Beginner Level Advanced Level



1945 彼 anh ta . . .
(1) low, vulgar, scornful, contemptuous, lowly, vulgar, humble
(2) Belgium, Belgian
(3) that

OXF3000N bị bỏ rơi bị ruồng bỏ abandoned
OXF3000N báo cho biết báo cho biết trước advertise
OXF3000N thay đổi biến đổi sửa đổi alter
OXF3000N bị khó chịu bực mình bị quấy rầy annoyed
OXF3000N cánh tay vũ trang trang bị (vũ khí) arm
OXF3000N vũ khí binh giới binh khí arms
OXF3000N adj. trung bình số trung bình mức trung bình average
OXF3000N biết nhận thức nhận thức thấy aware
OXF3000N bãi biển beach
OXF3000N rượu bia beer
OXF3000N bị gãy bị vỡ broken
OXF3000N bị đốt bị cháy khê rám nắng sạm (da) burnt
OXF3000N yên lặng êm ả bình tĩnh điềm tĩnh calmly
OXF3000N có thể nhà tù nhà giam bình ca đựng can
OXF3000N bắt giữ bắt sự bắt giữ sự bị bắt capture
OXF3000N bìa cứng các tông cardboard
OXF3000N cẩn thận cẩn trọng biết giữ gìn careful
OXF3000N thiếu chính xác không chắc chắn uncertain
OXF3000N thay đổi sự thay đổi sự biến đổi change
OXF3000N kênh eo biển channel
OXF3000N riêng riêng biệt đặc trưng đặc tính đặc điểm characteristic
OXF3000N đồ thị biểu đồ vẽ đồ thị lập biểu đồ chart
OXF3000N sự lao dốc bờ biển coast
OXF3000N lời bình luận lời chú giải bình luận phê bình chú thích dẫn giải comment
OXF3000N công công cộng thông thường phổ biến common
OXF3000N thông thường bình thường commonly
OXF3000N tỉnh táo có ý thức biết rõ conscious
OXF3000N bất tỉnh không có ý thức không biết rõ unconscious
OXF3000N không bị điều khiển không bị kiểm tra không bị hạn chế uncontrolled
OXF3000N không bị điều khiển không bị kiểm tra không bị hạn chế uncontrolled
OXF3000N đổi biến đổi convert
OXF3000N phê bình phê phán khó tính critical
OXF3000N sự phê bình sự phê phán lời phê bình lời phê phán criticism
OXF3000N phê bình phê phán chỉ trích criticize
OXF3000N hiện hành phổ biến hiện nay dòng (nước) luồng (gió) current
OXF3000N sâu khó lường bí ẩn deep
OXF3000N sự phân phát sự phân phối sự giao hàng sự bày tỏ phát biểu delivery
OXF3000N chứng minh giải thích bày tỏ biểu lộ demonstrate
OXF3000N kế sách thiết bị dụng cụ máy móc device
OXF3000N biểu đồ diagram
OXF3000N khác khác biệt khác nhau different
OXF3000N khác khác biệt khác nhau differently
OXF3000N biến mất biến đi disappear
OXF3000N phân biệt nhận ra nghe ra distinguish
OXF3000N phong bì envelope
OXF3000N trang thiết bị equipment
OXF3000N đặc biệt là nhất là especially
OXF3000N bị kích thích bị kích động excited
OXF3000N diễn tả biểu lộ bày tỏ nhanh tốc hành express
OXF3000N sự diễn tả sự bày tỏ biểu lộ sự diễn đạt expression
OXF3000N đặc biệt lạ thường khác thường extraordinary
OXF3000N ngã lộn nhào bị đổ fall over
OXF3000N nét đặt biệt điểm đặc trưng mô tả nét đặc biệt đặc trưng của... feature
OXF3000N biết bay sự bay chuyến bay flying
OXF3000N cơ cấu thiết bị dụng cụ gear
OXF3000N cho biếu tặng give
OXF3000N biết ơn dễ chịu khoan khoái grateful
OXF3000N làm bị thương gây thiệt hại 'hʌri
OXF3000N nhận biết nhận ra nhận dạng identify
OXF3000N phớt lờ tỏ ra không biết đến ignore
OXF3000N chỉ số sự biểu thị index
OXF3000N chỉ cho biết biểu thị trình bày ngắn gọn indicate
OXF3000N sự chỉ sự biểu thị sự biểu lộ indication
OXF3000N riêng riêng biệt cá nhân individual
OXF3000N bị nhiễm bị đầu độc infected
OXF3000N báo cho biết cung cấp tin tức inform
OXF3000N bị tổn thương bị xúc phạm injured
OXF3000N đặt (hệ thống máy móc thiết bị...) install
OXF3000N thí dị ví dụ trường hợp cá biệt instance
OXF3000N sự hiểu biết trí thông minh intelligence
OXF3000N bào chữa biện hộ justify
OXF3000N không biết không được nhận ra unknown
OXF3000N không biết không được nhận ra unknown
OXF3000N nổi tiếng được nhiều người biết đến well known
OXF3000N sự hiểu biết tri thức knowledge
OXF3000N lười biếng lazy
OXF3000N máy móc thiết bị machinery
OXF3000N trung bình trung vừa sự trung gian sự môi giới medium
OXF3000N cuộc mít tinh cuộc biểu tình meeting
OXF3000N điều huyền bí điều thần bí mystery
OXF3000N thần bí huyền bí khó hiểu mysterious
OXF3000N hoảng sợ dễ bị kích thích hay lo lắng nervous
OXF3000N thường bình thường tình trạng bình thường normal
OXF3000N thông báo yết thị chú ý để ý nhận biết notice
OXF3000N biếu tặng cho sự trả giá offer
OXF3000N bao bì packaging
OXF3000N riêng biệt cá biệt particular
OXF3000N một cách đặc biệt cá biệt riêng biệt particularly
OXF3000N hòa bình sự hòa thuận peace
OXF3000N hòa bình thái bình yên tĩnh peaceful
OXF3000N biểu diễn làm thực hiện perform
OXF3000N sự làm sự thực hiện sự thi hành sự biểu diễn performance
OXF3000N người biểu diễn người trình diễn performer
OXF3000N can bình lọ... pot
OXF3000N biệt thự premises
OXF3000N sự sửa soạn sự chuẩn bị preparation
OXF3000N sửa soạn chuẩn bị prepare
OXF3000N đã được chuẩn bị prepared
OXF3000N quá trình sự tiến triển quy trình chế biến gia công xử lý process
OXF3000N chuẩn bị đầy đủ dự phòng cung cấp chu cấp provide
OXF3000N sự nhận xét phê bình sự để ý chú ý nhận xét phê bình remark
OXF3000N điều tiêu biểu tượng trưng mẫu miêu tả biểu hiện đại diện representative
OXF3000N bị hạn chế có giới hạn vùng cấm restricted
OXF3000N bộc lộ biểu lộ tiết lộ phát hiện khám phá reveal
OXF3000N buồn cười lố bịch lố lăng ridiculous
OXF3000N bị làm thành tròn phát triển đầy đủ rounded
OXF3000N bị hỏng bị đổ nát bị phá sản ruined
OXF3000N bị hoảng sợ bị sợ hãi scared
OXF3000N kế hoạch làm việc bản liệt kê lên thời khóa biểu lên kế hoạch schedule
OXF3000N bí mật điều bí mật secret
OXF3000N bí mật riêng tư secretly
OXF3000N có óc xét đoán hiểu nhận biết được sensible
OXF3000N dễ bị thương dễ bị hỏng dễ bị xúc phạm sensitive
OXF3000N khác nhau riêng biệt làm rời tách ra chia tay separate
OXF3000N bị kích động bị va chạm bị sốc shocked
OXF3000N biểu diễn trưng bày sự biểu diễn sự bày tỏ show
OXF3000N bị ốm be sick
OXF3000N không biết làm sao bằng cách này hay cách khác somehow
OXF3000N đặc biệt riêng biệt special
OXF3000N đặc biệt riêng biệt specially
OXF3000N đặc trưng riêng biệt specific
OXF3000N đặc trưng riêng biệt specifically
OXF3000N máy ống bình phụt bơm phun bơm phun xịt spray
OXF3000N ổn định bình tĩnh vững vàng chuồng ngưa stable
OXF3000N nhà nước quốc gia chính quyền (thuộc) nhà nước phát biểu state
OXF3000N sự bày tỏ sự phát biểu sự tuyên bố sự trình bày statement
OXF3000N bị căng thẳng bị ép bị căng stressed
OXF3000N nghi ngờ hoài nghi người khả nghi người bị tình nghi suspect
OXF3000N biểu tượng ký hiệu symbol
OXF3000N bia mục tiêu đích target
OXF3000N kế hoạch làm việc thời gian biểu timetable
OXF3000N đầu mút đỉnh chóp bịt đầu lắp đầu vào tip
OXF3000N thay đổi biến đổi transform
OXF3000N dịch biên dịch phiên dịch translate
OXF3000N tiêu biểu điển hình đặc trưng typical
OXF3000N điển hình tiêu biểu typically
OXF3000N không chắc chắn khôn biết rõ ràng uncertain
OXF3000N bất tỉnh ngất đi unconscious
OXF3000N không bị kiềm chế không bị kiểm tra uncontrolled
OXF3000N không bị kiềm chế không bị kiểm tra uncontrolled
OXF3000N trí tuệ sự hiểu biết understanding
OXF3000N không biết không được nhận ra unknown
OXF3000N không biết không được nhận ra unknown
OXF3000N sự biến đổi sự thay đổi mức độ sự khác nhau variation
OXF3000N thay đổi làm cho khác nhau biến đổi vary
OXF3000N báo cho biết cảnh báo warn
OXF3000N bình an vô sự không suy suyển không hư hỏng toàn bộ tất cả toàn thể whole
OXF3000N vết thương thương tích làm bị thường gây thương tích wound
OXF3000N bị thương wounded

These children are very stubborn. Những đứa trẻ này rất bướng bỉnh. Adjectives 1
stubborn bướng bỉnh Adjectives 1
You should go to Belgium. Bạn nên đi đến Bỉ. Countries 2
Belgium bỉ Countries 2

like: bỉ
Belgian-made do Bỉ chế tạo
man’s endurance, man’s staying-power sức bền bỉ của con người
wissen biết 知道 zhīdào
extra đặc biệt 额外的 éwài de
gewöhnlich bình thường, thông thường 习惯的 xíguàn de
gewöhnlich bình thường, thông thường 习惯的 xíguàn de
verloren bị mất 丢失 diūshī
gewöhnlich bình thường, thông thường 习惯的 xíguàn de
gewöhnlich bình thường, thông thường 习惯的 xíguàn de
verschwinden biến mất 消失 xiāoshī
schockiert bị sốc 吃惊的 chījīng de
verletzt sein bị thương 受伤 shòushāng
unverletzt không bị thương 没受伤害 méiyǒu shòushāng
krank bị ốm (miền bắc việt nam), bị bệnh (miền nam việt nam) 生病的 shēngbìng de
besonderes đặc biệt 特别的 tèbié de
angeben cho biết, ghi thêm 给出 gěi chū
seinen Namen angeben cho biết tên của anh 给出他的名字 gěi chū tā de míng zì
sich ausdrücken bày tỏ, biểu hiện 表达 biǎo dá
sich rechtfertigen biện hộ, biện minh 为自己辩解 weì zì jǐ biàn jiě
sich verbrennen bị bỏng 烧伤 shāo shāng
verschimmelt bị mốc, lên men 发霉的 fā méi de
versorgen chuẩn bị 供应 gōng yìng
auf etwas gefasst sein chuẩn bị cho mọi tình huống 对某事做好准备 duì mǒu shì zuò hǎo zhǔn bèi
allergisch reagieren bị dị ứng 过敏反应 guò mǐn fǎn yìng
andeuten biểu hiện 暗示 àn shì
sich beruhigen bình tĩnh 平静下来 píng jìng xià lái
betrügen lừa dối, lừa bịp 欺骗 qī piàn
sich verletzen bị thương 受伤 shòu shāng
jemanden verletzen làm ai bị thương 使某人受伤 shǐ mǒu rén shòu shāng
heimlich bí mật 秘密的 mì mì de
jemandem den Prozess machen ai bị phán xử 起诉某人 qǐ sù mǒu rén
den Angeklagten belasten chỉ trích bị cáo 举出对被告的指控 jǔ chū duì bèi gào de zhǐ kòng
erbeuten bị cướp 偷到 tōu dào
in Ohnmacht fallen bị ngất 昏厥过去 hūn jué guò qù
verwandeln biến thành 转变 zhuǎn biàn
kritisieren phê bình 批评 pī píng
kritisch phê bình, phê phán 批评的 pī píng de
dankbar biết ơn 感谢的 gǎn xiè de
vorbereiten chuẩn bị 准备 zhǔn bèi
Waage thiên bình 天平座 tiān píng zuò
Wassermann bảo bình 水瓶座 shuǐ píng zuò
diskriminieren phân biệt chủng tộc 歧视 qí shì
Wissen biết 知识 zhī shi
von etwas ablenken bị sao nhãng bởi cái gì 从 ... 引开 cóng ..... yǐn kāi
jemanden diskriminieren đối xử phân biệt, khinh biệt, miệt thị ai đó 歧视某人 qíshì mǒurén
von jemandem fasziniert sein bị thu hút, bị mê hoặc bởi ai đó 对某人着迷, 被某人迷住 duì mǒurén zháomí, bèi mǒurén mízhù
sich zu jemandem hingezogen fühlen cảm thấy bị lôi cuốn, bị hấp dẫn bởi ai đó 被某人迷住 bèi mǒurén mízhù
erregt sein bị kích thích 兴奋 xìngfèn
pfänden tịch biên 扣押 kòuyā
unterbrochen bị đứt đoạn 中断的 zhōngduàn de
improvisieren ứng biến 即兴创作, 临时安排 jìxìng chuàngzuò, línshí ānpái
abdichten bít, trét, bịt 密封 mìfēng
ein Rohr abdichten hàn kín, bịt kín một đường ống 铆合一根管道 mǎohé yī gēn guǎndào
auf Bewährung verurteilt bị tuyên án treo 宣判缓刑 xuānpàn huǎnxíng
tragisch bị kịch, bi thảm 悲惨的 bēicǎn de
eine Strafe verdienen đáng bị trừng phạt 罪有应得 zuì yǒu yīng dé
gegen etwas demonstrieren biểu tình chống lại gì đó 反对某事的示威游行 fǎnduì mǒushì de shìwēi yóuxíng
abgelenkt sein bị đánh lạc hướng 转移了的 zhuǎnyí le de
gezwungen cưỡng ép, bị ép buộc 强迫的 qiángpò de
Waage thiên bình chèng
den Bus verpassen bị nhỡ, bị lỡ xe buýt 错过了公共汽车 cuòguò le gōnggòngqìchē
etwas unterscheiden phân biệt gì đó 区别某物 qūbié mǒuwù
sich verwandeln biến hóa 变成 biànchéng
eigenwillig, bizarr bướng bỉnh, khác thường 执拗的 zhìniù de
mystisch huyền bí 神秘的 shénmì de
sich eine Sehne zerren bị bong gân 拉伤一处肌腱 lā shāng yī chù jījiàn
sich den Fuß verstauchen chân bị bong gân 扭伤脚 niǔ shāng jiǎo
schwindelig werden bị chóng mặt 晕眩 yūnxuàn
einen Krampf bekommen bị chuột rút 抽筋, 肌肉痉挛 chōujīn, jīròu jīngluán
verstört reagieren bị lẫn 惊慌失措的 jīnghuāng-shīcuò de
deprimiert sein bị suy nhược 抑郁 yìyù
enttäuscht sein bị thất vọng 失望 shīwàng
hysterisch dễ bị kích động, cuồng loạn 歇斯底里的 xiēsīdǐlǐ de
schielen bị lác mắt 斜视 xiéshì
erblinden bị mù 失明 shīmíng
sich ausrüsten trang bị 装备 zhuāngbèi
unverschämt không biết ngượng, trơ trẽn 厚颜无耻的 hòu yán wúchǐ de
Hau ab! hãy đi nơi khác, biến! 滚! Gǔn!
Belgien Bỉ 比利时 Bǐlìshí
Serbien Serbia 塞尔维亚 Sài'ěrwéiyà
entwaffnen giải trừ quân bị 缴 ... 的械 jiǎo ... de xiè
abrüsten giải trừ quân bị 裁减 ... 的装备 cáijiǎn ... de zhuāngbèi
Auf Wiedersehen! Tạm biệt!
der Sonnenaufgang bình minh
der Strand bãi biến
das Meer biến
die Quittung biên lai, hóa đơn
die Teekanne bình trà
der Keks bánh bích qui
wissen biết
extra đặc biệt
gewöhnlich bình thường, thông thường
verloren bị mất
das Billard môn bi da
das Bier bia
das Steak bít tết
der Keks bánh bích qui
die Socke bít tất, yí
die Strümpfe bít tất dài, yí daĩ
gewöhnlich bình thường, thông thường
verschwinden biến mất
schockiert bị sốc
verletzt sein bị thương
unverletzt không bị thương
krank bị ốm (miền bắc việt nam), bị bệnh (miền nam việt nam)
die Verletzung bị thương
besonderes đặc biệt
der Keks bánh bích qui
der Ausdruck cách diễn đạt, lời lẽ, cách phát biểu
der Kugelschreiber bút bi
angeben cho biết, ghi thêm
seinen Namen angeben cho biết tên của anh
das Schild tấm biển
sich ausdrücken bày tỏ, biểu hiện
sich rechtfertigen biện hộ, biện minh
die Vorbereitung chuẩn bị
sich verbrennen bị bỏng
verschimmelt bị mốc, lên men
der Schwamm bọt biển, miếng xốp
versorgen chuẩn bị
auf etwas gefasst sein chuẩn bị cho mọi tình huống
allergisch reagieren bị dị ứng
der Ozean biển, đại dương
die Küste bờ biển
andeuten biểu hiện
der Bericht bài bình luận
die Meinungsverschiedenheit sự khác biệt về quan điểm
der Betrug lừa dối, lừa bịp
der Frieden hòa bình
sich beruhigen bình tĩnh
betrügen lừa dối, lừa bịp
die Dankbarkeit sự biết ơn
sich verletzen bị thương
jemanden verletzen làm ai bị thương
heimlich bí mật
der Angeklagte bị cáo
jemandem den Prozess machen ai bị phán xử
den Angeklagten belasten chỉ trích bị cáo
die vorbeugende Maßnahme biện pháp phòng ngừa
erbeuten bị cướp
die Krabbe cua biển
in Ohnmacht fallen bị ngất
das Straßenschild biển báo đường
das Nummernschild biển số
das Blech tấm biển
der Behälter bình chứa
die Fantasie biến tấu, giả tưởng
verwandeln biến thành
die Morgendämmerung bình minh
die Brauerei nhà máy bia
die Kritik phê bình
der Kritiker nhà phê bình
kritisieren phê bình
kritisch phê bình, phê phán
dankbar biết ơn
vorbereiten chuẩn bị
der Auftritt sự biểu diễn
Waage thiên bình
Wassermann bảo bình
das Geheimnis bí mật
die Rede bài phát biểu
die Demonstration biểu tình
der Bericht bản báo cáo, bài bình luận
diskriminieren phân biệt chủng tộc
der Durchschnitt trung bình
von etwas ablenken bị sao nhãng bởi cái gì
jemanden diskriminieren đối xử phân biệt, khinh biệt, miệt thị ai đó
die Ironie sự châm biếm, sự mỉa mai
von jemandem fasziniert sein bị thu hút, bị mê hoặc bởi ai đó
sich zu jemandem hingezogen fühlen cảm thấy bị lôi cuốn, bị hấp dẫn bởi ai đó
erregt sein bị kích thích
der Stundenplan thời khóa biểu
die Bestechlichkeit tính dễ bị mua chuộc, sự đút lót
die Abfindung tiền bồi thường khi bị nghỉ việc
der Volksentscheid cuộc trưng cầu dân ý, cuộc biểu quyết toàn dân
pfänden tịch biên
unterbrochen bị đứt đoạn
improvisieren ứng biến
abdichten bít, trét, bịt
ein Rohr abdichten hàn kín, bịt kín một đường ống
das verrostete Eisen sắt bị gỉ
der Rubin đá rubi
auf Bewährung verurteilt bị tuyên án treo
tragisch bị kịch, bi thảm
der Schalldämpfer thiết bị giảm thanh
die Berichterstattung bài tường thuật, bài bình luận
eine Strafe verdienen đáng bị trừng phạt
gegen etwas demonstrieren biểu tình chống lại gì đó
abgelenkt sein bị đánh lạc hướng
gezwungen cưỡng ép, bị ép buộc
die Kanne cái ấm, bình
die Zucchini quả bí
der Kürbis quả bí ngô
die Hefe men bia, men
den Bus verpassen bị nhỡ, bị lỡ xe buýt
der Rußfilter thiết bị lọc muội
der Hopfen cây hoa bia, cây hublông
die Seitenlinie đường biên
der Linienrichter trọng tài biên
die Ausdauer sức dẻo dai, sự bến bỉ
die Tragödie bi kịch
die Show buổi biểu diễn, show biểu diễn
der Badeort khu tắm biển
etwas unterscheiden phân biệt gì đó
der Wasserkocher bình đun nước
sich verwandeln biến hóa
der Pirat tên cướp biển
eigenwillig, bizarr bướng bỉnh, khác thường
mystisch huyền bí
der Schlaganfall tai biến mạch máu não, đột quỵ
sich eine Sehne zerren bị bong gân
sich den Fuß verstauchen chân bị bong gân
schwindelig werden bị chóng mặt
einen Krampf bekommen bị chuột rút
verstört reagieren bị lẫn
deprimiert sein bị suy nhược
enttäuscht sein bị thất vọng
hysterisch dễ bị kích động, cuồng loạn
schielen bị lác mắt
erblinden bị mù
urinieren ohnmächtig werden bị ngất xỉu
sich ausrüsten trang bị
die Ausrüstung trang thiết bị
unverschämt không biết ngượng, trơ trẽn
Hau ab! hãy đi nơi khác, biến!
