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thirty ba mươi

like: ba mươi
dreißig ba mươi 三十 sānshí
dreißig ba mươi

Über dreißig Zeugen sagten gegen den Mann aus und belasteten ihn schwer. Hơn ba mươi nhân chứng chống lại anh ta và chỉ trích anh ta nặng nề. (Lektion 63, Nr. 892)

appear to do sth: She appeared to be in her late thirties. appear
She's in her mid-thirties—thirty-six to be exact. exact
He lived at home (= with his parents) until he was thirty. at home
a man in his thirties in
thirtyish #NAME?
She's in her mid-thirties. mid-
At thirty years old, he was already earning £40 000 a year. old
a new comedy aimed at thirty-somethings (= people between thirty and forty years old) something