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OXF3000N bị bỏ rơi bị ruồng bỏ abandoned
OXF3000N bị khó chịu bực mình bị quấy rầy annoyed
OXF3000N cánh tay vũ trang trang bị (vũ khí) arm
OXF3000N bị gãy bị vỡ broken
OXF3000N bị đốt bị cháy khê rám nắng sạm (da) burnt
OXF3000N bắt giữ bắt sự bắt giữ sự bị bắt capture
OXF3000N không bị điều khiển không bị kiểm tra không bị hạn chế uncontrolled
OXF3000N không bị điều khiển không bị kiểm tra không bị hạn chế uncontrolled
OXF3000N sâu khó lường bí ẩn deep
OXF3000N bị kích thích bị kích động excited
OXF3000N ngã lộn nhào bị đổ fall over
OXF3000N làm bị thương gây thiệt hại 'hʌri
OXF3000N bị nhiễm bị đầu độc infected
OXF3000N bị tổn thương bị xúc phạm injured
OXF3000N hoảng sợ dễ bị kích thích hay lo lắng nervous
OXF3000N chuẩn bị đầy đủ dự phòng cung cấp chu cấp provide
OXF3000N bị hạn chế có giới hạn vùng cấm restricted
OXF3000N bị làm thành tròn phát triển đầy đủ rounded
OXF3000N bị hỏng bị đổ nát bị phá sản ruined
OXF3000N bị hoảng sợ bị sợ hãi scared
OXF3000N bí mật điều bí mật secret
OXF3000N bí mật riêng tư secretly
OXF3000N dễ bị thương dễ bị hỏng dễ bị xúc phạm sensitive
OXF3000N bị kích động bị va chạm bị sốc shocked
OXF3000N bị ốm be sick
OXF3000N bị căng thẳng bị ép bị căng stressed
OXF3000N nghi ngờ hoài nghi người khả nghi người bị tình nghi suspect
OXF3000N không bị kiềm chế không bị kiểm tra uncontrolled
OXF3000N không bị kiềm chế không bị kiểm tra uncontrolled
OXF3000N vết thương thương tích làm bị thường gây thương tích wound
OXF3000N bị thương wounded

Help! I am lost! Giúp! Tôi bị lạc! Common Phrases 3
I do not understand the role of this equipment. Tôi không hiểu vai trò của thiết bị này. Miscellaneous
My grandparents have always back pain in winter. Ông bà của tôi luôn bị đau lưng vào mùa đông. Medical
This contract was postponed. Hợp đồng này đã bị hoãn. Verbs 5
You need to be equipped with knowledge and patience. Bạn cần được trang bị kiến thức và sự kiên nhẫn. Verbs 5
Do I need to equip? Tôi có cần trang bị không? Verbs 5
Buddhism or other religions should not be influenced by politics. Đạo Phật hay những tôn giáo khác không nên bị ảnh hưởng bởi chính trị. History
Their force prepares to ambush the enemy. Lực lượng của họ chuẩn bị phục kích kẻ thù. Military
He will be sick in cold weather Anh ấy sẽ bị trúng gió trong thời tiết lạnh. Informal Expressions
Last month that comedian bought one hundred rabbits and now he is broke. háng trước, diễn viên hài đó mua một trăm con thỏ và bây giờ anh ấy bị viêm màng túi. Informal Expressions

like: bị
verloren bị mất 丢失 diūshī
schockiert bị sốc 吃惊的 chījīng de
verletzt sein bị thương 受伤 shòushāng
unverletzt không bị thương 没受伤害 méiyǒu shòushāng
krank bị ốm (miền bắc việt nam), bị bệnh (miền nam việt nam) 生病的 shēngbìng de
sich verbrennen bị bỏng 烧伤 shāo shāng
verschimmelt bị mốc, lên men 发霉的 fā méi de
auf etwas gefasst sein chuẩn bị cho mọi tình huống 对某事做好准备 duì mǒu shì zuò hǎo zhǔn bèi
allergisch reagieren bị dị ứng 过敏反应 guò mǐn fǎn yìng
sich verletzen bị thương 受伤 shòu shāng
jemanden verletzen làm ai bị thương 使某人受伤 shǐ mǒu rén shòu shāng
heimlich bí mật 秘密的 mì mì de
jemandem den Prozess machen ai bị phán xử 起诉某人 qǐ sù mǒu rén
den Angeklagten belasten chỉ trích bị cáo 举出对被告的指控 jǔ chū duì bèi gào de zhǐ kòng
erbeuten bị cướp 偷到 tōu dào
in Ohnmacht fallen bị ngất 昏厥过去 hūn jué guò qù
von etwas ablenken bị sao nhãng bởi cái gì 从 ... 引开 cóng ..... yǐn kāi
von jemandem fasziniert sein bị thu hút, bị mê hoặc bởi ai đó 对某人着迷, 被某人迷住 duì mǒurén zháomí, bèi mǒurén mízhù
sich zu jemandem hingezogen fühlen cảm thấy bị lôi cuốn, bị hấp dẫn bởi ai đó 被某人迷住 bèi mǒurén mízhù
erregt sein bị kích thích 兴奋 xìngfèn
unterbrochen bị đứt đoạn 中断的 zhōngduàn de
auf Bewährung verurteilt bị tuyên án treo 宣判缓刑 xuānpàn huǎnxíng
tragisch bị kịch, bi thảm 悲惨的 bēicǎn de
eine Strafe verdienen đáng bị trừng phạt 罪有应得 zuì yǒu yīng dé
abgelenkt sein bị đánh lạc hướng 转移了的 zhuǎnyí le de
gezwungen cưỡng ép, bị ép buộc 强迫的 qiángpò de
den Bus verpassen bị nhỡ, bị lỡ xe buýt 错过了公共汽车 cuòguò le gōnggòngqìchē
sich eine Sehne zerren bị bong gân 拉伤一处肌腱 lā shāng yī chù jījiàn
sich den Fuß verstauchen chân bị bong gân 扭伤脚 niǔ shāng jiǎo
schwindelig werden bị chóng mặt 晕眩 yūnxuàn
einen Krampf bekommen bị chuột rút 抽筋, 肌肉痉挛 chōujīn, jīròu jīngluán
verstört reagieren bị lẫn 惊慌失措的 jīnghuāng-shīcuò de
deprimiert sein bị suy nhược 抑郁 yìyù
enttäuscht sein bị thất vọng 失望 shīwàng
hysterisch dễ bị kích động, cuồng loạn 歇斯底里的 xiēsīdǐlǐ de
schielen bị lác mắt 斜视 xiéshì
erblinden bị mù 失明 shīmíng
verloren bị mất
das Billard môn bi da
schockiert bị sốc
verletzt sein bị thương
unverletzt không bị thương
krank bị ốm (miền bắc việt nam), bị bệnh (miền nam việt nam)
die Verletzung bị thương
sich verbrennen bị bỏng
verschimmelt bị mốc, lên men
auf etwas gefasst sein chuẩn bị cho mọi tình huống
allergisch reagieren bị dị ứng
sich verletzen bị thương
jemanden verletzen làm ai bị thương
heimlich bí mật
der Angeklagte bị cáo
jemandem den Prozess machen ai bị phán xử
den Angeklagten belasten chỉ trích bị cáo
erbeuten bị cướp
in Ohnmacht fallen bị ngất
das Geheimnis bí mật
von etwas ablenken bị sao nhãng bởi cái gì
von jemandem fasziniert sein bị thu hút, bị mê hoặc bởi ai đó
sich zu jemandem hingezogen fühlen cảm thấy bị lôi cuốn, bị hấp dẫn bởi ai đó
erregt sein bị kích thích
die Bestechlichkeit tính dễ bị mua chuộc, sự đút lót
die Abfindung tiền bồi thường khi bị nghỉ việc
unterbrochen bị đứt đoạn
das verrostete Eisen sắt bị gỉ
auf Bewährung verurteilt bị tuyên án treo
tragisch bị kịch, bi thảm
der Schalldämpfer thiết bị giảm thanh
eine Strafe verdienen đáng bị trừng phạt
abgelenkt sein bị đánh lạc hướng
gezwungen cưỡng ép, bị ép buộc
der Kürbis quả bí ngô
den Bus verpassen bị nhỡ, bị lỡ xe buýt
der Rußfilter thiết bị lọc muội
die Tragödie bi kịch
sich eine Sehne zerren bị bong gân
sich den Fuß verstauchen chân bị bong gân
schwindelig werden bị chóng mặt
einen Krampf bekommen bị chuột rút
verstört reagieren bị lẫn
deprimiert sein bị suy nhược
enttäuscht sein bị thất vọng
hysterisch dễ bị kích động, cuồng loạn
schielen bị lác mắt
erblinden bị mù
urinieren ohnmächtig werden bị ngất xỉu

In der Stadt verirrt Bị lạc trong thành phố (Lektion 11, Nr. 101)
Nach einer Weile stellt er fest, dass er sich verlaufen hat. Sau một hồi anh ta nhận ra mình đã bị lạc đường. (Lektion 11, Nr. 103)
Ich habe Zahnschmerzen. Anh bị đau răng. (Lektion 17, Nr. 191)
Ich hoffe, es ist niemand gestorben. Tôi hy vọng là không ai bị chết. (Lektion 19, Nr. 225)
Der Flug könnte sich verzögern, aber Sie sollten eine Stunde vor Abflug einchecken. Chuyến bay có thế bị trễ,nhưng anh vẫn nên làm thủ tục một tiếng trước khi cất cánh. (Lektion 20, Nr. 245)
Du bereitest das Fleisch vor und ich mache Salat. Em chuẩn bị thịt còn anh làm salat. (Lektion 23, Nr. 287)
Sie denkt, dass der Ring verloren geht oder so ähnlich. Bà sợ rằng chiếc nhẫn có thế bị mất hay tương tự như vậy. (Lektion 25, Nr. 321)
Verirrt in Berlin Bị lạc ở Berlin (Lektion 28, Nr. 354)
Er half jedem heraus und die Leute, die sich verletzt haben, sind jetzt im Krankenhaus. Họ giúp mọi người thoát ra và những người bị thương thì bây giờ đang ở trong bệnh viện. (Lektion 32, Nr. 431)
Sind Sie verletzt? Ông cũng bị thương à? (Lektion 32, Nr. 432)
Nein, ich bin unverletzt. Ich stehe nur unter Schock. Không, tôi không bị thương. Chỉ bị sốc thôi. (Lektion 32, Nr. 433)
Was würdest du tun, wenn ich Kopfschmerzen hätte? Em sẽ làm gì nếu anh bị đau đầu? (Lektion 33, Nr. 444)
Und was würdest du tun, wenn ich Durchfall und Übelkeit hätte? Và em sẽ làm gì nếu anh bị tiêu chảy và buồn nôn. (Lektion 33, Nr. 448)
Möglicherweise hättest du eine Magenverstimmung oder eine Vergiftung. Có thế là anh có vấn đề với dạ dày hoặc bị ngộ độc. (Lektion 33, Nr. 450)
Sie haben Sonnenbrand und brauchen Sonnencreme oder sie haben eine Allergie. Họ bị cháy nắng và cần kem chống nắng hoặc bị dị ứng. (Lektion 33, Nr. 453)
Einige Leute haben eine Verletzung oder eine Wunde und verlieren Blut. Một vài người bị thương hoặc trầy xước và mất máu. (Lektion 33, Nr. 454)
Er ist vollständig ausgebucht. Nó bị đặt hết chỗ rồi. (Lektion 34, Nr. 473)
Tri steht unter einem riesigen Baum, damit er nicht so nass wird. Tri đứng dưới một cái cây to đế không bị ướt. (Lektion 39, Nr. 560)
Sie sitzen am Küchentisch und besprechen die letzten Vorbereitungen. Họ ngồi bên bàn bếp và nói về việc chuẩn bị cuối cùng. (Lektion 48, Nr. 680)
So können wir uns selbst versorgen und uns für unsere Radtouren Brote streichen. Vậy chúng ta nên tự chuẩn bị và quết bánh mỳ cho tua xe đạp. (Lektion 50, Nr. 709)
Trang und Tri bereiten sich auf ihre Reise vor. Trang và trí chuẩn bị cho chuyến du lịch của họ. (Lektion 51, Nr. 714)
Während Tri eine Blüte fotografiert, wird er von einem Insekt am Auge gestochen. Trong khí Trí đang chụp ảnh một bông hoa, anh đã bị một con côn trùng đốt vào mắt. (Lektion 53, Nr. 743)
Du weißt doch, dass ich allergisch auf Wespenstiche bin. Em còn biết là anh bị dị ứng với ong đốt. (Lektion 53, Nr. 747)
Tris Gesicht ist stark angeschwollen. Mặt của Trí đã bị sưng to. (Lektion 53, Nr. 752)
Tris altes Handy ist defekt. Cái điện thoại di động cũ của Trí bị hỏng. (Lektion 59, Nr. 829)
Sie muss sich ja nicht unbedingt an ihm rächen, aber sie sollte sich in Zukunft wirklich nicht mehr ausnutzen lassen. Chị cũng không nhất thiết phải trả thù anh ta, nhưng thực sự trong tương lai chị không nên để bị lợi dụng nữa. (Lektion 61, Nr. 866)
Blass kommt Tri nach Hause. Seine Nase blutet. Trí nhợt nhạt về nhà. Mũi anh bị chảy máu. (Lektion 62, Nr. 870)
Du bist ja verletzt! Was ist passiert? Anh bị thương! Chuyện gì đã xảy ra? (Lektion 62, Nr. 871)
Brutaler Schläger endlich gefasst, verurteilt und eingesperrt. Kẻ gây rối bạo lực cuối cùng đã bị bắt, bị kết án và bị bỏ tù. (Lektion 63, Nr. 888)
Endlich konnte ihm der Prozess gemacht werden. Rốt cục anh ta cũng bị phán xử. (Lektion 63, Nr. 891)
Er wurde zu drei Jahren Haft verurteilt. Anh ta bị kết án ba năm tù. (Lektion 63, Nr. 896)
Zum Glück ist er geschnappt worden. May mắn rằng anh ta đã bị bắt. (Lektion 63, Nr. 899)
Ja, aber selbst die wurden aufgebrochen. Đúng, nhưng những cái tủ cũng bị cạy. (Lektion 64, Nr. 907)
Alle Computer und Laptops wurden gestohlen. Tất cả máy tính và máy tính xách tay đều bị ăn cắp. (Lektion 64, Nr. 909)