die Windel bỉm, tã
die Chronik biên niên sử, niên sử
der Leuchtturm đèn biển, ngọn hải đăng
der Küstenstreifen eo biển
das Ghetto khu biệt lập, xóm biệt lập
die Ruhe sự yên tĩnh, sự thanh bình
Belgien Bỉ
Serbien Serbia
die Nordsee biển bắc
die Ostsee biển Baltic
das Mittelmeer biển địa trung hải
der Pazifik Thái bình dương
der Ärmelkanal eo biển Măng-sơ
der Widerstandskämpfer chiến binh chống đối
der Friedensprozess diễn biến hòa bình
entwaffnen giải trừ quân bị
abrüsten giải trừ quân bị

Urlaub am Meer Kỳ nghỉ ở biển (Lektion 1, Nr. 1)
Willkommen am Strand. Bist du hier im Urlaub? Chào mừng anh đến bãi biến. Anh đi nghỉ ở đây à? (Lektion 1, Nr. 5)
Tschüss. Tạm biệt. (Lektion 1, Nr. 9)
Am Strand Ở bãi biến (Lektion 2, Nr. 10)
Morgens liegt Tri am Strand. Hàng sáng Tri nằm trên bãi biến. (Lektion 2, Nr. 11)
Weißt du, wo die Toilette ist? Anh có biết nhà vệ sinh ở đâu không? (Lektion 2, Nr. 14)
Bitte ein Kännchen schwarzen Tee. Cho một bình trà đen. (Lektion 6, Nr. 56)
Weißt du, ich arbeite in einem Büro und esse deshalb meistens leichte Gerichte. Em biết không, anh làm việc ở văn phòng và vì vậy thường ăn những món nhẹ. (Lektion 9, Nr. 86)
In der Stadt verirrt Bị lạc trong thành phố (Lektion 11, Nr. 101)
Nach einer Weile stellt er fest, dass er sich verlaufen hat. Sau một hồi anh ta nhận ra mình đã bị lạc đường. (Lektion 11, Nr. 103)
Das ist sehr einfach. Wissen Sie, wo der Markt ist? Đơn giản thôi. Anh có biết chợ nằm ở đâu không? (Lektion 11, Nr. 108)
Ja, weiß ich, er ist in der Nähe der Kathedrale. Có, tôi biết, nó ở gần nhà thờ lớn. (Lektion 11, Nr. 109)
Alkohol: Rotwein, Weißwein, Bier, trockener Champagner, Rum, Wodka, Sekt. Rượu: rượu vang đỏ, rượu vang trắng, bia, sâm-banh chua, Rum, Wodka, Sekt. (Lektion 14, Nr. 147)
Aber wenn du mehr Informationen möchtest, kannst du einen Blick in den Reiseführer werfen. Nhưng nếu anh muốn biết nhiều thông tin hơn thì có thế xem sách hướng dẫn. (Lektion 17, Nr. 188)
Ich habe Zahnschmerzen. Anh bị đau răng. (Lektion 17, Nr. 191)
Er kennt den Weg zum Bahnhof genau. Anh ấy biết rõ đường đến nhà ga. (Lektion 19, Nr. 212)
Er weiß nicht, welchen Treibstoff sein Auto benötigt. Anh không biết là ô-tô cần loại xăng nào. (Lektion 19, Nr. 215)
Entschuldigung, welches Benzin brauche ich? Normal, Super oder Diesel? Xin lỗi, xe tôi cần loại xăng nào? Loại thường, đặc biệt hay là dầu Diesel? (Lektion 19, Nr. 217)
Lassen Sie mich den Tank sehen. Ich denke, Sie brauchen bleifreies Benzin. Đế tôi xem bình xăng. Chắc là anh cần loại xăng không chì. (Lektion 19, Nr. 218)
Ich weiß es nicht genau. Tôi không biết rõ. (Lektion 19, Nr. 222)
Ich hoffe, es ist niemand gestorben. Tôi hy vọng là không ai bị chết. (Lektion 19, Nr. 225)
Er weiß nicht, wie lange er bei seinem Bruder bleiben möchte. Anh ấy không biết là mình sẽ ở chỗ anh trai bao lâu. (Lektion 20, Nr. 229)
Ja, ich weiß. Möchten Sie erste oder zweite Klasse? Đúng, tôi biết. Anh muốn vé hạng nhất hay hạng nhì? (Lektion 20, Nr. 241)
Der Flug könnte sich verzögern, aber Sie sollten eine Stunde vor Abflug einchecken. Chuyến bay có thế bị trễ,nhưng anh vẫn nên làm thủ tục một tiếng trước khi cất cánh. (Lektion 20, Nr. 245)
Sie möchte dort ein Kleid anprobieren, das sie auf einer Modenschau gesehen hat. Cô ấy muốn mặc thử một cái váy, cái mà cô ấy đã nhìn thấy trong chương trình biếu diễn thời trang. (Lektion 21, Nr. 254)
Ich benötige nur einige warme Pullover, Schuhe, Socken, einige Hosen und Jeans, aber nichts besonderes. Anh cần vài chiếc áo thun, giày, vài đôi vớ, vài cái quần tây và quần jeans, nhưng chắng có cái nào đặc biệt cả. (Lektion 22, Nr. 261)
Okay, ich kenne ein sehr gutes Geschäft, in dem wir beide etwas finden werden. Ok, em biết một cửa hàng rất tuyệt, ở đó cả hai chúng ta sẽ tìm được thứ gì đó. (Lektion 22, Nr. 272)
Ich weiß, was wir jetzt essen werden. Anh biết bây giờ chúng ta sẽ ăn gì rồi. (Lektion 23, Nr. 284)
Du bereitest das Fleisch vor und ich mache Salat. Em chuẩn bị thịt còn anh làm salat. (Lektion 23, Nr. 287)
Ich kann nicht entscheiden, was ich mitnehmen soll. Anh không biết là nên mang theo đồ gì. (Lektion 24, Nr. 300)
Sie denkt, dass der Ring verloren geht oder so ähnlich. Bà sợ rằng chiếc nhẫn có thế bị mất hay tương tự như vậy. (Lektion 25, Nr. 321)
Aber die Person verschwand. Nhưng người đó đã biến mất. (Lektion 27, Nr. 346)
Verirrt in Berlin Bị lạc ở Berlin (Lektion 28, Nr. 354)
Ich kenne die Richtung nicht. Tôi không biết hướng đó. (Lektion 28, Nr. 363)
Wissen Sie, wo eine ist? Anh có biết ở đâu có không? (Lektion 31, Nr. 403)
Er half jedem heraus und die Leute, die sich verletzt haben, sind jetzt im Krankenhaus. Họ giúp mọi người thoát ra và những người bị thương thì bây giờ đang ở trong bệnh viện. (Lektion 32, Nr. 431)
Sind Sie verletzt? Ông cũng bị thương à? (Lektion 32, Nr. 432)
Nein, ich bin unverletzt. Ich stehe nur unter Schock. Không, tôi không bị thương. Chỉ bị sốc thôi. (Lektion 32, Nr. 433)
Ich möchte wissen, was in all diesen Fächern ist. Anh muốn biết, có cái gì ở trong các ngăn này. (Lektion 33, Nr. 439)
Was würdest du tun, wenn ich Kopfschmerzen hätte? Em sẽ làm gì nếu anh bị đau đầu? (Lektion 33, Nr. 444)
Und was würdest du tun, wenn ich Durchfall und Übelkeit hätte? Và em sẽ làm gì nếu anh bị tiêu chảy và buồn nôn. (Lektion 33, Nr. 448)
Möglicherweise hättest du eine Magenverstimmung oder eine Vergiftung. Có thế là anh có vấn đề với dạ dày hoặc bị ngộ độc. (Lektion 33, Nr. 450)
Sie haben Sonnenbrand und brauchen Sonnencreme oder sie haben eine Allergie. Họ bị cháy nắng và cần kem chống nắng hoặc bị dị ứng. (Lektion 33, Nr. 453)
Einige Leute haben eine Verletzung oder eine Wunde und verlieren Blut. Một vài người bị thương hoặc trầy xước và mất máu. (Lektion 33, Nr. 454)
Er ist vollständig ausgebucht. Nó bị đặt hết chỗ rồi. (Lektion 34, Nr. 473)
Normalerweise geht sie zum Spielplatz mit ihnen, aber heute regnet es, also bleibt sie zu Hause. Bình thường thì cô ấy cùng lũ trẻ đến sân chơi, nhưng hôm nay trời mưa, nên cô ấy ở nhà. (Lektion 35, Nr. 485)
Trang weiß genau, welche Skier sie möchte. Trang biết rõ cô ấy thích loại nào. (Lektion 36, Nr. 498)
Nein, ich weiß, in welcher Farbe ich sie möchte! Rate! Thôi, em biết em thích màu nào rồi. Anh đoán đi. (Lektion 36, Nr. 511)
Tri möchte sie in ihrer neuen Wohnung besuchen, aber er kennt den Weg nicht. Tri muốn thăm căn phòng mới của Trang, nhưng anh ấy không biết đường. (Lektion 37, Nr. 520)
Tri steht unter einem riesigen Baum, damit er nicht so nass wird. Tri đứng dưới một cái cây to đế không bị ướt. (Lektion 39, Nr. 560)
Die Tante war immer so stolz, weil sie normalerweise nie kocht, nur an Weihnachten. Cô luôn tự hào, vì bình thường cô không bao giờ nấu ăn, ngoại trừ vào dịp lễ giáng sinh thôi. (Lektion 40, Nr. 573)
Ich weiß, wenn ich mit dir ein Doppelbett nehmen würde, dann müsste ich in der Ecke des Bettes schlafen. Em biết, nếu em nằm giường đôi với anh, thì em sẽ phải ngủ ở góc giường. (Lektion 42, Nr. 603)
Okay, dann hebe ich alle Nägel vom Boden auf, sammle sie in einer Schachtel und klebe ein Schild darauf. Tốt thôi, vậy anh nhặt những cái đinh dưới nền nhà lên, tập hợp chúng lại trong một cái hộp và dán tấm biển lên trên. (Lektion 46, Nr. 663)
Ich beschwere mich normalerweise nicht gerne, aber in diesem Fall werde ich eine Ausnahme machen. Bình thường tôi không thích phàn nàn cho lắm, nhưng trường hợp này là một ngoại lệ. (Lektion 47, Nr. 674)
Sie sitzen am Küchentisch und besprechen die letzten Vorbereitungen. Họ ngồi bên bàn bếp và nói về việc chuẩn bị cuối cùng. (Lektion 48, Nr. 680)
Sie stehen auf und beginnen mit den Vorbereitungen. Họ đứng lên và bắt đầu cho việc chuẩn bị. (Lektion 48, Nr. 684)
So können wir uns selbst versorgen und uns für unsere Radtouren Brote streichen. Vậy chúng ta nên tự chuẩn bị và quết bánh mỳ cho tua xe đạp. (Lektion 50, Nr. 709)
Trang und Tri bereiten sich auf ihre Reise vor. Trang và trí chuẩn bị cho chuyến du lịch của họ. (Lektion 51, Nr. 714)
Während Tri eine Blüte fotografiert, wird er von einem Insekt am Auge gestochen. Trong khí Trí đang chụp ảnh một bông hoa, anh đã bị một con côn trùng đốt vào mắt. (Lektion 53, Nr. 743)
Du weißt doch, dass ich allergisch auf Wespenstiche bin. Em còn biết là anh bị dị ứng với ong đốt. (Lektion 53, Nr. 747)
Tris Gesicht ist stark angeschwollen. Mặt của Trí đã bị sưng to. (Lektion 53, Nr. 752)
Dort war ich eine Woche lang und bin über die Grenze zum Meer gefahren. Anh đã ở đó một tuần và qua ranh giới đi về phía biển. (Lektion 56, Nr. 794)
Ein Bildmotiv gefällt Trang besonders gut. Trang đặc biệt thích cái mô típ của một bức ảnh. (Lektion 57, Nr. 806)
Wussten sie, dass sie fotografiert werden? Chúng có biết là chúng được chụp ảnh không? (Lektion 57, Nr. 811)
Trang hat einen Bericht über ein beeindruckendes Theaterstück gelesen. Trang đã đọc một bài bình luận về vở kịch rất ấn tượng. (Lektion 58, Nr. 816)
Tris altes Handy ist defekt. Cái điện thoại di động cũ của Trí bị hỏng. (Lektion 59, Nr. 829)
Die Meinungsverschiedenheit Sự khác biệt về quan điểm (Lektion 60, Nr. 842)
Sie muss sich ja nicht unbedingt an ihm rächen, aber sie sollte sich in Zukunft wirklich nicht mehr ausnutzen lassen. Chị cũng không nhất thiết phải trả thù anh ta, nhưng thực sự trong tương lai chị không nên để bị lợi dụng nữa. (Lektion 61, Nr. 866)
Blass kommt Tri nach Hause. Seine Nase blutet. Trí nhợt nhạt về nhà. Mũi anh bị chảy máu. (Lektion 62, Nr. 870)
Du bist ja verletzt! Was ist passiert? Anh bị thương! Chuyện gì đã xảy ra? (Lektion 62, Nr. 871)
Brutaler Schläger endlich gefasst, verurteilt und eingesperrt. Kẻ gây rối bạo lực cuối cùng đã bị bắt, bị kết án và bị bỏ tù. (Lektion 63, Nr. 888)
Endlich konnte ihm der Prozess gemacht werden. Rốt cục anh ta cũng bị phán xử. (Lektion 63, Nr. 891)
Er wurde zu drei Jahren Haft verurteilt. Anh ta bị kết án ba năm tù. (Lektion 63, Nr. 896)
Zusätzlich muss er sich einer Therapie als vorbeugende Maßnahme unterziehen. Thêm nữa anh ta phải trải qua điều trị với biện pháp phòng ngừa. (Lektion 63, Nr. 897)
Zum Glück ist er geschnappt worden. May mắn rằng anh ta đã bị bắt. (Lektion 63, Nr. 899)
Sie kommt heute besonders spät von ihrer Arbeit nach Hause. Hôm nay cô đặc biệt đi làm về trễ. (Lektion 64, Nr. 902)
Ja, aber selbst die wurden aufgebrochen. Đúng, nhưng những cái tủ cũng bị cạy. (Lektion 64, Nr. 907)
Alle Computer und Laptops wurden gestohlen. Tất cả máy tính và máy tính xách tay đều bị ăn cắp. (Lektion 64, Nr. 909)
Auch die Kasse haben sie erbeutet. Két tiền cũng bị cướp. (Lektion 64, Nr. 910)
Trang und Tri sind ganz begeistert vom Zoo. Trang và Trí hoàn toàn bị sở thú thu hút. (Lektion 65, Nr. 920)
Die Tiere wirken gut versorgt und nicht vernachlässigt. Những con thú được chăm sóc tốt và không hề bị sao nhãng. (Lektion 65, Nr. 923)
Ich muss zugeben, das weiß ich nicht. Anh phải tự thừa nhận, anh cũng không biết. (Lektion 65, Nr. 932)
Über Giraffen weiß ich, dass sie bis zu fünf Meter groß werden können. Về hươu cao cổ anh biết là chúng có thể cao đến năm mét. (Lektion 65, Nr. 933)
Tri hat sich beim Ausflug in den Zoo erkältet. Sau chuyến đi chơi ở sở thú, Trí đã bị cảm lạnh. (Lektion 66, Nr. 936)
Er niest, seine Nase läuft und der Hals tut ihm weh. Anh bị hắt hơi, chảy mũi và đau cổ họng. (Lektion 66, Nr. 937)
Er sorgt dafür, dass der Körper ausreichend mit Sauerstoff und Nährstoffen versorgt ist. Anh ta chuẩn bị cho cơ thể được cung cấp đầy đủ lượng oxi và chất dinh dưỡng. (Lektion 66, Nr. 948)
Unausgeschlafen und schlecht gelaunt steht Tri auf und macht sich auf den Weg zur Arbeit. Trí dậy với tình trạng thiếu ngủ và tâm trạng xấu, rồi anh chuẩn bị lên đường đi làm. (Lektion 67, Nr. 952)
Schon nach einigen hundert Metern wird die Straße durch einen beschädigten Lastwagen blockiert. Ngay sau một vài trăm mét thì con đường bị chặn bởi một xe tải hỏng. (Lektion 67, Nr. 953)
Sein Auto wurde abgeschleppt. Xe ô tô của anh đã bị kéo đi. (Lektion 67, Nr. 961)
Ich habe eine Autopanne! Xe bị hỏng anh ơi! (Lektion 68, Nr. 970)
Hat der Behälter für das Öl ein Loch? Hay bình chứa dầu bị thủng? (Lektion 68, Nr. 973)
Auch darüber, dass er abgeschleppt wurde, hat er sich sehr geärgert. Và cũng về việc xe bị kéo làm anh rất bực mình. (Lektion 69, Nr. 982)
Sicherheit: Airbag; Innenausstattung: Leder (leicht beschädigt); Sự bảo hiểm: Túi không khí, Nội thất bên trong: da (bị hư hỏng nhẹ); (Lektion 69, Nr. 989)
Vielen Dank und auf Wiederhören. Cám ơn và chào tạm biệt. (Lektion 69, Nr. 994)
Er kämpfte damals in einer gewaltigen Schlacht gegen seine Rivalen, unheimliche Fabelwesen. Ngày xưa ông đã chiến đấu chống lại địch thủ trong một trận đánh kịch liệt qua những tình tiết ngụ ngôn huyền bí. (Lektion 71, Nr. 1018)
In der Morgendämmerung sitzen Trang und Tri am Frühstückstisch und lesen Zeitung. Vào lúc bình minh Trang và Trí ngồi bên bàn ăn sáng và đọc báo. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1025)
Durch ein Gewitter und einen anschließenden Sturm auf hoher See wurde eine riesige Welle aufgetürmt. Trận sấm sét và tiếp theo là bão đã tạo nên những cơn sóng cực lớn trên biển. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1028)
Viele Häuser wurden zerstört. Nhiều căn nhà bị phá hủy. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1030)
Bäume wurden abgerissen. Cây cối bị đánh đổ. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1031)
Die Menschen mussten fliehen und viele wurden von herabstürzenden Trümmern begraben. Mọi người phải bỏ chạy và nhiều người bị chôn vùi trong đống đổ nát. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1032)
Selbst im Inneren des Landes wurden noch viele Dörfer überschwemmt. Ngay cả trong đất liền còn nhiều làng bị ngập lụt. (Lektion 72, Nr. 1033)
Trang und Tri sind mitten in den Vorbereitungen für ihre Hochzeit und kaufen ein. Trang và Trí đang chuẩn bị cho đám cưới của họ và đi mua sắm. (Lektion 76, Nr. 1081)
Dann muss ich mich nur noch um die Bühne kümmern, damit eurem großen Auftritt nichts mehr dazwischen kommen kann. Vậy là anh chỉ còn phải chăm lo đến sân khấu, để sự biểu diễn không có chuyện gì xảy ra giữa chừng. (Lektion 78, Nr. 1116)
Der Fotograf hat einige lustige Fotos geknipst, besonders von Trangs Onkel und Opa. Tay phó nháy đã chụp được vài tấm ảnh vui nhộn, đặc biệt là cậu và ông của Trang. (Lektion 79, Nr. 1121)
Der Stier ist charmant und bodenständig, kann gut mit Geld umgehen und ist ein Genießer. Kim ngưu thì duyên dáng và căn cơ, có thể quản lý tốt tiền bạc và là một người biết hưởng thụ. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1133)
Die Waage ist diplomatisch, freundlich und friedlich. Thiên bình có tài ngoại giao, thân thiện và hòa đồng. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1141)
Der Wassermann ist tolerant, fortschrittlich und modern. Bảo bình thì khoan dung, luôn tiến về phía trước và hiện đại. (Lektion 80, Nr. 1145)
Es werden viele Reden gehalten. Rất nhiều bài phát biểu được diễn ra. (Lektion 81, Nr. 1155)
Vielen Mitarbeitern drohen Gehaltskürzungen oder Arbeitslosigkeit. Nhiều nhân công có nguy cơ bị cắt giảm lương hoặc bị thất nghiệp. (Lektion 82, Nr. 1163)
Ich wusste gar nicht, dass Zahnärzte eine ganz andere Ausbildung bekommen als Ärzte. Anh chẳng biết là nha sỹ được đào tạo khác hẳn so với các bác sỹ khác. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1183)
Und auch nicht, dass Postboten früher Beamte waren. Và cũng chẳng biết người đưa thư ngày xưa là công chức. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1184)
Aber sie bekommen im Durchschnitt 12 Prozent weniger bezahlt als ihre männlichen Kollegen. Nhưng trung bình họ nhận được lương ít hơn 12 phần trăm so với những đồng nghiệp nam. (Lektion 83, Nr. 1186)
Vielen Dank für Ihre Auskunft. Cám ơn anh / chị đã cho biết thông tin. (Lektion 85, Nr. 1233)
Auf Wiederhören. Tạm biệt. (Lektion 85, Nr. 1234)
Für weitere Informationen stehen wir Ihnen jederzeit zur Verfügung. Nếu cần biết thêm thông tin xin anh / chị vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi bất kì lúc nào. (Lektion 90, Nr. 1356)
Wenn Sie diese E-Mail versehentlich erhalten haben, bitten wir Sie, diese zu löschen. Nếu bức thư này bị gửi nhầm đến bạn, xin vui lòng xóa bức thư này. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1390)
Der Server ist nicht erreichbar. Ich kann meine E-Mails nicht abrufen. Mạng chủ hiện đang bị treo, tôi không thể mở hòm thư được. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1403)
Vielleicht hast du meine E-Mail nicht bekommen, weil sie als Spam eingestuft wurde. Có thể anh / chị không nhận được thư của tôi vì nó bị chuyển vào hòm thư rác. (Lektion 92, Nr. 1404)
Leider ist unser Faxgerät zur Zeit außer Betrieb. Rất tiếc thiết bị nhận fax của chúng tôi hiện đang gặp trục trặc. (Lektion 93, Nr. 1423)
Ich glaube, wir haben uns noch nicht getroffen. Tôi nghĩ là chúng ta chưa biết nhau. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1424)
Nett, Sie kennenzulernen. Tôi rất hân hạnh được biết anh / chị . (Lektion 94, Nr. 1440)
Kennen Sie schon meinen Kollegen? - Er arbeitet in der Münchner Niederlassung in der Buchhaltung. Anh / Chị đã biết đồng nghiệp của tôi chưa? – Anh ấy / Ông ấy làm việc tại phòng kế toán tại chi nhánh ở Munich. (Lektion 94, Nr. 1443)
Bitte entschuldigen Sie meine Verspätung. Ich stand eine Stunde lang im Stau. Xin anh / chị thứ lỗi về sự chậm trễ. Tôi bị tắc đường một tiếng đồng hồ. (Lektion 95, Nr. 1488)
Haben Sie schon das Neueste gehört? Anh / Chị đã biết tin mới nhất chưa? (Lektion 95, Nr. 1489)
Wir haben wirklich Glück mit dem Wetter. Normalerweise ist es um diese Jahreszeit viel kälter. Chúng ta thật là có may mắn với thời tiết. Bình thường vào mùa này trời lạnh hơn nhiều. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1505)
Kennen Sie diesen Golfplatz? Anh / Chị có biết sân golf này không? (Lektion 96, Nr. 1514)
Letzten Monat haben wir einen wundervollen Abend in der Oper verbracht: Auf dem Spielplan stand Nabucco von Guiseppe Verdi. Tháng trước chúng tôi đã có một buổi tối tuyệt vời tại nhà hát kịch Opera. Chương trình biểu diễn hôm đó là vở „Nabucco „ của Giuseppe Verdi. (Lektion 96, Nr. 1536)
Bitte schreiben Sie mir, wann Sie Zeit für ein Treffen haben. Xin cho tôi biết khi nào anh / chị có thời gian cho một buổi gặp mặt. (Lektion 97, Nr. 1549)
Leider müssen Sie mit einer längeren Lieferzeit rechnen. Rất tiếc quý khách phải tính tới việc thời gian vận chuyển bị kéo dài thêm. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1594)
Leider kam Ihre Bestellung als unzustellbar an uns zurück. Bitte teilen Sie uns Ihre korrekte Lieferadresse mit. Rất tiếc hàng bị chuyển lại chỗ chúng tôi. Xin vui lòng thông báo cho chúng tôi địa chỉ giao hàng chính xác của quý khách. (Lektion 98, Nr. 1597)
Ich brauche das Ergebnis deiner Recherche in zwei Stunden. Hãy cho tôi biết kết quả tìm kiếm thông tin sau hai giờ nữa. (Lektion 99, Nr. 1612)
Ich bin mir nicht sicher, wie ich in diesem Fall entscheiden soll. Ist etwas Vergleichbares schon einmal vorgekommen? Tôi không biết nên quyết định thế nào trong trường hợp này. Đã có một trường hợp tương tự nào xảy ra chưa? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1618)
Ich soll mehr Informationen über diesen Fall suchen, aber ich komme mit meiner Recherche nicht weiter. Hast du einen guten Rat für mich? Tôi rất cần thêm thông tin về trường hợp này nhưng không biết tiếp tục tra cứu thế nào? Anh / Chị có lời khuyên hữu ích nào không? (Lektion 99, Nr. 1638)
Wer schreibt das Protokoll zu dieser Besprechung? Hôm nay ai sẽ viết biên bản cuộc họp? (Lektion 100, Nr. 1650)
Ich hoffe, dass Sie alle das Protokoll der letzten Sitzung nochmals durchgelesen haben. Tôi hi vọng quý vị đều đã đọc qua biên bản của cuộc họp lần trước. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1652)
In meinem heutigen Vortrag möchte ich Ihnen die Probleme, die bei der Qualitätssicherung auftreten können, näher beschreiben. Trong bài phát biểu của tôi hôm nay, tôi muốn miêu tả kỹ hơn về những vấn đề có thể gặp phải trong quá trình quản lí chất lượng. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1654)
Ich möchte Ihnen das Problem mit Hilfe dieser Grafik veranschaulichen. Xin mời quý vị cùng theo dõi biểu đồ sau để hình dung rõ hơn về vấn đề. (Lektion 100, Nr. 1655)
Sollen wir darüber abstimmen? Chúng ta có nên biểu quyết cho vấn đề này không? (Lektion 100, Nr. 1671)
Ich habe mich überfordert gefühlt. Tôi đã có cảm giác bị thử thách quá sức. (Lektion 103, Nr. 1764)
Bitte geben Sie in Ihrem Schreiben auch Ihre Gehaltsvorstellungen mit an. Xin hãy cho biết mức lương mong muốn của mình trong thư xin việc. (Lektion 104, Nr. 1794)
Mein Spezialgebiet ist die Erstellung, Durchführung und Analyse von Kundenbefragungen. Phạm vi công việc chủ yếu của tôi là biên soạn, thực hiện và phân tích các câu hỏi của khách hàng. (Lektion 105, Nr. 1815)
Während meines Studiums habe ich mich bei einer Umweltorganisation engagiert. Ich war oft für diese Organisation unterwegs. So hat sich mein Studium in die Länge gezogen. Trong thời gian học đại học tôi đã tham gia vào một tổ chức môi trường. Tôi thường đi nhiều nơi cho tổ chức này. Vì vậy việc học tập của tôi bị kéo dài. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1878)
Warum hat man Ihnen gekündigt? Vì sao anh / chị bị nghỉ việc? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1889)
Warum waren Sie ein Jahr lang arbeitslos? Vì sao anh / chị bị thất nghiệp một năm? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1890)
Mein vorheriger Arbeitgeber musste Insolvenz anmelden und so wurde allen Angestellten gekündigt. Người tuyển dụng cũ của tôi bị phá sản và vì vậy tất cả nhân viên bị thôi việc. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1900)
Sprechen Sie Englisch? Anh / Chị có biết nói tiếng Anh không? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1905)
Wie unterscheiden Sie sich von anderen Bewerbern? Anh / Chị có điểm khác biệt nào so với các người xin việc khác? (Lektion 107, Nr. 1910)
Ich spreche Englisch, Spanisch und Deutsch. Tôi biết nói tiếng Anh, tiếng Tây Ban Nha và tiếng Đức. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1913)
Von anderen Bewerbern unterscheidet mich, dass ich sowohl alle Qualifikationen mitbringe als auch schon mehrere Jahre Erfahrung in dieser Branche habe. Tôi khác biệt so với các người xin việc khác ở kinh nghiệm chuyên môn cũng như kinh nghiệm thực tiễn lâu năm trong lĩnh vực này. (Lektion 107, Nr. 1920)
Worauf sind Sie in Ihrem Leben besonders stolz? Trong cuộc sống anh / chị tự hào đặc biệt về cái gì? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1930)
Wie sind Sie auf unser Unternehmen aufmerksam geworden? Anh / Chị đã biết đến đến công ty của chúng tôi thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1942)
Wie gut kennen Sie unsere Produkte? Anh / Chị biết về sản phẩm của chúng tôi thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1951)
Ich kenne und verwende Ihre Produkte seit über zehn Jahren. Tôi biết và sử dụng sản phẩm của ông / bà từ hơn mười năm nay. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1953)
Könnten Sie mir bitte beschreiben, wie ein typischer Arbeitstag bei Ihnen aussieht? Ông / Bà có thể cho tôi biết, một ngày làm việc điển hình ở đây thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1963)
Mein Bürostuhl ist defekt. Wissen Sie, wo ich einen neuen bestellen kann? Ghế làm việc của tôi bị hỏng. Anh / Chị có biết, tôi có thể đặt ghế mới ở đâu không? (Lektion 111, Nr. 2034)
Mein PC ist defekt. Máy tính của tôi bị hỏng. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2059)
Mein Rechner ist abgestürzt. Máy tính của tôi bị tắt. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2060)
Das Programm ist abgestürzt. Chương trình bị tắt. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2061)
Mein Drucker brennt! Was soll ich tun? Máy in của tôi bị cháy! Tôi nên làm gì? (Lektion 113, Nr. 2064)
Mein Bildschirm ist ausgefallen. Màn hình của tôi bị tắt. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2065)
Mein Laufwerk ist kaputt. Ổ đĩa của tôi bị hỏng. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2066)
Die Druckerpatrone ist leer. Máy in bị hết mực. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2068)
Die Datei ist beschädigt und kann nicht geöffnet werden. File bị hỏng và không thể mở được. (Lektion 113, Nr. 2073)
Dieser Punkt ist mir besonders wichtig. Với tôi điểm này đặc biệt quan trọng. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2101)
In diesem Diagramm habe ich den Anstieg der Kosten in einer Kurve veranschaulicht. Trong biểu đồ này tôi đã minh họa sự gia tăng kinh phí bằng một đường đồ thị. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2103)
Die Auswertung der Daten hat gezeigt, dass wir im Wettbewerb gegen die Konkurrenz verlieren könnten. Quá trình phân tích đánh giá số liệu cho thấy rằng chúng ta có thể sẽ bị thua trong cuộc cạnh tranh với các đối thủ. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2105)
In diesem Balkendiagramm sehen Sie den Umsatz unserer Filialen in Südamerika. Jeder der Balken steht dabei für ein Land. Trong biểu đồ cột này quý vị nhìn thấy số doanh thu của các chi nhánh của chúng tôi ở khu vực Nam Mỹ. Mỗi một cột biểu tượng cho một nước. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2106)
Ich habe eine Frage zu Tabelle 2. Hier scheint etwas nicht zu stimmen. Tôi có một câu hỏi về bảng biểu 2. Ở đây có điều gì đó không hợp lý. (Lektion 114, Nr. 2126)
Können Sie die letzte Grafik bitte nochmal erklären? Anh / Chị / Ông / Bà có thể làm ơn giải thích lại lần nữa về biểu đồ vừa rồi không? (Lektion 114, Nr. 2127)
Darüber sollten wir abstimmen. Về vấn đề này chúng ta nên biểu quyết. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2129)
Ich weiß, wie wir dieses Problem lösen können. Tôi biết cách chúng ta có thể giải quyết được vấn đề này. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2208)
Wir hinken dem Zeitplan hinterher. Chúng ta đang bị chậm so với tiến độ dự kiến. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2212)
Darüber sollten wir abstimmen. Điều đó chúng ta phải biểu quyết. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2215)
Die Arbeit der zweiten Arbeitsgruppe fehlt immer noch! Phần công việc của nhóm hai vẫn bị thiếu! (Lektion 117, Nr. 2219)
Das Projekt ist gescheitert. Dự án này đã bị thất bại. (Lektion 117, Nr. 2236)
Interessieren Sie sich für ein spezielles Produkt? Quý khách có quan tâm tới một sản phẩm đặc biệt nào không? (Lektion 118, Nr. 2242)
Kennen Sie dieses Produkt schon? Quý khách đã biết sản phẩm này chưa? (Lektion 118, Nr. 2243)
Hier habe ich etwas ganz Besonderes. Ở đây tôi có một sản phẩm rất đặc biệt. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2248)
Dieses Produkt ist im Angebot: Es kostet jetzt nur noch die Hälfte. Sản phẩm này đang có khuyến mại, giá bán còn một nửa so với giá bán bình thường. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2250)
Das ist ein Sonderangebot. Đây là một chương trình khuyến mại đặc biệt. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2251)
Dieses Gerät ist besonders gründlich. Chiếc máy này đặc biệt chính xác. (Lektion 118, Nr. 2262)
Das Produkt ist defekt. Sản phẩm này bị hỏng. (Lektion 119, Nr. 2278)
Kennen Sie unser neues Produkt schon? Quý vị đã biết đến sản phẩm mới của chúng tôi chưa? (Lektion 121, Nr. 2331)
Reichen Sie Ihre Rede bis zum 15.02. bei der Jury ein. Xin quý vị hãy gửi bài phát biểu của mình tới hội đồng giám khảo đến ngày 15.2. (Lektion 122, Nr. 2357)
Mein Rückflug wurde gestrichen. Bitte buchen Sie meinen Flug um. Chuyến bay về của tôi bị hủy. Xin hãy đổi chuyến khác cho tôi. (Lektion 123, Nr. 2395)
Für mich ein Bier, bitte. Xin cho tôi một cốc bia. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2426)
Dieses Gericht kenne ich noch nicht. Món ăn này tôi chưa biết. (Lektion 124, Nr. 2440)
Ich bin allergisch gegen Nüsse. Sind Nüsse in diesem Gericht? Tôi bị dị ứng các loại hạt. Không có hạt nào trong món ăn này phải không? (Lektion 124, Nr. 2446)
Normalerweise beschwere ich mich nicht, aber in diesem Fall muss ich. Bình thường tôi không bao giờ khiếu nại, nhưng trong trường hợp này tôi bắt buộc phải làm. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2465)
Ich bin von der Qualität Ihrer Produkte schwer enttäuscht. Tôi đặc biệt thất vọng về chất lượng sản phẩm của quý vị. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2470)
Das Produkt ist defekt. Sản phẩm bị hỏng. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2471)
Teile des Produkts sind defekt. Nhiều phần của sản phẩm bị hỏng. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2472)
Das Produkt ist zerkratzt. Sản phẩm bị xước. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2473)
Das Produkt ist beschädigt Sản phẩm bị hỏng. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2474)
Das Produkt ist nicht wasserdicht. Sản phẩm bị thấm nước. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2476)
Das Produkt war schlecht verpackt und wurde beim Transport beschädigt. Sản phẩm được đóng không cẩn thận và bị hỏng trong quá trình vận chuyển. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2478)
Einige Teile der Lieferung sind beschädigt. Nhiều phần của kiện hàng bị hỏng. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2479)
Beim Öffnen des Pakets musste ich leider feststellen, dass Teile der Lieferung fehlen. Khi mở kiện hàng, rất tiếc tôi phải nói rằng hàng chuyển đến bị thiếu nhiều phần. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2481)
Der Betrag der Bestellung wurde falsch berechnet. Tổng số tiền của đơn đặt hàng bị tính nhầm. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2484)
Wir werden das defekte Produkt zurückschicken. Chúng tôi sẽ gửi lại sản phẩm bị hỏng. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2489)
Wir möchten das defekte Produkt zur Reparatur einschicken. Chúng tôi muốn gửi sản phẩm bị hỏng đi sửa. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2490)
Wir sind nicht bereit die defekte Ware zu bezahlen. Chúng tôi không sẵn sàng trả tiền cho những hàng hóa bị hỏng. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2491)
Sollte sich Ihre Lieferung weiter verzögern, werden wir unsere Bestellung stornieren. Nếu việc vận chuyển tiếp tục bị chậm, chúng tôi sẽ hủy đơn đặt hàng. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2494)
Welcher Teil der Lieferung fehlt? Phần nào của kiện hàng bị thiếu? (Lektion 125, Nr. 2504)
Welche Produkte sind beschädigt? Sản phẩm nào bị hỏng? (Lektion 125, Nr. 2505)
Welche Teile sind zerkratzt? Phần nào bị xước? (Lektion 125, Nr. 2506)
Wir werden die defekte Ware selbstverständlich ersetzen. Tất nhiên chúng tôi sẽ thay thế những hàng hóa bị hỏng. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2514)
Bitte schicken Sie die defekte Ware an uns zurück. Xin hãy gửi hàng hóa bị hỏng lại cho chúng tôi. (Lektion 125, Nr. 2515)
Ich werde bei unserer Bank nachfragen, warum sich die Zahlung verzögert. Tôi sẽ hỏi lại ngân hàng, tại sao quá trình thanh toán bị chậm. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2552)
Unsere Zahlung an Sie wurde wieder zurückgebucht. Số tiền thanh toán của chúng tôi gửi đến quý vị bị chuyển ngược lại. (Lektion 126, Nr. 2553)

53 Am I late? Tôi có bị muộn không?
98 Am I late? Tôi có bị muộn không?
178 We're here on vacation. We're staying at a hotel on the beach. Chúng tôi đi nghỉ ở đây. Chúng tôi đang ở trong khách sạn bên bãi biển.
