: (n.) [brainstorm] sudden insight
WNS: (n.) [library]
WNS: (n.) [braid] plait, tress, hairdo
WNS: (v.) [brag] show off, boast
WNS: (v.) [branch] fork, divide into branches
WNS: (v.) [embrace] hug

FN: bra n Clothing

A brave fish Một con cá dũng cảm Alphabet Introduction 2
the bravery Sự dũng cảm Nominalization
library thư viện Places
My uncle usually meets the co-workers in the library. Chú của tôi thường xuyên gặp các đồng nghiệp ở thư viện. People
She gifts me a coconut branch. Cô ấy tặng tôi một cành dừa. Miscellaneous
branch cành Miscellaneous
The librarian works in the library. Người thủ thư làm việc ở thư viện. Jobs 2
librarian thủ thư Jobs 2
If I am not a librarian, I will be a hairdresser. Nếu tôi không làm một thủ thư, tôi sẽ làm một thợ làm tóc. Jobs 2
He is a brave patient Anh ấy là một bệnh nhân dũng cảm. Medical
My brain is normal. Não của tôi bình thường. Medical
The fish has a snall brain. Con cá có một cái não nhỏ. Medical
brain não Medical
She only likes famous brands. Cô ấy chỉ thích các nhãn hiệu nổi tiếng. Economics
brand nhãn hiệu Economics
We celebrate Tet. Chúng tôi ăn Tết. History
My friends like to brag. Những người bạn của tôi thích nổ. Informal Expressions
He brags that he can walk on the surface of water.  Anh ấy nổ là anh ấy có thể đi trên mặt nước. Informal Expressions
brag nổ Informal Expressions

like: bra

36 Brazil is a very big country. Brazil là một đất nước rất lớn.
778 How many times has Brazil won the World Cup? Brazil đã từng vô địch Giải bóng đá thế giới bao nhiêu lần?
815 Caroline's on vacation in Brazil. She's there now. Caroline đi nghỉ ở Brazil. Cô ấy bây giờ đang ở đấy.
816 She arrived in Brazil on Monday. Today's Thursday. Cô ấy đến Brazil hôm Thứ hai. Hôm nay là Thứ năm.
817 How long has she been in Brazil? Cô ấy đã ở Brazil được bao lâu rồi?
818 She's been in Brazil since Monday. Cô ấy đã ở đó từ Thứ hai.
819 She's been in Brazil for three (3) days. Cô ấy đã ở đó được ba ngày.
839 How long have they been in Brazil? Họ ở Brazil được bao lâu rồi?
855 Yasmin's in Brazil. She's been there for three (3) days. Yasmin đang ở Brazil. Cô ấy đã ở đó được ba hôm.
867 When did Michiko arrive in Brazil? Michiko đã đến Brazil lúc nào?
868 She arrived in Brazil three (3) days ago. Cô ấy đến Brazil ba ngày trước.
869 How long has she been in Brazil? Cô ấy đã ở Brazil được bao lâu?
870 She's been in Brazil for three (3) days. Cô ấy đã ở Brazil được ba ngày.
888 Natalie's been in Brazil for three (3) days. Natalie đã ở Brazil được ba ngày.
1804 Are you Brazilian? — No, I'm not. Cậu có phải người Brazil không? - Không phải.
1856 You've beto Brazil, haven't you? — Yes, many times. Cậu từng đến Brazil rồi phải không? - Đúng, nhiều lần rồi.
2716 I hit the brakes just IN time and didn't hit the child. Tôi frein vừa kịp không đâm vào đứa trẻ.