Auch die Kasse haben sie erbeutet. Két tiền cũng bị cướp. (Lektion 64, Nr. 910)
Trang und Tri sind ganz begeistert vom Zoo. Trang và Trí hoàn toàn bị sở thú thu hút. (Lektion 65, Nr. 920)
Die Tiere wirken gut versorgt und nicht vernachlässigt. Những con thú được chăm sóc tốt và không hề bị sao nhãng. (Lektion 65, Nr. 923)
Tri hat sich beim Ausflug in den Zoo erkältet. Sau chuyến đi chơi ở sở thú, Trí đã bị cảm lạnh. (Lektion 66, Nr. 936)
Er niest, seine Nase läuft und der Hals tut ihm weh. Anh bị hắt hơi, chảy mũi và đau cổ họng. (Lektion 66, Nr. 937)
Er sorgt dafür, dass der Körper ausreichend mit Sauerstoff und Nährstoffen versorgt ist. Anh ta chuẩn bị cho cơ thể được cung cấp đầy đủ lượng oxi và chất dinh dưỡng. (Lektion 66, Nr. 948)
Unausgeschlafen und schlecht gelaunt steht Tri auf und macht sich auf den Weg zur Arbeit. Trí dậy với tình trạng thiếu ngủ và tâm trạng xấu, rồi anh chuẩn bị lên đường đi làm. (Lektion 67, Nr. 952)
Schon nach einigen hundert Metern wird die Straße durch einen beschädigten Lastwagen blockiert. Ngay sau một vài trăm mét thì con đường bị chặn bởi một xe tải hỏng. (Lektion 67, Nr. 953)
Sein Auto wurde abgeschleppt. Xe ô tô của anh đã bị kéo đi. (Lektion 67, Nr. 961)
Ich habe eine Autopanne! Xe bị hỏng anh ơi! (Lektion 68, Nr. 970)
Hat der Behälter für das Öl ein Loch? Hay bình chứa dầu bị thủng? (Lektion 68, Nr. 973)
Auch darüber, dass er abgeschleppt wurde, hat er sich sehr geärgert. Và cũng về việc xe bị kéo làm anh rất bực mình. (Lektion 69, Nr. 982)
Sicherheit: Airbag; Innenausstattung: Leder (leicht beschädigt); Sự bảo hiểm: Túi không khí, Nội thất bên trong: da (bị hư hỏng nhẹ); (Lektion 69, Nr. 989)
Viele Häuser wurden zerstört. Nhiều căn nhà bị phá hủy. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1030)
Bäume wurden abgerissen. Cây cối bị đánh đổ. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1031)
Die Menschen mussten fliehen und viele wurden von herabstürzenden Trümmern begraben. Mọi người phải bỏ chạy và nhiều người bị chôn vùi trong đống đổ nát. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1032)
Selbst im Inneren des Landes wurden noch viele Dörfer überschwemmt. Ngay cả trong đất liền còn nhiều làng bị ngập lụt. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1033)
Trang und Tri sind mitten in den Vorbereitungen für ihre Hochzeit und kaufen ein. Trang và Trí đang chuẩn bị cho đám cưới của họ và đi mua sắm. (Lektion 76, Nr. 1081)
Vielen Mitarbeitern drohen Gehaltskürzungen oder Arbeitslosigkeit. Nhiều nhân công có nguy cơ bị cắt giảm lương hoặc bị thất nghiệp. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1163)
Wenn Sie diese E-Mail versehentlich erhalten haben, bitten wir Sie, diese zu löschen. Nếu bức thư này bị gửi nhầm đến bạn, xin vui lòng xóa bức thư này. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1390)
Der Server ist nicht erreichbar. Ich kann meine E-Mails nicht abrufen. Mạng chủ hiện đang bị treo, tôi không thể mở hòm thư được. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1403)
Vielleicht hast du meine E-Mail nicht bekommen, weil sie als Spam eingestuft wurde. Có thể anh / chị không nhận được thư của tôi vì nó bị chuyển vào hòm thư rác. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1404)
Leider ist unser Faxgerät zur Zeit außer Betrieb. Rất tiếc thiết bị nhận fax của chúng tôi hiện đang gặp trục trặc. (Lektion 93, Nr. 1423)
Bitte entschuldigen Sie meine Verspätung. Ich stand eine Stunde lang im Stau. Xin anh / chị thứ lỗi về sự chậm trễ. Tôi bị tắc đường một tiếng đồng hồ. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1488)
Leider müssen Sie mit einer längeren Lieferzeit rechnen. Rất tiếc quý khách phải tính tới việc thời gian vận chuyển bị kéo dài thêm. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1594)
Leider kam Ihre Bestellung als unzustellbar an uns zurück. Bitte teilen Sie uns Ihre korrekte Lieferadresse mit. Rất tiếc hàng bị chuyển lại chỗ chúng tôi. Xin vui lòng thông báo cho chúng tôi địa chỉ giao hàng chính xác của quý khách. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1597)
Ich habe mich überfordert gefühlt. Tôi đã có cảm giác bị thử thách quá sức. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1764)
Während meines Studiums habe ich mich bei einer Umweltorganisation engagiert. Ich war oft für diese Organisation unterwegs. So hat sich mein Studium in die Länge gezogen. Trong thời gian học đại học tôi đã tham gia vào một tổ chức môi trường. Tôi thường đi nhiều nơi cho tổ chức này. Vì vậy việc học tập của tôi bị kéo dài. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1878)
Warum hat man Ihnen gekündigt? Vì sao anh / chị bị nghỉ việc? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1889)
Warum waren Sie ein Jahr lang arbeitslos? Vì sao anh / chị bị thất nghiệp một năm? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1890)
Mein vorheriger Arbeitgeber musste Insolvenz anmelden und so wurde allen Angestellten gekündigt. Người tuyển dụng cũ của tôi bị phá sản và vì vậy tất cả nhân viên bị thôi việc. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1900)
Mein Bürostuhl ist defekt. Wissen Sie, wo ich einen neuen bestellen kann? Ghế làm việc của tôi bị hỏng. Anh / Chị có biết, tôi có thể đặt ghế mới ở đâu không? (Lektion 111, Nr. 2034)
Mein PC ist defekt. Máy tính của tôi bị hỏng. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2059)
Mein Rechner ist abgestürzt. Máy tính của tôi bị tắt. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2060)
Das Programm ist abgestürzt. Chương trình bị tắt. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2061)
Mein Drucker brennt! Was soll ich tun? Máy in của tôi bị cháy! Tôi nên làm gì? (Lektion 113, Nr. 2064)
Mein Bildschirm ist ausgefallen. Màn hình của tôi bị tắt. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2065)
Mein Laufwerk ist kaputt. Ổ đĩa của tôi bị hỏng. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2066)
Die Druckerpatrone ist leer. Máy in bị hết mực. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2068)
Die Datei ist beschädigt und kann nicht geöffnet werden. File bị hỏng và không thể mở được. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2073)
Die Auswertung der Daten hat gezeigt, dass wir im Wettbewerb gegen die Konkurrenz verlieren könnten. Quá trình phân tích đánh giá số liệu cho thấy rằng chúng ta có thể sẽ bị thua trong cuộc cạnh tranh với các đối thủ. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2105)
Wir hinken dem Zeitplan hinterher. Chúng ta đang bị chậm so với tiến độ dự kiến. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2212)
Die Arbeit der zweiten Arbeitsgruppe fehlt immer noch! Phần công việc của nhóm hai vẫn bị thiếu! (Lektion 117, Nr. 2219)
Das Projekt ist gescheitert. Dự án này đã bị thất bại. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2236)
Das Produkt ist defekt. Sản phẩm này bị hỏng. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2278)
Mein Rückflug wurde gestrichen. Bitte buchen Sie meinen Flug um. Chuyến bay về của tôi bị hủy. Xin hãy đổi chuyến khác cho tôi. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2395)
Ich bin allergisch gegen Nüsse. Sind Nüsse in diesem Gericht? Tôi bị dị ứng các loại hạt. Không có hạt nào trong món ăn này phải không? (Lektion 124, Nr. 2446)
Das Produkt ist defekt. Sản phẩm bị hỏng. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2471)
Teile des Produkts sind defekt. Nhiều phần của sản phẩm bị hỏng. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2472)
Das Produkt ist zerkratzt. Sản phẩm bị xước. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2473)
Das Produkt ist beschädigt Sản phẩm bị hỏng. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2474)
Das Produkt ist nicht wasserdicht. Sản phẩm bị thấm nước. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2476)
Das Produkt war schlecht verpackt und wurde beim Transport beschädigt. Sản phẩm được đóng không cẩn thận và bị hỏng trong quá trình vận chuyển. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2478)
Einige Teile der Lieferung sind beschädigt. Nhiều phần của kiện hàng bị hỏng. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2479)
Beim Öffnen des Pakets musste ich leider feststellen, dass Teile der Lieferung fehlen. Khi mở kiện hàng, rất tiếc tôi phải nói rằng hàng chuyển đến bị thiếu nhiều phần. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2481)
Der Betrag der Bestellung wurde falsch berechnet. Tổng số tiền của đơn đặt hàng bị tính nhầm. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2484)
Wir werden das defekte Produkt zurückschicken. Chúng tôi sẽ gửi lại sản phẩm bị hỏng. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2489)
Wir möchten das defekte Produkt zur Reparatur einschicken. Chúng tôi muốn gửi sản phẩm bị hỏng đi sửa. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2490)
Wir sind nicht bereit die defekte Ware zu bezahlen. Chúng tôi không sẵn sàng trả tiền cho những hàng hóa bị hỏng. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2491)
Sollte sich Ihre Lieferung weiter verzögern, werden wir unsere Bestellung stornieren. Nếu việc vận chuyển tiếp tục bị chậm, chúng tôi sẽ hủy đơn đặt hàng. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2494)
Welcher Teil der Lieferung fehlt? Phần nào của kiện hàng bị thiếu? (Lektion 125, Nr. 2504)
Welche Produkte sind beschädigt? Sản phẩm nào bị hỏng? (Lektion 125, Nr. 2505)
Welche Teile sind zerkratzt? Phần nào bị xước? (Lektion 125, Nr. 2506)
Wir werden die defekte Ware selbstverständlich ersetzen. Tất nhiên chúng tôi sẽ thay thế những hàng hóa bị hỏng. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2514)
Bitte schicken Sie die defekte Ware an uns zurück. Xin hãy gửi hàng hóa bị hỏng lại cho chúng tôi. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2515)
Ich werde bei unserer Bank nachfragen, warum sich die Zahlung verzögert. Tôi sẽ hỏi lại ngân hàng, tại sao quá trình thanh toán bị chậm. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2552)
Unsere Zahlung an Sie wurde wieder zurückgebucht. Số tiền thanh toán của chúng tôi gửi đến quý vị bị chuyển ngược lại. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2553)

accept sth from sb: He is charged with accepting bribes from a firm of suppliers. accept
