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like: bị trễ

Der Flug könnte sich verzögern, aber Sie sollten eine Stunde vor Abflug einchecken. Chuyến bay có thế bị trễ,nhưng anh vẫn nên làm thủ tục một tiếng trước khi cất cánh. (Lektion 20, Nr. 245)
Der Server ist nicht erreichbar. Ich kann meine E-Mails nicht abrufen. Mạng chủ hiện đang bị treo, tôi không thể mở hòm thư được. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1403)

They could have let me know they were going to be late! could
Files can be lost if the system suddenly crashes. crash
The sails hung limply in the flat calm (= conditions at sea when there is no wind and the water is completely level). flat
He was the last man to be hanged for murder in this country. hang
I couldn't help it if the bus was late (= it wasn't my fault). sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
Hurry up! We're going to be late. hurry up (with sth)
look (at sth): Look at the time! We're going to be late. look