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EVP average
EVP average
EVP beaver
EVP bravery
EVP slavery
EVP traverse
EVP unwavering
EVP unwaveringly
EVP maverick
EVP averse

OXF3000ZH: 平均数 average
3000TH: เฉลี่ย chaL liiaL average
5000FR: traverser to cross, traverse
5000FR: moyenne average
OXF3000N adj. trung bình số trung bình mức trung bình average
GRE: aver + affirm assert prove justify
SAT: aver + To assert as a fact. 
WNS: (n.) [average] norm

FN: aver v Statement

the bravery Sự dũng cảm Nominalization

like: aver

an average annual growth rate of 8% annual
an average rate/cost/price average
Average earnings are around £20 000 per annum. average
at an average speed of 100 miles per hour average
40 hours is a fairly average working week for most people. average
children of above/below average intelligence average
£20 for dinner is about average. average
I was just an average sort of student. average
The average of 4, 5 and 9 is 6. average
Parents spend an average of $220 a year on toys. average
If I get an A on this essay, that will bring my average (= average mark/grade) up to a B+. average
Temperatures are above/below average for the time of year. average
400 people a year die of this disease on average. average
Class sizes in the school are below the national average. average
Her work was well below average for the class. below
Benefit is calculated on the basis of average weekly earnings. calculate
charge sth up: The shaver can be charged up and used when travelling. charge
He got an award for bravery. for
to be of medium/average height height
I couldn't live in a hot country (= one which has high average temperatures). hot
a person of high/average/low intelligence intelligence
In Italy the average life of a government is eleven months. life
Lord Beaverbrook lord
The shaver will run off batteries or mains. main
Most people walk at an average rate of 5 kilometres an hour. rate
receive sth from sb/sth: He received an award for bravery from the police service. receive
Thanks to her skilful handling of the affair, the problem was averted. skilful
Average earnings are rising at their slowest rate for 20 years. slow
The average male tiger weighs around 200 kg. weigh

traverser c’est suicidaire de traverser seul la galaxie entière
moyenne les chercheurs font en moyenne une carrière beaucoup plus courte