The police gained access through a broken window. access
Disabled visitors are welcome; there is good wheelchair access to most facilities. access
access to confidential information access
Journalists were denied access to the President. access
He was killed in an accident. accident
a fatal accident (= in which sb is killed) accident
The government was accused of incompetence. accuse
They stand accused of crimes against humanity. accuse
soldiers killed in action action
The wedding preparations take weeks but the actual ceremony takes less than an hour. actual
admit to doing sth: She admitted to having stolen the car. admit
She was forced to have her baby adopted. adopt
preparing young people for adult life adult
Cigarette advertising has been banned. advertising
Ask your teacher 's advice / Ask your teacher for advice on how to prepare for the exam. advice
The south of the country was worst affected by the drought. affect
Rub the cream into the affected areas. affect
The road ahead was blocked. ahead
She stands accused of aiding and abetting the crime. aid and abet
a burglar/fire/smoke alarm alarm
He was buried alive in the earthquake. alive
The landscape has been radically altered, severely damaging wildlife. alter
We were amazed to find that no one was hurt. amazed
She was intelligent but suffered from a lack of ambition. ambition
announce that...: They announced that the flight would be delayed. announce
He was anxious not to be misunderstood. anxious
He paused, apparently lost in thought. apparently
The Beatles have never really lost their appeal. appeal
He said he would appeal after being found guilty on four counts of murder. appeal
application to sb (for sth/to do sth): His application to the court for bail has been refused. application
He was accused of appropriating club funds. appropriate
Some of the opposition party's policies have been appropriated by the government. appropriate
Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a wide area. area
The farm and surrounding area were flooded. area
He escaped with only a broken arm. arm
arm yourself/sb (with sth): The men armed themselves with sticks and stones. arm
She had armed herself for the meeting with all the latest statistics. arm
Police were heavily armed. armed
He was armed with a rifle. armed
arrest sb: A man has been arrested in connection with the robbery. arrest
arrest sb for sth: She was arrested for drug-related offences. arrest
arrest sb for doing sth: You could get arrested for doing that. arrest
She was under arrest on suspicion of murder. arrest
Opposition leaders were put under house arrest (= not allowed to leave their houses). arrest
stolen works of art art
He was a true artiste: sensitive, dramatic and tragic. artist
She lost it, just as I said she would. as
All our protests were brushed aside (= ignored). aside
Germany's attack has been weakened by the loss of some key players through injury. attack
to suffer an asthma attack attack
The school has come under attack for failing to encourage bright pupils. attack
The patrol came under attack from all sides. attack
The vines were attacked by mildew. attack
attack sb/sth for sth/for doing sth: She has been attacked for ignoring her own party members. attack
Most dogs will not attack unless provoked. attack
attack sb: A woman was attacked and robbed by a gang of youths. attack
We were shocked by his attempted suicide. attempted
for the attention of... (= written on the envelope of an official letter to say who should deal with it) attention
I couldn't give the programme my undivided attention. attention
attract sb: I had always been attracted by the idea of working abroad. attract
His comments were bound to attract criticism. attract
avoid doing sth: They built a wall to avoid soil being washed away. avoid
He was shot in the back of the knee. back
They had their hands tied behind their backs. back
I pulled (= injured the muscles in) my back playing squash. back
I lost my balance and fell backwards. backwards
She is so bad at keeping secrets. bad
badly paid/treated badly
badly damaged/injured/hurt badly
The country has been badly affected by recession. badly
Chemical weapons are banned internationally. ban
ban sb from sth: He was banned from the meeting. ban
ban sb from doing sth: She's been banned from leaving Greece while the allegations are investigated. ban
He was banned from driving for six months. ban
His injured leg was all bandaged up. bandage
All the ground floor windows were fitted with bars. bar
Some movies have been banned on the basis that they are too violent. basis
to be killed in battle battle
He was killed in the war. be
I'm always being criticized. be
The old theatre was pulled down, wasn't it? be
Karen wasn't beaten in any of her games, but all the others were. be
a beached whale (= one that has become stuck on land and cannot get back into the water) beach
beat sb: At that time children were regularly beaten for quite minor offences (= a punishment). beat
beat sb + adv./prep.: An elderly man was found beaten to death. beat
The prisoners were beaten into submission (= they were beaten until they did what was wanted). beat
He was badly beaten up by a gang of thugs. beat sb up
He has been confined to bed with flu for the past couple of days. bed
Put that away before it gets broken. before
He was shot from behind as he ran away. behind
behind (with sth): She's fallen behind with the payments. behind
believe sb/sth + adj.: Three sailors are missing, believed drowned. believe
He refused to believe (that) his son was involved in drugs. believe
They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves. beneath
This is just between you and me / between ourselves (= it is a secret). between
bite sb: We were badly bitten by mosquitoes. bite
bite sb/sth: She was bitten by the family dog. bite
Dog bites can get infected. bite
The development was bitterly opposed by the local community. bitterly
Which driver was to blame for the accident? be to blame (for sth)
If you lose your job, you'll only have yourself to blame. only have yourself to blame
Why do I always get the blame for everything that goes wrong? blame
Doctors think he will go blind. blind
One of her parents is blind. blind
After today's heavy snow, many roads are still blocked. block
His way was blocked by two large bouncers. block
The proposed merger has been blocked by the government. block
to draw blood (= to wound a person so that they lose blood) blood
blow sth + adv./prep.: I was almost blown over by the wind. blow
The ship was blown onto the rocks. blow
A police officer was killed when his car blew up. blow up
He was knocked out by a single blow to the head. blow
A large body of people will be affected by the tax cuts. body
She had injuries to her head and body. body
+ adj.: She left the gas on by mistake and the pan boiled dry (= the water boiled until there was none left). boil
The city was heavily bombed in the war. bomb
be bothered about sth: You don't sound too bothered about it. bother
I should really do some work this weekend but I can't be bothered. can't be bothered (to do sth)
You have to be prepared to start at the bottom and work your way up. bottom
a device to measure brain activity during sleep brain
My watch has broken. break
The ship was broken up for scrap metal. break sth up
We had our car broken into last week. break into sth
Firefighters had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside. break sth down
breathe sth: Most people don't realize that they are breathing polluted air. breathe
a single broken white line across the road broken
a broken leg/arm broken
How did this dish get broken? broken
The TV's broken. broken
He was killed by a bullet in the head. bullet
burn sb: I got badly burned by the sun yesterday. burn
All his belongings were burnt in the fire. burn
The house was burnt to the ground (= completely destroyed). burn
The house burned to the ground. burn
Ten people burned to death in the hotel fire. burn
burn sb/sth + adj.: His greatest fear is of being burnt alive. burn
The house burned down in 1895. burn down, burn sth down
Your hand looks badly burnt. burnt
bury sb/sth: The house was buried under ten feet of snow. bury
bury sb/sth + adj.: The miners were buried alive when the tunnel collapsed. bury
Your letter got buried under a pile of papers. bury
buried treasure bury
He was buried in Highgate Cemetery. bury
He was knocked down by a bus. by
it is calculated that...: It has been calculated that at least 47 000 jobs were lost last year. calculate
calculate that...: Conservationists calculate that hundreds of species could be lost in this area. calculate
camping equipment camping
All flights have been cancelled because of bad weather. cancel
The city was captured in 1941. capture
Fragile—handle with care (= written on a container holding sth which is easily broken or damaged) care
The injured were carried away on stretchers. carry
a packing case (= a large wooden box for packing things in) case
I'm constantly strapped for cash (= without enough money). cash
Local schools have been starved of cash for a number of years. cash
catch (in/on sth): Her dress caught on a nail. catch
She got caught in a thunderstorm. catch
catch sb + adv./prep.: He was caught with bomb-making equipment in his home. catch
The murderer was never caught. catch
The roof was leaking and I had to use a bucket to catch the drips. catch
chain sb/sth: The doors were always locked and chained. chain
chain sb/sth up: The dog was chained up for the night. chain
I've been chained to my desk all week (= because there was so much work). chain
When installing electrical equipment don't take any chances. A mistake could kill. chance
The car might break down but that's a chance we'll have to take. chance
He will be sent back to England to face a charge of (= to be on trial for) armed robbery. charge
After being questioned by the police, she was released without charge. charge
The children charged down the stairs. charge
charge sb: Several people were arrested but nobody was charged. charge
charge sb with sth/with doing sth: He was charged with murder. charge
We were chased by a bull while crossing the field. chase
The thieves were caught by police after a short chase. chase