181 I'm leaving now, goodbye. Tôi đi đây, tạm biệt.
326 They don't know many people. Họ không biết nhiều người.
340 They don't know my phone number. Họ không biết số điện thoại của tôi.
363 I don't know much about politics. I'm not interested in it. Tôi không biết nhiều về chính trị. Tôi không quan tâm đến nó.
368 Where is he? — I'm sorry, I don't know. Anh ấy đâu? - Xin lỗi, tôi không biết.
438 Do you want to know the answer? Cậu có muốn biết câu trả lời không?
462 Where's Kelly? — I don't know. Kelly đâu? - Tôi không biết.
485 headache. Cô ấy không được khoẻ. Cô ấy bị đau đầu.
523 What's wrong? — I've got something in my eye. Có chuyện gì vậy? - Tôi bị cái gì đó chui vào mắt.
524 Where's my phone? — I don't know. I don't have it. Điện thoại của tôi đâu? - Tôi không biết. Tôi không cầm nó.
560 Where are the children? — I don't know, they were here a few minutes ago. Bọn trẻ đâu rồi? - Tôi không biết, chúng vừa ở đây mấy phút trước.
562 Antonio wasn't at work last week because he was sick. He's better now. Antonio tuần trước không đi làm vì bị ốm, Bây giờ anh ấy đỡ hơn rồi.
565 Where are my keys? — I don't know. They were on the table, but they're not there now. Chìa khoá của tôi đâu? - Tôi không biết. Trước nó ở trên bàn nhưng bây giờ thì không còn ở đó nữa.
594 I copied the schedule. Tôi đã sao chép thời gian biểu.
620 Did you see Fabian yesterday? — No, I didn't. Hôm qua cậu có trông thấy Fabian không? - Không, tôi không
642 I was late for the meeting. Tôi bị muộn buổi họp.
657 We went to the beach yesterday. Chúng tôi đã đi ra bãi biển hôm qua.
660 The window is broken. Cửa sổ bị vỡ.
662 I don't know how it broke. Tôi không biết sao nó lại vỡ.
668 I cut my hand this morning. — How did you do that? Tôi bị đứt tay sáng nay. - Sao cậu bị thế?
669 about a meeting. Sao hôm qua cậu không có mặt trong cuộc họp? - Tôi không biết là có cuộc họp.
674 What did he say? — I don't know, I wasn't listening. Anh ấy đã nói cái gì thế? - Tôi không biết, tôi không nghe.
722 Khalid broke his arm last week. Khalid đã bị gãy tay tuần trước.
724 He fell o the ladder. Anh ấy đã bị ngã thang.
735 No, she didn't go to work. She was sick. Không, cô ấy đã không đi làm. Cô ấy bị ốm.
784 Who is that man? — I don't know, I've never seen him before. Ông kia là ai thế? - Tôi không biết, tôi chưa gặp ông ấy bao giờ.
793 Have you ever broken your leg? — Yes, once. Cậu đã bị gãy chân bao giờ chưa? - Rồi, một lần.
810 Does she know Claude? — No, she's never met him. Cô ấy có biết Claude không? - Không, cô ấy chưa bao giờ gặp
822 EN Do you know her? How long have you known her? Cậu có biết cô ấy không? Cậu biết cô ấy được bao lâu rồi?
823 I know Charlotte. I've known her for a long time. Tôi biết Charlotte. Tôi biết cô ấy từ lâu rồi.
834 Severo's sick. He's been sick for the last few days. Severo bị ốm. Anh ấy đã ốm được mấy ngày hôm nay.
837 Hubert has a headache. He's had a headache since he got up this morning. Hubert bị đau đầu. Anh ấy bị đau đầu từ lúc anh ấy ngủ dậy sáng nay.
840 How long have you known Olivia? Cậu biết Olivia được bao lâu rồi?
847 Giselle and I are friends. I know her very well. Giselle và tôi là ban, Tôi biết rất rõ về cô ấy.
875 Michel's been sick for a long time. He's been in the hospital since October of last year. Michel bị ốm đã lâu. Anh ấy đã ở trong bệnh viện từ tháng mười năm ngoái.
887 Have you known Heuijeong for a long time? Cậu biết Hi Chính từ lâu rồi à?
891 I've known Mengjuan since two thousand two (2002). Tôi đã biết Mộng Quyên từ năm hai nghìn không trăm linh một.
She's broken her arm.'> 915 She's broken her arm.'> Sabine's not coming to the party. She broke her arm. > She's broken her arm. She's broken her arm.'> ☊ Sabine sẽ không đến bữa tiệc. Cô ấy bị gãy tay. > Cô ấy đã bị gãy tay.
918 I lost my wallet. > I've lost my wallet. Tôi bị mất ví. > Tôi đã làm mất ví.
933 Does Yannick know that you're going away? — No, I haven't told him yet. Yannick có biết là cậu đi vắng không? - Không, tôi chưa bảo cậu ấy.
994 been there. Đài Loan trông như thế nào? Nó có đẹp không? - Tôi không biết. Tôi chưa từng đến đó.
1006 Do you know Jianhong's sister? Cậu có biết em gái của Giản Hồng không?
1020 Was anybody injured in the accident? Có ai bị thương trong vụ tai nạn không?
1022 I was born in Colombia in nineteeighty-nine (1989). Tôi sinh ra ở Colombia năm 1980.
1025 I was bittby dog a few days ago. Tôi bị chó cắn mấy ngày trước.
1034 My phone was stola few days ago. Điện thoại của tôi bị trộm mấy ngày trước.
1035 Three people were injured in the accident. Ba người bị thương trong vụ tai nạn.
1037 I wasn't wokup by the noise. Tôi không bị tiếng ồn đánh thức.
1038 How were these windows broken? Những tấm cửa sổ này làm sao mà bị vỡ?
1041 Why did the email get sent to the wrong address? Tại sao lá thư điện tử lại bị gửi sai địa chỉ?
1045 Somebody broke into our house, but nothing was stolen. Có người đột nhập vào nhà chúng tôi nhưng không có gì bị trộm mất.
1049 There was a re at the hotel last week. Two of the rooms were damaged. Có một vụ cháy ở khách sạn tuần trước. Có hai phòng bị hỏng.
1054 My car was stollast week, but the next day it was found by the police. Xe hơi của tôi bị trộm tuần trước, nhưng ngày hôm sau nó đã được cảnh sát tìm thấy.
1067 Somebody has stolmy key. > My key has bestolen. Có người đã ăn trộm cái chìa khoá của tôi. Cái chìa khoá của tôi đã bị ăn trộm.
1072 I can't nd my keys. I think they've bestolen. Tôi tìm không ra chùm chìa khoá của tôi đâu. Tôi nghĩ chúng đã bị ăn trộm.
1073 My keys were stollast week. Chùm chìa khoá của tôi bị ăn trộm tuần trước.
The window got broken.'> 1080 The window got broken.'> The window's bebroken. > The window got broken. The window got broken.'> ☊ Cửa sổ đã bị vỡ.
The car got damaged.'> 1082 The car got damaged.'> The car's bedamaged. > The car got damaged. The car got damaged.'> ☊ Xe hơi đã bị hỏng.
1084 The trees have becut down. > The trees got cut down. Cây đã bị chặt.
1088 The washing machine was broken. It's berepaired now. Máy giặt bị hỏng. Bây giờ nó mới được chữa xong,
1093 My sunglasses were stolat the beach yesterday. Chiếc kính râm của tôi bị ăn cắp ở bãi biển ngày hôm qua.
1094 The bridge is closed. It got damaged last week, and it hasn't berepaired yet. Cái cầu đang bị đóng cửa. Nó bị hỏng tuần trước và nó chưa được sửa chữa.
1104 How was the window broken? How did the window get broken? Cửa sổ làm sao mà bị vỡ?
1115 What time did Fabio and Donatella go out? Fabio và Donatella đã ra ngoài lúc nào?
1161 I don't know how to say this word. How is it pronounced? Tôi không biết nói từ này như thế nào. Phát âm nó như thế nào?
1174 This window was broklast night. This window got broklast night. Cửa sổ bị vỡ hôm qua.
1175 I washed my hands because they were dirty. Tôi đã rửa tay vì tay bị bẩn.
1180 Linda's bicycle was stollast week. Xe đạp của Linda bị ăn trộm tuần trước.
1186 Yesterday I fell and hurt my leg. Hôm qua tôi bị ngã và bị đau chân.
1190 I know Masaru, but I've never met his wife. Tôi biết Masaru nhưng tôi chưa bao giờ gặp vợ anh ấy.
1191 We were wokup by loud music in the middle of the night. Chúng tôi bị tiếng nhạc to đánh thức giữa đêm.
1246 It's nine o'clock (9:00) and I'm not ready. I'm going to be late. Bây giờ là chín giờ và tôi chưa sẵn sàng. Tôi sẽ bị muộn,
1349 this afternoon. Faruq định bao giờ gọi cậu? - Tôi không biết.
I might be late tonight.'> 1366 I might be late tonight.'> It's possible that I'll be late tonight. > I might be late tonight. I might be late tonight.'> ☊ Có khả năng là tối nay tôi sẽ bị muộn. Tôi có thể sẽ bị muộn tối nay.
1370 What are you doing this weekend? — I don't know. I might go hiking. Cậu định làm gì cuối tuần này? - Tôi không biết. Tôi có thể sẽ đi leo núi.
1372 What are you going to have for dinner? — I don't know. I might have Italian food. Cậu định ăn gì bữa tối nay? - Tôi không biết. Có thể tôi sẽ ăn món Ý.
1383 Marisol can speak Italian and Spanish, but she can't speak French. Marisol biết nói tiếng Ý và tiếng Tây Ban Nha nhưng cô ấy không biết nói tiếng Pháp.
1384 Can you swim? — Yes, but I'm not a very good swimmer. Cậu có biết bơi không? - Có nhưng tôi bơi không giỏi lắm.
1385 I can play the piano. My brother can play the piano, too. Tôi biết chơi dương cầm. Em trai tôi cũng biết chơi dương cầm.
1396 Can you swim? Cậu có biết bơi không?
1398 Can you ski? Cậu có biết trượt tuyết không?
1399 Can you play chess? Cậu có biết chơi cờ vua không?
1401 Can you drive a car? Cậu có biết lái xe hơi không?
1402 Can you drive a motorcycle? Cậu biết đi xe máy không?
1403 Can you ride a horse? Cậu biết cưỡi ngựa không?
1410 Rashid doesn't know what to do. He can't decide. Rashid không biết phải làm gì. Anh ấy không quyết định được.
1411 Lakshmi couldn't go to the meeting last week. She was sick. Lakshmi tuần trước không đi họp được. Cô ấy bị ốm.
1413 know him. Anh trai tôi đã làm việc ở công ti cậu nhiều năm rồi. Cậu chắc phải biết anh ấy.
1429 The phone's ringing. I know it's not for me. It must be for you. Chuông điện thoại đang reo. Tôi biết nó không phải của tôi. Chắc chắn nó phải là của cậu.
1434 I know Ms. Thompson has a job, but she's always home during the day. She must work at night. Tôi biết cô Thompson có việc làm nhưng cô ấy luôn ở nhà suốt ban ngày. Cô ấy hẳn là đi làm đêm.
1440 You have a cold and a fever? Poor thing! You must feel awful. Cậu bị cảm và sốt à? Khổ thân! Cậu hẳn là khó chịu lắm.
1442 For this job, you must know both Spanish and German. Với công việc này, bạn phải biết cả tiếng Tây Ban Nha lẫn tiếng Đức.
1448 I must hurry, or I'll be late. Tôi phải vội không là tôi sẽ bị muộn.
1450 Keep these papers in a safe place. You must not lose them. Cất chỗ giấy này ở nơi an toàn. Cậu sẽ không bị mất chúng.
1458 Should we make something special for dinner? Liệu chúng ta có nên làm cái gì đặc biệt cho bữa tối không?
1531 Why did they tell me something I already know? They didn't have to tell me that. Tại sao họ lại kể cho tôi những gì tôi đã biết? Họ không cần phải kể cho tôi những việc đó.
1616 I don't want to talk to you. Go away! Tôi không muốn nói chuyện với cậu. Biến đi!
1707 I opened the envelope, but it was empty. There was nothing in it. Tôi đã mở phong bì nhưng nó trống không. Không có gì trong đấy hết.
1726 Is it true that Jirou can y a helicopter? Có đúng là Jirou biết lái trực thăng không?
1730 it? Cậu có muốn đi bộ đến khách sạn không? - Tôi không biết. Đường đi bao xa?
1734 How far is it from the hotel to the beach? Đường từ khách sạn ra bãi biển bao xa?
1774 My sister can play the piano, but I can't. Em gái tôi biết chơi dương cầm nhưng tôi không biết.
1783 You don't know Vanessa very well, but I do. Cậu không biết nhiều lắm về Vanessa nhưng tôi thì có.
1794 Fabian's happy today, but he wasn't yesterday. Hôm nay Fabian vui nhưng hôm qua anh ấy không vui.
1796 I don't have a telescope, but I know somebody who does. Tôi không có kính viễn vọng nhưng tôi biết một người có nó.
1803 Are you going out tonight? — I might. I don't know for sure. Tối nay cậu có định ra ngoài không? - Có thể. Tôi không biết chắc.
1811 Have you ever brokyour arm? — Yes, I have. Cậu đã bị gãy tay bao giờ chưa? - Tôi bị rồi.
1814 You're late. — I am? Sorry. Cậu bị muộn. - Tôi á? Xin lỗi.
1815 I was sick last week. — You were? I didn't know that. Tuần trước tôi ốm. - Cậu ốm á? Thế mà tôi không biết.
1818 Giovanni can't drive. — He can't? I didn't know that. Giovanni không biết lái xe. - Vậy ư? Tôi không biết đấy.
1820 Emilia isn't at work today. — She isn't? Is she sick? Emilia không đi làm hôm nay. - Không à? Cô ấy có bị ốm không?
1844 Angela can't drive. — She can't? She should learn. Angela không biết lái xe. Không à? Cô ấy nên học.
1845 I was born in Italy. — You were? I didn't know that. Tôi sinh ra ở Ý. Thế à? Tôi không biết đấy.
1862 good. Cậu biết chơi dương cầm phải không? - Đúng, nhưng tôi không giỏi lắm.
1863 You don't know Larisa's sister, do you? — No, I've never met her. Cậu không biết em gái của Larisa phải không? - Không, tôi chưa gặp cô ấy bao giờ.
1870 A friend of mine has bearrested. It's alleged that he hit a police o cer. Một người bạn của tôi mới bị bắt. Người ta buộc tội anh ấy đánh một cảnh sát.
1871 It's reported that two (2) people were injured in the explosion. Người ta báo cáo là có hai người bị thương trong vụ nổ.
1873 it. Emil bị cho là đã đánh một cảnh sát nhưng tôi không tin.
1875 The plan is supposed to be a secret, but everybody seems to know about it. Kế hoạch đáng ra phải được giữ kín nhưng dường như mọi người đều biết rồi.
1885 I don't like having my picture taken. Tôi không thích để tranh của tôi bị lấy đi.
1887 Casper had his license takaway for driving too fast again. Casper đã bị lấy mất bằng lái vì lại lái xe qua nhanh.
1888 Olivia got her passport stolen. Olivia đã bị trộm hộ chiếu.
1889 Have you ever had your ight canceled? Cậu đã bao giờ bị huỷ chuyến bay chưa?
1890 Did I tell you about Luisa? She got her purse stollast week. Tôi đã kể với cậu về Luisa chưa? Tuần trước cô ấy bị ăn cắp mất túi xách.
1891 Hubert was in a ght last night. He got his nose broken. Tuần trước Hubert đánh nhau, Anh ấy bị gãy mũi.
1894 I know lots of people. — You do? I thought you said you didn't know anybody. Tôi biết rất nhiều người. - Thế à? Tôi tưởng cậu bảo cậu không biết ai.
1897 I can speak a little French. — You can? But earlier you said you couldn't. Tôi biết nói một chút tiếng Pháp. - Thế ư? Nhưng trước cậu bảo cậu không biết cơ mà.
1906 hurry up. Noboru đã mất nhiều thời gian chuẩn bị nên tôi đã bảo anh ấy nhanh lên.
1921 What time is it? > Do you know what time it is? Bây giờ mấy giờ rồi? > Cậu biết bây giờ mấy giờ rồi không?
1922 Who are those people? — I don't know who those people are. Những người kia là ai? > Tôi không biết những người kia là ai.
1923 Oliver? Tôi có thể tìm thấy Oliver ở đâu? > Cậu có thẻ cho tôi biết tôi có thể tìm thấy Oliver ở đâu không?
1924 What time does the movie begin? > Do you know what time the movie begins? Mấy giờ bộ lm bắt đầu? > Cậu có biết mấy giờ bộ lm bắt đầu không?
1926 How much will it cost? > Do you have any idea how much it'll cost? Chi phí sẽ là bào nhiêu? > Cậu có biết chi phí sẽ là bao nhiêu không?
1928 How far is it to the airport? > Can you tell me how far it is to the airport? Đường đến sân bay bao xa? > Cậu có thể nói tôi biết đường đến sân bay bao xa không?
1929 How much does it cost to park here? > Could you tell me how much it costs to park here? Đỗ xe ở đây mất bao nhiêu? > Cậu có thể cho tôi biết đỗ xe ở đây mất bao nhiêu không?
1931 She wanted to know what I did in my spare time. Cô ấy muốn biết tôi làm gì lúc rảnh rỗi.
1934 She wanted to know if I could speak another language. Cô ấy muốn biết tôi có biết nói ngôn ngữ nào khác không.
1961 Sure, but I don't know how much it would cost. Có bao giờ cậu xe xét việc sẽ sang sống ở một nước khác chưa? - Chắc chắn có rồi nhưng tôi không biết sẽ tốn kém bao nhiêu.
1971 Sabine suggested that we go to the movies. Sabine gợi ý rằng chúng ta nên đi xem lm.
1980 I promised not to be late. Tôi đã hứa là sẽ không bị muộn.
1992 — Not really. Cậu có biết phải làm gì khi có cháy trong toà nhà không? - Không rõ lắm.
1993 I was really astonished. I didn't know what to say. Tôi đã thực sự kinh ngạc. Tôi đã không biết phải nói gì.
2014 We were made to wait for two (2) hours. Chúng tôi đã bị bắt phải chờ hai tiếng.
2018 remembered to lock the door, but I forgot to shut the windows. Tôi biết là tôi đã khoá cửa. Tôi nhớ rõ ràng là đã khoá nó. > Tôi có nhớ khoá cửa nhưng tôi đã quên đóng cửa sổ.
2023 We regret to inform you that we cannot o er you the job. Chúng tôi lấy làm tiếc khi phải báo cho cậu biết rằng chúng tôi
2067 I'll tell them. Tôi có nên nói cho họ hay cậu thấy họ không biết thì hơn? - Không, tôi sẽ nói cho họ.
2080 She needs to work without people disturbing her. Cô ấy cần làm việc mà không bị ai làm phiền.
2141 I hurried so that I wouldn't be late. Tôi vội vã để không bị muộn.
2149 Sanjit locked the door so that he wouldn't be disturbed. Sanjit đã khoá cửa để không bị ai làm phiền.
2161 If I have any more news, you'll be the first person to know. Nếu tôi có tin gì nữa thì cậu sẽ là người đầu tiên được biết.
2172 afraid of falling. Vỉa hè dày băng nên chúng tôi phải đi cẩn thận. Chúng tôi sợ bị ngã.
2173 I don't like dogs. I'm always afraid of getting bitten. Tôi không thích chó. Tôi luôn sợ bị cắn.
2174 bitten. Tôi sợ hãi khi đi gần con chó vì tôi sợ bị cắn.
2175 Let me know if you're interested in joining the club. Cho tôi biết cậu có thích tham gia vào câu lạc bộ không?
2178 Ask Anna for her opinion. I'd be interested to know what she thinks. Hỏi ý kiến Anna xem. Tôi sẽ thích thú khi biết được cô ấy nghĩ gì.
2183 from leaving the building. Chúng tôi không được phép rời khỏi toà nhà. > Chúng tôi bị ngăn không cho ra khỏi toà nhà.
2185 Fabio promised to buy me lunch. > Fabio insisted on buying me lunch. Fabio đã hứa mua cho tôi bữa trưa. > Fabio đòi mua cho tôi bữa trưa.
2195 The missing children were last seen playing near the river. Những đứa trẻ bị mất tích được nhìn thấy lần cuối cùng khi đang
2200 Heidi hurt her knee playing volleyball. Heidi bị đau đầu gối khi chơi bóng chuyền.
2210 Being unemployed means he doesn't have much money. Bị thất nghiệp khiến anh ấy không có nhiều tiền.
2217 The people were injured in the accident. Người dân bị thương trong vụ tai nạn.
2218 Do the police know the cause of the explosion? Cảnh sát có biết nguyên nhân vụ nổ không?
2219 The police are looking for the stolen car. Cảnh sát đang tìm kiếm chiếc xe hơi bị mất cắp.
2233 Let me know if you need more information. Cho tôi biết nếu cậu cần thêm thông tin.
2242 My neighbor is an FBI agent. Hàng xóm của tôi là một đặc vụ FBI.
2284 Do you know the people who live next door? Cậu có biết những người sống ở nhà kế bên không?
2287 You need patience to teach young children. Cậu cần sự bình tĩnh để dạy bọn trẻ nhỏ.
2289 A paci st is a person who is against war. Người yêu hoà bình là người phản đối chiến tranh.
2296 It is said that Robin Hood took money from the rich and gave it to the poor. Người ta nói Robin Hood lấy tiền từ người giàu rồi đưa chúng cho người nghèo.
2302 The Paci c is the largest ocean. Thái Bình Dương là đại dương lớn nhất.
2323 Do the police know how the accident happened? Cảnh sát có biết vụ tai nạn đã diễn ra như thế nào không?
2337 meeting has been canceled. Cuộc họp ngày mai đã bị huỷ. > Cuộc họp ngày mai đã bị huỷ.
2350 long have you known one another? Cậu và Kenichi đã biết nhau bao lâu rồi? > Các cậu đã biết nhau bao lâu rồi?
2358 If somebody attacks you, you need to be able to defend yourself. Nếu có người tấn công cậu, cậu cần biết tự vệ.
2394 Let me know if you need anything. Hãy cho tôi biết nếu cậu có cần gì.
2408 The accident looked serious, but fortunately nobody was injured. Vụ tai nạn trông có vẻ nghiêm trọng nhưng may mắn là không ai bị thương.
2409 I don't know anything about economics. Tôi chẳng biết gì về kinh tế.
2430 When she got married, she kept it a secret. She didn't tell any of her friends. Khi cô ấy kết hôn, cô ấy giữ một bí mật. Cô ấy không nói với ai trong số bạn bè của cô ấy.
2439 knew. Tôi đã hỏi hai người về đường đến gare nhưng cả hai đều không biết.
2449 He thinks he knows everything. Anh ấy nghĩ anh ấy biết mọi thứ.
2455 When we were on vacation, we went to the beach every day. Hồi chúng tôi đi nghỉ, chúng tôi ngày nào cũng ra bãi biển.
2458 We spent all day at the beach. Chúng tôi cả ngày ở bãi biển.
2462 It was a terrible re. The whole building got destroyed. Đấy là một đám cháy kinh khủng. Cả toà nhà bị phá huỷ.
2472 We know a lot of people who live in the country. Chúng tôi biết nhiều người sống ở ngoại ô.
2475 The printer that broke down is working again now. Máy in bị hỏng nay đã hoạt động trở lại rồi.
2478 The building destroyed in the re has now been rebuilt. Toà nhà bị lửa tàn phá nay đã được xây lại.
2480 A mystery is something that cannot be explained. Một điều huyền bí là một thứ không thể giải thích được.
2481 The driver who caused the accident was ned ve hundred dollars ($500). > The driver who caused the accident was ned four hundred euros (€400). Người lái xe gây ra tai nạn đã bị phạt năm trăm dollar.
2497 A friend is going to see a movie. You want to know the name. > What's the name of the movie you're going to see? Một người bạn sắp đi xem lm. Bạn muốn biết tên lm. > Tên bộ lm cậu sắp đi xem là gì?
Have you nished the work you had to do?'> 2500 Have you nished the work you had to do?'> Your friend had to do some work. You want to know if she's nished. > Have you nished the work you had to do? Have you nished the work you had to do?'> ☊ Bạn của bạn phải làm việc gì đó. Bạn muốn biết cô ấy đã xong hay chưa. > Cậu đã xong việc cậu phải làm chưa?
2513 EN I met a man who knows you. Tôi đã gặp một người đàn ông có biết cậu.
2514 I met a man whose sister knows you. Tôi đã gặp một người đàn ông mà em gái anh ta biết cậu.
2523 Do you know anyone who speaks French and Italian? Cậu có biết ai nói được tiếng Pháp và tiếng Ý không?
2543 The boy injured in the accident was taken to the hospital. Cậu bé bị thương trong vụ tai nạn đã được đưa đến bệnh viện.
2544 The police never found the money stolen in the robbery. Cảnh sát không bao giờ tìm thấy số tiền bị mất trong vụ trộm.
