Beginner Level Advanced Level



to hit, slap, smack, whack bớp

OXF3000N sự ép sự nén sự ấn ép nén bóp ấn press
OXF3000N cọ xát xoa bóp nghiền tán rub

like: bớp
erwürgen bóp cổ chết 扼死 è sǐ
erwürgen bóp cổ chết

Sie haben ihre Opfer gejagt und erwürgt. Chúng săn lùng những con mồi và bóp cổ chết. (Lektion 71, Nr. 1021)

contract sth: The exercise consists of stretching and contracting the leg muscles. contract
Squeeze the juice of half a lemon over the fish. lemon
squeeze sth (out): He took off his wet clothes and squeezed the water out. squeeze
squeeze sth + adj.: Soak the cloth in warm water and then squeeze it dry. squeeze
to squeeze a tube of toothpaste squeeze
to squeeze the trigger of a gun (= to fire it) squeeze