She is accused of attempting to cheat the taxman. cheat
Many people feel cheated by the government's refusal to hold a referendum. cheat
Anyone caught cheating will be automatically disqualified from the examination. cheat
The country was chopped up into small administrative areas. chop
Anne Boleyn had her head chopped off. chop sth off (sth)
The ship sank in mysterious circumstances. circumstance
A lot of lost property is never claimed. claim
to clear up a mystery/difficulty/misunderstanding clear sth up
He injured his arm as he jumped clear of the car. clear
close sth (to sb/sth): The road was closed to traffic for two days. close
The club was closed by the police. close
The President was shot at close range (= from a short distance away). close
I've got a cold. cold
to catch a cold cold
You'll catch your death of cold (= used to warn sb they could become ill if they do not keep warm in cold weather). cold
The handle came loose. come
That mark won't come off. come off
All the rooms were comfortably furnished. comfortably
The player was fined by the disciplinary committee. committee
The local community was shocked by the murders. community
concern sb: What concerns me is our lack of preparation for the change. concern
The loss was a tragedy for all concerned (= all those affected by it). concern
neglected children living under the most appalling conditions condition
He suffers from a serious heart condition. condition
People often lose confidence when they are criticized. confidence
She suffers from a lack of confidence. confidence
Here the river is confined in a narrow channel. confine
The soldiers concerned were confined to barracks (= had to stay in the barracks, as a punishment). confine
A faulty connection caused the machine to stop. connection
Connection to the gas supply was delayed for three days. connection
A man has been arrested in connection with the murder of the teenager. in connection with sb/sth
A patient who is not fully conscious should never be left alone. conscious
Two hundred people lost their jobs as a direct consequence of the merger. consequence
He drove too fast with tragic consequences. consequence
consider sb/sth + adj.: consider sb/sth (to be) sth: Consider yourself lucky you weren't fired. consider
Their kindness and consideration will not be forgotten. consideration
constant interruptions constant
construct sth from/out of/of sth: They constructed a shelter out of fallen branches. construct
Witnesses to the accident are asked to contact the police. contact
a brown envelope containing dollar bills contain
For four days the town suffered continuous attacks. continuous
They were sued for breach of contract (= not keeping to a contract). contract
Owing to circumstances beyond our control, the flight to Rome has been cancelled. control
While the pasta is cooking, prepare the sauce. cook
The plan had to be abandoned on grounds of cost. cost
They could have let me know they were going to be late! could
The court heard yesterday how the man collapsed and died after being stabbed. court
His face was covered in blood. covered
He suffered cracked ribs and bruising. cracked
The tree fell with a great crash. crash
A girl was killed yesterday in a crash involving a stolen car. crash
Files can be lost if the system suddenly crashes. crash
Are you crazy? We could get killed doing that. crazy
She's crazy—she ought to be locked up. crazy
criminal negligence (= the illegal act of sb failing to do sth that they should do, with the result that sb else is harmed) criminal
People in public life must always be open to criticism (= willing to accept being criticized). criticism
criticize sb/sth: The decision was criticized by environmental groups. criticize
criticize sb/sth for sth: The government has been criticized for not taking the problem seriously. criticize
Parents play a crucial role in preparing their child for school. crucial
The car was completely crushed under the truck. crush
Several people were crushed to death in the accident. crush
Over twenty prisoners were crushed into a small dark cell. crush
cut sth by...: His salary has been cut by ten per cent. cut
This knife won't cut. cut
The bus was cut in two by the train. cut
He had his finger cut off in an accident at work. cut sth off
Our water supply has been cut off. cut sb/sth off
They were cut off for not paying their phone bill. cut sb/sth off
The army was cut off from its base. cut sb/sth off (from sb/sth)
She feels very cut off living in the country. cut sb/sth off (from sb/sth)
Several vehicles were damaged in the crash. damage
emotionally damaged children damage
There are no dark secrets in our family. dark
He was shot dead by a gunman outside his home. dead
In ten years he'll be dead and buried as a politician. dead
As athletes prepare for the Olympics, sporting organizations are looking for big sponsorship deals to pay for the trip to Sydney. deal
Two children were burnt to death in the fire (= they died as a result of the fire). death
a death camp (= a place where prisoners are killed, usually in a war) death
He was sentenced to death (= to be executed ). death
The decay of the wood will spread if it is not removed. decay
declare sth + adj.: The contract was declared void. declare
They were deeply disturbed by the accident. deeply
a defeated army defeat
The government was defeated by 200 votes to 83. defeat
The motion was defeated by 19 votes. defeat
When her brother was criticized she leapt to his defence. defence
Thousands of commuters were delayed for over an hour. delay
The government is accused of using delaying tactics (= deliberately doing sth to delay a process, decision, etc.). delay
it is denied that...: It can't be denied that we need to devote more resources to this problem. deny
He either resigned or was sacked, depending on who you talk to. depending on
She was deserted by her husband. desert
The villages had been deserted. desert
Large numbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became inevitable. desert
The office was completely deserted. deserted
The machine's unique design prevents it from overheating. design
Somewhere out there was a desperate man, cold, hungry, hunted. desperate
The building was completely destroyed by fire. destroy
The proposal had been dropped in the face of determined opposition. determined
Her son developed asthma when he was two. develop
This piece of equipment is an exciting new development. development
a water-saving device device
This device enables deaf people to communicate by typing messages instead of speaking. device
electrical labour-saving devices around the home device
His secret died with him (= he never told anyone). die
This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed. die out
direct sth at sth/sb: The machine directs a powerful beam at the affected part of the body. direct
The road was blocked in both directions. direction
We have not been directly affected by the cuts. directly
His clothes were covered in dirt. dirt
Many children in the class suffered severe social and economic disadvantage. disadvantage
Disaster struck when the wheel came off. disaster
discover sb/sth doing sth: He was discovered hiding in a shed. discover
discover sb/sth + adj.: She was discovered dead at her home in Leeds. discover
sb/sth is discovered to be/have...: He was later discovered to be seriously ill. discover
discovery (that...): She was shocked by the discovery that he had been unfaithful. discovery
discuss sth: I'm not prepared to discuss this on the phone. discuss
He suffers from a rare blood disease. disease
He was accused of dishonestly obtaining property. dishonestly
dismiss sb/sth as sth: Vegetarians are no longer dismissed as cranks. dismiss
She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post. dismiss
He was arrested on drug distribution charges. distribution
disturb sb: The letter shocked and disturbed me. disturb
One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police. document
As a child he was dominated by his father. dominate
She was trapped in a downward spiral of personal unhappiness. downward
The robbers drove off in a stolen vehicle. drive off
The car comes equipped with a driver's airbag. driver
drop sth (+ adv./prep.): Medical supplies are being dropped into the stricken area. drop
If you want the job, you must be prepared to take a drop in salary. drop
a soft drug (= one that is not considered very harmful) drug
Drugs have been seized with a street value of two million dollars. drug
She was found to be under the influence of drugs. drug
He was charged with pushing drugs (= selling them). drug
The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding. due
The dead body was just dumped by the roadside. dump
He was taken to the hospital during the night. during
She's had her ears pierced. ear
Patient education is important to minimize the risk of a second heart attack. education
Despite her ordeal, she seems to have suffered no ill effects. effect
efficient heating equipment efficient
Bind the mixture together with a little beaten egg. egg
He's fractured his elbow. elbow
electrical equipment/appliances electrical
The electricity is off (= there is no electric power supply). electricity
emotionally disturbed children emotionally
encounter (with sb/sth): Three of them were killed in the subsequent encounter with the police. encounter
The enemy was/were forced to retreat. enemy
Two men have been helping police with their enquiries (= are being questioned about a crime, but have not been charged with it). enquiry
The entire village was destroyed. entire
an airmail/padded/prepaid envelope envelope
An area of forest equal to the size of Wales has been destroyed. equal
office equipment equipment
new equipment for the sports club equipment
They were caught trying to escape. escape
escape doing sth: He narrowly escaped being killed. escape
The essential character of the town has been destroyed by the new road. essential
estimate how many, large, etc...: It is hard to estimate how many children suffer from dyslexia. estimate
He found that the report he had written had been overtaken by events (= it was no longer relevant). event
I was bitten by a dog once and I've been afraid of them ever since. ever since (...)