2548 The taxi taking us to the airport broke down. Chiếc taxi đưa chúng tôi đến sân bay đã bị hỏng.
2549 The road damaged in the storm has now been repaired. Con đường bị con bão phá nay đã được sửa lại.
2552 EN What was the name of the man arrested by the police? Tên người đàn ông bị cảnh sát bắt là gì?
2567 Two people were seriously injured in the accident. Hai người đã bị thương nghiêm trọng trong vụ tai nạn.
2571 We know how to learn languages incredibly quickly. Chúng tôi biết làm sao để học ngôn ngữ nhanh đến khó tin.
2572 EN Two people got seriously injured in the accident. Hai người đã bị thương nghiêm trọng trong vụ tai nạn.
2588 I didn't know it was such a long way. Tôi không biết đường dài đến thế.
2614 than you do. Tôi không biết nhiều người bằng cậu. > Tôi biết ít người hơn cậu.
2648 thought. Tôi biết tôi không có nhiều tiền nhưng tôi thậm chí có ít hơn tôi nghĩ.
2649 Even though she can't drive, she still bought a car. Cho dù cô ấy không biết lái, cô ấy vẫn mua xe hơi.
2652 We're going to the beach tomorrow, even if it's raining. Chúng tôi sẽ ra bãi biển ngày mai, thậm chí nếu trời mưa.
2664 You should register your bike in case it's stolen. Cậu nên đăng kí xe đạp phòng khi nó bị mất cắp.
2671 Ayman slipped as he was getting o the bus. Ayman bị trượt chân khi anh ấy đang ra khỏi xe bus.
2675 The thief was di cult to identify, as he was wearing a mask. Tên trộm khó bị nhận dạng khi hắn đang đeo mặt nạ.
2686 After the interruption, the speaker went on talking as if nothing had happened. Sau khi bị gián đoạn, diễn giả tiếp tục nói cứ như thể là chưa có chuyện gì xảy ra.
2687 When I told them my plan, they looked at me as though I was crazy. Khi tôi nói với họ kế hoạch của tôi, họ nhìn tôi cứ như là tôi bị điên.
2704 time he arrived, everybody had left. Xe hơi của Silvio đã bị hỏng trên đường đến nhà bạn anh ấy. Đến khi anh ấy tới nơi, mọi người đã đi.
2749 The train was traveling AT a speed OF one hundred twenty (120) miles per hour when the driver lost control. > The train was traveling AT a speed OF two hundred (200) kilometers per hour when the driver lost control. Con tàu đang đi với tốc độ một trăm hai mươi dặm một giờ thì lái xe bị mất lái.
2767 somebody with a key. Cái cửa không bị phá nên chắc chắn nó đã bị ai đó mở bằng chìa.
2778 EN I think we're lost. We need to get a map OF this city. — I'll search FOR an app. Tôi nghĩ chúng ta đã bị lạc. Chúng ta cần kiếm một cái bản đồ thành phố này. - Tôi sẽ tìm một ứng dụng.
2788 murder. Cảnh sát muốn hỏi một người bị tình nghi liên quan đến vụ giết người.
2790 There are minor di erences between many European languages. Có những khác biệt nhỏ giữa các ngôn ngữ châu Âu.
2812 The giant spider in The Hobbit scared me to death! Con nhện khổng lồ trong lm "The Hobbit" làm tôi chết khiếp!
2816 The police remained suspicious of the suspect's motives. Cảnh sát vẫn nghi ngờ các hoạt động của kẻ bị tình nghi.
2817 The audience was critical of the music performance. Thính giả đã chê buổi biểu diễn âm nhạc.
2838 The suspect was shouting at the police very loudly. Người bị tình nghi đang quát cảnh sát rất to.
2839 The police pointed their guns at the suspect and told him to lie on the ground. Cảnh sát chĩa súng vào người bị tình nghi và bảo anh ta nằm xuống đất.
2862 I knew he was strange because everybody had warned me about him. Tôi biết là anh ấy kì lạ vì mọi người đã báo trước với tôi về anh ấy.
2865 After discovering he had been wrongly accused of murder, the authorities let him out of prison. Sau khi khám phá ra anh ấy đã bị kết án sai vì tội giết người, các nhà chức trách đã cho anh ấy ra tù.
2866 Some students were suspected of cheating on the exam. Một số học sinh bị kết tội gian lận trong kì thi.
2884 The number of people su ering from heart disease has increased. > The number of heart disease su erers has increased. Số người bị bệnh tim đã tăng. > Số người mắc bệnh tim đã tăng.
2889 I don't know when I'll get home, as it depends on tra c conditions. Tôi không biết khi nào tôi sẽ về nhà vì nó phụ thuộc vào điều kiện giao thông.
2895 You know you can rely on me if you ever need any help. Cậu biết cậu có thể tin tôi nếu cậu có cần giúp đỡ.
2901 from getting sick though. Tất cả áo len và chăn của họ kiểu gì cũng đã không đủ bảo vệ họ khỏi bị ốm.
2925 You can tell Tomoko works out at the gym every day because she looks great. She jogs, takes a yoga class, does aerobics, and lifts weights. Cậu có thể nói Tomoko ngày nào cũng thực hiện tập thể hình vì cô ấy trông rất tuyệt. Cô ấy đi bộ, học lớp yoga, tập aerobic và cử tạ.
2939 an hour. Máy bay của chúng tôi bị trễ trên đường nhựa và chúng tôi đã không cất cánh được trong vòng một tiếng.
2943 an arm and a leg! We totally got ripped o ! Thức ăn bẩn thỉu và dịch vụ không ra gì rồi họ thu của chúng tôi cái giá ngất trời! Chúng tôi hoàn toàn bị ăn chặn.
2945 Some old houses were torn down to make room for a new housing development. The owners of the houses tried to protest, but it was to no avail. Một số ngôi nhà cũ bị đập bỏ để lấy chỗ phát triển nhà ở mới. Chủ của những ngôi nhà ấy đã cố gắng biểu tình nhưng không được tích sự gì.
2947 The re ghters were able to put the re out before the house burned down. Lính cứu hoả đã có thể dập tắt ngọn lửa trước khi ngôn nhà bị cháy trụi.
2948 However, the re ghters had a hard time trying to calm a woman down. Apparently, her cat perished in the re. Tuy nhiên lính cứu hoả đã gặp khó khăn khi cố gắng giữ bình tĩnh cho một phụ nữ. Có vẻ như con mèo của cô ấy bị chết trong đám cháy.
2950 applied for. Finding a job was di cult. Sau đại học, Zahida đã bị đánh trượt mọi việc làm mà cô ấy xin. Tìm việc khí đó rất khó.
2955 You should always save your les as you're working on them just in case your computer crashes. Cậu nên luôn luôn lưu các tệp tin cậu đang làm phòng khi máy tính của cậu bị phụt tắt.
2958 The murder suspect got bad press, but he wasn't the culprit; he was not the man who did it. Người bị tình nghi giết người đã bị lên án trên báo nhưng anh ấy không phải hung thủ; anh ấy không phải người đã gây ra.
2959 Since he got so much bad press, it wouldn't just blow over. Everybody knew him now. Vì anh ấy bị lên án trên báo chí quá nhiều nên chuyện sẽ không chỉ qua đi. Giờ mọi người đều đã biết anh ấy.
2965 Don't argue with the police o cer, or you'll just end up getting arrested. Đừng cãi nhau với cảnh sát nếu không kết quả chỉ là cậu sẽ bị bắt thôi.
2973 A friend of mine was attacked and beaten up a few days ago. He's been in the hospital ever since. Một người bạn của tôi đã bị tấn công và đánh đập vài ngày trước. Anh ấy đã nằm bệnh viện từ đó đến giờ.
2977 Plans to build a new factory have been held up because of the company's nancial problems. Những kế hoạch xây một nhà máy mới đã bị treo vì các vấn đề tài chính của công ti.
2988 A man was knocked down by a car when crossing the street and had to be taken to the hospital. Một người đàn ông đã bị một xe hơi đâm ngã khi qua đường và phải được đưa vào bệnh viện.
2990 In the aftermath of the tornado, they discovered a lot of uprooted trees and houses that had been blown down. Ở nơi chịu ảnh hưởng của cơn lốc, người ta phát hiện ra rất nhiều cây bật gốc và nhà đã bị quật đổ.
2991 Please calm down. Everything will turn out all right. Hãy bình tĩnh đi. Mọi thứ rồi cũng sẽ ổn thôi.

accept that...: I accept that this will not be popular. accept
accept sth from sb: He is charged with accepting bribes from a firm of suppliers. accept
The police gained access through a broken window. access
Disabled visitors are welcome; there is good wheelchair access to most facilities. access
access to confidential information access
Journalists were denied access to the President. access
He was killed in an accident. accident
a fatal accident (= in which sb is killed) accident
I didn't think our meeting was accidental—he must have known I would be there. accidental
rented/temporary/furnished accommodation accommodation
The government was accused of incompetence. accuse
They stand accused of crimes against humanity. accuse
soldiers killed in action action
The wedding preparations take weeks but the actual ceremony takes less than an hour. actual
adapt sth for sth: Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people. adapt
+ speech: 'And don't be late,' she added. add
admit sb/sth to/into sth: You will not be admitted to the theatre after the performance has started. admit
admit to doing sth: She admitted to having stolen the car. admit
+ speech: 'I'm very nervous,' she admitted reluctantly. admit
She was forced to have her baby adopted. adopt
preparing young people for adult life adult
People were evacuated from the coastal regions in advance of the hurricane. in advance (of sth)
advance sth: This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning. advance
Cigarette advertising has been banned. advertising
Ask your teacher 's advice / Ask your teacher for advice on how to prepare for the exam. advice
+ speech: 'Get there early,' she advised (them). advise
The south of the country was worst affected by the drought. affect
Rub the cream into the affected areas. affect
There's a big age gap between them (= a big difference in their ages). age
+ speech: 'That's true', she agreed. agree
an international peace agreement agreement
The road ahead was blocked. ahead
She stands accused of aiding and abetting the crime. aid and abet
She set out the company's aims and objectives in her speech. aim
These measures are aimed at preventing violent crime. aim
a burglar/fire/smoke alarm alarm
The captain knew there was an engine fault but didn't want to alarm the passengers. alarm
The rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate. alarming
low-alcohol beer alcohol
alcohol-free beer alcohol
We don't know whether he's alive or dead. alive
He was buried alive in the earthquake. alive
All of the food has gone. all
All I want is peace and quiet. all
The assassin said he had acted alone. alone
Much of the land alongside the river is below sea level. alongside
The landscape has been radically altered, severely damaging wildlife. alter
it amazes sb that.../to see, find, learn, etc.: It amazed her that he could be so calm at such a time. amaze
We were amazed to find that no one was hurt. amazed
It's amazing the difference a few polite words make. amazing
ambition of being/doing sth: She never achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer. ambition
ambition to be/do sth: His burning ambition was to study medicine. ambition
She was intelligent but suffered from a lack of ambition. ambition
This attitude is common among the under-25s. among
Thousands of angry demonstrators filled the square. angry
Humans are the only animals to have developed speech. animal
+ speech: 'Now boarding flight 897, destination Seattle,' the loudspeaker announced. announce
announce that...: They announced that the flight would be delayed. announce
+ speech: 'I've given up smoking,' she announced. announce
an average annual growth rate of 8% annual
Do you know the answer (= the right one) to question 12? answer
We are grateful to all those people who answered our call for help with fund-raising. answer
+ speech: 'I'd prefer to walk,' she answered. answer
answer sb + speech: 'I'd prefer to walk,' she answered him. answer
answer sb sth: Answer me this: how did they know we were here? answer
anticlimax anti-
an anxious look/face/expression anxious
He was anxious not to be misunderstood. anxious
Any teacher will tell you that students learn at different rates. any
Please let me know how many people are coming, if any. any
If you remember anything at all, please let us know. anything
Do you know anywhere I can buy a second-hand computer? anywhere
I can't tell the twins apart (= see the difference between them). apart
Apart from their house in London, they also have a villa in Spain. apart from
He paused, apparently lost in thought. apparently
mass/wide/popular appeal appeal
The Beatles have never really lost their appeal. appeal
appeal to sb to do sth: The police made an appeal to the public to remain calm. appeal
He said he would appeal after being found guilty on four counts of murder. appeal
appeal (to sb) (for sth): Community leaders appealed for calm (= urged people to remain calm). appeal
Posters for the gig appeared all over town. appear
They appeared not to know what was happening. appear
application to sb (for sth/to do sth): His application to the court for bail has been refused. application
Special conditions apply if you are under 18. apply
appreciate sb doing sth: We would appreciate you letting us know of any problems. appreciate
an appropriate response/measure/method appropriate
He was accused of appropriating club funds. appropriate
Some of the opposition party's policies have been appropriated by the government. appropriate
approximate to sth: His story approximates to the facts that we already know. approximate
She knows the local area very well. area
Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a wide area. area
The farm and surrounding area were flooded. area
He escaped with only a broken arm. arm
arm yourself/sb (with sth): The men armed themselves with sticks and stones. arm
She had armed herself for the meeting with all the latest statistics. arm
Police were heavily armed. armed
He was armed with a rifle. armed
She arranged the flowers in a vase. arrange
There are special arrangements for people working overseas. arrangement
arrest sb: A man has been arrested in connection with the robbery. arrest
arrest sb for sth: She was arrested for drug-related offences. arrest
arrest sb for doing sth: You could get arrested for doing that. arrest
She was under arrest on suspicion of murder. arrest
Opposition leaders were put under house arrest (= not allowed to leave their houses). arrest
an art critic/historian/lover art
stolen works of art art
articles of clothing article
He was a true artiste: sensitive, dramatic and tragic. artist
The bomb was disguised as a package. as
You can use that glass as a vase. as
I haven't known him as long as you (= as you have known him). as
She lost it, just as I said she would. as
It's my birthday. As if you didn't know! as if/as though
All our protests were brushed aside (= ignored). aside
+ speech: 'Where are you going?' she asked. ask
ask sb + speech: 'Are you sure?' he asked her. ask
The seaside had all sorts of pleasant associations with childhood holidays for me. association
She would, he assumed, be home at the usual time. assume
assume sb/sth to be/have sth: I had assumed him to be a Belgian. assume
assure sb + speech: 'He'll come back,' Susan assured her. assure
We woke at dawn. at
I didn't know at the time of writing (= when I wrote). at
Germany's attack has been weakened by the loss of some key players through injury. attack
to suffer an asthma attack attack
The school has come under attack for failing to encourage bright pupils. attack
The patrol came under attack from all sides. attack
a series of racist attacks attack
The vines were attacked by mildew. attack
attack sb/sth for sth/for doing sth: She has been attacked for ignoring her own party members. attack
attack sb/sth: At dawn the army attacked the town. attack
Most dogs will not attack unless provoked. attack
attack sb: A woman was attacked and robbed by a gang of youths. attack
We were shocked by his attempted suicide. attempted
for the attention of... (= written on the envelope of an official letter to say who should deal with it) attention
I couldn't give the programme my undivided attention. attention
attract sb: I had always been attracted by the idea of working abroad. attract
His comments were bound to attract criticism. attract
I can't see the attraction of sitting on a beach all day. attraction
The director was not available for comment. available
an average rate/cost/price average
Average earnings are around £20 000 per annum. average
at an average speed of 100 miles per hour average
40 hours is a fairly average working week for most people. average
children of above/below average intelligence average
£20 for dinner is about average. average
I was just an average sort of student. average
The average of 4, 5 and 9 is 6. average
Parents spend an average of $220 a year on toys. average
If I get an A on this essay, that will bring my average (= average mark/grade) up to a B+. average
Temperatures are above/below average for the time of year. average
400 people a year die of this disease on average. average
Class sizes in the school are below the national average. average
avoid doing sth: They built a wall to avoid soil being washed away. avoid
His speech is bound to awake old fears and hostilities. awake
As you're aware, this is not a new problem. aware
As far as I'm aware, nobody has done anything about it. aware
He was well aware of the problem. aware
aware that...: Were you aware that something was wrong? aware
aware that...: I was aware that she was trembling. aware
The beach is a mile away. away
Go away! away
He was shot in the back of the knee. back
They had their hands tied behind their backs. back
I pulled (= injured the muscles in) my back playing squash. back
a United Nations-backed peace plan back
The writer doesn't back up his opinions with examples. back sb/sth up
Can you give me more background on the company? background
I lost my balance and fell backwards. backwards
I know that this is a bad time to ask for help. bad
She is so bad at keeping secrets. bad
badly paid/treated badly
badly damaged/injured/hurt badly
The country has been badly affected by recession. badly
to check your bank balance (= to find out how much money there is in your account) balance
Chemical weapons are banned internationally. ban
ban sb from sth: He was banned from the meeting. ban
ban sb from doing sth: She's been banned from leaving Greece while the allegations are investigated. ban
He was banned from driving for six months. ban
His injured leg was all bandaged up. bandage
All the ground floor windows were fitted with bars. bar
The world of Disney is a magical experience that knows no age barriers. barrier
Some movies have been banned on the basis that they are too violent. basis
to be killed in battle battle
He was killed in the war. be
You will be told what to do. be
I'm always being criticized. be
The old theatre was pulled down, wasn't it? be
Karen wasn't beaten in any of her games, but all the others were. be
tourists sunbathing on the beach beach
a beach bar beach
a beached whale (= one that has become stuck on land and cannot get back into the water) beach
The gull held the fish in its beak. beak
beat sb: At that time children were regularly beaten for quite minor offences (= a punishment). beat
beat sb + adv./prep.: An elderly man was found beaten to death. beat
The prisoners were beaten into submission (= they were beaten until they did what was wanted). beat
beat sb why, how, etc...: It beats me (= I don't know) why he did it. beat
He was badly beaten up by a gang of thugs. beat sb up
oyster beds (= an area in the sea where there are many oysters ) bed
She lay on the bed (= on top of the covers). bed
He has been confined to bed with flu for the past couple of days. bed
a barrel/bottle/glass of beer beer
beers brewed in Germany beer
a beer glass beer
Are you a beer drinker? beer
Shall we have a beer? beer
We'll know before long (= soon). before
Put that away before it gets broken. before
What began as a minor scuffle turned into a full-scale riot. begin
They behave differently when you're not around. behave
She doesn't know how to behave in public. behave
The sun disappeared behind the clouds. behind
She knew that, whatever she decided, her family was right behind her. behind
He was shot from behind as he ran away. behind
behind (with sth): She's fallen behind with the payments. behind
Contrary to popular belief (= in spite of what people may think), he was not responsible for the tragedy. belief
believe sb/sth to be, have, etc. sth: The vases are believed to be worth over $20 000 each. believe
believe sb/sth + adj.: Three sailors are missing, believed drowned. believe
He refused to believe (that) his son was involved in drugs. believe
They found the body buried beneath a pile of leaves. beneath
With the benefit of hindsight (= knowing what we have learnt since), we would do things differently. benefit
The beaches are beautiful, but, best of all, there are very few tourists. best
bet sb (that)...: I'll bet you (that) he knows all about it. bet
He is in a much better mood than usual. better
You'll like her when you know her better. better
the border between Sweden and Norway between
a difference/distinction/contrast between two things between
This is just between you and me / between ourselves (= it is a secret). between
I know what I'll be doing for the next three weeks but I haven't thought beyond that. beyond
bid (sth) (for sth): I bid £2 000 for the painting. bid
bid (against sb): We wanted to buy the chairs but another couple were bidding against us. bid
the biology of marine animals biology
The cake has a biscuit base (= one made from crushed biscuits). biscuit
bite sb: We were badly bitten by mosquitoes. bite
bite sb/sth: She was bitten by the family dog. bite
bite off sth/sth off: He bit off a large chunk of bread/He bit a large chunk of bread off. bite
Dog bites can get infected. bite
The development was bitterly opposed by the local community. bitterly
Which driver was to blame for the accident? be to blame (for sth)
If you lose your job, you'll only have yourself to blame. only have yourself to blame
Why do I always get the blame for everything that goes wrong? blame
Doctors think he will go blind. blind
One of her parents is blind. blind
After today's heavy snow, many roads are still blocked. block
His way was blocked by two large bouncers. block
The proposed merger has been blocked by the government. block
to draw blood (= to wound a person so that they lose blood) blood
blow sth + adv./prep.: I was almost blown over by the wind. blow
The ship was blown onto the rocks. blow
A police officer was killed when his car blew up. blow up
He was knocked out by a single blow to the head. blow
The recent bomb attacks are a serious blow for the peace process. blow
You can take a boat trip along the coast. boat
A large body of people will be affected by the tax cuts. body
She had injuries to her head and body. body
+ adj.: She left the gas on by mistake and the pan boiled dry (= the water boiled until there was none left). boil
The city was heavily bombed in the war. bomb
hardback/paperback books book
a national park on the border between Kenya and Tanzania border
Denmark's border with Germany border
in the US, near the Canadian border border
Nevada's northern border border
to cross the border border
to flee across/over the border border
border guards/controls border
a border dispute/incident border
a border town/state border
I don't know why I bother! Nobody ever listens! bother
I don't know why you bother with that crowd (= why you spend time with them). bother
bother to do sth: He didn't even bother to let me know he was coming. bother
be bothered about sth: You don't sound too bothered about it. bother
Let me know if he bothers you again. bother
I should really do some work this weekend but I can't be bothered. can't be bothered (to do sth)
a wine/beer/milk bottle bottle
You have to be prepared to start at the bottom and work your way up. bottom
a device to measure brain activity during sleep brain
My watch has broken. break
The ship was broken up for scrap metal. break sth up
We had our car broken into last week. break into sth
Firefighters had to break the door down to reach the people trapped inside. break sth down
breathe sth: Most people don't realize that they are breathing polluted air. breathe
We watched a live broadcast of the speech (= one shown at the same time as the speech was made). broadcast
a single broken white line across the road broken
a broken leg/arm broken
How did this dish get broken? broken
The TV's broken. broken
Robins build nests almost anywhere. build
He was killed by a bullet in the head. bullet
burn sb: I got badly burned by the sun yesterday. burn
All his belongings were burnt in the fire. burn
The house was burnt to the ground (= completely destroyed). burn
The house burned to the ground. burn
Ten people burned to death in the hotel fire. burn
burn sb/sth + adj.: His greatest fear is of being burnt alive. burn
The house burned down in 1895. burn down, burn sth down
Your hand looks badly burnt. burnt
bury sb/sth: The house was buried under ten feet of snow. bury
bury sb/sth + adj.: The miners were buried alive when the tunnel collapsed. bury
Your letter got buried under a pile of papers. bury
buried treasure bury
He was buried in Highgate Cemetery. bury
He was knocked down by a bus. by
Bye! See you next week. bye
She waved bye-bye and got into the car. bye
Bye for now Dad! bye
Benefit is calculated on the basis of average weekly earnings. calculate
it is calculated that...: It has been calculated that at least 47 000 jobs were lost last year. calculate
calculate that...: Conservationists calculate that hundreds of species could be lost in this area. calculate
+ speech: 'See you later!' she called. call
the distinctive call of the cuckoo call
I don't know anyone called Scott. called
It is important to keep calm in an emergency. calm
Try to remain calm. calm
Her voice was surprisingly calm. calm
The city is calm again (= free from trouble and fighting) after yesterday's riots. calm
a calm, cloudless day calm
'I'll call the doctor,' he said calmly. calmly
Look, calm down! We'll find her. calm down, calm sb/sth down
He took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. calm down, calm sb/sth down
the calm of a summer evening calm
The police appealed for calm. calm
camping equipment camping
Please let us know if you cannot attend the meeting. can
a beer/paint can can
All flights have been cancelled because of bad weather. cancel
The city was captured in 1941. capture
a piece of cardboard cardboard
a model made out of cardboard cardboard
a novel with superficial cardboard characters cardboard
Fragile—handle with care (= written on a container holding sth which is easily broken or damaged) care
The injured were carried away on stretchers. carry
After he left I just tried to carry on as normal (= do the things I usually do). carry on (with sth), carry sth on
a packing case (= a large wooden box for packing things in) case
I'm constantly strapped for cash (= without enough money). cash
Local schools have been starved of cash for a number of years. cash
catch (in/on sth): Her dress caught on a nail. catch
She got caught in a thunderstorm. catch
catch sb + adv./prep.: He was caught with bomb-making equipment in his home. catch
The murderer was never caught. catch
The roof was leaking and I had to use a bucket to catch the drips. catch
Drinking and driving is one of the most common causes of traffic accidents. cause
cause sth: Do they know what caused the fire? cause
The central issue is that of widespread racism. central
To my certain knowledge he was somewhere else at the time (= I am sure about it). certain
chain sb/sth: The doors were always locked and chained. chain
chain sb/sth up: The dog was chained up for the night. chain
I've been chained to my desk all week (= because there was so much work). chain
When installing electrical equipment don't take any chances. A mistake could kill. chance
The car might break down but that's a chance we'll have to take. chance
Caterpillars change into butterflies. change
She spoke with characteristic enthusiasm. characteristic
He will be sent back to England to face a charge of (= to be on trial for) armed robbery. charge
After being questioned by the police, she was released without charge. charge
The children charged down the stairs. charge
He came charging into my room and demanded to know what was going on. charge
charge sb: Several people were arrested but nobody was charged. charge
charge sb with sth/with doing sth: He was charged with murder. charge
a weather chart chart
a sales chart (= showing the level of a company's sales) chart
We were chased by a bull while crossing the field. chase
This particular fish chases off any other fish that enters its territory. chase sb/sth away, off, out, etc.
