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attribute thuộc tính

EVP attribute
EVP attribute

IELTS: attribute + : 把……归于 /ˈætrɪbjuːt/ n. 品质
5000FR: attribuer to award, grant, attribute
5000FR: assigner to assign, allocate, attach, attribute
5000FR: imputer to impute to, attribute to
NGLS: attribute + quality or characteristic that someone or something has, e.g. size or color

ENDE: attribute Attribut
ENDE: attribute Eigenschaft
ENDE: attribute Merkmal

like: attribute
to accuse, attribute (something to somebody or something) quy kết

attribuer son mari attribuait cette apathie à sa naissance
assigner deux grandes tâches lui sont assignées
imputer il est facile d’imputer aux autres sa propre mauvaise volonté