A lot of students suffer from exam nerves. exam
Children are not usually allowed in, but I'm prepared to make an exception in this case. make an exception
The cost of borrowing has been excluded from the inflation figures. exclude
Women are still excluded from some London clubs. exclude
Concern is growing over the number of children excluded from school (= not allowed to attend because of bad behaviour). exclude
She felt excluded by the other girls (= they did not let her join in what they were doing). exclude
He's still getting over his illness, so don't expect too much from him. expect
a doctor with experience in dealing with patients suffering from stress experience
explain that...: Alex explained that his car had broken down. explain
The most likely explanation is that his plane was delayed. explanation
explanation (of sth): The book opens with an explanation of why some drugs are banned. explanation
Bomb disposal experts exploded the device under controlled conditions. explode
300 people were injured in the explosion. explosion
Do not expose babies to strong sunlight. expose
She was exposed as a liar and a fraud. expose
She suffered extensive injuries in the accident. extensive
To a certain extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation. to... extent
conference facilities facility
shopping/banking/cooking facilities facility
Despite the fact that she was wearing a seat belt, she was thrown sharply forward. fact
She was disqualified after failing a drugs test. fail
patients suffering from heart/kidney, etc. failure failure
Production has been hampered by mechanical failure. failure
She promised faithfully not to tell anyone my secret. faithfully
She fell ill soon after and did not recover. fall
They were injured by falling rocks. fall
She was killed in a fall from a horse. fall
The boat was stuck fast (= unable to move) in the mud. fast
be feared to be/have sth: Women and children are feared to be among the victims. fear
it is feared (that)...: It is feared (that) he may have been kidnapped. fear
She felt betrayed. feel
Public feeling is being ignored by the government. feeling
I had a nasty feeling that we were lost. feeling
I recognized a fellow sufferer, waiting nervously outside the exam room. fellow
He has a high fever. fever
She caught a fever on her travels in Africa, and died. fever
secret police files file
file on sb: to have/open/keep a confidential file on sb file
The school is filled to capacity. fill
The accident was captured/caught on film. film
Offenders will be liable to a heavy fine (= one that costs a lot of money). fine
fine sb (for sth/for doing sth): She was fined for speeding. fine
fine sb sth (for sth/for doing sth): The company was fined £20 000 for breaching safety regulations. fine
Their vehicle came under fire (= was being shot at). fire
The warehouse has been badly damaged by fire. fire
She got fired from her first job. fire
fire sth: They ran away as soon as the first shot was fired. fire
fit (for sth): He's had a bad cold and isn't fit enough for work yet. fit
Everything went up in flames (= was destroyed by fire). flame
The sails hung limply in the flat calm (= conditions at sea when there is no wind and the water is completely level). flat
They're renting a furnished flat on the third floor. flat
All flights between New York and Washington have been cancelled due to fog. flight
The river is in flood (= has more water in it than normal and has caused a flood). flood
be flooded with sth: The room was flooded with evening light. flood
flood sth: If the pipe bursts it could flood the whole house. flood
The whole family has the flu. flu
She's got flu. flu
Several people were hit by flying glass. fly
I took her classes for her while she was sick. for
He was finally defeated by forces beyond his control. force
The rioters were taken away by force. force
force sth + adj.: The door had been forced open. force
I was forced to take a taxi because the last bus had left. force
Thousands of hectares of forest are destroyed each year. forest
it is forgotten that...: It should not be forgotten that people used to get much more exercise. forget
the secret formula for the blending of the whisky formula
For the first time he was able to speak freely without the fear of reprisals against his family. freely
frightened for sb: I'm frightened for him (= that he will be hurt, etc.). frightened
The party was ousted from power after eighteen years. from
She saved him from drowning. from
The front of the car was badly damaged. front
I'm absolutely frozen! frozen
The ground was frozen solid. frozen
She stared at him, frozen with shock. frozen
A full refund will be given if the item is faulty. full
animals pumped full of antibiotics full
The project has been cancelled because of lack of funds fund
It's not funny! Someone could have been hurt. funny
The animal is hunted for its fur. fur
+ adv./prep.: The bridge was destroyed so we couldn't get across the river. get
My car got (= was) stolen at the weekend. get
She gets (= often suffers from) really bad headaches. get
I got a shock when I saw the bill. get
Thieves got away with computer equipment worth $30 000. get away with sth
Don't be tempted to cheat—you'll never get away with it. get away with sth
I'll give you (= allow you to have) ten minutes to prepare your answer. give
The rebels were forced to give in. give in (to sb/sth)
She gave away state secrets to the enemy. give sth/sb away
Her eyes were glued to the screen (= she did not stop watching it). be glued to sth
The way things are going the company will be bankrupt by the end of the year. go
The gun went off by accident. go off
good (to sb): He was very good to me when I was ill. good
stolen goods goods
I would be most grateful if you would keep this matter confidential. grateful
She is gravely ill. gravely
The case was dismissed on the grounds that there was not enough evidence. ground
Houses and a luxury tourist hotel were burned to the ground (= completely destroyed, so that there is nothing left). ground
guarantee (that)...: We cannot guarantee (that) our flights will never be delayed. guarantee
This iron is guaranteed for a year against faulty workmanship. guarantee
The terrorist was kept under police guard. guard
a closely guarded secret guard
The jury found the defendant not guilty of the offence. guilty
The gun went off by accident. gun
At the end of the film the bad guy gets shot. guy
Our cat hates being handled. handle
He was the last man to be hanged for murder in this country. hang
It's hard to see how they can lose. hard
It's hardly surprising she was fired; she never did any work. hardly
She had her bag stolen. have
I've got a headache. have
have sth + adj.: He's got a front tooth missing. have
The driver suffered head injuries. head
to be bleeding heavily heavily
to be heavily taxed heavily
She has been heavily criticized in the press. heavily
There was heavy fighting in the capital last night. heavy
The stone was dropped from a great height. height
I couldn't help it if the bus was late (= it wasn't my fault). sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
hide sth: The house was hidden by trees. hide
Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike. hit
Spain was one of the hardest hit countries. hit
I was hit by a falling stone. hit
The town was hit by bombs again last night. hit
He was hit by a sniper. hit
hold sb + noun: He was held prisoner for two years. hold
My application was held up by the postal strike. hold sb/sth up
The family honour is at stake. honour
With a look of horror, he asked if the doctor thought he had cancer. horror
The thought of being left alone filled her with horror. horror
The injured were rushed to (the) hospital in an ambulance. hospital
The hostages were used as a human shield (= a person or group of people that is forced to stay in a particular place where they would be hurt or killed if their country attacked it). human
The public is always attracted to politicians who have the human touch (= the ability to make ordinary people feel relaxed when they meet them). human
hunt sth: Whales are still being hunted and killed in the Arctic. hunt
Hurry up! We're going to be late. hurry up (with sth)
My shoes hurt—they're too tight. hurt
None of the passengers were badly hurt. hurt
She was deeply hurt that she had not been invited. hurt
Many of those arrested refused to identify themselves (= would not say who they were). identify
Their identities were kept secret. identity
I'd be grateful if you would keep it a secret. if
Her father is seriously ill in St Luke's hospital. ill
She was taken ill suddenly. ill
Uncle Harry is terminally ill with cancer (= he will die from his illness). ill
the mentally ill (= people with a mental illness) ill
He resigned because of ill health (= he was often ill). ill
She suffered no ill effects from the experience. ill
Counselling is being given to those most immediately affected by the tragedy. immediately
They were charged with living off immoral earnings (= money earned by working as a prostitute ). immoral
The car is fitted with side impact bars (= to protect it from a blow from the side). impact
She stressed the importance of careful preparation. importance
We were locked in. in
a fat envelope about half an inch thick inch
His bad behaviour was just an isolated incident. incident
Six people were killed in the riot, including a policeman. including
Increasing numbers of people are using hand-held devices to access the Internet. increase
increase with sth: Disability increases with age (= the older sb is, the more likely they are to be disabled). increase
The school's reputation was ruined by the bad behaviour of a few individuals. individual
infect sb/sth with sth: people infected with HIV infect
The wound from the dog bite had become infected. infected
an infected water supply infected
an infected PC infected
Research shows that most young smokers are influenced by their friends. influence
influence sb to do sth: She was influenced to take up voluntary work by her teacher. influence
The local climate is influenced by the Gulf Stream. influence
It has all the ingredients of a good mystery story. ingredient
He injured his knee playing hockey. injure
Three people were killed and five injured in the crash. injure
She injured herself during training. injure
an injured leg injured
Luckily, she isn't injured. injured
Carter is playing in place of the injured O'Reilly. injured
an injured look/tone injured
injured pride injured
There were no injuries in the crash (= no people injured). injury
Thousands of innocent civilians have been killed in this conflict. innocent
The door was locked from the inside. inside
Lee was ill so I went instead. instead
I have never been so insulted in my life! insult
She felt insulted by the low offer. insult
They were interrupted by a knock at the door. interrupt
The game was interrupted several times by rain. interrupt
I managed to work for two hours without interruption. interruption
She spoke for 20 minutes without interruption. interruption
The police are waiting to interview the injured man. interview
The FBI has been called in to investigate. investigate
This is not the first time he has been investigated by the police for fraud. investigate
She is still under investigation. investigation
patients with iron deficiency (= not enough iron in their blood) iron
The party was divided on this issue. issue
It appears that the two leaders are holding secret talks. it
Members of the public joined the search for the missing boy. join
I was just going to tell you when you interrupted. just
They were accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice. justice
They were accused of attempting to obstruct justice. justice
Can you keep a secret? keep
She kept her past secret from us all. keep
kick (sb/sth): She was punched and kicked by her attackers. kick
The child was dragged away, kicking and screaming. kick
If an animal is badly injured, often the kindest thing to do is to destroy it painlessly. kind
These jeans are torn at the knee. knee
She was knocked down by a bus. knock sb down/over
These old houses are going to be knocked down. knock sth down