The thieves were caught by police after a short chase. chase
immigrant workers, used as a source of cheap labour (= workers who are paid very little, especially unfairly) cheap
She is accused of attempting to cheat the taxman. cheat
Many people feel cheated by the government's refusal to hold a referendum. cheat
Anyone caught cheating will be automatically disqualified from the examination. cheat
She gave me the minutes of the meeting to read and check. check
You're not your usual cheerful self today. cheerful
a cheese knife (= a knife with a special curved blade with two points on the end, used for cutting and picking up pieces of cheese) cheese
chocolate chip cookies (= biscuits containing small pieces of chocolate) chip
Hawaii remains a popular choice for winter vacation travel. choice
The country was chopped up into small administrative areas. chop
Anne Boleyn had her head chopped off. chop sth off (sth)
I know I can trust her in any circumstance. circumstance
The ship sank in mysterious circumstances. circumstance
A lot of lost property is never claimed. claim
differences of class, race or gender class
classic cars (= cars which are no longer made, but which are still popular) classic
The villa is cleaned twice a week. clean
We need a clear understanding of the problems involved. clear
to clear up a mystery/difficulty/misunderstanding clear sth up
He injured his arm as he jumped clear of the car. clear
To run a window, just double-click on the icon. click
close sth (to sb/sth): The road was closed to traffic for two days. close
The club was closed by the police. close
She knew she was close to death. close
I had no idea the beach was so close. close
This is the closest we can get to the beach by car. close
The President was shot at close range (= from a short distance away). close
She has no clothes sense (= she does not know what clothes look attractive). clothes
As soon as the coast was clear he climbed in through the window. the coast is clear
a jar of coffee coffee
a blend of Brazilian and Colombian coffees coffee
I've got a cold. cold
to catch a cold cold
You'll catch your death of cold (= used to warn sb they could become ill if they do not keep warm in cold weather). cold
The peace talks were on the verge of collapse. collapse
discrimination on the grounds of race, colour or religion colour
The handle came loose. come
We'll let you know if any vacancies come up. come up
Will the colour come out (= become faint or disappear) if I wash it? come out (of sth)
Oh, come on—you know that isn't true! come on
That mark won't come off. come off
It's a comfort to know that she is safe. comfort
All the rooms were comfortably furnished. comfortably
There were many disagreements over the command of the peacekeeping forces. command
+ speech: 'Come here!' he commanded (them). command
Have you any comment to make about the cause of the disaster? comment
The director was not available for comment. comment
He handed me the document without comment. comment
What she said was fair comment (= a reasonable criticism). comment
I don't feel I can comment on their decision. comment
He refused to comment until after the trial. comment
We were just commenting on how well you look. comment
+ speech: 'Not his best performance,' she commented to the woman sitting next to her. comment
commit sb/yourself to do sth: Both sides committed themselves to settle the dispute peacefully. commit
The player was fined by the disciplinary committee. committee
Jackson is a common English name. common
Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer among women in this country. common
a common spelling mistake common
Allergies to milk are quite common in childhood. common
basic features which are common to all human languages common
It is, by common consent, Scotland's prettiest coast (= everyone agrees that it is). common
Shakespeare's work was popular among the common people in his day. common
It's only common decency to let her know what's happening (= people would expect it). common
This is one of the most commonly used methods. commonly
The local community was shocked by the murders. community
The critics compared his work to that of Martin Amis. compare
complaint (about sb/sth): The most common complaint is about poor service. complaint
concept (that...): the concept that everyone should have equality of opportunity concept
concern sb: What concerns me is our lack of preparation for the change. concern
One major difference between these computers concerns the way in which they store information. concern
The loss was a tragedy for all concerned (= all those affected by it). concern
concerned (that)...: She was concerned that she might miss the turning and get lost. concerned
All cases concerning children are dealt with in a special children's court. concerning
+ speech: 'So it should be safe to continue,' he concluded. conclude
She concluded her speech with a quotation from Shakespeare. conclude
+ speech: 'Anyway, she should be back soon,' he concluded. conclude
neglected children living under the most appalling conditions condition
He suffers from a serious heart condition. condition
delegates to the Labour Party's annual conference conference
People often lose confidence when they are criticized. confidence
She suffers from a lack of confidence. confidence
Here the river is confined in a narrow channel. confine
The soldiers concerned were confined to barracks (= had to stay in the barracks, as a punishment). confine
His guilty expression confirmed my suspicions. confirm
She knew that she had to confront her fears. confront
A faulty connection caused the machine to stop. connection
Connection to the gas supply was delayed for three days. connection
A man has been arrested in connection with the murder of the teenager. in connection with sb/sth
A patient who is not fully conscious should never be left alone. conscious
Two hundred people lost their jobs as a direct consequence of the merger. consequence
He drove too fast with tragic consequences. consequence
consider sb/sth + adj.: consider sb/sth (to be) sth: Consider yourself lucky you weren't fired. consider
Their kindness and consideration will not be forgotten. consideration
constant interruptions constant
construct sth from/out of/of sth: They constructed a shelter out of fallen branches. construct
Health-conscious consumers want more information about the food they buy. consumer
Witnesses to the accident are asked to contact the police. contact
a brown envelope containing dollar bills contain
She hadn't read the letter and so was unaware of its contents. content
This speech needs to be set in the context of Britain in the 1960s. context
+ speech: 'In fact,' he continued, 'I'd like to congratulate you.' continue
For four days the town suffered continuous attacks. continuous
They were sued for breach of contract (= not keeping to a contract). contract
contrast (of sth): Careful contrast of the two plans shows some important differences. contrast
contribute sth to sth: This book contributes little to our understanding of the subject. contribute
contribution (toward(s) sth/doing sth): These measures would make a valuable contribution towards reducing industrial accidents. contribution
Owing to circumstances beyond our control, the flight to Rome has been cancelled. control
You'll find these meals quick and convenient to prepare. convenient
She's very conventional in her views. conventional
It's not a hotel, in the conventional sense, but rather a whole village turned into a hotel. conventional
Hot water is converted to electricity by a turbine. convert
While the pasta is cooking, prepare the sauce. cook
She tried to remain cool, calm and collected (= calm). cool
He has a cool head (= he stays calm in an emergency). cool
They copied the designs from those on Greek vases. copy
Am I correct in saying that you know a lot about wine? correct
Do you know the correct way to shut the machine down? correct
The plan had to be abandoned on grounds of cost. cost
They could have let me know they were going to be late! could
Billy can't count yet. count
She didn't know what life in a foreign country would be like. country
During the court hearing, the prosecutor said she would seek maximum prison sentences. court
Please tell the court what happened. court
The court heard yesterday how the man collapsed and died after being stabbed. court
the front/back cover cover
Her face was on the cover (= the front cover) of every magazine. cover
He always reads the paper from cover to cover (= everything in it). cover
His face was covered in blood. covered
He suffered cracked ribs and bruising. cracked
The tree fell with a great crash. crash
A girl was killed yesterday in a crash involving a stolen car. crash
Files can be lost if the system suddenly crashes. crash
Are you crazy? We could get killed doing that. crazy
I know it sounds crazy but it just might work. crazy
She's crazy—she ought to be locked up. crazy
criminal negligence (= the illegal act of sb failing to do sth that they should do, with the result that sb else is harmed) criminal
Society does not know how to deal with hardened criminals (= people who regularly commit crimes and are not sorry for what they do). criminal
In times of crisis I know which friends I can turn to. crisis
Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking instead of accepting opinions without questioning them. critical
a critical comment/report critical
People in public life must always be open to criticism (= willing to accept being criticized). criticism
criticism of sb/sth: There was widespread criticism of the government's handling of the disaster. criticism
literary criticism criticism
criticize sb/sth: The decision was criticized by environmental groups. criticize
criticize sb/sth for sth: The government has been criticized for not taking the problem seriously. criticize
to cross the sea/mountains cross
topics of crucial importance crucial
Parents play a crucial role in preparing their child for school. crucial
The car was completely crushed under the truck. crush
Several people were crushed to death in the accident. crush
Over twenty prisoners were crushed into a small dark cell. crush
+ speech: 'Waaa!' she cried. cry
+ speech: 'You're safe!' Tom cried in delight. cry
+ speech: 'Help!' he cried out. cry out/cry out sth
the cry of gulls circling overhead cry
cultural differences between the two communities cultural
There is no known cure but the illness can be treated. cure
the unemployment-income curve (= a line on a graph showing the relationship between the number of unemployed people and national income) curve
They know me—I'm a regular customer. customer
cut sth by...: His salary has been cut by ten per cent. cut
This knife won't cut. cut
The bus was cut in two by the train. cut
He had his finger cut off in an accident at work. cut sth off
Our water supply has been cut off. cut sb/sth off
They were cut off for not paying their phone bill. cut sb/sth off
The army was cut off from its base. cut sb/sth off (from sb/sth)
She feels very cut off living in the country. cut sb/sth off (from sb/sth)
Cycling is Europe's second most popular sport. cycling
Several vehicles were damaged in the crash. damage
emotionally damaged children damage
Do you know any other Latin American dances? dance
'Nicky won't find out, will she?' 'Oh, no, there's no danger of that.' danger
Police said the man was a danger to the public. danger
Dare to be different! dare
There was something, dare I say it, a little unusual about him. dare
There are no dark secrets in our family. dark
Please give your name, address and date of birth. date
Anyone who knows of the vehicle's whereabouts from that date until 7 March is asked to contact Bangor police station. date
Many believe the peace plan is dead. dead
Unfortunately racism is not yet dead. dead
He was shot dead by a gunman outside his home. dead
In ten years he'll be dead and buried as a politician. dead
As athletes prepare for the Olympics, sporting organizations are looking for big sponsorship deals to pay for the trip to Sydney. deal
a sudden/violent/peaceful, etc. death death
Two children were burnt to death in the fire (= they died as a result of the fire). death
a death camp (= a place where prisoners are killed, usually in a war) death
He was sentenced to death (= to be executed ). death
The decay of the wood will spread if it is not removed. decay
I can't tell you what to do—you'll have to decide for yourself. decide
The editor's decision is final. decision
declare sth + adj.: The contract was declared void. declare
+ speech: 'I'll do it!' Tom declared. declare
a deep understanding deep
They were deeply disturbed by the accident. deeply
a defeated army defeat
The government was defeated by 200 votes to 83. defeat
The motion was defeated by 19 votes. defeat
When her brother was criticized she leapt to his defence. defence
I have to say in her defence that she knew nothing about it beforehand. defence
Humour is a more effective defence than violence. defence
defend sb/yourself/sth: Troops have been sent to defend the borders. defend
define what, how, etc...: It is difficult to define what makes him so popular. define
Thousands of commuters were delayed for over an hour. delay
The government is accused of using delaying tactics (= deliberately doing sth to delay a process, decision, etc.). delay
The speech was a deliberate attempt to embarrass the government. deliberate
+ speech: 'Who the hell are you?' he demanded angrily. demand
it is denied that...: It can't be denied that we need to devote more resources to this problem. deny
She denied all knowledge of the incident. deny
depend sb/sth to do sth: He knew he could depend upon her to deal with the situation. depend on/upon sb/sth
He either resigned or was sacked, depending on who you talk to. depending on
I don't know if we can help—it all depends. that depends, it (all) depends
Her paintings reveal hidden depths (= unknown and interesting things about her character). depth
She was deserted by her husband. desert
The villages had been deserted. desert
Large numbers of soldiers deserted as defeat became inevitable. desert
The office was completely deserted. deserted
special new design features design
The machine's unique design prevents it from overheating. design
design sth (for sth): The method is specifically designed for use in small groups. design
Somewhere out there was a desperate man, cold, hungry, hunted. desperate
His increasing financial difficulties forced him to take desperate measures. desperate
He took a deep breath, desperately trying to keep calm. desperately
The building was completely destroyed by fire. destroy
Tell me the main points now; leave the details till later. detail
The proposal had been dropped in the face of determined opposition. determined
Her son developed asthma when he was two. develop
The child is developing normally. develop
This piece of equipment is an exciting new development. development
a water-saving device device
This device enables deaf people to communicate by typing messages instead of speaking. device
electrical labour-saving devices around the home device
His secret died with him (= he never told anyone). die
The sound of their laughter died away. die away
This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed. die out
I'm dying to know what happened. be dying for sth/to do sth
diet drinks (= with fewer calories than normal) diet
There are no significant differences between the education systems of the two countries. difference
He was studying the complex similarities and differences between humans and animals. difference
There's no difference in the results. difference
I can never tell the difference (= distinguish) between the twins difference
She noticed a marked difference in the children on her second visit. difference
There's a world of difference between liking someone and loving them. difference
What a difference! You look great with your hair like that. difference
There's not much difference in price between the two computers. difference
There's an age difference of six years between the boys (= one is six years older than the other). difference
I'll lend you £500 and you'll have to find the difference (= the rest of the money that you need). difference
We measured the difference in temperature. difference
The rain didn't make much difference to the game. make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
Your age shouldn't make any difference to whether you get the job or not. make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
Changing schools made a big difference to my life. make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
What difference will it make if he knows or not? make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
I don't think it makes a lot of difference what colour it is (= it is not important). make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
'Shall we go on Friday or Saturday?' 'It makes no difference (to me).' make a, no, some, etc. difference (to/in sb/sth)
American English is significantly different from British English. different
direct sth at sth/sb: The machine directs a powerful beam at the affected part of the body. direct
The road was blocked in both directions. direction
I lost all sense of direction (= I didn't know which way to go). direction
We have not been directly affected by the cuts. directly
His clothes were covered in dirt. dirt
Many children in the class suffered severe social and economic disadvantage. disadvantage
I disagree with violent protests. disagree with sth/with doing sth
The plane disappeared behind a cloud. disappear
Lisa watched until the train disappeared from view. disappear
Her nervousness quickly disappeared once she was on stage. disappear
The problem won't just disappear. disappear
Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate. disappear
I can never find a pen in this house. They disappear as soon as I buy them. disappear
disappear from sth: The child disappeared from his home some time after four. disappear
to show/express disapproval disapproval
Disaster struck when the wheel came off. disaster
We discovered this beach while we were sailing around the island. discover
discover sb/sth doing sth: He was discovered hiding in a shed. discover
discover sb/sth + adj.: She was discovered dead at her home in Leeds. discover
sb/sth is discovered to be/have...: He was later discovered to be seriously ill. discover
discovery (that...): She was shocked by the discovery that he had been unfaithful. discovery
The drug is not a new discovery—it's been known about for years. discovery
discuss sth: I'm not prepared to discuss this on the phone. discuss
discussion (with sb) (about/on sb/sth): We had a discussion with them about the differences between Britain and the US. discussion
health measures to prevent the spread of disease disease
It is not known what causes the disease. disease
He suffers from a rare blood disease. disease
He was accused of dishonestly obtaining property. dishonestly
Much as she disliked going to funerals (= although she did not like it at all), she knew she had to be there. dislike
dismiss sb/sth as sth: Vegetarians are no longer dismissed as cranks. dismiss
She claims she was unfairly dismissed from her post. dismiss
I have rarely seen her display any sign of emotion. display
The beach is within walking distance of my house (= you can walk there easily). distance
distinguish between A and B: At what age are children able to distinguish between right and wrong? distinguish
English law clearly distinguishes between murder and manslaughter. distinguish
distinguish A from B: It was hard to distinguish one twin from the other. distinguish
distinguish A and B: Sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish. distinguish
We can distinguish five meanings of the word 'mad'. distinguish
What was it that distinguished her from her classmates? distinguish
The male bird is distinguished from the female by its red beak. distinguish
Does your cat have any distinguishing marks? distinguish
The power of speech distinguishes human beings from animals. distinguish
He was arrested on drug distribution charges. distribution
Do not disturb (= a sign placed on the outside of the door of a hotel room, office, etc.) disturb
Only the cry of seabirds disturbed the silence. disturb
disturb sb: The letter shocked and disturbed me. disturb
a distinction which cuts right across the familiar division into arts and sciences division
Who's doing (= organizing and preparing) the food for the wedding reception? do
I do aerobics once a week. do
I don't know what to do with (= how to use) all the food that's left over. do sth with sb/sth
Does she speak French? do
One of the documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police. document
As a child he was dominated by his father. dominate
She was trapped in a downward spiral of personal unhappiness. downward
This is only the first draft of my speech. draft
a drama critic drama
She tried to turn her dream of running her own business into reality. dream
The boys were all dressed up as pirates. dress up, dress sb up
The robbers drove off in a stolen vehicle. drive off
The car comes equipped with a driver's airbag. driver
drop sth (+ adv./prep.): Medical supplies are being dropped into the stricken area. drop
If you want the job, you must be prepared to take a drop in salary. drop
He drained the last drop of beer from the glass. drop
a soft drug (= one that is not considered very harmful) drug
Drugs have been seized with a street value of two million dollars. drug
She was found to be under the influence of drugs. drug
He was charged with pushing drugs (= selling them). drug
a regular drum beat drum
The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding. due
Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea. dump
The dead body was just dumped by the roadside. dump
He was taken to the hospital during the night. during
I broke the vase while I was dusting. dust
customs/excise/import duties duty
duty on sth: duty on wine and beer duty
She's had her ears pierced. ear
I knew quite early on that I wanted to marry her. early on
After a week at sea, it was good to feel the earth beneath our feet again. earth
This computer is popular for its good design and ease of use. ease
It would ease my mind (= make me less worried) to know that she was settled. ease
They live on the east coast. east
It's easy for you to tell me to keep calm, but you're not in my position. easy
a paperback/hardback edition edition
the editor of the Washington Post editor
the sports/financial/fashion, etc. editor editor
Patient education is important to minimize the risk of a second heart attack. education
to learn to distinguish between cause and effect effect
Despite her ordeal, she seems to have suffered no ill effects. effect
New controls come into effect next month. come into effect
efficient heating equipment efficient
a determined/real/special effort effort
popular pets, e.g. cats and dogs e.g.
Bind the mixture together with a little beaten egg. egg
I know a good Italian restaurant. It's not far from here, either. either
He's fractured his elbow. elbow
electrical equipment/appliances electrical
The electricity is off (= there is no electric power supply). electricity
The speech was deliberately designed to embarrass the prime minister. embarrass
emotionally disturbed children emotionally
emphasize sth: His speech emphasized the importance of attracting industry to the town. emphasize
emphasize how, what, etc...: He emphasized how little was known about the disease. emphasize
+ speech: 'This must be our top priority,' he emphasized. emphasize
encounter (with sb/sth): Three of them were killed in the subsequent encounter with the police. encounter
This latest attack could spell the end of the peace process. end
the anniversary of the ending of the Pacific War ending
The enemy was/were forced to retreat. enemy
Poverty and ignorance are the enemies of progress. enemy
Two men have been helping police with their enquiries (= are being questioned about a crime, but have not been charged with it). enquiry
an entertaining speech/evening entertaining
The entire village was destroyed. entire
writing paper and envelopes envelope
an airmail/padded/prepaid envelope envelope
measures to protect the environment environment
equal to sb/sth: One unit of alcohol is equal to half a pint of beer. equal
An area of forest equal to the size of Wales has been destroyed. equal
equal rights/pay equal
The company has an equal opportunities policy (= gives the same chances of employment to everyone). equal
the desire for a more equal society (= in which everyone has the same rights and chances) equal
He is a player without equal. be without equal, have no equal
As a family holiday destination, the seaside has no equal. be without equal, have no equal
This achievement is unlikely ever to be equalled. equal
We try to treat every member of staff equally. equally
They share the housework equally. equally
office equipment equipment
new equipment for the sports club equipment
They were caught trying to escape. escape
escape doing sth: He narrowly escaped being killed. escape
an escape from a prisoner of war camp escape
The car is quite small, especially if you have children. especially
Teenagers are very fashion conscious, especially girls. especially
I love Rome, especially in the spring. especially
I made it especially for you. especially
it is essential to do sth: It is essential to keep the two groups separate essential
The essential difference between Sara and me is in our attitude to money. essential
The essential character of the town has been destroyed by the new road. essential
estimate how many, large, etc...: It is hard to estimate how many children suffer from dyslexia. estimate
You know even less about it than I do. even
He found that the report he had written had been overtaken by events (= it was no longer relevant). event
In the normal course of events (= if things had happened as expected) she would have gone with him. event
I was bitten by a dog once and I've been afraid of them ever since. ever since (...)
She knows every student in the school. every
Everybody knows Tom. everybody
The teacher commented on everyone's work. everyone
Everything had gone. everything
I was asked to give evidence (= to say what I knew, describe what I had seen, etc.) at the trial. evidence
the evil effects of racism evil
We need to know the exact time the incident occurred. exact
I know exactly how she felt. exactly
A lot of students suffer from exam nerves. exam
Children are not usually allowed in, but I'm prepared to make an exception in this case. make an exception
The new restaurant is nothing to get excited about (= not particularly good). excited
The cost of borrowing has been excluded from the inflation figures. exclude
Women are still excluded from some London clubs. exclude
Concern is growing over the number of children excluded from school (= not allowed to attend because of bad behaviour). exclude
She felt excluded by the other girls (= they did not let her join in what they were doing). exclude
I was unaware of his existence until today. existence
expect (that)...: Many people were expecting (that) the peace talks would break down. expect
He's still getting over his illness, so don't expect too much from him. expect
a doctor with experience in dealing with patients suffering from stress experience
She knew from past experience that Ann would not give up easily. experience
Living in Africa was very different from home and quite an experience (= unusual for us). experience
explain to sb who, how, etc...: She explained to them what to do in an emergency. explain
+ speech: 'It works like this,' she explained. explain
explain that...: Alex explained that his car had broken down. explain
The most likely explanation is that his plane was delayed. explanation
explanation (of sth): The book opens with an explanation of why some drugs are banned. explanation
Bomb disposal experts exploded the device under controlled conditions. explode
Bomb Squad officers carried out a controlled explosion of the device. explosion
300 people were injured in the explosion. explosion
Do not expose babies to strong sunlight. expose
She was exposed as a liar and a fraud. expose
He threatened to expose the racism that existed within the police force. expose
His views have been expressed in numerous speeches. express
He's a pain in the butt, if you'll pardon the expression. expression
Her writing is full of colourful expressions. expression
an expression of amazement/disbelief/horror expression
His expression changed from surprise to one of amusement. expression
The expression in her eyes told me something was wrong. expression
facial expressions expression
an expression of support expression
Expressions of sympathy flooded in from all over the country. expression
The poet's anger finds expression in (= is shown in) the last verse of the poem. expression
The riots are the most serious expression of anti-government feeling yet. expression
She suffered extensive injuries in the accident. extensive
I was amazed at the extent of his knowledge. extent
To a certain extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation. to... extent
He wanted to cook something extra special for dinner that night. extra
I'm having extreme difficulty in not losing my temper with her. extreme
I would be extremely grateful if you could have a word with her. extremely
Mark knew he had behaved extremely badly. extremely
Sue's face was a picture (= she looked very surprised, angry, etc.) as she listened to her husband's speech. face
The expression on his face never changed. face
At that time, her face was on the covers of all the magazines. face
Most of the rooms face the sea. face
conference facilities facility
shopping/banking/cooking facilities facility
The hotel has special facilities for welcoming disabled people. facility
Despite the fact that she was wearing a seat belt, she was thrown sharply forward. fact
Voluntary work was particularly important in view of the fact that women were often forced to give up paid work on marriage. fact
I know for a fact (= I am certain) that she's involved in something illegal. fact
It's important to distinguish fact from fiction. fact
She was disqualified after failing a drugs test. fail
patients suffering from heart/kidney, etc. failure failure
Production has been hampered by mechanical failure. failure
fair on sb (to do sth): It's not fair on the students to keep changing the timetable. fair
'You should really have asked me first.' 'Right, okay, fair comment.' fair
I know him fairly well, but I wouldn't say we were really close friends. fairly
I have great faith in you—I know you'll do well. faith
She promised faithfully not to tell anyone my secret. faithfully
She fell ill soon after and did not recover. fall
They were injured by falling rocks. fall
She was killed in a fall from a horse. fall
It's not far to the beach. far
As far as we knew, there was no cause for concern. as far as I know, as far as I can remember, see, tell, etc.
