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the right hand side bên phải

like: bên phải

Das Blut strömt aus der rechten Seite des Herzens in die Lunge, nimmt dort Sauerstoff auf und gibt Kohlendioxid ab. Máu chảy từ phía bên phải của tim tới phổi, nhận oxi ở đó và thải ra khí CÓ . (Lektion 66, Nr. 949)

in the bottom right-hand corner of the page bottom
Don was deep in conversation with the girl on his right. conversation
Write your address in the top right-hand corner of the letter. corner
The screen will display the username in the top right-hand corner. display
a distinction which cuts right across the familiar division into arts and sciences division
She is on the far right of the party (= holds extreme right-wing political views). far
The director is standing on her immediate right. immediate
Look left and right before you cross the road. left
Keep on the right side of the road. right
He's on the right of the Labour Party. right
Take the first street on the right. right
She seated me on her right. right
Take the first right, then the second left. right
He wouldn't apologize. He knew he was in the right (= had justice on his side). right
She has a pain down her right side. side
the right side of the brain side
Take the first turning, sorry, the third turning on the right. sorry
Look both ways (= look left and right) before crossing the road. way