'What are you two whispering about?' 'You don't want to know ' (= because you would be shocked or wouldn't approve). know
You know that restaurant round the corner? It's closed down. you know
She was impatient in the knowledge that time was limited. knowledge
He was sentenced to two years in a labour camp (= a type of prison where people have to do hard physical work). labour
The trip was cancelled through lack of (= because there was not enough) interest. lack
He was taken on as a teacher but was found lacking (= was thought not to be good enough). lacking
During the war their lands were occupied by the enemy. land
He was injured early on and didn't last the match. last
The concert was cancelled at a very late stage. late
Do not think you are above the law (= think that you cannot be punished by the law). law
it is learned that...: It has been learned that 500 jobs are to be lost at the factory. learn
He hadn't been asked to the party and was feeling very left out. leave sb/sth out (of sth)
She got a headache if she had to read for any length of time (= for a long time). length
It was a lesson not lost on (= learned well by) the team manager. lesson
James lost his licence for six months (= had his licence taken away by the police as a punishment). licence
Hundreds of lives were threatened when the building collapsed. life
Students were angry at being treated like children. like
The train was delayed because a tree had fallen across the line. line
The company's lines have been jammed (= busy) all day with people making complaints. line
They were stuck in a line of traffic. line
He was convicted of illegally importing weapons across state lines. line
Her novel shot to the top of the best-seller list. list
The poor little thing! It's lost its mother. little
A local man was accused of the murder. local
Rescue planes are trying to locate the missing sailors. locate
a honeymoon in a secret location location
He's been ill (for) a long time. long
The house was pulled down long ago. long
look (at sth): Look at the time! We're going to be late. look
Passers-by simply looked on as he was attacked. look on
Looks can be deceptive. look
Check that the plug has not come loose. loose
The horse had broken loose (= escaped) from its tether. loose
He lost his nerve at the last minute. lose
She lost a leg in a car crash. lose
They lost both their sons (= they were killed) in the war. lose
The ship was lost at sea (= it sank). lose
The tickets seem to have got lost. lose
If he isn't prepared to accept this money, then that's his loss. loss
We always get lost in London. lost
I'm still looking for that lost file. lost
Your cheque must have got lost in the post. lost
The strike cost them thousands of pounds in lost business. lost
She's trying to recapture her lost youth. lost
He regretted the lost (= wasted) opportunity to apologize to her. lost
the lost art of letter-writing lost
We would be lost without your help. lost
I felt so lost after my mother died. lost
Hang on a minute—I'm lost. lost
It was love at first sight (= they were attracted to each other the first time they met). love
By sheer luck nobody was hurt in the explosion. luck
lucky (to do sth): His friend was killed and he knows he is lucky to be alive. lucky
He was unhurt apart from a lump on his head. lump
a place of secret shadows and ancient magic magic
He loved the magic and mystery of the place. magic
a leaking gas main main
The electricity supply has been cut off at the mains. main
make sb/sth + noun: He makes King Lear a truly tragic figure. make
He made up some excuse about his daughter being sick. make sth up
After all the delays, we were anxious to make up for lost time. make up for sth
Faulty goods should be returned to the manufacturers. manufacturer
Many jobs in manufacturing were lost during the recession. manufacturing
Even if one person is hurt that is one too many. many
mark A (with B): Items marked with an asterisk can be omitted. mark
Do not open any mail marked 'Confidential'. mark
He suffered a massive heart attack. massive
What on earth was the matter with her, she wondered. She'd come here to enjoy herself and here she was, stuck on her own in the hotel. matter
I wasn't prepared to let the matter drop (= stop discussing it). matter
a device that measures the level of radiation in the atmosphere measure
Police in riot gear were in attendance as a precautionary measure. measure
The media was/were accused of influencing the final decision. media
He suffered loss of memory for weeks after the accident. memory
She was suffering from physical and mental exhaustion. mental
mentally ill mentally
We've had an urgent message saying that your father's ill. message
When they quarrel, I am often caught in the middle. middle
Let's have a midnight feast tonight (= a secret meal that children like to have in the middle of the night). midnight
Her mind is completely occupied by the new baby. mind
youths imprisoned for minor offences minor
My gloves have been missing for ages. missing
Two files have gone missing. missing
He was reported missing, presumed dead. missing
Many soldiers were listed as missing in action. missing
There were several candidates missing from the list. missing
I told her my secret in the mistaken belief that I could trust her. mistaken
mobile equipment mobile
Please make sure all mobile phones are switched off during the performance. mobile phone
the most modern, well-equipped hospital in London modern
Some addicts suffer violent mood swings (= changes of mood) if deprived of the drug. mood
The mood of the meeting was distinctly pessimistic. mood
The stores were overrun with rats and mice. mouse
He was found guilty of murder. murder
She has been charged with the attempted murder of her husband. murder
The play is a murder mystery. murder
The murdered woman was well known in the area. murder
I needed space to be myself (= not influenced by other people). myself
He died in mysterious circumstances. mysterious
A mysterious illness is affecting all the animals. mysterious
A mysterious young woman is living next door. mysterious
It is one of the great unsolved mysteries of this century. mystery
Their motives remain a mystery. mystery
It's a complete mystery to me why they chose him. mystery
He's a bit of a mystery. mystery
There was a mystery guest on the programme. mystery
The band was financed by a mystery backer. mystery
a mystery tour (= when you do not know where you are going) mystery
Mystery surrounds her disappearance. mystery
His past is shrouded in mystery (= not much is known about it). mystery
The dark glasses give her an air of mystery. mystery
She's a woman of mystery. mystery
I enjoy murder mysteries. mystery
The prisoners were stripped naked. naked
name sb/sth as sb/sth: The missing man has been named as James Kelly. name
We came near to being killed. near
The box fitted neatly into the drawer. neatly
He's off work with a trapped nerve in his neck. nerve
By the end of the meal her nerves were completely frayed. nerve
Messengers brought news that the battle had been lost. news
We all had the flu last week—it wasn't very nice. nice
The room was nicely furnished. nicely
I was woken by the noise of a car starting up. noise
Not a building nor a tree was left standing. nor
a blocked/runny nose nose
Patients' medical notes have gone missing. note
All that preparation was for nothing because the visit was cancelled. for nothing
There was a notice on the board saying the class had been cancelled. notice
It's broken. Now I'll have to get a new one. now
a psychiatric nurse (= one who works in a hospital for people with mental illnesses) nurse
The suspect is being kept under observation (= watched closely by the police). observation
observe that...: She observed that all the chairs were already occupied. observe
It was obvious to everyone that the child had been badly treated. obvious
He spent his childhood in occupied Europe. occupied
The capital has been occupied by the rebel army. occupy
criticism of the police (= they are criticized) of
He was cleared of all blame. of
a capital offence (= one for which sb may be punished by death) offence
They'll be offended if you don't go to their wedding. offend
The offer has been withdrawn. offer
He had been hit on the head. on
Our car's always breaking down. But we're getting a new one soon. one
The house had been thrown open to the public. open
Leave the envelope open. open
Operation of the device is extremely simple. operation
He was given one month's imprisonment without the option of a fine. option
The phone is out of order. out of order
The original manuscript has been lost. original
Two buildings were destroyed and many others damaged in the blast. other
One son went to live in Australia and the other one was killed in a car crash. other
He got thrown out of the restaurant. out
They felt cut off from the outside world (= from other people and from other things that were happening). outside
The lake was frozen over. over
The company will invest $1.6m overall in new equipment. overall
The dead woman had been overcome by smoke. overcome
You can buy the envelopes in packs of ten. pack
Attractive packaging can help to sell products. packaging
One of the glass panels in the front door was cracked. panel
Part of the building was destroyed in the fire. part
a secret underground passage passage
I was forced to ask passing strangers for money. passing
They say she has a 'past' (= bad things in her past life that she wishes to keep secret). past
He just wants to be left in peace (= not to be disturbed). peace
They were charged with disturbing the peace (= behaving in a noisy and violent way). peace
Many young people are out of work. people
Perhaps he's forgotten. perhaps
The stroke left his right side permanently damaged. permanently
permission (for sb/sth) (to do sth): The school has been refused permission to expand. permission
He was personally criticized by inspectors for his incompetence. personally
persuade sb: No one was persuaded by his arguments. persuade
He left the phone off the hook as he didn't want to be disturbed. phone
She was intimidated by his physical presence. physical
I felt physically sick before the exam. physically
a piece of equipment/machinery piece
The boat had been smashed to pieces on the rocks. piece
a leaking gas pipe pipe
Excuse me, I seem to have lost my place. place
Caring for a sick relative is a task that brings both pleasure and pain. pleasure
plot (with sb) (against sb): They were accused of plotting against the state. plot
plot sth: Military officers were suspected of plotting a coup. plot
We have to fit five of us plus all our gear in the car. plus
Many people suffer from mental illness at some point in their lives. point
The dog was killed by rat poison (= poison intended to kill rats ). poison
Thousands are at risk of being poisoned by fumes from faulty heaters. poison
a poisoned arrow poison
Someone had been poisoning his food. poison
Large sections of the river have been poisoned by toxic waste from factories. poison
A man was arrested by the police and held for questioning. police
Hundreds of police in riot gear struggled to control the violence. police
He was a political prisoner (= one who was put in prison because he was thought to be harmful to the state). political
beaches covered with pollution pollution
a poor sailor (= sb who easily gets sick at sea) poor
My arms were aching so I shifted (my) position slightly. position
to be HIV positive positive
He was charged with possessing a shotgun without a licence. possess
Belgium was the first European country to possess a fully fledged rail network. possess
The gang was caught in possession of stolen goods. possession
Try to avoid losing your temper if at all possible (= if you can). possible
Three soldiers were shot dead at a border post. post
My application got lost in the post. post
practise sth: He was banned from practising medicine. practise
Preparation for the party started early. preparation
food preparation preparation
Careful preparation for the exam is essential. preparation
The team has been training hard in preparation for the big game. preparation
No athlete would dream of entering a big race without adequate preparation. preparation