The boat was stuck fast (= unable to move) in the mud. fast
I'm all in favour of (= completely support) equal pay for equal work. in favour (of sb/sth)
Most of the 'don't knows' in the opinion polls came down in favour of (= eventually chose to support) the Democrats. in favour (of sb/sth)
This song is a particular favourite of mine. favourite
be feared to be/have sth: Women and children are feared to be among the victims. fear
it is feared (that)...: It is feared (that) he may have been kidnapped. fear
The software has no particular distinguishing features. feature
a special feature on education feature
Many of the hotels featured in the brochure offer special deals for weekend breaks. feature
She felt betrayed. feel
I know exactly how you feel (= I feel sympathy for you). feel
It makes me feel good to know my work is appreciated. feel good
Public feeling is being ignored by the government. feeling
I had a nasty feeling that we were lost. feeling
'I really resent the way he treated me.' 'I know the feeling (= I know how you feel).' feeling
I recognized a fellow sufferer, waiting nervously outside the exam room. fellow
a beer festival festival
a rock festival (= where bands perform, often outdoors and over a period of several days) festival
He has a high fever. fever
She caught a fever on her travels in Africa, and died. fever
Few people understand the difference. few
'How big was the bomb, if it did all that damage?' 'I don't know. Not my field' (= that is not one of the subjects I know about). field
to fight racism/corruption/poverty, etc. fight
a world title fight (= fighting as a sport, especially boxing ) fight
a relatively unknown figure the world of fashion figure
one of the most popular figures in athletics figure
The question of the peace settlement is likely to figure prominently in the talks. figure
secret police files file
file on sb: to have/open/keep a confidential file on sb file
The school is filled to capacity. fill
to fill up the tank with oil fill up (with sth), fill sth up (with sth)
a film crew/critic/director/producer film
The accident was captured/caught on film. film
The performance finally started half an hour late. finally
'Bob wants to know if he can come too.''That's fine by me.' fine
Don't worry. Your speech was fine. fine
Offenders will be liable to a heavy fine (= one that costs a lot of money). fine
fine sb (for sth/for doing sth): She was fined for speeding. fine
fine sb sth (for sth/for doing sth): The company was fined £20 000 for breaching safety regulations. fine
+ speech: 'And that was all,' she finished. finish
Their vehicle came under fire (= was being shot at). fire
The warehouse has been badly damaged by fire. fire
She got fired from her first job. fire
fire sth: They ran away as soon as the first shot was fired. fire
tropical/marine/freshwater fish fish
The trawler was fishing off the coast of Iceland. fish
fit (for sth): He's had a bad cold and isn't fit enough for work yet. fit
Everything went up in flames (= was destroyed by fire). flame
Start crossing when the green WALK sign starts to flash. flash
On the horizon, she saw a flash of silver—the sea! flash
The sails hung limply in the flat calm (= conditions at sea when there is no wind and the water is completely level). flat
They're renting a furnished flat on the third floor. flat
the distinctive flavour of South Florida flavour
All flights between New York and Washington have been cancelled due to fog. flight
The river is in flood (= has more water in it than normal and has caused a flood). flood
be flooded with sth: The room was flooded with evening light. flood
flood sth: If the pipe bursts it could flood the whole house. flood
+ adv./prep.: It's here that the river flows down into the ocean. flow
The whole family has the flu. flu
She's got flu. flu
Several people were hit by flying glass. fly
The nurse hung a chart at the foot of the bed (= the part of the bed where your feet normally are when you are lying in it). foot
I took her classes for her while she was sick. for
soldiers fighting for their country for
For more information, call this number. for
She knew she was destined for a great future. for
a peace-keeping force force
He was finally defeated by forces beyond his control. force
The rioters were taken away by force. force
force sth + adj.: The door had been forced open. force
I was forced to take a taxi because the last bus had left. force
The forecast said there would be sunny intervals and showers. forecast
Thousands of hectares of forest are destroyed each year. forest
Let's forget our differences and be friends. forget
Who could forget his speech at last year's party? forget
it is forgotten that...: It should not be forgotten that people used to get much more exercise. forget
forgive my ...: Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly does the company do? forgive
to complete a form form
one of the most common forms of cancer form
Do you know how to form the past tense? form
Although not formally trained as an art historian, he is widely respected for his knowledge of the period. formally
Namibia, formerly known as South West Africa formerly
I learnt that the house had formerly been an inn. formerly
They're trying to work out a peace formula acceptable to both sides in the dispute. formula
the secret formula for the blending of the whisky formula
She used the money to go towards the foundation of a special research group. foundation
freedom of speech/thought/expression/worship freedom
Thanks to the automobile, Americans soon had a freedom of movement previously unknown. freedom
For the first time he was able to speak freely without the fear of reprisals against his family. freely
frightened for sb: I'm frightened for him (= that he will be hurt, etc.). frightened
The party was ousted from power after eighteen years. from
She saved him from drowning. from
I can't tell one twin from the other. from
The front of the car was badly damaged. front
I'm absolutely frozen! frozen
The ground was frozen solid. frozen
She stared at him, frozen with shock. frozen
measures to achieve full employment full
A full refund will be given if the item is faulty. full
animals pumped full of antibiotics full
The project has been cancelled because of lack of funds fund
There is a fundamental difference between the two points of view. fundamental
It's not funny! Someone could have been hurt. funny
The animal is hunted for its fur. fur
For further details call this number. further
She knew she was taking a gamble but decided it was worth it. gamble
There's a big age gap between them (= a big difference in their ages). gap
to fill up the gas tank gas
I fill up the tank with gasoline about once a week. gasoline
to change gear gear
to shift gear gear
I know how it works in general terms. general
This opinion is common among the general population (= ordinary people). general
the gentle swell of the sea gentle
The path ran gently down to the sea. gently
Kim knew the geography of the building and strode along the corridor. geography
+ adv./prep.: The bridge was destroyed so we couldn't get across the river. get
She's upstairs getting ready. get
My car got (= was) stolen at the weekend. get
You'll like her once you get to know her. get
She gets (= often suffers from) really bad headaches. get
I got a shock when I saw the bill. get
I don't know how he's going to get on in life. get on
Are you sure you know what you're getting into? get into sth
Thieves got away with computer equipment worth $30 000. get away with sth
Don't be tempted to cheat—you'll never get away with it. get away with sth
I'll give you (= allow you to have) ten minutes to prepare your answer. give
The rebels were forced to give in. give in (to sb/sth)
She gave away state secrets to the enemy. give sth/sb away
I give up—tell me the answer. give up
Her eyes were glued to the screen (= she did not stop watching it). be glued to sth
I left my bike outside the library and when I came out again it had gone. go
The way things are going the company will be bankrupt by the end of the year. go
+ speech: 'You know,' he went on, 'I think my brother could help you.' go on
The gun went off by accident. go off
Go away and think about it, then let me know. go away
The smell still hasn't gone away. go away
Shut your mouth, if you know what's good for you (= used as a threat). good
good (to sb): He was very good to me when I was ill. good
the difference between good and evil good
Goodbye! It was great to meet you. goodbye
She didn't even say goodbye to her mother . goodbye
Say goodbye to Mary for me. goodbye
We waved them goodbye. goodbye
We've already said our goodbyes. goodbye
Kiss me goodbye! goodbye
Take out our service contract and say goodbye to costly repair bills. goodbye
stolen goods goods
grade sth (as) sth: Ten beaches were graded as acceptable. grade
grateful (to sb) (for sth): I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help. grateful
We would be grateful for any information you can give us. grateful
grateful (to do sth): She seems to think I should be grateful to have a job at all. grateful
grateful (that...): He was grateful that she didn't tell his parents about the incident. grateful
Kate gave him a grateful smile. grateful
I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible. grateful
I would be most grateful if you would keep this matter confidential. grateful
She is gravely ill. gravely
The case was dismissed on the grounds that there was not enough evidence. ground
Employers cannot discriminate on grounds of age. ground
ground forces (= soldiers that fight on land, not in the air or at sea) ground
Houses and a luxury tourist hotel were burned to the ground (= completely destroyed, so that there is nothing left). ground
to grow old/bored/calm grow
grow sth: I didn't know they grew rice in France. grow
Fears are growing for the safety of a teenager who disappeared a week ago. grow
guarantee (that)...: We cannot guarantee (that) our flights will never be delayed. guarantee
This iron is guaranteed for a year against faulty workmanship. guarantee
The terrorist was kept under police guard. guard
a closely guarded secret guard
I don't really know. I'm just guessing. guess
The jury found the defendant not guilty of the offence. guilty
The gun went off by accident. gun
At the end of the film the bad guy gets shot. guy
Put your hand up if you know the answer. hand
Our cat hates being handled. handle
handle yourself: You have to know how to handle yourself in this business (= know the right way to behave). handle
The handle's broken off this jug. handle
He was the last man to be hanged for murder in this country. hang
I don't know how this happened. happen
Do you know what happened to Gill Lovecy (= have you any news about her)? happen to sb/sth
children playing happily on the beach happily
It's hard to see how they can lose. hard
Diamonds are the hardest known mineral. hard
We hardly know each other. hardly
It's hardly surprising she was fired; she never did any work. hardly
Pollution can harm marine life. harm
hate sth: I hate spinach. hate
She had her bag stolen. have
I've got a headache. have
have sth + adj.: He's got a front tooth missing. have
Had I known that (= if I had known that) I would never have come. have
The driver suffered head injuries. head
The boat was heading out to sea. head
She disappeared and was never heard of again. hear of sb/sth, hear sth of sb/sth
I've dialled the number so many times I know it by heart. by heart
She's learnt the whole speech off by heart. by heart
to be bleeding heavily heavily
to be heavily taxed heavily
She has been heavily criticized in the press. heavily
There was heavy fighting in the capital last night. heavy
The stone was dropped from a great height. height
to be of medium/average height height
help sth: It doesn't really help matters knowing that everyone is talking about us. help
We need new measures to help (to) fight terrorism. help
I can't help thinking he knows more than he has told us. sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
I always end up having an argument with her, I don't know why, I just can't help it. sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
I couldn't help it if the bus was late (= it wasn't my fault). sb can (not) help (doing) sth, sb can not help but do sth
She's one of the most helpful people I know. helpful
The true consequences will only be known several years hence. ... days, weeks, etc. hence
+ speech: 'I'm not sure,' she hesitated. hesitate
hide sth: The house was hidden by trees. hide
The area was inhabited long before the dawn of recorded history (= before people wrote about events). history
the history of Ireland/democracy/popular music history
Rural areas have been worst hit by the strike. hit
Spain was one of the hardest hit countries. hit
I was hit by a falling stone. hit
The town was hit by bombs again last night. hit
He was hit by a sniper. hit
hold sb + noun: He was held prisoner for two years. hold
My application was held up by the postal strike. hold sb/sth up
I think he's holding something back. I'm sure he knows more than he admits. hold sth back
We are determined that nothing should hold back the peace talks. hold sb/sth back
a holy war (= one fought to defend the beliefs of a particular religion) holy
He was buried with full military honours (= with a special military service as a sign of respect). honour
The family honour is at stake. honour
With a look of horror, he asked if the doctor thought he had cancer. horror
The thought of being left alone filled her with horror. horror
The injured were rushed to (the) hospital in an ambulance. hospital
Birmingham is hosting a three-day conference on drugs. host
I couldn't live in a hot country (= one which has high average temperatures). hot
We're four hours ahead of New York (= referring to the time difference). hour
This is the only place to get a drink after hours (= after the normal closing time for pubs). hour
He did not know how he ought to behave. how
I didn't know how much to bring. how
The hostages were used as a human shield (= a person or group of people that is forced to stay in a particular place where they would be hurt or killed if their country attacked it). human
He's really very human when you get to know him. human
The public is always attracted to politicians who have the human touch (= the ability to make ordinary people feel relaxed when they meet them). human
This vase is worth several hundred dollars. hundred
hunt sth: Whales are still being hunted and killed in the Arctic. hunt
She hurried away without saying goodbye. hurry
Hurry up! We're going to be late. hurry up (with sth)
I don't mind waiting—I'm not in any particular hurry. in no hurry (to do sth), not in a/any hurry (to do sth)
My shoes hurt—they're too tight. hurt
None of the passengers were badly hurt. hurt
a hurt look/expression hurt
She was deeply hurt that she had not been invited. hurt
'What's she talking about?' 'I've no idea.' have no idea, not have the faintest, first, etc. idea
This beach is ideal for children. ideal
Many of those arrested refused to identify themselves (= would not say who they were). identify
Their identities were kept secret. identity
You would know what was going on if you'd (= you had) listened. if
Do you know if he's married? if
I'd be grateful if you would keep it a secret. if
If only I knew her name. if only
Her father is seriously ill in St Luke's hospital. ill
She was taken ill suddenly. ill
Uncle Harry is terminally ill with cancer (= he will die from his illness). ill
the mentally ill (= people with a mental illness) ill
He resigned because of ill health (= he was often ill). ill
She suffered no ill effects from the experience. ill
I won't tell you his reaction—I'll leave that to your imagination. imagination
She was no longer able to distinguish between imagination and reality. imagination
With a little imagination, you could turn this place into a palace. imagination
Counselling is being given to those most immediately affected by the tragedy. immediately
They were charged with living off immoral earnings (= money earned by working as a prostitute ). immoral
Her speech made a profound impact on everyone. impact
The car is fitted with side impact bars (= to protect it from a blow from the side). impact
She stressed the importance of careful preparation. importance
We were locked in. in
a fat envelope about half an inch thick inch
His bad behaviour was just an isolated incident. incident
One particular incident sticks in my mind. incident
The demonstration passed off without incident. incident
a border/diplomatic incident incident
Six people were killed in the riot, including a policeman. including
higher/middle/lower income groups income
Increasing numbers of people are using hand-held devices to access the Internet. increase
increase with sth: Disability increases with age (= the older sb is, the more likely they are to be disabled). increase
increasingly difficult/important/popular increasingly
Mozambique became independent in 1975. independent
'What are they doing here?' he asked, indicating her bags in the hallway. indicate
indicate (to sb) (that)...: In his letter he indicated to us (that) he was willing to cooperate. indicate
indicate whether, when, etc...: Has she indicated yet whether she would like to be involved? indicate
Kingston-upon-Thames, as the name indicates, is situated on the banks of the Thames. indicate
indication (of sth): They gave no indication of how the work should be done. indication
The minister refused to comment on individual cases. individual
donations from private individuals (= ordinary people rather than companies, etc.) individual
The school's reputation was ruined by the bad behaviour of a few individuals. individual
infect sb/sth with sth: people infected with HIV infect
The wound from the dog bite had become infected. infected
an infected water supply infected
an infected PC infected
Research shows that most young smokers are influenced by their friends. influence
influence sb to do sth: She was influenced to take up voluntary work by her teacher. influence
The local climate is influenced by the Gulf Stream. influence
The leaflet informs customers about healthy eating. inform
inform sb + speech: 'He's already left,' she informed us. inform
an informal expression informal
For further information on the diet, write to us at this address. information
He refused to comment before he had seen all the relevant information. information
It has all the ingredients of a good mystery story. ingredient
John Fitzgerald Kennedy was often known by his initials JFK. initial
a United Nations peace initiative initiative
He injured his knee playing hockey. injure
Three people were killed and five injured in the crash. injure
She injured herself during training. injure
an injured leg injured
Luckily, she isn't injured. injured
Carter is playing in place of the injured O'Reilly. injured
an injured look/tone injured
injured pride injured
There were no injuries in the crash (= no people injured). injury
Thousands of innocent civilians have been killed in this conflict. innocent
For years we had little knowledge of what life was like inside China. inside
The door was locked from the inside. inside
+ speech: 'It's true,' she insisted. insist
Lee was ill so I went instead. instead
I'm under instructions to keep my speech short. instruction
I have never been so insulted in my life! insult
She felt insulted by the low offer. insult
insult to sb/sth: His comments were seen as an insult to the president. insult
a person of high/average/low intelligence intelligence
This museum holds particular interest for geologists. interest
As a matter of interest (= I'd like to know), what time did the party finish? interest
interesting (to do sth): It would be interesting to know what he really believed. interesting
It is particularly interesting to compare the two versions. interesting
interesting (that...): I find it interesting that she claims not to know him. interesting
interpret sth as sth: I didn't know whether to interpret her silence as acceptance or refusal. interpret
They were interrupted by a knock at the door. interrupt
interrupt (sb) + speech: 'I have a question,' she interrupted. interrupt
The game was interrupted several times by rain. interrupt
I managed to work for two hours without interruption. interruption
She spoke for 20 minutes without interruption. interruption
The police are waiting to interview the injured man. interview
introduce yourself (to sb): Can I introduce myself? I'm Helen Robins. introduce
'Kay, this is Steve.' 'Yes, I know—we've already introduced ourselves.' introduce
Our speaker today needs no introduction (= is already well known). introduction
a letter of introduction (= a letter which tells sb who you are, written by sb who knows both you and the person reading the letter) introduction
The FBI has been called in to investigate. investigate
This is not the first time he has been investigated by the police for fraud. investigate
She is still under investigation. investigation
patients with iron deficiency (= not enough iron in their blood) iron
She was getting more and more irritated at his comments. irritated
No place on the planet can remain an island of affluence in a sea of suffering. island
The party was divided on this issue. issue
It appears that the two leaders are holding secret talks. it
It's two miles to the beach. it
Can I pay for each item separately? item
He certainly knows his job (= is very good at his job). job
Members of the public joined the search for the missing boy. join
I've joined an aerobics class. join
+ speech: 'I cooked it myself, so be careful!' he joked. joke
Bye! Safe journey! (= used when sb is beginning a journey) journey
The last singer was the best—not that I'm any judge (= I do not know much about the subject). judge
I was just going to tell you when you interrupted. just
It was just an ordinary day. just
Just because you're older than me doesn't mean you know everything. just
They are demanding equal rights and justice. justice
They were accused of attempting to pervert the course of justice. justice
They were accused of attempting to obstruct justice. justice
justify (sb/sth) doing sth: How can they justify paying such huge salaries? justify
The Prime Minister has been asked to justify the decision to Parliament. justify
You don't need to justify yourself to me. justify
Can you keep a secret? keep
She kept her past secret from us all. keep
+ adv./prep.: The notice said 'Keep off (= Do not walk on) the grass'. keep
The sign said 'Private Property—Keep Out!' keep out (of sth)
key (to sth): The key to success is preparation. key
There's a special key for winding up this clock. key
kick (sb/sth): She was punched and kicked by her attackers. kick
The child was dragged away, kicking and screaming. kick
If an animal is badly injured, often the kindest thing to do is to destroy it painlessly. kind
These jeans are torn at the knee. knee
She was knocked down by a bus. knock sb down/over
These old houses are going to be knocked down. knock sth down
Sailors had to know lots of different knots. knot
know sth: Do you know any Japanese? know
know how, what, etc...: Do you know how to use spreadsheets? know
I couldn't see who was speaking, but I knew the voice. know
She knows a bargain when she sees one. know
know sb/sth as sth: It's known as the most dangerous part of the city. know
know sb/sth for sth: She is best known for her work on the human brain. know
know sb/sth to be/do sth: He's known to be an outstanding physicist. know
I've known David for 20 years. know
Do you two know each other (= have you met before)? know
She was a secretary when I first knew her. know
She's very nice when you get to know her. know
Knowing Ben, we could be waiting a long time (= it is typical of him to be late). know
This man is known to the police (= as a criminal). know
I don't know anyone in Oxford. know
I know Paris well. know
Do you know the play (= have you seen or read it before)? know
The new rules could mean the end of football as we know it (= in the form that we are familiar with). know
know (that)...: He knew (that) he could trust her. know
I know it's here somewhere! know
I know things will turn out all right. know
I don't know that I can finish it by next week. know
I just knew that it was something I wanted to do. know
know (sth): 'You were right—someone's been spreading rumours about you.' 'I knew it!' know
'She's the worst player in the team.' 'Oh, I don't know (= I am not sure that I agree) —she played well yesterday.' know
know (that)...: As soon as I walked in the room I knew (that) something was wrong. know
She knew she was dying. know
know what, how, etc...: I knew perfectly well what she meant. know
I know exactly how you feel. know
know (sth): This case is hopeless and he knows it (= although he will not admit it). know
'Martin was lying all the time.' 'I should have known.' know
know sth: Do you know his address? know
The cause of the fire is not yet known. know
All I know is that she used to work in a bank (= I have no other information about her). know
know (that)...: I know (that) people's handwriting changes as they get older. know
it is known that...: It is widely known that CFCs can damage the ozone layer. know
know where, what, etc...: I knew where he was hiding. know
I didn't know what he was talking about. know
know (of/about sth): 'You've got a flat tyre.' 'I know.' know
'What's the answer?' 'I don't know.' know
'There's no one in.' 'How do you know? ' know
You know about Amanda's baby, don't you? know
I don't know about you, but I'm ready for something to eat. know
I know of at least two people who did the same thing. know
'Is anyone else coming?' 'Not that I know of. ' know
'Isn't that his car?' 'I wouldn't know./How should I know? ' (= I don't know and I am not the person you should ask.) know
'What are you two whispering about?' 'You don't want to know ' (= because you would be shocked or wouldn't approve). know
know to do sth: Does he know to come here (= that he should come here) first? know
know sb/sth to be/do sth: We know her to be honest. know
Well, you know, it's difficult to explain. you know
Guess who I've just seen? Maggie! You know—Jim's wife. you know
You know that restaurant round the corner? It's closed down. you know
I'm not stupid, you know. you know
'What a ridiculous situation!' 'I know.' I know
I know, let's see what's on at the theatre. I know
God knows what else they might find. God/goodness/Heaven knows
'Where are they?' 'Goodness knows.' God/goodness/Heaven knows
I don't know if I can come, but I'll let you know tomorrow. let sb know
Let me know how I can help. let sb know
She sent the letter without my knowledge. knowledge
The film was made with the Prince's full knowledge and approval. knowledge
She was impatient in the knowledge that time was limited. knowledge
I went to sleep secure in the knowledge that I was not alone in the house. knowledge
They could relax safe in the knowledge that they had the funding for the project. knowledge
He denied all knowledge of the affair. knowledge
He was sentenced to two years in a labour camp (= a type of prison where people have to do hard physical work). labour
The trip was cancelled through lack of (= because there was not enough) interest. lack
He was taken on as a teacher but was found lacking (= was thought not to be good enough). lacking
During the war their lands were occupied by the enemy. land
The troops landed at dawn. land
If we look at the larger picture of the situation, the differences seem slight. large
He knew this was his last hope of winning. last
He was injured early on and didn't last the match. last
The concert was cancelled at a very late stage. late
+ speech: 'You're crazy!' she laughed. laugh
Defence attorneys can use any means within the law to get their client off. law
Do not think you are above the law (= think that you cannot be punished by the law). law
He was not stupid, just lazy. lazy
I was feeling too lazy to go out. lazy
We spent a lazy day on the beach. lazy
learn of/about sth: I learnt of her arrival from a close friend. learn
learn (that)...: We were very surprised to learn (that) she had got married again. learn
learn who, what, etc...: We only learned who the new teacher was a few days ago. learn
learn sth: How did they react when they learned the news? learn
it is learned that...: It has been learned that 500 jobs are to be lost at the factory. learn
I've known her at least as long as you have. at least
He hadn't been asked to the party and was feeling very left out. leave sb/sth out (of sth)
She got a headache if she had to read for any length of time (= for a long time). length
He ran the entire length of the beach (= from one end to the other). length
All new students are given lessons in/on how to use the library. lesson
It was a lesson not lost on (= learned well by) the team manager. lesson
Let's go to the beach. let
On a more personal level, I would like to thank Jean for all the help she has given me. level
James lost his licence for six months (= had his licence taken away by the police as a punishment). licence
I can't get the lid off this jar. lid
The town lies on the coast. lie
Life isn't like in the movies, you know. life
In Italy the average life of a government is eleven months. life
marine/pond life life
Hundreds of lives were threatened when the building collapsed. life
to turn out the light(s) light
light reading for the beach light
Students were angry at being treated like children. like
How can they afford it? That's what I'd like to know. like
likely (that...): It's more than likely that the thieves don't know how much it is worth. likely
She knew the limits of her power. limit
His arrogance knew (= had) no limits. limit
measures to limit carbon dioxide emissions from cars limit
The town is in a direct line between London and the coast. line
The train was delayed because a tree had fallen across the line. line
the East Coast line line
The company's lines have been jammed (= busy) all day with people making complaints. line
I was talking to John when the line suddenly went dead. line
They were stuck in a line of traffic. line
He was convicted of illegally importing weapons across state lines. line
The speech was broadcast via a satellite link. link
Her novel shot to the top of the best-seller list. list
The poor little thing! It's lost its mother. little
Little by little the snow disappeared. little by little
He is little known as an artist. little
Little did I know that this spelled the end of my career. little
live sth: She lived a very peaceful life. live
A local man was accused of the murder. local
Rescue planes are trying to locate the missing sailors. locate
a honeymoon in a secret location location
a lonely beach lonely
He's been ill (for) a long time. long
Nurses have to work long hours (= for more hours in the day than is usual). long
The house was pulled down long ago. long
look (at sth): Look at the time! We're going to be late. look
Passers-by simply looked on as he was attacked. look on
Looks can be deceptive. look
Check that the plug has not come loose. loose
The horse had broken loose (= escaped) from its tether. loose
He lost his nerve at the last minute. lose
She lost a leg in a car crash. lose
They lost both their sons (= they were killed) in the war. lose
The ship was lost at sea (= it sank). lose
The tickets seem to have got lost. lose
If he isn't prepared to accept this money, then that's his loss. loss
We always get lost in London. lost
I'm still looking for that lost file. lost
Your cheque must have got lost in the post. lost
The strike cost them thousands of pounds in lost business. lost
She's trying to recapture her lost youth. lost
He regretted the lost (= wasted) opportunity to apologize to her. lost
the lost art of letter-writing lost
We would be lost without your help. lost
I felt so lost after my mother died. lost
He's a lost soul (= a person who does not seem to know what to do, and seems unhappy). lost
Hang on a minute—I'm lost. lost
It was love at first sight (= they were attracted to each other the first time they met). love
She looked particularly lovely that night. lovely
Can you turn the music lower—you'll wake the baby. low
By sheer luck nobody was hurt in the explosion. luck
lucky (to do sth): His friend was killed and he knows he is lucky to be alive. lucky
He was unhurt apart from a lump on his head. lump
a place of secret shadows and ancient magic magic
He loved the magic and mystery of the place. magic
The main thing is to stay calm. main
a leaking gas main main
The electricity supply has been cut off at the mains. main
Plug the transformer into the mains (= the place on a wall where electricity is brought into a room). main
Anorexia is an illness that occurs mainly in adolescents. mainly
+ speech: 'But I'm innocent!' she maintained. maintain
make sb/sth + noun: He makes King Lear a truly tragic figure. make
The terrorists made it known that tourists would be targeted. make
He made up some excuse about his daughter being sick. make sth up
After all the delays, we were anxious to make up for lost time. make up for sth
I don't know how I made it through the week. make it
I don't know how she manages on her own with four kids. manage
I don't know exactly how we'll manage it, but we will, somehow. manage
She could at least have the good manners to let me know she won't be able to attend. manner
Faulty goods should be returned to the manufacturers. manufacturer
Many jobs in manufacturing were lost during the recession. manufacturing
I've known her for a great many (= very many) years. many
Even if one person is hurt that is one too many. many
protest marches march
The army began their long march to the coast. march
mark A (with B): Items marked with an asterisk can be omitted. mark
Do not open any mail marked 'Confidential'. mark
He was about six feet tall, with no distinguishing marks. mark
He suffered a massive heart attack. massive
That's not a problem. It's simply a matter of letting people know in time. matter
What on earth was the matter with her, she wondered. She'd come here to enjoy herself and here she was, stuck on her own in the hotel. matter
I wasn't prepared to let the matter drop (= stop discussing it). matter
I know which area they live in, but whether I can find their house is a different matter. be another/a different matter
He's been in prison, you know—not that it matters (= that information does not affect my opinion of him). matter
I always found him a little strange, if you know what I mean (= if you understand what I mean by 'strange'). mean
I know what you mean (= I understand and feel sympathy). I hated learning to drive too. mean
It was like—weird. Know what I mean? mean
'But Pete doesn't know we're here!' 'That's what I mean! (= that's what I have been trying to tell you.)' mean
mean sth to sb: Does the name 'Jos Vos' mean anything to you (= do you know who he is)? mean
'Honesty'? He doesn't know the meaning of the word! meaning
a device that measures the level of radiation in the atmosphere measure
liquid/dry measure measure
safety/security/austerity measures measure
a temporary/an emergency measure measure
measure (to do sth): We must take preventive measures to reduce crime in the area. measure
The government is introducing tougher measures to combat crime. measure
measures against racism measure
Police in riot gear were in attendance as a precautionary measure. measure
Do you know your measurements (= the size of parts of your body)? measurement
The media was/were accused of influencing the final decision. media
He became a media star for his part in the protests. media
a medical certificate (= a statement by a doctor that gives details of your state of health) medical
a medium-size car/business/town medium
There are three sizes—small, medium and large. medium
a medium steak (= one cooked quite well but not too much) medium
Little is known about the third member of the band. member
He suffered loss of memory for weeks after the accident. memory
There hasn't been peace in the country in/within my memory. memory
She was suffering from physical and mental exhaustion. mental
mentally ill mentally
He has two big houses in this country, not to mention his villa in France. not to mention
I'm merely stating what everybody knows anyway. merely
We've had an urgent message saying that your father's ill. message
When they quarrel, I am often caught in the middle. middle
Let's have a midnight feast tonight (= a secret meal that children like to have in the middle of the night). midnight
I know Vicky doesn't like the job, but I mightn't find it too bad. might
a mild punishment/criticism mild
Her mind is completely occupied by the new baby. mind
I've no idea how her mind works! mind
insights into the criminal mind mind
mind how, where, etc...: Mind how you go! (= often used when you say goodbye to sb) mind
youths imprisoned for minor offences minor
Just minutes into the second half of the game Robinson scored his second goal. minute
I don't know what I'm going to do yet—I've just this minute found out. this minute
Your mother will know who's moved in—she doesn't miss much. miss
My gloves have been missing for ages. missing
Two files have gone missing. missing
He was reported missing, presumed dead. missing
Many soldiers were listed as missing in action. missing
There were several candidates missing from the list. missing
It's a common mistake (= one that a lot of people make). mistake
It's a common mistake among learners of English. mistake
I thought I saw someone I knew, but I must have been mistaken. mistaken
I told her my secret in the mistaken belief that I could trust her. mistaken
The play was given a mixed reception by the critics (= some liked it, some did not). mixed
mobile equipment mobile
Please make sure all mobile phones are switched off during the performance. mobile phone
