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EVP armed

5000FR: armé armed
OXF3000: vũ trang armed
OXF3000N báo động alarmed
OXF3000N vũ trang armed
CORE: armed + + + + + + +

ENDE: armed bewaffnet
FN: armed a Bearing_arms

I am not armed. Tôi không có vũ trang. Military
be armed có vũ trang Military

like: armed
US Armed Forces Quân Độ Hoa Kỳ
the three branches of the armed forces ba quân
to modernize the armed forces canh tân quân lực
district armed forces(communist) huyện đội
armed services, armed forces lực lượng vũ trang
an armed man người đàn ông vũ trang
officers and soldiers, government army, armed forces quan quân
army, armed forces, troops, military quân đội
gunman, armed person tay bắn
to be armed with spears and swords trang bị bằng giáo mác
armed (forces); to arm, armed (weapons); arm, weapon vũ trang

She was alarmed at the prospect of travelling alone. alarmed
arm yourself/sb (with sth): The men armed themselves with sticks and stones. arm
She had armed herself for the meeting with all the latest statistics. arm
an armed robbery armed
an international armed conflict (= a war) armed
Guerrillas have pledged to intensify the armed struggle against the new government. armed
The man is armed and dangerous. armed
armed guards armed
Police were heavily armed. armed
He was armed with a rifle. armed
believe (that)...: Police believe (that) the man may be armed. believe
He will be sent back to England to face a charge of (= to be on trial for) armed robbery. charge
armed/military conflict conflict
This was the first time he had confronted an armed robber. confront
criminal negligence (= the illegal act of sb failing to do sth that they should do, with the result that sb else is harmed) criminal
He did six years (= in prison) for armed robbery. do
Some families have farmed in this area for hundreds of years. family
The escaped prisoner was brought back under armed guard. guard
heavily armed police (= carrying a lot of weapons) heavily
armed resistance resistance
The alcohol warmed and relaxed him. warm

armé ils ont croisé un homme armé