The brakes need to be adjusted. adjust
She wanted the celebration to be a simple family affair. affair
to celebrate your wedding anniversary anniversary
the theatre's 25th anniversary celebrations anniversary
a disease that attacks the brain attack
The company has its base in New York, and branch offices all over the world. base
He has to wear a brace to correct his bite (= the way the upper and lower teeth fit together). bite
the blood supply to the brain blood
The room was decorated in vibrant blues and yellows. blue
reference/children's/library books book
borrow sth from sb/sth: Members can borrow up to ten books from the library at any one time. borrow
It doesn't take much brain to work out that both stories can't be true. brain
Teachers spotted that he had a good brain at an early age. brain
You need brains as well as brawn (= intelligence as well as strength) to do this job. brain
damage to the brain brain
brain cells brain
She died of a brain tumour. brain
a device to measure brain activity during sleep brain
the branch of computer science known as 'artificial intelligence' branch
the anti-terrorist branch branch
The bank has branches all over the country. branch
Our New York branch is dealing with the matter. branch
She climbed the tree and hid in the branches. branch
Which brand of toothpaste do you use? brand
You pay less for the supermarket's own brand. brand
You pay less for the store brand. brand
brand loyalty (= the tendency of customers to continue buying the same brand) brand
Champagne houses owe their success to brand image. brand
the leading brand of detergent brand
brave men and women brave
Be brave! brave
I wasn't brave enough to tell her what I thought of her. brave
a brave decision brave
She died after a brave fight against cancer. brave
He felt homesick, but made a brave attempt to appear cheerful. brave
Labradors and other large breeds of dog breed
Please bring back all library books by the end of the week. bring sb/sth back
Jake's passed his exams. We're going out to celebrate. celebrate
celebrate sth: We celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary in Florence. celebrate
How do people celebrate New Year in your country? celebrate
birthday/wedding celebrations celebration
Her triumph was a cause for celebration. celebration
a party in celebration of their fiftieth wedding anniversary celebration
The service was a celebration of his life (= praised what he had done in his life). celebration
the central area of the brain central
He chopped a branch off the tree. chop sth off (sth)
The new library is close to completion. close
a blend of Brazilian and Colombian coffees coffee
a college course/library/student college
community parks/libraries (= paid for by the local town/city) community
comparison of A to B: a comparison of the brain to a computer (= showing what is similar) comparison
the complex structure of the human brain complex
construct sth from/out of/of sth: They constructed a shelter out of fallen branches. construct
brain/liver etc. damage damage
The celebrations were a bit of a damp squib. a damp squib
Designs for the new sports hall are on display in the library. on display
Would you like a drop of brandy? drop
countries as far apart as Japan and Brazil far
We all felt like celebrating. feel like sth/like doing sth
For Liverpool fans, it was a night to remember both on and off the field (= the match was good and so were the celebrations afterwards). field
It is now firmly established as one of the leading brands in the country. firmly
He got an award for bravery. for
Looking forward, we hope to expand our operations in several of our overseas branches. forward
The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brake. in front of
The car pulled up with a screech of brakes and a grinding of gears. gear
I left my bike outside the library and when I came out again it had gone. go
a gold bracelet/ring/watch, etc. gold
grab at sth: She grabbed at the branch, missed and fell. grab
a war hero (= sb who was very brave during a war) hero
a high branch/shelf/window high
I don't think that branch will hold your weight. hold
He bravely held back his tears. hold sth back
the human body/brain human
She has her very own brand of humour. humour
independence celebrations independence
Author and subject indexes are available on a library database. index
brass/stringed, etc. instruments instrument
involve sb (in sth/in doing sth): We want to involve as many people as possible in the celebrations. involve
know sb/sth for sth: She is best known for her work on the human brain. know
Brazil is the world's largest producer of coffee. large
To the left of the library is the bank. left
All new students are given lessons in/on how to use the library. lesson
The library is all on one level. level
a public/reference/university, etc. library library
a library book library
a toy library (= for borrowing toys from) library
a branch line line
Look! I'm sure that's Brad Pitt! look
I haven't been to Brazil, but I'd love to go. love
It is now possible to map the different functions of the brain. map
My parents are celebrating 30 years of marriage. marriage
I still have mixed feelings about going to Brazil (= I am not sure what to think). mixed
a mobile shop/library (= one inside a vehicle) mobile
a Brazil nut nut
They marked the occasion (= celebrated it) with an open-air concert. occasion
The library will be officially opened by the local MP. officially
He opened his arms wide to embrace her. open
We do not fully understand how the brain is organized. organize
to take part in a discussion/demonstration/fight/celebration take part (in sth)
It is often stated that we use only 10 per cent of our brain. per cent
permit sth: Radios are not permitted in the library. permit
to set up a project to computerize the library system project
a public library public
The painting is by a pupil of Rembrandt. pupil
She put on the brakes suddenly. put sth on
receive sth from sb/sth: He received an award for bravery from the police service. receive
The library contains many popular works of reference (= reference books). reference
Its brain is small in relation to (= compared with) its body. relation
He's called Brady too, but we're no relation (= not related). relation
to release the clutch/handbrake/switch, etc. release
a library resource centre resource
We went out to a restaurant to celebrate. restaurant
I must return some books to the library. return
We would appreciate the prompt return of books to the library. return
the Rock of Gibraltar rock
round brackets (= in writing) round
This explains the rules under which the library operates. rule
There are several brands and they're not all the same. same
Her hands were covered in scratches from the brambles. scratch
We used the branch of an old tree as a seat. seat
the brass section of an orchestra section
The library has a large biology section. section
Did you see that programme on Brazil last night? see
She has just celebrated 25 years' service with the company. service
The victim suffered severe brain damage. severe
supermarket/library shelves shelf
the right side of the brain side
a solid gold bracelet solid
Your local library will be a useful source of information. source
I don't drink whisky or brandy or any other spirits. spirit
The branch was sticking up out of the water. stick up
I'm going to the library straight after the class. straight
a zebra's black and white stripes stripe
A stroke can disrupt the supply of oxygen to the brain. supply
the membranes surrounding the brain surround
test sth: Test your brakes regularly. test
I just hoped the branch would take my weight. weight
He braked suddenly, causing the front wheels to skid. wheel
Are they any closer to understanding how the brain works? work
He wore a copper bracelet on his wrist. wrist

son un ami ingénieur du son m’aide pour les arrangements
marque il y a des marques sur les portes
fête c’est une fête privée
cerveau à la naissance, le cerveau humain est loin d’être complètement développé
branche la situation économique de la branche s’est légèrement détériorée
célébrer nous venons célébrer le mariage de mon frère
bibliothèque il y avait une grande bibliothèque
tranche il tient une tranche serrée dans sa main
freiner il se peut que je freine brusquement
embrasser je n’embrasse pas des inconnus. moi non plus
fêter je crois qu’on devrait fêter ça
vanter je suis con et je m’en vante
frein vos freins marchent pas?
brandir il brandit longuement les poings sous l’ovation
filial il fallait créer une entreprise filiale
parenthèse je dirais en parenthèses que l’histoire présente est opaque
bravo j’ai de bonnes nouvelles. bravo. vos appels ont porté leurs fruits