Beginner Level Advanced Level



3000TH: ป่วย bpuayL to be sick, ill, get ill
OXF3000: bị ốm be sick
OXF3000N bị ốm be sick

be sick bị bệnh Medical
You will be sick. Bạn sẽ bị trúng gió. Informal Expressions
He will be sick in cold weather Anh ấy sẽ bị trúng gió trong thời tiết lạnh. Informal Expressions
be sick bị trúng gió Informal Expressions

like: be sick
to have, be sick with the flu bị bệnh cúm
(1) to have a lot of, plenty of
(2) to be sick of, tired of; dull, boring, uninteresting
to dislike, hate, be sick of, detest chán ghét
homesick, be sick for home nhớ nhà