preparation (for sth): The country is making preparations for war. preparation
Was going to college a good preparation for your career? preparation
preparation (to do sth): We made preparations to move to new offices. preparation
wedding preparations preparation
prepare sth/sb: to prepare a report prepare
prepare sth/sb for sb/sth: A hotel room is being prepared for them. prepare
The college prepares students for a career in business. prepare
prepare for sth: The whole class is working hard preparing for the exams. prepare
prepare yourself (for sth): The police are preparing themselves for trouble at the demonstration. prepare
I had been preparing myself for this moment. prepare
Her condition is not improving as we hoped. You must prepare yourselves for the worst. prepare
prepare to do sth: I was preparing to leave. prepare
prepare yourself to do sth: The troops prepared themselves to go into battle. prepare
He was in the kitchen preparing lunch. prepare
I was not prepared for all the problems it caused. prepared
We'll be better prepared next time. prepared
When they set out they were well prepared. prepared
How much are you prepared to pay? prepared
I usually buy packs of prepared vegetables to save time. prepared
She has been harassed by the press, who desperately need a story. press
The director is under increasing pressure to resign. under pressure
prevent sb/sth from doing sth: He is prevented by law from holding a licence. prevent
Her pride was hurt. pride
The magazine was sued for printing a libellous article about her family. print
He was sent to prison for five years. prison
The government insists that 'prison works' and plans to introduce a tougher sentencing policy for people convicted of violent crime. prison
He was taken prisoner by rebel soldiers. prisoner
Find which food you are allergic to by a process of elimination. process
program sth (to do sth): The computer is programmed to warn users before information is deleted. program
proposal that...: His proposal that the system should be changed was rejected. proposal
propose that...: She proposed that the book be banned. propose
She proposed that the book should be banned. propose
protect sb/sth/yourself (against/from sth): Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack. protect
In this country, you are innocent until proved guilty. prove
punch sb/sth: He was kicked and punched as he lay on the ground. punch
punish sb: Those responsible for this crime will be severely punished. punish
punish sb for sth/for doing sth: He was punished for refusing to answer their questions. punish
He was sent to his room as a punishment. punishment
The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier. purchase
He was put off science by bad teaching. put sb off sth/sb
I was overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of information available. quantity
She was arrested and questioned about the fire. question
race sb/sth + adv./prep.: The injured man was raced to the hospital. race
The colonel was stripped of his rank (= was given a lower position, especially as a punishment). rank
This accident could have produced a real tragedy. real
For reasons of security the door is always kept locked. reason
'Why did she do that?' 'She must have her reasons ' (= secret reasons which she does not want to tell). reason
to lose your reason (= become mentally ill) reason
recording equipment recording
recover sth: The police eventually recovered the stolen paintings. recover
The equipment is checked on a regular basis. regular
Under the new regulations spending on office equipment will be strictly controlled. regulation
When her husband left home she felt rejected and useless. reject
Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control. reject
I've been rejected by all the universities I applied to. reject
The proposal was firmly rejected. reject
All our suggestions were rejected out of hand. reject
relation (with sb/sth): Relations with neighbouring countries are under strain at present. relation
She burst into tears, releasing all her pent-up emotions. release
Much to my relief the car was not damaged. relief
rely to do sth: You can rely on me to keep your secret. rely on/upon sb/sth
Remarkably, nobody was killed. remarkably
remove sth/sb: Illegally parked vehicles will be removed. remove
Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour. remove
Are you prepared to repeat these allegations in court? repeat
The victim had been stabbed repeatedly in the chest. repeatedly
to replace the handset (= after using the telephone). replace
a reply-paid envelope (= on which you do not have to put a stamp because it has already been paid for) reply
it is reported that...: It was reported that several people had been arrested. report
report that...: The TV news reported that several people had been arrested. report
Ms Dale is representing the defendant (= is his/her lawyer) in the case. represent
The writer's name was withheld by request (= because the writer asked for this to be done). request
rescue sb/sth from sth/sb: He rescued a child from drowning. rescue
The bank rescued the company from bankruptcy. rescue
resist sth: She was charged with resisting arrest. resist
He is mentally ill and cannot be held responsible for his actions. responsible
Her vision is restricted in one eye. restricted
She died as a result of her injuries. result
The farm was flooded, with the result that most of the harvest was lost. result
Her suspicions returned when things started going missing again. return
return sb/sth to sb/sth: We had to return the hairdryer to the store because it was faulty. return
reveal sth (to sb): to reveal a secret reveal
it is revealed that...: It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed. reveal
She used to work for me, but our situations are now reversed. reverse
The policy is likely to be reversed if there is a change of government. reverse
The secret number is my phone number in reverse. in reverse
I'll prepare a revised estimate for you. revise
We managed to get a ride into town when we missed the bus. ride
If we go to war, innocent lives will be put at risk. at risk (from/of sth)
That's a risk I'm not prepared to take. take a risk, take risks
risk (sb/sth) doing sth: They knew they risked being arrested. risk
He was shot by a member of a rival gang. rival
He was walking along the road when he was attacked. road
He had been robbed of his dignity. rob sb/sth of sth
The tunnel was blasted out of solid rock. rock
The corner of the classroom was damp where the roof had leaked. roof
The roof of the car was not damaged in the accident. roof
The road's blocked—you'll have to drive the long way round. round
My new shoes got ruined in the mud. ruin
The crops were ruined by the late frost. ruin
The country was ruined by the war. ruin
The house had been left to go to ruin. ruin
a ruined castle ruined
We live in a society where we are ruled by the clock. rule
Police have not ruled out the possibility that the man was murdered. rule sb/sth out
The proposed solution was ruled out as too expensive. rule sb/sth out
Rumour has it (= people say) that he was murdered. rumour
Time is running out for the trapped miners. run out
Two children were run over and killed. run sb/sth over
Ambulances rushed the injured to the hospital. rush
She was trampled in the rush to get out. rush
Her work was so poor that she was given the sack. sack
She was sacked for refusing to work on Sundays. sack
sad (that...): It is sad that so many of his paintings have been lost. sad
Sad to say (= unfortunately) the house has now been demolished. sad
memories tinged with sadness sadness
The missing child was found safe and well. safe
Your secret is safe with me (= I will not tell anyone else). safe
The police are concerned for the safety of the 12-year-old boy who has been missing for three days. safety
He was kept in custody for his own safety. safety
They reached safety seconds before the building was engulfed in flames. safety
an increase in the number of stolen vehicles being offered for sale for sale
'Get lost!' 'Same to you!' (the) same to you
say (that)...: Say you lose your job: what would you do then? say
The car's paintwork is badly scratched. scratch
Does the cat scratch? scratch
Her hands were covered in scratches from the brambles. scratch
All I could hear were the screams of the wounded. scream
a sealed bid (= one that is kept in a sealed envelope and therefore remains secret until all other bids have been received) seal
The road will remain sealed off until the police have completed their investigations. seal sth off
Only drink bottled water and check the seal isn't broken. seal
search sth: His house had clearly been searched and the book was missing. search
search sb for sth: The youths were arrested and searched for anything that would incriminate them. search
secret information/meetings/talks secret
secret (from sb): He tried to keep it secret from his family. secret
Details of the proposals remain secret. secret
a secret passage leading to the beach secret
He's a secret drinker. secret
I didn't know you were a secret football fan. secret
her secret fears secret
a secret room secret
The police had secretly filmed the conversations. secretly
She was secretly pleased to see him. secretly
Can you keep a secret? secret
The location of the ship is a closely guarded secret. secret
Shall we let him in on (= tell him) the secret? secret
She was dismissed for revealing trade secrets. secret
official/State secrets secret
dark secrets from his past secret
Careful planning is the secret of success. secret
She still looks so young. What's her secret? secret
The meeting was held in secret. in secret
She admired him, in secret of course. in secret
She'd allowed herself to be lulled into a false sense of security (= a feeling that she was safe when in fact she was in danger). security
The criminals were caught (= filmed) on a security video. security
see what, why, etc...: 'It's broken.' 'Oh yes, I see what you mean.' see
She will never see again (= she has become blind). see
This week's performances are completely sold out. sell out, be sold out
The CD player was faulty so we sent it back to the manufacturers. send
There is a sense in which we are all to blame for the tragedy. sense
separate sb/sth from/and sb/sth: Those suffering from infectious diseases were separated from the other patients. separate
to be seriously ill/injured seriously
Several of the paintings were destroyed in the fire. several
The victim suffered severe brain damage. severe
areas severely affected by unemployment severely
Anyone breaking the law will be severely punished. severely
Her hair was tied severely in a bun. severely
sexually abused children sexually
shake sb: He was badly shaken by the news of her death. shake
His face burned with shame. shame
This old T-shirt has completely lost its shape. shape
The two friends shared everything—they had no secrets. share
They boarded a ship bound for India. ship
He was arrested and shipped back to the UK for trial. ship
Don't touch that wire or you'll get a shock. shock
She was taken to hospital suffering from shock. shock
He isn't seriously injured but he is in (a state of) shock. shock
I got a terrible shock the other day. shock
She still hadn't got over the shock of seeing him again. shock
If you think the job will be easy, you're in for a shock. shock
The team suffered a shock defeat in the first round. shock
We were all shocked at the news of his death. shock
shock sb that...: Neighbours were shocked that such an attack could happen in their area. shock
shoot sb/sth/yourself: A man was shot in the leg. shoot
shoot sb/sth + adj.: Three people were shot dead during the robbery. shoot
Several planes were shot down by enemy fire. shoot sb/sth down
Police rushed to the scene of the shooting and found one person dead and three wounded. shooting
show (sb) how, what, etc...: This shows how people are influenced by TV advertisements. show
We were caught in a heavy shower. shower
The computer system will be shut down over the weekend. shut sth down
She shut the dog in the shed while she prepared the barbecue. shut sb/yourself in (sth)
sick of sb/sth: I'm sick of the way you've treated me. sick