the most modern, well-equipped hospital in London modern
Some addicts suffer violent mood swings (= changes of mood) if deprived of the drug. mood
The mood of the meeting was distinctly pessimistic. mood
As most of you know, I've decided to resign. most
to mount a protest/campaign/an exhibition mount
The stores were overrun with rats and mice. mouse
Use the mouse to drag the icon to a new position. mouse
the women's/peace movement movement
a moving story/speech moving
Please help me get this job—you know I would do as much for you. as much
He was found guilty of murder. murder
She has been charged with the attempted murder of her husband. murder
The play is a murder mystery. murder
The murdered woman was well known in the area. murder
the popularity of Mozart's music music
He wrote the music but I don't know who wrote the words. music
He must have known (= surely he knew) what she wanted. must
I needed space to be myself (= not influenced by other people). myself
He died in mysterious circumstances. mysterious
A mysterious illness is affecting all the animals. mysterious
A mysterious young woman is living next door. mysterious
It is one of the great unsolved mysteries of this century. mystery
Their motives remain a mystery. mystery
It's a complete mystery to me why they chose him. mystery
He's a bit of a mystery. mystery
There was a mystery guest on the programme. mystery
The band was financed by a mystery backer. mystery
a mystery tour (= when you do not know where you are going) mystery
Mystery surrounds her disappearance. mystery
His past is shrouded in mystery (= not much is known about it). mystery
The dark glasses give her an air of mystery. mystery
She's a woman of mystery. mystery
I enjoy murder mysteries. mystery
The prisoners were stripped naked. naked
Do you know the name of this flower? name
name sb/sth as sb/sth: The missing man has been named as James Kelly. name
He thought social inequality was all part of the natural order of things. natural
My work is very specialized in nature. nature
We came near to being killed. near
The box fitted neatly into the drawer. neatly
All you need to do is complete this form. need
need (not) do sth: You needn't bother asking Rick—I know he's too busy. need
I need hardly tell you (= you must already know) that the work is dangerous. need
I had no need to open the letter—I knew what it would say. need
to meet children's special educational needs need
Manhattan is divided into distinct neighborhoods. neighbourhood
'I don't know.' 'Me neither.' neither
I neither knew nor cared what had happened to him. neither
He's off work with a trapped nerve in his neck. nerve
Even after years as a singer, he still suffers from nerves before a performance. nerve
I need something to calm/steady my nerves. nerve
By the end of the meal her nerves were completely frayed. nerve
Never ever tell anyone your password. never
I never knew (= didn't know until now) you had a twin sister. never
Messengers brought news that the battle had been lost. news
I fainted and the next thing I knew I was in the hospital. next
Round here, you leave school at sixteen and next thing you know, you're married with three kids. next
We all had the flu last week—it wasn't very nice. nice
It's nice to know that somebody appreciates what I do. nice
The room was nicely furnished. nicely
Bill's parents came for dinner last night. night
Nobody knew what to say. nobody
I was woken by the noise of a car starting up. noise
a noisy protest (= when people shout) noisy
None but he knew the truth. none but
Not a building nor a tree was left standing. nor
quite/perfectly (= completely) normal normal
Her temperature is normal. normal
It's normal to feel tired after such a long trip. normal
Divorce is complicated enough in normal circumstances, but this situation is even worse. normal
Under normal circumstances, I would say 'yes'. normal
He should be able to lead a perfectly normal life. normal
In the normal course of events I wouldn't go to that part of town. normal
We are open during normal office hours. normal
People who commit such crimes aren't normal. normal
above/below normal normal
Things soon returned to normal. normal
Her heart is beating normally. normally
Just try to behave normally. normally
Mount Kenya is to the north of (= further north than) Nairobi. north
a blocked/runny nose nose
'Does he know?' 'I believe not.' not
I don't know if he's telling the truth or not. not
Patients' medical notes have gone missing. note
The sleeve notes include a short biography of the performers on this recording. note
All that preparation was for nothing because the visit was cancelled. for nothing
Get out! It's nothing to do with you (= you have no right to know about it). be/have nothing to do with sb/sth
The bar is closed until further notice (= until you are told that it is open again). notice
There was a notice on the board saying the class had been cancelled. notice
a notice saying 'Keep off the Grass' notice
Normally, the letter would not have come to my notice (= I would not have known about it). notice
noticeable in sb/sth: This effect is particularly noticeable in younger patients. noticeable
It's broken. Now I'll have to get a new one. now
A peace settlement is nowhere in sight (= is not likely in the near future). nowhere to be found/seen, nowhere in sight
a psychiatric nurse (= one who works in a hospital for people with mental illnesses) nurse
The suspect is being kept under observation (= watched closely by the police). observation
an observation post/tower (= a place from where sb, especially an enemy, can be watched) observation
observe that...: She observed that all the chairs were already occupied. observe
It was obvious to everyone that the child had been badly treated. obvious
I know you don't like her but try not to make it so obvious. obvious
They have been seen together on two separate occasions. occasion
Turn every meal into a special occasion. occasion
He has been known on occasion to lose his temper. on occasion(s)
He spent his childhood in occupied Europe. occupied
The capital has been occupied by the rebel army. occupy
The plane hit the ocean several miles offshore. ocean
Our beach house is just a couple of miles from the ocean. ocean
an ocean liner ocean
Ocean levels are rising. ocean
the Antarctic/Arctic/Atlantic/Indian/Pacific Ocean ocean
criticism of the police (= they are criticized) of
He was cleared of all blame. of
a capital offence (= one for which sb may be punished by death) offence
He was not aware that he had committed an offence. offence
They'll be offended if you don't go to their wedding. offend
offensive to sb: His comments were deeply offensive to a large number of single mothers. offensive
I gratefully took the cup of coffee she offered me. offer
+ speech: 'I'll do it,' she offered. offer
The offer has been withdrawn. offer
This special offer is valid until the end of the month. offer
See next week's issue for details of more free offers. offer
They have an offer on beer at the moment. offer
I only knew the official version of events. official
Palace officials are refusing to comment on the royal divorce. official
old-fashioned clothes/styles/methods/equipment old-fashioned
He had been hit on the head. on
a town on the coast on
Keep straight on for the beach. on
The band are on (= performing) in ten minutes. on
He once lived in Zambia. once
All at once she lost her temper. all at once
I don't know her well, I've only met her once or twice. once or twice
We didn't know how we would cope once the money had gone. once
Our car's always breaking down. But we're getting a new one soon. one
The house had been thrown open to the public. open
Leave the envelope open. open
When did the country open its borders? open
Operation of the device is extremely simple. operation
the UN peacekeeping operations operation
There is a difference of opinion (= people disagree) as to the merits of the plan. opinion
Our company promotes equal opportunities for women (= women are given the same jobs, pay, etc. as men). opportunity
It's not easy having a relationship when you live at opposite ends of the country. opposite
See opposite (= on the opposite page) for further details. opposite
Delegates expressed strong opposition to the plans. opposition
Protest marches were held in opposition to the proposed law. in opposition to sb/sth
He was given one month's imprisonment without the option of a fine. option
This particular model comes with a wide range of options (= things you can choose to have when buying sth but which you will have to pay extra for). option
an order for steak and fries order
These items can be made to order (= produced especially for a particular customer) order
The phone is out of order. out of order
order (sth): I ordered a beer and a sandwich. order
order (sb) + speech: 'Sit down and be quiet,' she ordered. order
an ordinary sort of day ordinary
ordinary people like you and me ordinary
This was no ordinary meeting. ordinary
The meal was very ordinary. ordinary
This particular custom has its origins in Wales. origin
The original manuscript has been lost. original
Two buildings were destroyed and many others damaged in the blast. other
One son went to live in Australia and the other one was killed in a car crash. other
I don't know any French people other than you. other than
The boats are all out at sea. out
He got thrown out of the restaurant. out
He drank his beer out of the bottle. out
Out with it! (= say what you know) out
They felt cut off from the outside world (= from other people and from other things that were happening). outside
Try not to knock that vase over. over
The lake was frozen over. over
She has editorial control over what is included. over
Over the next few days they got to know the town well. over
The company will invest $1.6m overall in new equipment. overall
The two parties managed to overcome their differences on the issue. overcome
The dead woman had been overcome by smoke. overcome
owe sth to sb: I owe a debt of gratitude to all my family. owe
For reasons of his own (= particular reasons that perhaps only he knew about), he refused to join the club. own
Don't tell me what to do—you don't own me! own
You can buy the envelopes in packs of ten. pack
Check the list of ingredients on the side of the package. package
Attractive packaging can help to sell products. packaging
The vase is one of a matching pair. pair
the cold pale light of dawn pale
One of the glass panels in the front door was cracked. panel
He's always playing a part (= pretending to be sth that he is not). part
Part of the building was destroyed in the fire. part
to take part in a discussion/demonstration/fight/celebration take part (in sth)
There is one particular patient I'd like you to see. particular
Is there a particular type of book he enjoys? particular
We must pay particular attention to this point. particular
These documents are of particular interest. particular
Peter was lying on the sofa doing nothing in particular. in particular
Is there anything in particular you'd like for dinner? in particular
particularly good/important/useful particularly
Traffic is bad, particularly in the city centre. particularly
I enjoyed the play, particularly the second half. particularly
The lecture was not particularly (= not very) interesting. particularly
'Did you enjoy it?' 'No, not particularly (= not very much).' particularly
Marriage should be an equal partnership. partnership
a secret underground passage passage
I was forced to ask passing strangers for money. passing
We don't know anything about his past. past
They say she has a 'past' (= bad things in her past life that she wishes to keep secret). past
a coastal path path
Teaching children with special needs requires patience and understanding. patience
war and peace peace
The negotiators are trying to make peace between the warring factions. peace
A UN force has been sent to keep the peace (= to prevent people from fighting). peace
After years of war, the people long for a lasting peace. peace
the Peace of Utrecht, 1713 (= the agreement ending the war) peace
The two communities live together in peace. peace
The countries have been at peace for more than a century. peace
the peace movement (= that tries to prevent war by protesting, persuading politicians, etc.) peace
She lay back and enjoyed the peace of the summer evening. peace
He just wants to be left in peace (= not to be disturbed). peace
He never felt really at peace with himself. peace
They were charged with disturbing the peace (= behaving in a noisy and violent way). peace
They simply can't seem to live in peace with each other. peace
She felt at peace with the world. peace
a peaceful protest/demonstration/solution peaceful
They hope for a peaceful settlement of the dispute. peaceful
people of different religions living in peaceful coexistence peaceful
a peaceful atmosphere peaceful
peaceful sleep peaceful
It's so peaceful out here in the country. peaceful
He had a peaceful life. peaceful
a peaceful society peaceful
The aims of the organization are wholly peaceful. peaceful
Many young people are out of work. people
Everyone blamed me as per usual. as per normal/usual
It's perfectly normal to feel like this. perfectly
You know perfectly well what I mean. perfectly
I'd like to hear it performed live. perform
I'm looking forward to seeing you perform. perform
If Rooney performs (= performs well) then I believe England can win. perform
Please refrain from talking during the performance. performance
a series of performances by the Kirov Ballet performance
one of the band's rare live performances performance
a brilliant/polished/seasoned performer performer
Perhaps he's forgotten. perhaps
Perhaps you would be good enough to let him know we are on our way. perhaps
The stroke left his right side permanently damaged. permanently
permission (for sb/sth) (to do sth): The school has been refused permission to expand. permission
The verdict was murder by a person or persons unknown. person
She's a personal friend of mine (= not just somebody I know because of my job). personal
People's clothes are often an expression of their personality. personality
He was personally criticized by inspectors for his incompetence. personally
persuade sb: No one was persuaded by his arguments. persuade
He left the phone off the hook as he didn't want to be disturbed. phone
She was intimidated by his physical presence. physical
I felt physically sick before the exam. physically
a piece of equipment/machinery piece
They performed pieces by Bach and Handel. piece
The boat had been smashed to pieces on the rocks. piece
The vase lay in pieces on the floor. piece
a pint of beer/milk pint
a leaking gas pipe pipe
Excuse me, I seem to have lost my place. place
It was a rip-off, plain and simple. plain
The plain fact is that nobody really knows. plain
plan (for sth): Both sides agreed to a detailed plan for keeping the peace. plan
a development/business/peace, etc. plan plan
Representatives of both parties shared a platform (= they spoke at the same meeting). platform
play sth: Let's play pirates. play
pleased (to hear, know, etc. sth): I'm pleased to hear about your news. pleased
I was pleased to hear you've been promoted. pleased
Caring for a sick relative is a task that brings both pleasure and pain. pleasure
plot (with sb) (against sb): They were accused of plotting against the state. plot
plot sth: Military officers were suspected of plotting a coup. plot
We have to fit five of us plus all our gear in the car. plus
Many people suffer from mental illness at some point in their lives. point
I know it won't cost very much but that's not the point (= not the important thing). point
+ speech: 'It's not very far,' she pointed out. point out (to sb), point sth out (to sb)
The dog was killed by rat poison (= poison intended to kill rats ). poison
Thousands are at risk of being poisoned by fumes from faulty heaters. poison
a poisoned arrow poison
Someone had been poisoning his food. poison
Large sections of the river have been poisoned by toxic waste from factories. poison
A man was arrested by the police and held for questioning. police
Hundreds of police in riot gear struggled to control the violence. police
The border will be policed by UN officials. police
I don't know how to make polite conversation. polite
He was a political prisoner (= one who was put in prison because he was thought to be harmful to the state). political
beaches covered with pollution pollution
a rock pool (= between rocks by the sea) pool
a poor sailor (= sb who easily gets sick at sea) poor
a hugely/immensely popular singer popular
This is one of our most popular designs. popular
Skiing has become very popular recently. popular
popular (with sb): These policies are unlikely to prove popular with middle-class voters. popular
I'm not very popular with my parents (= they are annoyed with me) at the moment. popular
'Our dog got into the neighbour's garden again!' 'You'll be popular.' popular
popular music/culture/fiction popular
The band's success is largely due to the popular appeal of the lead singer. popular
a popular misconception popular
Contrary to popular belief, women cause fewer road accidents than men. popular
Popular opinion was divided on the issue. popular
By popular demand, the tour has been extended by two weeks. popular
The task poses no special problems. pose
The delegates posed for a group photograph. pose
My arms were aching so I shifted (my) position slightly. position
to be HIV positive positive
He was charged with possessing a shotgun without a licence. possess
Belgium was the first European country to possess a fully fledged rail network. possess
The gang was caught in possession of stolen goods. possession
Try to avoid losing your temper if at all possible (= if you can). possible
We spent every possible moment on the beach. possible
She found it difficult to get on with her, possibly because of the difference in their ages. possibly
Three soldiers were shot dead at a border post. post
My application got lost in the post. post
air/sea power (= military strength in the air/ at sea) power
Police in riot gear used their powers under the Public Order Act to move on 300 protesters. power
He had lost the power of speech. power
a powerful image/drug/speech powerful
With that crack in it, the vase is worth practically nothing. practically
There's practically no difference between the two options. practically
practise sth: He was banned from practising medicine. practise
His latest movie has won high praise from the critics. praise
The team coach singled out two players for special praise. praise
praise sb/sth for sth/for doing sth: He praised his team for their performance. praise
praise sb/sth as sth: Critics praised the work as highly original. praise
I can't say that I have any particular preference. preference
Preparation for the party started early. preparation
food preparation preparation
Careful preparation for the exam is essential. preparation
The third book in the series is currently in preparation. preparation
The team has been training hard in preparation for the big game. preparation
No athlete would dream of entering a big race without adequate preparation. preparation
preparation (for sth): The country is making preparations for war. preparation
Was going to college a good preparation for your career? preparation
preparation (to do sth): We made preparations to move to new offices. preparation
wedding preparations preparation
prepare sth/sb: to prepare a report prepare
prepare sth/sb for sb/sth: A hotel room is being prepared for them. prepare
The college prepares students for a career in business. prepare
I had no time to prepare. prepare
prepare for sth: The whole class is working hard preparing for the exams. prepare
prepare yourself (for sth): The police are preparing themselves for trouble at the demonstration. prepare
I had been preparing myself for this moment. prepare
Her condition is not improving as we hoped. You must prepare yourselves for the worst. prepare
prepare to do sth: I was preparing to leave. prepare
prepare yourself to do sth: The troops prepared themselves to go into battle. prepare
He was in the kitchen preparing lunch. prepare
I was not prepared for all the problems it caused. prepared
We'll be better prepared next time. prepared
When they set out they were well prepared. prepared
How much are you prepared to pay? prepared
The police officer read out a prepared statement. prepared
I usually buy packs of prepared vegetables to save time. prepared
The presentation of prizes began after the speeches. presentation
Efforts to preserve the peace have failed. preserve
preserve sth + adj.: This vase has been preserved intact. preserve
Do you have any comment, Mr President? president
the president of Columbia Pictures president
the popular/tabloid press (= smaller newspapers with a lot of pictures and stories of famous people) press
She has been harassed by the press, who desperately need a story. press
The government eventually bowed to popular pressure (= they agreed to do what people were trying to get them to do). pressure
Draught beer is pumped out of the barrel under pressure. under pressure
The director is under increasing pressure to resign. under pressure
prevent sb/sth from doing sth: He is prevented by law from holding a licence. prevent
Can you give me a price for the work (= tell me how much you will charge)? price
Her pride was hurt. pride
A tidal current turbine is similar in principle to a windmill. principle
The magazine was sued for printing a libellous article about her family. print
Click on the icon when you want to print. print
He was sent to prison for five years. prison
The government insists that 'prison works' and plans to introduce a tougher sentencing policy for people convicted of violent crime. prison
He was taken prisoner by rebel soldiers. prisoner
He was a prisoner of his own ignorance. prisoner
The villa has its own private beach. private
She was awarded the Nobel Peace prize. prize
It was the best known and probably the most popular of her songs. probably
As you probably know, I'm going to be changing jobs soon. probably
Let me know if you have any problems. problem
to follow normal/standard/accepted procedure procedure
Find which food you are allergic to by a process of elimination. process
It's a normal part of the learning process. process
Most of the food we buy is processed in some way. process
processed cheese process
Many of the performers were very professional. professional
program sth (to do sth): The computer is programmed to warn users before information is deleted. program
promise (sb) + speech: 'I'll be back soon,' she promised. promise
We are doing a special promotion of Chilean wines. promotion
His speech prompted an angry outburst from a man in the crowd. prompt
Keep the receipt as proof of purchase. proof
proposal that...: His proposal that the system should be changed was rejected. proposal
propose that...: She proposed that the book be banned. propose
She proposed that the book should be banned. propose
prospect (of sth/of doing sth): There is no immediate prospect of peace. prospect
protect sb/sth/yourself (against/from sth): Troops have been sent to protect aid workers against attack. protect
The victim's widow protested at the leniency of the sentence. protest
'I know you're lying.' 'Prove it!' prove
In this country, you are innocent until proved guilty. prove
Why would the closure of hospitals be in the public interest (= useful to ordinary people)? public
He later publicly apologized for his comments. publicly
The public has/have a right to know what is contained in the report. public
There has been a great deal of publicity surrounding his disappearance. publicity
The editors published a full apology in the following edition. publish
punch sb/sth: He was kicked and punched as he lay on the ground. punch
punish sb: Those responsible for this crime will be severely punished. punish
punish sb for sth/for doing sth: He was punished for refusing to answer their questions. punish
He was sent to his room as a punishment. punishment
Keep your receipt as proof of purchase. purchase
The equipment can be purchased from your local supplier. purchase
He did it on purpose, knowing it would annoy her. on purpose
He was put off science by bad teaching. put sb off sth/sb
I don't know how she puts up with him. put up with sb/sth
I don't know much about it, so I don't feel qualified to comment. qualified
When costs are cut product quality suffers. quality
I was overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of information available. quantity
The question arises as to whether or not he knew of the situation. question
She was arrested and questioned about the fire. question
Over half of those questioned said they rarely took any exercise. question
The doctor said she'd make a quick recovery. quick
He went very quiet (= did not say much) so I knew he was upset. quiet
The hotel is in a quiet location near the sea. quiet
I don't quite know what to do next. quite
'I almost think she prefers animals to people.' 'Quite right too,' said Bill. quite
quote sth (from sb/sth): He quoted a passage from the minister's speech. quote
'It will all be gone tomorrow.' 'Can I quote you on that? ' quote
+ speech: 'The man who is tired of London is tired of life,' he quoted. quote
legislation against discrimination on the grounds of race or sex race
Shall we have a race to the end of the beach? race
race sb/sth + adv./prep.: The injured man was raced to the hospital. race
She leaned on the ship's rail and gazed out to sea. rail
Don't tell her about the job until you know for sure—we don't want to raise her hopes (= make her hope too much). raise
The colonel was stripped of his rank (= was given a lower position, especially as a punishment). rank
Most people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour. rate
rate sb/sth (as) sth: rate sb/sth + noun: The show was rated (as) a success by critics and audiences. rate
They didn't reach the border until after dark. reach
The beach can only be reached by boat. reach
You never know how he is going to react. react
A spokesman said the changes were not in reaction to the company's recent losses. reaction
This accident could have produced a real tragedy. real
Tell me the real reason. real
They seemed to have the perfect marriage but the reality was very different. reality
Tell me what really happened. really
reason (why...): I'd like to know the reason why you're so late. reason
For some reason (= one that I don't know or don't understand) we all have to come in early tomorrow. reason
For reasons of security the door is always kept locked. reason
He wants to keep them all in his office for reasons best known to himself. reason
'Why do you want to know?' 'No reason ' (= I do not want to say why). reason
'Why did she do that?' 'She must have her reasons ' (= secret reasons which she does not want to tell). reason
You have no reason to accuse him of laziness. reason
to lose your reason (= become mentally ill) reason
It is reasonable to assume that he knew beforehand that this would happen. reasonable
We tried to discuss the matter calmly and reasonably. reasonably
+ speech: 'It was on a Thursday in March,' he recalled. recall
to make out (= write) a receipt receipt
receive sth + adv./prep.: The play was well received by the critics. receive
The proposals have been favourably received by most political commentators. receive
Delegates gave him a warm reception as he called for more spending on education. reception
He glanced briefly towards her but there was no sign of recognition. recognition
Tell me when the tape starts recording. record
record sb/sth doing sth: He recorded the class rehearsing before the performance. record
recording equipment recording
recover sth: The police eventually recovered the stolen paintings. recover
You know who I'm referring to. refer to sb/sth (as sth)
The library contains many popular works of reference (= reference books). reference
reflect how, what, etc...: She reflected how different it could have been. reflect
+ speech: 'It could all have been so different,' she reflected. reflect
regional variations in pronunciation regional
The equipment is checked on a regular basis. regular
Under the new regulations spending on office equipment will be strictly controlled. regulation
When her husband left home she felt rejected and useless. reject
Imperfect articles are rejected by our quality control. reject
I've been rejected by all the universities I applied to. reject
The proposal was firmly rejected. reject
All our suggestions were rejected out of hand. reject
relation (with sb/sth): Relations with neighbouring countries are under strain at present. relation
relationship (to sth): This comment bore no relationship to the subject of our conversation. relationship
I'll only relax when I know you're safe. relax
She burst into tears, releasing all her pent-up emotions. release
There was little comic relief in his speech. relief
relief from sth: The calm of the countryside came as a welcome relief from the hustle and bustle of city life. relief
Much to my relief the car was not damaged. relief
religious instruction (= instruction in a particular religion) religious
rely to do sth: You can rely on me to keep your secret. rely on/upon sb/sth
It remains to be seen (= it will only be known later) whether you are right. remain
a casual remark that led to a major discovery remark
+ speech: 'It's much colder than yesterday,' he remarked casually. remark
remark that...: Critics remarked that the play was not original. remark
Remarkably, nobody was killed. remarkably
He still remembered her as the lively teenager he'd known years before. remember
a remote beach remote
remove sth/sb: Illegally parked vehicles will be removed. remove
Three children were removed from the school for persistent bad behaviour. remove
+ speech: 'Are you really sure?' she repeated. repeat
Are you prepared to repeat these allegations in court? repeat
The victim had been stabbed repeatedly in the chest. repeatedly
These measures in no way replace the need for regular safety checks. replace
to replace the handset (= after using the telephone). replace
+ speech: 'I won't let you down,' he replied confidently. reply
reply that...: The senator replied that he was not in a position to comment. reply
a reply-paid envelope (= on which you do not have to put a stamp because it has already been paid for) reply
it is reported that...: It was reported that several people had been arrested. report
report that...: The TV news reported that several people had been arrested. report
+ speech: 'The cabin's empty,' he reported back. report
Each colour on the chart represents a different department. represent
Wind direction is represented by arrows. represent
The artist uses doves to represent peace. represent
The peace plan represents (= is the result of) weeks of negotiation. represent
The opening speech was by Bob Alan representing Amnesty International. represent
Ms Dale is representing the defendant (= is his/her lawyer) in the case. represent
reputation (for sth/for doing sth): I'm aware of Mark's reputation for being late. reputation
The writer's name was withheld by request (= because the writer asked for this to be done). request
+ speech: 'Please come with me,' he requested. request
rescue sb/sth from sth/sb: He rescued a child from drowning. rescue
The bank rescued the company from bankruptcy. rescue
Ten fishermen were saved in a daring sea rescue. rescue
Recent research on deaf children has produced some interesting findings about their speech. research
They support the measures without reservation (= completely). reservation
reserve sth for sb/sth: These seats are reserved for special guests. reserve
reserve sth: I'd prefer to reserve (my) judgement (= not make a decision) until I know all the facts. reserve
resist sth: She was charged with resisting arrest. resist
resistance to sb/sth: The demonstrators offered little or no resistance to the police. resistance
Both sides met in order to try to resolve their differences. resolve
seaside/ski/mountain, etc. resorts resort
a popular holiday resort resort
Time is your most valuable resource, especially in examinations. resource
+ speech: 'I'm not sure,' she responded. respond
The government responded by banning all future demonstrations. respond
He is mentally ill and cannot be held responsible for his actions. responsible
I can rest easy (= stop worrying) knowing that she's safely home. rest
The measures are intended to restore public confidence in the economy. restore
Her vision is restricted in one eye. restricted
a coach who knows how to get results from his players result
She died as a result of her injuries. result
The farm was flooded, with the result that most of the harvest was lost. result
retire to sth: My dream is to retire to a villa in France. retire
retire as sth: He has no plans to retire as editor of the magazine. retire
Train services have returned to normal after the strike. return
Her suspicions returned when things started going missing again. return
return sb/sth to sb/sth: We had to return the hairdryer to the store because it was faulty. return
Write your return address (= the address that a reply should be sent to) on the back of the envelope. return
reveal sth (to sb): to reveal a secret reveal
Her expression revealed nothing. reveal
it is revealed that...: It was revealed that important evidence had been suppressed. reveal
She used to work for me, but our situations are now reversed. reverse
The policy is likely to be reversed if there is a change of government. reverse
The secret number is my phone number in reverse. in reverse
a book review review
I'll prepare a revised estimate for you. revise
a revision class/course/timetable revision
The boat rocked up and down in rhythm with the sea. rhythm
We managed to get a ride into town when we missed the bus. ride
It was ridiculous that this should be so difficult to say. ridiculous
He's not quite right in the head (= not mentally normal). right
She knows all the right people (= important people, for example those who can help her career). right
They had fought hard for equal rights. right
She doesn't understand the difference between right and wrong. right
You did right to tell me about it. right
He wouldn't apologize. He knew he was in the right (= had justice on his side). right
I don't rightly know where he's gone. rightly
A diamond glittered on her ring finger (= the finger next to the little finger, especially on the left hand). ring
If we go to war, innocent lives will be put at risk. at risk (from/of sth)
That's a risk I'm not prepared to take. take a risk, take risks
risk (sb/sth) doing sth: They knew they risked being arrested. risk
He was shot by a member of a rival gang. rival
the mouth of the river (= where it enters the sea/ocean) river
He was walking along the road when he was attacked. road
He had been robbed of his dignity. rob sb/sth of sth
Protesters pelted the soldiers with rocks. rock
The tunnel was blasted out of solid rock. rock
Mist was rolling in from the sea. roll
We watched the waves rolling onto the beach. roll
romantic images of deserted beaches romantic
The corner of the classroom was damp where the roof had leaked. roof
The roof of the car was not damaged in the accident. roof
a rough draft of a speech rough
We live roughly halfway between here and the coast. roughly
The road's blocked—you'll have to drive the long way round. round
a coastal route route
My new shoes got ruined in the mud. ruin
The crops were ruined by the late frost. ruin
The country was ruined by the war. ruin
The house had been left to go to ruin. ruin
a ruined castle ruined
Normal competition rules apply. rule
We live in a society where we are ruled by the clock. rule
Police have not ruled out the possibility that the man was murdered. rule sb/sth out
The proposed solution was ruled out as too expensive. rule sb/sth out
Rumour has it (= people say) that he was murdered. rumour
He has no idea how to run a business. run
Time is running out for the trapped miners. run out
Two children were run over and killed. run sb/sth over
Ambulances rushed the injured to the hospital. rush
She was trampled in the rush to get out. rush
They listened to the rush of the sea below. rush
Her work was so poor that she was given the sack. sack
She was sacked for refusing to work on Sundays. sack
sad (to do sth): We are very sad to hear that you are leaving. sad
sad (that...): It is sad that so many of his paintings have been lost. sad
Sad to say (= unfortunately) the house has now been demolished. sad
memories tinged with sadness sadness
We were glad she let us know she was safe. safe
The missing child was found safe and well. safe
Your secret is safe with me (= I will not tell anyone else). safe
The police are concerned for the safety of the 12-year-old boy who has been missing for three days. safety
He was kept in custody for his own safety. safety
They reached safety seconds before the building was engulfed in flames. safety
We spent the weekend sailing off the south coast. sail
a sailing club sailing
a pasta salad salad
a sales drive/campaign (= a special effort to sell more) sale
an increase in the number of stolen vehicles being offered for sale for sale
sea salt salt
salty sea air salty
She's still the same fun-loving person that I knew at college. same
'Get lost!' 'Same to you!' (the) same to you
+ speech: The notice said 'Keep Out'. say
say sth: The clock said three o'clock. say
say (that)...: Say you lose your job: what would you do then? say
Anna thinks I'm lazy—what do you say (= what is your opinion)? say
'When will it be finished?' 'I couldn't say (= I don't know).' say
+ speech: 'Hello!' she said. say
He knew that if he wasn't back by midnight, his parents would have something to say about it (= be angry). say
say to sb/yourself + speech: I said to myself (= thought), 'That can't be right!' say
