Beginner Level Advanced Level



EVP basic
EVP basically

OXF3000ZH: 基本的 基础的 basic
OXF3000ZH: 基本上 主要地 事实上 basically
5000FR: élémentaire elementary, rudimentary, basic
5000FR: primordial primordial, basic, vital, primary
5000FR: fondamentalement basically, fundamentally, inherently
OXF3000: căn bản basic
OXF3000N cơ bản cơ sở basic
OXF3000N cơ bản về cơ bản basically
CORE: basic + + + + + + +
NGLS: basic + at the most important or easiest (beginner) level
WNS: (a.) [basic] pertaining to a base or basis

ENDE: basic grundlegend
FN: basic a Being_necessary

like: basic
the five basic elements (metal, wood, water, fire, earth) ngũ hành
to have a basic knowledge, real education, well-learned thực học

Pasta's basic ingredients are flour and water, sometimes with the addition of eggs or oil. addition
basic information/facts/ideas basic
the basic principles of law basic
basic to sth: Drums are basic to African music. basic
The campsite provided only basic facilities. basic
My knowledge of French is pretty basic. basic
basic human rights basic
the cost of basic foods basic
Yes, that's basically correct. basically
The two approaches are basically very similar. basically
There have been some problems but basically it's a good system. basically
Basically, there's not a lot we can do about it. basically
He basically just sits there and does nothing all day. basically
And that's it, basically. basically
basic features which are common to all human languages common
He can't grasp the basic concepts of mathematics. concept
The basic design of the car is very similar to that of earlier models. design
the development of basic skills such as literacy and numeracy development
Freedom of expression (= freedom to say what you think) is a basic human right. expression
First, some basic facts about healthy eating! fact
The firm's finances are basically sound. finance
$100 will get you the basic model. get
You can get the basic model for $100. get
I can just about get by in German (= I can speak basic German). get by (on/in/with sth)
the basic rules of grammar grammar
guarantee sth: Basic human rights, including freedom of speech, are now guaranteed. guarantee
Contact with other people is a basic human need. human
the basic essentials of life, i.e. housing, food and water i.e.
the government's inability to provide basic services inability
Coconut is a basic ingredient for many curries. ingredient
A basic sense of rhythm and pitch is essential in a music teacher. pitch
Discussing all these details will get us nowhere; we must get back to first principles (= the most basic rules). principle
The basic ingredients are limestone and clay in the proportion 2:1. proportion
the basic requirements of life requirement
He gets a basic salary plus commission. salary
say sth/sb: You could learn the basics in, let's say, three months. say
Her novels always have the same basic story. story
survive on sth: I can't survive on £40 a week (= it is not enough for my basic needs). survive
The basic unit of society is the family. unit

élémentaire il posait des questions élémentaires
primordial la citoyenneté revêt une importance primordiale
fondamentalement telle est fondamentalement notre position