I'm sick to death of all of you! sick
sick of doing sth: We're sick of waiting around like this. sick
Mum, I feel sick! sick
If you eat any more cake you'll make yourself sick. sick
a sick child sick
Her mother's very sick. sick
Peter has been off sick (= away from work because he is ill) for two weeks. sick
Emma has just called in sick (= telephoned to say she will not be coming to work because she is ill). sick
Britain's workers went sick (= did not go to work because they were ill) for a record number of days last year. sick
I can't afford to get sick (= become ill). sick
I was sick three times in the night. be sick
She had been violently sick. be sick
A notice was stuck to the side of the filing cabinet. side
The house was hidden from sight behind some trees. sight
He was attacked for having put his signature to the deal. signature
We lost because we played badly. It's as simple as that. simple
The rooms are simply furnished. simply
The original building has long since (= long before now) been demolished. since
We were shocked at the size of his debts. size
We both slept right through (= were not woken up by) the storm. sleep
She takes offence at the slightest thing (= is very easily offended). slight
Several windows had been smashed. smash
But I gave you a map so you wouldn't get lost! so
to solve a crime/mystery solve
What happened to them remains somewhat of a mystery. somewhat
sorry (that)...: I'm sorry that your husband lost his job. sorry
The room has been furnished and decorated to give a feeling of space. space
Take some spare clothes in case you get wet. spare
Her speech was slurred—she was clearly drunk. speech
She was overtaken by the speed of events (= things happened more quickly than she expected). speed
It was believed that people could be possessed by evil spirits. spirit
Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather. spoil
spoiled ballot papers (= not valid because not correctly marked) spoil
How can you stand by and see him accused of something he didn't do? stand by
The equipment is slow and heavy by modern standards. standard
state secrets (= information that could be harmful to a country if it were discovered by an enemy) state
The directors are responsible for preparing the company's financial statements. statement
The party was denied legal status. status
steal sth (from sb/sth): My wallet was stolen. steal
It's a crime to handle stolen goods. steal
The key has stuck in the lock. stick
I was stung on the arm by a wasp. sting
Pictures of the burnt corpses turned my stomach. turn your stomach
stop sb/sth: He was stopped by the police for speeding. stop
He hoped the electronic equipment was safely stored away. store
The rope broke under the strain. strain
The cable has a 140kg breaking strain (= it will break when it is stretched or pulled by a force greater than this). strain
Their marriage is under great strain at the moment. strain
When you have an injury you start putting stress on other parts of your body. stress
Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress. stress
to suffer from stress stress
She left strict instructions that she was not to be disturbed. strict
My letter is, of course, strictly private and confidential. strictly
I was struck by her resemblance to my aunt. strike
strike sb/sth: The area was struck by an outbreak of cholera. strike
The child ran into the road and was struck by a car. strike
The tree was struck by lightning. strike
strip sb (to sth): He stood there stripped to the waist (= he had no clothes on the upper part of his body). strip
strip sb + adj.: He was stripped naked and left in a cell. strip
He was under strong pressure to resign. strong
struggle with sb: James was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the raiders. struggle
Three teams are locked in a struggle for this year's title. struggle
The hotel has been redecorated but it's lost a lot of its style. style
banned/illegal substances (= drugs) substance
The plane was substantially damaged in the crash. substantially
What's the secret of your success? success
successful (at sth/at doing sth): I wasn't very successful at keeping the news secret. successful
suffer from sth: He suffers from asthma. suffer
road accident victims suffering from shock suffer
Many companies are suffering from a shortage of skilled staff. suffer
He suffered a massive heart attack. suffer
The company suffered huge losses in the last financial year. suffer
You will be fined the sum of £200. sum
The electricity supply (= the system supplying electricity) had been cut off. supply
She was jailed for supplying drugs. supply
an organization that supports people with AIDS support
You're sure to get lost if you don't keep to the path. sure
I think the door's locked, but I'll just go and make sure. make sure (of sth/that...)
It's not surprising (that) they lost. surprising
Of the six people injured in the crash, only two survived. survive
suspect sb/sth of sth: He resigned after being suspected of theft. suspect
The drug is suspected of causing over 200 deaths. suspect
Five suspects have been detained for questioning. suspect
He was arrested on suspicion of murder. suspicion
Water from shallow wells should be regarded with suspicion, as it may be contaminated. suspicion
I had a sore throat and it hurt to swallow. swallow
I was shocked at the swearing. swearing
Their bodies were soaked in sweat. sweat
The electricity has been switched off. switch off/on, switch sth off/on
She was very sympathetic when I was sick. sympathetic
Don't take offence (= be offended) at what I said. take
She was accused of taking bribes. take
He was taken prisoner by the rebels. take
She was taken on as a trainee. take sb on
Don't be taken in by his charm—he's ruthless. take sb in
The room was furnished with taste. taste
He had suffered terrible injuries. terrible
They suffered terribly when their son was killed. terribly
I'll run a diagnostic test to see why the server keeps crashing. test
There was an accident here yesterday. A car hit a tree and the driver was killed. the
The effect will be ruined if the paint is too thick. thick
'Why did you tell her our secret?' 'I did no such thing!' thing
I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking (= said when you have upset or offended sb accidentally). think
thought of sth: The very thought of it makes me feel sick. thought
thought (that...): She was struck by the sudden thought that he might already have left. thought
She is prepared to carry out her threat to resign. threat
These ancient woodlands are under threat from new road developments. threat
He was threatened with dismissal if he continued to turn up late for work. threaten
threaten sth: The threatened strike has been called off. threaten
threaten that...: They threatened that passengers would be killed. threaten
Their throats had been cut. throat
You'll be thrown out if you don't pay the rent. throw sb out (of...)
The house was said to be haunted. to
The newspaper said voters had been turned off by the negative tone of the campaign. tone
He has been turned down for ten jobs so far. turn sb/sth down
The prince was turned into a frog by the witch. turn sb/sth (from sth) into sth
The telephone cable has got twisted (= wound around itself). twist
I twisted and turned to avoid being caught. twist
a twisted ankle (= injured by being turned suddenly) twisted
She was knocked unconscious. unconscious
You'll be under anaesthetic, so you won't feel a thing. under
Rescuers found victims trapped several feet underground. underground
understand why, what, etc...: I could never understand why she was fired. understand
I undid the package and took out the books. undo
Police officers must be prepared for the unexpected. the unexpected
The plane was unexpectedly delayed. unexpectedly
She claims to have been unfairly dismissed. unfairly
He was unfortunate to lose in the final round. unfortunate
The unfortunate animal was locked inside the house for a week. unfortunate
He was unhappy at being left out of the team. unhappy
a fitted kitchen with white units unit
Unless I'm mistaken, she was back at work yesterday. unless
If you're unlucky enough to get trapped in a lift, remember not to panic. unlucky
They were found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to animals. unnecessary
They've had the road up (= with the surface broken or removed) to lay some pipes. up
He's up and about again after his illness. up
Luckily, nothing valuable was stolen. valuable
He met with a violent death (= he was murdered, killed in a fight, etc.). violent
He was violently sick. violently
I had visions of us getting hopelessly lost. vision
He was suffering from flu and had lost his voice (= could not speak). voice
She was paralysed from the waist down (= in the area below her waist). waist
The workmen were stripped to the waist (= wearing no clothes on the top half of their bodies). waist
I was woken by the sound of someone moving around. wake
The fields were divided by stone walls. wall
Her husband was killed during the war. war
Doctors issued a warning against eating any fish caught in the river. warning
Part of the path had been washed away by the sea. wash sb/sth away
Those grease stains won't wash off. wash off
His talents are wasted in that job. waste
waste sb/sth as sth: You're wasted as a sales manager—you should have been an actor. waste
I hate to see good food go to waste (= be thrown away). waste
The water (= the supply of water) was turned off for several hours each day during the drought. water
Three hundred employees lost their jobs in the latest wave of redundancies. wave
She is still weak after her illness. weak
She suffered from a weak heart. weak
He was charged with carrying an offensive weapon. weapon
Guilt is the secret weapon for the control of children. weapon
The inscription on the coin had worn away. wear away, wear sth away
The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of pilgrims. wear away, wear sth away
We were caught in a tangled web of relationships. web
The surface must be well prepared before you start to paint. well
You'll get wet (= in the rain) if you go out now. wet
It's going to be wet tomorrow. wet
She was killed when she was crushed under the wheels of a bus. wheel
We must have been burgled while we were asleep. while
a broken window window
The telephone wires had been cut. wire
wish for sth: I can understand her wish for secrecy. wish
With all the lesson preparation I have to do I work 12 hours a day. with
His fingers were numb with cold. with
Unless you return the form within seven days, the offer will be withdrawn. withdraw
withdraw sth from sth: The drug was withdrawn from sale after a number of people suffered serious side effects. withdraw
He was forced to withdraw from the competition because of injury. withdraw
withdraw sb/sth (from sth): The horse had been withdrawn from the race. withdraw
Police have appealed for witnesses to the accident. witness
She was shocked by the violent scenes she had witnessed. witness
They asked him to leave—in other words he was fired. in other words
When his wife died, his entire world was turned upside down. world
worry sb/yourself + adj. (about sb/sth): He's worried himself sick (= become extremely anxious) about his daughter. worry
Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage. worst
He had been wounded in the arm. wound
She felt deeply wounded by his cruel remarks. wound
seriously wounded wounded
There were 79 killed and 230 wounded. wounded
shrink wrapping (= plastic designed to shrink around objects so that it fits them tightly) wrapping
The painting was still in its wrappings. wrapping
She's broken her wrist. wrist
write that...: In his latest book he writes that the theory has since been disproved. write
write of sth: Ancient historians wrote of a lost continent beneath the ocean. write
wrong that...: It is wrong that he should not be punished for what he did. wrong
Don't get me wrong (= do not be offended by what I am going to say), I think he's doing a good job, but... get sb wrong
She was wrongly accused of stealing. wrongly
She was wrongly diagnosed as having skin cancer. wrongly
I lost my job earlier this year. year