Beginner Level Advanced Level



anywhere bất cứ chỗ nào
anywhere bất kỳ nơi đâu

EVP anywhere

OXF3000ZH: 在什么地方 anywhere
3000TH: ที่ไหนก็ได้ theeF naiR gaawF daiF anywhere
3000TH: ทุกที่ thookH theeF anywhere, everywhere
3000TH: ทีไหน theeM naiR where, anywhere (in negative statement)
OXF3000: nơi nào anywhere
OXF3000N bất cứ chỗ nào bất cứ nơi đâu anywhere
GBENDE: 某个地方 anywhere irgendwo
GBENDE: 到处 anywhere überall
CORE: anywhere + + + + + + +
NGLS: anywhere + in, at or to any place; used in questions, with 'not'

ENDE: anywhere irgendwo
ENDE: anywhere irgendwohin
ENDE: anywhere überall

like: anywhere
a person who is at home anywhere he goes bốn bể là nhà
more than all, anywhere else hơn hết

919 Did you see it anywhere? > Have you seen it anywhere? Cậu có thấy nó ở đâu không? Cậu đã thấy nó ở đâu chưa?
2580 It was very crowded in the room. There was hardly anywhere to sit. Phòng này rất đông. Gần như chẳng có chỗ nào để ngồi.
2581 anywhere to go for fun. Tôi ghét thị trấn này. Gần như chẳng có gì để làm và chẳng có nơi nào để chơi.

I can't see it anywhere. anywhere
Did you go anywhere interesting? anywhere
Many of these animals are not found anywhere else. anywhere
He's never been anywhere outside Britain. anywhere
Put the box down anywhere. anywhere
An accident can happen anywhere. anywhere
I don't have anywhere to stay. anywhere
Do you know anywhere I can buy a second-hand computer? anywhere
Robins build nests almost anywhere. build
You are in no condition (= too ill/sick, etc.) to go anywhere. condition
There wasn't a speck of dust anywhere in the room. dust
We're a long way from anywhere here. long
plan on sth/on doing sth: We hadn't planned on going anywhere this evening. plan
'There won't be anywhere to park.' 'Oh, that's a (good) point.' (= I had not thought of that) point
There is no sign of John anywhere. sign
Speaking of travelling, (= referring back to a subject just mentioned) are you going anywhere exciting this year? speak