Beginner Level Advanced Level



bass giọng thổ
bass nam trầm

EVP ambassador
EVP embassy

3000TH: เอกอัครราชทูต aehkL akL khraH raatF chaH thuutF ambassador (from a monarchy, formal)
3000TH: ทูต thuutF ambassador, diplomat, envoy, representative
3000TH: สถานทูต saL thaanR thuutF embassy
5000FR: ambassadeur ambassador
5000FR: ambassade embassy
CORE: bass + + + + + + +
SAT: bass + Low in tone or compass. 
WNS: (n.) [embassy]

The man works at the embassy. Người đàn ông làm việc ở đại sứ quán. Travel
embassy đại sứ quán Travel

like: bass

a bass drum drum
The passports, with the visa stamps, were waiting at the embassy. stamp
the Japanese ambassador to France to

ambassadeur le Pakistan renvoie un ambassadeur en Inde
ambassade faites une réclamation à votre ambassade!