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EVP alive

OXF3000ZH: 活着 all alive
5000FR: vivant alive, living
OXF3000: còn sống alive
OXF3000N sống vẫn còn sống còn tồn tại alive
CORE: alive + + + + + + +
NGLS: alive + Living; not dead
WNS: (a.) [alive] live

ENDE: alive lebend
ENDE: alive lebendig
FN: alive a Dead_or_alive

like: alive
to make (something from the past) come alive again, revitalize, reincarnate, reanimate, bring back to life làm sống lại

We don't know whether he's alive or dead. alive
Is your mother still alive? alive
Doctors kept the baby alive for six weeks. alive
I was glad to hear you're alive and well. alive
She had to steal food just to stay alive. alive
He was buried alive in the earthquake. alive
If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be alive today. if it wasn't/weren't for...
She's alive—her heart is still beating. beat
burn sb/sth + adj.: His greatest fear is of being burnt alive. burn
bury sb/sth + adj.: The miners were buried alive when the tunnel collapsed. bury
chance of sth happening: What chance is there of anybody being found alive? chance
The poor child looks more dead than alive. dead
hope (that...): There is little hope that they will be found alive. hope
the number of live births (= babies born alive) live
lucky (to do sth): His friend was killed and he knows he is lucky to be alive. lucky
This hasn't happened in living memory (= nobody alive now can remember it happening). memory
There is still a remote chance that they will find her alive. remote
rescue sb/sth + adj.: She had despaired of ever being rescued alive. rescue
I'm sure he's still alive. sure
wish sb/sth/yourself + adj.: He's dead and it's no use wishing him alive again. wish

vivant si elle est vivante, je te la ramènerai