Italy was the scene of many demonstrations at that time. scene
The car's paintwork is badly scratched. scratch
Does the cat scratch? scratch
Her hands were covered in scratches from the brambles. scratch
+ speech: 'Help!' she screamed. scream
All I could hear were the screams of the wounded. scream
screw sth + adv./prep.: She screwed the cap back on the jar. screw
to travel by sea sea
a cottage by the sea sea
The waste was dumped in the sea. sea
The wreck is lying at the bottom of the sea. sea
We left port and headed for the open sea (= far away from land). sea
the cold seas of the Arctic sea
a sea voyage sea
a hotel room with sea view sea
the North Sea sea
the Caspian Sea sea
It was a calm sea. sea
The sea was very rough. sea
It happened on the second night at sea. at sea
They were lost at sea. at sea
Make sure you've signed the cheque before sealing the envelope. seal
a sealed bid (= one that is kept in a sealed envelope and therefore remains secret until all other bids have been received) seal
Troops sealed off the site following a bomb alert. seal sth off
The road will remain sealed off until the police have completed their investigations. seal sth off
Only drink bottled water and check the seal isn't broken. seal
search sth: His house had clearly been searched and the book was missing. search
search sb for sth: The youths were arrested and searched for anything that would incriminate them. search
to take your seat (= to begin your duties, especially in Parliament) seat
Birmingham, the UK's second city second
The spreadsheet application is second only to word processing in terms of popularity. second
secret information/meetings/talks secret
secret (from sb): He tried to keep it secret from his family. secret
Details of the proposals remain secret. secret
a secret passage leading to the beach secret
He's a secret drinker. secret
I didn't know you were a secret football fan. secret
her secret fears secret
a secret room secret
The police had secretly filmed the conversations. secretly
She was secretly pleased to see him. secretly
Can you keep a secret? secret
The location of the ship is a closely guarded secret. secret
Shall we let him in on (= tell him) the secret? secret
She was dismissed for revealing trade secrets. secret
official/State secrets secret
dark secrets from his past secret
Careful planning is the secret of success. secret
She still looks so young. What's her secret? secret
The meeting was held in secret. in secret
She admired him, in secret of course. in secret
She'd allowed herself to be lulled into a false sense of security (= a feeling that she was safe when in fact she was in danger). security
The criminals were caught (= filmed) on a security video. security
'Is he going to get better?' 'I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see.' see
'Will you be able to help us?' 'I don't know, I'll have to see.' see
see what, why, etc...: 'It's broken.' 'Oh yes, I see what you mean.' see
She will never see again (= she has become blind). see
I must see about (= prepare) lunch. see about sth
seek sth from sb: She managed to calm him down and seek help from a neighbour. seek
it seems that...: It seems that they know what they're doing. seem
seem to do/be/have sth: They seem to know what they're doing. seem
He's not his usual happy self this morning. self
This week's performances are completely sold out. sell out, be sold out
The CD player was faulty so we sent it back to the manufacturers. send
There is a sense in which we are all to blame for the tragedy. sense
Alex doesn't have any dress sense (= does not know which clothes look attractive). sense
The judge passed sentence (= said what the punishment would be). sentence
separate bedrooms separate
Raw meat must be kept separate from cooked meat. separate
The school is housed in two separate buildings. separate
Write a list of names on a separate piece of paper. separate
It happened on three separate occasions. separate
For the past three years they have been leading totally separate lives. separate
separate sb/sth from/and sb/sth: Those suffering from infectious diseases were separated from the other patients. separate
separate from sb: He separated from his wife after 20 years of marriage. separate
That matter will be considered separately from the main agenda. separately
separation (from sb/sth): the state's eventual separation from the federation separation
separation (between A and B): the need for a clear separation between Church and State separation
a legal separation separation
to be seriously ill/injured seriously
serve sth to sb: They served a wonderful meal to more than fifty delegates. serve
serve sb with sth: The delegates were served with a wonderful meal. serve
The government aims to improve public services, especially education. service
It's time you settled your differences with your father. settle
Several more people than usual came to the meeting. several
Several of the paintings were destroyed in the fire. several
They said goodbye and went their several ways. several
a severe expression severe
The victim suffered severe brain damage. severe
areas severely affected by unemployment severely
Anyone breaking the law will be severely punished. severely
Her hair was tied severely in a bun. severely
How can you tell what sex a fish is? sex
Please indicate your sex and date of birth below. sex
sex discrimination (= the act of treating men and women differently in an unfair way) sex
sexually abused children sexually
shake sb: He was badly shaken by the news of her death. shake
These fish are found in shallow waters around the coast. shallow
His face burned with shame. shame
He could not live with the shame of other people knowing the truth. shame
This old T-shirt has completely lost its shape. shape
The two friends shared everything—they had no secrets. share
She drew a sharp distinction between domestic and international politics. sharp
The road fell sharply to the sea. sharply
We collected shells on the beach. shell
Her sympathies gradually shifted to the side of the protesters. shift
They boarded a ship bound for India. ship
He was arrested and shipped back to the UK for trial. ship
Don't touch that wire or you'll get a shock. shock
She was taken to hospital suffering from shock. shock
He isn't seriously injured but he is in (a state of) shock. shock
I got a terrible shock the other day. shock
She still hadn't got over the shock of seeing him again. shock
If you think the job will be easy, you're in for a shock. shock
The team suffered a shock defeat in the first round. shock
We were all shocked at the news of his death. shock
shock sb that...: Neighbours were shocked that such an attack could happen in their area. shock
shoot sb/sth/yourself: A man was shot in the leg. shoot
shoot sb/sth + adj.: Three people were shot dead during the robbery. shoot
Several planes were shot down by enemy fire. shoot sb/sth down
Police rushed to the scene of the shooting and found one person dead and three wounded. shooting
She shrugged her shoulders (= showing that she didn't know or care). shoulder
+ speech: 'Run!' he shouted. shout
She had objected to a photo showing her in a bikini. show
show sth: Her expression showed her disappointment. show
show sb which, what, etc...: Show me which picture you drew. show
The government's popularity is declining rapidly, as the opinion polls show. show
show (sb) how, what, etc...: This shows how people are influenced by TV advertisements. show
a one-woman/-man show show
We were caught in a heavy shower. shower
The computer system will be shut down over the weekend. shut sth down
She shut the dog in the shed while she prepared the barbecue. shut sb/yourself in (sth)
sick of sb/sth: I'm sick of the way you've treated me. sick
I'm sick to death of all of you! sick
sick of doing sth: We're sick of waiting around like this. sick
Mum, I feel sick! sick
If you eat any more cake you'll make yourself sick. sick
a sick child sick
Her mother's very sick. sick
Peter has been off sick (= away from work because he is ill) for two weeks. sick
Emma has just called in sick (= telephoned to say she will not be coming to work because she is ill). sick
Britain's workers went sick (= did not go to work because they were ill) for a record number of days last year. sick
I can't afford to get sick (= become ill). sick
I was sick three times in the night. be sick
She had been violently sick. be sick
This is a side of Alan that I never knew existed. side
Now lay the jar on its side. side
A notice was stuck to the side of the filing cabinet. side
The boat disappeared from sight. sight
The house was hidden from sight behind some trees. sight
After ten days at sea, we had our first sight of land. sight
I have been known to faint at the sight of blood. sight
The sign on the wall said 'Now wash your hands'. sign
He was attacked for having put his signature to the deal. signature
There are no significant differences between the two groups of students. significant
The two sets of figures are not significantly different. significantly
We lost because we played badly. It's as simple as that. simple
You can enjoy all the water sports, or simply lie on the beach. simply
The rooms are simply furnished. simply
The original building has long since (= long before now) been demolished. since
sing sth to sb: We all sang 'Happy Birthday' to her. sing
The ship sank to the bottom of the sea. sink
We were shocked at the size of his debts. size
a skilful player/performer/teacher skilful
We both slept right through (= were not woken up by) the storm. sleep
Her speech sliced through all the confusion surrounding the situation. slice
She takes offence at the slightest thing (= is very easily offended). slight
I knew her slightly. slightly
She knew that time was slipping away. slip
He slipped the letter back into its envelope. slip
I managed to slip a few jokes into my speech. slip
Average earnings are rising at their slowest rate for 20 years. slow
Several windows had been smashed. smash
Smell this and tell me what you think it is. smell
They are introducing new measures to ensure the smooth running of the business. smooth
Off she went without so much as (= without even) a 'goodbye'. so
But I gave you a map so you wouldn't get lost! so
Racism exists at all levels of society. society
soldiers in uniform soldier
soldiers on duty soldier
to solve a crime/mystery solve
His name is Alan something (= I don't know his other name). something
What happened to them remains somewhat of a mystery. somewhat
Maine & Sons, Grocers (= the name of a company on a sign) son
The note said, 'Call Bill soonest' (= as soon as possible). soon
sorry (that)...: I'm sorry that your husband lost his job. sorry
We're sorry to hear that your father's in hospital again. sorry
sorry (that)...: She was sorry that she'd lost her temper. sorry
This sort of problem is quite common./These sorts of problems are quite common. sort
to turn/go sour sour
Government sources indicated yesterday that cuts may have to be made. source
They bought a villa in the South of France. south
They live on the south coast. south
The room has been furnished and decorated to give a feeling of space. space
Take some spare clothes in case you get wet. spare
'Do you know him?' 'Not to speak to.' (= only by sight) speak
I will continue to speak out on matters of public concern. speak out (against sth)
The school will only allow this in special circumstances. special
Some of the officials have special privileges. special
There is something special about this place. special
This type of wood needs special treatment. special
What are your special interests? special
She's a very special friend. special
Our special guest on next week's show will be... special
Don't lose it — it's special. special
a special event special
These teachers need special training. special
Dr Pearce is the special adviser on environmental issues. special
She has a special way of smiling. special
He sent a special message to the men. special
As an only child she got special attention. special
Please take special care of it. special
The ring was specially made for her. specially
a specially designed diet plan specially
We came specially to see you. specially
'I'd like your help tomorrow.' 'Can you be more specific (= tell me exactly what you want)?' specific
I specifically told you not to go near the water! specifically
liquid vitamins specifically designed for children specifically
The newspaper, or more specifically, the editor, was taken to court for publishing the photographs. specifically
to give/make/deliver a speech on human rights speech
He made the announcement in a speech on television. speech
Her speech was slurred—she was clearly drunk. speech
This expression is used mainly in speech, not in writing. speech
She was overtaken by the speed of events (= things happened more quickly than she expected). speed
the differences between British and American spelling spelling
common spices such as ginger and cinnamon spice
a spice jar spice
It was believed that people could be possessed by evil spirits. spirit
Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather. spoil
spoiled ballot papers (= not valid because not correctly marked) spoil
I won't tell you what happens in the last chapter—I don't want to spoil it for you. spoil
a quiet/secluded/lonely, etc. spot spot
He showed me the exact spot where he had asked her to marry him. spot
sea spray spray
The springs in the sofa have gone (= they no longer return to their original position). spring
How can you stand by and see him accused of something he didn't do? stand by
A number of Britain's beaches fail to meet European standards on cleanliness. standard
The equipment is slow and heavy by modern standards. standard
We need to start (= begin using) a new jar of coffee. start
When the band started out, they couldn't afford much equipment. start out
state secrets (= information that could be harmful to a country if it were discovered by an enemy) state
There is no need to state the obvious (= to say sth that everyone already knows). state
state that...: He stated categorically that he knew nothing about the deal. state
The directors are responsible for preparing the company's financial statements. statement
The party was denied legal status. status
Women are only asking to be given equal status with men. status
+ adv./prep.: I don't know why they stay together (= remain married or in a relationship). stay
steal sth (from sb/sth): My wallet was stolen. steal
It's a crime to handle stolen goods. steal
We walked down some stone steps to the beach. step
We are taking steps to prevent pollution. step
The hotel is only a short step from the beach. step
The key has stuck in the lock. stick
stick sth + adv./prep.: He stuck a stamp on the envelope. stick
stiff cardboard stiff
I was stung on the arm by a wasp. sting
Pictures of the burnt corpses turned my stomach. turn your stomach
Please stop crying and tell me what's wrong. stop
She criticizes everyone and the trouble is, she doesn't know when to stop. stop
stop sb/sth: He was stopped by the police for speeding. stop
He hoped the electronic equipment was safely stored away. store
The rope broke under the strain. strain
The cable has a 140kg breaking strain (= it will break when it is stretched or pulled by a force greater than this). strain
Their marriage is under great strain at the moment. strain
Sorry, I don't know where the bank is. I'm a stranger here myself. stranger
The ability to keep calm is one of her many strengths. strength
When you have an injury you start putting stress on other parts of your body. stress
Things can easily go wrong when people are under stress. stress
to suffer from stress stress
+ speech: 'There is,' Johnson stressed, 'no real alternative.' stress
She left strict instructions that she was not to be disturbed. strict
He told me in the strictest confidence (= on the understanding that I would tell nobody else). strict
My letter is, of course, strictly private and confidential. strictly
I was struck by her resemblance to my aunt. strike
strike sb/sth: The area was struck by an outbreak of cholera. strike
The child ran into the road and was struck by a car. strike
The tree was struck by lightning. strike
The student union has called for a rent strike (= a refusal to pay rent as a protest). strike
strip sb (to sth): He stood there stripped to the waist (= he had no clothes on the upper part of his body). strip
strip sb + adj.: He was stripped naked and left in a cell. strip
He was under strong pressure to resign. strong
There was a strong police presence at the demonstration. strong
It's difficult, I know. But be strong! strong
struggle with sb: James was hit in the mouth as he struggled with the raiders. struggle
Three teams are locked in a struggle for this year's title. struggle
Scientists are studying photographs of the planet for signs of life. study
I don't know how you can eat that stuff! stuff
The hotel has been redecorated but it's lost a lot of its style. style
Climate change is still very much a subject for debate. subject
banned/illegal substances (= drugs) substance
There are substantial differences between the two groups. substantial
a street of substantial Victorian villas substantial
The plane was substantially damaged in the crash. substantially
What's the secret of your success? success
successful (at sth/at doing sth): I wasn't very successful at keeping the news secret. successful
suffer from sth: He suffers from asthma. suffer
road accident victims suffering from shock suffer
Many companies are suffering from a shortage of skilled staff. suffer
He suffered a massive heart attack. suffer
The company suffered huge losses in the last financial year. suffer
sufficient to do sth: These reasons are not sufficient to justify the ban. sufficient
The stage lighting was used to suggest a beach scene. suggest
You will be fined the sum of £200. sum
The electricity supply (= the system supplying electricity) had been cut off. supply
She was jailed for supplying drugs. supply
These measures are strongly supported by environmental groups. support
an organization that supports people with AIDS support
How was I supposed to know you were waiting for me? be supposed to do/be sth
The exhibition is sure to be popular. sure
You're sure to get lost if you don't keep to the path. sure
I think the door's locked, but I'll just go and make sure. make sure (of sth/that...)
No one knows for sure what happened. for sure
It comes as no surprise to learn that they broke their promises. surprise
it surprises sb to do sth: Would it surprise you to know that I'm thinking of leaving? surprise
You'd be surprised how many people voted for him. surprised
It's not surprising (that) they lost. surprising
Not surprisingly on such a hot day, the beach was crowded. surprisingly
She knew surprisingly little about her sister's life. surprisingly
Of the six people injured in the crash, only two survived. survive
suspect sb/sth of sth: He resigned after being suspected of theft. suspect
suspect sb/sth of doing sth: I suspected her of damaging the equipment. suspect
The drug is suspected of causing over 200 deaths. suspect
Five suspects have been detained for questioning. suspect
He was arrested on suspicion of murder. suspicion
Water from shallow wells should be regarded with suspicion, as it may be contaminated. suspicion
I had a sore throat and it hurt to swallow. swallow
I was shocked at the swearing. swearing
Their bodies were soaked in sweat. sweat
The electricity has been switched off. switch off/on, switch sth off/on
White has always been a symbol of purity in Western cultures. symbol
Mandela became a symbol of the anti-apartheid struggle. symbol
What is the chemical symbol for copper? symbol
She was very sympathetic when I was sick. sympathetic
a billiard/snooker/pool table table
Don't take offence (= be offended) at what I said. take
She was accused of taking bribes. take
He took the criticism surprisingly well. take
He was taken prisoner by the rebels. take
She was taken on as a trainee. take sb on
Don't be taken in by his charm—he's ruthless. take sb in
I don't know what you're talking about (= used to say that you did not do sth that sb has accused you of). talk
arms/pay/peace, etc. talks talk
a hot water tank tank
a fuel tank tank
The room was furnished with taste. taste
tear sth + adj.: I tore the package open. tear
They reduced her to tears (= made her cry, especially by being cruel or unkind). tear
technical drawing (= especially taught as a school subject) technical
Please write or telephone for details. telephone
tell sth: It was hard to tell the difference between the two versions. tell
tell A and B apart: It's difficult to tell them apart. tell
tell which, what, etc...: The kittens look exactly alike—how can you tell which is which? tell
tell (that)...: I could tell (that) he was angry from his expression. tell
I kept telling myself to keep calm. tell
tell sb what, when, etc...: Don't tell me what to do! tell
tell sb + speech: 'I'm ready to go now,' he told her. tell
tell sb how, where, etc...: This gauge tells you how much fuel you have left. tell
to take sb's temperature (= measure the temperature of sb's body using a special instrument) temperature
Does he have a temperature (= is it higher than normal, because of illness)? temperature
She's running a temperature (= it is higher than normal). temperature
a temporary measure/solution/arrangement temporary
There is mounting tension along the border. tension
He had suffered terrible injuries. terrible
They suffered terribly when their son was killed. terribly
I'll run a diagnostic test to see why the server keeps crashing. test
The newspaper had printed the full text of the president's speech. text
You should know better than to behave like that. than
It's less than a mile to the beach. than
Everyone knows about it now, thanks to you! thanks to sb/sth
That's it for now, but if I get any news I'll let you know. that's it
So that's it—the fuse had gone. that's it
There was an accident here yesterday. A car hit a tree and the driver was killed. the
Tell them the news. them
The stories are all variations on the theme of unhappy marriage. theme
The effect will be ruined if the paint is too thick. thick
You need something to cheer you up—I know just the thing! thing
There are a lot of things she doesn't know about me. thing
'Why did you tell her our secret?' 'I did no such thing!' thing
You'd think she'd have been grateful for my help (= but she wasn't). think
think (sth): Just think—we'll be lying on the beach this time tomorrow. think
I'm sorry, I wasn't thinking (= said when you have upset or offended sb accidentally). think
+ speech: 'I must be crazy,' she thought. think
When I said that I wasn't thinking of anyone in particular. think of sth/sb
thought of sth: The very thought of it makes me feel sick. thought
thought (that...): She was struck by the sudden thought that he might already have left. thought
She is prepared to carry out her threat to resign. threat
These ancient woodlands are under threat from new road developments. threat
He was threatened with dismissal if he continued to turn up late for work. threaten
threaten sth: The threatened strike has been called off. threaten
threaten that...: They threatened that passengers would be killed. threaten
Pollution is threatening marine life. threaten
Their throats had been cut. throat
The sea throws up all sorts of debris on the beach. throw
You'll be thrown out if you don't pay the rent. throw sb out (of...)
the politician who promised 'peace in our time' time
You'll feel differently about it when the time comes (= when it happens). time
We stock six different beers at any one time. time
We have a new timetable each term (= showing the times of each class in school). timetable
Sport is no longer so important in the school timetable (= all the subjects that are taught at schools). timetable
I have a busy timetable this week (= I have planned to do many things). timetable
The government has set out its timetable for the peace talks. timetable
His expression changed from amazement to joy. to
I'll explain to you where everything goes. to
I am deeply grateful to my parents. to
It was a threat to world peace. to
I don't know what to say. to
The house was said to be haunted. to
Together with the Johnsons, there were 12 of us in the villa. together with
Could you tell me where the ladies' toilet is, please? toilet
Who knows what changes tomorrow may bring? tomorrow
The newspaper said voters had been turned off by the negative tone of the campaign. tone
His speech was tuned to what the audience wanted to hear. tune
turn (into sth): He turned into a narrow street. turn
turn sth: The man turned the corner and disappeared. turn
turn sth into sth: I turned the car into the car park. turn
I can't get the screw to turn. turn
Our car was turned back at the border. turn back, turn sb/sth back
He has been turned down for ten jobs so far. turn sb/sth down
Our dream holiday turned into a nightmare. turn (from sth) into sth
Ten years of prison had turned him into an old man. turn sb/sth (from sth) into sth
The prince was turned into a frog by the witch. turn sb/sth (from sth) into sth
He really knows how to turn on the charm (= suddenly become pleasant and attractive). turn sth on
I don't know him well; I've only met him twice. twice
The telephone cable has got twisted (= wound around itself). twist
The road twists and turns along the coast. twist
I twisted and turned to avoid being caught. twist
The disappearance of a vital witness added a new twist to the case. twist
a twisted ankle (= injured by being turned suddenly) twisted
On a typical day, we receive about 50 letters. typical
colourful beach umbrellas umbrella
Let us know if you're unable to come. unable
a man of uncertain temper uncertain
She was knocked unconscious. unconscious
You'll be under anaesthetic, so you won't feel a thing. under
Rescuers found victims trapped several feet underground. underground
understand why, what, etc...: I could never understand why she was fired. understand
The committee has little or no understanding of the problem. understanding
The existence of God is beyond human understanding (= humans cannot know whether God exists or not). understanding
Most of the students have a sound understanding of English grammar. understanding
We have this understanding that nobody talks about work over lunch. understanding
We must tackle the problem with sympathy and understanding. understanding
We are looking for a better understanding between the two nations. understanding
Try to show a little more understanding. understanding
My understanding of the situation is... understanding
The statement is open to various understandings. understanding
I undid the package and took out the books. undo
measures to help reduce/tackle unemployment unemployment
Police officers must be prepared for the unexpected. the unexpected
The plane was unexpectedly delayed. unexpectedly
measures to prevent unfair competition between member countries unfair
She claims to have been unfairly dismissed. unfairly
The tests discriminate unfairly against older people. unfairly
He was unfortunate to lose in the final round. unfortunate
The unfortunate animal was locked inside the house for a week. unfortunate
He was unhappy at being left out of the team. unhappy
soldiers in uniform uniform
a fitted kitchen with white units unit
the intensive care unit unit
unite (sb/sth): A special bond unites our two countries. unite
a species of insect previously unknown to science unknown
The man's identity remains unknown. unknown
The author is virtually unknown outside Poland. unknown
The disease is as yet unknown in Europe (= there have been no cases there). unknown
Unless I'm mistaken, she was back at work yesterday. unless
If you're unlucky enough to get trapped in a lift, remember not to panic. unlucky
They were found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to animals. unnecessary
It's unusual for the trees to flower so early. unusual
It's not unusual for young doctors to work a 70-hour week (= it happens often). unusual
They've had the road up (= with the surface broken or removed) to lay some pipes. up
He's up and about again after his illness. up
It's not up to you to tell me how to do my job. be up to sb
She was upset that he had left without saying goodbye. upset
His sudden death turned her world upside down. turn sth upside down
urge (sb) + speech: 'Why not give it a try?' she urged (him). urge
useful (for sth/for doing sth): These plants are particularly useful for brightening up shady areas. useful
useless (to do sth): He knew it was useless to protest. useless
He came home later than usual. usual
She sat in her usual seat at the back. usual
He didn't sound like his usual happy self. usual
They asked me why I wanted the job and why I thought I was suitable—you know, the usual thing. usual
usual (for sb/sth) (to do sth): It is usual to start a speech by thanking everybody for coming. usual
Despite her problems, she carried on working as usual. as usual
Spinach is a valuable source of iron. valuable
Luckily, nothing valuable was stolen. valuable
Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation. variation
This soup is a spicy variation on a traditional favourite. variation
The aerobics instructor varies the routine each week. vary
Your help made a vast difference. vast
the film version of 'War and Peace' version
Very few people know that. very
I'm very very grateful. very
The sun disappeared from view. view
a sea/mountain view view
view (about/on sth): His views on the subject were well known. view
The eclipse should only be viewed through a special lens. view
a fishing/mountain/seaside village village
violence (against sb): He condemned the protesters' use of violence against the police. violence
He met with a violent death (= he was murdered, killed in a fight, etc.). violent
He was violently sick. violently
The house is clearly visible from the beach. visible
After using the cream for a month, I could see no visible difference. visible
to have good/perfect/poor/blurred/normal vision vision
I had visions of us getting hopelessly lost. vision
For more information, visit our website. visit
He was suffering from flu and had lost his voice (= could not speak). voice
The vote was unanimous. vote
She was paralysed from the waist down (= in the area below her waist). waist
The workmen were stripped to the waist (= wearing no clothes on the top half of their bodies). waist
I was woken by the sound of someone moving around. wake
They hinted that they would walk out of the peace talks. walk out (of sth)
It's only a short walk to the beach. walk
The fields were divided by stone walls. wall
It wants a special sort of person for that job. want
I just wanted to know if everything was all right. want
Her husband was killed during the war. war
Her comments were greeted with warm applause. warm
His expression lacked warmth or encouragement. warmth
warn (sb) + speech: 'Beware of pickpockets,' she warned (him). warn
warn sb (to do sth): He warned Billy to keep away from his daughter. warn
Doctors issued a warning against eating any fish caught in the river. warning
wash sth/sb + adj.: The beach had been washed clean by the tide. wash
Part of the path had been washed away by the sea. wash sb/sth away
Those grease stains won't wash off. wash off
His talents are wasted in that job. waste
waste sb/sth as sth: You're wasted as a sales manager—you should have been an actor. waste
I hate to see good food go to waste (= be thrown away). waste
watch sb/sth do sth: They watched the bus disappear into the distance. watch
The water (= the supply of water) was turned off for several hours each day during the drought. water
In the lagoon the water was calm. water
This species is found in coastal waters around the Indian Ocean. water
He disappeared under the water. water
There has been a new wave of bombings since the peace talks broke down. wave
Three hundred employees lost their jobs in the latest wave of redundancies. wave
Surfers flocked to the beach to ride the waves. wave
Seagulls bobbed on the waves. wave
wave sb sth: My mother was crying as I waved her goodbye. wave
wave sth to sb: My mother was crying as I waved goodbye to her. wave
Can you tell me the way to Leicester Square? way
Riot police with shields were blocking the demonstrators' way. way
He knew her weak spot where Steve was concerned. weak
She is still weak after her illness. weak
She suffered from a weak heart. weak
It's important to know your own strengths and weaknesses. weakness
He was charged with carrying an offensive weapon. weapon
Guilt is the secret weapon for the control of children. weapon
All delegates must wear a badge. wear
The inscription on the coin had worn away. wear away, wear sth away
The steps had been worn away by the feet of thousands of pilgrims. wear away, wear sth away
'Are you going to the beach tomorrow?' 'It depends on the weather.' weather
a weather map/chart weather
We were caught in a tangled web of relationships. web
The average male tiger weighs around 200 kg. weigh
a speech/smile of welcome welcome
The surface must be well prepared before you start to paint. well
How well do you know Carla? well
I was well annoyed, I can tell you. well
the west coast of Scotland west
You'll get wet (= in the rain) if you go out now. wet
It's going to be wet tomorrow. wet
Nobody knows what will happen next. what
She was killed when she was crushed under the wheels of a bus. wheel
He comes from Boula, wherever that may be (= I don't know where it is). wherever
It was a crisis for which she was totally unprepared. which
We must have been burgled while we were asleep. while
Don't you know it's rude to whisper? whisper
+ speech: 'Can you meet me tonight?' he whispered. whisper
the whistle of a boiling kettle whistle
The kettle began to whistle. whistle
There were a whole lot of people I didn't know. a whole lot (of sth)
Tell me why you did it. why
I know you did it—I just want to know why. why
There are wide variations in prices. wide
The term is widely used in everyday speech. widely
This jar will hold a kilo. will
a broken window window
The address must be clearly visible through the window of the envelope. window
The telephone wires had been cut. wire
I was grateful for her wise counsel. wise
'Where is he now?' 'I only wish I knew!' wish
wish for sth: I can understand her wish for secrecy. wish
With all the lesson preparation I have to do I work 12 hours a day. with
His fingers were numb with cold. with
Unless you return the form within seven days, the offer will be withdrawn. withdraw
withdraw sth from sth: The drug was withdrawn from sale after a number of people suffered serious side effects. withdraw
He was forced to withdraw from the competition because of injury. withdraw
withdraw sb/sth (from sth): The horse had been withdrawn from the race. withdraw
without doing sth: He left without saying goodbye. without
Without wanting to criticize, I think you could have done better. (= used before you make a critical comment) without
without sb doing sth: The party was organized without her knowing anything about it. without
Police have appealed for witnesses to the accident. witness
She was shocked by the violent scenes she had witnessed. witness
wonder (about sth): 'Why do you want to know?' 'No particular reason. I was just wondering.' wonder
+ speech: 'What should I do now?' she wondered. wonder
Do you know the words to this song? word
Tell me what happened in your own words. word
They asked him to leave—in other words he was fired. in other words
Are they any closer to understanding how the brain works? work
work for sth: She dedicated her life to working for peace. work
I couldn't work out where the music was coming from. work sth out
When his wife died, his entire world was turned upside down. world
They had little contact with the outside world (= people and places that were not part of their normal life). world
campaigning for world peace world
worry sb/yourself + adj. (about sb/sth): He's worried himself sick (= become extremely anxious) about his daughter. worry
It must be worrying for you not to know where he is. worrying
It is particularly worrying that nobody seems to be in charge. worrying
He was voted the worst dressed celebrity. worst
Manufacturing industry was worst affected by the fuel shortage. worst
She wouldn't change it, even though she knew it was wrong. would
He had been wounded in the arm. wound
She felt deeply wounded by his cruel remarks. wound
wounded soldiers wounded
seriously wounded wounded
There were 79 killed and 230 wounded. wounded
shrink wrapping (= plastic designed to shrink around objects so that it fits them tightly) wrapping
The painting was still in its wrappings. wrapping
She's broken her wrist. wrist
write sb (out) sth: I'll write you a receipt. write
write that...: In his latest book he writes that the theory has since been disproved. write
write of sth: Ancient historians wrote of a lost continent beneath the ocean. write
+ speech: 'Of all my books,' wrote Dickens, 'I like this the best.' write
Bye! Don't forget to write. write
wrong that...: It is wrong that he should not be punished for what he did. wrong
Correct me if I'm wrong (= I may be wrong) but didn't you say you two knew each other? wrong
Don't get me wrong (= do not be offended by what I am going to say), I think he's doing a good job, but... get sb wrong
She was wrongly accused of stealing. wrongly
They knew they had acted wrongly. wrongly
Rightly or wrongly, they felt they should have been better informed (= I do not know whether they were right to feel this way). wrongly
She was wrongly diagnosed as having skin cancer. wrongly
We couldn't help yawning during the speech. yawn
I lost my job earlier this year. year
All her yesterdays had vanished without a trace. yesterday
You said you knew the way. you