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like: agieren
allergisch reagieren bị dị ứng
handeln, agieren thương lượng, mua bán
verstört reagieren bị lẫn

allergisch reagieren 过敏反应 guò mǐn fǎn yìng
handeln, agieren 行动 xíng dòng
verstört reagieren 惊慌失措的 jīnghuāng-shīcuò de

Wie reagieren Sie auf Kritik? Anh / Chị phản ứng với sự chỉ trích thế nào? (Lektion 108, Nr. 1927)
Ich interessiere mich für Politik und verfolge die Nachrichten täglich. Aber ich möchte mich nicht in einer Partei engagieren. Tôi quan tâm đến chính trị và theo dõi tin tức hàng ngày. Nhưng tôi không muốn tham gia vào đảng phái nào. (Lektion 108, Nr. 1940)
Deshalb müssen wir schnell reagieren. Vì vậy chúng ta phải phản ứng thật nhanh. (Lektion 115, Nr. 2144)

anticipate sth: We need someone who can anticipate and respond to changes in the fashion industry. anticipate
to stare/smile/reply coldly coldly
forecast how, what, etc...: It is difficult to forecast how the markets will react. forecast
Prices are higher than they would be if market forces were allowed to operate freely. freely
to hire a lawyer hire
influence sb to do sth: She was influenced to take up voluntary work by her teacher. influence
involve yourself (in sth): Parents should involve themselves in their child's education. involve
promote sth as sth: The area is being promoted as a tourist destination. promote
You never know how he is going to react. react
People can react badly to certain food additives. react